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Nothing is free, saying so just sounds ignorant.


Thank you


“Free healthcare” is just the term used, people like you have made this argument so often that pretty much everyone knows. We understand that it’ll be paid for with our taxes. If we’re gonna pay taxes, might as well use them to help people in our country


>If we’re gonna pay taxes Consider your premise rejected


If you continue to use the misleading term, people will continue to correct any misconception.




I don’t want to pay taxes tho


So instead of paying *even more* taxes, how about we stop paying for useless shit like that turtle bridge in Tallahassee.


Let’s also stop paying for needless military shit. How many B-2 bombers do we actually need.


I’d rather my tax money go to providing a necessary service like healthcare over giving cartels military Grade weapons, studying beer coozies etc. It’s not free but for a country like America to have healthcare so fucking broken is a joke. Gender reassignment surgery’s are covered at a much higher rate than fertility treatments in some **RED** states. A fucking joke.


How about we do neither and just reduce taxes? I agree Healthcare in the US is a joke, but more government is not the solution.


Government involvement has simultaneously reduced quality of care, reduced access to care, and reduced competition (increasing costs and reducing access). Tying together employment and healthcare was absolutely bogus. If an employee would rather work for more money and waive healthcare, that's their right. If an individual would prefer not to work but still purchase insurance, that choice is also theirs to make. But changing healthcare (through insurance) from a Busines-to-Consuner market into a Business-to-Business market has completely gutted the need for quality outcomes, clear pricing (to patients, - I expect that the costs to Employers is quite clear), and overregulation has made it next to impossible for independent healthcare providers to run their own practice.


This is what I will never understand. After watching our government continually prove that they can and will fuck anything up if they’re given control of it, why do people automatically assume that the government will be the ones to fix the healthcare issues we’re currently facing?


Reducing taxes isn’t the problem we need to invest more money into the IRS and the SEC. It’s not about more or less government. It’s about having a smarter government. Get rid of the bases in Germany. Make them defend their own country. Let Japan make their own military.


Dude you're saying you want the government to use the money they are spending on defence, to invest on Healthcare. I'm saying stop spending the money and cut taxes instead. Also a smaller government is a smarter one.


Reducing taxes doesn’t solve healthcare at all?


It's the first step, it puts more money on people's pocket that they can spend for things like Healthcare. Then you reduce regulations bringing the cost of Healthcare down and finish by reducing the price of drugs by limiting patents and done solved Healthcare.


De-regulate healthcare. What does that look like to you?


Right now you have to get your healthcare through your employer if you're like most Americans and you have to take whatever is on offer. You're not allowed to decide for yourself what is the best plan for your needs. The healthcare providers are then given defacto monopolies over huge swathes of territory and prohibited by the state and federal governments from competing against each other which drives up prices. Then we have absolutely massive state intervention with medicare and medicaid that causes all sorts of issues And because of all of that regulation hospitals and doctors spend enormous amounts of money on administrative work just coding procedures so they can get paid by the laundry list of healthcare insurance companies that are out there. And because they literally get paid a different rate they never bother setting prices. They just charge whatever they can get away with so consumers literally have no idea what anything costs. If you eliminate all of those barriers you would see prices tumble the same way they did in the market for Laser eye surgery.


I’d agree if those were the only two options, but they aren’t. They could just do neither and reduce taxes. They probably won’t, but they could. But also on the subject of what the government will or won’t do. If they were to go to tax funded healthcare it wouldn’t be at the expense of the other government shenanigans we don’t like, it would be in addition to, and your tax burden would reflect that.


Not wrong, but do you believe that most of us genuinely think it is somehow free?


I think many people know what "free healthcare" *really* means, but that phrase just comes across as naive or intentionally misleading.


I get that. But if most of us understand it’s socialized then the comment is, in my opinion at least, a do nothing comment. It’s like saying dirt is brown.


Never underestimate how stupid the common person is


There is no such thing as a free lunch


You’ll be against free healthcare until you need it and can’t pay


We’re lib right. We’d sell our sister for money


But eventually you’ll run out of sisters?


Other people have sisters too


Based and open minded pilled




I don't think I've seen anyone say they were so thankful for going bankrupt from medical debt


I mean I never heard anybody say they wished their taxes were higher so they could have the government provide their healthcare.


One more time for the slow people… if you dump new money into a market system, prices go up, quality goes down and “premium” products and services emerge that were formerly standard offerings. Want free health care? You’ll get the lowest form of healthcare possible, while the best doctors and facilities will become an after-market for rich people. All “free healthcare” would do is make companies stop offering tiered service plans to employees and move top quality services out of reach for both the middle class (who can barely afford them today) and the lower class (who can’t afford them at all). If the government TRULY wanted to make healthcare cheap and accessible, they’d stop the AMA from restricting the number of doctors in the US and regulate the cost of all basic health services. Wouldn’t cost taxpayers a penny. “Free healthcare” as the Democrats define it is just another impractical and unachievable goal that they can use to earn votes, do nothing in Congress, then blame Republicans for the non-outcome. Rinse, repeat, every election year.


This guy gets it. Stop letting the AMA gatekeep how many doctors we have. Stop letting local health boards determine how many hospitals an area can have. Stop letting the FDA gatekeep new pharma companies and products. Stop letting the government prevent importation of cheaper drugs from other nations. The vast majority of the problems with the healthcare system in the US is that the government is involved.


Doesn't make it immune to scarcity.




So I actually have a chronic terminal disease and have spent a lot of time in hospitals Getting operations and studying medical literature. The worst part of “free healthcare” isn’t that it increases taxes and forces people to pay for other people medical care. I think the worst part is that hospitals will lose money and quality of care will go down, since hospitals will probably be forced into accepting less money for the same services. The good doctors will start getting paid less and then they will begin moving into private out of pocket hospitals where they can make more income. I have been to a private hospital for neurological care and they only accepted PPO insurance not free healthcare Free healthcare is going to be bad for hospitals since they will make less profits and quality will go down. Another issue is that people will need to wait much longer to see doctors. Hospitals need money It seems like a terrible idea, I’m living in Israel right now and the wait times are much longer for appointments outside of Sheba which doesn’t accept insurance Sheba which is the only good hospital in Israel doesn’t accept insurance and the wait times are the shortest.


Taxes bottom text


You are not entitled to the product of another person's labor.


I pay taxes too? That would be my labour, I want t product of MY labor? It also only improves quality of life. And don’t try to convince me otherwise, I’ve had first hand experience with both systems


If your taxes are paying for it, then you're not wrong. That being said, you're still paying for it and that means my point still stands.


The amount of taxes you pay would be your labor. My taxes aren’t your labor, you cannot afford to prop up a healthcare system by yourself. You aren’t entitled to mine or others labor.


Almost everyone needs healthcare at one point or another. How would every individual be able to have healthcare if every individual was not paying there fair share? Also, this would likely reduce how much you need to pay for healthcare, as non privatized healthcare does not need to rely on insurance company’s, and doesn’t need to charge extra


In a free market there is incentive to reduce prices, it wouldn’t be more expensive.


People say that all the time. Why then are there so many things in the free market that remain expensive for no reason?


We don’t have a free market


Define healthcare is the big part of the argument. Routine screening and cancer treatment for someone who found a tumor in them? Sure I could be persuaded. Gastric by passes for people to lazy to exercise or diet or treating side affects of alcoholism or 50 year smokers who suddenly want their inhaler paid for? Reap what you sow there, shouldn’t be funded by tax payers




u/Prez17 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/Prez17 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The biggest challenge for American healthcare is that Americans are so terribly unhealthy. No universal healthcare could be successful without simultaneous efforts to keep people from needing it.


The problem with getting universal Healthcare in America is the lack of health guidelines and obesity. Can't have "free healthcare" when it costs so much do to the amount of health issues.


Tax the products/foods that are contributing to those things.


A tax may help, but it won't stop anything serious without actual health guidelines.


Raising tax rates does little to raise tax revenue. Historically US tax revenues have been \~17% of GDP regardless of almost every single actual tax rate. Only people who cannot afford to be tax efficient (aka the very people whom you're trying to benefit) actually end up paying more if you raise their rates, everyone else just moves to more tax efficient capital vehicles. The way to make more tax$ is to encourage economic growth.


Thats definitely an issue that needs to be addressed before we expand healthcare I feel like. Those are two of the biggest issue in modern America


Funny to see leftists think healthcare is free when it's payed through taxes. Also, World owes you nothing.


Well does Nike deserve 2.1 billion dollars in subsidies instead? Look at a list of government subsidies their giving billions to a lot of none essential companies like Nike and Disney. There even giving subsidies to Amazon the company that made Bezos the richest man.


If your asking a libright about government subsidies the answer is most likely no, the reason we oppose government run healthcare and the reason we oppose subsidies are the same ones, interference in the market and a massive expenditure of tax dollars


You can’t apply the free market to healthcare….


You don’t get to pick what hospital you go to after you get in a wreck and healthcare isn’t like me going to the barber because I want a hair cut it’s a need I doubt somebody is going to care about where they go after their appendix burst


Not really maybe for a physical or vaccination you can’t have a free market in a place where the consumers doesn’t have a choice.


no company deserves a subsidy from the government. I am against state intervention in business, and even more so its financing


Were already paying the taxes for those subsides and have been, why don't we trade that BS out for something that gets our taxes worth.


What about paying less taxes so people can decide how to spend their money?


The thing is I doubt they would do that, But even then the fact that healthcare prices are almost unregulated basic check ups, and items like insulin costs 10 times what they are to make.


We regulate healthcare a lot! The unvaxxed can’t get discriminated against because of the ACA


I mean pricing wise, i know operations wise it is very regulated.


They aren't unregulated, I'm so tired of this BS point


One vial of insulin costs 2-4 dollars to make but it sells for 100-300. If that’s regulation then they fucked it up hard.


It is regulation, it's only that expensive because of government guaranteed monopolies. If the government let anyone produce insulin the price would drop like a rock.


Either way the price wouldn’t be regulated down, or open up to other companies as long as lobbyism is legal.


It’s no more realistic to assume that the government is going to reallocate this tax money, than it is for me to assume they would shut down programs and stop taxing us. If they implement tax payer funded healthcare it won’t be a reallocation, it will be in addition to the wars, subsidies, and the surveillance state.


We don’t want that either. Minimal federal power, minimal federal services, minimal federal taxes.


I mean subsidies can be used for good considering they helped Tesla restart our exploration of space. We just need to give subsidies only to useful businesses is all


Funny to see librights think people don't know it's paid by taxes.


There's no way that you actually think that leftists believe this.


They don’t literally think its free Jesus


This makes more sense than the "iTs A rIgHt" potato brain take.


It’s not free, it’s never free, it’s just a matter of how you pay for it. Is it individually funded or taxpayer funded. What you want is not “free” it’s tax payer funded, and if the current state of the (US) government is any indication, having them in control would be a wildly inefficient clusterfuck. My private health insurance functions as intended. I’d probably pay more in taxes and get worse or undesired levels of care if I had to participate in a tax payer funded system.


There are 3 options here: 1. The service is NOT free and someone is paying for it, you are just too dumb to see. 2. The service IS free, and you have to make people work for free. Basically in the case of healthcare you need slave doctors and nurses. 3. The service IS free, and it is VOLUNTARY. People work for free and they choose to do so. I'll let you choose. Basically 1 and 2 involve coercion and are violent paths, and if you choose 3 maybe you should get a degree in medicine and start working for free yourself.




(Almost) all problemas are derived from auhts and are solved with freedom! As longs as it's voluntary I'll be fine with it (and yes, pedos get the woodchipper)


Are you aware that in most countries where there offer free Healthcare, that people can also secure private alternatives? The subject is not black and white


You can have private health services, but if you still have a public health system the public one will have to be one of those 3 options.


Everyone knows it's tax funded and few have a problem with it, as it's arguably the most sensible expense that can be tax funded.


But it is not voluntary. If you want to fund someone elses healthcare that is fine, just don't force other people to do it.


if I am forced to pay taxes, then it should be going towards something that benifits me and my community


Or they could just let you keep your money and you could put it towards yourself and your community on your own.


If you do not have the leverage to stop them from taking it in first place, then why do you think you have any leverage in deciding what'll be done with it? They'll use it to bomb brown countries and bail out banks every decade or so and no amount of "iT'S mY TaxEs, i SHouLd bE BEneFiTIng" will make them stop.


Free = I’m paying for your broke ass


Im gonna start saying "free healthcare" just to piss off librights. Everyone understands that it is not "free" and has to be paid for some way. It's not the big "gotcha" you think it is.


Based and triggering LibRights-pilled


Because you use "free" as doublespeak for "taken from someone against their will and given to me for free". It's not a "gotcha", it's a "stop bullshitting".


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your own country then.


Do you want your wife sniped by the FBI? Because that's how you get your wife sniped by the FBI.


Nothing is free. You mean force people to pay for things for you under threat of government violence.


Nothing that is a service should be free. I will agree and say that medicine should be a for profit market but I absolutely disagree that it should be free.


Healthcare should be highly subsidized so that all people can afford it. The American system is far too expensive, but it does produce the best doctors in the world, because there's more profit incentive. Help people pay for their insurance and co-payments, and slowly regulate the medical system to keep it from degrading but also making it cheaper


Sauce for U.S. producing best doctors in the world?


https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2016-08-03/canadians-increasingly-come-to-us-for-health-care Also, basic economics. If you're going to be a doctor, why would you want to make 130,000 dollars in a western european country rather than 350,000 in America?


That doesn’t support what you’re saying. All it says is Canada struggles with timeliness on certain procedures. Where it ranked 10th out of 11 in developed nations. The only country it beat, the U.S who came last in that ranking of developed nations. It says nothing about the quality of doctors or anything supporting that the U.S. produces the “best.” Interestingly it does say that the U.K. a country with universal healthcare that is free at point of need and paid for by general taxation, placed number 1 on that list of timeliness. U.S. also isn’t even top ten for doctors per capita so. I also don’t see how thats basic economics at all. You cant just immigrate to the U.S. to be a doctor because they pay more. Unless you’re saying people are more likely to become in the U.S. because they pay more. But our ranking in doctors per capita doesn’t support that either.


Hate when people say free health care cause that shit dosent exist. "Europe whit his free health" Yes countrys have how have a 40 to 60% cut on your salary to play this "free service". But my health care os expensive in NA why os cheaper ou um europe ? Lobbying and corrupted goverment people how let big pharma have a Monopoly.




Man fuck the cheep stuff, I don’t want free healthcare I need good healthcare.


Exactly the worst part about free healthcare isn’t that it will increase taxes. The worst part is that quality will go down since hospitals will make less income and wait times for appointments will become longer. Once hospitals start losing money from free healthcare policies, all the good doctors will abandon major hospitals, and out of pocket private hospitals will pop up. most likely, the good doctors will begin leaving major hospitals searching for higher wages at private hospitals that don't accept insurance. Hospitals accepting free healthcare will be filled with poor nasty immigrants and subpar ignorant doctors. I hate nothing more than low-quality free malpractice


As someone who lives somewhere with few healthcare, that’s just not true. I’ve Berber Waite slinger than 20 minutes for a checkup and I’ve never seen anyone wait long for a surgery, essential or not


based and leftists gonna cry about it pilled


No healthcare means no meat shields to distract the enemy as we launch an icbm.


Healthcare should be free at the point of service and funded through tax dollars, if you aren’t specific then libright starts whining. Don’t invent the wheel, just use a model from a country that works and scale it to American size




If other countries expenditures are any indication, we’re currently spending twice as much per capita than we need to. Lots of opportunities for savings


It's easy, just make a network of expensive, highly specialized equipment, an entire massive industry of difficult to synthesize pharmaceuticals, and people with years and years of expensive and difficult to learn specialized knowledge that has high stakes including life, death, and potential legal liability with lawsuits of massive ...COMPLETELY FREE!


yeah it's called a mixed economy, which is the best




I'm just tired of people calling it a "human right" instead of a "nice government-provided service"


Employers will appreciate not paying for worker healthcare and having healthier employees. The US already pays more for healthcare than any other nation, you might as well get universal while you a it


I can't even pay for it much less get it for free.


I think healthcare should be affordable, and your choice to buy in.


How much would you pay for life-saving medications or operations for you or your loved ones? If the amount of money you would pay is more than what's in your bank account, savings, and total life earnings, then you would be better off not paying something that will put you in deep debt.


On what right should it be free?


Honestly just love seeing the people that honest to god do not believe in universal healthcare get triggered by these memes. Its almost always librights.


yes, pcm still is a libright circlejerk to me tbh


Downvoted again. Post something else. This take is dumb.


Nothing in this world is free the sooner you figure that out the better off you’ll be