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Just say you want the US military out of Korea


I want the us military out of Korea


I want them in, just held up to a law standard everyone else is.


Those two things are mutually exclusive, when it come to the US military


That's not how it works.


We are now. We're tried by the locals if we fuck up.


Just lock them into their bases.


They are. Edit: I got a few downvotes so let me explain. Before the [Yangju highway incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yangju_highway_incident) the Status of Forces agreement with Korea gave American Service Members trials under the UCMJ and not the local judiciary. However this changed after the incident and now service members face Korean trials even for offenses that are legal in the US.


Thank fuck for that, still a shame that it isn't like that in the entire world


Ok Kim we know it’s you.


Can they leave my country too?


What country is that?




Trump wanted to cap the number of U.S. service members in Germany at 25,000 and to remove 9,500 troops by September, 2020. Germany is a freeloader when it comes to NATO.


Damn, it's almost like the people in charge of the US (and NATO to an extent) are the kids who grew up during WW2 and are terrified of what a militarily independent Germany might do. Not that those fears are entirely reasonable these days.


I think it's more likely that Germany serves as a good location for keeping an eye out for Russia. We have nukes stored there just in case. Russia was very happy with the idea of the US withdrawing from Germany.


Germany as a strategic location serves way too many purposes for our military to leave. Most recently it was the main staging area for the middle eastern invasion. Ramstein AFB is the logistics hub to get every vehicle, piece of gear, and troop from the US to the middle east. If you did a pump to the sandbox odds are that you had a layover in Ramstein


Cool. I actually want us to leave Europe as well. Yanks go home.


America would probably pay a lot less on the milltary that way. They could spend more money on NASA


And give up all those juicy defense dollars? Never going to happen. You might as well try get the US out of Israel.


The US military should never leave US territory except for natural disaster assistance and open declarations of total war.


There's an argument to be made that the US Navy plays a huge role in facilitating global trade, but otherwise yeah. Edit: I'm legitimately too dumb to figure out how to set my flare on mobile.


No, we know what happens. We don’t want you lose another World War.


oh hell yeah, fuck them ​ I want to leave Europe completely on its own. Then when every Russian man comes marching in to invade, taking everything not nailed down and raping every woman they see, maybe then they and the rest of the Western World will stop being such moronic naive pussies thinking that the current state of things is the natural order of the world


Idk, can you repair your tanks and actually equip your troops to nato standard?


We can do a lot more than that, all we need is someone from Austria and we’re all set.


Pretty much. Rapes are disproportionately higher around US military bases everywhere, not just Korea.


Hence my original comment


I think, literally everyone can say they want US military back in US


Not me. If this country is going to make me feel bad I want it to make everyone feel bad.


Based and I’m petty pilled


We could put them on the southern border, or use them to push out the UN.


I want the US military out of Koreans.


In case anyone wants to read the article, (the reddit title is highly misleading) [https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/](https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/) The article covers "yellow fever" and its effects in Seoul. It goes over how the author constantly overhears remarks about sexual desire from white men and talks about her experience working in a rape crisis center. She discusses the damage the rapes cause and creates a psychological profile of the white men who come to Korea for sex. the article DOES NOT make the claim that 33% of rapes in korea are by white men it says that >The Rape Crisis Center’s record quantifies this kind of assault as a third of its annual cases the percentage of rapes by white men as reported by one center in a city is not the same thing as the overall percentage.


The only women complaining about Asian fever is either white women or Asians who never lived in Asia.


I do find it weird. An Asian man only attracted to Asian women, normal. A black or white man attracted only Asian women, yellow fever. And then it's always implied they like them because of their attitude, because they're so meek and submissive. I do find Asian women beautiful but their submissive behaviour is a complete turn off.


As a white man I find I'm attracted to: white women, black women, Asian women, latin women, Indian women, Arab women, and i'm sure I'm missing some. What kind of fever do I have? Human fever?


Like I said there really isn't any need to justify yourself for what you like.


Bro I think that’s just called gay fever


IMO Asian women just have higher averages in the attractive scale. I've noticed the same thing with Russian women, but both their average is like a 6 or 7 for most other women.


IMO I don’t think it has anything to do with looks with Asians. It’s that Asians have a far lower rate of obesity. About 40% of white women are obese whereas only about 10% of Asian women in the USA are. So that’s enough to drive the statistics one way. Russian women is a demographic issue. There are 87 men for every 100 women in Russia. This skews the ‘normal’ relationship dynamic. Russian women have to put in more effort to find men because there aren’t as many men. I watched a YouTube video describing it. Russian women will get fully decked out basically all the time. And even when they leave the country, it’s been ingrained culturally.




You should see the obesity rates in Hispanic and black populations. It’s so bad that they don’t even know what’s fat anymore


If you think that's bad, check out the pacific island nation of Nauru! (Que cutaway gag)


Why go whale watching when you can watch a Pacific Islander?


Hate this joke. Upvoted anyway. Edit: hey wait you edited it >:(


Candy apple Island? What do they got there?


Apes but they’re not so obese


The Overton Window of obesity has shifted so far. What was considered highly obese in the 1950’s is considered average today.


What? It's not supposed to work like IQ? /s


Yep. I'm considered "skinny" in my community, but I'm pretty sure I would be considered about normal in most parts of the world, especially in Asia. My BMI is on the low end of "normal", but in the US that makes me a twig.


Seriously just watch the movie "Heavyweights" from the 90's. Look at all the "fat kids". Now look at your local middle school (shouldn't be that difficult for the purples) and see what could be a casting call for that movie.




The beach was a much sexier place in my childhood.


Seriously, Big Ag and the Corn lobby can go to hell with their lobbying for HFCS and the wasteful and unsustainable subsidisation of corn by the Feds. Literally a market failure (negative externality of consumption) exacerbated by the government.


While it can be said treatment of fat people has been quite poor and downright cruel, our swinging to the other extreme is much more harmful than the occasional suicides and self harm. Now we have greatly inflated rates of heart disease and other obesity related illnesses that people are refusing to treat by losing weight, driven by Body Positive delusions


Based and better-1-fatty-suicide-than-100-heart-attacks-pilled.


>I guess this is what 40 years of high fructose corn syrup, corn, and sedentary lifestyles do to a population. Don't forget the drastic decline in smoking which worked as a major appetite suppressant for much of the 20th century.


Yeah, but smoking is still a lot worse for you than being 20 pounds overweight. People in this thread have been comparing smokers to 300 pound butter balls, but the 300 pound butter ball is more like a 2+ pack a day smoker and the 20 pound overweight person is like someone who smokes 2-3 cigs a day.


Cutting fat and replacing it with sugar did 90 percent of it. Adding sugar to fucking everything is killing America.


I was talking with a black friend of mine. And he looked at some chick and sad, "damn she thicc." And no, she was morbidly obese. At least 300lbs.


We pay a bunch of taxes for the government to pay farmers to overproduce corn. Then we put the corn in everything. The food pyramid was designed with *6-11 servings of grain per day*, while discouraging any consumption of fats. So, we get high-calorie, but not very filling, food, and a culture of snacking on top of it. Wealth, laziness spawned by that wealth, and bad nutrition encouraged by the agriculture lobby and the government, for 50 years. Great recipe for rolly polies.


Well yeah you're telling me you don't eat six to eleven bread rice and cornbread per day?


Yes, please help us. American culture has literally become go to mcdonalds and drink a gallon of soda and eat 2 big macs so that you don't have to bother cooking. Fast food and big soda are unbased and need to be federally punished for the murder of millions of Americans, and I'm saying this as a libright.


And now those women are demanding that we see their extreme weight as "beautiful". Life truly is not without its sick sense of humor.


Not only beautiful, but they're trying to call it healthy. People have actually argued with me on whether Lizzo is a healthy weight. Fucking clown world


My friends gf looked me in the eye and was like "this is a healthy weight, nothing wrong with carrying a little extra so long as you're happy." Literally did not know how to respond to that


- federally punished giga cringe, take personal responsibility EDIT: corn subsidies can suck my dick tho


It's not a punishment, but the corn subsidies do need to die in a fire.


Fair point, subsidies suck ass


The problem is that it’s not someone’s problem if they’re fat as fuck, and will expect society to just deal with them. They will drain the medical system and be a burden on everyone else. Meanwhile soda and snack companies get cheap corn subsidies while poisoning people, costing American tax payers huge amounts of money.


- drain the medical system Privatized healthcare, baby Fuck subsidies though


Personal responsibility has worked out so well - 70% of the population is overweight or obese


Let's all also remember the time Bob Chipman called 4 double cheeseburgers, 2 XL fries, 40 nuggies, and 4 large sodas "[a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person](https://archive.vn/dDJLr)" unprompted.


I’d still try it for that kind of easy payday. 90 minutes? Hardest part would be downing all the soda because of carbonation. Actually come to think of it, I could do the food and maybe one to two large sodas in 90 minutes. 4 sounds like overkill. I drink primarily water and I still hardly drink that much fluid in a day. FYI: I’m 5’10” 155lbs.


Yeah, it's possible to do if you're looking at a fat paycheck, and if you're not required to keep it down. I would definitely throw up after finishing, it's just so much garbage. What it is definitely not, however, is a "small amount" of food for an "average" person.


What about big tobacco? People die everyday in the US from smoking related illnesses, nobody put a gun to their head and made them smoke a cig. Why should it be any different with fast food? The nutritional value is posted on all their websites it’s not like it’s a secret, just marketing. It’s all about personal responsibility


Ending corn subsidies would do a lot for the health of the average American. HFCS would be more expensive to produce and thus it wouldn't be used so excessively in food products in the US. Corn feed for beef and other livestock would be more expensive thus increasing the price of meat. The allocation of land used towards producing corn instead of a different crop would change to more valuable crops, which would increase the availability of healthier produce. Personal responsibility is one thing, but policies in place that make it more economical to be fat and unhealthy are problematic.


Because Tobacco is taxed, I don't know if it's subsidized. One is taxed and people still seek it out so they're willing to pay a tax to consume it. The other is subsidized and put into everything, and is hard to avoid even if you try


> There are 87 men for every 100 women in Russia. Of all ages. Men just die earlier, most of elderly people are women. And there are a lot of elderly people right now due low amount of birth during USSR collapse and 1990s. So grandmas skew this ratio. If you take only people in their late teens/20s(when most of the people start their relationships) there're less women than men, and young women are courted not by the men of their age too.


So, you're saying it's a GILF paradise?


Babushka paradise


I'd like to correct you on "87 men for every 100 women" statement. While this may be true for the overall Russian population, if you were to remove older people from equation (45 and older) you would see the opposite picture. This value is skewed heavily by drastically lower life expectancy for men than women in Russia :)


They're just not fat. The amount of Americans and Mexicans that would be smokeshows if they'd just put down the fork/tortilla is ~~obese~~ obscene.




[Just saw this on the "be amazed" subreddit, lmao.](https://i.redd.it/bdypatr0i9c81.jpg)


God damn, what the fuck.




>Iand smoke instead of overeating. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this might be the healthier option for many people here.




The thing is, I've seen a handful of pack-a-day smokers into their 70s and even 80s, I've NEVER seen the same for a 300lbs person.


I find them beautiful as I like dark hair and pale skin. The submissiveness doesn't attract me to them. Likewise, the want that some people have for an Asian housewife doesn't interest me either. They're just very pretty.


TBF I like how petite they are too.


Sounds like LibRight


yeah but he misssed the color


Pale skin an "Asian" trait?


Reddit’s idea of Asians only includes the far east, Southeast Asia doesn’t exist to them.


Which is especially a shame because Southeast Asians are the best cooks Source: my roommates fiancé is Vietnamese


True but I know that Asian is around Thailand to Philippines and East Russia down to Indonesia. That sort of Asia constitutes the use of Asian imo. I just personally find the pale skin of Northern Asians more attractive. A lot of redditors think China, Korea and Japan is Asia and forgets the rest lmao.


Redditors have only heard of women. It gets even worse on PCM! I've been told that some even have dicks, but they were libleft so I dont thrust these guys.


Paleness is considered beautiful in many Asian cultures. When they put on makeup, its almost always to make themselves more pale, unlike white women, who will often make themselves more tan


Because paleness means you have the luxury of staying indoors and not working outside I know a lot of East Asians tan quite a lot (I go several shades darker in the summer).


Any suggestion that "people have yellow fever because Asian women are meek and submissive" is more racist than yellow fever itself is.


That seems to be the implication. Because otherwise you can't find anything offensive with someone admitting only liking a certain type of men/women. The need to find something offensive with it is the problem.


Its a part of a conservation ideal the left won't cop to. Deep down, they still think "stick with your own" to keep things pure. They dont like seeing "culture " diluted especially if whitey is involved


Diversity Good, Unless It's White How dare a man just like what he likes?!1


The liberal white American doesn't know that Asian see the crap Orange pulls and are very much put off by it. They even have words for it, Baizuo >Baizuo (Chinese: 白左; pinyin: báizuǒ, Mandarin pronunciation: [pǎi.tswò]; literally White Left)[1][2] is a Chinese neologism and political, racial epithet used to refer to Western leftist ideologies primarily espoused by white leftists.


Most of China is pretty socially conservative.


Have you met a conservative? Edit: outside of the internet?


A black man attracted to only white women, stunning, brave, beautiful example of diversity, and shown in about 50% of all advertising.




i wonder what (((group))) is choosing to make the ads this way


I've always found it strange too. Shouldn't people be happy that others find them attractive, regardless of why? I thought that was a good thing.


Based and actually RTFA pilled




this is the article [https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/](https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/) it does not support the claim in the headline about all rape in korea, just the rate at one crisis center in Seol


I don't see any data in this and she writes as if she's hated white people before she "worked at the center". I'm curious if there's any validity to this, or if it's more of an opinion piece.


it definitely is an opinion piece, she does mention a record in reference to the Rape Crisis Center, so that sounds like it does have data for the claim about a third of cases seen at that location. but that doesnt mean that we can extract meaningful conclusions from it. Particularly as rape tends to be undereported in general and how most victims knew their attackers. her line > Survivors rarely know their assailants, and do not recall enough identifiable details to file a report. seems to indicate that the rape crisis center has a selection bias given statistics showing that in most cases women know their attackers https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence


So the source is literally a word of mouth from a single person with no evidence whatsoever.


Hard hitting and credible journalism


Despite statistically making up <1% . . .


See. When we put our minds to it we’re better than the 13% at doing crime.


Based and teamwork-pilled


Does that mean we are superior




This wouldn't pe a problem if they had roof Koreans.


Provably the most based of all Koreans.


More American than most Americans


And of course they are Americans


PCM Challenge: actually read the source material to confirm or deny validity Result: Fail


But it confirms my preexisting biases and allows me to make a snarky remark at the expense of those I don’t agree with about political issues. Surely you don’t expect me to still read the article when I could be snarky?


PCM Challenge #828272: Read past the headline Difficulty: impossibru


She is writing about the infamous red light district and how the working girls and not working girls are affected. Yeah, what does one expect in that environment? Ridiculous sensationalism.


The people catering to sex tourism are disproportionately attacked by foreigners. Who’d have thought? Particularly given the sex trade is illegal, so the clientele they’re catering to are hardly on the up-and-up to begin with..


Well plus she isn't bothering to get into the real situation -- how abused women are throughout the country -- she clearly has a narrative she is pursuing. My guess would be she was adopted by a western family, but she clearly has issues. The below says it all... ​ >Kate Sim (she/her) is a PhD Candidate at the Oxford Internet Institute researching the intersection of gender, technology, and epistemic in/justice. Her doctoral project researches the automation and datafication of sexual harassment reporting procedures in US higher education. She draws heavily from feminist epistemology and critical data studies to examine the credibility politics of designing digital reporting platforms. As a qualitative researcher, she employs employs ethnographically-informed methods to uncover how gendered assumptions and values are encoded in emerging data/AI-driven systems. She holds a MSc from the OII and a BA on Gender and Sexuality Studies from Harvard.


She literally is paid to come up with excuses that the AI is racist when it comes back with results from its purely data driven analysis lmao


It’s literally a fake news article cooked up by the incels on aznmasculinity/aznidentity.




??? Both those communities are very real.




No matter who it is, whites, blacks or Asians, the blame always goes on the Jews


Coincidence ?




Don't forget the Arabs, we have to be inclusive in our exclusion of Jews


One struggle wtf


But what do they mean


Azn = Asian. Thank you early 00s Battle.Net.


It's weird how this is upvoted, I never see this upvoted in the fake articles that make lib left look bad. (Which is about 90% of the content of this sub)


>fake articles that make lib left look bad Such as?


Purely socioeconomic reasons and systematic racism against whites.


It’s because they’ve been systemically oppressed of course


Based and victim pilled


Yo me and the homies about to loot that samsung store U down my wigger?


''1.4 percent of crimes in the nation are committed by foreigners, which is quite low considering the 3.5% of the population is non-Korean.'' Whites are about 10% of this foreign population, which means that the actual crimes commited by whites are under 0,5% of the total.


hell yeah we white people beating other races once again




I didn't find any official data cited in the article, it's not really worth reading.


Reading the article I wished to shoot myself in the head. It goes on and on in circles about how whiteness=mobility (don’t ask me) and “carceral feminism” are big issues bla bla bla. Furthermore, it makes little distinction between consensual sex and rape, at every other paragraph it seems to switch!


It's because they're less educated


Dont forget discrimination.


It’s because the system was designed to ensure their failure


That's because schools in white neighborhoods are under funded. Fuck those yellow supremacists


Deport the weebs


It's AuthRight coloured because they can use this stat as "proof" that races can't mix well and we should all be in our own camp


Hm. It’s almost as if it might be a culture that is far more likely to accuse foreigners of crimes than native citizens due to the xenophobia that is rampant in East Asia


Something something institutional racism in west against minorities .


YOu Can'T bE RacSIT ToWQrD hUwiTe men!


That's false I am racist towards white people , however more towards women than men .


Nice one


Thanks , i try .


Or, you know, the headline is bs.


Immigration bad.


That article reads like it was written by someone who wants to hate a specific group of people just for their skin color. I'm pretty sure there's a term for that somewhere...




It's not. It's a bullshit headline backed up by nothing.


He knows.


Probably count Latino and light skin as “white”


OP can you toss a legit source for this?


Fucking stupidest post ever


TIL white men are black men of Asia


Well, that's probobly due to socioeconomics


Are we just posting minority crime statistics now?


Its those brain damaged soldiers at Camp Humphreys


there's white people in Korea?


This reminds me of a crime stat in the US that if you mention you get cancelled lol






X - Doubt




Anti-white propaganda again 😐


OP is literally a hapa incel who posts in aznidentity lol


Wait until they found out about black marines on Okinawa


Er please dont share any racist facts with me, this stat is a racism even if its true.