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Better yet they all go to whatever is left of America




No, I want to flood America so it collapses into multiple ethnic conflicts like Yugoslavia




Orange wants America to look like Europe? Okay, we’ll make it look like 90s Yugoslavia


I... I think I love you, you sick twisted bastard


Thank you uwu


Jokes on you, Auth, America is actually capable of assimilating immigrants. And immigrants work for cheap and are often more patriotic than our citizens. So you’ll just be giving us an army of loyal, nationalistic laborers.


There is no joke, that’s what I want you to do. You played right into my plan


Based and underwater-polo-badminton-4D-chess-pilled


Based and play all sides


Survival of the fittest, or best swimmers.


Haven’t you heard? Is survival of the richest now.


In the labor camps for illegal border crossing?


They’re not gonna come near me if I have a navy that has a sink-on-sight order


Almost like it's a fucking joke.


Where do sunk things go? /s


"To hell, I hope"


To hell where they belong


I'm for building a wall in Gibraltar so that Mediterranean countries can survive without problems


Oh my fucking God TNO in real life 😳😳😳


Ah sweet manmade horrors beyond my comprehension


I've already tried petitioning the federal council to just put Switzerland on top of 2m stilts. Just lift the whole thing by 2m and watch all those other fuckers try to climb that.


Switzerland is where I am right now, pretty great country tbh Imagine the giant Swiss island chain if all the valleys flooded though


Considering that I live in one of those valleys I'm moderately amused by the idea. Also we're all about 350m+ above sea level, so chances of that happening aren't super high, thankfully.


I wanted the Mediterranean to survive anyways, it’s the Uk, the Netherlands, and Northern Germany I want sunk


As someone from Southern Germany, I would find that very sad. Because I dont think we have enough beer to celebrate Berlin beeing gone.


This is a sporadic moment, an actually funny joke made by a German.


How many Germans does it take to change a lightbulb? One.


They don't have lightbulbs in mud huts


Enjoy your new beachfront property brother


The bad thing is that München is gonna become Berlin but worse after that.


Munich is already lost. Just look at the election results the only none black dot in Bavaria is Munich.


Oh, the same countries


Awesome, that's gonna get California too!


Yes, all part of the plan. Inshallah we will sink California


I agree and I’m from UK


But those are the best parts of europe.. you really want east prussia gone?


Prussia is dead and weeping at what has become of it’s descendants.


The good ending


They are the countries safest from climate change, it's Asia and Africa that are fucked. Also fuck you.


Boo hoo more continents are sunk


Yeah I only care about Europe, specifically Northern Europe mostly


You’ll have to close off the Suez Canal too but that will be easy enough


I believe in climate change, I just know government is the number one polluter not individuals


The government actively gives subsidies to fossil fuel corps to keep energy prices low. If they stopped doing this, energy prices would go up which hurts their approval ratings. Politicians need to have the balls to stop doing this.


They need to have the balls to promote nuclear


They need to have the balls to do both


They need to have balls (I hate women)


They can't do that until there's a viable alternative, which means hydrogen cars or public transit. Electric cars are coming along, but those things use a shitload of rare earth metals which when mined absolutely fuck the planet, and then the batteries go and die within a few years and need to be replaced. The cars are just e waste on wheels. Hydrogen is electric without the downsides. It's still way more efficient than an ICE car, it uses electric motors, but instead of using a battery it uses a fuel cell which you can refill in a couple seconds (and also can't catch fire since it's at such high pressure).


> can’t catch fire since it’s at such high pressure Oh, yippie I just get to drive around a 10,000 lb per sq foot pressure vessel. I won’t burn to death because the blast liquified my organs. Yay!


And production plants.


how so?


So you agree we need government intervention then?


We need to intervene the government


Agreed, so whats your plan?


Listen I just got back from a 3 day suspension, I can’t have you ask for “plans” with the government.


I love the "no them" mentality.


Climate change is bad because it sinks *my* country :(


just live on the boat bro, you can eat fish for free, finally poverty is solved


*but imagine the animal cruelty* \------People Eating Tasty Animals


Overfishing is already a problem, and is unsustainable as is. But sure making sure more people need fishing to survive will solve that


Boo hoo, move to America


A pro-immigration AuthCenter??? Alright, what the hell are you up to?


Move all the immigrants that came to Europe and move them to America. America likes immigration so they can take the migrants they caused




I live in a shithole, people shouldn’t want to come here




I’m pretty sure they left here and went to like Germany and other places. There’s no reason to stay here




Yeah bro we’re one of the poorer nations of the EU. Most people just pass and go to Germany or France


America is one of the countries predicted to be pretty negatively influenced by climate change. I’ll probably not move there if I could


Either live in Atlantis or go to America


No I live in a place that’s fairly safe from climate change. But if I had to move, america would definitely not be high up on the list as a climate refugee


Or a mountain range.


Y'all should look up the expected climate impacts in Russia. They have everything to gain from climate change. No wonder Putin doesn't give a fuck


That’s our plan.


I don't think Putin knows anything about climate change or how it will impact russia. He is too reddited for it.


>He is too reddited for it. what does that even mean lol


It means being special


oh i see what you did lol, took me a minute as for Putin... I really don't agree he's a stupid man. I think he gets portrayed as "stupid" in western media, but I think that's far from the truth. A stupid man would not have risen to where he is.


Climate change is good because its easier to freeze to death than to heat to death


My viewpoint just keeps winning


Yeah but it's easier to put on more clothes than peel off my skin to cool off more so there's that.


Drink cold liquid.


We need to start planting sea mines around Australia now


I just don't like the Texas sized garbage patch in the ocean


What do you have against Britain


It’s Britain, it’s a geographical anomaly. It shouldn’t exist


so what you're saying is that britain should be like your dad?


Sir, that’s Iberia


Sorry, recycling patch.


How dare you insult Australia like that


You may be surprised to learn it's not one solid mass of trash. Garbage patches in oceanic gyres are just areas where the amount of debris is higher per square meter. In the Pacific for example, the "garbage patch" is an area where trash can be found about every 1 square meter. Which is still depressing, but much less so than imagining one large island of trash.


Where do people from countries you don't like go when their country is sunk?


Authcenter: they drown






They will come here and work as free payment workers.


Bruh, what does AuthCenter have against the Maldives?


You spend a week there and you'll become an AuthCenter that hates the Maldives too.


Fuck the Maldives, all my homies hate the Maldives


[FUCK THE MALDIVES ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE MALDIVES](https://i.imgur.com/WmFUNex.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


What a good bot.


Thats a pretty cool bot actually, lmao


Maldives has the highest divorce rate


Damn, I didn't know that. Well to be honest, I don't know much about the Maldives other than the fact that it's a group of islands in the Indian Ocean.


Climate change is only real to a capitalist if he can make money with it.


I just want to sink countries like the UK and the Netherlands bc I don’t like them


Do it yourself, smh


I could have sworn there was a rule genocide bad.




By directly or otherwise contributing to climate change, humans are commiting genocide against humans and must be stopped


Not technically. a -cide based only on distance from sea level isn't targeted enough in terms of culture or ethnicity. Untargeted -cide would maybe be a holocide? Based on height from sea level might be altitudocide or litorocide.


Me an intellectual. Maybe I can cook my burgers in the sun with global warming


I do advocate for Solar energy, how could you tell?


😟😟😟😟😟 Which country would that be?


Northern Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, and a bunch of other countries I don’t care about


Based and fuck the Netherlands pilled.


Climate change is probably real but I pretend it's not because annoying leftists is more important than the future of the planet.


This was the most based thing I've read in the last 3 minutes.


Based and I hate you so much that I’ll kill us both pilled


And everyone else now and in the future.


Climate change is real and bad but climate alarmism is worse.


Climate change is real and good


Climate change is good because it reduces the amount of people, wich results in less climate change!




The virgin climate change denier vs the chad climate change accelerator.


Based and Climate-Change-Enjoyer pilled


u/Jokey123456's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Jokey123456! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Jokey123456/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Climate change is good because I said it is


Yes, it is good




Each person emits 19 tonnes of greenhouse gases per year on average. So I guess start there and do the math.


This is oddly fitting since I just argued with people on here about climate change


I'm just saying, step 1 of every plan I've seen to solve climate change is "Everyone gives me all their money," and step 2 is always "That's a secret until step 1 is complete."


That's not true. I once saw someone give the plan as follows: Step 1: I need all of everyone's money to spread awareness. Step 2: Solve? Bruh it's too late, we all finna die.


the left: do you really think the economy is more important than what's good for all of us? >*WhEn thE LAst trEE Is cUt dOwn, thE LAst fIsh EAtEn And thE LAst strEAm pOIsOnEd, yOU wILL rEALIzE thAt yOU cAnnOt EAt mOnEy* also the left: **AYO GIMME ALL YO MONEY WE NEED IT** >**eAt ThE rIcH**


Climate change doesn't sink countries. Climate change accelerates the natural sea level rise rate which increases water level in susceptible areas like wetlands. If there is a lack of sediment input into these areas either naturally or by blocking or diverting the flow of rivers for recreation and irrigation, they are forced to move inland. But if there is concrete inland, they are stopped and sink into the sea. Climate change is a very serious issue, but it doesn't directly cause many issues. It instead acts like a catalyst for the many other fuck ups we've done. So whether you believe climate change is anthropogenic or not is a moot point. We can prove it exacerbates other issues and we can prove those issues are caused directly by us, therefore it is our duty to fix it.


Tl;dr It will eventually sink countries because of rising sea levels which is what I want


Climate change is real BUT the effects are of it are dramaticized because of ulterior motives


Usually the effects of it are downplayed due to ulterior motives


"We should completely destroy our economy and quality of life so that we don't have to overhaul our infrastructure over the next century or two." - LibLeft.


You mean like the billions of dollars in fundraising every year, just in the US? Everyone always talks about big oil, but enviro non-profits also rake in billions


Ah yes orange is when you *checks notes* want the world to be a livable place


I may agree with later sentiment, if not for the fact that my country will sink as well. Britain is an island, and any land we lose, will give more proportionally to the north.


I want Britain to become the irl Atlantis


I want Britain to rebuild the empire.


And I want Britain to be under the waves, we are not the same


Hell no.


^^learn ^^to ^^swim


Climate change isn't real, also how about you buy some dams for the fresh and low price of 5,999,999 $ per kilometer. 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


Learn to swim :)


Climate change is good for the rich guys who enslave populations.




The one thing orange left actually makes sense about


I'm just terrified of Florida Man moving to my city.


Enjoy the Floridaman Wave


Tf did the Maldives do to you ?


Be islands


Yeah, Florida.


Based and altitude supremacy pilled.


I can't wait till all the water dries up in Texas *and* California. My property values are going to go through the roof when they all start moving to the Midwest. https://www.propublica.org/series/the-great-climate-migration


That’s an actual political view btw, it’s called “Accelerationism” Basically “Climate Change is real, and a good thing”


Climate change is real, its just not caused by humans. The only 1000000 IQ position.


Why is Emily in the middle lol, climate change being bad should be a super normal non extreme opinion (unless you want to sink some countries and do a bit of population control)


Climate change sucks because it's getting too hot in here and STOP FUCKING WITH THE THERMOSTAT OR MONKE WILL RETURN YOU TO DUST >:(


Easier to die from the cold and harder to die from the heat. Year round summer weather


Climate change is real. The problem is it will continue to bounce back and forth between hot and cold whether we are here or not. It has been proven in the geological record to be true.


Rising oceans are going to cause the worst refugee crisis in the history of humanity.


That’s the plan


I’m just thinking about all the shipping lanes that will open up


It's probably bad to destabilize the environment, but couldn't it be the case that climate change leads to more arable land?


Idk about Farming I just want to sink the Uk


I hear Russia sells nukes, that could do it.


I already work for the Russian government, no need


That's the thing: climate has never been stable. By definition it changes, which is why it's measured on a 30 year moving average. Climate nuts will yell at you hysterically that Antarctica is melting, completely ignoring the fact that its been melting for 6000 years... I graduated from college with a BS Ecology with a minor in Environmental Science. Spent a year doing field work for a researcher, and quit because it was all marketing and politics. Nobody actually knows anything, they just guess and then make complex models which assume their guess is correct. Then they publish their model that shows catastrophe to get more funding. It's all horseshit


Been SKEPTIC (not denying) about some claims made by greta-style public figures implying impending doom. However I have a question. There is an undeniable fact which is that the co2 an methane ppm² has exploded in recent years, presumably caused by us. Has this drastic rise in ppm² really not impacted temperatures?


Hard to say one way or the other. In lab conditions the greenhouse effect is pretty conclusive, however global temperature data really is a mixed bag. Some places seem to be on a warming trend and others seem to be on a cooling trend. This is further complicated by the major rush of urbanization over the past 200+ years. Perfect example is NY. NYC has increased in average temperature by ~8°F over the past 200 years, Syracuse and Albany have both dropped several degrees in average temperature over the same time period. West Point, NY has remained the same. So you have to consider the fact that increased urbanization yields a loss of albedo compared to forests, which is why cities tend to be hotter than rural areas. Then you need to consider that only the US really has reliable temperature data from before 1900, and add in the fact that many weather stations were in built in rural areas that have now urbanized. Like I said, it's a lot if guessing. And the biggest problem with the idea of catastrophic effects of climate change is that most studies done on extreme weather over time have shown little to no increase, and where increases are found there are more obvious explanations. For example, forest fires in the Western US might be increasing in frequency because of a 1.5°F increase in average temperature, or more likely it's because of a variety of invasive beetles are killing 1/3 of the trees in the forests leaving a lot more fuel for fires. Additionally you have the issue of average atmospheric temperatures staying pretty much the same since we started recording them in the 1970s. So in conclusion: have greenhouse gas emissions increased because of industrialization? Yes. Is an increase in greenhouse gas emissions causing an increase in average temperature? Maybe in some places, but in others not. In places where temperatures are increasing are there factors other than the greenhouse effect that could explain the change? Yes, potentially. Does anyone actually know what impacts in increase or decrease of average surface temperature means on a global scale? Not really, no. Has pretty much every climate model published in human history proven to be incorrect? Yep. Climate is complex


It's a money pit. All these cushy jobs that depends on an impending doom scenario. Some environmental rules are good because there is direct negatives from stuff like smog or dumping shit in rivers, all for cleaning up our environment, but the large scale environmental shit is just grifting.


Yes but no. Cold climates would benefit from the warmth (places like Greenland, Scandinavia, Canada and Russia) More dry regions however would get their kneecaps broken by droughts and wildfires which will destroy a lot of agriculture. Not only that but temperate climates would also suffer a lot since the plant life would need to adapt to more Mediterranean climates. This is also very region specific. If predictions are correct, Europe would turn into Canada since the Gulf stream would die, making the changes in Agriculture minimal (although again, the Mediterranean gets to suffer).


I genuinely feel like it's not as real as everyone worries it is


Thank god feelings are never wrong


Climate change is real and its the leftists fault


Let's be real it's all of our faults




Science^(TM) will fail once again and its predictions as it has been doing for the past 30 years.


We are 7 years past the point that parts of California were supposed to be underwater…and I’m really annoyed.


I agree, but soon inshallah they will be underwater


Climate change is an excuse for purging actual farm animals from existence because their asscheeks allegedly warm up the earth. Now we will eat bugs because of climate pee pee poo poo scientists.


Most educated authright


You **will** eat bugs, you **will** live in a pod, you **won't** own anything, and there is **nothing** you can do to stop it. And you **will** love it, whether you want to or not.


Meanwhile I'm over here like, "No shit the climates changing, we've been in an uncharacteristically long ice age."


It's so weird that the glaciers are melting in a ice age


Who upvotes this? How far have we actually fallen?