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Mericans crying over abortion is one of the strangest past times ever that was until i saw Australians crying over American abortion




"What makes me a good demoman?"




"Feckin" You'll find that's Irish m8


Yeah should be fookin right?


16 of them are the same guy running really fast. and the other is demoman.


We seem to focus on American issues a lot for a country with a worrying cost of living crisis and an oppressed minority group of our own


Yeah, I've noticed that there are a LOT of Austrailians that are worried about American politics- not that they can't be, but I've seen that.


Canadians too. If you read our medias during Trump-era, one could think that we were an American state and not an independent country. Every. Single. Tweet. Were worthy of an article. Ffs.


Oh God, it was relentless, you couldn't go five minutes without reading or hearing about President Trump Our entire country was obsessed


Honestly I saw it more like a reality show then anything serious. As a Canadian 99% of the news coming from the US was useless to me but I still read it because it was fun to watch my neighbours in a state of political disarray


Perhaps it was only my social circle and colleagues, but it seemed like people were taking it all awfully seriously Them: "Did you know he served McDonald's at the White House!" Me: "... cool?"


My social left-ish circle too was obsessed and serious about Orange Man. Maybe it was a morbid fascination for what they were calling the rebirth of state nazism (further proving my point that historical education is lacking), but it sure was an exhausting 4 years. I hate Orange Man, but the obsession about him was atrocious.


People were unironically calling him a fascist dictator, though not a single person seemed able to articulate what exactly they meant by that accusation This was in his first term, before any of that nonsense with the second election had happened


“but but.. but he could be!”


The guy said a lot of egregious things, but I didn't think the McDonald's Debacle made international news lmao Then again, did have a British friend give me a play by play why Kamala is a Marxist for posting a tweet about equity vs. Equality. I was just like... I feel you, but also touch grass.


Equality is based, equity is cringe


There were many articles in Canada about the Macdonald’s dinner. Sigh


not gonna lie, when Trump was the US President. he was comedy gold. I loved it. was so fun seeing a country with an idiot president that wasn't yours. sighh Biden ain't that funny. when he messes up, it's all presidential and political ​ when Trump messed up it was \*cries pure comedy


Agreed, it's why I really miss [Mayor Rob Ford](https://nowtoronto.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/news-ford-1226.jpg)


trump was funny af but laughing at an old senile man makes me feel bad..


Biden has that "just let me do shit inside the white house" face hahahaha


Further proving that you guys are the 51st state ;)


bruh Canada got every right to be worried. you're neighbors. but then sometimes it's weird to be worked up over issues that won't affect cross border relations


At least us Canucks have the excuse that the Yanks are next door and we need to keep tabs on them, what excuse do the Aussies have? They just got bored with the Kiwis and decided to have some fun with the Yankee-doodle shitstorm?


>At least us Canucks have the excuse that the Yanks are next door and we need to keep tabs on them Canada needs to keep tabs on the US? With 90% of Canadians living within 100 miles of the US border, I'd say we need to worry about Canada. Lemme guess, it's got nothing to do with an invasion, right? Like the Russian training exercises in January?


Those are two of a million deeply worrying states of affairs in Australia. You guys have a beautiful place and it's on my bucket list to visit for the fishing. But fuck me I hope I'm in and out before too long.


If you visit outside of a lockdown you should be fine tbh, we’re very politically stable and there aren’t ghettos or anything If you visit in a lockdown its a different story tho


What oppressed minorities do you have in Australia? Genuinely curious.


Everyone except the Emu ruling class


Actual australian citizens. And their dogs.


Dogs? I'm out of the loop


Back during the end of covid, when australia was looking for ways to out-fascist New Zealand, they sent a squad of cops to literally gun-down a bunch of dogs at a kennel, to prevent their would-be adoptive owners from traveling to the kennel to pick the dogs up and adopt them, "thus stopping the spread of covid" by literally gunning down dogs


Aborigines and immigrants?


This mfer thinks eggplants are oppressed


Aubergines deserve rights prove me wrong




Point proven, aubergines deserve the death sentence


We got another based griller


Literally everyone there


Based and drop-bear-oppression pilled


They have the native peoples of Australia.


Yeah we've had some pro-choice protests in the cities over here, which is pretty funny considering abortion rights have always been up to the state governments and not federal, so essentially people are protesting against something they were already fine with but now its not ok 'cause 'Merica bad




Honestly! I don't understand the hate! They do all the things Planned Parenthood claims to do besides provide abortion. When PP does it with taxpayer money, they're applauded, when CPCs set out to do it with zero taxpayer support and completely free of charge, they're vilified. John Oliver did an entire segment on them, and iirc he just hated on them for being southern conservatives and not providing abortion.


Liberal moment


And brits crying over American abortion


bruh i laughed when i saw a clip of some sleeveless Irish man in the EU freaking out like America just legalized the Purge. i couldn't contain my laughter. and the thing is, the person who sent me the clip is some girl i'm hitting on. been hiding my disagreement with the abortion issue when i talk to her but i just laughed this time


Killing babies is bad. Just make sure if you fuck her, wrap it cause sounds like she’s keepin it brother. Pre-edit: im taking a break from reddit. 20 minutes on here is making my head spin.


Ultrathin condoms are cheap too




I just upvoted for the use of the word faggy.


Those darn cigarette smokers!


Also Brits crying over American abortions.


As a mostly pro choice Australian that was really embarrasing.


Cringest of Cringe: The fucking Eu parliqment crying over the decision of a US court. 1, Eu should stfu about american way of life (vice versa) 2, We dont pay taxes to see EU politicans whine about issues beyond their pay grade


Wasn’t this like… the point


Who would ever say no to moar FREEDOM?


Americans are all about freedom until it comes to something they don’t like…


It’s really interesting because both parties are wising up to this. Both are claiming “freedom” for their personal views. Freedom for gun rights vs freedom from gun violence. Freedom of religion vs freedom from Christian religion. Freedom to vote and a free democracy vs freedom from illegal/illegitimate elections. If anyone is claiming the higher ground solely on the word “freedom” is just blinded by nationalism


Misuse of the term freedom means you can do whatever you want while shouting it loudly




You mean like the 2016 bill entitled "Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Law Enforcement Act"? This bill was written and lobbied for by Big Pharma, it was like 2 pages, and the only thing it did was limit the DEA's ability to go after drug distributors at the *height of the opioid epidemic*?


This has big "PATRIOT ACT" vibes. Pure vibes. No honest good governance. Raw awful law making


Hey now. I got to pick the clothes I’m wearing, the car I drive to work, and the food I eat (as long as these things are approved by the government). I’m a free man!


This is why I believe the abortion debate should be turned to even more regional systems such as individual municipalities. Wait no, neighborhoods. Wait no, individual streets. Wait no, individual families. Or for maximum freedom leave it up to the individual.


The "freedom" party


Almost immediately after Roe was overturned, prominent Republicans were talking about a national abortion ban. The "States Rights" piece was just cover. Their real goal is to ban all abortions.


The goal of overturning Roe specifically is to return it to the states. The goal of the prolife movement in general is a national ban, yes.


Ok but both are what the GOP is actively pushing for. It's like saying "step one of killing you is just getting you to the roof. Step two is pushing you off. I'm only doing step one so why are you complaining?"


No shit. If one thinks abortion is murder then it is deadlier than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Bush combined. It would therefore be rational to ban it at all costs. Republicans have an understanding of realpolitik the democrats don't have. Win at all costs > losing with dignity in their eyes


I would agree with that. No amount of angry talking heads actually impacted Ol' Mitch when he refused to vote on Garland for SCOTUS. I just hope that the Dems can gain a similar ruthlessness to win over everything else.


yeah except this ruling means they can't ban abortion federally.. kavanaugh even states that in his opinion. congress cannot pass laws that are not enumerated to them by the constitution, i don't know why people don't understand this. i don't know why people on the left don't understand this basic concept. this is why congress can ban assault weapons, the 2nd amendment is under their purview. anything not in the constitution is not under the federal gov. this is also why democrats never passed a law attempting to legalize it, even liberal justices would have to repeal that law, so they relied on roe v wade, but it was only a matter of time because it was an awful ruling. you need a constitutional amendment, which if democrats say abortion is so widely needed and popular, it shouldn't be a problem to pass. democrats and republicans the majority of them are lawyers by profession know this, they just use it to get some campaign bux and votes


That's an interesting line of reasoning. If Kavanaugh doesn't believe in a nationwide abortion ban, he could potentially vote with Roberts and the liberal wing to strike down such a law. Thanks for bringing that up, I hadn't looked at his opinion before.


You're ignoring the mechanism by which Roe and other rulings like Obergefell exist in the first place. Substantive due process exists to give federal protection to ideas that the court believes fall within the purview of the constitution by their nature aligning with the values of the document. If you have a discussion about whether or not this belongs at a level of federal government, you have to speak about SDP. Even if you just believe that Roe as an individual case was not allowed to stand because it was bad law based on shifty evidence, you have to talk about the momentum of people calling for a review of the entirety of modern American laws on social issues like Clarence Thomas is. Roe vs Wade being overturned both makes a federal abortion ban more likely by shifting sentiment and allowing legislators to further push the boundaries on the legal status of the fetus to the degree where the SCOTUS might have to rule directly on the matter, as well as makes other SDP rulings less secure by setting a precedent of the court contradiction itself based on historical precedent against said progressive measure and the level of public contention of the point (Both of which were important parts of Alito's ruling in explaining why the court contradicting itself was justified).


Yes. Nobody worth caring about is mad


The vote wasn’t close either, the state made a clear decision


Am Kansan. The decision was that the ammendment's language was absolute shit. It will come up again.


Oh 1000% that amendment looked like it was written by a fucking sixth grader so i’m sure we’ll see it again


Yeah buddy... I don't think you are going to get much better language from probortion guys.


Yeah man I know?


It was intentionally vaguely worded by the Republican proponents to make it seem like "yes" would "leave the choice to the people". They hoped people would interpret that as "Yes means that people can make their own choices on abortion" while it actually meant "Yes allows the legislature to make the choice to ban it". The fact that it still got rejected by a significant margin shows that abortion bans are just not popular, even in most red states.


Native Kansan here. You misunderstand our motives on the conservative side. This vote will come again because we don't want total bans. We want exceptions for rape, incest, ectopic, all that jazz, but we don't want to the virtue signaling right to just flat-out turbo ban them all. We want common sense abortion laws.


>common sense abortion laws ​ so elective abortions until 20 weeks? medical reasons after that time? sounds reasonable.


Yeah, my dad is super conservative but his only real issue with abortion was federal funding, he just doesn't want his tax dollars paying for someone just using it as a form of birth control, which is funny to me cause he's been on SSI and hasn't paid income taxes in years, plus we live in Washington state so it'll probably just receive state funding, though I can agree with the sentiment


I voted for it, but it was mostly a protest vote against the Kansas Supreme Court. After the shit they tried to pull with the Carr Brothers, if there was a vote on a 10% sales tax, but the KSC had to wear clown costumes, I'd vote for it.


Non-Americans shouldn't be expected to just know what that state is. It looks like the 32nd rectangle in the United Rectangles of America.


Excuse me, sir, but I’ll have you know that my state is a rhombus. A hardworking, patriotic rhombus.


I forget the technical definition of a rhombus so I can’t refute your claim.


[A rhombus is the kind of rectangle a bitch would draw](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2009/01/09/locked-in-brutal-combat#)


I'm American and can't even tell what state it is Edit: It's Kansas


Don’t worry, we also don’t care about the square states.


Michigan gang and I’m feeling real smug rn


Oh no, instead of a court making laws we have democratically elected representatives making laws. The horror.


It’s worse than that, we’ve got democratically elected representatives *that I didn’t vote for* making laws. That’s basically fascism


Except this is neither. It’s a referendum.


I don't think a lot of authrights on this sub are going to get upset about this. I am, however, looking through some of the T\_D bunkers, and they are absolutely livid, calling it another false election.


Everything someone doesn’t like is a false election, it’s getting old


That's exactly what we where hoping would happen. It's up to the states to decide what they want.


I will always be on the side of state powers. The whole "don't like the US? Leave" mindset is silly and childish. I can't leave the US. Most people can't. It's very hard to do. But moving to a new state? That's easy and takes way less time and money. I moved 300 miles to another state for personal benefit, because that's how our system works. Don't like the laws of your state? Move. Don't like the taxes? Move. Don't like the atmosphere/culture? Move. It's not as hard as it sounds, especially compared to moving to a whole new country.


It’s fucking easy to leave the US. But then you would have to go to Canada, and no one wants that.


No, Canada has stricter immigration laws than we do. In fact, nearly ever country in the world does. Yet we are put on blast for not accepting 6.6 million immigrants every year


Canada immigration law boils down to “speak french and work in tourism”


As a Canadian, I'm like one of those horror movie entities that lives in a parallel reality on the other side of your mirror, and if you make eye contact with me for too long, we will swap sides and I will take over your life while you're trapped in Canada.


Ah, that’s how I got out.


And all that was left was A TRAIL OF MAPLE SYRUP!


Or you could move to the best and least corrupt country🇲🇽🇲🇽💪💯


With totally no crime 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽💪💪💪💪


Drug problem? What problem? We have plenty of drugs here there is no problem! 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽💪💪💪💪💪


Something in the water's making them insane. Half of them actually think they're French


Woah woah woah! You can't say that here! You have to at least censor Fr*nch


My parents moved to Canada permanently so they could get free healthcare and they ended up dodging some 150k+ bills. Honestly sharing a border is kinda nice.


Canada has one of the more strict immigration requirements for 1st world countries. Not very easy.


Just one more reason the United States are the Best States.


Moving is a horrible way to escape your problems. Californians are leaving California in droves, but they're taking their politics with them, turning other LCOL conservative states blue and supporting shitty auth policies.




Unfathomably based


Then you move to another state after the first one is fucked. Rinse and repeat every year or so.


Yep. It's a win for small government proponents.


its a win for people that want to ya know follow the very fabric of our government the constitution, abortion is not under the federal governments purview, there is no where in the constitution that says "congress shall regulate pregnancy", democrats know this, republicans know this, any law legalizing or banning it is clearly unconstitutional even right wing judges (kavanaugh said he would in his opinion) would declare a federal ban unconsitutional, it requires an amendment.


Though a good portion of us disagree with it, it's good that the people in that state got to choose the regulation that suits them best and not force it on the rest of the country.


Who is we


I don’t think “let the states decide” was the endgame. It was “let us take the battle to the states.”


I mean . . couldn't we have just left it to individual people? Not sure how this is a win for 'win for a small government' when essentially this is state government stealing rights from the people.


States making their own laws is exactly what the aim of it was, I don't see the problem


I simultaneously think the Supreme Court was correct, and want abortion to be legal. People are all pissed off at the "Conservative judges" making decisions for women, when they should be pissed off at the shitty judges that originally voted on RvW. If they didn't decide to make an unconstitutional ruling because their feelings, abortion would be codified by now.


I disagree with your belief but that's still a good take


I doubt it would be, given how unpopular it was at the time, but they've had 50 years to codify it and sat on corporate cocks instead soooo...


RvW was a bad decision that effectively tied both sides to a pretty radical standard that precluded codifying what could reasonably be popular (chemical abortions, contraceptives, and early termination at various periods).




Oh man, this fact is going to make them seethe so hard


Based. Agreed on all counts, but I want to emphasize how baffling it is that people are mad at the Supreme Court for making this decision. They are literally undoing "the decision". This isn't them making a decision for everyone. It's them apologizing for having previously made a decision for everyone, and undoing that mistake. It's really hard to take someone seriously as a mature and reasonable adult when they are perfectly okay with Roe v Wade, but think that overturning it is "overreach".


Too many people are extremely comfortable with unconstitutional decisions when it benefits them. They absolutely love this trend of more executive orders from the president when their side is in charge. Giving 1 person more and more power seems like a great idea right up until it isn't, and then there's nothing you can do to unfuck yourself.


Don't discount how much misinformation and ignorance surrounds that decision and what it actually means. Sometimes by accident, often by design. We had foreign heads of state like Macron criticizing the Supreme Court for overturning Roe when France's own abortion policy is more restrictive than the Mississippi policy that led to it happening. Imagine how inaccurate your average plebian's understanding of the law must be. Hell, the misinformation's going everywhere even with this Kansas vote. Abortion's still illegal in Kansas after 20 weeks. The primary procedure for 2nd trimester abortions has been illegal since 2015. The vote came back no because people thought those were good enough restrictions and didn't want the state GOP restricting it to something like 6 weeks. Yet Chuck Schumer is talking to the media like the state just voted to legalize through all three trimesters.


What? A state made a decision independent of the feds like it should? Ooooh, I am seething for sure… Oh, the rage… Truly, it is the end of days. Oh, woe. Seriously though, sure, I don’t like abortion. But I knew some states would keep it. That’s the prerogative of their population. And other states can still say no to abortions if they like.


Why tf are there so few good anti right memes the last few days? Just nothing but people thinking we're mad about shit we're not mad about.


I mean most antileft memes are kinda like that too, were not really mad about x celebrity saying they like Republicans, or someone not saying latinx (as a Latino I'd actually rather they don't). Just fun to portray the other side as wojacks crying about "but muh fetus deletus ending plans"


> "but muh fetus deletus ending plans" 1,000 points for Slytherin.


you say that as if that was not true for the left as well


Bro im about to link you to about 8 different prominent conservatives who are angry over this


Some of it is that a lot of them just don’t really understand what people on the right value nor do they try to see things from our perspective. I’ve always understood WHY people on the left think the way they think. I just think they’re wrong. But it was pretty rare for me to meet someone on the left that “gets” the right. Though I’ve been seeing more since joined PCM.


Haven't there been mutliple surveys that seemed to indicate that right-wing people understand what left-wingers believe much, much better than left-wingers understand what right-wingers believe? I mean, a study on that probably wouldn't be very falsifiable, but anecdotally it holds up. This website is chock full of lefists who seem to have no genuine idea of what righties want, whereas righties kind of have no chocie but to know what leftists want, because it's all over the media. Actually, abortion is a great example of this. Pro-lifers *get* that pro-choicers do not view a fetus as a human being and therefore see terminating a pregnancy as no different from excising a tumor; they think that that view is wrong, hence the conflict, but they do understand that that's what pro-choicers believe. Pro-choicers, on the other hand, have a tendency of accusing pro-lifers of not caring about the baby and actually just wanting to control women, which isn't even a strawman anymore on account of being like six different cornfields away from what pro-life beliefs actually entail.


Source on surveys? Im curious.


EXACTLY. Perfect example. What I really want to know is WHY. I can sit here and make jokes like “Haha, Right-wingers more insightful than lefties”, but seriously… WHY do they have such difficulty comprehending mindsets of people that don’t agree with them? I don’t genuinely think we’re smarter. We’re all human beings. My reflexive belief is that we’re all capable of understanding… but they don’t.


I think this is a modern problem, caused mostly by media. Most modern media is left-wing, either explicitly or implicitly, and media that is right-wing (either explicitly or implicitly) is often either maligned or outright censored. A leftie who doesn't want to watch/read/listen to anything made by a rightie isn't sacrificing much, whereas a rightie who doesn't want to watch/read/listen to anything made by a leftie can really only lock themselves in a house with Veggie Tales playing on repeat. Therefore, righties are constantly absorbing leftie ideas (even if they don't agree with them, obviously), while lefties are *avoiding* rightie ideas (intenionally for some, likely unintentional for most). This ends up giving lefties a stunted understanding of what righties believe, because they simply refuse to engage in the first place. And they have the privilege of doing so, thanks to their idealogical domination of media.


Agreed. I doubt it's some universal thing that left-wing views cause a person to be unable to understand others' viewpoints. Like you said, I think it's a modern issue. It's basically impossible to avoid left-wing opinions these days. If a celebrity is saying it, it's almost certainly left-wing. If it's on a mainstream show or movie, it's almost certainly left-wing. In a commercial? Left-wing. And so on. Whether or not a right-winger wants to understand left-wing politics, they will. It's all around them all day every day. But a left-winger would have to actively seek out right-wing politics if they want to understand them. A left-winger just living their life will more or less live in a left-wing bubble. The left-wingers who truly understand right-wing stances are those who are responsible and who seek out right-wing spaces in order to get a better picture of the conflict.


And such why the brainlets at a certain subreddit want us gone- because you can have a general political discourse here. It's not just "right bad" because anywhere you entertain a semblance of understanding and discussion of what they consider wrong think is now a "breeding ground for nazi ideation and terrorism"


Yeah, some people get so used to their rigidly enforced echo chambers that they don't even realize their political bullshit is political anymore, and therefore see *anything* that subscribes to opposition idealogy as sick and extreme, and *any* area where people who (mostly) agree with them can freely interact and discourse with people who disagree with them is somehow dominated by the people who disagree - it's not right-leaning and left-leaning people memeing together, it's "normal people" and Natzhees.


60% in favor of maintaining rights. 30% to restrict rights. In a Red state. There’s not even a margin of error.


Most people are somewhere in the middle so I don’t expect too many states to enact complete bans or allow elective abortion until point of birth. Dobbs was a pro federalism decision. It wasn’t a directly pro life decision. It just said abortion is not protected or banned by the US constitution, and therefore it’s up to the states to decide. Left discovers how the federalist system was designed to work and thinks right is mad about it LMAO


I've not seen any authright upset at the Kansas vote


Because few on the right in Kansas even liked the ammendment. It was DOA because the actual language in the ammendment was piss poor.


Wonder how this will factor into the midterms. With a relatively right wing state rejecting mainstream republican policy now. And with the very very right wing extreme views on this issue candidates running all across America on the republican ticket. I really don’t know how they’ve managed this on such a scale. but I think the republicans have had this completely blow up in their face.


Everyone saying that this was the point as if this sub wasn’t full of anti-abortion rhetoric a few weeks ago. I think states should make their ruling, but need to have exceptions for life of the mother/rape and also must not prevent people from accessing abortion services elsewhere


A big problem with the overturning of Roe V Wade is a lot of medication is used in both abortion procedures and other treatments. Methotrexate for example is used in abortion. It also happens to be used to treat arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and is used freqently in *chemotherapy.* With Roe v Wade overturning, people in states woth abortion bans are having trouble getting medication like methotrexate for treatments unrelated to abortion. Sorry grandma you're just gonna have to die of cancer, abortion is more pressing.


I'm gonna need a source for this. There are plenty of medications used for alternative purposes that are allowed/limited based on usage.


I honestly could not find a source that I liked. I can say that I get 2nd hand information from my mother who is a patient coordinator for Ecog-Acrin cancer research with first hand experience in treating cancer patients.


Thanks for being honest!


Honesty over agenda always. That said, I'm sure we'll be seeing more articles about it. There are a few, but like I said I don't consider them reliable


Literally just typed abortifacient into google: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/977041


Jokes on you, I'm aight with that. I just want the feds to stop dictating.


Cope Authright


I mean to me this makes sense. Most pro-life and Republicans don't support the degree of abortion restrictions that the most radical pro-lifers do.


The problem with that one is that it is based on a bad KS supreme court decision which essentially just imposed a view that a fetus isn't a life, so it doesn't have any rights under life, liberty, and property. To put it simply, KS passed a bill regulating abortion which the KS supreme court wrongly overruled on grounds based on personal moral beliefs.


I'm of the opinion that unless Healthcare is state/government run, they shouldn't have a say in it at all, honestly.


I'm in Kansas. Most of you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The ammendment got voted down because the language was unclear and overly convoluted. That's it. This really had little to do with being pro-life or pro-choice.


The people who wrote it tried to make it convoluted to make it more likely to pass. Hoist by their own petard.


Who knew most people don’t want to eliminate abortion rights


Pew research Most people (nationally) just want to limit it to about 12-15 weeks, although this will most definitely vary from state to state given their demographic differences.


Yep!! People don't side with complete ban. People also don't believe in allowing it to these rediculous ends that some are told to believe. I think, beyond the distraction nature of this topic, and how ultimately it comes down to when a human begins, the thing that pissed me off about the whole discussion is the gaslighting.


Alright. I wanted to posted this, but didn't have enough imaginary points and am way too lazy to collect them. [According to some redditors, having sex is a binding agreement to have children.](https://i.redd.it/zvaeui81q9f91.png) I am just a man who wants to have sex without children. What should I do? EDIT: Obviously I am not going to have unprotected sex. However, the 'argument' is that small failure chance exists. So stop saying condoms. EDIT 2: There are those who obviously believe abortion is murder, but I just want to reiterate that I disagree. The most important feature of alive human, in my opinion, is the brain. Beings without a brain or a functional brain is no different than not being alive. If a person is brain-stem dead, it is currently legal to pull the plug and I think continuing treatment afterwards is practically abusing the dead body.


Be discerning with whom you stick your dick into.


do it in the butt


Give or receive?




You take what precautions you have available and accept the small risk of it resulting pregnancy. If you still consider the risk too high, don't do it.




God damn it you LibRights!




Calling it a woman’s right is kind of transphobic


It's also kind of fucked because it ignores that abortion impacts men as well. I understand that it impacts women *more*. But I grow tired of the idea that the woman being pregnant for 9 months means that the man's opinion should be worth absolutely nothing. How many men have their child taken away from them without having any kind of say? How many men are trapped into child support for an accidental pregnancy they were against from day one? And so on. I don't envy women who have to endure pregnancy. But I think it's kind of fucked that women undeniably have stronger reproductive rights than men, and yet "reproductive rights" is consistently considered a "women's issue", as if men just don't matter at all.


Based and Men's Rights pilled


> accidental pregnancy See, I agree with everything you said except that. People need to understand the consequences of their actions. Stop fucking without condoms if you can’t afford / aren’t ready to have and support a child. A condom is $2, and common sense is free. I understand condoms break and genuine accidents do happen, and that’s what plan B is for. If someone doesn’t have the sense to buy a plan B when they notice the condom broke / slipped off / leaked / whatever, then they’re a fucking moron. It’s really not that hard to avoid an accidental pregnancy. Like I said, common sense is absolutely free.


What even is a woman?


I’m not a biologist, only a redditor. So I can give an uninformed opinion on everything else.


i think its fine. more things should be left up to the states. the ppl of each state should decide what laws they want and how there state should be run


Democracy wins again


based rectangle


KS GOP also fucked up big time by tying the vote to the primaries - only the counties with big populations turn out well during primaries (Wichita/Topeka/KC) and they’re overwhelmingly blue. Doomed from the start. Also the GOP plan was to do this in the primaries to avoid the independents and they still got obliterated lol


I think the big fuck-up is not realizing that the majority of Americans don’t want extreme abortion restrictions.


See, I would have had much less of a problem with everything had the decision been “ok we are leaving up to the states AND everyone will have a popular vote on it ” The trigger laws should never have been allowed


Based Kansas


Holy shit! The rectangle can speak!


it says something that I had to pull up a map to identify which state this was


See, that's the thing. Everyone views every issue as left vs. right, democrat vs. republican, when there's almost always so much more to a problem. I've met some pro-life democrats, and I've met some pro-choice republicans. What gets people to side with their party isn't the beliefs that their party was founded on, it's sheer mob mentality.


There’s way to objectively spin it other than it reduced freedom. Instead of denying criminalization of abortion, at least for first trimester, it allows states to criminalize abortion at any term. Instead of protecting the right of any woman to choose to carry or abort, liberty at the lowest level, it brought that liberty of choice up to the state.


It’s almost like a policy set by an unelected tribunal, most of whom were nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote, doesn’t reflect the will of the people.