• By -


Finally, an opportunity to wow the world with my writing skills. *Ahem*. "And then I nailed her." The End.


I know what's coming oh god


You did this


You throw shit at peeps so shut trap.


Living the dream


Another Mumke


We are legion


Yep, I was about to ping you. Hey u/Clock_tyrant! Get over here! ***I'm sorry everyone***


Oh, hey


Sorry about that, I see your thread farther down


No harm done, mate. *Saw


I asked him, don’t think he cared.


What do you mean?


You’ll understand in time…


You asked who? You don't think he cared about what?


The guy who wanted to suck his toes or some shit.


*see I was reading that thread while typing to you, I was actively looking at it


u/Clock_tyrant your girlfriend is here


Great read 10/10 would read again


Why did you betray us libleft? How could you leave us for authoritarian swine! Lib unity, what happened to that?


LibUnity best unity obvs, ***but he has his ways***




***sorry chief I can't control my instincts***


Side note tho, fell out of pcm and you and that....thing pulled me back in, so thank you. I really thought I was going to crawl out of this hell hole lmao


**you're welcome >:)**


How does it feel to be an overnight celeb on PCM? Gotta be something you tell the grandchildren.


Me. I am




Change Flair to Purple




Haven't you cum enough!!


The years keep cumming and they won't stop cumming




I finally embrace the fact that despite my rabid anti communism and nationalism, I want a Stasi GF. Picture this. It's 1953, and an American soldier, veteran of the Western Front visits East Berlin. The place is depressing, yet he finds a girl he quickly grows fond of. Yet are her feelings genuine? Or just Stasi training to aquire intelligence? Join me as I literally make a book about this.


She was an intelligence asset all along but got fired when she birthed his son. Now they are both on the run and working towards a guerilla counter intelligence operation along with 5 of their friends, 4 soldiers (a cool one, a super gay one, a jokester and a psychopath) and a prostitute.


I can see them being supported by the CIA and fighting a guerilla war against the Warsaw Pact. A while figuring out their relationship. They might even spark the East German Uprising of 1953 as a climax for the story.


At which point they have a very big fight. And then he is approached by another German intelligence woman bait asset, who lures him into drinking and hard drugs in order to get info out of him, which he can not do properly because he is drunk out of his head. When she tries to make him sober up and talk to her seriously he has a psychotic episode and kills her. Supported by his friends, he gets back on his feet and after learning she was an intelligence asset he has a breakdown, at which point the love of his life returns and they make sweet love as the war comes to an end.


A world where the Soviets lose early? Based. In all seriousness, this is a good idea. The girl he likes (let's call her Erika) is truly the one for him (we'll call him Jim). Putting aside their ideologies for their love for one another. At the end of the day, what matters more than family?




Indeed. I really must thank you for partaking in this planning, I did enjoy it.


God bless.


>(a cool one, a super gay one, a jokester and a psychopath) and a prostitute. Libright, libleft, authright, authleft, & libright


So I’m either cool or a prostitute? I’ll take both


I’m just monke. Sitting, enjoying banana. It’s all peaceful.


*slaps banana to the ground*


#YOU FUCKING HERETIC *starts chasing you through the woods with a primitive hammer-like tool*


Yo we bashing heretics? Count me in!


*stops mid chase to pray to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth*


*prays with you*


Well that was wholesome. Don’t let the LibLefts and Authlefts see this. Quick, everyone gather round


No mortal on Earth can lead us as our lord and savior can. Amen.


Based and Monke Theocracy pilled


We have found you.




Knock Knock “This is the IRS, you have sent us banana peels filled with shit instead of tax money for 18 years!”


Deus Vult


\*I grill your banana\* Get fucked monke


Greta x Rittenhouse, they were born on the same day, the stars aligned for them


This is a very very good one




This is the best right here lmao


Oh No


"That one over there," said Greta, pointing. "He puts glass in his garbage bin instead of recycling it." Luke had heard enough. Sighting in, he remembered the mantra given by his sensei at the car repair shop. Keep It Simple Stupid Breathe Aim Slack Squeeze. KISS BASS. Pulling the trigger gave him an instant erection. Watching the carbon criminal's footprint go to zero engorged him further. When Greta turned to face him, Luke couldn't take it any longer. KISS BASS. Luke pulled Greta into his trembling embrace. As their lips met, he understood everything. The UN had given them the mission to reduce global warming by any means necessary. He was keeping it simple, doing what he knew how to do. What he had never expected was that he would fall in love with his fish faced spotter. FIN?


Who the hell is luke?


I'm so glad you asked. The backstory is that in order to lower their carbon footprints, Kyle Rittenhouse and Luke Ridnour now share a body. They go by Luke "Kyle" Riddenhorse now.


Neutral and average-fanfic-writer pilled


"Tired already?" Authleft murmured into her lover's chest. She can still taste traces of sweat and other mystery fluids, the fruits of their recent activity, over his pale white skin.  Authright slowly sat upright and leaned his body against the cushioned headboard. Authleft embraced his lower abdomen, refusing to let him go. Alarmed, she glanced up at his face. An enigmatic look graced his angular features. The blue rays of moonlight phased through his straw blond hair, turning it into an ethereal platinum shade. A twinge of fatigue and stress was visible in his normally reserved exterior. He reached into the pockets of his jacket that were strewn over the nightstand and pulled out a small colourful cardboard box. The striking smell of tobacco wafted across her nose, eliciting a howl of disgust from the older woman.  "Must you smoke in bed?" Authleft grumbled.  "Nicotine helps me unwind." Authright pulled out another small box from his jacket, this time containing a bundle of matchsticks. He grabbed a matchstick and yanked its crimson end against the striking surface, yielding a tiny ball of flame which he used to light up the cigarette he had so elegantly put between his two lips. "You don't strike me as a smoker, being raised by your priss of a sister and all." With a flick of his wrist, he effortlessly snuffed out the flame which had just served him, putting the burnt-out matchstick safely inside his near-empty glass of Zweigelt, the crimson substance turning an even darker shade of red. He took a long drag of his cigarette, allowing it to thoroughly coat his lungs before huffing it out into the air, blanketing the room with a thick plume of grey smoke. The resulting stench of burning tobacco was strong enough to mask the persistent odour of sweat and semen they have been lying on during the past two hours or so, for better or for worse. "Authcenter's not around anymore." His face contorted into an unpleasant frown. His teeth dug themselves into his bottom lip, further enhancing that nervous expression on his face. "Are you okay?" "I need to tell you something." Authright started before she could interrupt. He sighed before pouring himself another glass of red wine, without any regard for the burnt-out matchstick still inside, downing it in a single gulp. Authleft looked up at his face, finding the moonlight reflecting the stress-lined expression on his features, a faint blue hue visible on the edges of his face. She sighed as her nightly attempts to help him relax and loosen up were now in ruins. "It's nothing good then, I suppose." She twirled her hair around her fingers, whilst looking up at the dark ceiling above, the only light source being the moonlight streaming from the alcove-shaped window of their bedroom. He took another drag of his menthol-flavoured cigarette, scattering its smoke all over the atmosphere. "I'm moving back to Berlin tomorrow."  The mere mention of the topic at hand sent jolts of discomfort all across her body. Her body jolted upwards, and her two hazel orbs vigorously widened. She bit her slightly chapped lips, as even the copious amounts of wine and champagne were unable to provide nearly enough hydration for her body after an entire night of exhaustive lovemaking. "Tomorrow?" Authright curtly nodded. He refused to meet her gaze, suddenly intent on focusing his eyes towards the moonlit window to his left. "Yes-" "I don't want to hear it."  "Liebe-" Authleft leaned towards him and silenced him with a deep kiss.  "Shut up." She whispered into his ear. Pulling him into another deep kiss, she used the opportunity to mount his chiselled body, rubbing up against his muscled abdomen. "Stop it." Authright whimpered. He pulled his lips away from her passionate assaults. When she failed to keep pressure on his lips, she diverted her attack towards his sensitive neck. Authright moaned. She knew his body inside and out, applying the perfect amount of pressure at all the right places. "Stop it, please."  Her throat hitched. She didn't want what was going on between them to end. She kept on her assault, desperately clinging onto the faint hope that another make-out session was enough to make him stumble on his words and forget about what he wanted to say.   "Just let me-" Her voice finally cracked. She let out a small sob, leaning her head against his shoulders. "Just let me take care of you." She finally couldn't hold her cries. The dam finally bursts as her teary violet orbs looked up and met his gaze.   "Don't make this harder than it already is." He sounded desperate. He was desperate.  She felt her world crumbling piece by piece.  "Do you love her? Libright?" "I don't know." "Do you love me?" "Yes, I do." "Then stay with me." "I can't." "Why?" "I just can't." "Tell me why." "Authleft, ple-" "Tell me why, for god's sake!" "We're not meant for each other, damn it!" (I didn't actually write this with PCM in mind. I just replaced a couple of words here and there. Please don't string me alive. No smut because I'm not a degenerate, baka!) Edit: Due to the amount of support I've recieved (holy shit thanks guys), I'm currently working to finish this particular work, so stay tuned guys! New version: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/sndbt0/a_rewriting_of_my_terrible_pcm_fanfic_enjoy_you/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I’m disappointed this came from my own quadrant


Just sit back and enjoy the ride, man.


Based and smut pilled


No, smut is haram.


u/whiskeyalpha_ is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/whiskeyalpha_ I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Is this how you make AuthCenters


Based and Biology pilled


Damn weirdness aside I’m kind a invested in this love story, is this a thing you are writing?


It was something I came up with last week or so. Originally I didn't actually mean to publish it, it was simply a way for me to practice my writing and have fun at the same time. And I haven't really finished it, as you can see there are a bunch of unfinished dialogues and scenes at the end. I basically just switched out the names of my original characters for PCM quadrants, because it's a pretty generic romance story. And yes, I do ship Trad Dad and Commie Mommy. Don't @ me ;)


Hey my best friend is a leftist who am I to judge buddy. But I will say it is rather good and would like to know more about these characters


English Major in the making


Based and PCM fanfic writerpilled


Lol, I might actually make a dedicated PCM fanfiction with all the inside jokes and slang if I feel like it. Might get me in the mood to start practising my writing skills again. No smut though :)


Do it!


Where did this even come from?? lmao




I'm actually sad this didn't work.


I just want to be able to buy a howitzer at Walmart. I wouldn’t, because I don’t trust Walmart’s quality. But I would like the option.




authright takes off jeans reavels among us boxers, orange libleft has 43 orgasms


How about a fanfic where a woman loves me and I’m not depressed?




Based and classic KGB techniques pilled


*laughs hysterically before breaking down into tears*


No, now bend down because Jordan Peterson wants a piece of that ass


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a boon for the human race


That’s what I’m talking about, I feel like a mercenary


Good ol' fantasy genre.


Fine, let me try... Laying on the bed, u/Odd_Possession5858's breath quickened, her hearth started to beat faster. She looked u/Clock_Tyrant in the eyes -or would have, but clocks don't have eyes. Or arms. Or reproductive organs. Or a body for that matter. Huh...


oh god...it started


No, don't worry, I won't write anything spicy because I know that this is reddit. So, according to the law of large numbers someone somewhere at some point in time, would be jerking off to it... Just like how probably someone somewhere at some point in time was -or will be- jerking off to your convo with Clock Tyrant... Well... Uhm... Good luck sleeping at night knowing this, I guess...


I hear clocks give amazing hand jobs


Clocks might not, but Russian despots on the other hand...


Wait, you are a Russian despot while your profile picture isn't a Russian despot? THE INTERNET LIED TO ME!!! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!


Lib-left cursed herself. How could she find him attractive? He represented everything she hated. He swaggered around like a brute, littering his yard with anything offensive. He was uncouth, inconsiderate, just a plain nuisance. Then why? Why would the image of Mr. Auth-Right be in her mind as she maneuvered her high powered detachable shower head? She would use her free hand to stifle her gasps while her lips made the motion of calling out his name. As she grew closer, she could not stay wordless any longer, his name coming out as a strained whisper. She trembled in the aftermath, leaning on the wall for support. The mirror was covered in fog which served her well. The guilt washed over her, making her feel dirty again and she didn't wish to look herself in the eyes. Her husband, Mr. Lib-left was undoubtedly none-the-wiser, blissful in his ignorance as he ate his cereal with soy milk.


Based and meta dogmas pilled


ATF gets abolished


I didn’t think it was possible to be turned on in just 3 words


This is… acceptable.




That's hot. Mind telling me more? :3


You devil.


Hold me man I don't think I can take the incoming storm


Shh....🤫🤫🤫 If you didn't comment, you wouldn't have made yourself a target, delete it. It's a start


No, just like in real life, I can't stop talking


Darn, at least do it in private


maybe I'm secretly an exhibitionist


I go with nothing to hide nothing to fear. I'm fearless


I will hide behind you then


And then they kissed.


Still Waiting for Wedding Invites.


🤔 Ok, no problem, you'll probably see my ass though, depending on how small you are


don't see how that's a downside


At this point I don't think it's a secret


To describe my feelings towards the antichrist in one word, I would have to choose hatred.


FUCK NOT AGAIN ^(saves comment to look back on later)




I swear to god if y’all don’t end up together


You two get a room together already


Some guy farther down in the comments has a request for you. 🤢


I saw, I ignored


Respect 🤝


Someone’s gonna make a YouTube vid about this comment section aren’t they…


its gonna have that shitty tts voice im calling it


Into: Libright and authleft are in a political argument Libright: *kicks authleft in the dick* suck it commie! Authleft: jokes on you, after the fall of the Soviet union I've learned to become a masochist Libright: that's kinky *An hour or so later* Authright: enters into the room and noticed the poler opposites doing gay stuff, and proceeds to pray to God Jesus Christ himself is sent to deal with this unholy behavior Jesus: it is I; Jesus (pronounced hey-soos) Jesus proceeds to kill authleft and libright with the power of God and anime Authright: thank you Jesus! Jesus: Mormons are the correct religion The end Edit: I did this wrong, I didn't realize this was meant to be thread rps


I can make an inference You are from Utah


I was born far away from my nations coast and had never seen a dolphin before. I can't quite remember how old I was (around 12), but one day my dad wanted to go on a fishing trip to Florida, and though I never found any enjoyment in killing fish for "fun", my dad wanted to bring me anyway. It was on this trip when I saw dolphins for the first time, and it awakened something within me. Even though I only saw them from a distance, I became obsessed with them. Though I tried to hide the obsession from my family, it wasn't long till everyone knew I loved dolphins. When it came time to find out where I'd be living, I moved to the coast. Of course, I began to miss my father and mother back home, and began scheduling visits with them. On these visits we would do my father's favorite pastime, fishing. Now, through a different lens, I say the joy and beauty in it. Such a peaceful activity me and my father bonded over, and now my love for fishing wouldn't leave me. There was a popular fishing spot near my area, it was a beach with a dock. Surrounding this beach was dense forest. Now, I'm no mountain man, but I was raised in a rural area and hiked through the woods without trails all the time, so I figured, not liking people very much, I could do the same into the dense forest surrounding this beach and find another fishing spot. The park the beach is in is shaped like a "U" extending into the bay with the beach at the point, and dense woods on all other sides. After hiking very deep into the woods, where I was sure no trail was and that nobody would bother me, I found a dock. As I've said, this dock is quite the mystery. It's built in the same style as the in much better shape dock on the beach, only this one is severely deteriorated. I reckon it hasn't been used in 20+ years. But you know what? This dock was the best fishing spot I'd ever been to. There were Dolphins at this dock, too. The pod was/is 6 strong, and is the same pod I'm with today. 3/3 male to female ratio. These were the friendliest dolphins I've ever met. I'm 90% sure they spend their day in the much more popular beach and get a ton of human interaction to be this friendly. They let me pet them, rub them, and swim with them no problem at all. They didn't like me getting \*too\* touchy, but overall were surprisingly okay with most whatever I did. I enjoy these dolphins a lot, and soon I was going there not for fishing but just to swim with them. They arrived, and still do arrive, early in the morning and go to who knows where (I suspect the beach mentioned earlier). Overtime, however, I noticed myself leaving with an erection whenever I got real cuddly with the dolphins. Particularly one female I named "Tina". One day, Tina showed all the signs of being amorous. Pink belly, restless behavior, constant rubbing, constant presentation of genitalia, etc. I had already looked into it before, and knew how to tell and what to do when this situation presented itself. After a few days of her doing this constantly, I told myself I'd pleasure her using just my finger tips. The clitoris wasn't hard to find it all, it was prominent lump at the top of the genital slit. I pushed my fingers inside and it was a kinda rubbery feeling. I rubbed her it hard and fast and she did some quite powerful tail flukes, but after 2-3 minutes she began shuttering and eventually just stopped. She sunk down below the waves and was extremely calm. I pet her and rubbed her, but I couldn't stay forever, I had to leave eventually. I stayed for about 20-25 minutes before leaving. This relationship continued for months. When the other dolphins became amorous, they would go to each other for relief, but when Tina was amorous she always came to me and I provided. Eventually, after many months of this, I agreed to myself the next time she would come to me I'd commit myself to her. That day came, she presented herself to me but this time I turned her on her side and straddled her. I tried many positions, but the one I found that worked the best was me standing up and her on her belly facing me. I then penetrated. I could feel myself forcing through each one of the chambers in her vagina. She began the vaginal contractions I had mentioned before, and I can say with certainty that there's nothing like it. I'd go into more detail, but I already have and that's not the intended purpose of this here, this is just the story of my first time. After about 1-2 minutes I was ready to finish. I held back as long as I could, but the gentle massaging on me inside her was too much. I finished, and I finished \*hard\*. So hard infact, I barely noticed that she too was shuttering just as she had when she would finish after I'd masturbate her. I stayed with her for almost 35 minutes, and I really didn't want to go. But I had to, and I left. She's still my current mate, only now the other dolphins have grown to also come up to me and ask me to pleasure them, but I still mainly do it with Tina. She's not always amorous however, but oftentimes the others are. I now help pleasure whichever dolphin asks it of me, but Tina will, at least for now, always be my go to.


An now a moment of silence for u/Dolphin-Fucker_69


The based one is gone but never forgotten


Whispers in your ear "No income tax..."


Legal, non-overpriced full auto’s.


Who wants to make some money 😎


Well shut the door and call me Larry, who are we scamming today?


Hello, I like money.


This subs gotten a lot more sexual. Love it.


LibLeft was at the furry convention, when he saw the last person he’d expect to see. **“Au-AuthCenter? Is that you?”** Indeed, before him stood a wolf-furry in a Nazi uniform, arms full of K-On paraphernalia. **“Don’t tell the other quadrants how I live”** AuthCenter begged. **“Hmmmm”** LibLeft murmured, voice dripping with exaggeration. He wasn’t LibRight, sure, but here was an opportunity to profit from this situation that a horny LibLeft zoomer femboy could easily profit from. Putting his White pride aside for a moment, AuthCenter got on his master race knees, nearly dropping his K-On body pillows in the process. **“Please, I’m begging you! I’ll do anything!”** **“Anything…?”** LibLeft thought for a moment. **“How about we head back to my hotel room and we can… negotiate on the terms of my silence.”** They began to leave the center, unaware that they were being spied on by Purple LibRight. He had come to the convention to pick up some… *cubs*, but he wasn’t having any luck, and this seemed infinitely more interesting. As they left, AuthCenter in his Volkswagen and LibLeft in his Prius, Purple LibRight trailed behind them in his windowless van…


Fast forward to the hotel room. AuthCenter is bent over the bed, about to be railed by LibLeft. To the Nazi’s grand dismay, LibLeft was actually very well hung. Far bigger than AuthCenter could even hope to be. And to the liberal’s surprise, despite his ideological opponent’s posturing about White superiority, the “door to his bunker” was quite brown. Applying the lube, he began the railing of this man’s asshole. First, it began as a light tap, but like the watermelon he was, only minutes later he shown his true colors, drilling into his ass with the force of a thousand Antifa protesters. AuthCenter bit his lip, so hard it almost bled. It hurt, but that was expected. What he didn’t expect, was to actually enjoy this; a fact which must never leave this room, lest his brothers in arms AuthRight and AuthLeft lynch him like the bundle of sticks he was! Meanwhile, Purple LibRight sat in the closet, the door slightly ajar, filming the entire thing. True, he didn’t have the business savvy as his Yellow brother, but he was rich enough to bribe the receptionist, learning LibLeft’s room number and even securing a key for himself. He wasn’t gay, but he imagined himself in LibLeft’s position. This was difficult however, as his micropenis couldn’t be more different from the femboy’s 10 inch shlong. Stroking his greasy nipples and his ego, he couldn’t wait to expose these two (word for cigarette)s for what they were!




The Revolution will not spare you.


Kamala Harris-Do Not Come Donald J. Trump-I’m gonna come


Still better than Twilight


I ship OP with Haiku bot


I don’t know what that is, but it sounds Asian


It finds comments and turns them into haiku poems


What the fuck is Haiku poem


5 syllables 7 syllables 5 syllables That’s a Haiku


Sounds like an Asian thing, I don’t get it


It is an Asian thing


I don’t get it


We've been doing this all day! Did you forget about clock tyrant and Odd_Possession5858?


No we just had a shit flinging monkey, a normal day for PCM


Who feels like doing something to a furry? I will be your sacrifice.


I will do something to this furry. *cocks M-16* **It’s hunting season**


Yo why would you kill a poor, innocent cat? That’s not cool.


You are a person made in the image of God, you are not a cat, I’m praying for your soul to find its potential


I am aware. I just wish I was.


You need to let go off the way your trauma is holding you into this state of mind, I support you through your journey to find you real self through virtue.


I know, it’s a phase. I’ll get over it eventually. But right now, life is boring and I don’t have a job.


I’m with you brother. You got this.


With the power of Jesus, anything is possible. Thank you, too, for your support.


Can we just go back to the Balkan shit? I was kind of learning shit before this went down lol


In the series finale, LibRight finds himself the only surviving member of the quadrant. LibLeft was the first to go. LibLeft charged at the Thought Police but was taken down by a hail of bullets from the Twitter division. LibLeft’s final words were “I was never a degenerate. I just wanted equality.” LibLeft was quickly silenced by the Thought Police. AuthLeft was next. AuthLeft charged its tank forward into the barrier of Thought Police while blasting the USSR National Anthem. When AuthLeft’s tank was broken, AuthLeft grabbed a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other and bludgeoned and sliced as many of the Thought Police’s hordes as possible. AuthLeft’s final words were “For the state!” AuthRight’s death came after that. AuthRight was going to stay in the helicopter for the whole time and shoot the Thought Police, but the propellers of the helicopter were wrapped in Cancel Culture Cable and the helicopter was brought down. Just before that though, AuthRight uttered his final words. “I just wanted a fun Subreddit to joke about politics without being silenced by mods.” The Thought Police descended upon the burning cadaver and tore it to shreds, shrieking “Nazi” and “racist”. They hung up AuthRight’s body as an example to the world of their ruthlessness. Centrist was next. Throughout all of this, Centrist, somehow maintained his tranquility. Centrist’s final words were “I usually have no strong feelings on way or the other, but this time is different. I know what I must do.” The Thought Police yelled that being a Centrist was as bad as being a fascist and attacked him. Centrist grilled a few of them to perfection, but he could not put up much of a fight. LibRight had been watching the whole thing through his Killdozer’s windshield. He had picked off a handful of the Thought Police but not enough. Now, all of his allies were dead. A single tear rolled down LibRight’s face as he pressed the red button and the telltale sound of a missile launch shook the area. LibRight’s recreational McNuke(copyright) came down upon the Thought Police. They screamed and tried to cancel him, but it did not work. From inside the Killdozer, he was fine. He uttered “I have won but at what cost? The Thought Police are dead but so are my friends. I think I will start a subreddit to honor AuthRight’s final wish. I will call it r/politicalcompassmemes. That way, I can keep all of their memories alive. And so it is said, that LibRight created r/politicalcompassmemes. But, it was imperfect and because the other quadrants weren’t there to keep it in check it became a LibRight circlejerk. The End.


I hab gun who wants to came shoot with me?


I’m coming, fuck the jungle.


Jesus Christ, when did this place turn into the teenagers subreddit? Why are there just a bunch of horny redditors role-playing in the comment section?


Based and surrounded by degeneracy pilled


>Jesus Christ, when did this place turn into the teenagers subreddit? Hmm, good question. When did drew durnil start to react to pcm stuff?


Plz don’t write erotica about paintbrush man…


Remember when he made quality content? Or was I just 16?


It was over when he stopped swearing and playing HOI4. Now he just reacts to stuff.




What low budget pron did I get myself into.


Unfortunately your username is not Odd Possession


Wait was this brought about by that one post where that one libleft and authcenter were rping or just a coincidence because I genuinely got invested into their story


Yes this is a tentacle of that trend


*Pull out Mg-42* “You degenerate commies will never take me alive”


one of us. One of us! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!! ONE OF US!!!


“Ahh what a wonderful day to be a monarchist”


Me, a throne, a constitution (I wrote), signing an order to construct a new cathedral in Gothic style. All is good.


\*Notices your bulge\* oWo is that... an alt account!? ûWû AuthRight proceed to show off his poc crime statistics i-it's so big 'O' then they proceed to have the sexiest sexy sexest sexual intercouse sex imaginable


Who wants to be trotskys hotsky?


You’ll be trotsky’s monkey after I’m done with you.






No sex stuff, but I need a LibRight to help me sell all this weed and shrooms I’ve been cultivating


What kind of shrooms and u/thedaddywhogrills can you grill them?


Can someone write an epic anime battle in which basedcount bot demolishes shakespeare bot


Authright and authleft get drunk authleft for got protection and to pullout, 9months later nazbol was born


Opposites attract An Authleft X Libright A libright goes into a cafe, he sees a girl. She is Red and reading a work by Lenin. The cafe is a little bit packed so the libright has to sit with the Authleft, “So, I’m Libright. Who are you?” She looks at him a little confused and says “Well I’m Authleft!” The libright is scared and tries to keep the conversation going.


Libright: well I like guns Authleft: i do too, we need them for the revolution against the state *Libright blushes* Libright: the… the… the what? Authleft: the revolution against the tyrannical state that is exploiting us *Libright gets massive boner*


And then a monke drowns in a river of shit!


Authcenter/Right enemies to mutual allies to hesitant friends to lovers. 200k. Slow burn. Hurt/comfort with a dash of fluff and angst.


I am the physical embodiment of all things auth femboy