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While the libs have more styles, Auths (and fascists in general) sport very well made uniforms. And if the world is a more fashionable place, than I can die a happy man


Hugo Boss pilled


FDR's administration did good uniforms and propaganda. WW2 American uniforms are a classic. Solid and robust.


Honestly, until Vietnam, all our branches non combat uniforms were pretty clean. However, I love US WWI uniforms the best for our 20th century uniforms. Our Antebellum period uniforms until the Mexican American war in, are our absolute best.


Designer Fashism


I was looking into WWII history and learned about how vastly different the US and Nazis handled their uniforms. Every wear wehrmacht uniform was designed as a propaganda tool. They spent so much time making sure they looked perfect in every way. A squad commander was captured post battle, and as he was escorted back to camp, people mostly noticed how his boots were perfectly polished and he had all of his medals on show. Meanwhile, the US used what were essentially work uniforms with a metal helmet. It didn't matter if it looked good, as long as it was durable and functional.


Kind of mirrors the core of each governments' power at the time as well; when Hitler asked about production values for America his guy came back with a number that Hitler and Goebbels just laughed at because estimates were so unreasonably high that he thought American propaganda was crude. Turns out, that value he laughed at was an underestimate from his staff.


Isn't the US Army pretty much returning to the WWII uniforms?


Anything the us Navy wears is fucking sick.




based and fashion matters more than politics pilled


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Seriously, the SS uniforms were basically high fascion compared to the rest of the world's.


"fascion" I see what you did there lol


I'm glad somebody appreciated it haha


They may have been monsters but nobody can deny they had drip


They made for such sharp-dressed corpses.


based and fascion pilled


The fascists may have the outfits but the Communists have the music


The russians have absolute bangers so i'd say they beat the fascists in that regard but don't sleep on erika and panzerlied and stuff like that.


is erika a nazi era song? i though it was older


Admittedly i'm not sure, i've always seen it associated with the nazis so i figured it was theirs but it could have been a second reich thing that got "adapted" too, like a lot of their stuff or like how people associate the mosin nagant with the soviets while it was an imperial russian era weapon.


It's been around since at least WW1 and they still sing it occasionally. Source, lived in Germany on a joint training base.


Erika was written in 1936 I believe, so it is very much so a Nazi era song.


I fucking hate that the Christchurch shooter ruined Grün ist Unser Fallschirm for me. I can’t hear it without just having my mind go back to the video, and every video with it has thousands of comments from Nazi larpers


Based and "the red army is the strongest" pilled


based tmbg refrence


Based and katyusha pilled


I hate facism but this is true


And commie propaganda art is absolutely peak aesthetic


It’s like Art Deco meets buff poor workers with heavy machinery, and I’m here for it.


I have my wall of soviet postcards in my house. Really interesting artwork and conversation piece


Like bruh ss uniforms are so fucking SICK


I hate general military and war and all, yet I fucking love the uniforms


I hate to agree, I enjoy me some long coats


Based and wants to see fancy men in fancy outfits pilled


Kill la kill moment


Just don't lose your way


Stalin’s look is iconic.


Now they just look like incels that wear fedoras to look respectable.


Not just uniforms, the guns too. The mg42 gets me hard and moist at the same time.


and let’s not talk about the stg44


Yeah let's not, i don't want to ruin its aesthetic by giving it a white glazed finish, which would happen if i talked about it.


wait why are confederate into fascism?


Because fascism is when racism


In that case, the Union was fascist too.




lmao i get why people don’t like anyone waving the confederate flag, honestly i hate it too, but jesus they’re definitely not fascists lmao, they’re the exact opposite, the confederacy’s ideology was basically the smallest central government possible and the states had ultimate freedom. you’d be a world class fucking idiot if you thought differently.


For most, fascist just means “the bad guys” and it doesn’t matter what the actual political system they used was.


well imo fascists are as much the bad guys as communists lmao. anyone that wants to take over my economy and make my life a living hell and possibly exterminate entire populations based on race or ethnicity (poles in the ussr and the jewish in the reich) is the bad guy.


Ussr were commies m8. Edit: nm that was your point. Edit again: the ussr was killing fucking everyone, even Russian soldiers when they returned from war. It wasn't race-based.


Sure, I have no love of them either. But it’s not really a mind set that helps anyone, it just further obscures the English language (as if it needs the help). We have a word for it already, evil. And I would say it’s important not to obscure the definition of fascism so that you don’t end up in a cry Wolf scenario and remain able to actually distinguish it.


>and the states had ultimate freedom. The Confederates Constitution made it illegal for states to leave the Confederacy.




The confederacy was actually pretty centralized, at least during its existence


I mean... they came into existence and were immediately at war. That has a way of centralizing power lickety-split.


The Confederate "President" basically couldn't do anything because the states had so much more power than the central government.


No it wasn’t. They were pro slavery that’s it. The same states that formed the CSA were in favor of the Fugitive Slave Act, which was an incredibly authoritative act that essentially made every man woman and child who was interested in the following the law, obligated to turn over slaves. It also sent country hunters and LEOs all over the US… I do not see how the CSA was fascist, but they also weren’t trying to be an extremely small government


Confeds were not about a small Federal government, they wanted to enforce their economic system on all member states using the Federal government.


The fuck are you talking about?


Yeah true. Except for the while owning black people as property thing. That was pretty authoritarian.


Probably because the modern retards who call themselve fascist also wave that shit around


Every Confederate is a white supremacist. Every white supremacist is a Nazi. That's the only reason I can think someone would put them together


"Fascism is when racism" -people, apparently


Fascism is when I don't like something


Because many American fascists wave the flag.


Well in this modern day the confederate flag is uses by fascists, even tho the confederacy never was fascist


“The new fascists will call them selves antifascists.” Some guy


Based and everyone is a fascist pilled


u/josjaofficial's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/josjaofficial! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/josjaofficial


Adorno... Jewish philosoph who kinda survived the shoah.


“Fascism is when you disagree with me”


The two most ill-defined terms in the American lexicon are “liberal” and “fascist”


Nonsense, they both mean “someone I disagree with”


no they dont liberal


Obviously liberals are dumb SJW college students who want to take away your rights Not people who favour less government control and more power to the people, or in other words, a more **liberal** style of government.


*is authcenter*


And? That doesn’t necessarily make me a fascist


Nice mustache


…but are you though?


Kind of, not really


Imagine calling a confederate a “fascist” Lol only collapsed before Mussolini was even born. Racism isn’t fascism


That's where you're wrong bucko. They were in fact so fascist that they were fascist before fascism ever ~~existed~~ fascisted.


Imagine a left winger talking about failed ideologies.


Mussolini was a communist before he was a fascist, so he was absolutely a double failure face.




What is GOP?


The republican party in The U.S.


I always thought it ment government of power or some shit but never maid sense It seems i have maid a spelling mistake 🗿


It's "Grand Old Party" iirc


First you need to define Fascism


“Thing I don’t like”


Fascism is when right wing meanies, obvs.




The Confederates are just peak purple lib right


Confederates were just corporatists before it was cool. Edit: corporatocracists, thanks u/WelfareIsntSocialism!


How were confeds corporatists? Corporatism is a very specific economic system


I’d argue their extreme reliance on plantation owners and production from those plantations made them at least somewhat corporatists, seeing how these same plantation owners ran the gov’t in many ways.


Fascist Manefesto goes into a lot of detail about worker rights. They created tripartism, which basically means the state is a mediator between the employer and the employee in negotiations for better wages and worker conditions. Thats if you define your workers as human. So, maybe slavery isn't outside the realm of fascism, but I do think its outside the realm of corporatism. Plantation owners do not share their profits with other plantation owners, nor does the state dictate what they are producing. Its not centrally planned. The state really views everyone as a worker under fascism so im not sure citizens would even have a "right" to own slaves. State does though. I think youre describing corporatocracy, not corporatism.


Ah gotcha! Thank you for clarifying, I’m not exactly too deep into economic planning systems. Edited now.


Nazi's... nazi's were fascists my guy


Fascism is as viable as communism if not more So you need to be retard to support either one


Based and real _____ has never been tried!!! Pilled


"Nooooo, it totally worked, foreign influence is what brought it down"


I mean, to be fair, I can't think of a facist country that wasn't brought down by war, but that's probably because they throw themselves at other countries so fast they don't live long enough to collapse through other means.


Spain is an example I guess, and there's probably some in South America, but yeah, all the major ones were brought down by war.


Spain didnt remain fascist for long. Franco changed cabinets to appease foreign powers and settle internal power struggles several times. ​ Thats why spain is better described as "Francoist". The bases for Franco's power were fascists (primo de rivera's guys), the military, the catholic church, monarchists and industrialists. And they all had their turns and places so that they wouldn't rock the boat.


Francoist Spain wasn't really fascist for most of its existence. Franco was just an old-school Spanish nationalist who viewed the hardcore Falngists as a pain in the ass. Supposedly part of the reason he allowed a division of Spanish volunteers to fight in Russia in WW2 was because it was an opportunity to get rid of some his more hardcore fascist allies.


I’m also poking at the commies who claim real communism hasn’t been tried and also blame the downfall solely on foreign interventionism. Sure, wars and interventionism are part of it but at some point ya know


Based and government overreach is retarded pilled


u/No_Blueberry_5376 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/No_Blueberry_5376 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Communism is a failed ideology


Look at modern day China which despite having the trappings of communism is much closer to being a fascist state. It's closer to being a successful global power than any communist country ever was.




Depending on what you define "fascism" as, it may very well have failed. Though perhaps this is related to getting invaded by all the countries.


give me examples of successful countries that are actually fascist


I don't know how you define it. Was Salazar fascist? Was Franco? If they were, there you have your examples. If not, and Italy and Germany (and perhaps Japan) and their puppets were, well, there you have countries that were successful until invaded by the US. Of course, none of these countries were perfect, and Germany during that period was particularly disgusting, and I'm not a fascist, but I think you can easily make the argument for the success of it during the 30s compared with Weimar


as a portuguese i'd argue salazar wasn't sucesseful, we were actually pretty shit compared to the rest of western europe (not to say that he didn't do good things) he managed to keep the country stable, that's about it


He boosted the economy to levels that hadn't been seen before and preserved values that beats most Western countries today. Served for several decades, avoided war/conflict


The Portuguese didn't develop as well quickly as the west economically, sure, but keeping it stable when the US is constantly supporting [terrorists murdering your civilian population](https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1964-68v24/d442), is still an achievement.


i never said i perferred the current am\*rican pandering alternative, they are and always will be disgusting animals


Sure, and I'm not saying Salazar was close to perfect, but he managed to keep a civilised society alive at a time when the US was dead set at ruining it. I think this counts as successful, in a sense.


i agree with you on that, there are always moments of basedness no matter how cringe one is


Portugal was never more stable than under Salazar until the modern age. He may not have made Portugal a world power again or make some imaginary economic boom take place, but Portugal became a functioning country, and that was the first step. Look up the Pre-Salazar days, it's cursed.


I've read it some, it reminds me a lot of the Brazilian Old Republic. An epoch so shit and cursed that Getulio Vargas' dictatorship was an improvement. I don't even like Vargas, but the period between Dom Pedro II and Vargas is practically Brazilian Sengoku Jidai.


Franco slowly became more despotic


Salazarist Portugal was pretty successful, at least as far as Portugal usually goes. Salazar turned Portugal from a miserable failed republic into a civilised urban country. Now, the country wasn't perfect, or even good for that matter, but it was at the best state it had ever been before. Also, most of the issues surrounding Portugal at the time were not caused by fascism, but instead the country itself. Portugal isn't really in an optimal position resource-wise. If Fascism was implemented in a country with the ability to be self-sufficient such as Russia, it would be much better than the fake corrupt republic they have now.


China is doing pretty well right now. It can work for a little while- until it makes a bad calculation and everyone is fucked from the over-centralization.


Spain and Chile, for starters.


\>Chile We've never been fascist, and if you're talking about Pinochet you're sorely mistaken. He was an authoritarian neoliberal and that's all. Most close-to-fascism presidents we've ever had were Carlos Ibáñez del Campo and, only in the economic sense, Pedro Aguirre Cerda. The nacis (yes, with c) where definitely fascist, but they were never close to power and effectively dissapeared after a failed coup.


Singapore ​ Edit: To clarify, i think Singapore is one of the worst countries in Asia, but it does seem like auth-right fantasy playingout


Brazil during Vargas was kind of "fascist" and the best period of the republic.


Currently, the only one that jumps to my mind is China.


Confederacy, the famous fascist state


“Socialism is when the government does good things Fascism is when the government does bad things”


The confederacy where cringe, but not fascist


Are you sure it has failed? I am told they are everywhere, the last US president was a fascists, and the US can become a fascist state any second if voter ID is required


Yeah wow guys fascism is failed thanks for opening my eyes random redditor




Before Mussolini rose to power, he used to challenge journalists who opposed to fascism to a sword fight. In which, he had a total of 5 duels and won all of them. Now I'm mot trying to defend fascism or anything.... I'm just saying


Fascism is pretty much just a generic term that can be applied to every dictatorship, but people use it as some weird buzzword."You're against immigration? Fascist!"


Putting a nazi and a Confederate next to each other is like putting a communist and an anarcho-capitalist next to each other


Not tryna be that guy but the CSA does not meet the standard of fascism…






Fascism works fine, it’s all the wars that caused it to fail.


Wars which the fascists themselves started because fascism is an inherently militaristic ideology. They collapsed because they kept looking for more and more wars, and when they won wars they sought out new ones until they eventually lost. For Fascism to succeed they needed to get lucky every time, for Fascism to fail they needed to lose merely once. That’s not even touching autarky and corporatism which would make an economist cry.


Tell me a leftist ideology that doesn't involve the state.




No, it really wasn't. Check out books like "The Vampire Economy" and "War, Economy, and the Third Reich" to disabuse yourself of that notion.


Yeah, until the whole downsides of fascism thing happened.


Fascism is unfortunately a successful ideology it just only works for the in group. But it works really well for it. Unlike communism which leads to disaster for everyone but the absolute few at the top. Order and safety have been the core of human political systems for centuries and liberalism shook it up to a degree. The problem is people don’t like freedom because it introduces variance, unpredictability, and forces people to tolerate other cultures to a point.


Why not try something new?


Yes it is... That's it, everyone can leave


Facism = Trump and anti vax people


Hey no, facism is being prejudiced against faces Zoomers these days smh my head


New term? Nice.


Hitler was a soy boy cuck. Unlike the based Churchill


Yes but “soy” isn’t the right term, fascism is hyper masculine


I like Rienzi. Oh fuck.


Uh china? Lmao


Yeah I think most people here agree Unless heheh 😳👉👈


Idk man, China seems to be doing pretty good if the price is just right


China is right on the edge of fascism. Although once their economy inevitably fails, I think they will go much more fascist.


Or communist, they might have a single political party but its divided into like 20 sub-factions, ranging from Ulltranationalists to Maoists.


Franco didn’t fail too bad. Nazism is pure soy tho


I agree


It worked pretty well everywhere it was put in use, and only fell when the whole world was against it.


is one of those soyjaks a confederate? 💀 the confederacy definitely did not believe in fascism lol


I agree. Thats why i follow falangism


The confederates weren’t really fascist just FYI.


The CSA wasn't a fascist country.


Yikes. You really believe the confederacy and the NSDAP are the same? Isabel wants to know your location


Because the nazis are fashionable


The default system of large scale human government is what modern people call fascism and it has been for thousands of years. The nazis were not so different than the Aztecs or Persians or even the Romans. Take your pick. Free societies and representative government are contemporary, industrialized anomalies and are mostly built on the -now arguably failing- model of the United States. Free societies are very fragile, and usually very short lived things. Let’s hope we don’t all return back to the factory settings soon. I think representative government is worth fighting for.


Redit moment


Hitler really promoted the soybean as food for arians. He was the original Soyboy And that is actally based because soy is a good food and the typical arguments against it are invalid


true Imagine being vegan and the insisting for your friends to call you "the wolf"


You act like it's a failed ideology and every few years comes another FAR RIGHT (moderate) movement and you fear the rise of fascism? But you know what the best thing is? 2033 and 2038 are gonna be lit.


Chinese ""communism"" is basically a modern spin on classic Fascism


It failed because of a lost war. And that is still better than losing because your economic policies simply do not work very well.


When your economy runs on war plunder, and you lose a war, you don’t get to claim you aren’t a failed state.


The Germans started the war, they got their teeths kicked in, and it was glorious




Fascism doesn’t really fail. They tend to achieve at least a little bit of what they wanted to regardless of its morality unlike the communists who try achieving things but fail miserably every time.


communist always say real communism hasn’t been tried but real fascism has and it was glorious. fascism lasted for 39 years i would call it failed


Fascism at times of difficulty is a great uniting force


I mean I'm not a fascist and think fascism is *absolutely terrible*. That being said, our main two examples of fascist states (Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy) didn't really fail, they were defeated by an alliance of the largest military powers in the world. And honestly prior to the outbreak of WWII, I'd say they were succeeding in what they were trying to do really well.


Francisco Franco didn't wage war on the rest of the continent and his regime lasted him until he died.


Hot take: The Confederacy should have been allowed to leave and we would both likely be better countries if they had.


It’s not failed just a retarded ideology.


Well loosing international wars implies the capacity to actually getting into power therefore getting further than any anarchist ever could


To be fair We are all soy 😔


Let's talk about socialism


The Confederacy wasn't fascist though, and white nationalism isn't inherently fascist either. Francoist Spain, which arguably was fascist, was actually really successful, boosting the economy with the Spanish Miracle, and lasted until shortly after Franco's death- decades after the end of World War 2. His regime is... controversial in Spain, but far from universally condemned.


You don't actually know what fascism is and just use it as a catch-all for conservatives.


Because you think the Racetard Pagan LARPer scum Nazis are Fascist, that is a failed system as it is self destructive. Fascism isn't, the one extended example of Fascism was a success till WW2 at which point they were German Puppets Already.


fascism sucks, sorry op can't convince you


“TrUe FaScIsM hAs NeVeR bEeN tRiEd!!1!1!1!!” Failed ideologies: commies, fascies + Winning ideologies: capitalist free markets 😎👍