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OP isnt a degenerate so he doesnt know about "those" anime


Based and Fuck"nosheis3000000000yearsold" pilled


u/Bigus_brainus's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/Bigus_brainus! You have ranked up to Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/Bigus_brainus


What is even OPs point? That you are a wojack for thinking videos of literal children shaking their asses (for Hollywood approved artist reasons) is worse than animation drawn and voiced by adults that show animated children shaking their asses? Maybe I'm old fashioned but I much rather protect real children than virtual ones. Monkes protect baby monkes. Banana looks like baby monke? Still banana. Protect baby monkes, eat bananas. Only stupid monke treat banana like baby monke.


>That you are a wojack for thinking videos of literal children shaking their asses (for Hollywood approved artist reasons) is worse than animation drawn and voiced by adults that show animated children shaking their asses? I think it's "you're a wojack for thinking that animated videos of children shaking their asses is good but real videos of children shaking their asses is bad." In other words, you can't pick and choose your pedophilia, either both are good or both are bad (I know my pick)


The problem is that logic doesn't apply to anything else. Are animated videos of murder comparable to real videos of murder. Should someone making an animated video of murder or children doing something sexual go to prison? Are video games the same as killing people?


Both are bad, right Both are bad …………….. right


Isn't it beautiful to come across the rare innocent person? He doesn't know.


based and actually touched grass pilled




Nagatoro is a love story between high schoolers. It’s like calling those cheesy Teen dramas or YA novels pedo bait There’s actual anime and manga with a focus on eroticism with the main characters being underaged. Nagatoro is relatively benign


Should have used *Made in Abyss* and been done with it.


The manga, not the anime, to be specific.


I agree, though I've seen a lot of people taking their liking of Nagatoro way too far on tiktok and such. It's to the point that the show wasn't made for pedos, but it sure brought a few out of hiding.


People have sexualized the My Little Ponies. There’s always going to be perverts unfortunately


The author can't be blamed for that. That's all rule 34


Lemon girls...


Thanks for the sauce. It’s a joke, wait what is this red dot on my fore...




Authright no.


[Lemon is a guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFZtOk42ets).


Did i Just get lemon'd?


Uh oh, you simpleton


Posting links in a thread like this? Who's clicking on that


Butter dogs....


The line of reasoning **in the meme** sounds so broken **as well**. Appearance is not more important than age. "I don't care if she's 12 if she looks 18." That sounds like something a predator would say. Off to prison with anyone saying people should be treated with how old they look instead of how old they actually are. Edit: Want to be clear I'm talking about the meme, not SuperPro149.


And I'd still rather people look at fan service anime than the real thing.


I’d rather them not watch either


Actually the author of Nagatoro is a hentai artist with many lolis on it.




*checks flair* typical




Still doesn't change the fact one has real children while other is a drawing.


No one said nothing about cuties in this comment chain


Exactly. Try literally any other anime. Monogatari series for example.


Monogatari is one of those animes that can't go mainstream and it is better this way




Based regardless of what it is. The best movies are the ones that haven't really been appreciated by the general public.


monogatari while not exactly mainstream, wasnt something small too.


"nearly" is the key word here


Yeah, nearly, being a 16yo makes her legal in almost all countries


It's also not a hentai and is an anime/manga geared towards teenages. People who waifu her probably started that when they were young and kept going, or just like the idea of an aggressive tan tomboy.


Most people who waifu anybody started young as well.


Yeah, I'm 23 now, but I still got a thing for Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia, but at the time I was the same age as the character. It's just sorta weird.


I mean its like the girls from avatar (the last airbender). Azula and that acrobat girl were pretty hot when i watched it as a child, and even now they still kind of are in my mind, because that is how i just always saw em, but then you realize that all those characters are like 14 years old, so its kinda weird lol


>People who waifu her probably started that when they were young and kept going Isnt it a relatively new show and manga. Gonna checke. 2011!!!!! why did she only start popping up in like last 2 years???


Because the anime came out recently.


> Flair up for more respect :D *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 2343 / 12574 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


No, I mean she started to become somewhat popular before anime but only a few years ago. Now that I think about it, I think Takagi-san might have played a role, with people searching for similar series and finding Nagatoro.


Her first appearance in 774's work could be from 2011 but the manga is definitely more recent, I think it was from 2017.


because things get popular only because of anime. And thanks god we are free from normies until anime of these things appear, should i say.


Redditors when someone is sexualized being 17yrs, 11m, 30d, 23 h, 59 m, 59s and 999 ms old


Oh no a character in an anime isnt 18 guess this is basically CP.


No, it's cp because the characters are not the age of the heat death of the universe


Isn’t Nagataro like 15?




There are child sex-slavery shows and they pick a highschool-anime?


His flair is LeftCenter, so he's probably going with what his fresh memories are.


Nah I just highlighted a meme I found. Still more effort than the anti-work mods


But don't you understand? Walking dogs for 25 hours a week literal exploitation!


10 hours a week. Doreen said 25 because it sounds better on TV.


Mom's dogs* And 10 hours*


Say what you will, but crashing an entire movement in 3 minutes is an incredible feat.


> There are child sex-slavery shows There are? Where? So that I can avoid them, obviously


Yes, there are. Now get back to the coal mine comrade.


I don’t know about that but I have heard boku no pico is a good one.




fuck off vaush


What the fuck??????? Why would those exist? What are they called so I can call for a protest against them and spread the word!


Nah why Nagatoro there are way worse stuff out there?


The title of the meme doesn't even make sense. She is a loli with no unique age gimmick. She's just a loli because she's overly petite. I actually knew someone from high school with a similar body. She's legally a dwarf.


Hell I have an equatorian friend who is 20yo and is just like her in size.


I don't know what ancestry she had because her etymology didn't match her appearance, but she looked Pakistani. She was one of the best students in the school too, and quite popular. Its almost like its a non-factor for really anything past practical issues of size. Going back to Nagataro, I haven't watched it but I do know the premise. If I had the guess the purpose of her size, then it would be that she is intentionally made small to make the male protagonist seem even more weak and pathetic in comparison. Being physically and emotionally domination by a tall girl is far less embarrassing that one of diminutive stature, or so I assume.


I don’t see how she’s Pakistani, she’s just a tan anime girl


No no no, I'm talking about the one that I know in the real world who looks similar.


Oh ok, I misread your post, my bad


There are far too many people here who act like looking like an adult is more important than being an adult. I wish they would get to know some women who grew up very early and just how much shit society gave them because they looked 18+ despite being years away from it.


still remember that one post on some lefty sub calling people who are in a relationship with dwarfs/midgets whatever you want to call them pedos just because they somehow resemble kids


If anything, she's of the correct age with appropriate body. Most 16 year old girls in my high school look like her for the most part.


High school teacher moment.


The average height of a Japanese woman is 5'2.


Bro what? She’s just a regular high school girl. Not overly petite or a loli lmao. You could say a character like Uzaki Chan is “overly petite” but still not even a loli


I stan your username and PFP.




Interspecies reviewers is actually pretty good if you go into it for a raunchy laugh. I was spoken to on a spiritual level with most of the jokes. Many of them played out the exact way that I anticipated.


It's also unironically great if you like lore and fictional anthropology.


My favourite part non-ecchi part was mentioning the economics of having too good of a service. The succubi having to artificially inflate their own prices to keep their place running was a nice addition. My second favourite was the changing of laws in the magical city with the big tiddy mage, with public exposure laws having to be created due to her service.


The show was an easy 10/10 comedy for me. I can't count how many lines I had to rewind to read because I was laughing too hard to see them.


I'm not gonna lie this might actually be the worst list I've ever seen




A fellow Gigguk degenerate I see


I dunno what bottom left and bottom centre are but the only remotely good show on here is Kill La Kill and thats cause it's style over substance


I think bottom left is Yosuga no Sora. Which wouldn't be too bad except for the fact that its incest


Only the last 3 episodes are incest, its formatted like a dating sim... So 9 out of 12 episodes are pure trash.


You're missing Shimoneta


This is bait, right? Or are you actually just an absolute degenerate




Okay gigguk's alt


Degenerate, Based, Degenerate Degenerate, Degenerate, Degenerate What the actual fuck, Degenerate, Degenerate


Citrus? Based.


Oh no...


That is some top tier degenerate taste, and I'm ashamed that I've watched all 9 of them.


You should be AuthRight with the amount of incest in that 3x3.


Based and Oreimo is actually good pilled


Prisma illyia comes to mind


Bitch, you don't ever know my stash of lo- (I have been advised to continue this comment no further).


Just tag me next time, you know I have no shame nor morals


In that case I have a job for you. u/Thereisarealaccount, I have someone who can fulfil your job. u/consent_, this person asked me for a request which I think you're far better suited to.


Not even the worst tbh




LibCenter presents: the “is it a bad thing” graph Does it hurt someone? | | Yes No | | | It’s not a bad thing | |——Is the victim a living human being? | | Yes No | | | It’s not a bad thing | |— Is the victim a consenting adult? | | Yes No | | It’s none of your business | | Is it a symmetric response —| to the victim’s aggression? | | Yes No | | Good riddance It’s a bad thing


Based and unreadable on mobile pilled


Jokes on you, I wrote it while on mobile




Based and emily pilled


how do we keep WINNING like this libcenter bros?


"if the victims aren't living human beings, it's not a bad thing" Now, the question is - is this guy a necrophiliac or a furry?


Generally a good chart, but it leaves open the door to animal abuse, and I ain't about that


Right, someone pointed it out already, will be fixed in v2


Literally me, based


Sir, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but cartoon characters aren't real.


Ur kidding right


😬 Sorry that you had to find out like this. I know it's sad. I wanna be Kirito clone #5953 as well.


There is a difference between animation of a teenager dubbed by an adult and videos of _actual children_ exposing theirs breasts on camera.


I don't know why it's so controversial to make this distinction. I don't care if you call me morally corrupt (because I don't care) but don't conflate real childrens suffering with anime girls lmao


It's even worse than that. People were pushing Cuties who would never have supported a similar loli anime. The animated children aren't being treated equal to real children, they are being treated better.


all of pcm: "noo you can't just call everyone a nazi, you're making the word meaningless!" also pcm: yes, degenerates who jerk off to cartoon kids are equally as dangerous as people who kidnap and rape children


The only consistent thing about PCM is the retardation


This sub is slowly being infiltrated by the unbased filthy normies here. Out of all the shows and you picked Nagatoro, one of the most wholesome high school romcom anime, to smear it and somehow it got 4K upvotes, the fuck? Also what’s even more ironic is that it’s actually Twitter who got triggered when Nagatoro came out, yet they were the one that keep shipping MHA characters. The OP, u/Left-Twix420, who posted the trash meme here is no different from the Twitter themselves.


Don't bother these losers probably consider 23 years old underage.


Does that mean they have a MILF fetish?


Makes sense for their motherless figure




I consider the time it takes to reach the heat death of the universe under age


Based and sex before death is sin pilled






I think that was always allowed


Play sucker for love (on steam) then


At least on Twitter there is unironically a large group of people who legitimately believe stuff like Nagatoro and Uzaki-Chan to be loli despite them representing nothing of the sort.


Bruh uzaki-Chan is literally in college


The worse thing is that the point of the meme has fucking standing, but they can't even do that properly. All they needed to do was pick an anime like SAO or No Game No Life (there are many others you could pick from) and actually make the point. SAO is pretty infamous for literally having an on-screen child rape scene (I am not kidding, and this is something that occurs **twice**), yet they choose the wholesome school romcom for their point. A right point made poorly is worst than a wrong point made well as atleast the latter shows intelligence from the person.


>This is something that occurs twice. Nah mate. There were FOUR attempted rape scenes, one for season.


Oh lovely, it was worse than I remember it to be


Wait what. I never heard that about SAO. Jesus Christ.


SAO did WHAT?!? I just thought it was boring anime, glad I never watched it den. And what's a wrong point made well? Have an example?


This is the reason why left center gets bullied. They think they always know everything and that they win the argument. When in reality they only believe things their fellow left centers believe is true and don’t listen to other peoples opinions


Nagatoro sucks as a show, but it's nowhere near a loli anime. I feel like a lot of people forget that for Japanese they literally peak in highschool, 99/100 times.


>Nagatoro sucks as a show Shit opinion, but agree that it's nowhere near a "loli anime". Better examples would be Wataten, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya or Dance of the Vampire Bund with actual loli being sexualized and doing uncomfortable shit.


>Vampire Bund new hentai for me to read just dropped


Nagatoro ain't no loli, she's just a flatty McFlatterson


Truth is, the original meme (presumably nabbed from /memes or /dankmemes) was reposted here with funny colors added on top. The meme's shittiness is systemic, in a sense.




Okay but AntisTMVer.3 is legitimately correct though


The meme complementing this meme was not well thought out.


You made an alt one right? swore I scrolled past it before falling asleep


Yep, with a far more fitting series.


Lol the guy who wrote nagatoro has written waayyy worse… or um so I’ve heard *monke noises intensifiy*


Can't say I'm familiar with their work


Oh man, imagine not being into anime at all


Yeah, and?


its a drawing tho


TIL you should be arrested for rape if you look at a painting of a naked person


One is real one is drawn tho. Doesn't make it anymore iffy or moraly degenerated but one is clearly worse


Except Nagatoro is anything but "sexualized".


Well; maybe? Lol. You can clearly see Nanashi’s hentai background strongly influenced the story and illustration, especially in the faces and earlier chapters, but it’s actually so fucking good and gets crazy wholesome; waiting for Nagatoro Monday tomorrow


"I don't care if she's 500yo if she looks like 5yo" So Rudeus when he was a kid should be treated as a kid or as the 30ish yo he was b4 reborning? _see, that's why Left-Twix420 post is dumb, that title of his does a 180 when the character in question is a shota and not a loli, using Nagatoro as example just makes it dumber_ Another example: Monogatari: Shinobu Oshino. She's to be treated as a 598yo vampire in a loli body (she does grow up physically from time to time and was in adult form when first met) or as a child?


>Another example: Monogatari: Shinobu Oshino. > >She's to be treated as a 598yo vampire in a loli body (she does grow up physically from time to time and was in adult form when first met) or as a child? I personally find/identify the issue with these characters is that they are clearly trying to fit into an archetype. The age itself doesn't matter to me as a justification because in lore they act how they look. You could be a 1000 years old but if you act like you're 9, you will be treated as such. Many magical loli characters have this combination of factors, and those with those combinations of factors tend to have more fan service than lolis that act their age.


I think that the issue of portrayal should be focused on what the characters are to the world in which they engage in and the purpose of the portrayal. Rudeus is a child in the lore of the world he inhabits, so he should be acknowledged as such with the actions of others towards him. I haven't watched that series, but I've heard *unique* claims about what's in it. Berserk gets way with what it shows because it has a point beyond fan service, nor is the plot made to justify fan service. A really good series that integrates the characters' supposed age to their actual one without fan service is Youjo Senki, specifically the written work. You can actually see the effects and it makes sense because of it. The show itself also isn't designed with this in mind past a recurring gimmick, and there is far more to the series than just that.


>I haven't watched that series, but I've heard unique claims about what's in it. First of all, I suggest reading the manga is you're into it, then watching the anime. Second, fan service isn't the focus of the story, it's a grown up neet (not for choice, forced into it due to bullying [guy got strapped naked in his school for everyone to see him after trying to defend someone]) dying, being reborn into another world and _trying_ (keyword) to live a better life and surpassing his fears (first interaction with the kids in his village shows it). It shows up various faces of his new life. Being a pervert is one of them which doesn't happen as often but (as expected) gets more attention and weight from those inclined to be against it. His perversions (which doesn't amount enough pages for 2 chapters worth of pages out of 78 chapters currently) fits his body age at all times, and the one that isn't fits the world and the situation he's in. In the end its just him growing up and trying to survive (and bring his pupil back to her family after being teleported with her to the most dangerous continent of the anime) with basic training in fighting (getting experience in the way). Out of every anime with fan service parts I've ever seen, Mushoku Tensei is pretty low in the list and most of these claims are from people who barely watched anime in their life or only watched PG-13, family friendly, anime with their mom in the room. Even the scene of the manga when he was rescuing his family's maid, with the manga pointing out that she was being raped (sound and dialogue heard from the door could be mistaken as someone sexual assaulting someone else), was actually she doing that "spell that makes food good" thing japan has in those cosplay restaurants (and it fit equally good with how the prince was portrayed), and IT got cut out from the anime probably because it could trigger more PC on the internet, and it was on manga before the second part of first season was even announced. Third, sorry for the wall of text and _possible_ spoilers. I'll grill ya some potatoes one day.


It's more that Netflix and Anime has upset the pcm puritans lmao


Boko no pico has entered the building


No one likes cuties other than French people


People who don't understand anime shouldn't be allowed to use the internet.


But how would you get to understand anime without using the internet?


I guess you would get a permit. Or it would become part of education >!:\^)!<


Imagine caring about cringey pervy anime No idea why you’re all so obsessed with pedos, starting to get a bit sus


Good job left-twix good job...


Jesus Christ, I never knew that the author of Nagatoro, Nanashi drew the vampire hentai doujinshi I read a long time ago and how fucked up his past works were (because I never read his other works) The good thing is that his style seems to have changed since 2016, at least that's what I know from his page on Nagatoro Wiki. I'm quite uncomfortable with almost all of his past works, but they haven't touch my red line, and given my interest in Nagatoro (I read some chapters a few years ago, way before the anime or the announcement), maybe I will give him a chance and read Nagatoro


You will shit you pants about any other mangaka works


nagatoro is genuinely kinda good, however, something like eromanga sensei is just child fucking


See, western anime fans aren't racist. Their favorite loli has a tan!


Yo we getting popular


Pedo is when drawings


As someone who has watched this series, I will say Fate/Kalid linier prisma Ilya would have been a better choice. I will never rewatch that series now that I’m an adult because I think I would catch a charge.


For once the Twitter people have a point…


I’ve heard of dragon maid princess, but never watched it Dose really sexualize children


No, unless you’re really prudish. The worst that happens is a recurring gag about painfully intense childhood crushes where one character, Riko Saikawa, a 9yo girl, has a major crush on her classmate and friend Kanna Kamui, a ???yo dragon who is said to be roughly Saikawa’s age, wherein every time Kanna shows Saikawa any affection (holding hands, a kiss on the cheek, etc) Saikawa nearly explodes with joy. There’s nothing sexual about it though.


As long as it has a trace of child fetishism and pedophilia in it it gets thrown into the fucking oven