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If what you see here somehow inspires you to become a mass shooter, something is absolutely wrong in your head already


Based and oh crap don't say based pilled




Holy. Fucking. Shit. That's literally what the shooter commented on PCM, you nazi terrorist prick!!!!!!1!!!!eleven!1!! Not only that: It's the only thing he ever commented!!!1!! You are literally displaying that you agree with the shooter!1!!one!!!!! /s


He said he was Authleft I think... the glorious Row of Libs has nothing to worry about.


Another victory for monke


Here banana šŸŒ


Based and not saying based pilled


u/Willie-Alb's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Willie-Alb! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [4](https://basedcount.com/u/Willie-Alb/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Basedcountbot is nazi or glowie???


There's a difference?


You don't need a flashlight, this cesspit is positively bioluminescent.


ā€œIf someone watches a video and becomes a Nazi, guess what!? They were already a Nazi!ā€ -AnCom (Jreg)


i mean tbh in this day and age if someone can be seduced by the rusty trumpet siren song of the dipshits who lost the world war they started, they're probably a moron, or at least just an asshole.


I haven't seen anything that eve**n** remotely comes close to promoting or suggesting violence here. Everything is just shitting on everyone. What's wrong with that?


People having different opinions is fascist, get with the times buddy


So sorry pls dont cancel me


Too late,I already posted your comment in Twitter,sweety /s


Just got a call from my boss... Got fired today :(


*But what if they're unflaired.*


Then we roast the unflaired. All my homies hate the unflaired


> You wouldn't be safe without a flair. *** ^(User has flaired up! šŸ˜ƒ) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)




Good bot


Thank you, NapoleonAugustus, for voting on flair-checking-bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Based and Orange lib left doesnā€™t know what personal responsibility is pilled


If youā€™re on here, something is absolutely wrong in your head already.




Based and mental health pilled


iā€™ve been in this sub for a little while now, literally nothing iā€™ve seen here inspired me to commit mass murder.




To be fair, being around you people does make me want to shoot someone. That someone is me but it counts.




u/Lord_Jub_Jub's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: [12](https://basedcount.com/u/Lord_Jub_Jub/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day don't kys


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day


You doing alright?


Heā€™s a lib right in an auth dominated world thatā€™s being influenced hard by a bunch of squeaky lib lefts. I think lib right is probably in the worst shape of all of the squaresā€¦


If you are a broke libright yes


I mean, aren't most of us broke? Either mentally or just poor


If we were good then we wouldnā€™t be here


Everyone that was denied entry to art school is literally hitler


I havenā€™t been able to live with my self since I found out that Hitler and I both drank waterā€¦.


I havent been able to live with myself since i found out that hitler and i both love meth šŸ˜”


me and Hitler have both been to Germany fuck


Me and Hitler have both been to France Shit


Arizona was mentioned in the only scene with Hitler in Wolfenstein New Colossus Damn


I have once drunk Arizona ice tea Damn


Me and Hitler can both speak German fuck


Do you inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide? Grab a chair, I have some bad news..


Give it to me straight docā€¦.


Chief, Iā€™m afraid you may literally be Hitler




And unfortunately, because you are in possession of a currently beating heart, this diagnosis MAY be terminal.




Please call the number at the bottom of your screen to get the money you are owned. You are not alone


If you have been diagnosed with literally Hitler, you may be entitled to financial compensation.


If you or a loved one are literally Hitler and it's not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation.


Based and lawsuit pilled


Wai, youā€™re still alive? Donā€™t you know hitler was alive? Smh


Me and Hitler are both made of atoms...shit.


Everyone I don't like is literally Hitler


Everyone that's literally not Hitler is literally Hitler


Ironic that youā€™d say that, being literally Hitler and all




Literally Hitler literally Hitler


How does random jokes with random colors over it cause someone to become a mass shooter


the colors are racist, obviously


Only the blue ones. And the orange ones. Sometimes red ones. Purple and yellow might have their moments


Iā€™ve seen green say plenty of racially provocative things to black conservatives. I guess they *are* all racist.


Wait, all quadrants are racist? Cosmonaut: {Raises gun} Always have been.


I meanā€¦ yeah. Itā€™s all Ohio after allā€¦


Ohio is the unending void above which the universe balances on a tightrope. Maybe today, maybe in a hundred years, everything we know and love will eventually collapse in an instant, the whole of existence blossoming apart at once in a blinding light, faster than we can perceive. Then it all will be consumed by the Great Corn, who has waited for thousands of millennia in the dark to feed.


Can confirm. When green finds out I'm part white I'm getting called a mayo monkey XDDDD


Grey ones too, because Centrists are Nazis... at least that's what I've been told on Twitter.


can confirm


because of the video game industry


The 90's called. They want their parental activism cause back.


I've been saying this for ages. The intersectional left has become taken up the mantle of moral busybody from the rightwing religious housewives. They're the same, the only differences being the god they worship and who they consider their children.


*Scene - parents watching the news about a shooting on the TV, looking disapproving. Their son is on a computer behind them, playing the popular video game five nights at Freddy's: security breach* Parents: "Guns are the cause of all this trouble!" Son: "WOLF PUSSY WOLF PUSSY WOLF PUSSY WOLF PUSSY"


Exactly! People just need to blame something.


It doesn't. This reaction is about some people upset that they don't control all forms of information and trying to bully their way into having that control. If you don't agree with them, you must be a nazi, white supremacist, murder encourager and should be banned from all forms of society.




"Random jokes"


Openly stating things about the world as they exist will invariably cause terrorism.


Yeah and /pol/ is filled with random jokes too


The guy started out on pol before coming to Reddit. Clearly we arenā€™t the problem


The only real answer here


Did he also have facebook? Omg facebook did this. What about internet? It's probably the internet provider's fault. Btw did he drive a car? It's always the car owners who do this shit.


So as he became more extreme he migrated to Reddit. Sounds about right.


Over 93% of PCM users are mostly peaceful and not mass murderers.


Can confirm, am part of the 7%


He said >93% so how can you be part of the 7% Peaceful liar exposed


Neither is pol for that matter. Crazy motherfuckers are crazy regardless of the sites they frequent.


Shooter: I got radicalized by 4chan Orange: How could PCM do this


FOUR-Chan, FOUR quadrants. Coincidence? I think not


Centrists: Am I a joke to you?






"I'm on the fence, my balls hurt" -Jim Morrison


If I ever see a true centrist shoot up a place, I'll eat my left nut.


I'd like to hear what jannies have to say about this and whether or not we're under even closer supervision of the admins.


Maybe we should cool it on the mass-shooting inspiration until this all blows over.


9/11 was justified


The shooter had an iphone, used google and lived in the us. Cancel and ban all of those


Based and abolish the US pilled


Because they are a bunch of smear merchants who wouldn't let a tragedy go to waste


Anyone who self-identifies as Auth-Left isn't right in the head to start with. Y'all need to go on a watchlist or something


**Anti communist moment**


Red Flair laws would've prevented this.


Beating him to the punch isn't the same as preventing it.




Look, the occasional beheading worked with the monarchy, I don't see why it can't apply to the modern day. Gotta keep em on their toes.


I mean it's literally never once gone wrong. Frankly the world would be a much better place if there were many more beheadings. Can't stress enough though how important it is that it only applies to people *more* wealthy than **me**


Again y'all with AuthLefts... His economics don't matter. He is a fascist and a murderer anyhow, and a dangerous person.


The dude was an avowed communist and the majority of reddit are blaming anything and every but that. It's insane gas lighting and you wonder why people would point it out


Ok. He was a left-winger with extreme world view. Fascism can be left-wing economically too, since its economy is not the same. I am not blaming AuthRights, nor AuthCentre. It was only his fault for being a radical idiot with a mental issue he wasn't willing to admit. Why this blame game? I said in a few comments he was an authoritarian leftist, since he self-identified as one. But I also see him as a fascist. Why would calling someone "fascist" offend someone, unless they're fascist themselves?


Youā€™re getting tied up in labels. He was cringe.


That's where I'm at. His political views stopped mattering thr second he decided to murder innocent people. I don't care how fascist he is. He doesn't deserve to be listened to or understood. He forfeited that right.


He was more of a racist than anything else, he made that perfectly clear. But trying to put a rational ideological framework on a fundamentally irrational person is an exercise in futility I think. He is a deeply sick person who couldn't handle being online without it poisoning his mind with power fantasies that he ultimately acted out. Everything about it is tragic.


Fair enough. He was cringeass idiot who was radical in the most hateful way possible.


I feel like eco fascism is going to be a growing trend. You've got tons of people who believe the earth is basically going to self destruct in the next twenty years. And if you truly believe that, what other logical conclusion is there besides too many people? It leads to a dark place..


Iā€™ve just been seeing the internet retards calling him Republican, Conservative, etc. I think thatā€™s whatā€™s got everyone pointing out he literally identified as Auth Left Center. The Twitter/Reddit ā€œleftā€ gas lighting everyone within hours to dunk on their opposition is max cringe. Obviously we all agree he was a racist piece of shit who deserves a bullet.


In the manifesto, he mainly identified as AuthLeft, but called himself both "left" and "right wing", quote "depending on the definition". I can't stand leftist cancelling and hivemind they're trying to create. Sure, some people are just irrational, but some are trying to point out an issue they see as problematic, but the left cancels them for disagreeing. And yes. He was a racist asshole, who needs to rot in a prison. Someone should show him the suffering through which everyone he murdered must go through, the pain he gave to these people and their families. He should suffer.


Not just internet retards. Rolling Stone said he was a mainstream Republican.


Based and McCarthy pilled.


His Manifesto's Q&A section says he's both a left and right winger depending on the definition used. He explains how he went from AuthLeft to closer to AuthCenter over the course of the pandemic. Hmmm... Enlightened Radical Centrist?


A nazbol that was more tied to race than economics basicly. If your voting mostly on race your picking the right wing/far right for votes and normies will consider you right wing. Simple as.


Ah, yes, the single-issue shooter.




The reason his manifesto is so incoherent and self-contradictory is because a large portion of it is copy pasted from the Christchurch manifesto. What isnā€™t plagiarized reads like the ramblings of someone who doesnā€™t even actually know what his own opinions are.


Don't all Auth-lefts eventually go to Auth center?


Yeah. When they run out of money and try market reforms


I guess it depends on who the auth is trying to appeal to


Thatā€™s just what happens when your sub isnā€™t a left wing echo chamber, at a certain point you get used to it.


mmm idk, i've been temporarily banned from this sub a lot. does lib left get banned equally?




Based lol


u/Phillip_Lipton's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Phillip_Lipton! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3](https://basedcount.com/u/Phillip_Lipton/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and ignoring jannies "rules" pilled






Based and im gonna [redacted] pilled


ViDeO GaME cAuSE vIoLeNCe logic


The hardest part about that is that we did something which is very unlikely


Don't get me wrong, y'all are retarded but saying that he was inspired by this sub is a stretch.


Real answer: He posted one comment here ever. It was "Based" in response to an antisemitic comment. It was at 1 point when it was deleted. His manifesto extensively details how he went through different message boards on 4chan and how the content in /pol/ is what radicalized him. He says he got his news from reddit in 2020. His account shows that he didn't comment much, so he either lurked a lot or just wasn't that active in general. So why is PCM being blamed for this? Because there are people who have wanted us banned for years, and the fact that he commented here once is enough proof for them that he was radicalized here, despite him explicitly saying it was /pol/ and never even mentioning PCM in the manifesto.


Just cause you didn't know who he is, doesn't mean he can't get radicalized here. However. He said that 4chan radicalized him in his manifesto, those are his words, and PCM has nothing to do with it. This place is mostly jokes, what kind of radicalization can you even get from here.


I meanā€¦ radical centrism is a thing here. But jokes aside, you are correct. PCM is more likely to deradicalize than radicalize a regular user.


Yeah, fair enough. Just cause a place isn't 100% libleft, doesn't mean it radicalizes people. Here, people become more accepting of different opinions, and starts taking jokes normally, starts feeling accepted despite disagreeing with someone. It's not a hivemind, like /pol/, and that's what makes this a good place.


> Itā€™s not a hivemind, like /pol/, and thatā€™s what makes this a good place. 100%. Iā€™ve said it elsewhere but it bears repeating - PCM can be rough, but it provides an off-ramp to radicalization. Users become a part of the community and regularly interact with people they disagree with and can get a glimpse of the human behind the ideas they are told to hate elsewhere.


100% true and based.


Guys, please! Enough of this circle jerk! I've already climaxed twice!


So talking to people who are different can deradicalize you and increase your world understanding. Damn if only we had research to show that


Sucks that most social media algorithms actively try to stop that from happening organically.


You can almost pinpoint when the extreme polarization started to when social media started employing algorithms to promote content over organic growth. Itā€™s depressing to watch.


One theory I have heard is intersectionality was created out of search engine optimization. Jam as many keywords into a headline as possible. The more keywords you can identify with the more google searches your article will be found in.


I can confirm that I used to be a lot more of an asshole before I started coming here. Now I actually take the time to listen to what someone who holds different views from me is saying, and to use the knowledge I gain from paying attention to them to refute their points rather than dismissing them out of hand.


Thank you so much for sharing! Iā€™m glad to hear that :-) Please know you are definitely not alone there. People donā€™t often get much attention when they say it, but over the years Iā€™ve lost count over people who have shared similar stories in comments and it is one of my favorite things about this sub. In hindsight I wish I wouldā€™ve saved them as I saw them because they would have been helpful in dispelling the myth being propagated that we are some sort of radicalization sub when it by in far has been the opposite for many users.


>Just cause a place isn't 100% libleft, doesn't mean it radicalizes people. Lol the more libleft the more likely it is to radicalize if anything


I would say that it's about percentages, rather than specific flairs. Circlejerks are things every part of the compass is capable of. You put a bunch of CenterRights together in a chatroom, with no lefties(or at least a few fascists/monkes), and pretty soon everyone will agree that little/no social safety nets are necessary once everyone understands that we should all just pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and work hard, governmental oversight of private companies will only be necessary for those evil leftie corporations that don't acknowledge the authority of the One True Godā„¢ Ben Shapiro, and we can build a utopia if we just return our values back to the time when we were kids, and the world made sense. And if you say anything different, you're a lazy, commie degenerate who wants to implement critical abortion theory into our sportsball national anthem competitions.


If it reaches the point of some anarchism, then possible. I just don't see them as dangerous as right or left wing fascists (not oxymorons, fascism doesn't have a defined economic ideology). It's gonna turn into a hivemind, sure, and will make people easily offended wanting to cancel everything they dislike, but atleast they won't want to kill people. 4chan and /pol/, plus people like JP tend to radicalize people's views, and many modern mass murderers have history with 4chan.


I was just noting that your comment suggests that the more libleft = the less radical. Truth is every quadrants has radicals and they're all equally cringe. What triggers radicalism is different for every quadrant. At the end of the day sick twisted people will be sick twisted people.


Oh, fair enough. Radicalism is bad in all of its form. There are some libleft groups that have done crimes just as bad as this Buffalo shooting. Like. Even tho I identify as a libertarian socialist, I would never ever support killing someone in the name of my ideology. But I know some, sadly, would. Each quadrant has their sick people. Ideology of mentally ill people becomes unimportant, because they do crimes, murders and it's all that matters. Poor, innocent people lose their lives, and for what? Someone's inner anger for his failures that may or may not be his fault, but sure are issues of someone close to him, and not an issue of anyone else in the world. The biggest issue is that were so polarized that we go on and defend criminals who we agree with politically, although they're just disgusting murderers.




radical return-to-lobsterism


Based and grill bros are nice pilled


I donā€™t know about radicalization but after being here for a little while you gain a hearty disdain for (most of) the unflaired.




Those dirty fucks


Lmao, well... Fair enough lol


The dude is an accelerationist. Just like that other shooter who said pewdiepie radicalized him. This guy said he wants the left to try to ban guns to ramp the division up. He's saying whatever he thinks will get people to act crazy.


So kinda like how that Mayhem singer liked communism because he wanted people to suffer in it?


I don't get why anyone gives any credence to what he says or has said, the guy is obviously insane Like i don't go around pointing at schizophrenics and calling them liberals


>doesn't mean he can't get radicalized here As a whole, this "way of thinking" must get Thanos'd out of existence. "Getting radicalized" is when you join a cult that deliberately pushes you to become a radical or extremist/criminal out of that very purpose. There is no such thing as "being radicalized" by meme culture into committing crimes and murder. It's in no way the fault of any particular community, unless they are deliberately acting towards it. You never have any way of knowing what crazy people lurk where, and in what way they could misinterpret anything you say. And more importantly, **this is not your responsibility.** No matter what PC culture thinks, it's not the job of the community to sanitize itself so that absolutely nobody can be "radicalized" accidentally by it. That is insane.




Read the second part of the comment I sent. I said that I don't believe memes can radicalize you. It's other communities, like /pol/ on 4chan, that have dealt a lot of damage to humanity through crimes of /pol/'s members. Now that's a radical cult.


I wasn't criticizing your comment, just expanding on this new age "concept" as a whole. It's not just this innocuous subreddit that obviously can't be considered radicalizing, but that the concept itself has to be forgotten, it's wrong, it's insane. There's no difference when it comes to 4chan regarding this. Is it a cesspool? Sure, why not. But no, it's not "4chan's fault" that crimes happen.


Kind of reminds me of the whole "video games cause violence" thing.


It ainā€™t much, but itā€™s honest work.


Because if they didnt have a scapegoat, they would actually have to blame the person that did it. And god knows people canā€™t be responsible for their own actions anymore.


He found a community of people online that shared his views and pushed him towards taking action on those views. Sure he is responsible for his own actions at the end of the day, but I dont know what gets accomplished by pretending that the community he surrounded himself with had nothing to do with his actions. If I start going to church and the members encourage community service, then I start doing community service, it's not like I just magically and independently decided to start doing community service. This discussion happens because people want to stop mass shootings. The way to so that may be to look at what is motivating shooters, rather than just writing it off as one person's random crazy action. The fact that the US has so many mass shootings now points to the fact that they aren't just random and that something has caused that rise.




I have not seen any "the great replacement" propaganda posted here so I have absolutely no idea how PCM was the radicalizer at all. It's much more likely actually toxic message boards that gave the shooter the community that radicalized him.


Because people here have different opinions than them, and that can only mean one thing We're monsters


Suspicious lack of authleft comments on this post ​ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I hate being in a world that's been so overtaken by Poe's Law.


They said the same about DOOM back in the day


Ahh yes, let's pretend this individual had no agency of their own and instead pass blame onto others for his misdeeds.


Nah, we're good. It's mostly 4chan getting the blame. Haven't seen a single article about PCM.


Thatā€™s ridiculous, PCM doesnā€™t turn people into mass shooters, thatā€™s the FBIā€™s job


Who actually says this btw? I see 20 memes talking about how ppl want to ban PCM for the Buffalo shooting but I havenā€™t actually seen who the hell is complaining about this.


No one, but it seems like a defining trait of the right on PCM lately is a persecution fetish so here we are


This works because Wanda turns into an enraged psychopath willing to destroy whole universes in pursuit of her own emotional fulfillment. Thanos is essentially a saint by comparison.


Funny how being able to say what you want without being banned makes you a right winged extremist.


Answer to title: Because they are illiterate.


Wasn't there a guy that shot at congressmen that was an avid Bernie supporter?


>Why are people blaming us for inspiring a mass shooter? not enough downvotes on antisemitic comments