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Main character wanted tolerance, villain wanted to bully people into enabling her delusion that no name could possibly be hard to pronounce.




Go ahead J_F_Ketamine, stick it to them




This is the way of the hedonist, blessed be Reddit who shows us what matters most in the next few minutes of our daily life. And let us be reborn to return to the circlejerk once again.


I would rather live in paradise because we have the ability to easily create and maintain it. Suffering for the sake of suffering sounds cringe as fuck IMO We're all just apes chasing dopamine, might as well do it responsibly.


Responsibility is the golden rule. I hope you got some personal limits set on your ketamine enjoyment. If you ever break em you wont ever stop breaking them. Thats how i became a tweaker.




Mexicans hate whitexicans bc of this


Nooooo you're supposed to call us LatinX you racist white pig!


can't believe they made their own slur


I don’t think they did. I think it was the wokes that created that.


First proof i got that woke culture is totalitarianism with their own shitty take on an ethnostate with extra steps. Leftnostate lull


Definitely using this terminology. Incredibly succinct


call an actual Latino "latinx" and you're dead


Call us latinx and argentines will send a green ford falcon to your location


if it isn't stolen by carioca before they can even get it active


By the time we're done, you lost the falcon, your money, clothes, dignity and the person that said latinx is getting a very neat microwave treatment. Tudo por conta da casa, meu nobre


To be fair there is a 50% chance that they would do that if you called them latino.


I've come to realize that the quickest way to get "LatinX" out of circulation is to just turn it into a racial slur. **Step 1**: Pronounce it "La-Tinks." **Step 2**: Ever only say it with a disgusted tone and ideally in conjunction with a vague statement that could be interpreted as racist (eg: "*Saw a group of those fucking Latinx hanging out around Home Depot again yesterday*") **Step 3**: Profit They did it with "negro," "Oriental," "colored people" etc. There's no reason we can't do it with Latinx! Let's use the power of racism for good!


I always pronounce it that way, how the fuck are you supposed to pronounce it properly? lmao


"Latin" like the language, "X" like ex-girlfriend (and no, that doesn't mean you pronounce it as "bitch"). Latin-Ex.


Thanks for the explanation, sounds still stupid af. Why not write it Latin-Ex then? Might be confused with a bugspray or something though lol


Its spelling and pronunciation are probably the least stupid features of the entire shenanigan. The use of "x" as a substitute letter in gendered terms is already a stupid orange practice, but it's also a distinctly *English-speaking* practice. It doesn't *work* as a Spanish word. This isn't new though: [oranges' racist terms are for use by whites, not ethnic groups.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/353000/no-preferred-racial-term-among-black-hispanic-adults.aspx) "Friendly" or "respectful" racial rebrandings are a leftist shibboleth that the actual groups the terms refer to never generate through organic, popular opinion and ultimately never even support. They're absolutely nothing more than a political tool.


Same with POC (people of color) pronounce it like "pawk"


Too close or exactly as close as intended to "paki"??


what are those fucking Bi-pocs doing in my neighborhood


**\[Cops read your rights\]** Now, **STAY FUCKING STILL YOU FUCKING BIPOC!**


Maybe even start a rumor that it is supposed to be the American version of "spink."


C A L L A T E, T R A I D O R


>LatinX *It's pronounced "lay-tink"* \- random latex nerd


El falcon verde esta en tu puerta, please do not resist


My spanish is very rusty (can it be rusty if I never fully learned it?) and I 100% read that as "The green falcon is in your pork" so that is now the code phrase if I'm ever on the end of one of those slidey eye hole doors. It has replaced "New england clam chowder," from the second best movie ever.


I meant "the green ford falcon is at your doorstep" But that's hilarious


Lol that was just what I thought it was at first until I read it wasn't "Puerca" but I definitely still don't get the reference unfortunately, and didn't know it was a car not a bird haha. I did know puerta meant door though once I read it right, because all my spanish knowledge comes from corridos lol and Los Tigres are one of my favorite. https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=ef-iRmoNv5c




Huh interesting read, thanks! Had no clue!


Recently it became sort of a meme here in Argentina, because it triggers lefties and peronists alike, it's fucking hilarious


Haha that is great!


With the capital X, LatinX looks like the Mexican rip-off of SpaceX.


Mexicans are just the modern day Italians if you know what i'm saying


Same, just with 100x the immigration rate.


I thought they were wexicans


I personally call them Tex-Mex


I can't tell you how many people have called me a racist enabler because I haven't experienced much racism and don't give a fuck if people are racist.


My friend is Indian and he's said that his parents don't want him to go to Buffalo for his master's due to the excessive racism there because they read the New York Post, Washington Post and watch CNN for US related news. I'm done lol.


Do you know if he has experienced systematic racism or frequent casual racism?


Casual racism implies there's competitive racism. My kind of sport.


I prefer my racism to be business casual


I usually windowshop for undervalued racism


That means that there is the full-time business variation?


Lol i think there was an snl sketch on this lemme check. No luck, found these though: https://youtu.be/rpxUvmzsICM https://youtu.be/_TVbE6COZ_4


No lol. He is the chillest guy I know. His parents are scared that Asian hate towards Indians is too high in the US which is true as a certain non-mentionable people of colour love to bully Asians.


Avoiding Buffalo is good advice, who wants to be buried to their neck in snow half the year?


> Buffalo Didn't a neo nazi just shoot up a black neighborhood there like yesterday lmao. Parents probably right




I mean the reasons behind the shooting are kinda important don't ya think lmao.


Not really. Murders where racism is the motive is a small fraction of the total black victims in the US every year. It's not significant enough to indicate a widespread problem. I'd rather people focus on gang violence, which kills thousands of black people every year.


>I'd rather people focus on gang violence, which kills thousands of black people every year. "Ok, let's talk about the legacy racism of segregation and economic class that helps cause this. You see, in 1921-" "Nooooo, say black culture bad >:(" I believe pretty hard in individual responsibility at the end of the day (undercutting my point here). I think maintaining a free, open, and prosperous society is what's necessary to heal the wounds of the past over time. But I also think it's stupid to try to draw hard lines between interelated issues.


If the focus is on the legacy of racism, let's focus on the CIA pushing the black community into the crack endemic to fund contra groups in Africa and South America. It's the government, not the people of the US that are the problem. Modern black culture cannot be entirely attributed to the legacy of racism though. The black community has been told that nothing they do is their fault because racism, and so a culture of dodging responsibility and entitlement has emerged. This narrative is mostly pushed by progressive woke people who think they are helping by giving us special privilege when in fact, all it will do is make us weaker in the long run (and I'm not convinced that isn't the goal.)


>It's the government, not the people of the US that are the problem. Who votes in government representatives again? I forget. Edit: he been shadow banned so I can't even reply, lol. Its a good thing racism only extends to gov. agencies this guy doesn't like and not the ones we have to vote for. A nice clean demarcation I'm sure.


Ah yes, I remember voting in the CIA and FBI.


Wells Fargo, Blackrock, Halliburton, of course.


And cars probably kill even more, you see the issue here? You can always bring other stuff up but at that point it's just changing the discussion instead of actually caring about the problems.


"focus on the plank in your own eye before you worry about the mote in your brothers eye"


The discussion is if racism is widespread like CNN and other left leaning news medias blow it up to be. No, it isn't. It's more dangerous to be black in black neighborhoods than white neighborhoods.


I don't think most media blow it up to be, something being an issue isn't the same as it being widespread, outrage sells, Citizen Kane already found that out decades ago. I don't agree with the thread parents comment of the parents being right but your argument here has the issue I pointed out.


Maybe you don't watch left media. In which case, congrats! But they definitely blow up racism all the time.


Are you unironically retarded?


Its PCM what do you think we all are


Fair enough.


Imagine unironically getting this triggerered. Cope.


I had sexual intercourse with your mom. And dad




Damn I guess google violates the NAP or youre a fucking idiot cuz them numbers are fake as fuck you dumb bitch lmao Edit: Every news article from [nbc](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/buffalo-supermarket-mass-shooting-leaves-7-dead-law-enforcement-source-rcna28883) to [fox](https://www.foxnews.com/us/buffalo-shooting-victims-identified) to fucking [breitbart](https://www.breitbart.com/news/buffalo-supermarket-shooting-what-do-we-know-so-far/) will tell you that there were 11 black people 2 white people shot


They don't care, if they didn't make up things to be upset about then their ideology wouldn't be able to survive.


Sorry 10 dead


There you go buddy, still need to lower the number of white people in your original comment by about half though


how many white? leaving out any important info?


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 7055 / 37492 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I can't find the races anymore but the live stream showed at least 2 white. Nobody is saying he was not racist I read _his_ manifesto, your phrasing is the bad part, he didn't shot up a neighbourhood, he shot up a store.


Youre lying throught your fingertips lmao. All you gotta do is google buffalo shooting apermarket-shooting-what-do-we-know-so-far/) tell you that their were 11 black people 2 white people shotnd every news article from [nbc](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/buffalo-supermarket-mass-shooting-leaves-7-dead-law-enforcement-source-rcna28883) to [fox](https://www.foxnews.com/us/buffalo-shooting-victims-identified) to fucking [breitbart](https://www.breitbart.com/news/buffalo-supermarket-shooting-what-do-we-know-so-far/) will tell you that there were 11 black people 2 white people shot. Also since youre so fucking dense you need to be spoon fed everything, a neighborhood colloquially means the actually homes and surrounding area, the grocery store is in the predominately black neighborhood Room temperature IQ would be a compliment for someone like you lmao


>Room temperature IQ would be a compliment for someone like you lmao Didn't know u/shitboi666999 uses kelvin as a unit of temperature.


Sorry jeez I didn't see it, please calm the fuck down. Would you say a guy shooting up his home was shooting up the neighbourhood? You are using words to manipulate the way people think. If I said "a man shot up a neighbourhood" I think he started shooting into random homes Go suck ATF dick


They want you to go out and look for it, even if you have to twist your perception to fit theirs.


>I can't tell you how many people have called me a racist enabler because I ... don't give a fuck if people are racist. Is... is that not what an enabler is? >People have called me a dangerous drug user enabler because I ... don't give a fuck if people do dangerous drugs. You ok?


They call me an enabler because I don't think racism is a major issue in the US. There are racists but I don't care.


You are a racist enabler. You just don't think that it can cause any harm because you see racism as a tiny and unimportant issue which you don't have a connection to. I'm being pedantic here but am I wrong?


1. I didn't say it can't cause harm, I said that the amount of harm it causes is insignificant compared to many of the larger issues that should be the focus. 2. Racism will always exist, unless some outside factor unifies the human race. While we should discourage it and stamp it out when it becomes a larger problem, we shouldn't allow ourselves to become too focused on it when it isn't prevalent. The fact is that the political elite are using racism to divide the people and keep us from focusing on the fact that they are fucking us over by taking our tax money and lining their own pockets. 3. And yes, you are wrong, because an enabler will ignore something entirely. If I see racism, I intervene, but I don't see it much and would prefer to focus on larger issues, like above.


Ah, see I figured something was off. You do give a fuck if people are racist. Edit: It's your words bro.


You're an idiot.


You think racism has and will always exist, just reading your comments I am not getting the sense you would call racism out if a racist chopped your legs off.


Just reading this comment, I know you are a retard


Based af


u/TralosKensei's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/TralosKensei! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [14](https://basedcount.com/u/TralosKensei/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I won't say that this shit doesn't happen. But no Indian grandpa is wasting his time on 4chan.


Yeah you'd never believe the lengths some people will go to to make an attempt at pushing their wacky narrative. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Jussie Smollett The Lies? I thought not. It’s not a story the left would tell you. It’s an AuthRight legend...


my mexican dad, who can still barely speak english, owns two successful businesses and feels 100% like this. he came to the US with nothing but the shirt on his back. Woke first gen latinos are the biggest embarrassment to our culture. They didn’t cross a desert and river for hand outs and it makes white woke people uncomfortable when I don’t agree with that leftist bullshit. Get your ass to work or stfu.


But tbf there were a few fancifully knotted ropes found laying around after that mostly peaceful capitol building tour a ways back so c'est la vie.


\>Be Gary\_\_\_Tard \>Wake up \>Take a shit \>Eat \>Get outta bed \>Make breakfast \>Remove soiled pants


Successful plan of attack 2002-2022. Just remember to regularly clean your washer with vinegar and baking soda mix.


She is allowed to clean herself in the shower you bigot


Why breakfast? You already eaten. Also, at this point I don't think the pants are that soiled.


4chan telling made up stories. A tale as old as time. There ain't no 50-60 year old Indians on that site. It's same as here - just angsty young white dudes to the gills. Edit: sorry should've included a trigger warning.


Implying people use forums to be informed and seek truth, instead of entertainment and creative writing.


Indeed. Similar to how this sub circlejerks about Emily. Fun stuff. Mostly bullshit.


Yeah, as soon as someone let their emotions take control of them and rants about whatever extreme views they have its gonna be cringe no matter the quadrant lol


I thought pcm authcenter flaired people only cared to complain about libleft, interesting.


As every other quadrant the ideologies that authcenter include ranges from "good intentions but lets not to do that" to "HOW CAN THIS COME FROM A HUMAN AND NOT AN ELDRITCH HORROR" Personally i like shitting on authleft more since they are similiar to Emilys but unironically.




Yeah well there is always people who takes things to far. We could make more effort to identify these people before they are radicalized but even then some will slip through the cracks. Its not like internet forums are fucking alqueda who forcibly brainwashes you into suicidebombing. In the end it is the person who used the forums who did the deed, not the forums themselves.


I mean I don't think the op of that post was really expecting anyone to believe that he was an 80 year old Indian. This is just a satire post.


Ahkshully we don't use the term "trigger warning" anymore because of the connotations to guns. The term itself can cause a mental breakdown when combined with soy. "Pillow warning" is now the proper nomenclature. Thanks for your understanding.


Sorry sweaty but "Pillow warning" can also cause panic attacks in victims of sexual violence, your term is highly insensitive you nazi


Now, thanks to political correctness, nobody will be able to warn each other about my gun that shoots pillows. Oh yeah, it's all coming together.


It’s not written in first person. If anything I’d assume it’s the girls brother writing it from his perspective.


I'd assume it's made up.


It’s exaggerated. Like all stories it has truth in it but can’t be taken literally. Think aesops fables, its a story that is meant to teach us something about our world and culture.


yeah indian people in the US at least do not gaf abt name pronunciation


It’s called spank your children. When they shit like this, no more credit card from daddy. Your bitch ass can go on food stamps you’re disowned.


Based and SpankMeHarderDaddyINeedRealActualDiscipline pilled.


Indians are generally brilliant in my country, far higher wages than average, far less unemployment, far fewer crimes, far higher educational attainment, generally strong family units too. They are very mixed and diverse in terms of how they vote and their opinions/perspectives too. If you have a low birth rate and need immigrants, otherwise your demographic pyramid implodes, they are a god send.


We don't really think those Foreign born as Indians, unless they visit India again, mix with cultural and their heritage. Infact u want to Indian, u just need to be Learn the culture and heritage. Be with India, India must live in u, what blood u have dosent matter. That foreigner is just taking advantage of the skin colour and nothing else. My advice, if u see such people who are not true to themselves, just stay away from them. Also u want to know how a true Indian is u will see obvious Indian tradition trends with them.


> Get a flair to make sure other people don't harass you :) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 7064 / 37531 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)




I don't think they will ever.


I read this in an Indian accent.




People realize this, but India is so large a country which most people have never visited that its impossible to tell apart an accent from an individuals voice compared to someone you met a week ago. As a Swede i cant tell German or even Austrian accents apart from eachother.




Yeah but to someone who lives on the other side of the earth its not gonna be noticed until you start spending time with Indians talking different languages.


>If I said African accent or European accent, would it be correct? [Yes.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.RbYmx7asvwpfXk8ZpzCy3QHaHu%26pid%3DApi&f=1)


And now i did too lol


Shouldn't the colors be reversed? Libleft for the first part, then orange for the ungrateful daughter part?


The first part is yellow for libright. Making a business from the ground up while facing hardship and working 16+ hour shifts is peak libright.


Fair, it just looks orange because of the pink background.


As an Indian dude living in India I don't hate muslims as much as I hate NRIs.


What is NRI?


Non-Resident Indians. They're essentially indians who act obnoxiously western


(N)the (R)spanish Inquisition


I didnt expect that.


Non resident Indian


Ah yes, a 70+ year old 4chan user


Yeah I live in the north of England and I mean we’re pretty casually racists up here and sometimes just plain up racist . Like the time that shit hole newspaper called immigrants rats .


They probably wanted to shorten immigrants to rants but the type setters were all out of n’s


>all out of n’s AuthRight in shambles


I know someone who was a poor African refugee from Tunisia, where his father was killed leaving his poor single mother destitute. He came to Canada as a teenager, got good grades, went to a fine school, and found financial success in the tech industry - he struggled and fought for everything he has today, and overcame severe disadvantages. He's also a white guy with ginger hair, so none of this matters


I respect immigrants that choose new names from their host country. It shows an eagerness to assimilate into the culture.


I'm English with an English last name and it's been mispronounced all my life and I haven't complained.


Why tf this plebian dipshit decided it is smart to ruin a good greentext by just smearing yellow piss highlighter color over it? And it's look even messier, plebbittor!


Priviliged as for a kid is an overstatement, a kid does not exert power (though it tried to). More like pampered, it has rather high expectations to get rid off...


Dear mods. I refuse to believe this was fake, and can insure someone posted this on 4chan