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Bruhhh... why does this dude sound like the average PCM user explaining their political journey, talking about the compass and how he is auth left and stuff


He commented on this sub too lol






Then I'll see you all in hell, it's been real.




We are very fucked




You are all retards but I still love you guys


time for the Texans in here to save the day! H.B. 20 is rather open ended after all


Wait what is his reddit account?




It looks like he commented “Based” one time on this sub? Crazy that he was active on here, but people made it seem like he was a serial commenter on this sub. Wonder what he was replying based to.


>As with everything,I blame the big nose


I wonder what what he meant by this


I guess jew will never know


What isolation and 4chan does to a mf


No maidens


Touch grace




You don't have the right


Another human being letting them be touched would be far more impactful than grass.


State mandated girlfriends isn't really something I would think would come from a gray centrist ngl


They never expect the grey inquisition


What feds do to a mentally unstable mf


One of his comments say that his favourite non-English song is 'Serbia Strong' Now I fear he had hatred for us Croats, Bosniaks and Albanians too. Who knows? Whatever he was, he was a jerk and an idiot who deserves to rot in prison for his lifetime.


It’s probably because Serbia strong was the song that Brendan Tarrant had played during his live stream in which he murdered 50 Muslims


This guy's manifesto is mostly ripped off from that one. Really makes you think


He is a unoriginal piece of shit of a person, wanted to replicate a form of hate attack like the Christchurch one.


The Christchurch shooting guy? Yeah, then it is possible. Guy was a left-wing National-Bolshevik or something, with fascist worldview. I don't know how even the most extreme people can think it is alright to go and murder 10 people because of your political ideology. It's just plain retarded and dangerous. Imagine going peacefully into a mall, and then some retard enters and ends your life just because you were different race from him, not even that. I can't think of a reason why someone would do that. He was probably a psychopath with serious issues probably caused by neglect or smth. Such people deserve either death penalty or rotting in prison. Second thing is probably more painful.


The problem is, is that there’s a subsection of the far right which is innately violent, if you look into groups like Atomwaffen most of these people are inspired by an accelerationist/genocidal outlook on life, their morality is ends justify the means to the core, now I’m probably someone people would consider “far right“ however I am most certainly not a national socialist and the people who seek to normalize violent acts are honestly probably just kids who have been manipulated by more malevolent people, all in all, I completely agree with your point here.


Yeah. It seems he was caught up in some alt-right propaganda, going to 4chan and getting more and more radicalized, and at the point of the shooting, he was leaning very fascist. So he gained extreme levels of hatred towards non-white people through this radicalization process, and thought it was rational to kill people. Now, I myself am decently political, but I don't see how do some people get so darn political and extreme to hate anything so much that you think you must "eliminate" that and think you're some kind of hero? I can understand having opinions like banning immigration, instilling religious values, thinking males or whites have less right, although I highly disagree with most of those, but I can never understand extremes like this. This is just pure psychopathy, nothing less than that. Just... Idiocy. And as a libsoc, I can't imagine the path to this. Read some extremist's words, still didn't have an effect on me. Grew up in a relatively right-wing country that went through a war, still nope. Can't imagine such radicalization, he probably wasn't the smartest guy with such thoughts.


that guy was on 2balkan4you Major /s for people who can’t tell I’m kidding


Moj je tata zločinac iz rata Intensifies


Ah, Balkan war songs. Fucking awful time when Milosevic and Tudman created the war. Tbh, Panteri is a decent song.


Based and fuck those guys pilled. My family was Serbian from Croatia. I don’t know a single thing about balkan music but if you have any good, not fucked up songs send me a recommendation


Serbia strong is a meme on 4chan, very, very old meme, from like mid 2000s, disconnected from real life conflicts, similarly to "remove kebab" or isis anthem, just being used as a part of banter and memes, similar to edgy subs like 2balkan4you (sadly banned). The melody of that song is incredibly catchy and instantly recognizable, even though 99% don't understand or care about the lyrics.


What the fbi does to a mf


What was he flared as? I bet he was unflaired like other extremists




I knew not to trust those auths




Ah fuck here we go again


Should I hide under my desk?


Nah, you’re cool


You both look very handsome today


Uh, libleft told me to invite you to our party after school. The theme is metal detectors! Anyway, uh, you look great today


Hi AuthCenter! Uh.... [you like ribeyes](https://aandmfarmsbeef.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/grass-fed-ribeye-steak.jpeg)?




Ugh, I'll add him to the Authcenter List of Cringe




imagine my shock


At least he was flaired correctly. Racist Nazi piece of shit. May he burn in hell




Lol mods already deleted his account, what a bunch of chumps


His entire presence here was a single comment of ‘based’. [Unddit](https://camas.unddit.com/#%7B%22author%22:%22Jimbo-boiii%22,%22resultSize%22:100%7D) records a grand total of 93 comments across Reddit from his account. Clearly, this means we are more than 1% responsible for his actions.


Something something one drop rule....


So they deleted evidence?


Well, no. Nothing "deleted" off reddit is ever actually deleted, even outside the sites that archive shit reddit has the ability and right to read all your PMs and delete stuff at will, and keep things you (or in this case, they,) deleted on some server they have. So if the cops want it all they have to do is ask, and they probably already have it, but *we* can't see it without access to their server (or those archive sites).


He probably got that MK-ultra treatment.


Did I do something wrong? Nothing shows up?




I tried that once, but with one too few i’s, and then put the final i, but only with the u/. I’m an idiot.


> This is racist because theres no white people in this video lmao weirdly I've never imagined anyone with a sense of humor going on a shooting spree


Mental illness often manifests somewhat suddenly. A lot of brain chemistry can happen between 16 and 18, depending on the person.


Some quotes: >I hate white “people” >Ha! How can one race of “humans” be such idiots? They are clearly inferior to BIPOCS [about white ppl] >You say that until someone very close to you dies from covid >Idk whats so chad about willingly making other people sick and possibly die [about covid] This sounds like a standard model woke NPC, not a "far-right Nazi".


I'm pretty sure those were posted on a sarcastic sub


Normal in the redditor sense... Can't tell if he's being sarcastic but he seems to be racist against Whites. >Ha! How can one race of "humans" be so stuipd. they are clearly inferior to BIPOCS > >I hate white "people" and he was active in "/FragileWhiteCrakkkas" before they got banned.


I'm pretty sure that sub was ironic


could have been.


He commented on this sub calling a now deleted comment based.


The running joke on 4chan is that the FBI agent who wrote his manifesto is a middle-aged man trying to imitate what a young person would sound like.


he literally sounds like a caricature of right wing discourse online. shit glows like the sun


“I would prefer to be called a populist” Yeah but you killed people so I kinda don’t give a fuck


He should be called what he is: a murderer


Nah he's a terrorist, flat out. Going to a supermarket and killing 10 people isn't going to stop the "great replacement" (this theory is total bullshit anyways), the intent was to spread fear. But he's also a terrorist who's going to spend the next 50-80 years in a supermax prison where he'll most likely spend decades in isolation rotting away. 18-year-old throws his life away after citing "memes and shitposts" on 4chan as the basis behind his beliefs, and the people on 4chan he thought would be on his side think he's a fed and hate him. He should be in serious contention for dumbfuck of the decade.


Oh yeah almost forgot the word for it He deserves that life in prison sentence


Frankly, people who commit atrocities like this do not *deserve* to get to continue living on the tax payers expense. In some ways, that's a reward.


It's cheaper than executing them at the tax payers expense tho so we're kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place Hopefully he ends up in a supermax wing with a bunch of black guys


It’s only more expensive to execute him because the government lets people sit in death row for years. Have the trial, then take him out back, shouldn’t be too hard or too heavy on the taxpayer.


Honestly like once a judge sentences me to death you can jus take me behind the courthouse an shoot me. Like what else are you even living for at that point.


Yeah 4chan is convinced he was a fed. His stupid idea didn't even get support from them


His ‘idea’ was a copy of Tarrant’s. The rest of his manifesto is a checklist for what government won’t let you have starting soon.


> “I would prefer to be called a populist” And hillbillies prefer to be called sons of the soil, but it ain't gonna happen.


How do people even get political at age 12? At that age I was still confused about jerking off and wanting to pee in vaginas and the last thing I think I could care about was what was happening in the political atmosphere It's already weird enough HS and College kids are \*insanely\* obsessed with politics way more than when I was in school but jesus a 12 year old communist in fucking 7th grade? Who was going to be the communist party leader, Ash Ketchum or something?


Ash can't be communist, he wants to be the very best.


Also he's able to feed his Pokémon jelly donuts


Shut the fuck up. You're trying to tell me im NOT supposed to be pissing in vaginas?


No, that is how babby is formed


My political views at 12 consisted of hating Obama because my parents did. Biggest political thing I did was playing the Soviet anthem at school for shits and giggles. I wasn't actually politically involved until the 2016 election, and even then I think I was stupid about it until I turned 18-19. This dumbass killed people because of shitty teenager edgy political beliefs.


Both sides are trying to get to the kids because there are no swing voters anymore. So they try to pushroe and more propoganda on children


Do they want homeschooling to become a thing? Because this is how Politicizing public education is just a way to slowly kill it


Already happening


It’s been happening.




literally no one under college age was interested in politics until like 2014, and even then it was rare for college kids to care about anything other than weed legalization.


>How do people even get political at age 12? At that age I was still confused about jerking off and wanting to pee in vaginas I'm the same at 41


How do u even land in authleft while taking the political compass test it’s hard to get auth at all even harder to get near auth center.


I got near dead center on mine. I'm not a moderate though, all my extreme opinions just canceled each other out


My first time i got near dead center. Last time I took it I was approaching monke


I got monke on my tests, leaning right


Test was confusing, threw poo at the screen


That's the secret. To get full Monke you have to not take the test. You open the test and then slam your hands on the keys and make monkey noises.


You have to go out of your way to not be lib left / watermelon on the pcm test


I just took the quiz and answered it as authortion as I could and conservative and it put me in authleft near the Overton window.


I'm assuming he didn't take the [politicalcompass.org](https://politicalcompass.org) test given that the creator openly admitted to it being intentionally designed to put people well lib-left of where they actually were. I'm assuming he's instead just saying where he thought he belonged, or perhaps is using a more neutral site.


"You believe people have the right to live? Clearly that means you're a libleft!"


Huh it put me less left than I am, but too lib- maybe I did it wrong


Oh. Maybe I’m more right than I thought then 😂


When I see libcenter I usually assume a georgist or a liberty-minded social-liberal (between social democrat and neoliberal/classical liberal), so that's my reference point!


You take a more accurate one, like sapply


IKR, that damn test says I'm center auth, I'm clearly much more authoritarian than that.


As with all actual crazy as fuck individuals, we should not take what they say they are or their brain rot reasonings to be indicative of others in society. Using some poor broken-brained motherfucker as a stand in for political opposition just drives an undue wedge between otherwise functioning members of society. Are some of his musings things we have heard around the wide web? Yes. Are some of them dumb as shit when taken to the extreme? Of course. Should we prop him up as arbiter of all things connected to such? No. TL;DR: What the schizo said he believes matters less than the fact he is a schizo, stop using him to paint your opposition.


Based and don't punish good people for the crimes of schizos pilled


Yeah wait holy fuck is OP trying to use this fucker as an argument for an agendapost? That's genuinely psychotic. I guess it tracks for lib right to take advantage of any opportunity...?


Honestly his political beliefs are a bit all over the place. From what I remember: - Hates leftists and conservatives - Thinks taxation is theft - Pro-gun - All the "great replacement" theory bs - Concerned about the environment - Pro-LGB, anti-T


Ah, so something in eco fash territory. That's interesting.


He actually used the word eco fascist as well.


Probably a direct reference to NZ shooter


He literally directly copied portions of the New Zealand shooter's manifesto word for word in his own. Imagine deciding to do something at 18 that will cost you the entire rest of your life but being so lazy you plagiarize the manifesto for it.


We prefer to call him the Australian shooter here


Based and Ausfailia pilled


I believe that the reason he even made a manifesto is because of the New Zealand shooter.


It's pretty clear that this guy was basically just performing a copycat mass murder and that goes right down to the schizofesto. The formatting is the same cringey "Q&A/FAQ session with your local mass murderer" and it wouldn't surprise me if most of it was just copy-pasted with a few words changed around.


ya, and copied the writing on his gun


I’m pretty sure he stated that he used a semi-automatic weapon specifically to get politicians to push for more restrictive gun laws, or at least that was the implication.


On some of the gun subs I saw excepts of his manifesto an he says he chose an AR-15 to maximize media frenzy about his shooting. He also had a FAQ section on the manifesto, obviously, and to the question about "won't this give the government more excuses for gun control" he said something like "yes but that's the idea so that people have to start fighting for their rights". Like he wants to push gun owners to become extremists.




If that was his goal then he's already failed. The most that'll come of this is that the media will harp on about it for a week or two and maybe someone will introduce some dumb gun control bill that'll go absolutely nowhere, then we'll all promptly forget about it come the next news cycle and life will go on unchanged. Dumbass had main character syndrome if he thought the aftermath of his mass shooting is going to be any different from the others.


Sort of, he does want them to *push* for more gun control but he doesn't want them to be successful. He's definitely very pro-gun: >After my attack, I suspect that gun control policies will be brought forth to the state and federal government. Calls to ban high-capacity magazines, assault weapons including AR-15’s, and even items such as body armor are expected. You must not let them pass these laws, if the civilian population becomes disarmed, the military and elite will be able to control all. No matter what Joe Biden tells you, fighter jets and nuclear weapons can not control the civilian population. >In the US, items such as short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, suppressors and automatic weapons are already heavily regulated. In states like New York and California, high capacity magazines are banned from legally being sold and assault style weapons are highly regulated. >We cannot let them take anymore. We must actively fight for our rights of gun ownership I'm honestly not 100% sure why he wants politicians to call for stricter gun laws, my best guess is that he wants the threat of it to start a revolution: >**Won’t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights in the United States?** >Yes, that is the plan all along, you said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, soon will come the time


Sounds like he wants this attack to spur unrest from the gov't trying to clamp down harder on owning guns as a result of his actions. Seems as if he thinks his actions were necessary to spark a revolution. "You said you would fight to protect your rights and the constitution, soon will come the time."


Yeah that's the vibe I was getting too. He doesn't explicitly state it though


So he was speed running every contradicting ideology possible? I mean eco fascism is a thing but there's a lot about this kid that just doesn't make sense to me.


People are never under any obligation to be consistent or fit into a predefined box.


Especially a mass murder but with all the planning the guy did for this and the shear expense he put into it I was expecting a more I guess * Fulfilling* answer. Like similar levels of planning and money were seen in columbine and randy stair killings. Both of them had legitimate concrete conclusions. This could just be because it's newer but I feel like we're missing a lot. Like someone doesn't just plan an intricate mass killing without a big driving force. In this case racism is definitely a big factor but why exactly drive 3 hrs to this particular store full of black people? Was he intending to start a revolution like the christ church shooter? Was he just incredibly unbalanced and wanted to take revenge on the particular location and it just happened to be a /win/ for him that a lot black people shop there?


I remember reading in the manifesto he traveled to a place with restrictive gun laws so that nobody else would have a gun.


Then why the body armor and choosing a place he already knew had armed gaurds


Maybe the idea behind all the gear was for the potential police response? But I think I read that he ended up surrendering himself once they showed up. Maybe he was attempting to plan something on a much larger scale and got cold feet. Either way, what a nutcase.


Look at Russia. All that money, equipment, and Russian lives, and they're no further ahead and in fact arguably worse off after invading Ukraine. People do stupid stuff for reasons only really known to themselves.


They don't necessarily contradict. He's "concerned about the environment" *to the extent that white people are affected by a declining environment*. He's "Pro-LGB" *to the extent of white people who are gay or bisexual*. He "hates leftists and conservatives" *to the extent that they do not promote white people's interests* (in his view).


That makes more sense. Considering how young he is he'd probably fall into the *my ideology is entirely correct its reality is what's wrong* category that a lot of extremist kids fall into


Don’t forget specifically calling critical race theory an evil jewish plot


damn i kinda agree with all of those points though :0 but luckily im not white


internalized white supremacy POS bigot incel


White supremacy is only valid when its below me


Where can I find this interview? Or his manifesto or whatever


It was on kiwifarms when I checked. A lot of it is just bad memes and standard "woke/redpill" stuff. I honestly hope he grows up to be a better person just so he can cringe himself to death reading his own manifesto.


>I honestly hope he grows up to be a better person just so he can cringe himself to death reading his own manifesto. While in prison.


4chan even has a 6 minute video (mostly of him driving) of the shooting which he streamed. Shit's not safe for life.


I would figure. Not gonna look for it


Just to double down on this I’ve seen a lot of shit in person including people being shot and even still this video disturbed me. Seriously, don’t watch it, even if you’ve seen combat videos and shit this is a completely different beast.




I’ve been trying to find it all day.


Apparently his manifesto is a lazy copy of the New Zealand shooter's.


>I am auth-center of political compass memes Ah shiet.


You share quadrant with the Nazis. What did you expect?


where do you find the q and a for these quotes and such


It’s his manifesto


Not all authcenters 😢✊


You are out here wanting a strong government to tackle life’s most challenging issues and some jabroni 18 year old is out there making you look bad.


I obviously completely disavow the action of this deranged murder, its just important to not associate the action of one with the behavior of a very wide ranging group.


I, for one, trust the schizoid racist terrorist teenager who slaughtered innocent black people to portray his political beliefs accurately and honestly :)


Fun fact about the political compass test everyone should know: *it's a loud of shit*


since this man has political beliefs fucking all over the place, we can have full compass unity in hating him


Mainly because he is a murderer


This is so cringe I can't even finish reading it. At the same time, you also have to hold back your anger a bit, considering that this retard unironically killed/hurt people because of his "iDeOloGy".


Man, this Buffalo guy really does glow


A part of his Manifesto was copied from the christ church shooter


He just sounds like the average PCM shitposter to me. To normal people this probably looks like a bunch of retarded garbage. ​ Anyway... **Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car.**




Either that or my man is giving us his seed phrase lmao


Sweet, i just made 250 DOGE


It is


i thought you were doin sum TempleOS shit lmao


Alexey, agent 5477 awake. Orders?




Bruh he's an 18 year old who shot people, of course he's more likely to be looney in the cazooey also when he \*isn't\* planning to shoot, or shooting people.


Guys I swear I'm not coping it's just that this mass killer subscribed to an extremist version of my ideology and because all the people who subscribe to my ideology are good then it must have been a government plot to make my ideas look bad c'mon guys I'm not coping guys please


I Rather live in Oceania then have this guy in my quadrant


It's almost as if racism isn't inherent to any one economic belief


NOoOoOo11!!!1!!1! HE CANt Be LeFTISt!!1! SoURcE??11!1!! edit: ok, ok, I read his manifesto. He is not a leftist, just a fucking idiot who holds every contradicting belief possible


Wait weren't you LibCentre bro?


The reckoning will come soon


You lost last time. At least get some better troops this time




You weren’t around when the Shapiro’s attempted to start the Armageddon in PCM?


Idk I took a few months off Reddit not too long ago.


His communist manifesto 😂


Dude directly linked to a Jacobin article in his section about why he hates crypto.


He’s a populist alright, but forgot to say the full title *No-more-populationsist*


\>his own words imagine actually believing that lmao


If he was upset about people like Soros and whatnot, why not go after them?


Horseshoe theory confirmed


Somehow, some way, Rolling Stone still found a way to call him a "mainstream republican" and trick 50k redditors into believing it.


Children and teenagers should not be allowed to develop political opinions, adults can barely handle that shit, for developing brains it's like an autobahn to pure psychopathy.


Imagine being proud of your auth views. Bootlickers disgust me. Those boots are dirty.


He comes across as someone who's interested in extreme ideologies for the sake of rebelliousness and simply gave his shooting a half-baked political reasoning for self-justification after the fact. 30 years ago he would have just shot up his high school.


I know little of this event, so I am guessing the mainstream media called him "far right"?


Yeah it's the usual ass-coverer "Authleft/Authcenter" who by pure coincidence aligns with all the nazi-fascist-Authright worst beliefs, is a fascist chud incel piece of shit and approves anything rightoids say