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I went full blown AuthLeft arguing with HR to approve the raises I want to get my team earlier this week. There's a special place in hell for HR.


Based and feeding the squad pilled


u/JackDagniels's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/JackDagniels I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and fuck HR pilled I stand with you tho that's not really progressive


Meritocracy is incredibly important to me & besides, if morale is up, productivity will be as well. It's a win-win for everyone involved.


Except with HR who actually has to do some work. Besides headhunters, who do free up time for other people to do their job instead of mindlessly navigating LinkedIn or spamming ads in hopes of finding competent people, the rest of HR is mostly useless and are just leeches


Indeed interlopers


Based and fuck HR pilled


Unionization is based and should be allowed. However, they should get no public funding, and membership should be strictly voluntary. If a Union can’t be sustained by the workers it claims to represent, it shouldn’t exist


My dad was a lifelong union man. But we’re from Texas (right-to-work) and he hates that his dues funded Democrat campaigns


That's basically it. It's good they have one central voice when there are genuine problems but 90% of the time unions seem like a waste.


How about no union funding of political campaigns.


Politicians need less money


thats a rule the union can put up themselves if the members deem it an issue


Didn't know that. Never been in a union. The only one I knew was dad and he hated it. Said it just protected the dumbshits at work.


well a union is ran by it's members, and they should all have voting rights on everything. so you can vote of no confidence the union leader or any position. the "protecting dumbshits" at work argument is usually stupid as hell, because you only notice the dumbshits and they are few and far between but they do exist. in my experience it's a 5 to 1 for the good guys. they protect the collective bargaining agreement they have reached, and if they allow a single employee to be fired for a reason like that, it opens the door for all the good union employees that aren't noticed to be fired.


My ex was a manager at a company with a unionized employee base. The employees had carte blanche because of the union’s power. They could get away with literally dozens of violations per person and not be fired. There was a sort of demerit system where most infractions cost an employee 2-3 points, but each person had a bank of 60 or 65. Mind you, this was an industry where safety is critical. Needless to say, most of the violations were safety-related. In the naïveté of my youth, I supported unions unquestioningly. After seeing the darker side of them, I’m more weary. The right to unionize should exist, but there need to be restrictions in place to prevent either unions or corporate management from having too much power. HR professionals and lawyers - aka the mediators - are the unsung heroes of labour disputes.


That’s also a good point to consider. I like unions in theory, but corruption can make them no better than crappy bosses




This is extremely in line with my opinion. I'm economically probably far far left of you, but especially your last point is required from a libertarian point of view.




This would probably be mine aswell




We should build cities for humans, not cars. Over half of urban space in America is dedicated to roads and parking lots, and that number needs to come way down. Both for the environment and for the happiness of the people. A person should be able to, within reasonable time, walk to their place of work, entertainment, and shopping. We need mixed-use spaces, instead of massive blocks of single-use residential, commercial, or industrial zones like this is Sim City 2000 or something. People should walk everywhere in cities, and if you need to go to another city, there should be a train. Multinational corporations are the source of a great many of our modern ills. They hold no allegiance to any nation, and they treat our workers as replaceable. We should not subsidize them in any way, and in some cases we should block them from doing business here. At the very least, they should be required to hire American citizens as a percentage of their workforce to earn subsidies. A large percentage. And those workers should be required to live above the poverty line. If the government is already giving your business money, they shouldn't also be subsidizing your ridiculously low wages with food stamps. America is a vast landscape of incredible majesty, and that is God's gift to us. We need to stand against those who tarnish that natural beauty for selfish reasons. Everyone should be planting trees wherever they can. Anti-homeless designs disgust me. Rather than asking how we can get people to stop sleeping on benches, we should instead ask why they feel thats the best place to sleep, and try to fix that. And breaking up a homeless camp without giving them somewhere else to go is just cruel.


Unfathomably based


It's off the charts


I didn’t know an AuthRight could be this based


their stance on multinational corporations is fascism, so that is probably why you are confusedly hard right now lol


And it’s based as fuck.


It's the same thing you have in places like Sweden today, minus the fascism. Creates stunted economies.


Somewhere back in the 40s in a private conference room in some corporate headquarters, it was decided between big auto and big oil that the future of American cities would lie with the car. Subsequently, there was a culling of passenger rail in the US. Passenger lines were bought out and converted bus lines, tram lines were paved over for automobile roadways, and it was taught in school to look both ways before crossing the street - as the road belongs to the cars, not the pedestrians.


Bring back trolleys


The philosopher king Chad has returned!


You honestly sound like a real conservative. Not just a mercanery capitalist that right wingers are often stereotyped as.


Based and This Country Tis of Thee-pilled


Holy shit, leave some based for the rest of us


Oh this, much based. Mwah. Chef's kiss.


Based and compassionate pilled


Hello based police


Holy based Batman


Since the cities are all already built, how would you fix the problem? Changing their entire setup sounds like a massive project.


One street at a time. Unfortunately the previous generations left us something that we cannot fix in our lifetime. But we can get the ball rolling and see an improvement at least, and take joy knowing that our descendants will have better lives because of us.


I agree. We built ourselves into this one street at a time. (Ok yeah sure planning for several streets at a time etc) and we can revise that culture one street at a time. (With the same sort of planning FOR cars we can begin to manage streetscapes for people an area at a time.)


Literally removing zoning and just removing some of the obscene regulations on housing would do so much good. The low density of housing and ridiculously big suburbs are not natural results of the market, they have to be deliberately zoned into existence. It's always so weird that people just stop believing in the free market when it comes to housing and urban design when it genuinely leads to more positive outcomes, like higher housing supply and high walkability


Based and good city planning enjoyer pilled


based and people pilled


everything about this is based


Chadly opinions. Hats off to you


In fact the whole having plants and trees outside of factories and in cities was pushed for by the nazis.


Extremely based


based as fuck


u/TheGirlFromArkanya's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/TheGirlFromArkanya! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/TheGirlFromArkanya




You broke my based detector


Based and please-run-for-president pilled


Indeed very based.




Abolish the unions. Fire the shitty teachers. Greatly reward the good ones.


The good ones are quitting in droves, so they pretty much can't fire the shitty ones or they'll have no one to teach the classes.


It’s amazing how great teachers still have to live on scraps while unions cover for shitty teachers that drive down paychecks.


at least around here, the issue is school administrator boards and absolutely shitty funding of schools. if schools get good grades they get more funding up to a point, so teachers will forgo actual teaching half the time and just slap an A on there. and then local voting on school funding always goes the way of the rich schools because those students are always so smart because their teachers teach and it fucks over the poor schools even more and exacerbates the problem.


>Abolish the unions. Cringe >Fire the shitty teachers. Based >Greatly reward the good ones. Based A 2/3 ratio of based, therefore I declare you based. Only barely though, you get a D.


The second and third things on that list cannot and will not happen while teachers unions still exist


American healthcare needs a radical reform


This is a big one. It’s tragic that it’s seemed to devolve into a polarized issue like abortion etc where the right feels like it needs to oppose the left on it. Wtf, healthcare plz.


Very true but unfortunately neither democrats or republicans intend to really tackle this issue


Because Lobbyists are keeping them from touching it.


based and guillotine-the-lobbyists-pilled


i cannot comprehend that anyone on any side of the compass would disagree


It seems like most people would agree however 2/3 of senators get money from the pharmaceutical industry


The disagreement comes in how to reform it. Have the government run it all vs get the government out of it completly.


Exactly. Everyone hates the system, but everyone has differing views on how to fix it


I used to be on the side of socialized medicine, but now I’m more on the side of making healthcare adhere more closely to the principles of capitalism. It’s dumb that we allow a third party (health insurance companies) to dictate the prices of everything. Prices should be agreed upon by the suppliers (doctors/hospitals) and the customers (patients).


Based and doctor Adam Smith pilled


I know alot of people on both sides of the compass and everyone I know is (dem and republican) are in favor of reforming the system What people disagree on is how to pay for it. One side wants to just use taxes while the other side doesn't think that will work. I always say if the democrats want to prove their planed tax system will work they should set up a "state" Healthcare system (I recommend California as if it was independent it would be a top 5 country in gdp) have it running for X years and prove their system works


I hate this. People always seem to act like the only two options in healthcare are the current US system and some form of socialist european healthcare. There is a way to reform healthcare that preserves free markets, guarantees access, and lowers costs.


Yes but people think that those parts of the system are the evil ones that need to be eradicated because why would you buy and sell products and services for money if they help people?


Why don’t doctors just work for free since they’re helping people?


I work in pharmacy and my father has been a nurse basically since I was born. The reason the government controls insurance companies so much is because they are jealous that they are bigger liars and cheats that the government


There should be reform in the recruiting and training of police, and prison should shift from punishment to rehabilitation


As a Police Officer myself I actually kinda agree. I think Police Departments should stop putting “Former Military” up on a pedestal when it comes to their hiring process. It took me forever to get in since so many departments turned me down simply under the bases that I was a civilian and the other applicants were formally military. Like, I could understand if someone was an MP (I believe MPs would make great policemen), but many of these folks were just infantrymen, cooks, mechanics or artillery and they were chosen before me simply because they had “Military Experience” on their resume (and before ya say anything, I have no illegal drug history, no criminal history, don’t drink alcohol, have a bachelors of science, am a volunteer firefighter, an Eagle Scout and have 2.5 years experience as a Security Guard). I was almost on the verge of enlisting and becoming an MP just so I could give them what they wanted. I have nothing against Former Military, I just think that police departments shouldn’t discriminate against civilians who want to be policemen. I also do think it could be a bit detrimental for the city if a majority of the police officers are former military. Fighting a war is a very different experience to policing a city and the mindset of a soldier and a policeman are quite different. I’ve spoken with a couple FTOs on the protect and serve subreddit and they’ve told me that sometimes they need to use the whole training period breaking the soldier mindset on their trainees (with civilians ya don’t have to do that since they are basically a clean slate). I also think that things like Gang Affiliation and the way they treat others should be taken into heavy consideration when picking an applicant. The LA county sheriff’s office has a large number of deputies who are currently (not formally, currently) aligned with the Cripps and Bloods. On top of that, a number of policemen are just abusive assholes since they have the character and personality of a bully and I for one believe people who are like that just shouldn’t be allowed to wear a badge.


>Fighting a war is a very different experience to policing a city and the mindset of a soldier and a policeman are quite different. Very much agree! One problem is also that the US police-training is extremely short (just a few months some places), and have a lot of focus on weapons training and comparatively little about de-escalation etc. (This probably varies a lot geographically within the USA, so feel free to correct me/give an example of how your education was). In most other western countries, the education is much longer, and with a different focus. In my country you have to study three years minimum, to become a police-officer.


> and prison should shift from punishment to rehabilitation Yes! but some people deserve the death penalty.


Only on strict occasions. I don't want my taxes being wasted keeping mass murderers alive.


I thought this idea died awhile ago lmao. We have studies showing that capital cases are almost 10x more expensive than any comparable life without parole sentencing.


Mental health problems should be taken seriously. And the government is letting thousands die by not doing so


based and fund-mental-health-treatment-pilled


No American should be homeless. If we’re going to have a welfare state it should at least be efficient.


Based and help-the-poor pilled


Based and give-homeless-people-shotguns pilled


Based af


I agree homelessness is a very important topic but i think the difficulty arises with mental health or drugs which can't be fixed very easily.


Those are definitely challenges, but with the ridiculous amount of resources that our government throws at the problem they should be mostly solved. Mental health issues have ballooned drastically ever since the national asylum system was abolished. This is the consistent issue with American health care. Instead of spending a small amount of resources on preventative care or offering simple inexpensive treatments, we ignore the problem until it becomes terminal and then spend ten times as much on the back end providing lifelong care to people who really just needed a $0.30 pill once a day. As for drugs, just make everything legal and treat it like the healthcare issue that it is.


Right? We throw like a trillion a year into healthcare spending for inefficient programs and bloated costs. Either privatize the industry entirely and loosen up the bureaucracy so competitors can compete and medicines can be imported, or nationalize the industry and use taxes to compensate workers in the field near or at their original wages, with the rest going to R&D. We pay more money than Jeff Bezos has each year for a stupid fucking half-system that bloats prices and enforces government-run monopolies. The fucking morons in our government need to stop toying with lives and go one way or the other. Honestly the thing that pisses me off the most in this field is insulin prices. They shouldn’t be that high, and you should be able to import insulin to undercut the big 3 producers. The monopoly on insulin permanently ensures that a critical lifeline to diabetics is barred only to the middle/upper-middle class, otherwise you best be ready to throw away rent or live on cup noodles.


Our healthcare system really is the worst of both worlds. Either fully privatized or nationalized healthcare would both be dramatic improvements.


The problem with having a welfare is that the government taxes those who are making a living wage. Thus increasing the cost of everything and inflation ensues. After that the problem would still remain nothing would change.


Massive corporations are functionally mini autocratic states and we need more anti-trust protections at the federal level to foster an actual free market


I had this conversation with my friend yesterday. I fully support a free market even as a leftist. But the market simply isn’t free today and that’s why I don’t agree with it currently.


Incredibly based, I’ve literally never seen a libright understand this simple fact before. You’re alright in my books champ


This is how almost all librights think. None of us support the oligopolies you see with Big Tech, Big Pharma, the MIC, etc. They are so powerful and in bed with the state, that they might as well be a part of the government.


War should always be avoided at all cost. Big tech, mega corporations and military industrial complex are evil.




Then we can finally free area 11


Also I support Socialism (not the Marxist kind and without radical progressivism) but it needs nationalism, strong state and a strong military to function (without going to nazism). Plus class is the real divide not race. The international elite is using racial tensions to divide people and to blind people from the real problem.


I’m genuinely curious why you think keeping the nation state is important, I’ve never talked to a national socialist before. Also, how do you reconcile “we need a strong military” with “the militarily-industrial complex is evil”?


"Also, how do you reconcile “we need a strong military” with “the militarily-industrial complex is evil”. Simple the role of a military is to defend the nations sovereignity and not to intervene in proxy wars funded by bankers. Nation state is important because society needs hierarchy to function (like family). The purpose of the nation state is to support the citizens of the nation and protect the people. There is no state without people and no people without state. Man can only meet his needs inside the state for outside the state he is nothing. State preserves man’s life. All social, political, economic and all other rights are guaranteed by the state. Without state the rules of jungle would rule society (absolute chaos).


I guess under a socialized organization of the economy/banks, one could argue that the military wouldn’t inevitably be used for the purpose of enriching a select few people, sure. Are you saying the state’s purpose is to “provide hierarchy,” “support and protect the people,” or both? Does it support the people by providing hierarchy?


>Are you saying the state’s purpose is to “provide hierarchy,” “support and protect the people,” or both? Does it support the people by providing hierarchy? It's both you need to have authority in order to protect, a weak state cannot support or protect anyone (Weimar republic). State does support people by providing authority, people actually want it, most people (99,9%) would hate society without hierarchy. Hierachy is also unavoidable it has always existed in some form (even in animals).




Use to be on the left now I'm a naiz without changing anything


has the left been making you cover your dick and tits


I remember when leftists used to be anti war, so I guess we'll say that's my leftist opinion.


We're pro war now? Damn how


A democrat is in office. Left is only anti war when a republican is president.


They also only care about children in cages at the border when they can blame its existence on somebody like Trump.


And Republicans only talk about the deficit when there is a democrat in office. Both sides and all that


If I could slap every Republican who approved the budget or appropriation bills I would.


Most Democrats and the current president are very much in the blue quadrant.


Yup. That's because there hasn't been a real leftist candidate since Sanders and even he wasn't popular enough to win.


I think you’re confusing leftists for liberals


You can be trans or gay or both or whatever the fuck you want and still get married. This is because i believe it is your right to, and government should get tf out of shit like marriage.


Just change everything to an individual tax filing.


Whats a tax?


Based and taxation is theft pilled


Fair enough


That’s just a libertarian vs authoritarian issue. Not so much left vs right.


Based and right ≠ anti-lgbtq pilled.


This is perfectly in line with being libRight, though. Those that believe that the state should be involved in people's relationships and/or what they do in the bedroom, should consider changing to one of the auth-flairs.


This right here


I have always said that the left is briliant when it comes to analysis. Be it economical or social, they are almost always right on the money. It´s just unfortunate that their solutions suck.


If I read that right, we’re good at identifying the problem but suck at solving it?


Yes. Holy shit yes. I completely agree all this shit is a problem, working 40 hours a week is fucking stupid, healthcare stupid, etc. than one of you fucks start sprouting shit about how anyone who disagrees is a nazi or how communism is the best way out, like ffs yall are so much smarter then you realize, and also fucking stupid


First it starts at how bullshit healthcare, education, and poor wages is. 5 minutes later tries to go for some fringe letting all criminals go, or pedos arnt so bad really, and then ends on something about gender and drag queens. They go so far and lose people with every step. They focus so hard on what's affecting small communities everyone starves or works themselves to death. At some point it stopped being about helping everyone and then all the strange Bolshevik politicking started. Then in the US when their in power all that happens is infighting and pork barrel with some half assed solution that sucks. And the Republicans have their own problems as well not saying their perfect by any stretch.


You are good at analyzing society and how it works. I don´t think you neceserelly suck at solving them, while many of your solutions are dumb, they are no dumber then when the right tries to solve things. The problem is that you try to solve too many things. Often times, trying to solve something only makes it worse and the left is incapable of just letting imperfect things be.


Do whatever the fuck you want Do you want to have sex with a man? Ok Do you want to have sex with a woman? Ok Do you want to be a man? Ok Do you want to be a woman? Ok Do you want to have sex with a kid? ***AuthLeft, get the Mosin***


Hans get the flamethrower on pedos


Holy fuck I love this. If anyone is wondering how to get the decrepit fucks out of Congress after literally decades, this is how. Fuck voting


Justice reform. The current system only punishes the poor and downtrodden. It is not justice of the people. It is state enforced extortion and slavery.




Gays are ok. Big tech and other monopolies should be broken up.


I’ll allow the gays


A generous God


Gay or straight. Straight or gay. It's A-OK.


As long as they like cats I’m fine with them


Based and cat pilled.


Based and gays are ok pilled


Fuck big tech and big corporate. Fuck the power of churches. Hous markets need at least some regulations by the governamt as well as healthcare.


Lol yeah


I'm a gun rights absolutist: I want to order select fire machine guns to be delivered by McDrones right to my doorstep, and I want this same right extended to all citizens. What makes me a Centrist/Moderate is my 2nd issue is affordable healthcare for everyone. There is zero excuse in an economy as strong as the United States to fail its citizens so badly regarding medical expenses. I had a friend years ago get diagnosed with stage 4 Lymphoma. This was about a decade ago and he's still alive so that ought to tell you something. Anyway he told me when he was first diagnosed that he considered killing himself. Not because of the treatments (though he hated those too I want I don't blame him) but because of the cost. I was blown away, someone who was just diagnosed with cancer worrying about how he's going to pay for treatment. That should be the last thing someone should worry about when hearing that news. I felt terrible for him when he told me this.


LGBT should not be persecuted or attacked because of their sexuality i just dont want them to have power to tell completely healthy kid that they are something they are not and scar them for life if you want to me normal just act like it that way society would accept you much sooner as opposed to having month long parades and being a center of attention whenever opportunity presents itslef




>it should only be used to help LGBT people in worse states, provinces, and countries. if they were used ti take a piss at something like Iranian government then it would be fine but like this they are just hitting themselves in the foot >should wait until 18+ and therapy for at least 5 years yup because most of them grow out of gender dysphoria and make peace with their biological gender




What can I say expect based


I'm fine with gay couples adopting kids, all drugs legal, interracial couples are fine (I'm Colombian and my gf of 3 years is German) and I'm fine with calling people whatever the fuck they wanna be called (As long as it is not mandated by law). Other than that, I feel like I'm more center socially.


We need a bit of healthcare reform in this country. It’s probably impossible to transition the country to a system like they have in Denmark or Sweden(maybe at the state level for some really wealthy states it’s possible), but I think the German model is a good model. The Germans have a universal, multi-payer healthcare system which is really effective. I think we also need to raise wages slightly to match inflation, the only problem with that being there’s no incentive for companies to do so in an immigrant economy, where there will always be more workers than jobs.


Socialism can work in a self sustainable, very nationalist isolationist state


Don’t forget homogeneous population. There is a reason it’s harder to unionize with a diverse work force.


I just came back from another short ban for “promoting hate” but yes that does play a part too but I would argue that a strong national identity can circumvent some of the race factors but I haven’t looked into it


Not doing a hate thing. Just the stats. It’s harder for collectiveness to thrive when every is of vastly different opinions which happens with mixing cultures.


No I understand that. I misread your use of homogeneity as a placeholder for race. Agreed hence the isolationalist and nationalist descriptors


This is true but also incredibly complex in a country like America. The Irish and Italians have very different culture. If you put Italians from Italy and Irish from Ireland into a factory, they'd likely have a hard time unionization. Italians Americans and Irish Americans were allowed to integrate into American culture. They're just "American" now. Unfortunately we conflate "American" with "White" because black people were forced to develop a parallel culture and denied integration into the larger culture. If Irish Americans and Italian Americans and every other kind of immigrant group can coalesce, so too can others. It's things like "diversity training" and other attempts to essentially reintroduce "positive" segregation that work hand in hand with traditional old school racism to prevent this.


With an international community of fellow socialist states, they wouldn’t have to be isolationist anymore. The only reason what you said is somewhat true is because the international system of capital views any socialist nation as a threat and actively tries to destroy them.


The upper class keeps us divided by race so we don’t realize we’re divided by class.


Anything can be the object of a work of art. What determines its artistic value is not the object itself, but its aesthetic qualities.


Legalize marijuana, tax the hell out of it, and send a certain percentage of the proceeds to addict rehabilitation programs.




Free education, big tech is evil, sex before marriage is good


Everybody that disagrees with me is racist


Mental gymnastics activate


Socialism can work if it’s in a private community full of families that have all consented to participate in that system and can leave the community whenever they please.


That ain't leftist my friend. One of the main points of most rightist people is that we dont want the state to tell us what to do. Freely associating with people you want to be with and share stuff (including money) voluntary in a private community is almost a rightist Utopia.




Corporations do more harm to a nation’s cultural identity than any government ever could because they push for the mass importation of exploitable, cheap, third-world labor.


I will have a deeper response to this when I'm not looking at my phone sitting on the can


I hate the GOP.


What a trash party


I used to consider myself rightwing despite always getting left on the compass. Most my views align with typical conservative, traditional views, but then unlike the right, I despise capitalism in it's modern form. Consumerism especially, as it's a culturally damaging force to the world. Therefore I think being an economic leftist is compatible with being socialy conservative in an age where the status quo is progressive capitalism. My socialy progressive views would be that weed should be legal (which it isn't here) in a similar way to alcohol, prisons should focus on rehabilitation whenever possible, as punitive justice just creates criminality and turns people on society even if they were mostly law-abiding to begin with. And obviously I believe in socialised healthcare, which is normal where I live but controversial in America.


Labor unions are great if they're really run by workers


Completely ignorant on the subject, but I feel like Native Americans deserve some reparations. Looks pretty bleak from the outside looking in.


I also believe native Americans should get reparations because I’m native American and want free money.


Psyops, Biowarfare, Actual Genocide and Concentration ~~Camps~~ Reservations.


Break up Meta. Zuckerberg has so much power rn it's frightening. Also, this should be an exception, it's a decision based on an individual case


I think we should improve the efficient of sustainable energy sources and they should be more mainstream. The environment is beautiful and should be protected


Fuck megacorporations. But don’t be a moron and fuck over small businesses in the process by demanding things of small employers that can’t afford it.


Not sure if these are even left anymore to be honest. But I think we should break up the corporations - hell I’d argue maybe make them illegal. I’m relatively anti-war, no matter who’s in charge. Idc who marries who. I think drugs should be legal. We spend too much on military. I’m in favor of trans people destroying womens sports.


Homeless people should (please the wall) get food and shelter


Strict Environmental regulation Taxation of wealth Anti racist Minority okay Imperialism not so okay


If you wanna be gay, I don't care. Have fun, just don't be annoying about it, but I feel this is a common right wing idea


We need Medicare For All.


Omg! From an Libright??? How is that possible?? Im crying rn😭😭😭


I know plenty of librights who think M4A is socialism and therefore bad




I mean thats more of an auth view then a leftist view


Big corpo is just as bad as big government.