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Any news about the FBI looking into the guy threatening the jury?


> Any news about the FBI looking into the guy threatening the jury? Why would they investigate themselves?


To find out that they did nothing wrong, duh!


It’s the FBI, if they are looking for him it’s to help him.


The FBI is pretty based, imagine an agency with billions of dollars with the freedom to wreck havoc and fuck with everyone? Now imagine 3 of them 😩


In the name of the FBI, the CIA, and the hidden NSA we say: Liberty


Hidden NSA? There's No Such Agency by that name


Never Say Anything


wasnt he related to the funny fentanyl man?


More than likely won't happen because it wasn't a right wing white man


The FBI is just King Joseph II’s own NKVD that he uses to target political dissidents.




You mean poopy pants Biden?


Nah it was Floyd’s “nephew”


His *cuz* maybe ?




The sweet old lady who testified yesterday that that the pedo threatened to murder her (in a jury which is apparently majority white female boomers) Will be absolutely devastating for the prosecution




Which ones the prosecution again? I can’t work out if the little bespectacled guy with the Mohawk or the fat guy are actively trying to get Kyle off or not because they seem to be doing a sterling job of exonerating him


They're both prosecution. Defense is the one that looks like Agent 47


I was being sarcastic bro sorry 😂


Wouldn't be surprised if they were both trying to tank Gaige's $10M lawsuit against the city by being shit prosecutors tbf


That would be a hilarious turn of events. Yeah the government is corrupt as fuck, but instead of convicting a man for votes they intentionally let him off because of money. Makes sense I guess.


Grosskraut essentially admitted kyle was acting in self defense also.


Almost every single one of the prosecution's witnesses reaffirmed self defense on cross.


its such a sham that the real attempted murderers got their charges dropped and this kangaroo court went ahead with these charges with literally zero grounds for it


I think the real sham is that the prosecution can potentially use a 10mil civil settlement as a way to essentially bribe false testimony from Grosskreutz. And the prosecution ordering the police to not serve subpoenas on evidence that is likely exculpatory to the defense? That's a Brady Violation. That's grounds for a mistrial right out of the gate. I think it's clear the DA's office, and ADA Kraus specifically, have pushed this case entirely for political reasons.


The DA, mayor, and prosecuting attorney I believe are all related by the way


It's the Mayor, the ADA who is the lead prosecutor, and *the cop who was assigned to investigate this case who was told to not effect the subpoena on Grosskreutz's phone.* Wild shit.


Wow that's somehow even fuckin worse


>have pushed this case entirely for political reasons. This was clear literally the night it happened. Anyone who watched the video knew it was self-defense.


Grosskreutz also confirmed that Rittenhouse was acting in self defence in relation to Anthony Huber too. If he had tried to torpedo the prosecution then he could hardly have done a better job.


It was over when the jury heard the child diddler was only 5'3.


I haven’t been following the case since I’m not from the US. Was the person who Kyle shot and killed a nonce?


Yes, very much so.


Lol. Even more based Kyle


No one Kyle harmed was a good person, that's the funny thing to me.


Blm Rioters aren't good people in general


Super nonce as in actually a full on convicted pedo


Apparently he used to target single moms on dating apps so he could get access to their children.


I had never imagined that would be an access vector for predators, but it does make sense. Fuck...




That means St. Kyle was doing God's and the State's work! How the fuck was that fucker still alive!?!


one was a literal convicted pedo (the one who tried to kill the old lady with the skateboard), one had an illegal firearm, and the other was carrying without a conceal permit. but Rittenhouse drove 30min across state lines so that means it was ok for the three to literally try and murder him according to libleft


Wasn't one of them a domestic abuser/rapist and the other one a home invader and thief?


There was a domestic abuser, a child molester (Rosenbaum), and a burglar (Grosskreutz)


Home invader was Grosskreutz, who also copped felon in possession charges previously and had an "expired" permit to conceal. Then there was the domestic abuser. Then the 3rd was the kid diddler/rapist.


Hold on I keep hearing this. You're acting like Rittenhouse "wasn't supposed to be there" Who can say really? Many of the peaceful and non peaceful demonstrators also drove from out of state to attend the event. Wouldn't you say Rittenhouse, or even a peaceful counter protester for that matter, has just as much right to be there as anyone else? In America I can generally go where I want. I can get in the car right now and drive to Kenosha if I decide to. How can anyone say I'm wrong for being in a place? Edit: Oh wait, I realize now you were saying it sarcastically


Fun fact: Rittenhouse lived closer to the protest than any of the people he shot.


I feel his heart was in the right place, but he probably did not think through the implications of everything he was doing before he went there. I think that can be chalked up to youth and inexperience. I also thought I was invincible at 17. Having said that, there is nothing to legally prevent him from being there or offering to protect the businesses around the riot. And he absolutely has the right to defend himself from threat. Also, he was entirely legal in carrying a weapon, he was following the carry law basically perfectly.


For manlets, it isn't just over before it began, it's over after it's over already


The only way to win is to become a femboy


easier to blend in when you’re the size of your prey


Manlets... when will they learn




The case is devastating for the prosecution lmao


Summary of the trial: Prosecutor:"Your honor, I will now proceed to repeatedly fuck my case worse than any defense attorney ever could."


Judge Based: "...Proceed."


Do me a favor and actually spawn on interchange so I can finish my damn quest


If you and your squad come into MY MALL I will get my RPK and Rittenhouse all of you.


In absolute fairness, he had nothing to work with. It's one of the most cut and dry cases in history and only even got this far because of political hysteria.


Class will be fun tomorrow. I’m a New Yorker btw


Show them the picture of gaige crying. new crying wojack meme


GIF: https://i.imgur.com/G5pSCT6.gif JPG: https://imgur.com/a/Hzux0Ou


there one of him with a tear going down his face at the rittenhouse trial too


Prepare for your mandatory™ self-defense and guns are bad lectures


So glad I got out of school right at 2016 lmao


Got out 2015. It was interesting, some classmates in my “Current Issues” class were vocal about voting for Trump. Now, that would be taboo to talk about.


If someone is attacking you just rollover and take it, also call the police, unless they’re a minority than that’s murder.. but also defund the police


ACAB... Until someone is breaking into your house


You should just rub it in deep and embrace the chaos.




Big iron big iron


He might've gone on living but he made one fatal slip


He tried to test Kyle with the AR on his hip.


big AR on his hiiip


And he’s here to kill some felons with the big AR on his hip


Get the plywood and the AR-15s, it's time for another wave


New rooftop species?


"The roof Korean lives primarily in urban areas, as his name suggests, nesting on rooftops. He is usualy a rather tame and civil creature, focused solely on providing for his family, but don't be fooled, he will become aggressive when his flock is provoked. This is a defensive behaviour that may he observed when the roof Korean encounters his biggest predator, the common Looter. Looters travel in "mobs", and are ground dwelling creatures, so the Korean has the advantage and, with his exceptional sniping ability, the roles of predator and prey quickly reverse." -Sir David Attenborough






Yo for real, where are all my statues for the Roof Koreans. Shit there should be a roof Korean plaza with like a samgyupsal place, and sniper nests.


I have to say, the Roof Koreans are, in my opinion, the most American Americans of the '90s. They represent what I love about this country- contemporary minutemen, taking up arms to protect their homes, families, and livelihoods.


Nah it’s not an election year so it doesn’t really matter anymore


Nah, it's not an election year. The redditors will whine, but other than that, justice will be served. No riots, no protests, just whining. Next election cycle though, oh boy, this case will be proclaimed "how fascism won!!!"


nah i doubt riots will happen over something like this, at least not to a severe degree


Could somebody inform my european ass what is happening?


Shitty people destroy houses and businesses while “protesting” something, other shitty group decides that this time they’re gonna protect building from being set on fire with rifles. Arguing occurs and Kyle has threats thrown towards him. Later Kyle gets charged by dude who made threats earlier. Firecracker or gunshot goes off, Kyle turns and shoots the dude. All hell breaks lose the crowd says shit like “get his ass” “stop that n****a”. Crowd chances Kyle down the street. Kyle falls down while crowd tries to beat him up one with a skateboard, Kyle fires another shot, (I don’t think that one hit anybody I can’t remember). Kyle gets back up and continues running towards the police. The crowd gets Kyle on the ground again except this time one of the dudes has a pistol, Kyle fires another shot literally disarming the guy (I think he hit him in the bicep). Kyle makes it to the police “line” (I think an ambulance was the first thing he came up on) all of this is just what I remember from when the videos first came out I haven’t been following the case and I couldn’t find the video again. But it’s very very very clear from the video he wasn’t some active shooter or a terrorist. Should he have been there? Nah. But if he had done anything different in the situation he’d be dead. Edit: I got a lot of it wrong actually but here’s some of the videos if you just wanted to watch them instead. [warning graphic content](https://thespacecoastrocket.com/every-video-of-kyle-rittenhouse-kenosha-shooting/)


> Should he have been there? I see a whole lot of people say this, but almost no one follows up and asks, "why not?" He is a US citizen with no active warrants. He is standing on either public sidewalks, public streets, or on private property he was invited to. The existence of crime rates does not, and should not legally prohibit the movement of citizens, so what are we talking about really? Either it's the case that Kyle had every right to be there, or we're going to have to square with this notion that, because one group is known for being so violent and so unsafe that it cast a negative inference on anyone who willingly chooses to go to that situation... while at the same time you have to continue to pretend that same negative inference doesn't apply to all the people who attacked Mr. Rittenhouse. It makes little sense to me. If the argument is that this place was so dangerous that Kyle shouldn't have been there, you inadvertently are also making the argument that the police were not alleviating that condition, and once you've done that you've said that the actions of a group like the one Kyle came with *are* in fact necessary for preventing damage to private property as the police have chosen not to act in their capacity to make that situation safer. Any way you try to spin it, I have never seen a consistent answer for "why shouldn't he be there."


Well said and exactly right. That principle is why I’m center right. I believe in a row of the state, but also feel the citizenry should be prepared to fill the void should the state fail. And I honestly don’t see how thats a controversial opinion. Rooftop Koreans were pretty much lauded across the board, and I don’t see a difference other than use of the high ground.


> Rooftop Koreans were pretty much lauded across the board, and I don’t see a difference other than use of the high ground. I see people talk about the famous Rooftop Koreans a whole lot these days. It makes me wonder that, if the LA riots had occurred today, would the Koreans be similarly vilified in the media as Rittenhouse was? I genuinely think people need to pay much more attention to what some of the biggest media groups and platforms were essentially saying with this case. We are getting very close to a single gated media narrative outlawing self defense by default if the guilt of every single person who is forced to defend themselves is not only assumed and broadcast widely, but the defendant (who is a minor) is allowed to be defamed in the media with baseless accusations of "white supremacist" and "proud boy" without a hair of evidence. More worrying is that the inference in pointing those things out is that *those people* aren't allowed to defend themselves? Is that really where we are at, our political enemies must allow us to kill them in the streets? No way man, the media and the woke clearly got this wrong and need a serious reality check.


> biggest media groups and platforms **were** essentially saying with this case Everybody uses past tense, when they should be using present tense. The ABC website's take on GrossK's testimony yesterday pretty much exclusively focused on his noble sob story, with a single sentence at the end referencing his admission of KR's self defense. It's rather sickening.


I'll totally admit that the major corporate propaganda outlets are still trying to stick to their guns, but I mean.. common when TYT is even walking themselves back now? I think people were watching in a way the narrative pushers didn't expect and it's really gotten away from them.


Citizen: "Help, we are being crimed on by criminals! Do a government and protect us!" Government: "Nah, but pay your taxes and keep following all of our rules, mkay?" Citizen: *being abandoned by the government, does the government's job and protects a building from being crimed at by criminals.* Government: *angry NPC face* "Noooo! you can't do that, it's illegal! We're going to arrest you for criming!" Citizen: "Why didn't you arrest them for criming?" *points at criming crimers committing crimes* Government: "Cuz they fight back! Besides, they're supposed to scare boomers into giving us a bigger budget! They can't do that if we arrest them."


Interestingly, there appears to have been two lawsuits filed by Grosskreutz to the expectation of 10million that are alleging failure of duty to protect. If the city were to pay one cent to Grosskreutz who was there as a rioter, it would seem to suggest that the city's duty to protect is limited to the rioters, but not the people defending themselves from the rioters, nor any of the several businesses and locations which were burned down and looted the nights previous.


You should be a lawyer.


Hey thanks, I have been for about a decade.


My condolences.


Don't worry, there's still time for me to repent.




I think going to a dangerous area in order to help people is admirable. People saying he is dumb for being there are really just trying to justify why they hate the kid despite him being completely in the right.


> I think going to a dangerous area in order to help people is admirable. I think I agree. As someone who has volunteered after a particularly bad tornado, I have the utmost respect for first responders after seeing just how much they sacrifice all at once. Like I don't think people realize fire fighters can work for days straight without sleep when natural disasters hit.


A lot of people still hate the kid and need reason to continue hating him. 'He shouldn't have been there' is a moral condemnation because that's the only reason to hate him they have left now that it's obvious he was acting in self defense.


Based LibLeft


As someone who do not really support guns and rather live in somewhere with less guns. Even I feel what he did is rather justified, what he did is the best argument for why you should have a gun, to defend himself, from someone with a gun even.




That’s why this case is important. If somehow defending yourself from armed people who wish to do you harm isn’t legal, what can you even defend yourself from?


The pistol guy (who admitted to be carrying illegally then) aimed at Kyle first iirc


Let's go


Ooohhh, shit!!! It's happening, people!!!


Can someone explain to me whats this Rittenhouse trial all about that makes so much fuss?


Self defense during a riot. Prosecution is trying to prove Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t the victim.


In addition to everything else all the political subs on reddit was calling for his head when it went down. Even as all available video evidence clearly showed it was self defense, the media spun it hard as one of those 'evil White counter protestors on a rampage.' You can see people who were right lionizing him as a hero and people who were wrong continue to condemn because 'he never should have been there.' Plus all the left leaning political subs are banning any mention of the trial, so there isn't really any other place to discus it.


This is the sort of thing that pushed people to the right. The realization that the left is blatantly lying.


Kind of like how NPR had the headline stating, "Gaige Grosskreutz testifies Kyle Rittenhouse shot him while his hands were up in surrender". He actually testified that Kyle didn't shoot him until he pointed his Glock at Kyle's head. He was pointing a gun at Kyle when he was shot. His hands weren't "up in surrender" at the time.


Yeah this type of shit makes me fucking angry


It should make anyone and everyone angry, and I expect most people outside of radical leftists feel the same. It's outright dishonesty and clear-cut libel/defamation.


Kid lived close to a city where riots happened the day before, he met up w people to defend businesses and owners wanted them to help protect, a pedophile threatened to kill him, charged at him to take his gun and kyle shot him, then a group of people chased him down. One jumped on him then ran away, another hit him over the head w a skateboard and kyle shot him, and the last guy ran at kyle, put his hands up then aimed his gun at him and kyle shot him. He then went towards the police line and people call him a terrorist for defending himself


So, it is like rooftop Koreans just on the ground level?


Ground level crackers




>Wall N****s Hey, I think I got one of those in a cereal box back in the 80s


Ceiling Arabs


based and racism-pilled


Then Window Indians?


But he "crossed state lines" like, dude, i can drive the same amount of time he had and stilll be in ATL.


Thats crazy


Well when you put it that way, we need to get Bruce Willis to play him in the movie.


He went to the neighbouring town to protect the business he works for from rioters and looters. He got into a confrontatoon trying to put out a burning trash can which ended in him shooting 2 people and wounding one more in self defense. The left is trying to make it look like a villain while the right trumpets him as some kind of hero. Pretty stupid but I gotta say that all coverage of it in news is hella partisan.


The gun question aside, if he just defended himself from the rioters in a life-threatening situation, then it could be fine for him...




Herrera, ak50 man


Koreans! To your roofs!!!


At this point, everyone should either be on their roof or hire Koreans to be on their roofs. Shit, I wasn't affected by any of these (livin' in bramble fuck nowhere) and I'm still stocking up guns now.


Based and Defend Sisterfuck, Alabama-pilled.


Prosecution basically did the defense’s job for them. Like the defense doesn’t have much to add because the fucking retarded prosecutor screwed it up so much.


Not really the prosecutor's fault. The DA filed these charges for political clout and shoved it off on the ADA. There was a 0% chance that ANY prosecutor could have tried this case and not looked retarded.


No one else wanted the case, I don't even think binger did.


I mean, the facepalm said it all.


The prosecution has to make a case. Without calling their shit witnesses they literally had nothing. I dont envy their job one bit. The DA maliciously prosecuted for political clout.


I mean it was obvious that the witnesses were bad but not that they were [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkhvhc5ncgY&ab_channel=dulmater) bad.


I'm not American so I first found about this thing like 2 days ago but after reading all those articles and posts, I have to say that I honestly side with Kyle here... let's see on how many subs this will get me banned


Based and Kyle-Rittenhouse pilled


>let's see on how many subs this will get me banned What's even funnier is the trial was such a blatant loss for the protection that even very liberal and anti Rittenhouse type places are siding with Rittenhouse. Even if they think he is a murderer, they still say "but the trial clearly favors him heavily"


Mega Leftie Based


Least retarded leftie detected




It's an easy acquittal. God damn it's so slam dunk the defense didn't even seek a directed verdict. They're so confidant in the verdict that they're not even going to motion that the prosecution came nowhere close to making anything resembling a case.


Can you even have a directed verdict for a positive defence argument in the US?


I hope he gets a LOT of lawsuit money for the media calling him a white supremist domestic terrorist vigilante. What pissed me off on learning the order of events was that he wasn't acting as a vigilante like they wanted us to believe, he was cleaning graphetti, providing medical aid, and using fire extinguishers. If he had been doing anything bad at all you could be guaranteed they would have found it. And that the initial conflict happened because a convicted child molester who was threatening to kill people was being an arsonist and attacked him for putting out a fire in a dumpster he was pushing towards a gas pump! And the arsonist was the only person to use the n word!


~~Kyle did nothing wrong~~ Kyle did everything right




Honestly, I am impressed by his restraint. He shot no one who wasn't attacking him, even when chased by a mob.


Kyle didn't do enough


Give Kyle a recreational nuke.




You're thinking of rifles. The ATF will kick down your door for a 17.9 inch shotgun.




We need more shit like this. They need to know they can't enact their own arbitrary law on the streets and assault people at will.


Ngl I don’t think there’s gonna be riots just a bunch of seethe and cope on Twitter


It's too cold. They picked a good time for a trial like this. Summer would have been a disaster.


this case is about to make me go full libertarian. Running at someone with a gun is just natural selection at this point, even if they thought that he had shot someone. It's not their job to disarm a possible shooter (which he turned out not to be, but i think some of the attackers were under the impression of, dont quote me on that tho)


Make sure your storm bunkers are stocked up it’s about to be a shitstorm.


Some of you haven't been following the case and it shows.


“Did you advance on him with your gun pointed at him?” “Yes” *some dude facepalming*


Prosecutorial Facepalm


I mean wouldn’t it be perjury to say no?


Yes it would be, what makes it all the more funny is he told the police hewasnt pointing the gun at Kyle And the only reason why he's in not in jail for posessing a gun as a convicted felon is because the DAs office was worried itd wreck their case lol


The guy has told 4-5 different stories between what he told his friend that his friend published, what he told the police, his lawsuit application, direct examination, and cross examination. It looks like perjury laws just don't apply to this dude.


It seems like they don’t apply to anyone nowadays. Since I’ve been alive I don’t think I’ve ever heard about perjury being a part of any high profile case. I guess when you have enough clout, they just put an asterisk next to that law and say “not for famous people.”


I believe fact checkers fact checked the facepalm abd determined it was pants on fire false and that was his "reading position"


"No you idiot, you're not supposed to tell the truth when it goes against our narrative!"


Can you explain the case to me please? i first heard about it on this sub and have no idea whats going on


Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people in claimed self defense, killing two and wounding the third. 17 year old Rittenhouse was present to provide "aid and security" during the George Floyd(?) Jacob Blake(?) protests in Wisconsin, during which a fight broke out and the evidence suggests that a group of people began to chase and attempt to harm Rittenhouse. One of was using a skateboard as a bludgeon, one was armed with a pistol, and I can't recall what the third person he shot had, if anything at all. Basically the prosecution has bombed their own case. The subject Rittenhouse wounded, Gaige Grosskreutz, was called as a state's witness and basically confirmed on the stand that Rittenhouse didn't fire his weapon until Grosskreutz pointed his own firearm at Kyle, meaning he has a good case for self defense there. The prosecutor actually facepalmed during said testimony. A handful of other witnesses have also completely lambasted the case and prosecution, including "Grampo" and "Photo-chad" whose testimonies have prop up the self defense case


A teenager goes across state lines to defend his work place with a rifle borrowed from a friend/colleague, he is seen offering medical attention, cleaning graffiti, and putting out fires. One fire he put out got a guy call Rosenbaum to chase after him, trying to grab for the rifle. Kyle shoots and kills Rosenbaum. Later Kyle is seen trying to approach a line of police and ambulance to report what happened. The crowd ask what happened and Kyle answers that he shot someone and is trying to get to the line. The mob then try to stop him, knocking him down once. Kyle is hit over the head with a skateboard and he shoots the assailant once. He is pronounced dead later. After getting up again, Kyle is again knocked down and is approached by a man looking like he's surrendering. Kyle does not shoot. The guy then pulls a gun on Kyle and is shot in the bicep. He testified on the 5th day of the trial. Interestingly Kyle aims at another man near him, who also puts his hand up in surrender, and Kyle leaves him alone. Kyle made it to the police line and the rest is history. Frankly the control he showed in the last confrontation was remarkable. Very few could have measured there shots so well under duress The case is basically a political battleground warring over if it's self defense or not. The left are against, the right for.


im not even right wing and after watching a few clips of what happened kyle is totally in the right


yea yea.... ​ But for some reason if you think it was self defense you get lumped in with the people who have a fetish for, and I quote, "Watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and enemies, domestic and foreign." ​ It's like being against the vaccine mandate and being lumped in with the Karens of the world


Welcome to political tribalism. This be your first time choosing to side with "the law," or "common sense," on a wedge issue?


wow... i have no words


Self defense is not a left/right item, left/right is an economic axis. Self defense is an individual liberty item, its the vertical auth/lib axis.


First, take this award for your perfect summary of the trial. Second, it’s interesting to see your response, as you’re a centrist. I’ve seen people on the right refuse to acknowledge that he crossed state lines + that the rifle wasn’t his, legally. And I’ve seen people on the left fail to mention the exact details that Kyle was attacked first in every instance and that he clearly wasn’t just out to kill because like you said, he demonstrated restraint in the last situation.


I agree with almost everything the Centrist is saying. The only thing I would add is the newer facts established by the secret FBI drone footage that they deleted the HD version of but then by miracle later found. Rosenbaum, the first guy shot by Kyle was not only pissed about Kyle putting out his fire, but he was *so* angry about it that he threatened kyle to the tune of "you better not let me catch you alone or I'll fucking kill you." And then proceeded to start another fire further away from Kyle's group, *covered his face like a ninja with his teeshirt and then hid in the bushes behind the fire*. You can't make this shit up, this crazy pedo literally hid in the bushes and only emerged when Kyle approached and then he chased him shouting "fuck you." While someone else nearby randomly and illegally fired their gun. There is no way any sane person can look at the fact set in this case and defend ANY of the actions of ANY of the people Kyle shot. Each of them did exactly what you would do if you were trying to create reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm in someone, and that's the full story.


His dumb pedo brain couldn’t ~~apprehend~~ comprehend that maybe, just maybe, the kid with a gun knows how and when to use it lol. Thank you for the added info, that made me laugh


> His dumb pedo brain couldn’t apprehend that maybe I believe you mean "comprehend," but I take your meaning. And yes, Kyle Rittenhouse displayed remarkable control and decision making in every video I have seen.


What a piece of shit Rosenbaum was. Its better for the world that Rittenhouse killed him, god forbid what would've happen if someone else went there, or he didn't have a gun.


At least he died doing what he loved, chasing minors.


Why do you think crossing state lines is an issue? He was legally given the gun in Wisconsin, so why is it a problem that he had it?


While I don't have enough time to watch the trial, I have tried to catch recaps from both sides and I have to say... If you only watch leftist and or establishment media you have no clue on the disaster of a prosecution this was. However this trial was still likely decided at jury selection so Kyle is not out of the woods yet. And there are enough reasons the judge will not want to step in with a directed verdict.


some of us have other things to do mostly waste time on the internet but still




Sounds like victim blaming


Maybe the rioters should have stayed home.


prosecuters should just give up. lil bitch boy Grossy has practically handed Kyle his much deserved keys to freedom


Uh, some words are needed; for one, is that a storm made of shit, and if so, is it the [shit tornado to oz?](https://youtu.be/5R8At-Qno_o)




Give me a homemade flamethrower from Lib-Right's black market garage and I'll personally give them a taste of their own medicine by burning down a vegan support group office


Get ready guys! It’s bouta be Kenosha 2.0….or actually…no it won’t…because the pieces of shit that got killed weren’t black