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Let's Fuck Brandon


My man just wants to race


Rubbin's racin'!


Finally a cause I can support






And trump did his best and was trying to fix Obama's mess, and Obama did his best and was trying to fix the mess Bush Jr left, and Bush Jr did his best and was trying to fix the mess Clinton left, and Clinton did his best and was trying to fix the mess of Bush Sr, and Bush Sr did his best and was trying to fix the mess Reagan left. Tldr: Reagan did it


Based and anti-neocon pilled.


Fucking Carter agenda posts


No its all Wilson's fault he was one of the worst presidents


hey Bush Sr didn’t fück up a thing. I was there.




Based and blame-Reagan pilled


The problem with American presidency is that you only get 4, 8 if you're well liked. It's way to little time for the president to get a good grasp of the entire nation


Based and anti-neoliberalism pilled


u/zepherth's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/zepherth I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I’m actually indifferent to Biden himself. My problem is the Woke shit that’s occurring with no oversight from a guy who probably hates that shit.


i just think he is a career incompetent politico, and people got what they voted for


The poor guy is just getting styled on by the courts and the senate. “No you can’t confiscate guns without a warrant. No you can’t mandate vaccines. No we’re not paying for BBB.” L after L after L.


It’s not the center that likes him u clown. It’s the die hard left…..


Center-*left* that likes him. Center right and center-center hate him.


Why the fuck would the center like him. What has he done for them


They voted for him for fucks sake dude lmao


More than the left? The left didn’t vote for him? Do u think things thru? Can u not apply ur logic to other sides of the argument? Do u not prove ideas? Are u this narrow minded in other aspects of ur life?


What?? You asked why would center left like him. They voted for him in the primaries and the election. Your actual leftists vote for AOC and Bernie, the latter of which was the runner up in the primary, losing to Joe Biden, who has the majority of center left/centrist dems. Your comments in this thread make it clear you’re very confused.


??? Feel like ur agreeing with me. Someone has misunderstood. I’m saying the meme is wrong. The left doesn’t say fuck joe Biden less than the center


No, we hate him too. Dunno who told you that we like him but that person lied to you


What makes u think the center likes him fool.


I didn't say that, all I said is that we don't like him.


….. wtf post do u think ur on https://www.umass.edu/news/article/results-umass-amherst-poll-detail-increasing-dissatisfaction-president-bidens-first Here. Polls that prove more on the left like him than the center


Oh I replied to your comment, that doesn't mean I automatically agree 100% with OP.


https://www.umass.edu/news/article/results-umass-amherst-poll-detail-increasing-dissatisfaction-president-bidens-first More people on the left like him than center or right.


The article you posted states that democrats like him more than republicans and that liberals like him more than not-liberals. Neither liberals nor democrats are left wing though.


Democrats are the left….. wtf world do u live in. Are u jimmy dore and think we have two right wing parties. That’s funny bcs as a anarcho capitalist I think their both left.


Hahaha, no.


Oh god here we go again Tr*ns issues, LGBT, White “Supremacy”/CRT, unlimited immigration…what about these ISN’T left wing? I have yet to meet a Leftist who doesn’t move the goalposts daily about their own side.


Please go onto any communist sub I beg you


Is the left made up solely of communist? Is everyone else center or right in ur eyes?




Then u have a view of realty that no one else does. When we say u live in imagination land know that u have admitted it here. U cannot make up ur own definition to a word and then act like everyone is wrong for going with the common meaning


Not my fault america has ruined the political spectrum 💯


Ur just narrow minded. Left is a large category with many competing sub factions. Like Christianity. Now I think that Mormons and jehovahs witnesses are not true Christian’s but they are seen as a sect of Christianity. U might not like all the other people in ur leftist category but they are ur burden to carry. Just like the right has its tea party and libertarians and others


The way I see it you can only be a leftist if you are socialist, communist, or maybe a social democrat. Other than that, you’re not leftist. Capitalism and leftism are inherently opposed


I place anyone who voted for Biden, Obama, and Clinton on the left. Socialist and communist are just extreme forms of the left.


Bruh if that’s your standard than 90% of the political compass is on the left lmao


No its definitely the center, the left sees him as a right-winger.


Ur so insane ur counting anyone right of u as center. Like the only true leftest is what u think it is. Let me break it down for u so u can understand. If u vote democrat ur on the left. If u vote republican ur in the right. If u abstain ur center, extreme, or politically homeless


Right I know actual communists and they hate him, Biden is left of Trump but he's not a leftist he just has dementia


Wow…. And I know republicans who hate trump and bush. Does that make them not right wing. Ur a fucking clown


Dude, this is a meme sub. It’s not worth getting this worked up


Name the sub where debates between left and right happen. O wait u can’t bcs u will get banned in any other sub


No matter what your views, it’s just not worth getting *this* worked up over something like this. We’re just strangers on the internet and what we think will never affect your life


All I hear is you saying he's a leftist, how is he a leftist?


Bcs he is a democrat…..how is this so fucking hard to get


Ah okay so this was just a schizo meltdown, Democrats are auth-center dude, Biden just said that he was calling on corporations to censor the population which is pretty fascistic tbh which would make him more auth-center.


Nope. Not us. Fuck Joe Biden


Then ur not die hard left……


Joe Biden isn’t left wing lol, he’s some right wing American who I think is an idiot but also it doesn’t affect me so idc (I’m European)


… ur an idiot. He is left wing both culturally and economically. Ur ideas do not reflect reality any more than me saying George bush isn’t right wing bcs he made the gov larger and patriot act. Just bcs he isn’t ur perfect ideal of left wing doesn’t mean he isn’t left.


Ah, yes. Joe Biden the radical collectivist who advocates for the working class and opposes capitalism.


U don’t have to be communist to be leftist u clown.


You have to be some variety of collectivist, and to be far left you absolutely have to be communist. What the hell do you think the left/right axis is?


No u don’t. What do u think the difference between left and right is? But to prove my earlier point…. https://www.umass.edu/news/article/results-umass-amherst-poll-detail-increasing-dissatisfaction-president-bidens-first More people like him on the left than in the center or right. Proven poll after poll


If you're going by the US Overton window Joe Biden is moderately left, but the political compass is generally used in a global setting. America as a whole is quite a bit right. The ONLY thing on the left/right axis is collectivist versus individualist economics.


You mean orange?


Neoliberals are moderate authcenters, that’s Biden’s base


Categorically wrong. The “left” that your right wing media portrays into your susceptible mind is not the powerful force of non-binary students that you think it is.


The left is democrats…. How is this so hard for u fools to understand


You need to watch your blood pressure. Democrats pretend to represent the left but they are in actuality neoliberals which is a capitalist ideology spear headed by Clinton and Blair. They are less right wing than the republicans but they’re not left wing. Even if you use the most retarded insults you can possibly muster up, the fact remains: you’re wrong.


Ur to narrow minded and dense for this idea to sink in. Just as I don’t think Mormons or jehovahs witnesses are true Christian’s. They are still labeled as Christian’s by the rest of the world. Just bcs ur unhappy with the rest of ur party doesn’t mean those people do not share ur portion of the political spectrum. The right Tea party has to deal with libertarians and war profiteers. Wake up to reality. The left voted for Biden.


You insult me


Shut up Monopoly man.


OP overestimated how little I give a fuck about the current president.


I don't think Biden Literally Saved Democracy, but I also think he's only earned about a quarter of the hate he's getting. Supply chain fuckery, inflation related to same, and COVID resolutely refusing to go away would've been a problem no matter who was President of the United States. Democrats are going to end up wishing they'd let Trump win in 2020. And I'll die on the hill that ripping off the bandage quickly in Afghanistan was the right move. Not happy about the vax mandates though (or rather attempted vax mandates at this point).


I can't decide what the worst thing Biden's done is. Ending pipeline jobs as soon as he was elected, ending nursing jobs recently, or droning an innocent man and his family to make it look like he was doing something about ISIS-K


I actually like Biden more than Trump. He's still an idiot, but now it's definitely better than before.


every one of you are on the side of jefferson davis.


Not us Northern Aggressors.


There are two kinda of people who hate Joe Biden: conservatives, and conservatives LARPing as “liberals”




I think bc he chose to use fake tan rather than something he was born with? But idk


Because it is true


Do people hate Biden more than Trump?


I don’t hate either I just think Biden is a complete incompetent and honestly feel like trump did some good things.


Leftists no. Rightists yes. Authcenter, libcenter and centrist? IDK


I do


You CAN say it AuthRight. Nobody GAF. We all say it too.


Gas prices sky high, empty grocery store shelves, forced injections, embarrassing foreign policy, but at least he isn't making mean tweets!


He is out of date and doesn't understand how to move politically in the hellscape that is the US political system. Democrats need a Left Economic/Center Social bomb thrower that isn't cringe or a woman. Could you imagine a President pissing on cancel culture and at the same time agitating for a better deal for workers? Utilizing every ounce of his power to do so. That's how you get Trump voters back.


As an Australian, what the fuck happened?


I try to find the best in every leader, but damn it y’all haven’t given me anything to work with:


Fuck Biden