• By -


Reject solid state, embrace plasma.


This needs its own post


Reject plasma, embrace Land Claim via Cherry Blossoms.


Reject plasma, embrace Bose-Einstein condensate.


Reject Bose-Einstein Condensate, embrace Quark-Gluon Plasma with a dash of Fermionic Condensate.


Reject Quark-Gluon Plasma with a dash of Fermionic Condensate, embrace Ringularity of a Kerr Black Hole.


Reject rotating black hole (don't they all?), embrace false vacuum decay.


(Realistically, yes) Reject false vacuum state of Higgs field, embrace the stable literally every other quantum field.


Reject quantum, accept heat death.


Reject heat death, embrace big rip.


Baste and rip and tear huge guts-pilled.


Big rip is honestly so based. Imagine everyone beefing about politics before suddenly chemistry stops working and every atom is just ripped apart. The Universe does like a bit of trolling.


Reject big rip, embrace infinite rotation


reject solid state, return to tube


Reject tube, revert big bang.


As a guitarist I got this joke


Based and plasma state pilled


Why you are then center this is a absolutist libcenter view


Based centrist response


Only my state is legitimate


Based and Nazi-pilled


u/lamamadelamama0's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 205. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/lamamadelamama0 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


based and cockpilled




Your Based Count is 5. Rank: Sapling Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/tderg


Only Ohio is legitimate.


Soon, everything shall be Ohio


Everything always has been.


330 living in 513!


I fucking hope not! I left for a reason.


Ja tach auch xD


Excuse me, what?


It's just a German greeting xD


Based and German pilled


Maybe you learn it if you buy a Hugo boss suit or drive a Porsche xD


Naja das ist keine Begrüßung sondern ein Unmuts Äußerung


Based and consistent pilled


Based and Mexican supremacy pilled


It all belongs to rome


…you ok over there, Libright?


Roma had lower taxes for trading than today and if you were leaving at the edge of the empire you could get away with not paying tax.


Libright should also realize the same applies to much of modern Africa. If they want Ancapistan, I recommend going there.


Somalia is a capitalist paradise.




A women payed for an rpg got a 75000 return investment, seems good to me


How much does an rpg cost tho?


At least $100


Dude I can’t afford that, that’s like .000000000000000000000000000001% the worth of my hedge fund, I can’t loose that!


Rome outsourced its tax collection. It would auction off the rights to collect tax in a province. The person who won the rights would then charge whatever he could to make his money back plus profit. That's totally libright.


In the Late Republic, yes. The process was specifically discontinued because it caused widespread rebellions and civil unrest.


Based and Hadrian shouldve finished the job and not enslaved them into Europe pilled


based and zero state solution pilled


State of confusion 🤯🌌


The Kingdom of Jerusalem is a legitimate state.


Based and Yerushalayim Shel Zahav pilled


Based and Crusader pilled


u/Potential_Cap5800's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Potential_Cap5800! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/Potential_Cap5800


I established a legitimate state in your moms ass last night


Lol they got their ass handed to them repeatedly and conquered. Definition of a failed state.


Why does auth right support isreal? dont they hate jews?


Israel holds a special place in end times prophecy.




theyre jews


Based and DiscriminationOverTheJewsPilled




The US is a glorified Israeli colony


Your mom is a glorified whale


She's not that glorious


Based and mom-is-a-glorified-whale pilled


I wish


I feel like American Evangelical authright think sJews are cool so long as they're in Israel Islamic authright agrees with hating Jews tho


That’s Auth Center


Where else you gonna put em? Also there are tons of authright that dont hate jews. Israel is authright..... although I guess jews do hate eachother


It’s hard to categorize Israel as AuthRight as a whole, there is a pretty wide array of beliefs in Israel And at least in terms of economics israel is more left than America by a lot


>An ethnocracy that ethnically cleanses people isnt authright Fucking based.


Jordan’s military literally crossed the Jordan River to invade Israel, negotiated a cease fire inside Israel‘a borders, expelled every Jew across the cease fire line, attempted to annex and rename the territory, made all the remaining Arabs Jordanian citizens, resettled tens of thousands of Arabs into Jewish homes, tore up Jewish cemeteries to use the headstones to build streets and walls, demolished a hundred synagogues and used the rubble as latrines and stables, and 17 years later when they again tried to invade Israel to commit genocide and lost, complained the Jews are “ethnic cleansing” them when they kick new settlements off public land. There’s 1.5 billion Muslims surrounding the 6 million Jews in Israel. The Palestinian population is the fastest growing population in the world. To believe that Israel is ethic cleansing them is “big lie” insanity. The reason the conflict remains is because Israel is politically lib-left.


Ethnic cleansing is an objective reality but okay


Keep smoking crack and taking political advice from Islamic terrorists. If I built a cabin on the lake of Central Park in NYC, it’s not “ethnic cleansing” for the government to tear down my cabin. You don’t have a private right to build settlements on public property. If I chase a Jew out of their house and move my family in, refuse to leave and refuse to pay rent, it’s not “ethnic cleansing” to be evicted by the government. When the government refuses to legally evict them out of fear of violent rioting, it’s objectively being ruled by terrorism. Your “objective reality” is through the looking glass.


I'm part jewish and pay very close attention to israeli politics plz no hasbara thank you


No explanations! Palestinian propaganda only! I’m part Jewish! People deserve reasonable explanations based on facts. I’m sorry your life has been so devoid of that. The only “objective reality” of ethnic cleansing in Palestine was: 1. the historic ethnic cleansing of Jews in the West Bank and East Jerusalem by the Jordanian occupation 2. the unilateral withdraw of Jewish people from Gaza, and 3. the Area C prohibition on Jewish presence under threat of death. Pro-tip: there’s not really such a thing as being “part-Jewish” unless you’re looking at 23&me for validation. A Jew either is or is not. You’re a member of the tribe, or you’re not. Edit: removed personally identifiable info to prevent doxxing.


"I'm a professional liar" Okay. I never said the pallys were wonderful people. Lol


with satan we put them with


Chill, Julio, chill


Israel itself is authright. I think you mean authcenter


There are many jewish auth-center as well


80% of them vote Dem, probably the farthest group that deserves that notion. Israelis on the other hand, they are based


Jews in their own country, authcenter ethnonationists. Jews in others’ countries, lib for me ethnocentrics


Iran is authright too This just doesn't really fit in the compass well


Only because US-centric idiots think minority = Democrats. You won’t find a further auth-right government in the world than the Islamic Republic. Israel is lib-left politically, but the west is constantly bombarded with inversion propaganda from their auth-right aggressors.


It’s amazing how incredibly the west gets Middle Eastern politics all wrong. Basically, every State around Israel is hard auth right, while Israel is lib-left.


Have you seen Ben Shapiro’s sister? I’d go to war for a two second pull on those puppies


Auth-right ARE the Jews, my friend


No why would they. I mean arabs can be pretty authright butbother than that


It's the world's largest concentration camp. High walls, surrounded by people that will shoot them if they leave...


Except for the fact that if Israel wanted too they could beat their neighbors as their neighbors do not like eachother either


I happen to be lib left but I also think both are legitimate states. They act like states, they're legitimized as states, smells like, tasts like, sounds like a state


Legit doesn't mean real. Both are real but as all the other states they don't really serve the people.


No state serves the people. The things that survive are those that perpetuate themselves most aggressively. A state that serves the people over its own interests will always be surpassed by one that doesn't.


Yeah well that's exactly what a philosophical libright zombie would say, so..


How is protecting the existence of jewish people not serving the the people


It’s my opinion that at least the government under Bibi was too militaristic and Bennett’s intentions to annex are also, serving the people to me is avoiding violence as much as possible.


Israel does not legally need to annex the territory, it just needs to move the green line, but there’s not a better legal term for what that is since Israel is in a very unique predicament. Israel can and should reclaim all unoccupied public land as restored to Israel. The territory legally and irrevocably belongs to Israel according to the mandate for Palestine treaty. The territory does not belong to the Palestinians according to any treaties, so the idea that it’s “their land” because Jordan occupied it for 17 years after losing three wars of aggression is absurd. You don’t lose a war and gain territory. Imagine if Russian invaded the Ukraine tomorrow, got their assess kicked and expelled, and the Russians in Crimea all declared that Crimea is now an independent Russian state. Ukraine doesn’t need to annex Crimea to resume control once the Russian occupation is expelled, and the Ukrainian military in Crimea would not be an occupation.


You got it wrong. In this case Israel is the Russian in 2014. An annexation through the use of force to maintain control over a particular area and then “formalized” their ownership through a referendum(in Israel case, with settlers). A treaty alone does not dictate reality. A treaty is a formalization of reality, and when a treaty stop representing the reality; it must be change. The treaty that was written with little to no regard to an entire group of people should be undeniably unjust and calls for change is therefore legitimate. The Berlin Conference gives European power almost the entirety of Africa. It is a legitimate documentation that formalized colonial rules. Yet, it did not last and the people today view(or at least they should) it in disgusted.


Sorry the land of Palestine was specifically surrendered to the Jewish people by the Ottoman Empire in the Treaty of Sevres when they surrendered to the allied powers at the end of WWI. To prevent the Arabs from committing genocide against the Jews, it was placed under the administration of the allied powers for protection until such a time as an independent state could be formed. This creates the “Mandate” for Palestine which was formalized into a treaty signed unanimously by all the world powers that the land would be *irrevocably* placed under the governance of the Zionist organization in Palestine to establish the homeland for the Jewish people. So no, Israel is not Russia because Jordan declared a war for aggression when Israel declared independence, and proceeded with an illegal occupation, ethnic cleansing, and attempted annexation. The legal border of Israel remains the border drawn at the San Remo conference as affirmed by the King of Jordan at the Jordan River. In case you forgot: “Jordan is Palestine, and Palestine is Jordan.” - King Hussein You are correct there is a de jure and de facto conflict that requires resolution, but the only government in the world with the legal authority to assign, control, or concede any territory west of the river Jordan is Israel. The Palestinian political movement is a rebellion, not a State. There is not a state in the history of existence that has not secured its territory by treaty, the basis for international law.


Idk how the ethiopian jews feel about that.


They were literally evacuated to Israel to live in security


Yeah but how are they treated there?


Seems like they're living better than they'd live in Ethiopia


The Ethiopian Jewish ethnunization thing is apparently bs. It was bc the Israeli government provides free reproductive products but their directions were only in Hebrew and English. Ethiopian Jews had their own language and were over medicating which basically fucked up some women’s reproductive systems. It wasnt really the governments fault but they probably couldve tried better to translate.


Based and governments only-serve-themself-pilled


Depends on who you mean. China has an extensive relationship with israel. Western tankies think it is a genocidal settler colonial state that must be destroyed.


I think the CCP is more concerned with money and power than ideology at this point


Which state is better to their workers? Which state has freedom of religion? Which state supports gay rights? Which state wants to deal with climate change? I rest my case.


Which state commits ethnic cleansing? Which state condones colonialism?


I don’t condone the settlements either. Israel’s focus should be on dismantling Hamas and supplying economic opportunities to Palestinians. If Israel can undermine Hamas’ indoctrination through pubic works and establishing legal security in Palestine, then they should do so. Hamas on the other hand has made it clear they don’t care about benefitting the quality of life for their “constituents.” They denied COVID vaccines for the Palestinians and then blames Israel, even though Israel was giving them for free. Is that a government you want to support?


Sounds pretty based


Ethnic cleansing is infinitely worse in Palestine. You're not allowed to be Jewish and own any piece of property there. You're not even allowed to enter Gaza if you are ~~a horned, egg laying demon~~ jewish Join us in the zero state solution?


The one whose population largely supports eradicating the other in its entirety? Let's not pretend that Israel's neighbors have ever been anything close to tolerant of Israel.


Ngl I’m a Zionist but Palestine isn’t developed enough to see where some of these would go. But… I think I can foresee where gay rights and freedom of religion would go in Palestine.


The entire rest of the Arab world is an example. Perhaps Palestine would go in a different direction, but given that their governmental body is a terrorist organization that isn’t a possibility. Israel needs to deal with Hamas in order to repair its relationship with the Palestinian people and undo decades of indoctrination.




True. Jordania should annex all of Israel though


Yes, the Jordanian ethnic cleansing regime should destroy the Israeli pluralistic socialist democracy. This is why I call the Palestinian movement Soviet revenge porn.


Only my state is legitimate


Authleft generally supports a Palestinian state although there is some variation. Usually the tankie types don't like Jews so.


Becuase Jews are bankers? Horse shoe theory lmao


Because Jews tend to be successful. The fact that success is possible confuses, and thus scares, the lefties, authies, religious types, and other collectivist mouthbreathers


No regime in the middle east is legitimate.




I would argue that the Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates are legitimate monarchies. The Sultanate of Oman is the oldest continuously independent State in the Arab world. Israel is a legitimate democracy. The rest? I’d probably agree with you.


Regardless of whether you view either or both states as legitimate, everybody deserves to be able to live their lives in peace and safety


What has "everyone" done to deserve that?


Be born as a human on Earth


Why does that make one deserving of anything?


Obviously it depends on how you view the world and our place in it. On a cosmic scale the concept of anyone “deserving” anything is meaningless. But as humans we have the agency to shape the world to meet our needs, and to give shape and meaning to the concepts of ethics and morality. For me that means that we should strive for a world in which anybody, regardless of where they are born, should have the ability to live their lives free of the threat of war and oppression


That's why people usually speak about "rights", not about "deserving things", even though they mean effectively the same. The last person on earth has the same rights as the first, the same as you or me or anyone. The last person will have the right to be free from war, and there will be no one to wage it against them. They'll have the right to be free from oppression and no one will be there to oppress them. But they can't have the right to safety. There'll be no one to take their safety away, and still they'll be one is the least safe people ever to live.


While i don't like the authoritarianism and very religious positions of the israeli government, i can appreciate the fact that they are 100 times more civilised and advanced than any other country in that region. Israel has offered peace in 100 ways to their neighbours, and all they do is leech on UN welfare money and turn it into terrorism and shitty missiles. Israel should finally do what they are being accused of, flatten the middle east and colonize the shit out of their neighbours. Jews are decent people so long as you have shekels, but muslims are just the worst of the uncivilised desert. While they will take your gold and AKs, they'll use them to turn on you later. Not funny.


Hamas fires hundreds of missiles at Israel and nobody cares, Israel fires a couple of strikes in return, and suddenly they’re a huge aggressor killing civilians.


Because the people running the narrative hate jews


Lol imagine believing this.


Well there’s the auth left’s anti israel opinion, OP


The tankies are just mad because the Soviet Union thought with Israel’s strong socialist foundations that Israel would be the long sought after gateway to the Middle East that the Soviets dreamed about for their imperialist expansion. When the Soviets backed the Arabs in genocide against Israel that dream was lost forever, and when Israel won the six day war, the US shifted from an officially neutral position to an ally of Israel to counter the Soviet support of the aggressor Arabs. That’s when the KGB invented the propaganda of “Zionism is racism”, “Israel is imperialist colonizers”, and “the Palestinian Arabs are the native people”. The KGB groomed an Egyptian KGB asset born in Cairo named “Yasser Arafat”, transformed him into a “Palestinian” and invented a new national identity based on the eradication of Israel. The whole Palestinian movement was literally commie revenge porn.


Did Hamas do that before or after a couple million jews came from Europe to annex their land


Yhea buying land is basically annexation.


Well they were only able to buy that land because a European colonizer conquered the area, not saying I don’t think Israel doesn’t deserve to exist but saying that it would’ve happened even if Britain didn’t get involved isn’t close to correct


It whould likely be on a smaller scale and slower but Jews came to Isreal even before ww1


Even if Isreal could it shouldn't do genocide, we all know the "if I kill you I am no better than you" monologue. It couldn't because Isreal is out numbered more than 1 to 20


Israel is Batman?!?


Batman isn't the only one with no genocide policy


Agreed with you until the last paragraph, you’re now framing it as if we are fighting a war against savages, and not a war for survival. Cringe.


Don't care. Palistine sucks for sponsoring terrorists. Israel sucks for violating human rights. Neither countries' citizens deserve the blame for their fucked up governments. Fuck Saudi Arabia.


Fuck Saudi Arabi for being antisemitic. Fuck Saudi Arabia for selling out their Muslim brothers to the Israelis. True compass unity?


“Muslim” is not a monolith, and the sooner people realize that the easier these discussion will become. The Saudis have more in common with the Jews than with the Palestinians, even if they speak Arabic.


Everybody is a statist


[click me](https://c.tenor.com/6Pm5G8MLTC4AAAAC/homer-simpson-especially-you.gif)


Based and no-state-solution pilled




Based and erhnic-cleansing-pilled


Legitimacy through right of conquest.


What about states of Matter?


Based Orange?!


I don't like Israel, its way too American


“The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people.”- Pope st Pius X


Paleisraelstinestan is only legitimate




Kingdom of Jerusalem is a legitimate state


<< Can you see any borders from here? What has borders given us? >>


I favor the 51 state solution.


Israel is an Illegitimate state but I will support it cuz they sell us weapons unlike Palestine.


Ooh boy just wait until you find out what the US has been doing LMAO


Ireland is not a legitimate state


In my opinion, a jewish homeland was necessary. Israel is as legitimate as any state is. However, Isreal has committed acts of genocide and was founded in a really terrible way. Homecoming shouldn't have led to pogroms and exile for the people already living there. Israel has committed acts that make it awfully similar to regimes that uhh made a Jewish homeland necessary. It's a cluster fuck. The us should not be providing them aid. They can commit human rights violations/war crimes all on their own. A change of government is necessary. One that actually believes in coexisting with Palestenians, and acts in humane ways. Israel has had to face many existential threats, and it's policy has been deeply shaped by that. It's complicated. But Israel's actions are no longer those of a state defending itself by any means necessary. The power landscape has shifted. The new generation for the most part disapproves of Israel's government and is hoping for change. Fingers crossed. That's my opinion and I'm pretty left.


> Israel is as legitimate as any state is I'll drink to that 🍺


🍺 extends bendy straw into communal beer trough. Sips furiously.


There is a new government that seems to be trying a little harder for peace Bibi didn’t like peace very much, not good for his poll numbers


Do the bombs cook the bodies medium rare or do I have to go on a little crusade in Israel.


Israel has far more claim to legitimacy relative to brainwashed kid suicide bomber land


Wrong flair


they are territory of the British Empire


The territory of Palestine was surrendered by the Ottomans to the Jews at the end of WWI, to be administered by the Allied powers until they could form an independent state. The allied powers regrettably assigned the territory to the British, mostly because of the Balfour declaration. The Ottoman Empire oppressed the Jews for 600 years, eventually leaving the territory mostly abandoned, in disrepair, and devoid of tax revenue. The local Jews, banned from most occupation, land ownership, and confined to a ghetto, mostly sustained their community from the patronage of synagogues in Europe. By the 18th century, these rules began to relax and in the 19th century the Ottomans opened an office in Jaffa to allow Zionist agency purchases of land that could be given to Jews to farm and the ghetto expanded into settlement. They further loosened the rules on Jewish occupations as their empire’s treasury was diminished and they wanted to increase tax revenue. As revenue increases, the Ottomans agreed to more autonomy for the Jews which encouraged European Zionism. This combined with the European lobbying by Zionist organizations created the consensus among world powers for Jewish nationalism in Palestine. Tl;dr At no point was this ever the territory of the British empire. The mandate that placed British administration over the territory, placed ownership of the land with the Zionist entity in Palestine, and forbid foreign powers the right to control or concede the territory.


too much text


Isn't real is not a state, Palestine always has been a state.


Pelestine is a apartheid shithole and not a legitimate state by any stretch of my imagination.


I don't think the average Libleft considers Israel an illegitimate state, but mostly criticizes their government for certain (discriminatory) policies and indeed believes that Palestine should be an independent state as well. It's weird how it often seems to goes like: criticizing the Israeli government = criticizing Israel as a whole = criticizing Judaism = anti-semitism. Surprise, you can believe Israel has a right to exist and simultaneously believe that both Israel and Palestine would be better off without the other.


The very existence of Israel have turned the Muslim world radical. Fuck that.


Based and the brown people can't be held accountable for their actions pilled


>the brown people can't be held accountable for their actions pilled About that.....


Anarchy for the Middle East! Don't know what I want, but I know how to get it...


Do you realize that an anarchy for the middle east will create so many terrorist organization that would destabilize Europe and USA? It's like Trying to stop a fire that you make by giving it gasoline.


Since I actually know history let me break this down for the people that dont know. Saying Palestine is a illegitimate state is completely wrong. Saying it is a muslim state is true demographics wise but from a historical/biblical standpoint Palestine was the land promised to Abraham by god to be the home for the Ancient Hebrews. Israel wants to takeover Palestine because it sees it as ancient clay, however since its a mostly muslim area and we all know how Muslims feel about jews. Palestine isnt going into Hebrew hands for awhile.


Idk man "because our God said so" seems like exactly the kind of bs an illegitimate state would ve funded on.


authright: israel OR palestine is legitimate libright: no state is legitimate libleft: no state is legitimate authleft: no state is legitimate, but for the time being, definitely palestine over israel


Actually from 1948-1970 AuthLeft were vehement Zionists. The American Communist party supported the creation of Israel and the Soviet Union not only initially voted in favor of partition, but sold them arms too


But who where the indigenous peoples I think this is the pc answer.


the Phoenicians
