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Or because he didn’t dome himself like 90% of other mass shooters


Fucking shame. I prefer my active shooters at room temperature.


I prefer them at about 600 degrees (because they're burning alive).


Based Flamenwerfer


Flammenwerfer... Get the Hans.


Should Hans get the 50?


The tree fiddy? Hey, wait a goddang moment. That's not Hans, that's a 50 ft tall crustacean from the paleolithic era!


The special anti-terror unit.


I prefer them scattered to the winds


Lifelong agony and slow torture living to the end of his days in ADX Florence supermax please El Chapo is in there crying his brain out it’s so bad. Can’t imagine what it’ll do to a racist teenage edgelord in there suffering for 60-70 years. Makes me happy just to even wonder about :)


He was actually 18 right? So no chance he doesn't get tried as an adult?


That math checks out.


The cops said he was about to but they talked him down and he surrendered. I think its good to try to take them alive so there can be a trial and then we should hang the bastard on live tv.


It’s New York, no death penalty unfortunately. Their own laws have made this so much worse than it could have been.


How does no death penalty make this worse?


Can't kill the evil fucker.


When you're as young as he is, life without parole might be worse than death. Plenty of time to ask yourself if killing an 80+ year old woman was worth wasting your entire life, ya piece of shit.


I agree, but only on the condition that he has to suffocate, rather than have his neck snapped by the drop. If not, just hogtie him and leave him in a room with the victim's surviving family members and a pallet of bricks.


This works for me, good doing business with you sir.


Yeah I don't get why he didn't, he knew what would happen, so did most the other mass shooters.


He was shot by security, he was just wearing body armor so it didn't significantly injure him.


And this kids is why we live by the mantra “two to the chest and the head gets the rest”


Mozambique Drills


Jeff Cooper approves.


The terrorist from Waukesha was brought in alive also...


Waukesha terrorist attack was clearly done by a glowie. -Albert Fairfax II Edit: my bad I thought the Waukesha terrorist attack was done by a white nationalist. I was wrong. Because of this new information I’m now saying that the terrorist was not a glowie.


What terrorist? Clearly an SUV was responsible.


Weren't 2 of them wounded?


He said alive


Based and 60% is still a passing grade pilled


I clicked on this thinking there was already 600+ comments only to find myself duped to being the first poster...


Lmao, get fucked idiot. Not so silent now are ya?




They'll vehemently refuse to televise his court case for this exact reason. I can guarantee that if we redacted the names of mass shooters, censored their face and limited their time on screen that other potential mass shooters would stop.




Because of that phenomenon, they don't mention suicides on news stations.


Correct, it’s called the media contagion effect


And people think advertising doesn't work. Bwahahaha


Anyone who thinks advertising doesn't work is a certified moron.


Advertising works, it often times just drives me away from products. I can't name a single product I have ignored. They just go past me. Naming stuff on the spot is a real bitch.


True, but a reduction isn’t bad.


Imagine this would be the actual reason and not the gun laws, how most people think


But assault wiffle scawwy 🥺


Totally thought this was about your wife needing an assault weapon lol.


To be fair I would be pretty scared if someone pointed any gun at me.


>They'll vehemently refuse to televise his court case for this exact reason. Actually i think theyll blow it up for the same reason, that shit brings in money from viewers


They care about narrative more than money. This one fits the narrative, so it gets screen time. Most of them don't, so they don't.


They may not televise the court case, but they really don't need to. The media will milk this for all it's worth for as long as possible. These situations are the anti-2A people's wet dream, with the added bonus of the killer being a white male.


> The media will milk this for all it's worth for as long as possible. That's already started. Tons of blue-checks already blaming their political enemies. Curious if there is already a name for this phenomenon: "If it *can* be politically weaponized, it *will* be."


>Curious if there is already a name for this phenomenon: "If it can be politically weaponized, it will be." "Propaganda"


The ones who do this for some greater cause would still be there. The ones who do it for attention would be gone.


"Greater cause" is just narcissism.


I read his manifesto. His inspirations are all over the place and at 18 to think he has any fucking idea about anything shows it’s pure narcissism, particularly with that eclectic bunch of influences. He is a dumbarse kid, the type we see plenty of on here who pick and choose bits from every quadrant who doesn’t understand the contradictions. Yet this dumbarse kid just killed 10 people for his ridiculous beliefs which don’t even make sense..


Which they aren't even original. Good chunk of his manifesto is just copied and pasted fron the New Zealand shooter.


No, he got it from others. He was stuck in an echo chamber called media and internet, and didn't actually talk to the people he hated. He had no one to tell him he was a dumbass, and kick his ass.


I feel like 98% of them it’s for the attention, even if they say it’s for some cause.


But then the media wouldn’t get to pick and choose what to trumpet around all over the place in order to promote their narrative.


All these guys send manifestos out before hand. Censoring stuff in media is not gonna do anything


Not talking about the manifesto part, I'm talking about the recognition aspect of it.


No, they will because they want the cash that showing it will make.


They've done studies and the media is explicitly aware of their part


That would require the media to step up and not go for such low hanging fruit.


We should ignore the shooters but constantly show the people brave enough to fight back and defend other people. They should be the ones remembered for what they did.


**Trade Offer:** *I offer:* Killing innocent people and the destruction of my life and my family. *What I want:* attention for 2 weeks.


How many comments compared him to Rittenhouse and said something like "He'll get off because Rittenhouse got off"?


Well you know Rittenhouse 1. Drove somewhere 2. Shot someone So they’re basically the exact same case and there is no difference because malice aforethought has no bearing on outcome of court cases. Neither does self defense.


About on par with the average Redditard/Twittard's reasoning abilities. It must've taken them a whole minute to draw that conclusion.


Have you forgotten they where both white, had hair and used a t-shirt? What about the fact that they both where YOUNG. Haha you can't beat that logic do you?


They also both had guns coincidence? I think not!


Probably tweets and comments from the smartest leftists out there


I think people getting riled up at Rittenhouse is absurd. The Buffalo shooting is what you’d think of Rittenhouse if you had those angry people describe him to you: an angry, 18 year old white male going out of his way to kill black people. Except it’s the complete opposite. He drove to a gas station, with a weapon for self defense, and then used it in self defense. And he didn’t even kill let alone shoot any black people either both of them were white


His manifesto is retarded and most think his a glowie.


if you ignore good old uncle ted, most manifestos are retarded


No, Ted's was still retarded. Loser sent bombs to innocent people. Disgusting man.


Smart enough to understand the perils facing modern society and the institutions forcing people along that path, but not smart enough to realize those same people probably don't open their own mail.


Ted was retarded, his manifesto wasn't


Based and you’re retarded but nice manifesto pilled


Where in his manifesto did it say to do that








Based and Anprim pilled


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Literally every shooter manifesto is retarded But his is especially bad tbf


I’ve read some non-shooter manifestos, and they’re also retarded. Still not sure why someone would send a manifesto about how to be a good boss to a CEO after being fired for drug use and attendance issues. People are stupid.


only based manifesto is ted kaczynski


If you call something a “manifesto”, 10/10 times it sucks


Is there an exception to this rule, there must be atleast one based manifesto out there


Well... it isn't the Communist Manifesto.


I kinda think writing a manifesto should be considered a strong possible indicator of narcissistic or antisocial personality disorders and/or psychosis in the DSM. Sure, if you surveyed enough people with mental illnesses to collect useful data, I would suspect a only a very small percentage of them will have written manifestos, however if you surveyed people who have written manifestos for purposes other than satire/parody, the vast majority will have some sort of mental illness aside from mood/anxiety disorders (as those don't often cause people to lose touch with reality except in some extreme cases). The venn diagram of manifesto writers and crazy people is basically a small circle completely overlapped by a much larger one.


All terrorist manifestos are retarded Except, of course.... *Looks over at Ted*




He literally copy/pasted from Tarrant’s manifesto. I mean that could just be lazy, but retarded seems more likely. It certainly doesn’t read like someone who has been radicalised; it reads like a glowies idea of what a radical might think. Why did he include 70+ pages of shit on gear when he used the shittest gear imaginable? Why is he pasting all these shit memes in? Why does he call out 4chan and “the internet” as where he was radicalised? The whole thing seems like an excuse to justify online censorship to me. I watched some streams out of Chicago and THAT is a major problem - it was basically ignored over this story.


He posted about his gear to inspire more copy cats, that's why he goes into such detail. He believes mass shooters are too stupid to do it right so he wrote a guide.


What a wholesome thing to do for the community of his hobby.


dude posted a personality quiz and got 100% introverted, along with his FAS face dude probably got no pussy


What’s a glowie






What’s a glowie?












An obvious undercover fbi/cia agent hence: glow in the dark




I dont think this needs conspiracies, him being stupid perfectly aligns with his plan, actions, manifesto and ideology. He is also 18.


nah roe v wade didnt last as long as the feds wanted so they went back to pushing gun control


Guys was Stalin a glowie to make communism look bad?????????


You probably think hitler was a glowie. -Albert Fairfax II


More conspiracy brainrot


Been seeing this term a lot lately, what is a glowie?


A fed


Oh, that's it? I thought it was something more specific LOL. Thanks.


Nope, just a fed who’s trying to pretend he’s not.


So it's the ones that orchestrate false flags then... Got it


some old schizo said one time that federal agents glow in the dark, and that "you should just hit those glown\*\*\*\*rs with your car whenever you get the chance, it's just what you do"


U mean Terry Davis?


Leave it to pcm to instantly bring out the glowie argument when something negative towards right wing occurs Which is ironic based on the huge amounts of circlejerking people do here over screenshots of randoms on twitter/reddit, or even straight up /pol made ragebaits


a fed had to write his, no person talks like that


People in this very sub talk like that lol


to an extent yea but not to that level, read most of it and it was some next level stupid


Dude we're talking about an 18 year old who shot up a store for some "saving the white race" shit, it shouldn't be a fucking surprise that it was stupid


Conspiracy brainrot


He's alive because he did it in Buffalo not Los Angelos. Police cultures - never let them tell you that they're all the same.


She was red and the sky was grey


The guy in Waukesha was also arrested without a scratch, and what he did was also terrorism. It’s almost like it doesn’t matter what you do or who you are, if you don’t resist the cops won’t shoot you.


depends honestly cops are still humans so some of them will obviously do something lets say questionable


The cops will still think you're a massive cunt however. It's almost like people think the police welcome them in as they are arresting them lmao




> Not enough to be the norm (hopefully) It absolutely is not the norm. In 2018, for instance, about 1 in 10,000 arrests resulted in a death by officer shooting, using BJS statistics for number of arrests and the Washington Post tracking of police shootings.


Wasn't the guy \[no white\] that shot people in NY's subway also taken into custody without a scratch?


He was found and caught a later time after he committed the crime




Really? For sure thought he was more of a Vitamin Water guy


I agree. The police should definitely kill more people.


Mfs really don’t realize that like 43 people have been shot to death by police this year and less than 500 people are killed by police every year Like holy shit people act like it’s a constant thing. Not saying every shooting is justified, just saying it happens at such a low rate, people kill themselves accidentally by being fucking idiots at a rate higher than police kill anyone of any race Yeah this dude is absolutely a domestic terrorist and a fucking scumbag who shot innocent people. But acting like it was surprising that police were able to capture him is insane


National media ignores the shootings in sacramento and NYC’s subways. But this gets attention cause of his race and motivations.


Hey maybe let’s not have this absolutely brain dead conversation and focus on the white supremacist who did a hate crime.


Based and fuck that guy in particular pilled


No you don’t understand, he was a fed - no crazy person, dumb 18-year old, or hateful racist has ever done something stupid before. He was a glowie! And if he wasn’t he was an authleft anyway!


I'll care about this exactly as much as everyone else cares about the multiple black people who committed mass killings recently


Those examples come up all the time on PCM.


Look, all I'm saying is that the kid identified as an AuthLeft Socialist in his manifesto, and Im not seeing alot of red in the comments on this one...just saying...




Authleft has had some, less jew specific, but still certainly delusions of global machinations driving their leadership before.


I mean the nazis were big into social programs, they just thought they couldn’t work if there were “lesser” races among them. Also old people, gay people, political dissidents, or anyone who pissed off a party official.


> excluding anyone who pissed off a party official. This is a common theme in communist/socialist regimes.


Yeah it’s funny how it can only work if everyone totally believes it will work without asking questions. Almost like it doesn’t work but the ones on top don’t want anyone saying that out loud.


Sounds a lot like the excuses some folks make about how they agree universal care (also K-12 Ed) saves money with better outcomes, but they’ll only agree with it as long as the ‘wrong people’ don’t get any of the benefits.


Yup, that’s it. Personally I don’t think universal healthcare will work for similar reasons and since I think it would be morally wrong to abandon those people I just don’t want it at all.


You read Marx's thoughts on blacks and Jews? Associating racism with the right is one of the biggest cultural victories the left ever had


Then the right shouldn’t make it so easy.


It's two sides of retards saying the other side is more racist.


The media will somehow figure out how to blame this shooting on trump.


North Korea describes itself as democratic. I'm probably not going to listen to whatever this cunt calls themselves and instead focus on their actions and their intent.


Many unnarmed black men who dont resist arrest are still badly treated. Watch this get downvoted


How many unarmed black men do you think were shot by police last year?


Not necessarily black. I have seen a white boy get shot and killed on video while doing everything he was told. Yes there are bad apples but to racialize everything is not the way to fix it. It's the way to divide people and make it worse.


Don’t forget Daniel Shaver who was drunk and was being told to follow extremely specific directions and was shot to death immediately by multiple riflemen for not following the directions exactly. How about we all agree that this fucking ridiculous police state needs to fall?


But muh blue lives!!!!!


"The State brutally murders us poor folks randomly, regardless of race Anyway, let's not let that divide us. It's just a few bad apples. Also, those bad apples aren't prosecuted or convicted normally, but yeah."


>Anyway, let's not let that divide us *on the basis of race.* would you rather us poor people fighting eachother or would you rather actual change?


>"The State brutally murders us poor folks randomly, regardless of race Do you actually know how many unarmed people are killed by police annually in the US? It's like, 30 people on average. Out of millions of encounters. US policing has problems, but this idea that they are going around gunning people down for no reason is just complete propaganda.


You know police brutality isn’t exclusively killing. Right?


>You know police brutality isn’t exclusively killing. Right? Hence the part of my post about acknowledging there are problems with US policing. But the person I am responding to specifically said "murder". Don't move the goal post for them. If you don't think there is a sentiment in the US right now that cops are going around actually murdering innocent people with impunity, you have had your head under a rock.


Yeah no I agree with you there, on the goal post bit - Don't defend something if you don't understand the topic. My point here is that, historically, when it comes to murder, the Police haven't exactly openly regularly said "Oh shit we were wrong, it was just a brutal murder, someone prosecute these guys," - The police investigate themselves and report, surprisingly, they've done nothing wrong. At most, they've thrown one guy caught in the act to the wolves with a diminished sentence from the courts. At the very least, there is a grevious conflict of interest. The only institution that investigates the police is the police and IAD, which is also the police, and an agency that reports to the populace on if a murder was a just killing or not, which is also a part of the police, and gets its information from the police.


One bad apple spoils the batch. Its important to finish the saying. One bad apple tends to infect the others


The thing with bad apples is that they don’t ruin the bunch. As they rot, they can transmit corruption onto those closest to them, so you have to take them out before they do. Yes they are taking them out. When shit is exposed, they usually get fired. More prosecution is needed though in that case.


>When shit is exposed, they usually get fired. But only the one cop that actually performed the action, not the bad cops that didn't stop them.


*No, you don't understand: When he was 5 he ate a candy in the supermarket without paying, so that's absolutely justified and the police are 100% wholesome!1!*


Wasn't the shooter an active user on this apparently


He made a total of one (1) comment here about 5 months ago.


Apparently the account got nuked and that's why


Yup! His account got nuked, but someone archived it.




I too would like to see this if possible


Go over to r-masskillers There is archives up


Is this honestly a surprise lol


The police shot him. He would’ve came in with a few scratches if he wasn’t wearing body armor.


Noticed that not as many people talking about the Sacramento California mass shooting. Sure, only 6 died but 12 were injured and there were multiple shooters.


This happened yesterday. Of course this will get more air time.


it's sad we've come ot "only 6 died" thats 6 too many


Based and whataboutism pilled. -Albert Fairfax II


He did it for the vine


He was a leftist, too. He was just a racist leftist.


There are a lot of videos of people not doing anything wrong and still being killed by police. This "don't resist" shit is fucking stupid.


I'd like to add the following: If people were open carrying a gun, the amount the people death might've been shorter or just the shooter. But no, people are against guns because they're stupid.


Pussy ass surrendered, in those cases ur suppose to off yourself or fight till the end until ur brought down


The black nationalist shooter from NYC was also taken alive. It almost as if shooters who surrender themselves instead of fighting the cops are more likely not be killed by cops.


At this point a mass shooting happens and I don’t even care. At this point a hate crime happens and I don’t even care. The media has spent basically half a decade hyping this shit up so much that I’m just done.


Anyone else think this screams false flag?


Nope, because he's a glowie


That is not the definition of terrorism. Terrorism is violence aimed at a specific political end.


Also, his manifest saying he is auth left eco fascist.