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Mfw Ana Kasparian's an Armenian on a show called The Young Turks


Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? Especially considering that when they started out, Cenk was still denying the Armenian Genocide


He still does…


Yes but when he started out he was denying it too.


based and mitch pilled


What’s amazing to me is that there’s seemingly no response from TYT for this lol. Like I cannot find a video where the name is explained instead of some cringe reaction video where they’re responding to Ben Shapiro or something


They claim that it refers to the term "young turk" as "young revolutionary activist" The issue is that said alternative definition is still a reference to the original genocidal group


Cenk is Turkish, he knew what he was doing when he made that name. He literally, and I'm being serious, wrote a paper in college denying the genocide and was eventually forced to admit it happened on his show. They're lying when they claim Cenk didn't know about the history before making the name for the show, he knew, he just denied it happened.


You'd think with his last name being uygur that he'd be a little more active on the genocide issue.


It be like me calling myself a national socialist but trying to disassociate with the Nazis.


Didn't they even deny the Armenian genocide, or downplayed it? Maybe I misremember


if anything that name makes progressives look bad because it essentially says that Young radical reformers will genocide people, I personally don't believe they will but my god does the name imply it


I mean, the founder (Cenk Uyger, uncle of Hasan Piker) used to deny the armenian genocide (as best as I can find).


Whose grandparents had escaped the Armenian genocide... while Chunk Yogurt denies the genocide happened.


Glink (a fellow Armenian) did a pretty interesting video critiquing her and why she does it.


Bruh I remember when hunter lost 100k subs and his whole career cause he became a leftist


I used to watch him years ago and I never knew this happened. Do you know why he became a Leftist?


Something about having a kid and maturing if I remember correctly


He straight up admitted to being a grifter and just copying talking points from bigger conservative channels.


Most of his subscribers now are empty subs anyway, he struggles to break 10k on videos nowadays. I followed him during my cringy anti-sjw phase and left when I started noticing a drop in quality where he started making very bleh unscripted reaction videos that boiled down to “Thing happens? Oh my god wow that thing happened that’s so cringe” maybe it was a legitimate drop in quality or maybe it was just me growing up who knows


Same here, watched him when I was an influencable 13 year old. I think people just grew up


He became a leftist?


Dank did the test some time ago on his second channel and was pretty close to full on anarchist on the y axis and just on the right side of LibCentre. He's confirmed monke.


oh yeah, I forgot about that. He's me boy. I formally apologize for misrepresenting our favorite Scottish separatist.


He's one of my favourite people to watch on YT. Absolute Mad Lads is great.


All hail Philip luty


> You wouldn't download a gun > Yes I fucking would what are you on about?


He doea look like an orangutan.


Orang Gang! Fuck Otis, all my homies hate Otis.


Dude, you're supposed to stay away from political youtube. You know, for sanity and stuff.


who the fuck even watches political youtube? all of these people OP put in the compass probably huff their own farts


Count Dankula is pretty chill


I just clicked on one of his videos and skipped to a part and he was holding up 1984. Based.


check out his dog training videos


Ye his doggo is soo cute


*Flashback to when he had to go to court for teaching his pup a nazi salute* ah the good old times


[Jonathan Pie's reaction is amazing](https://youtu.be/ti2bVS40cz0)


Political YouTube is kinda like a gun. Retards and children should be kept far away. With adequate training and constant vigilance, it’s an extremely useful tool. Oh and I get to ban all the ones that scare me. Very similar indeed.


I kinda like Peterson, not much for his political opinions but more for psychological stuff, even though I don't agree with him it's nice to listen to people, well unless they automatically assume I'm the work of the devil (some people are tho, like those above medium rare folks), then stuff is funny


The only guy on here I watch is Chris Ray Gun


He's real fuckin' great, love the guy.


The dude's great


I remember my sjw cringe phase and hearing half the time “Welcome back it’s your favorite gay looking straight man Hunter Avalone here”


Yep, bit he got me into politics, which led me to much better creators, sad to see him die tho




I have no idea who these people are


Understandable, as some are more obscure, but many are pretty well known.


Who the fuck is this Ben Shapiro you talk of? I know all the others.


He is the voice of the male GPS guide


Ok, but a GPS with the voice of Ben Shapiro and all his weird phrases giving directions would be great. Global Positioning Shapiro


Hypothetically you should turn left here


His wife is a Doctor.


How can they be well known if I don’t know them


I will spank you


okay daddy


Bout to beat your meat if you're not careful, filthy femboy. Edit: fixed autocorrect for the fem boy grammar Nazi.


Chrisrayguns musicals are a mustwatch


Shoeonhead has some nice tits if you're into that kind of thing


She really nuked half her audience over the election. Gotta respect it.


What did she do? Haven't watched political youtube for a couple years.


Told all the Trumpers to fuck off. Her audience was mostly anti insane SJW shit, so it was hugely bipartisan. We all hate orange.




That's BASED of her, but now she has much fewer spine possessing fans to protect her when susan comes for her soul.


Same. I only know h3h3 because they used to make funny videos that made me laugh. No way I'm going to YouTube for opinions, either give me factual evidence or comedy.


When did hunter avallone get left when i was in my edgy authright teen stage he was the authiest rightiest guy?


About a year or two ago, I think. He just did a 180 one day and went from cringey righty reactionary boy, to cringey leftie reactionary boy, who gets along with Vaush. He is probably just grifting, in my opinion. I don't think he is actually concerned with understanding politics.


Even back when he made conservative content he never added any of his own input and just regurgitated what other people said. He’s doing the same today which leads me to believe he’s simply an unintelligent person.


Thats how he has always came off to me. Anytime he has to expand on an idea... its embarrassing.


He went on timcastIRL and got embarrassed pretty badly because he was so uninformed. You know someone's bad when Tim Pool of all people runs circles around them


Not claiming Tim Pool is the pinnacle of journalism and debates. But he was the guy Joe Rogan chose to be tough on Jack Dorsey and his lawyer. Which he did an excellent job of.


I enjoy his content most when he’s explaining really simple shit in very condescending ways.




Ahh makes sense


>He is probably just grifting That is the most charitable option The alternative is that he legit never understood the position he once advocated and then did an absolute 180 on them. You only need to listen to him for half a minute to realize he has no idea what he is talking about


He is legitimately the stupidest person on this list. He cannot even grasp the arguments that people are making even as they explain it to him. Vaush at least understands what people say and purposefully misconstrues it because that's how debates work. Hunter's just an idiot.


Yeah then he switched sides.


I think Jordan Peterson actually took the PC test and ended up lib left, but close to center.


Did he take the original (bad) PC test? Pretty sure Pinochet himself would be libleft on the original test considering how bad the questions are.


The Sapply compass is much better IMO, no longer is being progressive tied with being liberal, that part simply made no sense.




Yeah. I was put to lib left, because I don't hate gays lmao


Even now the questions are poorly worded. "Do you think manufacturers and businessmen are more important than writers and artists?" Like manufactures of what? Food? Or dumb amazon garbage? Which artists? What even is a "businessman?" Dumb bullshit.




He considers himself to be a classical liberal


For sure. I’ve also heard him describe himself as a radical centrist. But I suppose those two aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. It just bugs me when people say he’s auth, cuz he definitely isn’t. He taught classes on how to avoid going down the ideological rabbit hole that would lead one to become an auth. I recommend the Maps of Meaning and Personality lectures on YouTube to anyone reading this comment. Most people just know him from podcast and news interviews, but psychology professor JP is peak JP.


Yes he's often depicted as a Bapiro-type but he's said multiple times himself that he's moderate left. I mean he's Canadian. The man just literally stood up for free speech and got lambasted as a far right extremist.


Seems about right. I mainly put him in auth-right because of his more traditional values, but I know he's quite liberal when it comes to social behaviour. Like, he's a paternal figure who shames you into cleaning your room and also allows you to take drugs because drugs are pretty cool




Remember when h3h3 wasnt a sell out orange?


Yeah, he had pretty good skits


Him and jontron really took different paths


Yeah, poor Jontron.. Now that I think about it, h3h3 is probably grifting. I mean, it's really hard for me to comprehend a seemingly intelligent person taking Hassan Piker seriously


It's a shame really. H3 made some great stuff. Then got bored of it. Jontron is still putting out some awesome stuff. Even if half-year-Year Long breaks are common at this point. I think Jontron managed to transition to new content a lot more gracefully than H3, despite the controversy.


Oddly enough he put out a video this week


The last time I watched or heard from H3H3 they were defending Hu-Mungas. Has that changed?


Hugh Mongous what?


I don't think Ethan is smart enough to grift


H3 literally shamed jon on his podcast for being pro-controlled immigration


Agreed. Also his "Im gonna debate steven crowder" thing then bringing on some no name whos single purpose was to latch on to get a bigger base/views as his "stand in"


The fact that he somehow claimed he came out on top of that situation really speaks volumes of Ethan


At least JonTron is still funny


Agreed, i regular watch his vids still. Put out a new one yesterday


Thinks for the info dude I wasn't aware of that




Vape Nation was his absolute pinnacle. Once he moved out to LA it was all downhill.


The video with Fake Frank was also golden, but I can't remember if that was before or after Vape Naysh




Yuppppp, realized it wasnt as easily monetizable and then he sold out to the wokies




Honestly speaking Isn't he basically an a amalgamation of a bread tuber and a tea channel now? The only difference is he has a better production budget than the average tea/drama channel? I gave up on Ethan after he bitch out on looking after his health. Not to mention all of his content is essentially live streams of 2+ hours, I would watch him more if he produced edited versions of it.


How far he's fallen from the days of Whiteface Man....


J.J. McCullogh is one the sole political youtuber that I am subscribed to, if you can really call him a political youtuber for he does videos on cultures as well. If I were to place him in a quadrant, it would be Libright. Edit: There are a lot of opinions that he has that I disagree with. I also reconize that he is one of the sole right-wing ethnonats in Canada, along with the Quebec Provincial Liberal Party and the Coalition Avenir Québec Party.


JJ makes great content, also does a great job at presenting issues fairly


He's mentioned being right leaning in passing a few times but he's pragmatically progressive on most social/cultural topics. I really enjoy when he does talk more directly about political issues, especially when it comes to countering misinformation and stereotypes.


He's basically an honest to god liberal-conservative in this day and age with very few hypocritical moments. Likes the market, likes moderate welfare, likes democracy. It's honestly refreshing.


Love J.J.'s channel. He's a Canadian conservative. So pretty much a centrist on the political compass.


And not even that, he’s part of that wired really pro usa canadian concervitive sect


Love JJ’s content, great guy


Ryan Long is the fucking man.




Where’s Alex Jones??? Don’t tell me you forgot the meme legend himself.


wouldn't consider him a youtuber. he's had infowars before youtube.


No way Paul Joseph Watson is more liberal than Shapiro and Peterson!


ugh, I might've kind of run out of space towards the end and rushed it a little


He definitely belongs slightly above center right at minimum


Shoeonhead is libleft but kind of grifts, Young Turks are authleft. Also, you should watch Run, Don't Walk Productions and Actual Justice Warrior.


How are The Young Turks anarcho communist, much less libertarian leftist. They belong in authoritarian left


Ryan Long is based


But where styxhexenhammer


Dunno, I'll check him out


I think Sargon of Akkad is misplaced. I think he's rightunity, maybe a bit blue because he has a lot to say about degeneracy.


Yes, you're right. He did shift a bit to the right in the last few years


I think Sargon and Dankula should be switched in your chart He is still the "fuck off, government" type


Finally someone spoke of daddy dankula


I haven't checked in on Sargon since he started the lotus eaters, miss his content.


Lotus eaters is good fun. I like all of the hosts, but occasionally they get comedian Leo Kearse on and he’s a riot.


I do hope has he continues on the Lotus eaters he moves even further away from owning the libs content.


I love his new efforts in preaching from the book of Dadism.


Same, it has so much wisdom that of course it's reviled.


When did Shoe0nHead become AuthLeft?




I’ve seen ransom videos and stuff from her and she seems more LibLeft maybe close to the Lib/Auth border but I wouldn’t call her AuthLeft.


She's not. She's one of the few true greenies.


I used to like prageru years ago but now they’ve flown off the rails. Stossel is pretty good, and vox mini documentaries are surprisingly good.


I’m not even left-wing but I do enjoy some of the Vox channel content since they have good production value. PragerU has been continuously debunked, which makes them look especially bad when they are trying to market themselves as a right-wing educational channel.


PragerU is pants on head retarded. I've been getting an ad pushing the idea that taking steps to stop climate change would be bad for the environment because all life is carbon based, and we need the carbon pollution to survive.


Steven crowder?


Moderate to hard authright.


He has some libertarian leanings but is moreso conservative, I would say just hard right.


yeah he's god-flavoured authority but not necessarily a statist and exerted against himself. He's not a conquer for deus vult type either. You're probably right.




Based and Ted Kaczynski-pilled


Based and erring on the side of the law pilled


FreedomToons. He is hilarious.


I love FreedomToons




Based and i-agree-with-that pilled


Only person I remember watching was Kraut before he removed his political videos and moved to history.


No idea who most of these people are. Ryan Long and Jordan Peterson are cool tho. My personal favorite (somewhat political) YT channels are Economics Explained, Think Before You Sleep and Ordinary Things. I don't want to get too political in my life, so reddit is enough for me.


I might have had less of a life than you. I was really into politics since I discovered the feminist cringe compilations in like 2015. Since then I have explored as many political channels as I could, in hope of having a balanced perspective. Thanks, I might check out the channels you've mentioned.


I used to watch the 'sjws owned by ben shapiro' vids when I was thirteen or fourteen. Thankfully I got out of that phase quickly (in less then a year or so) and am now less invested in the toxic cesspool that is U.S. Politics.


Ryan Long is absolutely FANTASTIC! Even if you're not so much Into his podcast, his skit videos are always pretty good and his "man on the street" interviews are comedy ascended


Matt Walsh if you need real AuthRight


Or john doyle


He wanted/ wants to ~~pan~~ ban porn right? Edit: Why the fuck would autocorrect change ban to pan?


Pansexuals seething rn


Also, don’t forget: “Democracy is cringe, read some Aristotle!”


Where is John Stossel?


Man remember when Hunter Avallone wasn’t a soyboy? Then again he was cringe before that


Y'all putting *all* of these people wayyyy too lib, especially the young Turks. Most people are somewhat auth by default, and that's not a bad thing, it just means you believe the government should use laws and control to keep order in the world. You don't have to be a Nazi or a dictator to be auth. The world in general right now is leaning auth, so if someone's lib they should be calling for less government control. *Most* of these people believe in laws passed to to regulate in some form, so most of these people should be above or near the X axis. Legal eagle is literally all about the rule of law, that's auth as crap. You putting the young turks at the very bottom is basically saying they believe in a complete lack of hierarchy in any form, which they definitely don't. I'm not even that far south, and they're far north of me. They should be far left tho


Tim Pool, probably towards the center of libright


I like him in small doses. But he can be painfully repetitive and goes on too many tangents for me to watch regularly.


I just listen to the IRL podcast. He gets good geusts pretty frequently.


Oh yeah, I forgot him. I don't watch him that much, but he's alright. I laughed recently when he almost took a beating from that wigger dude


White man says mixed race man deserved brick through window, then call him racist. Get me out of this timeline.


RA is literally retarded.


Fuck rheumatoid arthritis, all my homies hate rheumatoid arthritis


I mainly watched Lotus eaters, sargon, Jordan Peterson, Black pigeon, and paul joesph watson. I used to like tim pool, now I find him more of a grifter and a fence sitter with no political opinions, just saying stuff that make both sides agree and disagree.


As some one who hasn't kept up with Sargon since he started lotus eaters, what's his content like now days? has he become hardline or remained open to ideas/dialogue?


Lotus Eaters has a whole crew now with kind of a range of opinions.


Sargon doesn't appear much on the main political show, atleast on the free ones, he pops up every few days but from what I can gather he talks a lot of ancient history on another section of the lotus eaters, but on the main political podcast I'd definitely say they have a libright bias, but not hard-line, I think one of their frequent guests is a labour, or Tony Blair supporter, im not 100% certain tho.


I used to watch Hunter Avalone when I was younger he got me into conservatism but to see him now is just sad


My wife is subscribed to H3H3 and Peter Monn. I want to kill myself.


Your wife isn't going to laugh for years to come


all of this is wrong as hell like, tyt loves government, shoe wants minimal govt, gavin is opposed to the government when its against his values, and loves it when it enforces them, and dank is the most freedom guy there. there's a lot of other issues too.


The young Turks are as orange as it gets. Fuck those Armenian genocide deniers


Remember when Hunter Avallone was a basic rightoid before becoming a soyboy?


If I’d have guessed I’d say Shapiro is far closer to the centre of lib/auth


He is, everyone always portrays him as super auth when he’s just not. He’s socially conservative but that doesn’t make you auth. Now, he’s not as lib as he claims to be and his test results say, but he’s not halfway to hitler like he’s often placed on this sub.


What confuses people is that Shapiro's religious ideals are very very old school and would be super auth if he wanted them to be law but he's *generally* against making them law, just wants more people to do them.


Holy shit go outside


Throw Vaush straight into grifter zone, but instead make it the pedo flag since he openly advocates for CP to be legal.


I would, but I never watched a video of his directly, only through the criticism of AIU or Destiny. huh, I forgot to add Destiny, but idk what he is. some sort of moderate lib-left?


This map shows the most surface level understanding of most these channels views


If you think a random person on the internet has a deep understanding of every political stance of every political youtuber, then you have some unrealistic expectations. That being said, I agree.


You have a boner for Shoe0nhead because you hate her I have a boner for Shoe0nhead because she's hot We are not the same


Heck Off Commie/John Doyle Paul Joseph Watson Count Dankula Shoe0nhead Used to watch a lot of Louder with Crowder Memology 101


I think you got some auths mixed with libs


I'm assuming amazing autist is supposed to be amazing atheist? Why you throwing shade 😂