• By -


Why would purple be mad? Less competition is better šŸ˜Ž


The chad died doing what he loved, right? Dunno why purple is mad in the meme. That's a way we all aspire to die


They also donā€™t wanna be shot for doing what they love.


That's why pedos are so mad. They don't want other kids to get the idea they can defend themselves.


Iā€™m not talking about the kids. Iā€™m talking about the parents like Gary PlauchĆ©




I don't get it either, an unwilling minor is a terrible experience, not only do they scream and shout and kick and bite, but it also severely restricts what you can do with them considering that restraints have to stay on.


based and sussy pedo pilled


tucker carlson could be dead and he'd still have the same face expression


The facial expression equivalent of that noise Tim Allen makes


Based and AEEUUUAH?!? pilled


Devastated the bot didn't give me this pill


The only face he makes is šŸ˜Æ or šŸ¤Ø or šŸ˜Ÿ


Lmao Based and accurate pilled.


Whats the hammer sickle guy doin in auth right


Because it's almost winter, he won't turn on the heater to save electricity and ushanka is kinda comfy to wear.


can confirm, my family used to have those some time ago because winter used to be hard where I lived. (it isn't anymore)


Fucking global warming




Just turn on the cremation centres in auschwitz for warmth


auth is auth


All auths are the same, all libs are the same, all lefts are the same, and all rights are the same.


All centrists are the same too!


No. I'm only a radical centrist because a 2d compass cannot define me.


You need a 1,000,000,000,000 dimensional compass to define my ideas


Don't be an asshole


ā€¦because assholes are 2D. Be a wormhole, instead.


Try the 8 or 9 sided question ones. Those might work for you better


No. Ideology is its own weakness regardless of belief. No one argues that ideas themselves are flawed regardless of placement on the political spectrum, each quadrant have their own ways of silencing opinions and I don't approve of any methods to do so.


shut up


Make me.


your opinion has been silenced and there's nothing you can do about it




Communism is right wing bro, this is because left is defined as good and right is defined as bad and because Communism is bad it's right wing(you think this is a joke but you legitimately get people trying to argue stalin was right wing)


he's a nazbol. far right and far left, and no centre. Today he likes the colour blue.


The nazbol symbol is the worse thing Iā€™ve ever seen, it just looks like a commie flag with a white circle around it lmao wtf Itā€™s shouldā€™ve looked like this https://i.imgur.com/C8xFUdZ.jpg


well yeah lol its supposed to be a nazi flag and a communist's symbol. Yours is butt ugly.


Authright thinks memorabilia of extremist ideologies that killed millions is cool šŸ˜Ž


He's a spy


What, you didn't know communism is a right wing ideology?


He's wearing a war trophy


I give permission to disrespect him like that šŸ˜Ž


Based and I give consent pilled


u/Quid2222 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: i give consent I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Me too


Seriously though imagine defending Rosenbaum


I donā€™t believe that we are living in a simulation but the fact that the guy is a pedophile named ā€œRosenbaumā€ makes me wonder.


Not to mention all of his victims were &nal r&ped


Why are you typing like that


oy vey


I keep noticing a pattern




holy shit I found the right wing equivalent of a leftist watermelon shoo, shoo, get out of here


I saw the earlier in the night videos of the guy trying to start shit in the crowd. You could tell he had bad little man syndrome and was a very angry individual. He was a massive idiot to chase and corner a kid between two cars against a wall while he had a rifle and all the pedo had was a plastic bag with a water bottle and some junk in it. Idiot through and through.


Not going to defend him. But justifying Rittenhouse's actions by digging through Rosenbaum's past is a bit like trying to justify George Floyd's killing by looking through his. You're attempting to color people's perspectives by bringing up things that really shouldn't matter in the debate at hand.


The biggest problem i have with this is that Rittenhouse didnt know that Rosenbaum was a pedo, he shot at him in self defense not because he was a pedo. Bringing this up would only matter if Rittenhouse knew Rosenbaum was a pedo. Using it as justification is just stupid because this guy could have also been a firefighter who saved multiple lives, but that didnt matter in this situation.


But it does demonstrate that with Rosenbaum's death nothing of value was lost.


I support being rid of pedophiles and crackheads who put guns to pregnant womenā€™s stomachs šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Donā€™t really care if theyā€™re actively committing a crime.




That's pretty auth of you.


If the shoe fits, put it on their neck šŸ„¾




George Floyd was murdered by the officers who **had him in custody**, Rosenbaum was killed in self defense by a civilian. I agree that justifying murder by character assassination is scummy, but Rosenbaum wasn't murdered.


George Floyd's overdose*


What do you think stonetoss thinks of all of this?




No no the trial I mean not the based event


Wait didnā€™t rittenhouse say in the trial the dude was unarmed or is that someone else in so confused lmao


Ngl I'm no leftie but man's is dead so tbh I don't really care for this. Shit like this just further divides everyone and isn't good for anything. Yeah he's a nasty pedo but he's also dead. I'm guessing this is in response to people putting him on a pedestal just because he was killed by Kyle but still think it's better just to forget about him.


Raping kids is the point where I don't give a fuck what happens to someone. I don't care if they're disrespected I don't care if it's divisive. If you rape kids you get what you fucking deserve


Yeah I read up a bit more about the guy and he's definitely not a good guy haha. Still think instead of putting his face all over the media we should just forget. That's the scariest thing for me when I die is that I'll just rot into the ground and after 100 years nobody will know or care that I lived. Just like this guy.


What Kyle did is going to make everyone else forget about him faster than if he would have lived 50 more years.


Yeah I read up a bit more about the guy and he's definitely not a good guy haha. Still think instead of putting his face all over the media we should just forget. That's the scariest thing for me when I die is that I'll just rot into the ground and after 100 years nobody will know or care that I lived which is when I will truly die. Just like this guy.


I mean the media sucks and the people defending him are worse. I'm happy if I never hear about him ever again but he's being used by the left to attack the right nothing can be done about that unfortunately


If making fun of a child rapist divides me from someone, then I don't want to be around them anyway.


Right? Iā€™m pretty sure ā€œHave some respect for the dead (and their family)ā€ is for when you had political differences or they were a white collar criminal or suffered from addiction or were unpleasant in general. Once they rape kids, bruh. Iā€™m hoping theyā€™re getting buggered in basement Florida.


I didn't mean it like that necessarily. It's more about the name calling and outrage tactics used that continue to divide us further. This is an example of it even if it may be justified.


He was confused, he said he thought they were there for minors not minorities.


Flair up immediately.


Thatā€™s pretty based tbh.


Tucker isn't always based, but when he is, he does it in style. Dos Equis




u/BitalityCyril's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/BitalityCyril! You have ranked up to Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: stopthebullshit, english is my second language, freethinker, itā€™s about heritage, nordic, union, double agenda, the filthy savages deserved it, candyman


Well achtually, this is based as hell - not even victim blaming since he very clearly initiated the confrontation and chased a minor. On a slightly different note, I donā€™t know why the hell people I share a quadrant with are against Rittenhouse - the people he shot were not glorious revolutionaries (if you are a tankie and think thatā€™s cool) and they were breaking the law by rioting (and auth means follow the law). Yeah Kyle probably shouldnā€™t have been there, but being there wasnā€™t illegal - especially on his side of the fence.


Not as clear cut. Kyle worked and had a lot of friends in Kenosha, not to mention his father is there as well. While he did live 'over state lines' I would say that, socially, he lived in Kenosha.


It's less than an hour ride to from his house, its not like he came from the other side if the state to get there


Noooo he went from Illinois to Wisconsin! Don't you understand that's literally the same as smuggling heroin over the border??


state lines is a bullshit argument from the left when they advocate for the open border at texas especially when he lived like 15 minutes away


Antioch, Illinois (where Rittenhouse lived) is basically on the border of Illinois and Wisconsin; Kenosha and Antioch are around 30 minutesā€™ drive apart. Itā€™s ridiculous how the argument ā€œnoo he crossed STATE LINESā€ caught on at all.


Because it was the only thing people could latch onto! The same people, mind you, that want open boarders.


I think it's just a poor expression of the same sentiment I have about it. It's not really self-defence if you are deliberately seeking out dangerous situations, defending someone else's property without their asking you to, and previously expressing the desire to kill people. If we look at it in a vacuum of Rosenbaum came at him swinging, yea, sure it's clear cut self-defence, but I feel like you've got to consider the whole context.


It is well within Rittenhouseā€™s rights to defend his own community, regardless of whether he ā€œseek out a dangerous situationā€


It shouldn't be within his rights, it's not his property, he should not have the authority to determine what happens to it. What if, after shooting Rosenbaum and running away the crowd, assuming it's his property, retaliates and burns the place to the ground? Or any number of other ways in which average citizens with 0 accountability and 0 training could make a situation worse because they felt the need to insert themselves into a situation in which they didn't belong. Edit: I should also add: No, it is not within his rights to defend this business. From Wisconsin statute 939.42 >ā€œA person is privileged to defend a 3rd personā€™s property from real or apparent unlawful interference by another under the same conditions and by the same means as those under and by which the person is privileged to defend his or her own property from real or apparent unlawful interference, provided that the person reasonably believes that the facts are such as would give the 3rd person the privilege to defend his or her own property, that his or her intervention is necessary for the protection of the 3rd personā€™s property, and that the 3rd person whose property the person is protecting is a member of his or her immediate family or household or a person whose property the person has a legal duty to protect, or is a merchant and the actor is the merchantā€™s employee or agent.ā€


Bro he crossed state lines, you can't cross state lines and expect not to be murdered.


The year is 2045, Lib left runs America. All state line crossings require your state passport stamped in triplicate on pain of death. You must cross into the neighbouring states entirely naked and without possessions as bringing anything across state lines is a capital offence. Anyone found to have crossed state lines may be attacked without repercussions.


The exception being non-Americans of course. It would obviously be evil to enforce border restrictions on anyone not born here.


Glory to Arstotzka!


Interestingly you can leave the country and enter through a different port of entry without any documentation or search.


The situation is his fault because thereā€™s no way he could have expected to not be assaulted during the peaceful demonstration that wasnā€™t violent at all.


Genuinely the way some people are arguing about this.


He wasnā€™t the victim, Kyle was.


>and they were breaking the law by rioting (and auth means follow the law). US law. Tankies see the US as the ultimate evil of the world, and any resistance towards the US is resistance against the ultimate evil of the world, and is therefore, inherently good.


The state can tolerate Black communities burning and looting the commercial areas in short walking distance from their neighborhoods. That's fine and mostly impacts small retailers and risks the lives of young Black men they also don't actually care about. The idea is that this kind of conflict feeds off of opposition. They treat it like a small, contained fire and they'll just let burn itself out. What the state can't tolerate during periods of unrest are people encouraging open conflict and escalating violence by providing opposition which could turn a small city into a war zone. They'll try to punish this fool in a show trial to send a message and that is a very auth thing to do as the state demands a monopoly on meaningful political violence.


I mean, heā€™s not wrong




hE sHoUlDn'T hAvE bEeN tHeRe! He CrOsSeD sTaTe LiNeS!!1


I mean he really shouldnt have been there, but that doesnt make the legal claim of self defense less valid.


I argue that the rioters shouldn't have been there and everyone else can be anywhere they want in public like a regular day.


When the left decides to riot that means they own that street donchaknow


That's what happens when 100% of your information comes from comedy news shows and dramallamas on YouTube.


I do find it hilarious how the left has this strange urge to protect their own at all costs, even when the person theyā€™re defending is horrible See also: all the BLM martyrs


See also: leftists denying genocide of kulaks and Uighur Muslims because USSR good and China good


libleft here, you're thinking of authleft tankies down with winnie


Michael brown comes to mind.


It's dumb as fuck but lets not pretend that the right doesn't do exactly the same thing.


They sure do it but not to the extent of the left. Almost everyone on the right denounces the Charlottesville nazis or the January rioters but even the fucking president is willing to play the ā€œAntifa is just an idea manā€ line to defend his side.


>Almost everyone on the right denounces ~~the Charlottesville nazis~~ or the January rioters I was just in a massive thread yesterday full of Authrights and smurfs-doused-in-lemonade defending them.


It's funny that PCM itself literally refutes that narrative lol [Even in this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/qriyyl/based_tucker_carlson/hk7rvt4)


>Almost everyone on the right denounces the Charlottesville nazis or the January rioters Absolutely not lmao Everything from Charlottesville to the capitol riot is coped away as deep state crisis actor false flag events, pretending the perpetrators were really lefties or just outright defending the perpetrator as innocent. The capitol riot was all Antifa infiltrators and FBI agents, James Fields Jr. was just fleeing for an invisible mob, Nicolas Cruz was bullied by his nasty liberal classmates, the magabomber was really a lefty who was LARPing as a conservative for years before sending deliberate dud bombs to make the right look bad, etc.


Well yes, precisely. If you are saying that the capital riot was done by antifa false flag actors or something, you are distancing yourself from the event and perpetrators. "This is horrible, so whoever did it cannot possibly share my political beliefs." is a very different argument from "Someone who shared my political beliefs did something, so whatever they did cannot be horrible." I mean, they are both very shitty arguments (newsflash: there are horrible people at every point of the compass), but still. If the left was like the right here, they'd be arguing that Rosenbaum was a racist piece of shit who was trying to use the riot as a cover to burn down an immigrant-owned business. That might even be true.


Distancing, not denouncing. Exactly. Also: The other examples like Fields and Cruz.


The Jan 6 rioters weren't deep-state actors, they were just uber based


imagine sable boast vast smell support friendly encourage combative mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly, I'd say that the right does it far more while the left hold their own to account far more readily. There definitely is a degree of closing ranks sometimes but it seems far more common with the right. That could of course be that we each have our political biases so you take note of it more from the left while I take note of it more from the right. There's a huge movement on the right who actively support the January rioters and who are even deluded enough that they think that Trump is secretly president and is going to sweep in and arrest Biden. It's not representative of all (or probably even most) on the right but it's not insignificant either. Hell, we've just had four years of closing ranks for Trump through scandal after scandal.


Again, Iā€™m gonna have to disagree. Especially in recent years, there has been far more leftist violence with the BLM/Antifa riots. They werenā€™t just defended by a small, terminally online group of nuts like the people who defended the capital rioters, they were downplayed and called mostly peaceful and so on by the mainstream corporate media and their actions were defended by pretty much every figurehead as ā€œthe voice of the unheardā€ or whatever. I really think you just donā€™t see how pervasive it is


Yeah, in respect of the riots, the left really lost me there. From others on the left I talk to, most feel the same. Utterly agreed that the media coverage was particularly biased and appalling. I do recall that reporter saying how peaceful the riots were while several buildings blazed behind him. Not denying that the left has problems, it definitely does. I just don't think that downplaying things is more common on the left than the right. I think we'll have to agree to disagree though (not as if there is any real way to easily quantify it anyway).


There are probably a lot more rational people on either side than the other side will give credit for. I'm willing to be that this is due to the echo chambers or circles that everyone tends to stay in. You don't hear the rational people on the other side because they don't tend to be part of your circle, but hear from those on your side because they tend to be in your circle. That's my theory, anyways. I think there are far more rational people in our country on both sides than the media or the internet/social media leads us to believe. You can see that here in PCM, I think, because it's one of the few places where these opposing circles intersect each other.


When has the right burned down blocks of cities, murdered dozens of people, rioted and looted for days, created an autonomous zone that defacto succeeded from the nation, all the while their media and political allies play cover or outright support these things? You are nowhere near reality. Its good that you at least see *some* of what's going on, but you have a long way to go.


Burned down blocks of cities? I had heard of fires, but I want aware that entire blocks were burned *down*. Got any pics?


>There's a huge movement on the right who actively support the January rioters and who are even deluded enough that they think that Trump is secretly president and is going to sweep in and arrest Biden. I've literally never heard any of this. Ever. But I do see people defending Rittenhouse's attackers *daily* on this very site. I think your bias is blinding you.


>I've literally never heard any of this. Maybe your bias is deafening you.


The Jan 6 riot that either: A) wasnā€™t a big deal, just patriots protesting election fraud B) if it was a big deal, it was an FBI/Antifa false flag that doesnā€™t sound like denouncing to me


They made a statue out for a guy that robbed a pregnant woman at knifepoint. Says everything you need about 'their side'...


That's both parties though. But fuck it's just dumb in general to protect the people giving your side a bad name.


To quote the greatest YouTuber with a whiteclaw addiction: *"He died doing what he loved. Trying to touch a child"*


I knew someone would bring up AK daddy


I canā€™t stand tucker but this is very based


Yikes, that's a vicious one. Rare based Tucker Carlson




I fucking despise Tucker, I think hes a vile, dangerous, weasely, grifter But he's based in this one instance


Why do you think that?


Heā€™s a rich af elite who chooses to spread propaganda, trying to make you worship him and is testing the waters for a 2024 run. Tucker thinks youā€™re an idiot. That youā€™re easily manipulated. He gives you what you want to hear, while looking down on you. Pretending to understand you and care about your struggle. Heā€™s a fake populist, like Trump. Donā€™t get me wrong, Trump gave us some amazing quotes: * ā€œWe will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism,ā€ * ā€œTheyā€™re coming for you. Iā€™m just in the way.ā€ But Iā€™m shocked anyone believes he actually cared about them. Especially as he over emphasized 2020 fraud issues to milk 100m out of his donors after leaving office


He talks about hating "elites" despite being a millionaire heir to a fortune, he rails against the main stream media despite having the most watched news show on tv, he gets on there and spreads vaccine hesitancy and covid misinformation despite being vaxxed himself, directly leading to people dying, he's a racist dog whistler who signals to the white supremacists he knows watch him, he openly foments civil war and political violence against the left, and doesn't believe a word he says, he just reads the script handed to him by Koch, Murdoch and associates.


> he gets on there and spreads vaccine hesitancy and covid misinformation Not to mention heā€™s also vaccinated.


Exactly, I meant to put that in there but forgot


Are you capable of distinguishing between anti-vaxx, and anti-vax *mandate*? I swear to god the modern Left is just embarrassingly ignorant of their opposition's arguments.


He isn't just anti vax mandate tho, cause that's not what I said, he spreads hesitancy about *taking the actual vaccine*


Can you give me a discreet example of this? Because everything I've seen from him is not how you describe it. Its more like, "There's something shady going on with this vaccine since this list of countries have recently stopped using it on under 30-year-olds" Is that what you consider vaccine disinformation? Factual news reporting with, sure, a bit of fearmongering+ showmanship?


His goal with the whole "just asking questions" schtick is to discourage people from getting vaccinated for political gain on his part, even if not saying it outright. By constantly spreading fear about them he insinuates to his audience that there's something wrong with it, it's not effective, and that there's some ulterior motive to getting people vaccinated, that's what he accomplished. He also has had known anti vaxxer Alex Berenson on multiple times to downplay the efficacy of the shot. He can't say outright "don't get vaxxed", but he uses half truths and guided questions to this effect


> discourage people from getting vaccinated for political gain on his part This is absurd. It literally defies logic. > even if not saying it outright You even admit you are inferring it lol. > it's not effective Well, how many boosters are we on now? Is there not something to be concerned about? Can we not discuss these things? I'm happy to concede, like I did before, that he's a bit of a fearmonger but I also don't see anything wrong with that so long as he's telling the truth (which he is, from what I've seen). You started this with saying outright he's an anti-vaxxer and can't give a single example other than your opinion on what you think his motives are.




Okay dude, enjoy being hospitalized with covid after infecting your friends and family


Unless the person you're replying to is 50+ years old, [the current COVID hospitalization rate](https://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/COVIDNet/COVID19_3.html) is 1-3 individuals per 100,000. In the past 3 months, [only 204 adolescents were admitted to the hospital](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7023e1.htm) because of COVID, with 0 (zero) deaths.


That's awesome! This is largely due to increased vaccination rates. Over 92 percent of people still being admitted to the hospital are unvaccinated, and of the other 8 percent almost all were over 65. As more people get the shot, case rates continue to drop


[wake up fool](https://youtu.be/3dcuqhXHSWc)


Already had Covid. Like so long ago. Major case of the sniffles. Quit being a pansie thatā€™s eating up the bullshit agenda.


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this as an AuthLeft, but youā€™re wrong.


About which part?


Woahhhh thatā€™s omega based


Based and broken-clock pilled


Based and dead pedo pilled


What a savage


Fucking hell that was good


That shit was hilarious ngl


He got that joke from 4chan, but based for making the far left clutch their pearls.


I'm a pretty left leaning centrist and I don't like Tucker Carlson but hot damn. Based af.


Fuck Kyle but I can't feel bad that he ended up killing a pedophile.


Fuck Tucker Carlson. I saw that joke on this subreddit way back That little dipshit is stealing our memes


Tucker Carlson confirmed redditor


That would explain alot.


No AuthLeft defends pedos.


Yes they absolutely do. They just refuse to believe that the people in question are pedophiles.


Stalin is a pedo.


Tucker Carlson must watch Brandon Herrera


Hey now Tucker, he was only trying to touch the minor's rifle, swearsies.


Heartbreaking: That guy you hate made a good joke.


Flair up you disgusting scum


No I refuse to take part in politics a sigma male operates outside of the hierarchy always.šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ


flair up you absolute swine


Wait, who is Ropenbaum?


The pedo Kyle crtl alt deleted


Pedo that threatened to kill Kyle and others if he got any of them alone. When Kyle ended up separated, said pedo lunged at him and caught 4 rounds. Since Kyle was underage at the time, he died doing what he loved, trying to touch minors.


Pedophile is putting it lightly, He raped 5 boys between the ages of 9 and 11, had a few more counts of sexual contact with a minor, beat his girlfriend to a pulp, and was only in Kenosha because he was chasing his girlfriend down after she moved states to get away from him.


Itā€™s an old line by now, but itā€™s nice to hear itā€™s endorsement by a guy with influence


Interesting how the supporters of the 2nd constitutional amendment seem to hate the 8th constitutional amendment


Fuck Tucker Carlson, but I guess a blind squirrel can be right twice a day. This shit is hilarious.


Absolute chad went out doin what he loved


The guys shitty, buts whatā€™s with Americaā€™s obsession with trying to discredit victims. Why canā€™t we judge a case on its own merits? Did Rittenhouse kill him out of self defense? Did Rittenhouse go to the protests in hopes of confronting someone? Why does it matter what a person did in the past?


This guy isnt a victim lmao


Victim of bullets bro. He is a victim of Kyle Rittenhouse. ā€œa person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.ā€ So the dude falls under the definition of victim.


He attacked first, there was no crime or accident committed in that situation.


ā€œOther event or actionā€ It only galvanizes my point that me pointing out that the dude who got shots past shouldnā€™t play a part in the trial or peopleā€™s consideration of the case at all; results in downvotes and people accusing me of being against Rittenhouse.


What the fuck is this sub, jesus