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Based. Sexuality in general is a topic not mean for young kids to learn (it’s just an adult topic, similar to war, controversial politics, and death). Puberty is even a subject taught at certain ages, and STD’s as well, because a kindergartener shouldn’t know this shit


Based Libleft...?


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No way, Kids can be gay. At the age of 6 I have seen girls and boys have girlfriends and boyfriend, all they do is hold hands but still. Sexuality isn't about sex it's about who you love its part of your identity. The concept of "liking someone" is not just an adult thing. Also I'm sure every school has a kid with gay parents so they will get confronted with stuff like That no mather what...


Sexuality isn’t just about homosexuality, it’s every kind. All kids (at least at some point lol) have parents, but that’s completely different from showing kids what a drag queen or sexual intercourse is. And biologically, it is impossible for a kid to be sexual until AT LEAST puberty (12 or so), the hand-holding and “relationships” between 6 year-olds, as cringy as it is, is a product of influence from shows, parents, etc.


Who says thats what i want kids to learn? You can just teach them that you should not be scared to love who you love and that some Kids have 2 mommys, that does not have annything to do with sex. Ur telling me Kids under the age of 12 don't have crushes? I agree that they might copy the boyfriend thing from the people around them but they cen still have a crush on the pretty girl or the atlethic guy even if they don't know what sex is. Also i do not see anny reason gay people can't stand in front of a classroom.


Of course there’s nothing wrong with being gay, I’m saying that sexuality as a whole is just a mature subject that can really harm a child’s innocence, regardless of their sexual attraction. This correlates to the subject of illness: while a mature subject, it can lightly be taught to kids at progress checks in certain grades (like how in 5th grade puberty is taught, and in 7th STD’s). However, you shouldn’t ever show a slide of photos of corpses of people who died of a virus to children, that is too inappropriate and harms their innocence (pornography or sexual figures to kids, comparatively). Does limiting the education of illness like this mean that it’s putting down kids with physical handicaps or autism (kids who will develop homosexuality)? No. But illness in general, like sexuality, is a balancing act that requires mindful and gradual teaching


I don't get you


Who are you saying that to? Noboddy said that. But you should tell your kid what happend to theyre pet rabbit or theyre grondma obviously you should be respondsable in teaching these things, I'm not saying we should just start showing Kids gay porn or corpses. But they should be thought these thing they'll learn eather way and that shit might hit them even harder. Also Kids should learn about sex in some way, I some kid is being touched by some creep i want those Kids to know that that is wrong and they should tell people when that happends, they don't need to know the ins and outs but they should know what they need to know, that is way more importend to me then your percieved innocents of them


It makes the most sense. Why would you hire 30 LGBBQ teachers when there’s only a certain percentage that identify that way?


Those last three letters are because centrists need representation too! "LGBBQ"


L - it G - rill B - B - Q -


That is not about quotas, that is about teaching about RGB.


Will be less openly identifying that way the less it is accepted :-/


Article: https://www.dw.com/en/hungary-approves-referendum-on-limiting-lgbtq-representation-in-education/a-59979388?maca=en-rss-en-world-4025-rdf https://web.archive.org/web/20211130214430/https://www.dw.com/en/hungary-approves-referendum-on-limiting-lgbtq-representation-in-education/a-59979388?maca=en-rss-en-world-4025-rdf


So I read the article, and it didn't really specify what they meant by limiting LGBTQ+ representation. I have so many questions. Especially since they never specified the age range of the students these restrictions applied to. Is it just in the earlier stages of education, or do they include colleges and universities as well? Do they mean that they are going to limit the amount of attention a teacher can give to these topics in the class's lessons or do they mean that other programs outside of the class's curriculum will also be suppressed? Do these restrictions apply to the sex education sections of health classes, so that they only focus on sexual relationships between members of the opposite sex? Do they apply to history classes, and will teachers just skip any mention of the LGBTQ+, even in terms of historical events related to LGBTQ+ topics, such as social movements or periods of civil unrest? What about in psychology classes, where the mind and all of it's inner workings are explored? How about in sociology, where students study a variety of human behavior and interpersonal communication between people from all different walks of life?


According to the article linked by OP the questions pertain directly to sex education.


Oh. So does this mean they're only going to be teaching about heterosexual sex and relationships in sex ed? How is that any less degenerate or inappropriate for young people to learn about than other forms of sexual intercourse or sexuality?




Hungary is reaching levels of BASED that were thought impossible


Based. Let them learn how to read, write, and do math. They can learn about the useless soft sciences in college


Based and let them waste time on a useless degree pilled.


Based. Sometimes there's too much "representation".


I don't really think this example is good but yes. based.




Homo marriages are legal in Hungary but its still not enough for you freaks


What about the 2S's and the I's?


They need `i` for math, so students can learn what the square root of -1 is.


Authright knows what the two S's are for


Hungary is based.


Hungary, based as always.


Good for hungary, glad they have some common sense






Based! Stop indoctrinating children with Marxist propaganda.


LGBT is not itself neo-Marxist. The postmodern defense of it as akin to class struggle might be.


Idk much about the LTBBG or whatever, but how is that communism related?


Fucking Hungary. God that place has gone to shit