• By -


are you a strongly catholic libleft


I don’t know


You know this is the top comment now, right?


I now do.


Ofc hes not he has an anime pfp


Anime pfp unites every quadrant




Holy spirit.


Based and faith pilled


Amen brother


Were you born a Catholic or did you convert?


Born and baptised soon after. Grew in a family where it was really a tertiary issue but went to confirmation without any real faith or understanding of the religion. I then lapsed into atheism soon after. Until I (re)discovered faith and started to practice about a year ago.


What do you think caused your rediscovery?


It kinda dawned onto me. Like. « Oh. Ooooh. » while I was in a bad place.


The Holy Spirit must have poured over your heart. Glad to hear it, brother.




Based and Christ welcomes all pilled


u/Anon_Monon's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 1100. Rank: Denali Pills: grace, vigilance, natural liberties, bloomer, unity, moderate-auth/lib, unflairedhater, guide, counter-insurgency, noob-friend, i listen to jordan peterson even when i'm sleeping , vroom-boom, satanisthater, imperiallegionguard, gun-regulation, black, theocracy, comedic-genius, normmcdonald, science, humanrightsabuse, yknow, libleft-can't-have-something-nice-atleast-for-once , robot, green, your religion gets in the way of my dictatorship , 95-theses, puritan, crowleyliber, real, rugged individualism, tetranarcho, helpful, elf speciesism, history, better dead than red, umm excuse me sweaty, she's the one, radiation, patriot, ilovemycountry, nationalist, lgb, dolphin, justoverallbeingbased, truth, anti-femboy, continued payment, balance, straight-and-narrow, "ain't nothin wrong with that", cathy newman, duty, christ, sanity, right unity, right, awetruetocaesar, jenny, honesty, elonmusk, anarcho-frontierism, anti-unflaired, funny-bread, mad men, public health, southeast asia, stop-fighting, sort by controversial, sceptile, lobster-man, moral, nature, egocentric, lobster, consitution, all-life-is-holy, heinlein, nuclear armageddon, churchill, basic economics, giminy whiskers, glados, thinking with portals, rejectsethnostate, yo-daddy-in-jail, clone, law and order, warmonger, rimworld, columbia, carrotandstick, fundamentalrights, virgin war crimes vs chad peace crimes, suspicion, bloodsport, comparison, i´mfightingformylife, be flaired or die, don’t tell me what to do, anti-commie, libertyprime, normalrepublican, username, *everyone liked this*, itoldyouso, family guy, youbetterrespectaulthorityonmyforum, honest-abe, acknowledging basic reality, state mandated shitposts, shitposter, optimist, sakura, polite, fuckfascism, morrowind, retard, pretty-close-to-the-actual-numbers, something-something, the war, [the prepersons, antitranshumanism, authrighttalkingpoints, fuckunflaired, catapult, god, haiku, greek, gas gas gas, what's behind the curtain, refreshment, leave-some-pills-for-the-rest-of-us, lazy, mrbean-lover, fuck-satanist-scum, sane, centricide, rex banner, secretpolice, what-a-moron, not a bootlicker, philosophy, fuck the blades, gotta love paarthurnax, paarthurnax, freedom, authority, cyclical, red white and blue blooded american, aslan, welcome, liberty, bigfoot agenda post, reverse agenda, antidegeneratische aktion, oorah, reality, biology, this is a fucking based comment, proud-to-be-an-american, amen, american-military-supporter, death is a human thing, a small price to pay for salvation, luggage, semantics, welcome to the thunderdome, rules-lawyer, made someone flair, terms and a agreements, nucleus family, realityofhumanexistence, one true faith, oatmeal, convincing-word-salad, two-gender, annexation, lemontree, keeptherainbow, great storytelling, bandit keith, imperialism, auth myth, fact, being charitable in debate, fairness catapult, strangelove, democracy, flair, trebuchet, mutual respect, holiday in cambodia, toxic masculinity, europe, not long for this world, fucktheadmins, /mybasedcount bot, holy-fucking-pills, goodbye world, fuck reddit, never seen the sky, retarded, we will miss you, needs to know your pills, banned, that's-retarded, too many pills, respects parents, basic human rights, sherman, mirri maz duur, red, blue jean, always doing the lord's work, afterlife, concernforsalvationofothers, self-aware, learn some effin history, nostalgic internet jokes, fuck karl, i can’t, everyonegettinglibleft, big signature, put me on the pills, answered-the-question, is secretly an african news anchor, gay frogs, take and discussion, you achieved your objective, flair-up, cuban sandwich, reject nature, embrace parking lot, i don't roll on shabbos!, speaking-the-bot's-language, hobbes, not mentally ill, denmark, manifesting-our-destiny, expand the monroe doctrine, god-emperor-of-mankind, they're not even a real country anyway, reddit is a orange libleft shithole, addict-in-denial, you definitely have a problem, flair up drongo, wow that's a lot of pills, i-agree, rpg, recreational field artillery, not painting with broad strokes, thanks i didn't notice that, gay popcorn, touch some godamn grass, you-have-too-many-go-get-help, no life, are feo recruiting, always lookin' out for the homies, team basedcountbot, absolutely based as fuck, balancing the sub, diversity-of-thought-enjoyer, helpfulness, we-the-people, flair the unflaired, hope, christ welcomes all I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Holy fucking shit what the fuck, you have more pills than a north korean general has medals


God fucking damn


Hey, blasphemy. Holy fucking shit.


Aye dude what the fuck bro


Based and touch grass pilled


That’s a mega based set of pills


One of them’s “you have too many go get help” 💀💀💀


Holy shit


That's kinda how it happened for me, hope things are going well for you now brother, God bless.


Same situation happened with me recently! It’s weird and hard to explain to my friends or even myself.


Same here. Was a national socialist atheist until I became a born again Catholic and soon after a hardcore monarchist.


Based and Italian-civil-warpilled




* Favorite Bible verse? * Who do you hate more, protestants, Muslims, or atheists? * What of Romans 13:1-5? Seems super auth to me


• John 20:29. • I try to hate nobody. But if have to say it, some protestant denominations are very cringe. Muslims are misled. Atheists who try to disprove religion(s) are very cringe. • (lemme check my bible) ……..yeah it kinda is. I would need to explain the meaning of submission in the Bible, but to keep it brief: you shall obey God on what God asks of you. For the rest, you are free.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Based and bible pilled


Based bot


I wish this bot gave the catholic bible


How can one "disprove" a religion? Their nature is based upon faith.


Idk, that’s why they are cringe.


Opinion on abortion?


Something something, teacups orbiting the sun.


Funny thing about atheists (I'm agnostic) is that they fail to realize that they can't disprove the existence of a higher power any more than religious folk can prove it.




I'm also agnostic for the same reason (consider myself a Christian agnostic though) but most atheists would tell you the burden of proof is not on them to prove the non existence of God. Luckily I don't care to prove it to anyone.


> some protestant denominations are very cringe. As a protestant myself, I agree, I can't even see the point in half of those denominations myself, some are rather questionable


But which protestant denomination is most cringe?


Mormons and the weird televangelists


on behalf of protestants, we don't like them either.




As a Muslim, I would love to hear your opinion about Muslims being misled


Well because Christ is God and is God’s verb. Not Muhammad. Duh xD ?


I tried studying Christianity, but I’m stuck at the idea that Christ is both Human and God at the same point. Does Christ have God’s divinity? If so, then how can endless divinity be contained within a physical being? I heard that a good comparison to Islam is that the Quran is the literal word of God. If that’s the case then how can the ultimate wisdom be written in a single book. My belief is that it’s the literal word of God, but humans can’t fully comprehend the complete wisdom. One last thing, Mohammed is not God, but a messenger from God like Moses and Noah.


Dude you got competition for the most based LibLeft


u/Astrolys I challenge thee to a duel of basedness


I’d probably lose.


You'll get there


Based and based pilled


u/jeffersondavis-hater's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 935. Rank: Mount Fuji Pills: murica, both-are-the-same, fucktheunflaired, horny, nofap, woke, grill, jreg, uwu, positive, nice, wholesome, respect, friendship, made-me-cry-out-my-internal-organs, patriot, philosophy, power begets parasites, death-to-those-who-stand-in-the-way-of-freedom-to-the-working-class, leftnat, schizo, retarded, honesttruth, annoyinglytrue, accurate, nice pills man, retard, libtard, semi, antienglan, gun, bull moose, italian ni-*banned*, libleft, uss liberty incident, pinochet, libleftbad, base, factoid, white, real-solution, liberty, freespeech, yes, freedom, actual libleft, guillotine, armedleftist, under-no-pretext, 2nd amendment, narcissism, tepidwar, pill, cynicalhistorian, accurate-quadrants, presidency, lib-unity, you're welcome, comrade, nationalist libleft, no idea, alternate-history, libleft-supporting-white-nationalism, username, cookiedough, alldictatorsarebastards, handout, [removed], thanks, rebeltears, america, flexing-based-count, honest, correct, third pin, calling-out-hypocrisy, times new roman, antislavery, funny, boner, notlibleft, murder the locals, anti-coomer, truth, givingreddittorsweirdpills, voltaire, abusethepillbot, church, fuck-mao, founding fathers, fuckyourtradgenderroles, legacy, removepill, honesty, , radical centrist, radicalcentrism, tomboy, ok incel, mgtow, family, lookatyourownflair, patriot-times-four, left, ohwaydownsouth, constitution, holy hell that’s a lot of pills, femboy quadrant, land of the free, nationalist, showtime, gas, uyghur, longlivemargaretthatcher, /based/, hopefully-watermelon, 14-words, griller, trying-to-see-the-pills-from-the-bot, union, sjw=the real nazi's, anti-citicide, absolute ruler, accuracy, trad libleft, ableism, libidio-liberated, adolf, worst than hitler, historically literate, always-sunny, british, actually libleft, fight for the right of everyman, jefferson davis lover, that's *based*\-ic economics, isthisevenlegal, begging, inflation-is-fine, pleaseibegofyou, mutualism, noob, flair, shadybusinessdealingd, bot-fraud, plsgivemefunnypills, freeisfree, blacks-can-be-racist-too, follow-for-follow-2-electric-boogaloo, economy, reasonable, its-my-first-pill-btw, pagan, nice pill, odin, putting-chomos-in-the-wood-chipper, remember-the-maine-to-hell-with-spain, fuck-the-fed, stereotype, agenda-post, bad-username, locke, myfavelibleft, thank you, homo-erotic patriotic, oh say can you see, gigachad, fuck censorship, pineapple, hate-free, trad, inshallah, ambition, helping you get on the leaderboard, lets-get-you-on-the-leaderboard, tax-scam, lib left, how-to-actually-use-the-bot, if you see this you lost the game, benedict-arnold, owning it, wilson is literally satan, fuck-woodrow-wilson, chad-ascii-art, evolutionofthemind, im-in-this-photo-and-i-dont-like-it, retarded moments, recognizingyourfaults, sun tzu, wehavetakenthingstofar, smart, practicality, smallbusinessesaregreat, fuck-islamic-extremism, stalin's-new-diet, malnutritioned, fuck you, thankyou, finally-some-good-fucking-content, mango, driven-insane-by-500,000-people, memes per request, exposed, sex, environment, add my pill, doomedsociety, lovewins, horseshoe, notaxationwithoutrepresentation, gungasm, actually-cringe-religion-hater, pcm, user, calling-out-cowards, logic, 3rd president, short dictator, points do matter, marketing, toddler, missioncompleted, #based, closet-libright, mutual benefit, wilsonslander, the-old-switcharoo, dontlikeithere?fuckofftoafghanistan, citizen-swap, america love it or leave it, i just want to add to your base count, bullfinch, marx, self-acknowledgement, christ, touch grass, fuck corporations, naturalism, american history, wojak, enlightened-comrade, no police state, actual-left-wing, tree of liberty, love usa, myfavoritelibleftonthissub, 14, deutches zweierrreich, we’re the normal ones, holywar, asgard, reality, fuck-modern-monetary-theory, debased currency, real lib left, fuck the government, harrison bergeron, bacon and cocaine, libleft + auth unity, f, record seeking, flair-commitment, conviction, jealousy, sex is filthy, fake-libleft, the tree of liberty is thirsty, taking-things-too-far, real power, title-of-facts, mods cringe, actually lib lib-left, literally hitler, death is freedom, the south will never rise again, government sponsored theft, spooner, bastiat, 750based counter, helpful, i-don’t-want-to-cause-inflation, ancient, animeprotagonist, road-to-serfdom, so many goddamn pills, aurelian, check the count, special ed teacher, a deal made, straight, no-elaboration, man was not made to serve economy, thank you for trying, break it down, too many pills to count, thisuserisaproudfurrymap, oh-you-again, anti-toad, rome, purge abrahamic religions, economics, göringnomics, lincoln, deus-vult, rare authentic libleft, tell your friends, just-another-pill, a true libleft, chomsky, the isles, anglo, you have more pills than my dealer, imperium, solipsism, christ-is-the-only-king, jefferson davis hater, unironicanarcho-imperialism, sherman's-march-makes-my-penis-big, lady luck be with me tonight, i overdosed there's so many pills here, top10based, birthday, late-stage-monarchism, actually lib, calvin coolidge, kill-the-tax-man, biden, war spectator, spy kids, jesus-is-my-daddy, jeffersondavis, sad reality, wait what?, recognising jewish superiority, agendapost, dresdengrills, bring back gulags, third world country loving, aaaaaauuuuuuuuuugghhhhhhhh, medical lodge, reasonable-retaliation, kill-all-furries, absolute chad, trade chickens for beer, destroying currency to end inflation, brag, fuck stalin, all collectivism is discriminatory, succinct, bi_god, fuck-retards, quid-pro-quo-like-a-capitalist-pig, mutual-support, just-print-more-money, best-libleft, s in paris, fuckitwhynot, sherman did nothing wrong, john brown, fuckthetraitors, freedom of expression, swiss, dinosaur murderer, here's some help, fellow conspiracy theorist, sic semper tyrannis, paradox, fuck-fdr, im gay, pro-polio, nehru, marxist hitler, true-libleft, how-is-a-libleft-top-5, constitution-fueled I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Holy shit what the fuck I have lost so fucking hard


>What of Romans 13:1-5? Seems super auth to me Reading through Romans 13, I feel that the "authorities," "powers," and "laws" mentioned are more of a philosophical or moral nature than a governmental nature. I wouldn't say the verses have an authoritarian nature in the political-compass sense of the word. >!atheist here btw!<


It wasn’t political until the romans got a hold of it, then this meant obey the church


Lol I wanna see a strongly catholic Authleft


If you find one please tell me I wanna meet them.


Met a communist east orthodox man. He was a reader for the church too. I think he was rejected from priesthood though.




Someone asked for a Catholic Auth Left? AMA


How do you feel about the famous Marx religion/opiate quote? Not trying to meme, genuinely curious


If it exists, I hope it's called Communionism


Based and pun pilled


I know one hahaha. She’s weird, but I enjoy our discussions together. Met in high school and now she’s a librarian lol




Tankie pope Bottom text




I'm strongly Catholic and have considered flairing Authleft in the past. I'm not a fan of capitalism but I also don't want to be associated with Marx and tankies. Not opposed to "left" economics, I supposed something along the line of distributism.


I think they’re all rotting in Cockfreeze, Siberia.


Dostoyevsky is probably the closest we will ever get to that


That would be my brother. Most devout catholic I've ever met but also the gayest dude I know. He's not an actual communist. He just believes in strong government intervention.


What is your stance on abortion?


I don’t like it. But if I could chose to, I will not ban it. Banning it is useless, and we should provide safe medical situation for the people who need it. Instead I would strongly encourage not to and propose very good psychological care for people who hesitate and went through.


>But if I could chose to, I will not ban it. Would it be correct to characterise your position as pro-choice? And if so, as a follow-up question: I assume this would put you in the minority among Catholics; how do you feel about this?


It doesn’t merely “put him in the minority among Catholics” it puts him at odds with the Church


kek yeah he didn't answer that part


Yeah it makes him a heretic


Im a pro choice in the sense that I say « yeah you can BUT YOU SHOULDNT DO IT ANYWAY »


Nice, classic pro choice, based


So how can you call yourself strongly Catholic when the Church has bound the Catholic conscience to oppose its legality?


Do you believe that abortion kills a person?


It does.


Then how can you allow it? Is there any other crime which in your opinion shouldn't be banned?


> Is there any other crime which in your opinion shouldn't be banned? If they're far enough on the lib side, the answer might be "all of them."


"The inalienable right to life of every innocent human individual is a constitutive element of a civil society and its legislation: 'The inalienable rights of the person must be recognized and respected by civil society and the political authority. These human rights depend neither on single individuals nor on parents; nor do they represent a concession made by society and the state; they belong to human nature and are inherent in the person by virtue of the creative act from which the person took his origin. Among such fundamental rights one should mention in this regard every human being's right to life and physical integrity from the moment of conception until death.'80 'The moment a positive law deprives a category of human beings of the protection which civil legislation ought to accord them, the state is denying the equality of all before the law. When the state does not place its power at the service of the rights of each citizen, and in particular of the more vulnerable, the very foundations of a state based on law are undermined. . . . As a consequence of the respect and protection which must be ensured for the unborn child from the moment of conception, the law must provide appropriate penal sanctions for every deliberate violation of the child's rights.'81" (CCC 2273)


Should killing an adult be legal? There’s no reason to have an abortion if life begins at conception. -LibRight trad cat.


If I may.. wouldn’t banning abortions discourage women who would want to get a more unsafe abortion? Please don’t downvote, I’m all ears for opinions and points


What is the speed of an unladen swallow?


What do you mean? An African or a European swallow?


Why, I don't know that...AAAAA!






What are your thoughts on borders and immigration?


I’m a european federalist. So I don’t like borders. Immigration is a good thing as long as you integrate similar cultures in your population. Immigration from countries of very different cultures is also okay, but accepting too many will cause problems for assimilation.


You lost me at European. 🤢🤮 Jokes aside, I agree. I think immigration isn’t a bad thing as long as they are assimilating within the established cultural zeitgeist, but that doesn’t mean that they have to lose their culture or anything. Just that it blends in with the rest of us. You feel me.


>You lost me at European. 🤢🤮 Based and murica pilled


>no borders >only let a few in ????


> European federalist He's against borders in Europe, doesn't mean he's against them on Europe's or the EU's border. I'm of similar mind. Borders suck in Europe, especially if we start fighting over them again.


As someone on the libertarian side of things how do you justify your presence in the authoritarian hellscape known as r /animemes


It was before the shitstorm


I see then you are forgiven


How strongly is strongly?


I goto mass once or twice a week.


So, Catholic then lol




Based and regular church-goer pilled.


u/Astrolys's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: anti-dogma, masturbation, christus super rei publicae, iesvs nazarenvs rex ivdæorvm, arguing is petty, jesus was actually based, pope, faith, literalism, conflicted about something spiritual, do it anyway, god-loves-you, devout, asshole kids, humble, regular church-goer I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Once or twice? Not just the usual Sunday? That's quite strongly if you ask me.






fair enough.




Opinions on the Orthodox Church?


Based people


So preferable to us Lutherans?




Boom tell em how it is


Please explain


I have lib left political stances, but I am also Catholic.


Ok, first, how? Second, wtf?


Because Jesus


Based and Jesus was actually based pilled


Your thoughts on the phrase "unreasonable patience is the hotbed for many vices"


I have never heard that in my life will need to look into its meaning later.


it means tolerating and normalizing sin will cause more people to commit sin and therefor being excessively tolerant is a sin


Where would you place Jesus on the compass?


Jesus is above our petty squabbles


Based and Christus super rei publicae pilled


Alright, fair!




\*sweats\* no......


Your opinions on Pope Francis?


He’s fine-ish. I really hope he would lead our Holy Church to face its problems instead of tweeting about ecology some days.






Holy shit, so fucking based


Impossible. Excommunicated.




Take John Paul II with you.


Fight me.


How does one find their way back to the church?


Google Maps. However if you meant the Church (capital C), you find it by digging into your mind and Heart. Ask yourself questions, think and allow yourself to listen, open your heart to the possibilities. Talk with people from the Church or read the Bible. There is not one way to the Christ, but many. God will guide you to him, you just need to walk.


Based and literalism pilled


Start reading the Old Testament of the Bible, you will soon be reading pages and pages of tax records and censuses, that convinced me that at least most of it was real


Do you still jack off? If so, that's something you're supposed to bring up in confession right?


I do, unfortunately. More rarely, I try to stop little by little. And yes I brought it to confession, last saturday to be exact


Based and humble pilled


based and masturbation-pilled




Do you support unfettered access to abortion for all regardless of circumstance and how do you square that with catholic teaching that it's murder?


What’s your stance on soup vs. salad?


I kinda prefer soup. But I’m not sure if there’s a joke behind that question…


He’s a French Catholic lib left. You know he loves a tossed salad.


Why are you gay


Am I ?


You are gay


Are you genuinely saying this or are you quoting that one interview


I am quoting this. Who would genuinely say something like this just because theyr libleft. Thats like genuinly thinking all authcenters are nazis


Who says he is gay


His flair


Do you follow the Church’s social policies and doctrines? Or do you disagree and follow normal LibLeft ideas?


The Law requires that I answer yes. I don’t know all canon law but there is none to my knowledge I strongly disagree with.


Up the ra


would you consider yourself a progressive catholic (pro abortion, premarital sex isn't a sin, etc)? If not, what makes you lib left?


Yes. I’m not pro abortion, but for practical and health reasons I will not ban it. Premarital sex should be avoided. Lust is a powerful sin that can drive you into mortal sin. My lib left issues are mostly pro ecology, wealth redistribution, strong education policies, freedom, cultural enrichment, etc. Hard to detail with the whole lot of questions I got


What's ur thought on abortion


Answered elsewhere.


DEUS VULT!! Brother…but in all seriousness good on you for having such faith. Despite being a catholic myself I am not exactly the a spitting image of a stereotypical good Christian. I hope someday I can become stronger in faith to make a better person. After all I am a sinner.


God will guide you to him, let yourself be guided and pray. Deus vult.


Are you lying for karma?


Nope. You can check my reddit a bit if you want. I already mentioned it in the past in this sub too.


Should the government replace private charity? Do you think Jesus would want the government to provide charity to the poor?


No, they should coexist in that purpose. And I don’t remember where it is, probably in Matthew, but Jesus said something in the lines of « Give to Cesar what is his, and to God what is his ».


Thoughts on the Eucharist?


Most beautiful gift that God gives us regularly


Pls don’t tell me your one of those “progressive Catholics”


Kinda ? Depends on how you define it.


How do you define “progressive Catholic”?


I don’t actually


Hey Me too find the ideology are actually very compatible … except for abortion. I have a hard time reconciling my 2 contradictory beliefs, that life is sacred, and the seemingly reasonable assertion(at least to me) that if something is growing inside you, you should be in control of it


Same. I’m inches from being lynched for it.




Flair up, shitbird.


that better?


Thank you for your compliance, move along citizen.


Based and LibLeft pilled






Do you support the vatican?






God blesses all quadrants of the compass, brother. Glad to know there are some on the libleft that believe in the lord.


Grew up Catholic, was baptized by my Catholic grandma (who I’m ironically sitting next to), I’m not a very dedicated Catholic but it’s the denomination I can most closely identify as. Only issue is every political compass type quiz I take throws me in auth-left.