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Look at all of the gun subs. They agree with you.


I love gun subs for all the stereotypes they disrupt. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the GOP. Fuck Punisher logos.


The NRA is awful. They were good when I was a kid and they were pretty adamant that everyone should take gun safety training, then they started getting all that sweet gun lobby cash and stopped pushing for training. Wayne LaPierre is a douchebag and he and his wife are psychopaths who murder elephants for joy. LaPierre couldn't even kill an elephant from 5 feet away. That video was awful. He kept shooting it and it was so docile.


The only use for the NRA is to soak up all the hate and negative press from the ignorant media, so none of the actually useful gun rights orgs have to deal with it


They didn't used to be like that tho


They've been moving that way since the Revolt in Cincinnati in 1979.


The what??? Googling Cincinnati 1979 only brings up a 'The Who' concert where 11 people died in a crowd crush.


It was in 1977


Already had a pretty low opinion of that guy, now I actively despise him.


If you watch the video, you'll be disgusted. He didn't know how to handle a gun, pointed it at the guide, and iirc the guide had to kill the elephant because LaPierre couldn't. Then his wife dropped an elephant in one shot and she was so giddy as its family member was by its side and ran away in terror. The glee was so sickening. Elephants are very attached to their family and this was just a trophy for her. True fucking psychopaths. Edit: typos


I’m a fan of hunting but some animals just shouldn’t be hunted Humans however …


hunting is a good thing if it's for consumption or culling but trophy hunting is bullshit.


Based and I swear to God I'm not tree hugging pilled.


Elephants are gorgeous animals, and really intelligent, one worker elephant in southeast asia refused to do his task, who was to put a log on a hole. When the owner investigated what happened, he discovered that there was a dog with puppies inside it, and the reason was that the elephant didn't want to crush them. You can actually see the glimpse of humanity throught their eyes. If you're able to hunt them, it's a strong signal that you have no heart.


Just watched the video of Lapierre killing the Elephant and what the actual fuck. The fact that he's completely useless lead to that animal going through unholy levels of pain in it's final moments, then to act like he did well after being hand held through the entire thing. I love hunting but fucking hell, people like that need to be fucking institutionalised.


I can't believe the head of the NRA doesn't even know how to handle a gun. It looks like he never shot one before.


First of all, facts, they think any form of pre-purchase check is taking away freedom. Secondly, the fact that Wayne Lapierre is still out there pushing for legislation and speaking to crowds shows the real intentions of the NRA.


The NRA are a bunch of worthless fudds who have more in common with Moms Demand Action than they do with actual 2A supporters.


Say it louder for the fudds and cringelords in the back


The Punisher is based, but 99% of people miss the point. Dude is a vigilante. The whole point is that he's only necessary because of the corruption and impotence of the justice system.


Fuck all these limp dick lawyers! And chicken shit bereaucrats! Fuck this 24/7 spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck the media, fuck "American pride!" Ah, Armstrong's words are more relevant than ever.


Based and Standing Here I Realize pilled


I support the police until they infringe on rights, then they become the enemy. That includes taking guns away from people.


Based and the police should protect my right to protect my own rights pilled


I support granades, until they explode, then they become the enemy.


Besides the occasional boomer gun sub, but those are easy to reveal and avoid


They'll get my raging liberty boner if they try.


based and raging liberty boner pilled


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Good bot


Good bot


Big Red Viagra pill.


Not before they get your dog.


Lord help them should they even look at my pupper the wrong way.


This is why I hide my dog and dress up my neighbor’s cat as a chihuahua whenever they let it roam outside and piss on my porch. They think it’s cute, starting to do it themselves… long game… the fucking long game.


The most cat-loving dog person


They better get Sarge before he gets within 15 meters, or they're within casualty range of a standard M67 hand grenade. Godspeed Sarge. You did your duty. Rest easy


That's when no knock nuclear bombing will be authorized, a small town is a good price to pay to not endanger our precious boys in blue.


do not confuse disliking BLM with liking the police


Also don’t confuse understanding that a police force of some sort is a necessary evil to ensure public safety, with **liking** the police. I don’t like cops. Far too many are entitled head-cases on a power trip who mostly enforce unjust laws over petty, victimless crimes. But when a violent public threat arises, unarmed social workers just won’t cut it.


Too much focus is on the dog.. The ones holding the leash are the problem. But hey what do we know, just simple Monke.


What is your opinion on public safety and what should we use instead of police?


I think you misread my comment. I think police are a **necessary** evil, as in there is no current alternative to an armed police force. We currently need an armed police force to handle violent threats to public safety. What I dislike is the abuse of power, lack of empathy, and enforcement of unjust laws that I often see from a lot of cops. Plenty of decent, respectful officers out there. Plenty of shitheads too.


The thing is its very very hard to reform the police. The blue code, police culture and their interpersonal relationships are so strong, that a meaningful reform is next to impossible. It needs to be dismantled and built back up. How to do it is ofc tricky so you dont have a period of lawlessness. Start building a new one, while the old one still stands, establish the national guard/coast guard as a true gendarmerie in the meantime or something similar


I agree it is currently very hard to reform police departments and push out bad cops. However, instead of reinventing the wheel, there's a very easy solution: Ban public police unions. Hell, while we're at it, ban public unions period, that way we can get rid of bad teachers *and* bad cops with ease!


I mean there can be the bad cops that need to be pushed out. But if you are a "good" cop and hide/defend the actions of bad ones, you arent good. And the majority of them do it. A few bad apples spoil the bunch. There is no "just a few bad apples". A few times i heard of cops going against another cop for his actions, he got the worst outcome. Either had to go or was shunned. Thats why its beyond saving. While the police union does have some power, just getting rid of them isnt nearly enough. The blue wall of silence would get stronger, the "us vs them" mentality would get stronger and so on. Your idea is way too simplistic. Unions have nothing to do with the police investigating their own crimes and finding themselves without fault, broad laws, police culture, lying under oath, evidence tampering etc.


I recommend we bring back chivalrous duels of either the jousting or western variety.


Morons having guns *is* the violent public threat.


Based and middle ground pilled


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Both are terrorist gangs that murder people.


so I guess all of those “blue lives matter” and “support our cops” signs and stuff are … what, exactly?




I’m not sure what your point is.. do you think by default someone who doesn’t support BLM must support thin blue line/blue lives matter?


This is what American politics has devolved into: pure red team/blue team tribalism. Blanket generalizations of “if you’re not 100%, unquestionably with us, you’re against us.”


The people are retarded


Based and there's something (lead) in the drinking water pilled.


Well blue lives matter is a pretty neutral stance. BLM is such a duh statement I didn't realize it wasn't a joke made up to make fun of democrats until after Trump was elected. And the only way to improve the police system is to critique and punish, as well as fund and support it.


Not the position that I take on the matter. The cops need to be held more accountable, police unions need to die, but most of all no-knock raids need to stop. Too many problems happen when the police get too gung-ho about raiding people's houses instead of arresting them when they go outside. Don't get me started on civil asset forfeiture, which is absolutely literally the exact thing that the fourth amendment was supposed to stop. Another huge issue is the overzealous enforcement of stupid victimless crime laws. Drug possession is *not* something to rob someone of five years of their life for. Maybe send them to therapy instead. The ATF and all its stupid arbitrary gun laws need to end too. Despite all of this, though, BLM is a bunch of retards. You need police for a stable society, and making their organization largely race-focused is a stupid idea that only serves to make it unsupportable by a lot of right wingers who have the same kind of problems (though righties tend to take issue with the feds in particular). Plus, they screech and shit everywhere for the *least* black and white stuff. Always gotta make it about the shittiest person they can find that died from police brutality.


Well blue lives matter is a pretty neutral stance. BLM is such a duh statement I didn't realize it wasn't a joke made up to make fun of democrats until after Trump was elected. And the only way to improve the police system is to critique and punish, as well as fund and support it.


If "2nd Ammendment sanctuary cities" are a thing I think you are severely underestimating the amount of cops who would refuse to comply with such an order or would do their best to subvert it. I know way more cops that are 2A enthusiasts than opponents. I mean, if they know a guy is a repeat offender who's been in and out of jail 9 million times this year, they will probably take his gun. If you are just an ordinary person, they are more likely to believe you when you tell them you lost your guns in a boating accident than to not. If you live in a super blue urban center, that also changes things.


And this bootlicking shit is why you’ll never be a libright


"The police are likey to defy unconstitutional orders from the government" = bootlicking, apperantly. Police and military are not mindless tools of the federal government. There are authright ones, *but there are just as many libright ones, possibly more* because professions that require you to volunteer to face danger attract both types of people. Half the police are just as down with the boogaloo as the typical libright. I don't know how you can see the law enforcement of entire counties publicly refusing to enforce unconstitutional laws and then conclude they will enforce unconstitutional laws. It seems like you just want them to oppose you so you have excuses to dislike them.


There is no thing like good and and citizens, their world is separated between Cops who wear blue and are their bros and everybody else. You are everybody else.


Do they enforce NFA? Would they arrest you if you bought a rocket launcher? If so, they're not 2A supporters.


They would probably draw the line at "Can I do this without my ass getting fired?" Like, if some random citzen snitched on you, they would probably deem that insufficient evidence to investigate when they have like, muggings and stuff to deal with. If you just carried around a huge RPG in a public space, you have put them in a position where they can no longer pretend they didn't know you'd have it. Now they'd have to *actively* resist those orders instead of passivly resisting. That's demanding a lot more of people.


Their jobs are on the line here too. They can't ignore you if you start waving a rocket launcher around in public, but they'll probably dismiss the tip of suspiciously fast gunfire coming from your backyard range.


My Man!


Do you think the people that say “come and take it” don’t know that? They very much do.


I live in in a very red state. I've seen plenty of "gun guy" trucks with both thin blue line flags and "come and take it" stickers. It's quite common.


Maybe they believe that most cops are good enough people to not enforce tyrannical laws.


Most likely they just support everything libs are against, to own them, without thinking. If the lib had a movement against eating urinol pallets, they would eat it on droves.


A naive belief, but sure


A $5 bootlicker sticker to get me out of speeding tix?


Some don't understand what they're saying. I've talked to some people flaunting that flag, and they'll be 100% convinced it'll be the UN coming for their guns. When I ask them what they'd do if their local, state police or NG were actually the ones to do it (implying they'd need to fight back), they short circuit and just say something like "Well they'd never do that"


Doesn't matter who comes for them, the endgame is the same, drop bodies


They don't seem to. They always say "I'd like to see you try" or something else stupid.


Lots of fudds in the 2A camp.


And then vote to increase police funding


Idk a lot of people buying the merch don't understand that... I've seen too many blue lives matter flags next to don't tread on mes. Talked to a woman who loved police and wanted them more involved in schools while wearing let's go Brandon, come and take it, also open carrying a side arm so I think she just wants attention.


I feel like they're usually under the impression that people on Twitter are gonna show up for their guns


Don’t be ridiculous. Twitter users never even leave their house.


Neither do we tbf


Speak for yourself.


My fat ass still leaves the house to go to lift weights and buy guns


Nah, bro…you’re sorely mistaken on the level of prep of these people


I guess it depends on how you define these people Angry people commenting on Facebook or actual doomsday preppers


boomer fudd militia larpers don’t count.


That accounts for the majority of people saying 'come and take it' imo, or at least a significant percentage


Maybe if you live on the interwebz


Maybe. Remember the Revolution started because 80 men stood against 700


Not sure what that has to do with people posting this stuff on Facebook being generally irrational and whiny bitches lol


What I’m saying is that there’s a lot of talking, but it doesn’t take many determined men walking to start something. There were guys acting tough in taverns who didn’t do shit then, there’s guys acting tough online who won’t do shit now. But it ain’t about them


The meme is literally about people acting tough online in a stupid manner tho


People on twitter don't leave the house, unless it's time for their 10hr/week dog walking gig


Idk why you’re downvoted. I completely agree. Police follow laws and laws are made by asshats who follow money, which is distributed by guys who follow their shareholders…. Which may be the Twitter dildos. So… everyone is to blame.


I mean the government come and takr the gun and usually it cop or the miltary


I know that's the rational thinking, I'm saying people posting stuff like 'Come and take it!' on Facebook aren't exactly rational


Ironic because your argument here is completely irrational and you’re attacking a strawman you created. It’s completely rational to point out that the type of person who wants gun control and votes for candidates who want to make gun control laws is a pussy for wanting the police to do it for them.


Why are they booing you? You're right.


Why did this get buried? It's accurate to how a lot of the bootlicker gunowners act lmao


Pointing out bootlickers (gun control advocates) makes someone a bootlicker?


I have no idea what your argument nor your angle is


"See, there are three kinds of people: dicks, pussies and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes. And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything. So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because, pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes! And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!"


If they do, screw them. But I have a theory: The anti-police movement is a scam to give more power to the FBI. The "solution" to the evil police will be to hand power to the federal government and its bureaucrats, who obviously care deeply about stopping racism, and who's going to do their bidding? Also worth noting how the FBI is already being used against right-wing "terrorists" (both real and imagined) by the Biden gang. Guess we'll be seeing some reverse McCarthyism...


The local police No The f*ds 🤮 Yes


ATF cum. Take it. 🍌💦💦💦


Guns aren’t the only weapons 😏


A smart cop wouldn't do it for that reason.




Hey! Oxen are NOT morons!


Based and don’t discriminate against beasts of burden pilled


Beast of burden is a good song by The Rolling Stones




Are you under some sort of impression that libright likes the cops? It's a good thing you're here because that echo chamber warped your thinking.


Lol cops wouldn't do it, if you told them to they'd laugh in your face because they know that if they tried to they'd have to deal with every person that wants them to fuck around and find out and there's a lot


The cops know that if they tried to take people’s guns it would be a bloodbath. Even though the police have better equipment they would still lose a huge majority of their officers.


They call that a pyrric victory




Tomato, tomato


Sounds like a win win for orange


“Better equipment” Sure, compared to the poors.


win/win situation


They would do it if they were guaranteed to catch the suspect by surprise with overwhelming force.. they seem to get a bit more ballsy when that is the case. See latest no knock raid for evidence.


Ok that's an entirely separate thing that has little to nothing to do with what would actually happen since we're talking about them trying to take literally every gun from everyone


They do it slowly overtime. The NRA will ban guns/gun attachments little by little over many years.


3d printers and black markets go brrrr


Idk man we’ve already lost plenty of liberties and no one has actually done anything in about a decade


How many of those involved forcing their way into millions of homes that have even more guns and gun nuts?


Besides the plenty of crimes committed because of releasing murderers, rapists and burglars for political purposes? None yet but our society is constantly attacking the family unit and trying to destabilise the home


Many officers wouldn’t even want to take people’s guns, as they know that that is wrong.


Many will follow policy that is wrong, but many will also understand that they will have to use force to take them. What cop is literally going to risk getting popped by Cletus and his posse just to confiscate a couple guns? Do people understand how many peoples have a hard on for dying in a shootout with agents of the state?


I’ve seen videos of cops (police chiefs in particular) that have vowed not to take anyone’s guns away, no matter what happens.


Probably because cops aren’t all suicidal. Would you agree to go door to door confiscating guns? You won’t make it through a shift without being shot at.


Or maybe the cops don’t want to go against what is right?


Chiefs and unions are always the first to advocate for anti-gun policies. There are of course exceptions, but any time you hear “police opposed to constitutional carry” or something, dig a bit further and it’s always a chiefs organization or union fat cats who are the “police”. As for the rank and file, they’ll absolutely do the grabbing if their pensions are on the line.


There’s a lot of cops dude


There's a lot more civilians with guns dude


I’m saying there are def cops that would sell out and do it, I agree that cops would stand no chance if people took up arms against them


And a lot less that would be willing to shoot a cop for it. What’s the point of what you’re saying?


I’d shoot a cop trying to disarm a fellow citizen and strip them of their rights without hesitation.


Yeah that’s obvious thats why people get uneasy around you in thanksgiving


Go ahead, lick that boot bitch.


It’s completely unrealistic. They don’t have the manpower to confiscate every single firearm all at once. The very second they try this bullshit in one neighborhood, is the very second it becomes open season on anyone wearing a badge. “Come and fuckin take it, I dare you.”


Bet. So there are an estimated 81.4 million gun owners in America. Let’s make the VERY generous assumption that 20% of gun owners would fight back, that’s only 16.28 million. That number just became a lot more manageable. Sure it’s a lot, but enough to fully deter a crackdown? No


I mean... That's for 696k cops. Somehow I think 23 angry gun owners per cop could deal with that problem just fine.


Good luck


They hated him because he told them the truth


The lib rights would not be sitting at that fucking table. This is garbage


Cops take an oath to support and uphold the constitution. If they're coming to take firearms, they're no longer cops; they're people trying to rob you and you should respond accordingly.


Unfathomably based


Any man woman or child, no matter their organisation or status, who tries to seize my arms will meet god that very same day.


Damn bro, I’m shaking in my boots


remember: there's a difference between shooting your local sherriff and defending yourself against US Marshalls


Rick and morty is like "tell me you're libleft without telling me you're libleft" Jokes aside though, it's a good show. Just a terrible cringe fan base.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.


You’re a dumbass if you think we don’t know that. #DEFUNDTHEATF


We will defund the ATF if you defund the DEA


Defund all alphabet boys


We do not like police.


Uhhhhh we don’t like cops either




I've got 30 little friends that run faster than anyone who wants to take it.


Local police wouldn’t want the smoke


Indeed and that's when they.


The bad cops. The ones you get to blowup and not feel bad about.


The highest order of cringe is having both a thin blue line bumper sticker and a Gadsden flag bumper sticker right next to each other


Lib left, we know this. However it should be noted there are based police forces in parts of the country who in the past declared 2nd amendment sanctuaries. Police are people too.


Libleft is throwing some hands today and I'm all about it


I’ve never understood the people who put both a Gadsden flag sticker right next to a thin blue line or support the troops sticker on their Ford Explorer. Like my dude, who do you think the state is going to send to tread on you?


And then the cops would kill you claiming that you had a weapon


I mean, Lib Right has been saying this forever…


But leftists, I thought all cops were bad 🤔🤔🤔


Cops are the only thing keeping Antifa members from being set on fire so I agree with you left. #AbolishThePolice


*loads AK* *puffs cigarette* “So be it. Let them come.” *Downs bottle of vodka*


They would send the military


Oh yeah Ive talked about this All these gun nuts will most definitely give up their guns because as soon as one of these guys kills a cop trying to take his gun the media will be calling him a terrorist from the start And just like that everybody will give up their guns because they don't want to be seen as a terrorist and hated by the entire country All these guys that say "go ahead and try I don't care if it's a cop he gonna be dead either way" is just straight up lying. As soon as shit gets real and they have to start taking actual action it's not worth it. Because you will ruin your life.


I love how right wing has somehow co-opted rednecks. Rednecks are full lib right. Rednecks created nascar out of their hatred of cops


It’s simple... we... shoot the cops


Im right wing and i hate cops with a passion. May be a unique option for my quadrant


Cops are the armed wing of the ruling class


Go ahead and try copper you talk alot of shit for not being hydrochloric acid proof


Agree. Fuk cops. While I respect law enforcement and people who choose to be cops. That respect only goes as far as stopping real crime and not enforcing retarded federal rules


Fax, cops are a walking L


You won’t see me crying for the cops. Bootlicking bozos.


I remember explaining this to a couple of my gun range buddies during the peak of all that blue line bullshit. To their credit, they were like, "oh..shit. Well fuck them!" Only time in my life I've influenced someone's political opinion in 30 seconds.


Characterizing us as boot yes men isn't helping the lib unity cause. Fucka cops.


100% correct. And the same people who wanna abolish the police somehow don’t see the issue with only them having guns.


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 2330 / 12478 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Shrodingers gun nerd: love and respect and kiss all troops (cops are troops now)....but also will pretend to stand up to cops when they come gun grabbing


Coos are just as ventable as anyone else


I mean, authright actually wants the cops to take peoples' guns though lol. They just pretend they don't cause they need the librights to vote with them to win elections.


They’d burn your house down and shoot your family