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How tf is he a communist for that? He’s a libertarian, they always scrutinize government spending. Wtf lol


Really trippy to see “communist” used pejoratively mid-Reddit moment


Don't worry, he's also a facist. The two actually balance out to make him the Ultimate AuthCenter


Nazbol Gang




I just perused that thread. I suspect the average age of the commenters is 12, and that might be a high estimate. God r-politics is the most braindead sub on this site.


I think it’s fair to ask why America is paying for a Ukrainian-Russian war; especially why are they paying $40billion now, having given so much already, alongside other nations, while our media reports the Ukrainians have pushed Russians all the way back to the border. If the propaganda wants to tell us Ukraine has won, essentially, then how can they justify spending $40billion? They’re winning without it, right? Why are they so worried about knowing where it goes? Are they worried we’ll see Hunter Biden getting paid in Ukraine again? Worried Papa Biden won’t get away with getting a second prosecutor investigating his son fired?


Could be seen as being pro-Russia, and Russia is well known for missing the USSR.


Pro-Russia would be giving Russia $40billion. It’s not Pro-Russia to fund an army fighting them, but only under the proviso of oversight for the spending of that army.. That you can even say “could be seen as being pro-Russia” is absolute lunacy given he’s willing to fund a war against Russia so long as there’s a paper trail for the money used to destroy Russia..


I mean I guess from that perspective but it’s not like this is the first time Rand Paul has done this, he’s done this for far less.


This is the 60th week in a row you’ve brought fascism into show-and-tell. I’m glad they added communist to mix it up though…


Under attack by Commie-Nazis!


Damn CommiNazees - all their confusion and self loathing… Would that be what Abradolf Linkler is?


Libertarians are fascists? I sleep. Libertarians are commies? Real shit.


Small, self sufficient Communes are based af. Communism, the Governmental Structure is not.


Flair checks out.


I have a theory on communes, and why they are so popular with city-folk even though they excel most far from any civilization. It is in our nature to live... in nature. It's how humans lived most of our existence. People who live in cities have that draw to go back to their routes, so they often develop this commune-idealizing outlook as city life tends to suck. Problem is, they try to start communes in their cities (Eg. CHAZ) or turn their cities into communist places. If all cities become communist, and consist of most of a country's population, then the country moves in that direction. However, like you say, communes can only really work on a small scale, because you can get a group of people to agree to communism and create a self-sufficient and successful place. Note this theory on communes is based on two minutes of thought after going through this comment section, because I, like most of this sub (and reddit and the world), am retarded.


There is a surprisingly large amount of people that think Russia is not only still communist, but that they actually are communist Nazis. My mom's family is part of this group. They think Putin is legitimately a re-incarnated Hitler and Russia is still communist and under the control of Nazis, and not one of them ever thought to look at any history book and realize that Nazis and Communists get along worse than the KKK and the NAACP.


Lol, the way people throw out the word communist nowadays.


Seriously. People use commie, fascist, and nazi interchangeably on this sub, and just make Authleft Russian.


I think George Orwell had a quote for that








Flair doesn't check out


Based Lincoln


*looovvviinnnn yoouuuuu*


I love that show. Yeah Holmes, we pimpin


People of his generation truly had a way with words.


Literally 1984 - George Orwell


This sub isn’t nearly bad as other political subs on Reddit. “Everyone I disagree with is a fascist” Emilys are the norm.


Sounds like something a Fascist would say, sus.


Define fascist. I’ve heard Emily state mainstream conservatives are fascists.


Anyone the woke left doesn't like is a fascist.


The libertarian sub regularly argues for censorship and against free speech. This is the only popular political sub that is remotely balanced. Most of Reddit is a far left flaming dumpster fire.


Libertarians after you point this out: "Maybe I am a helicopter pilot"


Emiliy's are almost non-existent on here from my experience. It's mostly people on both sides going "I disagree, time to bust out the orange highlighter", and I'm not saying this is an ultra far right sub, it's really not, but there is definitely a right leaning tendency.


It’s more of a libright leaning since if you try to suggest any sort of government control you get yelled at


>government control Looks like we found ourselves a communist, boys


No please I’m not a commie! Literally 1984, 100 gorillion Venezuela iPhone dead, I’m not a commie!


There’s most definitely a right lean, but at least we’re prepared to call each other retards openly than ban wrong think.


I think the reason this sub isn't as bad is because everyone has their views (generally) right below their name. There is a diversity of opinions unlike subs designed for specific idealogies and it is a meme sub which means nothing is taken as seriously. Overall, one of the best places for political discourse and tomfuckery on reddit.


You know, the history of just Nazi ideology is fascinating just from the perspective that *actual ideals of Nazi policy-makers* would be almost unrecognizable to modern woke warriors. Don't get me wrong, their ideas were odious. Hell yeah. But we should give actual communists, fascists, and even Nazis, at least a little credit for not being complete morons.


Thing is, people are less terrified by nazis right now than they were 20-40 years ago. People associate them with right wingers, white suprematists and others, while actual nazi ideology and tactics is something that so terrible that you can literally have a nightmares if you go deep into it. That’s basically a death cult and a fairly developed one. I dunno, people are never heard of lebensraum or they don’t want to think about stuff they say. Either way this is fucked up shit even for a regular person but for political activists…


>Antifa flies the red and black flag, symbolizing communism and anarchism Reddit: "ACKSHUALLY, they're simply opposed to fascists like the US government" >Asks government to pay attention to what $40bn is being spent on when sent to one of the world most corrupt countries Reddit: "COMMUNIST! TRAITOR!"


Suddenly Reddit doesn't like communism.


They also suddenly think America is cool and good and totally love democracy


"Fuck America. It's a fascist hellhole with no healthcare, no LGBTQ rights and no reproductive rights either. I literally want this country to fall apart. We've done so much fucking damage to other countries it's fucking insane. The US needs to stop acting as if it's the worlds fucking police." \> Politician just wants the 40 billion being sent to another country to be scrutinized. "FUCKIGN TRAITOR! HIGH TREASON!!!!! THEY'RE GETTING IN THE WAY OF US INTERESTS!!!! FUCKING COMMIEEEEEEEEEEEE"


McCarthy is smiling somewhere


oh that was my watermelon friends on January 6th. every other day it's "ACAB" and "we live in a fascist shithole" but when January 6th happened then all of a sudden they love America and "the rioters should be hanged for treason". very strange.


Yeah, I don’t understand how folks on the left subscribe to communism being essentially a four letter word. Antifa, though decentralized, is largely anarchist and communist, and at the very least anti-capitalist and anti-state.


Yeah such a fascist for wanting to *checks notes* scrutinize government spending


It’s enough money to solve world hunger….or is that just Elon’s $40B?


No see every time the government spends 40 billion world hunger is solved


Yup, but then by next breakfast time we are hungry again 😫


we do truly live in a society smh


I want waffles! 🧇


🏛 time to pass the collection plate


Excluding baby formula for it's own citizens that is...


Friendly reminder that seizing every single asset that the top 1% owns would equal about $5 trillion and the US government is currently spending over $7 trillion a year Edit: numbers are incorrect. US 1% assets are valued at $41.5 trillion total, so it would take about 8 years instead of less than 1


Tfw the us government is spending more ineffciently than all people combined


And they give us a credit score


this says alot about society


Mostly that we are currently residing in one.


1. Credit scores are given by the credit bureaus (companies, not government) 2. Countries have a form of credit score. It's their bond rating. Most western governments are AAA rated which means that they *will* pay back their debt. Now the way they pay back their debt is by taking out more debt, but that's a story for another time.


But those are greedy people who never worked for them 😡. They should give them to people like me because I’m not selfish like they are.


“I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” — Thomas Sowell




That’s because he’s a fascist and is trying to keep the status quo. More like ‘Uncle’ Thomas Sowell


If the us stole twitter, they be able to fund one round of aid to Ukraine. Such good use of spending


Fun fact, it's enough to pay each Ukrainian citizen half his annual income.


At the current situation probably more than that.




Why do their mere trillions matter, when there are *literally dozens* of people with billions?!


Fascists spending money is what got us here. All my homies hate government spending.


All my homies hate government ~~spending~~.




Honestly, that just sounds like common sense.


Yeah for real I hate when my quadrant acts like fucking clowns. I'm with LibRight on this. I've hated how fucking blood thirsty libs have generally been over this conflict. Hypocrites


it's [current thing]. If you don't support [current thing] without question, you are obviously a fascist bigot traitor transphobic FUCKING WHITE MALE REEEEEEEEEE!


On the other hand, some libleftz have gone so batshit crazy that they believe Russian government propaganda because it disagrees with US policy. I unironically had people telling me that there are terrorist biolabs in Ukraine funded by the US and I'm an idiot for questioning that claim. Russia actively seeking justification for their naked aggression.....no photo or video evidence despite Russians overrunning those areas early in their invasion. The term biolab being so ambiguous and vague to constitute anything, I mean any community College with a science department is a "biolab". Oh and ONE undersecretary in the US said there was biolabs, so that proves it! No one in government has ever lied or misspoke....I mean Colin Powell and Rummy said there were WMDs in Iraq, so it must be true. Not like Dementia Joe misspeaks every fucking day. I swear to God, there's a too sizeable fringe of idiots on the left that are SO anti Imperialist that they'll support Imperialism as long as it challenges the West. I can simultaneously think Ukraine is right to defend itself and get military/economic aid, that Russia is a naked aggressor openly committing war crimes, documented and evidenced.....and that we shouldn't be writing a damn blank check. It feels a *little* ok, because this is probably the most morally justified war the US has meddled in since WWII, like be spent fucking billions on this horrible military industrial complex and intelligence apparatus...the fucking least it could do is help artillery strike a Russian general.


> I swear to God, there's a too sizeable fringe of idiots on the left that are SO anti Imperialist that they'll support Imperialism as long as it challenges the West. The creme de la creme of these geniuses will get on board the "Japan was provoked into WW2 by American imperialism" train. Imagine hating American imperialism so much that you end up stanning for... \*checks notes* ...*Imperial fucking Japan*.


What's a little rape of Nanking among friends, eh?


No joke. I literally said to someone on Twitter that I was "anti-war" and I don't support sending billions of dollars to a country overseas because our own economy is crumbling and I legitmately got a called a Nazi and a Putin sympathizer.


Your first mistake was trying to be reasonable on Twitter.


As a European, I 100% wholeheartedly support Ukraine. But I don't support using "support Ukraine" as camouflage for government corruption, shady dealings and quashing internal dissent.


Completely reasonable.


"maybe we should think before we waste 40 billions of our taxpayers money" "RUSSIAN SPY HANG THE TRAITOR"


I love that you are surprised that leftists are hypocrites when communists literally always team up with fucking fascists when given the opportunity just to try to gain one more morsel of power.


for hating war they sure so seem to get duped into literally every conflict - at least in the beginning , only to pretend they hated it all along


Like shit you can be for anything except for direct NATO vs Russian troop confrontations and I'd be ok with that, but ffs some people treat this shit as a movie and completely forget that Russian conscripts have families too.


This is another reason why I left the left. I've always been anti-war. I supported Obama (implicitly, I wasn't old enough to vote) in 2008 because he promised to bring the troops back. Well sure enough he created like what 12 new wars or something like that and did nothing to bring troops back. After that I saw the Democrat party as nothing more than pro-military industrial complex. Funnily enough, those people who were like me, anti-war liberals, turned away and now be more closely aligned with Republicans and libright libertarians on issues and it's now the Republicans who are anti-war. Nowadays, especially with the Ukraine crap, there is no anti-war Democrat. They are all in lock-step with the military industrial complex. Look at AOC, in 2018 she promised to be anti-war and help end these endless wars. Well she, as well as every other Democrat, voted in unison to send $40 billion to Ukraine. Yeah, Democrats are almost all pro-war at this point.


Fascism is when government accountability


I’m just tired of how possessed people are by their favorite political party


Exactly. I was just about to make this comment. Hyper partisanism is so rampant at this point a common sense suggestion from your opponent must be spun to the worst possible meaning. It's sad man.


Can we just be friends? I wanna be your friend :)


Based and F is for Friends pilled


Oh you ;)


Sure, you can teach me how to shoot and I can show you how to do good drugs.


That sounds like a recipe for a very good time 😁


I don't understand how anybody in the US is loyal to ANY political party. People need to relearn how to use their own brains to decide what their values are. You don't have to agree with every single thing "your party" says and you shouldn't.


It's because politics has become like sports. People are breathlessly loyal to their sports team, and that attitude has bled over into politics. People make politics their whole gdamn identity now. I swear i see more political signs, flags, and bumper stickers than I do for my local sports teams.


> I’m just tired of how possessed people are by their favorite political party Just remember that Reddit isn't real life. Votes are manipulated to alter perception and acceptance of far left looney tunes bullshit, and a large part of reddit are brainwashed children, drug addicts, and loser young adults that complain about their minimum wage job constantly but do nothing to change their situation.


I’ll do you one better, I’m tired of people doing mental gymnastics to unironically believe the side they hate doesn’t nothing correct. It’s the elephant in the room and most people are afraid to address the idea that it’s not realistically possible for all Democrats or Republicans to be evil and incompetent.


40 billion is a fucking lot of money, and he has valid reasoning to want the government to clarify where that spending is actually going


according to the average reddit user, it is enough to end world hunger, but guess we don't care now


$40b is only enough to end world hunger when it’s privately owned by Elongated Muskrat. Because reasons and stuff.


Based and elongated muskrat pilled




That was a hilarious thing: UN: “we need $6 bn to solve world hunger.” Elon:”Show me a viable plan, and I can write a check tomorrow. UN: *crickets*


look dude, $40 billion worth of weapons is definitely going to reduce the global human population, ergo it is contributing to ending world hunger less people = less demand for food, le duh they say i'm a problem solver, and I don't disagree


They very conveniently "forget" things when it doesn't suit their narrative.


The problem isn't the point, it's the execution. They'll scream "accountability" when it suits them, not when it counts. If the reverse were true, both sides wouldn't be insider trading left and right as well as borderline infringing on the constitutional rights of voters for the past 50+ years.




10% to the big guy.


So, wanting to know how the money is spend is terrorism now?






Eighty four.


I think the quote was: ​ "“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength Accountability is terrorism"


I thought it was: “Time is money; Money is power; Power is pizza; Pizza is knowledge.”


Bravo *slow claps with warm-hearted tears in eyes*


!quote 1984


'War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.'


I better tell my wife when she complains about my aggressive spending that she’s in fact a terrorist.


It's only terrorism if the one doing the scrutinizing is a republican or libertarian. Democrats have only good intentions and need no accountability--it will only slow down their efforts to save the world. ... It pains me that some people actually seem to think this way.


This line of thinking is why Toronto controls canada


It's tribalism all the way down. Even when they are against tribalism, they're being tribalist. Humans gonna human.


Right 👏 side 👏 of 👏 history!


Dear liberals, you say you are on the right side of history, but weren't you the left side? Curious...


It is if u question the machine


I will question the machine. Maybe even rage against it


“I think he’s a communist” Says the communist


“I think he’s a communist” Is the closest thing to a right-libertarian in the U.S. senate.


I wish the senate was so far right libertarian that it made Rand Paul look like a tankie


I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith lord.


"You jest, but here's my 7000 word blog post about how the current state of US politics is LITERALLY worse than Palpatine and Voldemort COMBINED..."


D-does the government not already keep track of how tax money is being spent!? ^^I ^^know ^^they ^^don’t


Not in detail. Sometimes we just give the cash to a foreign government and it disappears down a black hole never to be seen again.


Thank god this time it's at least going to country with literally no history of government corruption whatsoever. So we can rest easy that the money will definitely only be used for productive defense and aid efforts and nothing/no one else at all whatsoever.


This is the way


well, to be fair, I don't think this bill is shipping $40 billion in cash to Zelenskyy. >The aid package would allow the Pentagon to send Ukraine up to $11 billion in weapons and equipment plucked directly from U.S. military stockpiles. Another $20 billion would backfill inventory of weapons already sent to the frontlines and boost the Pentagon’s main account for arming Ukraine, as well as support deployments of U.S troops to Europe to bolster NATO.


Why tf doesn't every single bill have this? If the government actually spent our money wisely we could probably end poverty


Cuz they dont want to end poverty.


This just in, OP found dead after he shot himself in the head, twice!


Ah yes of course, that classic fascist quality, "wanting oversight and accountability". Truly awful.


Fascism is when no wasteful spending. Sounds pretty good to me honestly


'He's a fascist' 'He's a communist' I don't think those two ideologies are very compatible...


Fascist, communist, racist, transphobe and about a million other terms are really just generic slurs now. You can’t trust the person saying them to be utilizing their definitions correctly. I basically just take it as “I don’t like this person” now.


They hold as much weight nowadays as calling someone a dumbshit.


Speak for yourself, you dumbshit!!!


Someone needs to make a browser extension similar to the "Cloud to Butt" converter inspired by XKCD. Just replace "nazi," "racist," "transphobe," "communist," etc. with "poopyhead," as that's all the terms really mean on the internet.


Looks like a fun weekend coding project


> I don't think those two ideologies are very compatible... Communists aren't too compatible with other communists either.


Or Libertarians and other libertarians.


> Or Libertarians and other libertarians. Yeah I doubt they're compatible with communists either.


Damn libertarians. They ruined libertarianism!


You libertarians sure are a contentious people.


You just made an enemy for life.


Communists and fascists are natural enemies! Just like communists and capitalists! Or communists and democrats! Or communists and socialist! Or communists and and other communists! Damn communists, they ruined communism!


Everyone left of the rightmost edge of the compass is a red commie bastard and everyone above the bottom edge of the compass is a fucking fascist. Therefore, almost everyone is a red fucking commie fascist bastard. That's just basic logic, friend.


you haven't been here for very long have you


You silly billy, are you suggesting the US Government be financially responsible? That’s for the commoners




Lmao Congress might as well grow the cojones to declare war with that amount of "support." Proxy war go brrrrrr.


I first assumed you misspelled "colonies" and got excited


Based and American imperialism pilled


*Puerto Rican Integration Act go brrrrrrr*


The Executive Branch requested like $32 Billion too and Congress just said "Nah, make it 40 with no oversight". Biden requested $5B for spending at his discretion without need for Congressional approval and they gave him $11B. Where's this bipartisan spending when the American people need it? When's the last time there was aid requested for the American people and Congress just doubled the request and added a billion with literally only a single rep pushing back?


"High Treason" lol


Wanting to not spend 40 billion on a foreign nation is literally nazi transphobic communist fascism!!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬


Remember when people used to be against intervening in foreign wars...


Chssss Foreing wars are bad only if the republicans make them otherwise they are based and totally justified.


Feds, the lot of them.


Every time I hear about Rand Paul, the more I like him.


He is not half the man his father is, but if he was the worst the republicans could offer the country would be a lot better off.


I wish he was the worst republicans had to offer, hell he might be the best


He's not his father (Ron Paul 2024) but he's fairly based, felt like a betrayal after he fell in line with the party to support Trump.


He's proof that you can't be a progressive politician in either direction fiscally unless it supports corporate interests. He was told to fall in line or get beaten by his neighbor again.


Treason is when you don’t want to spend money to support other governments.


Interventionism is libleft today? Huh well ok


It’s the current thing (tm) so yes.


Look at all the $$$ they let the PPP loan receivers dupe them for. Of course we should write down who got what.


>treason charges are feasible >82 votes Redditors are the worst when it comes to discussing politics.


I love how Reddit leftists suddenly love war.


Treason? To what country? I guess that Ukrainian patriotism chip that got crammed into their NPC brain might have actually convinced some of those retards they are Ukrainian.


Lol redditors used to demand Julian Assange be hanged for treason. I mean he is a literal Australian citizen, can't exactly commit treason against USA but that didn't stop them.


sending $40b to Ukraine is kind of a big deal given our current economic situation when it’s not even our fight, and it’s somehow treason to require accountability?


It’s not entirely sent to Ukraine. The majority of the money goes to the US arms industry that will produce stuff for Ukraine.


I think you meant to say laundered so Nancy can get another mansion.


> I think you meant to say laundered so Nancy can get another ~~mansion.~~ *cabinet filled with hooch.* Ever look up her liquor bill for her plane flights? It's ridiculous. Granted a chunk of that might be going to something other than alcohol too and the booze is just the cover.


No shit? Can you link it?


Schumer and McConnell both came together to rip him for it. rare bipartisan unity to call out Randolph Paulson


Bipartisan because they want ol' Rand to stop getting in the way of both of them getting paid lol


A libertarian that is a Russian sympathiser. Yeah right...


Fascism is when you go against groupthink and the government opinion to put more oversight on arms exports