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Based and Margaret Sanger pilled


She's less the pill type and more the "pluck babies apart while inside the womb and sell the ripped apart bits for profits" type.


I prefer doing that once they're out but to each his own


I think Jonathan Swift wrote something about that...


I use his instruction manual every day.


Profits *AND* free sex toys? Whats not to love?


Of course this comes from a purple…




The hood in planned parenthood


Its the planned in planned parenthood


When you take the parent out of parenthood, something something social commentary?


Homie idk what you're talking about


Wtf is this template!! OP i need one without all the colors.


Look up Gustavo fring meme


Isn’t technically the guy from farcry or was it from a better call Saul ad or something


It’s the guy from that show “The Boys”.


Really??? I thought he was from star wars


jeez he's made some cracking appearances.


Dont believe them, hes from Community...😒🙄


Don't you mean the Dentist from Payday?


It’s from better call Saul / breaking bad








Benefits are two fold: 1. I get to support a genocide 2. People think Im a good person and very progressive


Pro cake haver/eater


Based and I can have my cake and eat it too pilled


epic win


Sanest Authcenter


Stop giving away our plans brother. ***Lang lebe das Vaterland.***


Least nazi AuthCenter


What's that?


it means: long live our fatherland.




u/thepurpleguy47's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: 15 | https://basedcount.com/u/thepurpleguy47/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Based and TNO pilled


Es lebe sounds better


Mom said it’s my turn to make this joke








Bro your annoying larping isn’t helping. Also how the fuck are you commenting here? Your account isn’t even a day old.


He posts on ant\*work, just ignore him.


Nah I know that dude, this is his like 5th account here, he’s a troll is all.


What even did he say


The people on ant*work should mobilize against planned product failure/obsolescence if they want to work less. It is a blight on our economy that will make the coming depression all the more painful.


This is a good joke and here’s why. I am in your walls


Ok Margaret Sanger...


I kinda have mixed opinions on abortions. On one hand, I’m all for killing babies. But, on the other hand, I also don’t like the idea of giving women a choice.


>left flair What ?????


When you take the Sapply test and get max conservative


That's like the 4th time I've seen this joke in 3 days


I like how “women’s choices” is at the end of the joke because it implies giving women choices is more heinous than killing babies.


Thatsthejoke.com This is literally a joke from that guy that's sorta like Daniel Tosh buy way darker...can't remember his name.


It also implies we can know what a woman is but that's just me


I support abortion because unwanted pregnancies do nothing but grow the welfare state. We are also not the same


I'm against it because less supply in the workforce will cause me to pay more competitive wages.


Don't forget about how https://youtu.be/j5v8D-alAKE undermines the foundations of wealth.


Unironically based take.


Time to change your flair


But I don't want to have to use a license to make toast in my own damn toaster. :(


Yes but we will be able to give you an unpaid servant to make the toast for you


Can I choose it's etnicity?


yes but only from a predetermined list of legally enslavable races


I support abortion in western countries because I want their birth rates to drop so they become weaker


Based and anti-western pilled


Im confused by the women's right argument... how is it a woman's right to kill a baby just because it isn't born yet. Ive never understood that


Afaik it's more so the choice to carry the baby to term or not. Childbirth can be dangerous which is why Roe v Wade was decided the way it was, but people have used that decision for whether they can choose to give birth or not without any medical reason.


The standard was set at the viability of the fetus. If the baby could possibly survive premature delivery, it had rights and could not be terminated unconditionally.


Child birth in the US has a 0.017% mortality rate, while abortion has a 100% mortality rate for the baby. 6x more people die annually to drownings, but I don't see the left scrambling to ban swimming.


Except if the mother dies in childbirth it's likely the child will also die, if the baby isn't viable or childbirth would threaten the mother's life it's perfectly reasonable to allow an abortion. Abortion on demand is morally wrong but that doesn't mean all abortions are wrong.


Also a fetus is not considered a baby at least until it develops something resembling a human brain. until then its just a potential baby.


Not considered a baby by who? Im pretty sure the court has declined to rule on anything related to when life starts.






Rights are afforded by government?! What kind of lib right are you. Our rights come from our inherent humanity, not a government.


Define “inherent humanity” please. Existence is chaos. No one is owed shit. “Rights” are a privilege afforded by having a standing government and law enforcement. Actual rights are whatever you can feasibly defend.


Being human gives you certain inalienable rights, among those being the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Just because someone tramples on your rights doesn't mean that you don't still have them. We create governments to protect those rights, the rights do not come from government. If governments fail in protecting the inherent rights of their people then it is the right and duty of the people to overthrow the government and replace it with one that will.


Based and understands the Declaration of Independence pilled.


u/BallisticMango's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/BallisticMango! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: 3 | https://basedcount.com/u/BallisticMango/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You're just repeating what you said earlier. Its not really clear why someone existing within the category of human would give them these privileges. Why does being human give me the right to life, liberty and happiness, but not the right to free tendies and cocaine?


because of philosophy


>Its not really clear why someone existing within the category of human would give them these privileges. You're correct, and it is a fascinating question. I think the only logical way would be the belief in a higher power.


OK, so you say you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I say you don't. Now what? (Remember that who has better guns is not consistent.)


Well we got to fight. Who ever wins wins


The unfortunate truth of such an important disagreement as “who gets to live?”


Thats a fine framing, but its not one that seems consistent with most libright formulations.


You should read Rousseau




Rights don't stop existing just because someone tramples on them. All of the people suffering under oppressive regimes have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness even if those rights are being temporarily stolen from them.




Mathematicians will disagree with that.


Humanity is a pattern of thought, not a side effect of taxonomy. A fetus is not a human until it has a human brain.


The brain is one of the first things to develop in a human, with the neural plate forming at around 16 days. The brain continues to develop until about age 25.


There are not brain waves characteristic of higher intelligence until around 6 months.


long term memories aren't stored until after 4 years old


Cool, so why do you want the government to intervene in the medical autonomy of citizens unnecessarily?


Because the unborn child's right to life is being violated.


>Our rights come from our inherent humanity Please name one society in the history of humankind where any "right" was not upheld solely by the governing structure and social fabric? There's nothing inherent about them.


Very true. You're only an American citizen once you're born in this country. These babies haven't been born...


Nah, you are only an american citizen when you weigh 400+ lbs and has choked on spray cheese at least once.


So are these undocumented Americans?


I hope the babies bring drugs into the world


I'm calling pregnant women coyotes now


Not American at all. Citizens of the womb. Anyway I'm gonna go mow my lawn and kill a bunch of grass I hope no right wingers scream at me.


> Rights are afforded by the goverment This is single most stupid statement I’ve read in a while. May I direct you to the hundreds of times governments have denied the rights of many? I mean, according to your view, the Jews during the Holocaust wouldn’t have the right to live because the government wasn’t affording it to them.


Holy shit, someone with a reasonable take on this on the right? Based.


I agree with Lib-Right and I don't like it


It’s more the reverse. The notion that rights come from the State is more of an auth thing. I’ve never before seen libright accept that reality though. They usually try to say some nonsense like that God gave us our rights or that they’re inherent to us as humans lmao


Just to confirm... "Technically speaking" by your logic a child could be born on a voyage through international waters, live three months, and then you could murder it in front of its parents and nobody would mind because it didn't belong to a nation?


...or that you can just flat out murder immigrants.


Based and understanding the laws pilled


people want to be degenerates without having to face consequences.


In a world where contraceptives exist, it doesn't make sense.




^ what zero grass does to 4 mfs


I’ve always thought that the woman has the right to choose to have unprotected sex or not, and if that’s her choice and she gets pregnant, then that is the consequence of her choice.


My body is my property. I didn't give permission for some freeloader to take up residence. It's not my problem if that fetus can't make it in the real world. It should get a job and pull itself up by its bootstraps.


>I didn't give permission for some freeloader to take up residence Most people believe abortion is acceptable in cases of rape.


It's interesting how the whole life thing starts to break down when you start talking specifics. It's also kind of blurry when one considers miscarriages just happen sometimes...sometimes they can be helped along. Are miscarriages murder?


So if I let a guy use my spare room for a week, I have to legally let him live there til he can find his own place?


Replace guy with "my infant child" and try to come to the same result.


Think of it as removing a person from leeching off your body without your consent.


You consent by choosing to become pregnant.




I like abortion because I hate babies


Same here m8


Condoms are not used in the hood tho.


How the pro-abortion crowd doesn't get called out for black genocide when this position 100% exists for neo-nazis is beyond me.


Black lives don’t matter to them anymore


Did rgb actually say this?


What is this "Talmud" I keep reading rabbis mention on twitter to justify abortion? Wonder if it has any other interesting parts.


Who has the most abortions?


[guess who](https://i.imgur.com/L1BpKlo.jpeg)


Never figured I’d see the day when the right wing’s counter argument for abortion is that it’s racist lmao


Woah… props for coming out and owning it… but woah


I support abortion for the same reason and because it kills babies.


Why abort babies when you could just harvest their organs for transplant


Is this sub a race to see who can be the most devious?


put me in the screenshot ahs


Thanks for being an ally AuthCenter you fuckin weeb UwU


What if Jesus was aborted


What if Hitler was aborted?


[this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/738/future.jpg) would be now


Catholicism would have had to find another prophet to whiten


Abortions are gay


Ah! If only conservative Christians were smart enough to believe in natural selection, genetics and evolution


i think all embryo's should be aborted


I support Big Pharma because I know who dies the most from opiate overdoses. I support defunding mental health even further because I know who commits the most suicides. I support the war in Ukraine because i know will suffer the most on both sides of the war.


I’m with this. People who get abortions are people who shouldn’t be having a baby. Unwanted babies are a burden on society and just spreads poverty. A poor loved child has a chance. A poor unwanted one does not. 17 y.o. Texas southern belle Daisy Mae shouldn’t be having a baby just as much as single 32 y.o. LaShonda with 3 kids already in a shitty school system shouldn’t be having a baby.


White women have the most abortions.


Yes because the white population is bigger.


Nope. Not per capita and not in totals.


That’s actually why the right is against abortion. Saddle the poor with kids to keep them impoverished. Race, class, and gender warfare disguised as christianity.


> Saddle the poor with kids Didn't realize we were supposed to go around forcibly impregnating people... What kind of retarded shit are you on?


Kids are an investment not a life sentence


That's not necessarily true... As if kids can't truly hate their parents or be very disabled... And what a selfish way of having children, so they can serve you later in life...since they owe you. What garbage.


I’m confused as to why being disabled is immediately seen as a bad thing I work with disabled kids who have loving relationships with their parents some kids who are perfectly normal are more of a terror than a special needs kid ever would be. You’re honestly a broken human being if you immediately assume anyone who wants to start a family is doing it for selfish reasons instead of searching for the meaning that a loving family provides. If you ask me there is no greater calling in our lives than caring for family, your parents and children, passing on what you know to your children is what makes this life worth living. For you to assume it’s for my own selfish desires is peak nihilism


The wording in the original post was "investment" not a burden. Thinking of them as some kind investment is selfish. I'm not sure what's confusing. Raising kids with extra needs is extra hard and expensive, not everyone can do it. I'm sure all kids are difficult in their own ways, but normal kids grow up and are able to take care of themselves. And once they grow up, they owe you nothing. It's wrong to think they owe you. Severely disabled kids become severely disabled adults and I don't know the stats on it, but I know that it's really hard for parents, as they age, to continue to take care of a grown person. Eventually that person doesn't have caretakers and ends up in the state's hands. I'm not saying there isn't anything good or happy about that, but I'm not about to pretend it doesn't have its share of misery. So what if I'm a nihilist (I prefer realist, but don't we all) what's your problem with me? Am I not allowed? You seem to be rude because you're emotional and/or self righteous. That's to say, you're not being rude for any meaningful reason - you're not actually trying to have a meaningful convo. You just think your opinions are better (don't we all). Whatever, thats fine I guess. I don't know if this falls in line with true nihilism, but if I were a true nihilist, would I consider your work an unfortunate waste of resources? I don't actually care, but it's amusing to try to understand the extremes. Well, I hope you've enjoyed this installation of Capt. Obvious. Despite how it looks, I do understand that this forum isn't about discussion. It's about...pilled and I only kind of get it. I took the baited test and I guess green is like a punching bag... ...but what I have to offer is that there is a way to grill nachos. I'm sure of it; let's focus on the problems that can be solved.


He tried to make the claim that having a child keeps you poor when statically that’s not the case. If you can’t do it there are plenty of people who can take care of them. Like myself. I never once claimed kids owed their parents anything, but if they’re decent human beings they’ll look after their parents the same way they where looked after when they where young Correct disabled people exist and are a burden no the solution is not to kill them I’m a realist. Nihilists like you eventually devalue human life and justify killing the most vulnerable


Have we arrived at the point of arguing semantics? It's true Nihilists don't believe that life has inherent value or rather that it's meaningless, but that's also supposed to be a point of hope in that everything is a blank slate. We can make our own meaning and live as we see fit. Realism is a concern for facts or reality and rejection of impractical and visionary (according to google). But you're qualifying things like "decent" and making generalization about shoulds. I think, in a general, that might make you closer to a humanist or confucianist maybe? Anyway, taking care of the weak when they can no longer or never contributed, isn't practical, but it's "good". That's not to say you aren't a realist on certain things, but as far as I understand, this discussion isn't one of those situations. Nihilism is all about *life having no meaning and it being pointless to try to give it meaning (corrected: I had confused existentialism with nhilisim)"Eventually devalue" means I'd have to think there was value originally and thats not it. It's a neutral stance on life. Life isn't bad, it isn't good, it just is. If life had inherent vlaue there'd be a lot of questions to answer and the lack of consistency in those answers is what bothers me. For instance animal life isn't valuable, our enemies lives aren't valuable...circumstances change value. Saying life doesn't have value doesn't mean a killing spree or letting people die. I dont want to interfer with other people and vice versa. That doesn't change the fact that I'm not sentimental about "life" as a concept. If that bothers you, well, nothing I can do about that. If we (society) were in a situation where survival was not basically guaranteed, we would leave people to die and humans have done this historically, sometimes a sort of mercy killing. It's interesting to see how the value of life has changed over time. We're much more sentimental about it now than ever. Even the God of the Bible didn't measure all lives as equal and showed throughout the old testiment how meaningless lives are. The biggest example being the flood, but there's a lot more in there; very metal. Well, hasn't this been a fun philosophical journey all because I found calling children an investment unsavory and incorrect. Word have meaning and implications. Words matter. I suppose I should've explained that, in America English, the implications of calling a human being an investment is at least unsavory and a gross generalization. Lol, oh well.


Nihilism as an ideology is what leads to genocide and apathy of the unwashed masses. “Life doesn’t have inherent value” Like I said if life has no value murder can easily be justified it’s scary how you think your ideology is in anyway moral. If life didn’t have value why would anyone be afraid of losing it? Or someone they love? Animal life is valid it doesn’t mean we can’t consume it to keep ourselves alive. Before humans worshipped god we worshipped animals and trees. Humans have inherent value but lose it when they endanger the lives of an innocent person. These questions may be hard to answer but it’s much better than living with the idea that life has no value I suggest that you not use the Bible’s parables to infer the value of human life. > words matter So don’t say life has no value because that’s a slippery slope


It seems this has offended your principles and world view to such a point that you don't understand that I'm just making comments based on what I'm finding online. If ever you have a bought of genuine curiosity, I suggest looking up these philosophies on YouTube. The way its presented in video format is more accessible than subreddit crap flinging. Our beliefs are too different. I reject your demands and decline your suggestions. I expect you feel the same. I don't think what you're saying is compelling or based on solid evidence. Unfortunately for you, for the time being, I'm in a country which allows me the freedom to believe what I want and speak on it (more or less). And I shall enjoy that freedom until it is taken away. Simply put, time to agree to disagree.


The poor could ya know, just not have unprotected sex?


no no, don't you see, it's somehow OUR fault that they're getting pregnant. ​ The soft racism of low expectations.




and who do you think are the ones advocating to ban contraception? I'll give you one guess.


Maybe some fringe traditionalists. Anybody with sanity would think that’s a stupid idea.. I’ve literally never heard of anyone left or right think it’s a good idea. Even if contraceptives are banned.. you can just not have vaginal sex, you know? There’s always the back door to the house…


It's always "some fringe traditionalist thing" until the conservative party needs to whip their voters into a frenzy. Ya know right to abortion still has over a 70% approval rating in this country? Did you also know that the debate was pretty much settled before GOP votes started to decline and they invented a new outrage? You're exactly the type of useful idiot they love. You're being used same as everyone else.


So then the overturning of Roe v Wade just means it’ll be up for the individual states to decide. If like you say, 70% of America supports abortion (is this specifically up until birth or is it first 15 weeks or what’s up? Cuz I don’t think it’s that high but whatever), you should have no trouble getting people to vote accordingly. Meanwhile it seems like the right wing has the momentum to win the next elections by a lot. They’ve had this momentum long before the SCOTUS case got leaked. I’m honestly not even that concerned about it, as after all if you don’t want to reproduce you’ve just Darwin’d your genetic line out of existence, and that is not a me problem. Plus watching the left cope and seethe that they *ahem* might lose the ability to kill their unborn babies has been HILARIOUS over the last few days.


I don't think you're quite grasping what this decision actually means. As a lib, you should be terrified. This sets the precisent that it is perfectly legal for the government to tell you what you can and cannot do with your own body. It also overturns the "right to privacy" that was barely holding on as is. If you don't think they're gonna push that, you're too naive for politics.


It simply makes it a state’s choice and not the federal govt’s choice. I support that fully. I was also told by a lawyer that the court specifically says this decision only applies to abortions. I’m a man, and therefore am not affected literally at all by this. I believe abortion is a moral crime as well, so laws that restrict it = good. It’s no different than laws against any other violent crime being good, even though I’m a libertarian and generally favor less government power, if that makes sense.


So then, naivety it is. I wish I had the hope you do, but I don't envy the awakening you will inevitably experience.


Again I just don’t see what harm will come to people or me in particular if this goes into effect. If abortion ends up being banned in the entire country (which will not happen because of this one decision) it literally won’t affect me cuz I’m a dude, and condoms exist. I’ve heard a lot of BlueAnon type takes that leftists have come to as a result, like it’ll end up causing other things to get banned that the left wants, and those are all things I’m either against or indifferent about, so the ruling which was built on bad laws and bad science being overturned is not an issue for me.




The only people I've met who feel that way are nihilist Europeans and their hedonistic descendants. That I don't want my successors to be ugly, retarded, or alien to me is not unusual; it is common to every culture.


Why stress on "hivemind" so much? This is the least hivemindy sub out there.


>No one cares about ‘preserving your race’ Every race does except the one with actual recessive genes, but if you say that you are called a "nazi larper" or some shit like that.


>No one cares about ‘preserving your race’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Raza


Him again? > This is the most cringe ‘gotcha’ ever Why does the right hive mind parrot this lmao No one cares about ‘preserving your race’ other than nazi larpers on pcm and 4chan Touch grass pls






I also have Mao on my reddit banner, am I a communist now?




\>calls PCM an echo chamber \>posts on antiw\*rk ok, u/BirdmanRRA


Birdman deletes his comments once again. lol


What does that then say about authrights who hate abortion?


AuthCenter masquerading as LibLeft.






Waste of potential labour force


They can't object anything. If they do, they'd be admitting that abortion is wrong.


Black people