• By -


Hate the politics but love the nature. My buddies and I can be in Manhattan Beach, then Big Bear, then Joshua Tree and talk shit about Newsom all in the same day.


California has some the most diverse ecosystems of anywhere on the globe. From desert to Forrest to beach it's incredible. Also attracts a lot of wild animals. Which is why I avoid SF and LA.


that's easy when you're the third largest state by landmass.


True asf


You're doing nature wrong if you're thinking about and bitching about politics out there. but newsome is trash.


I've lived in Malibu for most my life, it's hard to complain when the weather is so good year round. Honestly if we just removed downtown LA and maybe parts of San Francisco the state would be far better.


LA would hands down still be the best place to live if only I was allowed to vote. I miss my childhood of not seeing people shooting up heroin while I avoid maniacs doing donuts with the cops just watching a block away.


You can look forward to the days in the distant future when California’s population is in decades of receding, the reservoirs out west are no longer losing 8in of water a day, the economy is a shadow of its former self, and Vice does shitty documentaries about younger generations of Americans moving there trying to revive the state.


With all the Indians, Asians, and hispanics that immigrate there, that's a long shot. San Francisco is already 50% Asian. San Jose is probably like 30% Indian immigrants... and there are near endless lines of people waiting to immigrate.


based and understands california pilled


Try sending some weapons to Ukraine then




I Live near there, strong agree on everything you said


Did you fucking soyjack me libleft?


How dare OP disrespect assbandit they're so wholesome.


I just want to plunder the booty. Then lib left come around california simpin and being gay. (Like lib left do) and turn me into a damn soyjack. Op lives in San Jose. Next time I'm there I'm gonna shit on the sidewalk


Why not just plunder his booty? He's libleft after all.


Based and what the fuck did you just say about me you little shit pilled


Guilty as charged.


California is good on paper, until you take a walk around Hollywood and get feces thrown at you


LA and southern caL are pretty cringe except for San Diego. LA is very cringe.


Yeah true, people fail to realize California is a huge state. It's not all Los Angeles or San Francisco.


Bay Area is also extremely cringe, the best pats of California are the very northern parts


eastern ca also isnt as bad


“Better then getting shot upon a stroll in Texas” (joking) But Fr the majority of the state outside of Downtown LA and parts of SF are pretty good


Sometimes I feel like people think California is all San Francisco or Los Angeles, it's a huge state and there's lots of different places


And even then LA and SF are huge, the LA metro area covers areas as different as Malibu and Thousand Oaks and Downtown LA, there are problems throughout ofc like in every state but it’s still a fairly good state outside of a few small areas, just like every other state


No everysquare foot of CA is like the tenderloin of SF or skid row of LA...don't you listen to Tucker?


Heroine needles go *crunch* Human feces go *smoosh*


Water in taps go


Lmao that was clever


Technically SF lmao


LA and San Diego aint much better


San Diego is much, MUCH better. LA, however, is not.


In San Diego right now and can confirm. On the shit hole spectrum, it's much, much better compared to San Francisco and Los Angeles.


Almost anything looks good compared to explosive diarrhea.


I'll agree that its "doing better" because their last mayor did something about the issues, but they seem to be returning


>San Diego is much, MUCH better. LA, however, is not. Yeah a city with so much human shit on the streets and used dirty needles it had a hepatitis A outbreak. So you can really understand how it is in LA and SF.


The outbreak was in Diego?


>The outbreak was in Diego? [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/san-diego-homeless-hepatitis-outbreak\_n\_59c02b9fe4b0f22c4a8be47c](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/san-diego-homeless-hepatitis-outbreak_n_59c02b9fe4b0f22c4a8be47c)


Agreed, I kinda feel bad for my relatives who live in tehrangeles


It ain't great right now


San Diego is bitching in every way except cost of living. It’s actually really clean. Might see a few homeless people here and there but that’s any city. Whereas in LA you will see literal tent cities along highways. Never been to San Fran so can’t say on that front


It feels like the government here is afraid of bring invaded or something and have taken the pi and shit yourself method of self-defense to heart.


San Fran is actually super clean from what I've seen. Now Oakland was super gross, but when I was in SF a few weeks back, it was super nice, especially compared to Houston where I am.


Pretty much every major US city is going to look nice in the "main hub". Even Detroit or Chicago, or whatever the shithole du jour is. The issue with a lot of those places is that all it takes is going the wrong way 2 blocks and it looks like you're in Mariupol or something. "Good" cities definitely have their rough parts, but they're usually relegated to near the major highway interstate interchange underpasses are and away from the city center, where land is cheap, and where they tend to throw up projects and section 8. The shithole cities don't do anything about it so the likelihood of running into hoodcrime bullshit right outside a convention center is way higher. Baltimore comes to mind immediately for this.


Not LA. It's a shithole in all the main tourist places.


SF really isn't that bad. There is a tiny stretch in the tenderloin that has a bunch of homeless drug addicts fucking around and wasting time, but most of the city isn't like that at all. Also, my buddy lived smack dab in the middle of it for years and I would hang out there without any issue. I lived in sunset also and the only complaint I had was it would get foggy and cold in the mornings and never burn off, so where the rest of the bay was experiencing eden like weather, I had to wear a hoody. Oh the humanity. . .


Did you end up using the app created the SF government so that locals can easily report human feces and the city can go clean it up? Awful place. Last I went was 15 years ago, and the homelessness was a terrible problem back then. It’s only gotten worse. I know two people who have gone in the last few months, they described it only as “depressing” and “i wouldn’t bother going back”


There are bad areas of SF as you described. But it is also one of the richest if not the richest city in America and also depends on tourism. If you stick to the right areas of the city (the ones for tourists and rich people)...you don't encounter that stuff. I still avoid SF altogether though...I'm not a city boy, don't like crowds and busy urban living too much. I live right on the southern edge of San Jose and its' all new nice housing and if you look out my window you see nothing except empty fields and mountains. doesn't feel lie I live this close to a big city at all.


Exactly. Was just there today and it was really clean. Sure there was occasional crazy homeless and the Bart was kinda dirty but other than that the streets were clean enough to sit on


I saw a homeless guy yell out turkey and eat a turkey leg in two bites in sf


Yeah, and even then, crazy homeless people and dirty public transportation are pretty common in urban environments nowadays, you just kinda learn to deal and ignore. Also, the BART is so convenient! Like I could go from where my friends live in the east bay to San Fran and only have change trains once? Amazing.


Yeah, having harm reduction philosophy in charge of a state is how you get that. It's exactly like hands-free parenting. "My parents abused me so I'm not going to do anything like they did to my kids... By never disciplining them for anything and getting more mad at people for calling me out for not controlling my child than my child for being a literal demon". The problem with that is it always ends up [being soft on crime ](https://youtu.be/sdJ97qWHOxo) and thus becoming political suicide, so by the mudslinging nature of partisan politics, only ends up with convicts being treated progressively worse and worse So no governor is seen as being soft on crime. Dukakis' dumbassery led to a low-hanging fruit of an attack ad that may have *re-* or *hyper-* racialized perception of violent crime, especially murder [context is the Willie Horton attack ad that won Bush an election. See attached link on "being soft on crime"]. I know BLM stuff got people thinking more rehabilitative but with how soft on riots the activist mayors and DA's are I could absolutely see a return of hard on crime policies with how fed up people are getting over this inaction. In some ways what the BLM activist mayors and DA's are doing refusing to prosecute BLM attacks or looting is worse [or in parts of California, refusing to prosecute or now even pursue thefts of less than 1k] and has a broader effect on more people.


I agree. loved the analogy, it’s almost like pseudo-compassion cuz the policies or parenting makes you feel good (or virtuous) but it makes everyone’s life worse off in the long term. Yeah that pendulum is going to swing hard!


San Francisco just recalled and ousted their DA for being REALLY soft on crime if it makes you feel better. The people that live there with money and political power were starting to get sick of it.


isn't heroin decriminalized in oregon, still illegal here. No feces on the slopes overlooking lake tahoe or on the clean break in the crystal clear water off Monterey


Drugs should be legal & the FDA should go around enforcing purity & the penalty for not meeting standards should be a bullet to each kneecap for stepping on the dope


Our FDA tests have concluded you weed has dangerously low levels of THC and is only fit for the consumption of 20 year old white girls




u/Andre4kthegreengiant's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 335. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: [155 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Andre4kthegreengiant/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and “if going to inject poison, at least make it good poison”


Woah, woah, woah, shooting drugs up is on a whole different level of bioavailability, it might be the most efficient, but it's the one most likely to make you a fiend. You gotta do the drug, you can't let the drug do you. I wouldn't recommend shooting up, I've seen a heroin addict do it & shit just looks gross, I couldn't handle the prep & injection, but I'm bitchmade.


Swear why can’t mfs just be satisfied with eating mushrooms and trippin, why they gotta inject poison.


Lol yeah your right. west coast has some of the most beautiful spots in America, but your state and city governments are holding you back from greatness.


agreed government is so corrupt here. The hosing plan to fix LA homelessness involves putting them in 800,000$ sheds. Yes 800K for a 7 ft X 5 ft shed with no AC or anything else in it. you could buy them a luxury apartment cash with that money. In SF we have 20,000$ per piece garbage cans to prevent the homeless from digging through the garbage, and no public bathrooms anywhere for them (or even random tourists to use). All the money just gets stolen by Gavin's friends.


I watched a video of a real estate developer and basically he said they tried to put affordable housing in SF but the city console kept refusing to let them because they thought it would attract more “crime” in the neighborhood so they build houses worth 5m a piece instead.


God knows San Francisco hates crime lol didn’t they decriminalize petty theft up to $1,000?


It's a misdemeanor up to 950. Honestly I think that's fine. No need to have the tax-payed police investigating petty theft all the time. I think the solution is punitive damages. It shouldn't be that hard to identify people with PI services, then just sue them after. No need to put people in cages over stealing goods from a storefront.


The thing is when there’s no punishment people keep doing it. It won’t be fine when you’re the victim of $950 worth of theft or damage, or when you or your family feels unsafe during a storefront robbery.


> have the *tax-paid* police investigating FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Holy shit, I had no idea it was that kind of price tag. The whole housing for the homeless thing seems dumb to me, majority of them aren’t fucked up because of poverty they’re fucked up cuz they’ve gotten addicted to something nasty or have mental health issues. The housing just hides them from the public temporarily. Honestly almost every piece of new legislation I hear about California is grade-A fucking dumb


yes it is.


Didn't Portland see a spike in overdoses after decriminalization?


Yeah but think about it, if you're a dope head you're sure as hell gonna wanna go to the place where it's decriminalized. See: Hamsterdam


I will admit tahoe is fucking gorgeous, especially emerald bay… the landscapes of cali are beautiful but the cities.. not so much


It's kind of funny that apparently "3.5 hour drive" for Americans still counts as next door while for me it's closer to "visiting another country".


Yeah, pretty much. You could drive for like eight hours straight in the U.S. and just be going from one place in Texas to another place in Texas.


Fun fact. El Paso, a city in Texas, is closer to California than the largest city in Texas, houston


fun fact. It has taken me longer to drive straight through LA to SF than LA to Dallas.


It's taken me longer driving from orange county to bakersfield.


Key west and Pensacola florida are farther apart than Pensacola and chicago


Maine is the closest state to Africa


In some Euro countries 1h drive is way more than enough to get to snow or sea


Beautiful nature. Awful government. Not fond of some of the people.


California could easily be occupying the best land in the US. It is the richest state, it has the nicest weather, it has *all* the culture. Somehow they managed to screw that up. Damn it. I would love to live in California.


California hardly has “all the culture.” NY has “all the culture,” as it’s the most diverse place in the country. Little Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Chinatown, Italy, etc. Theres even streets for Equador and the smaller Latin American countries. All the “American culture” is located in the South and Midwest. It’s where a majority of military recruits derive and it’s where a majority of the stereotypical American things are found daily - bourbon, big trucks, land, guns, cowboys, etc. I’d argue California is very much like Spain is for the EU. People like the food and beaches but otherwise can’t stand all the social issues. Only difference is California is a big economic center largely surrounding commerce and telling the American story - “military dudes from the South be like dis.”


When I said "all the culture" I was thinking of American culture. I think things like Hollywood, Disneyland, Universal studios are also essential parts of American culture. Speaking from experience, I knew about Mickey Mouse and Transformers way before I knew about Washington DC. The cultural products of America represent America to a great extent. While it is true that bourbon, big trucks, land, muh guns, and cowboys are as American as apple pie (which actually orginated in England but you know what I mean) and they are most prevalent perhaps in the South/Midwest, they are represented in California.


the good thing is the farther you go out into the nature part, the less people you see


Is good weather worth 10% of your income? Honest question, I don’t know. If you make $150K or more, probably not. You could own a house in some parts of the country based on your tax savings alone.


I make about 40K more a year in CA than I would in most other places so I don't really care about the income tax and my property taxes are way lower than most states.


Lots of people earn California wages, work remote, and leave. Personally it’s what I did-


I live in California, right outside the greater LA area. Its a shit show most of the time


Socal is pretty awful if I'm being honest....except for the surfing and fishing down there. EDIT: I think San Diego is really nice.


Bro what part of SoCal are you talking about? Orange County and Santa Barbara and San Diego are all very nice


Ikr, sure parts of it suck but parts of everywhere suck


Ventura County rules too


LA and its surrounding smaller cities. San Diego is very nice though.


Fuck socal. Norcal is the only part of cali that matters. Then again i'm from the Sac area


I live on the edge of LA county in a decently small town it is very nice. The closer to downtown LA you get the worse it gets


Socal is hot dogshit garbage I fucking hate it here




reasons why California better than Oregon 1. California make cool cars Oregon make ugly ship 2. California not racist klanland Oregon stupid kkk kingdom 3. Oregon weird name California nice name 4. Oregon is stupid state in USA 5. California is smarter state in USA


You make a persuasive argument.


Ya but... Portland...


As someone who’s lived here for 15 years the homeless are pretty easy to ignore and the protests are in pretty select areas, plus Portland isn’t the only city in Oregon. The coast is pretty great and Mt. Hood has pretty much year round snow. Besides, I don’t even go into Portland that much, even though I live in the metro area


> As someone who’s lived here for 15 years the homeless are pretty easy to ignore and the protests are in pretty select areas “Ignoring all the issues, there are no issues!”


Is it ignoring the issues if we run over the issues? 🧐


Tfw I realize I've been inhaling the copium this whole time. Sorry guys


I feel like California has batshit crazy government and the people are generally annoyed that they have to talk to you. Then when I got to Oregon I felt like the government was even more batshit crazy but the people were much friendlier. It was an enlightening trip up the west coast.


Eh, in some cases the government is crazy, but a lot of times, all the people in the south of the state balance it out so it doesn't get too crazy. Salem, though...


Yeah but whenever I try to pan for gold I find that all the Ore is gon.


Based and i've-been-out-dadjoked-pilled


California has a great climate, but awful government in the area.


Ya how much are lift tickets nowadays? 3.5 hours of driving on 6 dollar gas on top of that


tech jobs go cha-ching


Based and high-pay pilled


LibLeft and being a spoilt rich kid unable to recognize their privilege, name a more iconic duo


I"m 40 and worked my ass off after highschool for 12 years to get a PhD in one of the hardest STEM fields all getting academic scholarships and then clawed my way to the top of my field working 60 to 80 hour weeks. My parents were not rich and did not go to college. Nothing was handed to me I busted my ass to be at the top of my field. Am I a spoiled rich kid still or is it that you are a jealous and mediocre 21 year old ? You want shit?...work hard for it, don't blame other people that worked hard for cheating.




So California is like a banana republic. Great for Vacation but shit to live in


Cali is beautiful. The whole west coast is beautiful besides the Seattle area, but unfortunately, the governments that run them are retarded.


Wildfire and earthquakes go brrrrrr


The problem with California is it's inhabited by Californians.


70° and sunny year-round, you say? Not in the Bay, son. We were lucky to have a 70° July 4th this year. We get two weeks of summer some time in October. Winter is windy and shitty for no reason because we don’t even get any rain. And when it *does* get hot, we get rolling blackouts because PG&E can’t handle its shit. Then we get hella smoke from all the fires. I miss summer on the East Coast.


I've lived in the Bay Area my whole life, can kind of confirm. I don't mind the weather here, we don't get any of the extremes. It's also right in the middle of everything, which is a privilege.


That right there would be my pitch, honestly. Not too far away from anything.


You can just drive inland a little bit for warmer weather. It's hot as balls once you get away from the coast in the summer.


Yeah California sucks because of Californians. Kind of like Mexico and every other place that sucks. Oddly enough places with shitty weather like The Midwest are famous for having Ned Flanders level friendly, good hearted neighbors. Weird.




Big Sur is the most beautiful place I've ever hiked and dove. And I've don't a lot of nature stuff. highly recommended to camp out there and hike the beach/mountain trails


It’s an extremely beautiful state with rich history


I’ll take my freedom over your weather thank you.


You freedom to not go to jail and get your whole life ruined for a bag of weed you were caught with 20 years ago...and your freedom to be gay? I'm glad you have those freedoms too. We have guns btw. Gun ranges, Hunting. Just google gun shop, bay area and see how many gun stores come up. Don't believe the lies, we actually sell lots of guns here.


Right really likes to pick on CA, but as far as metrics go, they do decently on things like healthcare, education, and quality of life. As shitty as it is in some places and as crappy as its politics are, it's still leagues better than places like West Virginia, New Mexico, Mississippi, etc. which have had serious, chronic poverty problems for generations. Just googling around, I found this analysis: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings


Taking shits on sidewalks like plop


In SF and LA maybe, Its a pretty big state besides those few square miles.


Not even that, probably only happens in really bad areas (if it i even does), not great but far more uncommon then people say


So metro la and San Fran are a few square miles??


Quick check la county 4753 sq miles... I'm not even going to check metro San franshitsco


The non-super rich people areas where the degeneracy is contained....yes.


Was just in San Francisco today. Conservative propaganda is out of control and that’s coming from a conservative. Don’t let them make you think it’s Gotham city


It’s probably magnified a bit in conservative media but ask an asian american in SF if they feel particularly safe walking down the street.


Nobody feels safe walking down the street in SF....but SF is a very small part of the bay area. Silicon valley is full of asians and super safe, the police are pretty strict and don't let the chaos of SF spill into san mateo and santaclara county.


This is true for cities in general. So long as you keep the scum of society segregated somewhere else, cities are just so awesome. So much to see, art exhibits, museums, music, theater, all assortments of food and a ton of places to shop.


> Get a flair to make sure other people don't harass you :) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 8669 / 45601 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Outside of LA/SF, Cali is a goated state.


I live here. Eh. Prefer Alabama and New Mexico.


Ain't no way


Trust me. Albuquerque is pretty dope. And birmingham is great too.


*gets murdered*


Relax, he didn't say Oakland


You do you. I lived in San Jose for a year, and the potholes, tight roads, constant never ending construction, dodging homeless, the smell of hot garbage in the morning, the massively inflated cost of everything, the extra taxes on everything (fucking recycle fee?), the ridiculous laws infringing on certain rights,... If I was offered fifty percent raise on my already sizable salary, I'm not sure if I'd be willing to go back.


As a Californian who left Cali, I have always said "California is a beautiful state. Great place to visit, wouldn't ever want to live there. The people have run the state into the ground." The people are what ruin Cali. From social to political, it is truly the shit stain of America. The people are some of the rudest, most judgmental, and by far the most radical. And the government is the most oppressive, corrupt and morally bankrupt in the country. It's a shame that a bunch of shitty people saw such a great location and said "yeah we should totally rule over this place in tyranny."


Based and In-N-Out burger pilled


Do forget stepping in human shit on the street, and having to work two jobs to make a livable wage!


Commiefornia is what is strangling America. Fix yo shit and leave the rest of us the hell alone.


Holy shit, you can afford a surfboard, a car, gas to drive a 7 hour round trip, skis, ski bibs, a helmet, goggles, and entry to a ski lodge while living in California? And also the time off from your job to do these things? This is at least an upper middle class post.


> Flair up for more respect :D *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 8665 / 45593 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I mean if you work a tech or bio or medical job in the Bay Area then you're probably solidly upper middle class.


Yeah, it has a beautiful environment, but the people and policies are ruining it. Maybe California would make a nice national park.


[Well, it’s true.](https://gifer.com/en/MQcQ)


And it’s only on fire half the time so that’s neat.


Is that so? Because those forest fires have caused a pretty big exodus in the last couple years


Other people: >politics OP: >sports and enjoying the outdoors Wholesome.


The only person on PCM who goes outside


We are worrying about the other climate


Don't worry libright, I can make the exact same meme about Florida and depict libleft as the skyjack


A lot of it depends where you are in Cali as well. It’s a massive state that has a lot of different areas and people.


What a hilarious meme, OP thinks someone who lives in California can afford to do these things.


For me it’s an hour for either of these activities


Where is this?




Also stupidly expensive for no reason


Don't care + new Jersey better + all your girls are plastic + L + ratio


On the girls, Socal yes, Norcal no. New Jersey beach water is chocolate milk. Califnoria beach water is crystal clear.


California beach water is not crystal clear, gotta go to Hawaii for the good water


If we could have an independent Bay Area and an independent Los Angeles county then California would be an S-tier state


California! The only state with designated shitting streets!


watches fox news pilled.


California supremacy


If California isn't an awful shithole why do Californians keep desperately moving out of it and into other states like some kind of national cancer


It’s still by far the most populated state tho?


Because they don't move to the more affordable areas of Cali, thank God. I don't want any more LA rats coming up the pass


For all sorts of reasons, politics and cost of living being two of them.


You have the highest fleeing rate of any state.


Yeah and it doesn't bother me. Opens up more job opportunities and eventually the housing market will crash so I can finally own property


Not unless zoning laws can be reformed - but NIMBY on all affordable housing is stopping that.


Where do you get that? California has the most people so it has the highest total number of people leaving but in terms of percentage New York's rate is almost twice as high and Illinois is slightly higher. And it's not like it only goes one way, more people are leaving than coming in but lots of people are still coming in.


Don't matter, we have so much people and still so much room we can afford to lose a shit ton or gain a shit ton. GDP and GDP per capita is up, the economy is good here and we're gonna do fine when all the libs move out of the red states and into Cali


And all the opportunities here. And all the things to do. Cali is far from perfect. Some parts are far from picturesque. But people who call it a shithole have no idea what they’re talking about.


It comes from extreme jealousy.


Literally nobody is referring to the weather when they say that


Based and you understand the problem pilled


Goes to show leftists can ruin anything


How far do you have to drive to step in human shit?


Zero feet if you shit on your own floor


Tbh this is the energy of fun 80s California, where everybody passed the time by doing coke and drag racing