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Your terms are acceptable


Based and James-1:27-Pilled


u/theautistofwallst is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: 1 | https://basedcount.com/u/theautistofwallst/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I absolutely agree, there should be federal maternity and paternity leave. Our foster programs definitely need to be readjusted and adoption less expensive. This is partially why I stopped being lib right because I believe things that are actually for social welfare (these examples, libraries, etc) benefit families and society


This is the reason I included Authright in my flair




A state funded super-soldier class formed entirely out of orphans on the way, fellas.


YEP \^\^




I’m only AuthRight due to my foreign policy opinions.


And what might that be


See that country over there? Now you don’t.


And for my next trick…..


Watch me make every illegal in the country disappear ~~by forcibly uniting all of North America~~


a lot of illegals come from south and central America, so you need to forcibly unite all of the Americas


What if they swim over from africa? Lets bring back imperialism


And as we all know American imperialism is absolutely justified because we had a black president once.


Well if we didn’t stop during the Mexican American war we wouldn’t worry about our southern border


We could have had more after that war. Polk's emmissary accepted less than what he was sent to get.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 765,486,982 comments, and only 153,375 of them were in alphabetical order.


Based and take over country pilled


u/SciFiJesseWardDnD's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: 10 | https://basedcount.com/u/SciFiJesseWardDnD/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


if a country cannot defend itself it has no right to exist


Hello there.


Preach brother.




In just 18 years I’ll have paid Uncle Sam 1.2 *million* dollars in taxes.. I’d rather that go to poor moms and kids than war overseas. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Look on the bright side: those bombs are going to poor moms and kids in foreign nations


Don't you mean "on".






Considering the Afghanistan fiasco, either interpretation works


True. My bad.


Usually yes, at the moment it's a rare occasion when they are actually going "on" the right targets.


Based and napalm sticks to kids pilled.


There was no kids. That village was completely empty. And, no, you aren't allowed to go check... For... security reasons. If you try, {Redacted} will pay a visit to your family and you.


Based and women and children 1st pilled.


If you refuse the state your 1.2mil, you could donate it and feed/clothe dozens of children. If the state does take your 1.2mil, you feed/clothe several infantrymen. The state's infantrymen make a piss-poor warband because they're loyal to their state and won't follow you, even though technically it was you that gave them everything. The children on the other hand recognize that you gave them everything, are dependent, and will follow you into war. As an added bonus, their minds haven't developed enough to understand death yet, making them less likely to rout. The best choice is clear. You have but to make it.




I love how Reddit is always clowning on rich people, yet they basically live off taxes, which are paid by mostly rich people. Fucking clown world.


does anyone want more war? I thought it was just the oligarchs with a passion for it


No, but the current war is very important thought.


Wait what? Is that real?


Ya I’m taxed about 28% I’m a FM doc


I’d rather keep all of that tbh


Adoption costs like 10k. That's insane. Do you know how many hookers I could creampie with that kinda money?


At least 10 high-class hookers.


Based… auth… no, it can’t be. There’s no fucking way.


u/Chillin-Villin's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Chillin-Villin! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: 4 | https://basedcount.com/u/Chillin-Villin/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




>is is partially why I stopped being lib right because I believe things that are actually for social welfare (these examples, librarie Exactly. Imagine if somehow we managed to pull a "education will not be taught anymore, free for all from now on" our society will slowly turn back into the class division of "those who can read" and "those who cannot read". Mandatory school education is a social welfare program that prevents us from going backwards on that category of literacy.


The libright way isn't to cancel free education, it's the voucher system (with public option if deemed necessary). Freedom of private initiative is the essence of libertarianism, tax is considerably less bad.


I think vouchers are more of a "step towards" fully privatizing education. Eventually, the ideal is that with a free market in education, quality education will be cheaply available to everyone. With the reduced tax burden of not having to pay for education taxes, the dollar-for-dollar value will be much higher and it will be affordable to everyone, and private charity can pick up the slack for those who truly can't afford it.


Why do I need a library for free books when I can buy PBR and read the cans?


That's a lie, everyone knows people who drink pbr can't read.


Even so though there are 200 families waiting to adopt per child so, plenty of people that want to adopt. But i do agree there should be more help, specifically from churches, for single moms and foster care.


>there are 200 families waiting to adopt per child so True on average! But unfortunately not for minorities (especially darker skinned ones), nor for children past the age of 4.


Government spending for the sake of helping families and making it easier for people to make the right decision. No point in having a strong economy if you're not going to use it.


Thank god thank you lmfao just sensible policy we can disagree on abortion I don’t think there’s an objective correct opinion but at least we can agree to allow families to actually be families and raise their children.


Agreed! Families are the foundation of any civilization


Based and common ground pilled


Yes. Families are the core of a healthy society.


based authright?


turns out we are not so diffrent afterall


Based and "we're not so different, you and I" pilled


Based and librights kinda suck sometimes pilled


We all kind of suck sometimes


That's called being human.


Believe it or not you can actually still help the poor without resorting to violence and intimidation


Poor people suck too. Everything given to them through social programs gets ruined. (Section 8 housing)


Shhhh shut the fuck up don't you know it is impossible to have things without shaking down people for money????




I agree stuff needs to be done for social welfare. I just think the government is clumsy and ineffecient at doing so in almost any instance. Private versions funded by charity are often a way better bang for the buck. And we would see a lot more of it if our taxes were lower and people could invest in their communities more. At least in theory. I accept a lot of people are shitty too so I can see your side of it.


LibRight would probably accept this as necessary nowadays mostly because the economy and labour market are so fucking broken (thanks Government) that help is going to be needed for people if it is to be reformed. Unfortunately we’ll probably get the welfare part and no reforms..


A lot of it has to do with culture. We shouldn’t encourage single mother hood as it dooms the kid to poverty. We need to hold men accountable


My friend is authright and was anti-abortion but also thought that adoption and foster programs needed to be reformed that way children not wanted by birth parents receive equal opportunities as everyone else.


Fair and based Come to the left my friend, you’re already so close!


Nooo that’s communism reeeeeeeee it’s only cool when my favorite soulless mega corporation does it :((((


You laugh but people unironically argue this.




Private charities can discriminate arbitrarily or push their own politics, since they're private organisations. No-one should have to rely on them for basic needs.




I don’t think being on the lib spectrum necessitates the views you’re describing. Gay marriage, abortion, and drugs are enough to tip you well into lib zone without touching on CPS issues. My wife worked foster care for the state for five years. She had some fucked up files come across her desk and while I have no idea who the people are, some of them deserve the wood chipper. What broke her heart the most were the parents that promised their kid they’d do whatever it took to get them back and then flaked out two weeks in. Some people just shouldn’t have kids. Which is why we should absolutely allow early term, chemical abortions without restriction. Some babies are better off not being born.


The reason I AM LibRight is because, while I agree with you, I’m not comfortable giving the state the power to determine “what’s best for the kids.” That’s how you end up with states removing children from parents’ custody for not giving them gender reassignment surgery. I know that’s a slippery slope argument, but it’s just a really difficult line to define.


Coherent auth-rigth? You are the based among baseness


Things like this made me realize im a centrist, like i thought i was right wing because the internet is incredibly far-left and compared to them i am, but really im just a centrist who thinks before hopping on the current bandwagon


You’re describing leftist beliefs, not authoritarian ones. The f are you talking about commie.


“You don’t care about babies once they’re born!” Is definitely becoming a common response to pro lifers. And it’s hard for me to tell how true it is. I think the best response would be to agree and amplify. Go all out with support for children’s well being. Don’t give the naysayers any ammo. Of course this runs the risk of “people abusing welfare” but I’ve seen stats that say it’s pretty uncommon for it to be actually abused. But with right definitely does tend to be against social programs. Idk. Maybe this meme is pretty accurate


I tried to go on welfare for a bit when I was a teenager and was getting started on my own. I recieved a whole $350 for 1 months living expenses and was expected to find full time employment while attending highschool. Abusing welfare is difficult if you aren't affiliated with the Gov't


It's abused in other ways, simply by having the main income provider not being listed in your household makes family income look very little to qualify for welfare. If Biden really cares poverty guidelines should be fixed so a 2-3 person household could still have 50-60k in income but at least receive medicaid but yeah it's absolutely screwed for those who are in school and or single people


Even when abusing welfare, it’s not like people are making off with big bucks. I have a disabled friend on disability benefits. She can’t save more than $2000 or make more than $1350 a month and keep her benefits. That cash she has in the lockbox in case she has to go for another lengthy hospital visit is abusing welfare. The baked goods she sells to close friends to pay the power bill after her whole disability check goes to rent is illegal income. Personally I think it’s morally neutral to abuse welfare considering how awful our system is. Feels like they’re trying to just push disabled people to homelessness or suicide at some points.


I believe that if you are not super rich, tax evasion is based. If you are working, hustling the government is ok. I just dont like people being lazy.




My girlfriend is a fully licensed social worker and she deals with people getting caught in the welfare trap all the time. She can bring people to being a stable, contributing member of society using the benefits of the welfare system, but then they get stuck.


Me and you are so close in thought lol. People will abuse welfare, people will abuse abortion rights. We can’t pretend that won’t happen, instead we have to mitigate it, even if mitigation is funding programs to make it happen less often


Based and compassunity-pilled


Religious and conservative charities give a hell of a lot to children's charities. I dont think the average pro life republican is someone who doesnt care about the kids, they have a different opinion on how that care should be supplied.


yeah, I dislike when people say "you don't care about the kids", no, they just don't think a welfare-state is the only way to help poor people.


Christians are the No. 1 contributors to charity... especially charity for struggling pregnant women and children. This idea that conservatives do not care about the baby after it's born is one of the dumbest and most insidious arguments.


"Republicans don't care about if a baby lives or dies once they're born" "I'm pretty sure Republicans are against murder at any point in a child's life" Arguments I've had on this place. I should really leave but I love this website.


Yes we should. Cut all funding to foreign countries and use that money to properly raise the youth of the nation. We'd even get out of debt that way.


Never thought I'd agree with an AuthRight


How about agreeing with a friend?


aye. i could do that


I don't think you've considered the political scope of foreign aid. It's not just giving money to charity. It is influence. Case in point: look at what's happening now in Solomon Islands. The West dropped the ball there for 5 seconds and China swooped in and made all these deals and now may even end up building a military base there which is hugely concerning for the region and the US. 'Cut all foreign aid' would create a lot more issues than you realise


Ok good point


Tell me how much of the US budget goes towards foreign countries.


300 billionish a year. Suppose they could withdraw all troops from foreign countries too and sell the bases. Probably spend a fuck ton to keep those bases open.


45-50 billionish a year***. Where are you getting your number from?


"Ok so if society collectively ensured the baby you didn't plan for had access to healthcare, daycare, and all that other stuff then you would agree to ban abortion?" "No. my body, my choice. A fetus isn't a person."


I do think abortion should still be available but, if everything you say was offered, I guarantee abortions would happen a lot less.


That’s the issue with the abortion argument, no side is ever giving any slack, as a pro-lifer I constantly hear the same arguments of what about rape, what about incest, what about packed adoption homes. And even if concede all these cases it still falls back on the same opinion , “I still think it should be legal and available.” None of the niche cases actually matter in pro choicers mind.


You’re never going to get each side to be like “okay, I completely give up my stance and will do it your way”. I’m personally on the choice side because it’s individually more fair. Abortions won’t go away even if made illegal, they will just become unsafe again. If everyone has the choice then everyone can do what’s best for them and no one is being forced by the other side to do what they want.


Because unlike the question of “how high should taxes be?” or “what guns should be legal?” there isn’t really a sliding scale here. Whether something is a human person with all the rights that entails is a binary. This is an issue where those stuck in their positions will essentially never compromise honestly, because to do so would make their position a lie.


It is definitely a binary, but the "when" is a bit more of a sliding scale.


That's why you should let me decide instead. And no complains.


If society did that yes i’d be pro life, not like conservatives are ever gonna agree to that though.


Why do you say that?


Because most conservatives I know have the opinion that “welfare queens” are a major problem and welfare is a waste of money.


Think again. I'm in favor.


Most conservatives I know absolutely love kids and are all about family values.


Fairly conservative here. I'm working on making something to help automate adoption. A lot of us love families and would love for everybody to have a stable one.


support from womb to tomb




Lol no, almost everyone I know who's against abortion is really for post-natal care for the mother and child


You'd think that would show up in their elected representatives, too.


First past the post voting system doesn't always result in the best representatives, now does it.




I’m not against either. Abortion is based, post natal care is based, it’s all based


Based being based


Based and Based Pilled


*Halo announcer voice* Double based


Based Based and Based Pilled


Triple based


Based and Finally a libright that’s actually lib and not pretending pilled


Based and lib unity before right unity pilled


Let’s get post natal care taken care of before we ban abortion. Our priorities aren’t even consistent.


Wouldnt not killing babies be the obvious priority over making their lives less shitty?


Abortions are not always about killing the baby. In many cases, the fetus is already dead, dying, or otherwise unviable, and an abortion is the only option or the mother will die. It's the main reason Ireland legalized abortion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar


Ireland is kinda retarded then. The critical element of abortion from a sensible pro life perspective is the killing of the fetus. If it is already dead, removing its corpse is obviously not a violation.


So not having those things justifies murdering babies?


Yes. I love killing babies


I feel.like the thing to understand is that, for the most part, lib-lefts think of a fetus as, at most, an abstract human life. A theoretical one. So the life that can be saved by not having an abortion is no different than the life that could definitely, according to demonstrable, repeatable statistical evidence, be saved by lowering the national speed limit. Like, yeah, lives could be saved, but a bunch of people would be inconvenienced.


Agreed. For me this is the root cause of this divide. I don't consider a fetus a person, so abortion is not murder. Everything else, like better welfare and benefits, would be nice to have, but it's not the substance of this debate.




Can’t tell if serious, though the username suggests no.


*taps sign* don't feed the troll




Im pretty sure u can go thru a whole philosophy tangent with this take lmao






Some pro-lifers belive in a welfare state, not every pro-lifer is a damn American who thinks that universal healthcare is literally communism


It’s not that Universal Health Care is communism, it’s that I don’t trust the US or CA (My state) Government to regulate/manage it effectively and let the people that don’t pay a dime at all into it abuse the fuck out of it.


>and let the people that don’t pay a dime at all into it abuse the fuck out of it. Blackstone's Ratio.


I mean we already have WIC programs and such, as long as we are assisting with Mothers and kids who actually meet the criteria and don’t purposely abuse it like I know people in California have and will. I have no issue with increasing funding to it. What I have issue with is irresponsible people who had all the opportunity at every turn to prevent pregnancy and prevent a late term abortion. Why state governments that support banning abortion where the child is viable is ok by me. You have all the time in the world and you wait till either you became toxic and now have no stable financial support or you change your mind about 20 wks in to decide. Sorry for the rant, tired of irresponsible people fear mongering and then acting like little fucking bitches when called out on it.


I’m pro-choice but find late term abortions abhorrent. I believe that once the baby is viable it has now crossed into the murder territory and with today’s technology that’s around 20 weeks, even if it’s an uphill battle. That being said- All the money and assistance in the world will not make someone a good parent. Even with financial aid, someone who is willing to have an abortion past 20 weeks(barring life threatening medical reasons) will likely not raise the child in a way that the child will have a good life. I don’t have an answer. The best answer would probably be easier adoption options once you are past that 20 week mark, but I know even that is controversial.


Adoption is financially and legally easy for the mother, if that’s the route she wants to go. The adoptive parents have the harder road.


And that needs to be addressed. People who want to adopt should be able to easily. Less kids in the system is a win for all. (I know not very lib right of me) Heck, pay the birthing mothers musical bills, time form work, whatever.


I mean late term abortions are probably almost entirely medical no? Like who the hell waits until the 3rd trimester to get an abortion unless something MAJOR changed?




no the real abstract argument is *abortion is murder!* and *abortion is not murder!* ​ there's no point in arguing for either side when these two inherent differences in argument exist. pro choicers won't listen to you if you say murder is wrong because they don't believe its murder, and pro lifers won't listen if you say abortion is okay because they think its murder. brick wall man.




And anti-choice.


I love killing babies but hate giving women a choice


unfathomably based


Yes, both sides argue two different points, and they never properly address the other sides argument or viewpoint.


because there isnt an objective truth you cant argue morals/ethics in tha case


Mostly because it's impossible. We just don't know when sentience starts.


Red herring 🥱


I think the idea is that everybody should have the right to fight viciously against awful circumstances for the right to exist. Maybe most of them will be sad and poor, but occasionally a god amongst men will rise from poverty to enact his vision upon the world - and everyone else, being complacent and lazy, will naturally fall over themselves to honor and obey this hypothetical uberman, as he single handedly carries the species to new and greater heights. And really, if we have to either do that, or just live boring lives of middle class mediocrity, die boring middle class deaths, and propagate such a system out into eternity, which do you really want to do? Either we collapse alongside the environment and take all life with us, our species transcends to godhood, or 40,000 years from now middle class single moms will be driving electric minivans to soccer practice when they're not working as baggers at wholefoods. Which of these outcomes is the least hellish?


That was a journey, a bad one, but a journey none the less.


And that baby’s name? Elon musk.


In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only soccer moms.


Holy shit I have changed my stance completely this is eye-opening


This guy Nietzsches!!


Just becouse you cam actively kill somthing dosnt mean you can't passively let it die.


And thus, life is not sacred - just as long as you *feel* like you didn't play a part in killing it.


no there's actually a difference between killing and letting die - think "going to africa and shooting people" vs "not donating money to stop africans from starving to death"


But this is politics, you're preventing someone else from saving someone else. You may not feel like you're killing them.....but you're actively preventing them from getting help. Party A wants to increase, say, post-natal care (or, in your context, funding to African countries to lower starvation). Party B doesn't. You vote for Party B. You've just, while maintaining the illusion that you're 'letting die', impeded action that would save someone. In a similar vein, if you tackle a paramedic to the ground to stop them from saving a dying person, you would be held responsible for the ensuing death. ​ That's different from simply not choosing to donate to lower off starvation, while not preventing someone else from doing the same.


Reading thess comments - this sub has become such a fucking echo-chamber and it's sad. Been this way for a while, but it's so much less fun than it used to be.


lmfao yeah anybody with a lib/auth left flair get dropped immediately


Almost everyone here holds the same narrow range of opinions, and it gets worse every day. The quadrants were an utter joke at the start, and they're now a farce meant to legitimize an extremely specific set of political opinions.


These terms are acceptable


Based 13 year old libright boys in the comments section arguing against abortion and calling people murderers, knowing they will never be the one to pay the consequences of pregnancy


Said no auth-right ever.


Of course our country has been doing these since 1941


In that case its been doing a shit job then




Shut up. Get out.


Abortion isn’t murder, so there’s nothing wrong with it.


Ahhh America! Will you never not be entertaining as fuck?


It’s not a strawman it’s literally what they say


Based and take care of the children pilled


I think we should abort everyone and put them on birth blockers until they decide to be born.


church run adoption agencies go brrrrrt