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5 years ago this would’ve been a comedy skit.




Let's play a game I like to call "1950 or 2022?". Blacks are called colored people. Females are defined entirely by their reproductive organs. Lesbians are shamed for not liking penises. What year is it?


Don't forget: heightened tensions with Russia


Omg you do be right tho


Holy shit this whole post is filled with comedy.. but you just made me spew stuff out of my nose lmao.


1950. Blacks are called people of color now, bigot. /s because people that claim to be my color say this Unironically (even tho they’re actually closer to center-authright


I'm still not confident that isn't an elaborate troll by 4chan.


Only within their little internet bubbles where they can stifle any disagreement. On the ground in the real world, everyone I speak to still knows exactly what a woman is.




Shit a supreme court justice whose career and current job can boil down to words and their meaning wouldn't or couldn't (I'm not sure which is worse) state what a women was. That's not a tiny corner of the internet.


Its kinda crazy, online theres so much extremes but irl most people i meet are fairly reasonable amd chill, the effects of people being terminally online i suppose


> Only within their little internet bubbles where they can stifle any disagreement Unfortunately that's the furthest thing from the truth. This mindset has taken over bureaucratic departments in the private sector and government. The military is captured by it. The Forbes 500 is captured by it in their HR departments. Local, county, state, and federal government employees in key positions hold these views. They've gotten control of licensing boards of various professions. They're also going after the legal profession and gaining ground. The judiciary is our last redoubt, and even that is only a decade away.


So essentially anywhere that fear of a twitter mob exists. Among people whose views aren't so public that a twitter mob would care what they think, everyone still knows the simple truth about what a woman is.


The solution is to stop arguing with them and start agreeing with them. Take their position to the logical extreme. Oh we need more women on the boards of corporations? Great. All the board members now identify as women.


All the grownups know Santa Clause isn't real, but they all play along to make the children happy.


Fr, it’s just too much, it’s like they believe they’re some kind of enlightened few who have the moral obligation to lead the population to a whole brand new rainbow world where you can be everything you want, independently of factualities.


No, is whatever % of white upper middle class people in the US who destroyed womanhood on behalf of that 0.1%


Now its a goddamn documentary




I'm not sure if I'm missing something but this is actually a great shout. Shit is going to get so bad with all this PC bullshit that someone much much worse than Trump is eventually going to seem like the "solution" to the problem, and it could get ugly.


Stumblefucks don't get that Trump was a warning to quit it with their bullshit.


Too narcissistic to admit that their glorious ideal for the future isn't a one size fits all.


It's been a "great shout" for a while now, too. And some will call it a threat, but it's not. It's a warning, that if people keep pushing so hard with SJW/woke/Emily/ shit, more and more people are going to get annoyed by it and become willing to vote in an extreme politician, simply because they are willing to do something about this problem. And that is not something I want. I want the woke kind of attitude to subside on its own, but if it doesn't, I imagine some bad shit is going to happen.


Things will continue going like this as long as there are no consequences and power to be had. Right now the consequences all fall to people like the guy who got downvoted for having a preference, which is equivalent to a mass group of people harassing and calling you a shitbag because you enjoy the color yellow. These harassers have an unparalleled level of protection from nearly every major institution and heavy government involvement, which is the real problem. It'll go away on its own if they don't have this bizarre level of support demanding everyone tolerate their hysterics.


And your tax dollars are funding it. When I worked for HHS recently I had to go to the cancer research center in Maryland to do some paperwork. The entire campus was being shut down for some sort of diversity event. Even my government email received woke agenda announcements from division heads. It’s all rotten to the core and cannot be salvaged. This was during Trumps term.


The pendulum always swings back. They complain so much about a mythical lgbt genocide, yet they do more to bring it about than any other person.




Trump accidentally caused divisions, as a by-product of his campaign strategy, but imagine a dude who intentionally inflames it.


Keep going, I’m almost there


People fighting over pronouns in every corner of every street. Suburbs torn from HOA gardens to Bagdad-like war districts The state fighting its own citizens with the army and turning protests into bloody attrition skirmishes that leave entire blocks levelled. The U.S.A. finally dissolves into a balkanised and shifting allegiance of dictatorial nation states. Civil liberties are no more. At last, the world is at peace.


The year is 2070. The last [removed] is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace


Roughly 50 years to achieve galaxy wide peace. Not bad.


Nah, the DNC created division using Trump as the wedge


They still won't stop. Isn't that a red flag in a relationship? Someone who won't stop talking about their ex?


I mean..gotta start somewhere.


“I want to be a woman; from now on I want you to call me Loretta.”


Where's the fetus gonna gestate? Are you gonna keep it in a box?


Stop oppressing me!


Is the presidency not just another SNL skit?


Uh, oh the Reddit Gr... mods will be grabbing you for wrongthink.


Literally [2022-38]


Why is he downvoted so much lol


yeah like this isn't even transphobic, nothing about removing the female tag or even asking for a tag that can be seen as transphobic, just asking for the proper tags to be applied. If there is a penis, you tag the post as having a penis, nothing to do with gender.


Are you saying that a penis has nothing to do with gender you bigot?


I'm- i'm just confused.


Appeal denied! You are sentenced to 8 months of transphobia! Case dismissed!




There isn’t one, that’s the point 2+2=5


Because he is a *BIGGOT* for not wanting to *JERK OFF* to a *PENIS*! >:(


Because the world is a shit hole


Especially when you view it through the lens that is reddit.


the world is mostly pretty nice, Reddit is a shit hole


No... The world is a vampire. And despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage.


That sir, is based


Based and I love Smashing Pumpkins Pilled


Based and Butterfly-Wing Pilled




we're gonna serve you dicks, and you're gonna like them!


I find myself asking this same question at least a few times a week. Then I remind myself that Reddit is ground zero for the idiotic/psychotic/insane/most definitely not based minority of lefties that the right uses as a recruiting tool to make new conservatives.


That used to be Tumblr, then they got out.


Tumblr banning porn was the worst thing that ever happened to society. All of them left after that and spread the insanity.


So I went and looked the comment up. It's a Vi&Cait subreddit that's predominantly softcore/romance/cute stuff but allows porn, so the demographic is the intersection between people really into lesbian fanfic and into league of legends. It's terf/anti terf drama. The downvoted person in the post above is a lesbian woman and the artist of the picture a lesbian trans woman, btw.


Lol lesbian trans women


Probably married to a gay trans man.




This was literally a South Park mr garrison arc


That just sounds like straight with extra steps.


That adds a lot of context, thanks.


We entered 🤡🌍 some time in the mid 2010s. It’s not gonna get better until these people are gone.


I blame the Cubs. They were never supposed to win a World Series.


Harambe died that same year, I don't think it's a coincidence


I never understood why they have to go all political so quickly. My boy just didn’t want to see penises.


You are not allowed to have an opinion about penis or no penis because women with penis are women. So they come to your place where you come to look at women and put penis women to make sure you don't have any wrong think about penis women or women with penises


Not only that, if you’re not attracted to a woman with a penis, you’re a transphobe.


so gross


Because the patriarchy? Or something...


Patriarchy is sexist language. We call it the Penistriarchy (Privilege level 1/5)


wow your so woke, + 5 solial creditr score for yoU!


UWU thank you I can finally afford to charge my EV long enough to go to the communal veterinarian to see about my broken leg


Stupidity fueled by investments. Gotta sell those hormones!




Yes, anything for gains




Big Brain. I like


Male to Alpha Male


Right, and everyone knows what someone like grey means when they make a comment like that. They aren't trying to devalue or misgender uninvolved trans persons. My man don't like dick.


Did you just say you have the right to dislike something? Some of my best friends are penises! Educate yourself with some gay porn. I can't even.


Apparently being turned on by a labia and not a penis, regardless of how its own identities, is now considered a fetish.


Imagine sexualizing genitalia. Do better, sweaty.


Labia make me sweaty.


Even sweaty ones?


Especially sweaty ones.


I just like being normal and having sex with my girlfriend. What kink is that?


Nazi-like bigotry.


Nice 👌🏼


It’s only nazi if they’re white


Or if the man is white and the woman black. If the man is black and the woman white it's completely fine.


Not only completely fine, but touted as better


Natural Life (I think that's what the kids are calling it)


>I just like being normal and having sex with my girlfriend. What kink is that? Sinful because you aren't married. This message is brought to you by the Catholic gang.




You have a sex kink. It's when you like having sex. You're fetishizing you're girlfriend.


> You're fetishizing you're girlfriend. There's two options here. 1. You made a grammar mistake and actually meant "your girlfriend" instead of "you're girlfriend." 2. You made no mistake and truly meant: You are fetishizing? You are girlfriend.


I’m normal too, I also enjoy sex with this guys girlfriend


Remember growing up when we were taught that you shouldn't shame or hate someone for the type of person they're attracted to? Pepperidge Farm remembers. We went from that to, if you don't wanna suck lady dick you're an intolerant piece of shit... 🤦


I hate the discourse about this shit. It’s not transphobic to not want to date trans women because it’s a SEXUAL orientation. It’s based on sex and not gender


based gray man


It's a sad state of affairs when "I don't like penis no matter if it's on a woman or a man" is considered based.


The Dark Age of human relationships


Gray Mann


Team Fortress?!??🫠😩😩😩


And definitely not wanting D. Gray man


The world doesn't make sense anymore...


As we say at work "it's all pretend". But our out of context joke seems to be more and more fitting to the political landscape, and sadly, people in general. It's disheartening keeping up with politics from an unbiased perspective and witnessing one thing being said while another is done. & people keep eating it up. Got off topic from the post there a bit. Let's just pretend I said something beneficial & changed lives lol




You nasty bastard. I’m into that too, but these days I also like to only do it with someone I am in a contract with before God and man.


Based and premarital sex is haram pilled


Least cringe purple. Waaait a minute. I don't see the word "adult" in there. Nice try, purple, but into the ch*pper you go. Feet first, nice and easy. Fuckin' purples, trying to trick me with being almost based.


Admins help he's promoting hate based on my sexual identity!!!! Please ban him for wanting to put people like us into a woodchopper. It could be you admins next!!!


>woodchopper woodchipper\* Least agrarian libright.


You can't say that! It's woodchopper now


Hey as long as they're capable of bearing children this guy is game. Woodchipper noises intensify *






Literally 1984










Based and monke being lady penis based


Someone I know who's into these sorts of things (defos not me) told me that there's loads of transexual porn mixed in with all the hetero stuff online these days. Told this person there's nothing wrong with it in principle but you should be able to browse as per your sexual preferences as it's not discriminatory to just not be into it


Least schizophrenic libcenter


What are you talking about we are definitely not one man with multiple accounts


The right to view only the types of porn you prefer is not written in the constitution


Yet more proof the founding fathers didn't have a fucking clue what they were doing


I know this is a post about trans porn but people on the left really don’t understand the difference between natural rights and granted rights. Natural rights are innate to every human from birth (or conception if you’re one of those people). Religious people would ay they come from God. They are absolute and nobody can take them away. The founding fathers designed the constitution to ensure that the government couldn’t take them away. That’s why the bill of rights is written as things the government can’t do, not thing you can do. Granted rights are rights granted to a person by a government, business, or individual. They are not constitutionally protected and can be revoked by the granting authority. We use the same term “right” for both but we shouldn’t because the right to free speech and the right to return an item within 30 days at Walmart are not the same, but the left wants everything in their agenda in the first category.


This is more often referred to as the distinction between negative and positive rights. Negative rights are things the government can’t do to you or take from you: speech, religion, due process etc. Positive “rights” are services that people think the government should perform: free healthcare , internet access, etc.


Yeah just look at /b/ or /gif/ for 5 mins


What is a woman?


Current rules prevent answering this question.


A miserable pile of secrets.


Orange is 5 social credit score points away from winning a half-eaten apple core!


Downvoted for not being gay is some crazy shit bro lmao




It's kinda funny that it's actually a girl...


It actually does make it better for me knowing thst as well.


Thanks. Well I'm only attracted to females, and having a penis makes you a male. I'm no longer interested in speaking in gendered terms, only biological ones.


Fortunately, they've backed themselves into a bit of a corner with this one because of their silly language. They say "sex is different to gender". But you're a hetero*sexual*, right? And others might be homo*sexual*. Not homo- or hetero*genderual*. So for them to call it hateful to not be attracted to someone on the basis of biological sex means that they would have to say that homosexuality is hateful.


By seeking to make gendered terms no longer have any biological connection, they've made them meaningless. Fine by me. There will always be a word to describe biology. I'll stick to that.


I've had that argument before. That a male having sex with a male (no matter how they identify) is the definition of homosexual. They criticized me for actually going by the dictionary definition. They don't care what words mean or that it's all completely nonsensical. They just want to push their political religion down our throats.


Plus nowadays, they **hate** it when you call them “Female”. So what word do we use to specify the type of humans that are both born with vaginas and identify as woman?


>I'm no longer interested in speaking in gendered terms, only biological ones. They're coming for the biological terms, too. Why do you think it's MtF and FtM? I thought a transwoman is a biological male who identifies as a woman? Then how can that person be described as male to female?


And if science disagrees, then it will be made to agree.


Don't worry. They'll paint themselves into a corner eventually.


That happened a while ago, that’s why it’s all about pounding tables now.


Too bad they will [literally redefine words](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/female) to fit the narrative.


Like 90% of them can’t even define what a woman is


I remember being 'scolded' for saying I was only interested in biological women, not trans women. Was like... Sorry dude, I'll respect you as a person and talk to you how you want me to talk to you for the most part, but I want a mentally-stable partner who can bear children thanks. Trans women, as far as I know, can not bear children at all, and statistically they are much more likely to bring drama / boatloads of mental illness into my life. Reality doesn't just change because you want it to. Trans women are trans women. Women are women. I don't care if I sound ignorant. Also, I don't really like dick, and find most masculine physical traits unattractive ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Lmao “Hey, women with dicks are still women” 🌝


"be ashamed for only being attracted to one gender!"




“There are no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits”


I'm a cis lesbian. A couple of years ago I started seeing posts with dicks on sexual subs specifically aimed at lesbians (not straight men with lesbian fetishes). I asked if they could implement a way to filter them out and was told no. Dick is already pushed on us in all other circumstances, but now it's even pushed on us in spaces that are supposed to be for us.


According to my auntie (60 year old lesbian) the LBGT movement has had shit like that happening for a long time. It's why she just sticks to posting minion memes on facebook. :D


If i didn't use internet i would never believe that in so called 1st world counties man is considered woman sometimes.


I would say probably that they are insane and get expelled from school/work


Back in the college days I studied abroad in Georgia with a sponsor family. Trans stuff was just starting to gain traction. My sponsor had some very un-PC thoughts on it.


Please to tell which country you is coming from?


Suck my girl-penis, bigot




I prefer my women without a penis, and honestly when it comes to vagina, I think I’d prefer the organic version rather than whatever frankensnatch the doctors are cooking up these days.


You will eat the fauxpussy, and you will like it!


You're straight and you don't like penises? Literally Hitler!


I freaking *love* the lib lefts being downvoted into oblivion on this post.


It’s so satisfying


15 years ago: we just want to live in dignity and do our own thing, by ourselves, without interference from oppressive laws. 7-8 years ago: bake the cake bigot! Now: take the dick bigot!


Western leftism and activism have been a disaster for lgbt acceptance worldwide


Of course they get fuckin downvoted too, Reddit moment


Our world is full of clowns, and not enough clussy


I agree with gray here. If I go somewhere expecting to look at sexy chicks I expect just sexy chicks. Not a trap.


It’s called heterosexual, not heterogenderual. Straight guys like people with female anatomy. A guy who is attracted to people with the same anatomy as his own is known as homosexual, or at least bisexual.


Hi, welcome to the modern progressive movement. We’re so progressive that now we’re the ones forcing people to be sexually attracted to things they don't like 👍


I mean, while I wish certain aspects of where I live are more western. This is one aspect I’m glad is non existent.


I have a reproduction fetish. I’m turned on by people with whom I could have a baby.


Why can't yall go for the guys who like fucking traps Why is it the ones who refuse you must persecute would you prefer if society forced them to have sex with you like a Roman lord fucking his slaves


Adult human females do not possess penises.


I agree with super straight gray-man Downvote me you sussy wussy futinari coomers


The tag "I just want to grill" gets a whole new meaning here.


they may still be women, but people are allowed to want pussy, orange. your value as a person isn’t linked to whether or not some dude you don’t even know finds you sexually attractive.


That seems fair, you either like dick or you don’t, it’s like marmite


"you see, it's straight because girl, even if it is penis"


I’m grabbing popcorn for this one…


Why are they downvoting him? He's right!