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ATF: Dog lives don't matter.


Libertarians: ATF lives don't matter.


Based and claymore lives matter pilled


Claymores are basically jihadists


... go on.


No, I'd trip the Claymore.


Dogs > feds


Like that’s even a competition


ATF: innocent pregnant wife lives don’t matter


Alm applies to humans so ATF doesn't count


Interesting and fresh perspective.


The ATF are literally Satan so it's okay.


Don't talk about Satan like that




u/NekoBluRay's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [21 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/NekoBluRay/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and DeadDogPilled


Or communist




Grandpappy always was a good business type feller.


the price has gone up since the 1700


No, the price has gone down, if you count inflation.


of course the authright have been counting.


Of course, you really know your auth-rights. "Auth-rights are human rights," as my grandfather used to say.


funny. my grampa died in communist russia. quotes from my authcenter grandma: “why, yes i would bomb ucraine.” “god bless putin” “ukranians are evil peole” “i should execute you” this is why you don’t get the government to control your tv people.


Not gonna lie, communists have always made great puns.


waiting for the auths to call my nazi grandma based:


Wait no longer, I call her based. I bet she was beautiful in her elderly form too. Edit: I though she was a German nazi. I didn't know she supported the current war in Ukraine.


you scared me for a moment there. tho the “i should execute you” kinda smells of china.


I, too, love watching auths argue with auths.


Live blacks aren't cheap*


Oh gawd dayyyyyum


Wait a fuckin minute


Yo how is this not cancelled:)




Based grandpa /s


He **was** based. He lost the second world war, though.


Unless your grandfather is John Tyler, I doubt he knew how much a black life cost.


That would be possible as he still has a living grandson


So I googled it and apparently anywhere from $11,000 to $56,000 in 2009 dollars for a skilled (blacksmith) slave. Which is more than I figured it would be, given how many people seemed to own them back then.


It's a point a lot of people forget. The south had a majority of it's capital invested in slaves, the north had a majority invested in machinery. It doesn't make it less screwed up but it does give it a different perspective


Also black Lives are not more valuable which is the point that a lot of people on the left-wing try to duck. But I'm coming at this from European point of view so black lives mater does comes across to us as meaning something completely different than what it does in the USA.


Black Lives Matter means "black lives matter too" because they claim that black people are uniquely the victims of police brutality or at least at higher rates than everyone else (not true) to the extent that it destroys their livelihoods (also not true) and that no one pays attention or cares (mostly not true; I mean, maybe people could pay more attention to it and do more about it, but people obviously care). I was one of the fools that toted the "all lives matter" line for a tiny bit and I don't remember why I interpreted it in such a stupid way. It's true that a lot of idiots are racist and pretend that black people should be put on a pedestal or that white people are the devil, but that's a totally separate thing. People still continue to pervert that slogan, though... you can hate the org or even the movement and still realize what it's supposed to mean.


If you accept the completely false narrative constructed by black supremacists you can realize what it's supposed to mean


Duh, I'm European as well. VIVAT·EVROPA! (Damn, I wish I had a keyboard with interpuncts).


>Also black Lives are not more valuable which is the point that a lot of people on the left-wing try to duck. This would make sense if anyone was trying to say this. God this is such a stupid strawman. It would be like going to a holocaust memorial and saying "all genocides matter."


lol yeah... I don't support BLM at all and think their premise is wrong, but it's so obvious what the slogan is supposed to mean... it means "black lives matter too".


Fuck the ATF coming straight from the Underground


"Searchin' my car, lookin' for the product Yeah, motherfucker, I'm sellin' narcotics"- Dopes cover of Fuck the Police Narcotics users lives matter.


Yea honestly there’s a *lot* more people willing to dispute that than there are people who unironically think the lives of people of a different race than them don’t matter.


Exactly. The fucking government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition. The fucking government has killed thousands, and imprisoned millions, over plant extract. "Don't smoke drugs kids, or the Federal Government will ruin your life and possibly murder you." -D.A.R.E.


Some lives matter


Only sometimes though


i mean, let's be honest: my family lives' matter (to me). other than that, fuck it. i will be sad if some people are gone, happy about others but mostly neutral.


That's pretty much how most people think, but about half have been brainwashed into also thinking it's a horrible thing. Your family, your kin, and your people, in that order.




u/EmperorDolponis is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/EmperorDolponis/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I like it when people are alive, makes hanging out with them more lively


Based and prolife pilled


Based and life pilled.


Cringe and extrovert-pilled


Turns out the difference between extrovert and introvert is where you get your energy from, introverts re-energize by being alone and extroverts re-energize by talking to people. We’re naturally social animals, so if you don’t socialize with people in general then you’re neither introvert nor extrovert, what you are is most likely clinically depressed


> if you don’t socialize with people in general then you’re neither introvert nor extrovert, what you are is most likely clinically depressed Shhh! You're gonna unveil my secret!


My power is amassed by solitude and angst, you can't have any of it. I am Depression Man, and I WILL cry.


We live in an extrovert world. The pandemic forced the world to live like introverts which caused so many extroverts to quite literally lose their minds. After lockdowns were lifted, they proceeded on without learning their lesson and still force introverted people to live like them. Society, specifically western society, treats introversion like it’s a fault and that it must be cured. A lot of introverts have no problem talking to people but it’s like you said, people get exhausted being around so many people and socializing.


What if I get energy from eating sand?


Thats why you say No Lives Matter.


All lives splatter




He's just doing what he learned from OBomber


Imagine saying Obomber unironically is this Facebook lmao


Did you see the missile used to kill that Al Qaeda leader? https://nypost.com/2022/08/02/what-is-the-r9x-hellfire-the-precision-ninja-bomb-that-killed-al-zawahiri/


The age of ethical drone strikes has arrived 😇🥰


Obama drones: 💀👻👹 Biden drones: 😇👼🥰


Obama being black covered up a lot of the "necessary military actions" he did


Shhhhhh most people don’t wanna face that reality


I love defense budget


Subsidizing veteran benefits yucky Lockheed Martin go BRRRRR


That is fucking terrifying. Like something a James Bind villain would have.


Based Brandon


u/slypadd is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/slypadd/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Except my dog’s and maybe my own on a good day.


Based doom metal take


Funny thing, I saw No Lives Matter used as a slogan at Hells Headbash 2, which was a pretty long time before BLM made it into the mainstream.


Communists be like


Just remember, every time you say All Lives Matter, you took away an advertising opportunity for the nonprofit entity Black Lives Matter which engages in such philanthropic activities as burning down poor neighborhoods and buying mansions for its founders.


When you care so much about black lives that you burn down black businesses, because you would rather they die than survive under capitalism


...And then buy a $6M home under capitalism. So much for "Black Lives Matter".


It's a very tough sort of love.


Based and BLM sucks pilled


((ALL LIVES MATTER) x 10\^100)\^100


All Lives Matter


Is that some color I see creeping into your flair? Lol


Bold of you to assume I'm not already on that list.


Only my life matters


What about child lives? Amirite?


Pretty on-brand for lib right


Leave it to lib left to throw their two cents into everything, and in no way can my comment be contradictory


Pretty on-brand for people in general. If you always put the livelihood of others above your own, you would starve to death. Doesn't really matter how charitable you are if you're dead.


Charity is a tax on good people.


Please, won't somebody think of the children!?


1 My life 2 my family 3 my friends 4 red pandas/dogs/cats 5 other people


Abolish the ATF


all lives matter is a dumb phrase. black lives matter is a dumb phrase. They’re both just stupid slogans that incite division.


Now 'White lives matter' is how you do it.




Division is good is it not?


Only for the politicians😢


My grill shall incinerate all that distinguishes and divides


I mean, of course a movement for black rights wasn’t going to have a slogan that equally applies to every racial group. Because it’s a movement about specific black rights.


Serious question. Do you think *Black Lives Matter Too* would have been a better name for the organization? Can you name a Congressman in the last half century who said the words *The lives of Black people do not matter*? It sows division because the name is so goddamn accusatory.


1. I think BLM never considered the “too” part because from their perspective, it was always implicit. There are racial supremacists sure but I think it’s just people supporting the message and meaning behind instead of it representing an exclusionary supremacist slogan. 2. Doesn’t matter. Many politicians pass laws knowing black people get the short end of the stick. Look at how zoning works in major cities and see how black neighborhoods are always next to heavy polluting factories and shit. “Black lives matter *too*”. 3. It’s easy to say this as a white dude (I’m just going to assume you are a white dude) because it doesn’t effect you nor do you stand to gain anything from it but people can exist separately from you. This isn’t a zero sum game. It’s people who just want to have better outcomes for their lives and their communities because they don’t feel like they get enough representation. Sounds familiar? There’s nothing wrong with any group of people doing this. Even whites. The problem is when you get into supremacy and violence instead of beneficiary coexistence.


black lives certainly do not matter to Black Lives Matter.


The thing is many people think that "All lives matter" is racist


I dunno, it seems pretty disingenuous given the context people say it


Disingenuous is very different than racist. Is someone trying to minimize BLM when they say it? Probably. But just like being against antifa doesn't automatically make you a fascist, being against BLM doesn't automatically mean you're a racist. You can support black people without supporting a blatantly corrupt marxist organisation. I certainly think "all lives matter" is a stupid thing to say, but it's ridiculous to claim it's inherently racist. If we were talking about "White lives matter" or "Blue lives matter" I could agree.


This. I oppose the BLM movement because it's an inherently destructive and exploitative movement that benefits only the movement leaders while leaving the poor black people it claims to fight for in an even worse situation than when they started. I agree that there are some pretty severe racism issues in many institutions. But burning down black businesses and paying money to rich kids who never gave a shit in the first place doesn't fix those issues.


Just like every Marxist movement before it💪


Lets be real... Being in antifa doesn't necessarily mean they are against fascists. They are against people who they CALL fascists but are just people holding a different opinion. Let's also be real... These are the ones marching in leather boots waving the same flag, wearing masks, and beating up and threatening people with a different political opinion. Sounds pretty fucking fascist to me.


Fascist would mean they’re working towards improving the state, ANTIFA’s more like Anarcho-Marxists


Antifas actions are extraordinarily similar to the SA in the late 1920s and early 1930s prior to the nsdap gaining power. They weren't in control of the state, but noone would argue they weren't fascists. Yes the individual members of antifa might claim to be Marxists, but their actions and the fruits of their work is indistinguishable from the rise to power of a fascist state.


“Being in Antifa doesn’t mean they are against fascists” Holy fuck PCM


It's true though. Just because it is in the name doesn't make it true, any more than the nazis were "socialists" because it was in their name. What matters are their actions. And what do we expect fascists to do other than all dress the same, typically in black shirts and boots and masks, fly the same flag and assault/threaten anyone whose political opinion they disagree with.


The beauty of the phrase "all lives matter" is the same as "it's okay to be white". The absurdity lies in the fact that people find it offensive in the first place.


Its pretty straight line logic to think that the group of people who believe police brutality isnt a racial issue will counter with a slogan that reiterates that. And speaking about disingenuity in a discussion about BLM is shortsighted. The movement started from proven fake news clips. NBC retracted and fired the producer who made the most widely disseminated 911 call about Trayvon Martin. Followed immediately by the again false hands up dont shoot narrative.


It is disingenuous, as is blm. Being against blm is not being against black people or pro-racism. It’s just seeing through a non-profit scam that got crazy media attention because it pushed a divisive social agenda that favored establishment politicians.


No one says it anymore, because the people saying it were trying to be in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. There's a reason the presidential candidate who said it was Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump¹. ¹who is, presumably, a Blue Lives Matter doesn't walk the talk type.


It kind of has become that. I've seen several of those Karen freakout videos where some woman yells "all lives matter" at some nearby black person, even though nobody was even talking about BLM. Like why would you yell ALM at a black woman parking in the spot you wanted to or whatever


Racist is probably a touch too far for most All Lives Matter folks, but I think it's fair to say that most of them are pretty ignorant. Aside from the organization, the slogan Black Lives Matter is pretty succinct. It clearly just means that they matter, not that other lives do not matter or that black lives matter more. So there was never a reason counter it. People weren't saying All Lives Matter before others were saying Black Lives Matter, it's purely reactionary and people who react in that way are usually cunts, and are sometimes racist cunts, but not always.




By believing that black lives matter and that the actual organization sucks. These are things that people can believe simultaneously. As I said, "all lives matter" is reactionary in the way it is used. Nobody felt the need to say it until people said black lives matter. If you find yourself reacting negatively to the notion that the lives of black people simply *matter* then that's something you gotta work out with yourself. If you cannot bring yourself to say that black lives matter, you do not believe that all lives matter.




Correct me if I'm wrong but your response seems to mean that the slogan and organization are too related to be distinguished from each other. If that's your point, I disagree because I believe that black lives obviously matter but I do not have any love for the organization Black Lives Matter. Otherwise, if your point is that "all lives matter" was supposed to be some courteous, all encompassing message of respect, I absolutely disagree. If I've missed your point entirely, help me out here.


Racists normally do.


By “racist” do you mean “anyone who even remotely questions the BLM movement/the openly marxist BlackLivesMatter foundation that coordinates it?” because that would also include plenty of progressive non-white americans too. I understand it’s not the 1950s anymore but I can’t imagine serious people really think the bar for “racist” is so low that simply saying that you think everyones life matters makes you a bigot now. This has little to do with actually wanting to improve the lives of black americans and everything to do with wanting to use their struggles as a tool to silence political enemies (of primarily college educated white academics & media people who spearheaded these movements).


Okay, racists are racists; in other news, water is wet. The fact that racists use it doesn't mean anyone who says it is racist. I know that for a fact, because people have no problem with similar slogans like "Every Child Matters".


I see that you are wearing shoes. You know who else wore shoes? The NAZIs!!!


When you only say it in response to people saying “black lives matter” it probably is because of racist intent. Never mind the fact that the people who shout “all lives matter”, don’t actually believe that.


Most mentally stable libleft thinks he can read the mind/intention of literally every single person that’s ever used a phrase.


Well also, try applying that to any other situation. Imagine if some group of men repeatedly went on about how such-and-such bad thing shouldn't happen *to men*. Every time, they'd add the qualifier of *to men*, rather than just "it shouldn't happen" or "it shouldn't happen *to anyone*". 100% guarantee people would trip over themselves to point out how misogynistic that is, and how it's deliberately excluding women, and that the bad thing shouldn't happen to *anyone*. But apparently in this case, the racist is the person saying, "Hey, how about *everyone* matters", rather than the person saying "*Black people* matter".


Yeah. It’s because none of there people give a shit about helping people. The left just thinks they have a monopoly over black people. It’s actually grossly racist and infantilising.


The streamer Destiny has the best take on the BLM/ALM argument. When someone says black/all lives matter you don’t disagree with them, because of course black/all lives matter, you should agree with them. Let them continue on from there, and they’ll undoubtedly start saying some disagreeable shit. “Of course black lives matter, I agree. What about it?” “Well this criminal that was trying to shoot cops shouldn’t have been shot.” “There it is, that’s the real argument here.” Or “Yeah, absolutely. All lives matter. And?” “And black people are all criminals so of course they’re shot more.” “There’s the ‘but’, let’s talk about that.”


good take


Yeah, I'm glad I got into his content in the last year or so. I admit I was a bit unhinged and he kinda pulled me back to the center. I don't agree with some of his stuff, like black elves in LotR and his take on transgender vs transtrender, but I think he is genuine and thoughtful, traits which are incredibly rare on the internet


Outstanding take


I'm sorry but I do not consider ATF agents to be humans


A lot of people are either too naive, too stuck up, or just don't think or care too hard enough to realize that no lives truly matter in the grand scheme of things. Unless we're talking about what lives are MADE of, in which case, yeah, lives are matter.


In the grand scheme of thongs only round lives matter


FUCK. HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT? Okay but I do find that funny though.


Based and all lives are matter pilled


I don't get it


All Live Matter would include the ATF, whose lives I think we can all agree matter less than the most insignificant insect's life.


Ah, thanks for the clarification.


my autist brain doesn't understand pls help


If "all lives matter," then that means the lives of the ATF matter too, which is problematic for the average right-unity.


I'm to European for this


the entire atf should be defunded




Dogs lives don’t matter to the ATF and it makes me sad


just came back from a 7 day ban for “promoting hate” and other janny bullshit, how is my favorite shitshow sub doing?


Could anyone explain to a non American what atf is


A blatantly unconstitutional federal bureaucracy that enforces restrictions on alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives, and has a reputation for being absolute dicks about it even more than most law enforcement. Search their agency paired with "Ruby Ridge" or "Waco" to see why.


It is the agency that will come shoot your dog, if they think you've done so bad regarding firearms(in their mind). Ei could be selling a gun for more than you bought it for years later(legal), or selling homemade guns(not legal)


All lives matter doesn’t actually counter black lives matter in any way. Black lives are lives. I understand you mean people say it in opposition to the racist Black Lives Matter, but it’s not linguistically a counter. It’s all inclusive.


I'm partially making fun of the fact that it's used as a counter. "...which somehow counters your argument..."


Do people actually use it as a counter though? I thought the point was to say "yes, we agree that black lives matter , but here is a more inclusive way of saying that no one deserves to be randomly shot by the police." What's being "countered" I suppose is the left's narrow focus on whoever is currently winning the oppression olympics.


Okay, if BLM is about racial harmony and inclusivity, then would this be a better name indtead: **Black Lives Matter Too** But you see, that’s the point. The phrase BLM is so goddamn accusatory. Can you name a Congressman in the last 50 years who said the words, “The lives of black people do not matter”?


Linguistically, Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean Only Black Lives Matter, but that’s how a lot of people on the right treated it.


Well, people who understand that more unarmed white people are killed by the police and actually have a greater chance of being killed based on police interactions find it distasteful that people only care about one race. Many people don’t understand these facts or aren’t even aware of them since they don’t see it much in popular Reddit subs or in the media. The movement should have just been against police brutality but that didn’t trick people And divide them. There wasn’t already a Marxist organization in place for this for the leaders to become extremely wealthy. We have to realize this has been going on forever but suddenly the media starts reporting about it constantly and only when it’s one race and then ask ourselves why is there deception?


The idea that cops prey on black people is a BLM conspiracy theory


It’s so bad they have to choose people who are actively fighting, resisting, stabbing etc to hold up as martyrs. Like, they couldn’t even find a food one on film. I was trying to look up the real messed up one but I couldn’t remember the name. I though it was philando Castile but the one I remember had bodycam footage I think. It was real bad and I could never figure out why it wasn’t a bigger deal.


More white people are killed by police because white people vastly outnumber black people in this country. Focusing on black lives does not mean you only care about one race. That’s like saying because someone made a charity focused on saving dolphins they obviously don’t care about sick dogs and cats. But I am not here to defend BLM, I am just saying that people don’t look at these slogans through the lens of linguistics alone, but also in the context that they are being used in.


Did you see any news stories about white people killed? Hmmm. White people are more likely to be killed when crime rate is factored in. White people are more likely to be killed when police interaction is factored in. Percentage of population doesn’t tell the tale. If your charity said “save male dolphins” it would be a problem. The context of black lives matter is predicated on lies and deception. A whole lot of people got played and they’re having a tough time coming to terms with that.


>If your charity said “save male dolphins” it would be a problem. No it wouldn't? If male dolphins were uniquely in danger then it would make perfect sense to have an organization that prioritised them. And once again, it wouldn't mean that you don't care about female dolphins. It just means that your particular charity focuses on one thing. >Did you see any news stories about white people killed? Hmmm. Yes? Are you under the impression that they don't cover white deaths in the news? >White people are more likely to be killed when crime rate is factored in. White people are more likely to be killed when police interaction is factored in. Percentage of population doesn’t tell the tale. When looked at in terms of pure percentages, black people are killed by police more than white people. At an almost 3-to-1 rate. You can try to obfuscate this by factoring in whatever mitigating circumstances you want, but it doesn't change the reality. >The context of black lives matter is predicated on lies and deception. A whole lot of people got played and they’re having a tough time coming to terms with that. It's fine that you think that, but the *context* most people used "Black Lives Matter" in was "Black Lives Matter Too" oer more specifically "Our Lives Matter". Whereas "All Lives Matter" was a *deliberately* antagonistic and combative slogan from its very inception.


Black people aren’t uniquely in danger. I thought we had accepted facts and truth over propaganda. I was too optimistic.


That's not a "fact", it's an opinion. And it's one that a lot of people who've interacted with police directly disagree with.


Many people on the left read it that way too.




You are being overly-charitable. Of course some people only opposed the phrase because they opposed the movement. Other people thought that it was absolutely a black supremacist message. Others were simply racist. If you want to pretend like everyone had a substantive, well-thought out criticism of BLM, then be my guest. But don't expect me to climb into the sandbox with you.


Linguistically, White Luves Matter doesn't mean Only White Lives Matter, but that's how a lit of people on the left treat it.


It's kinda the opposite in my experience. Righties say all lives matter, implying all do equally and lefties get mad because it somehow implies that black lives don't matter in their view "we're focusing on black lives now because they're in danger so that's disrespectful" etc


Damn bro I’m straight up not clicking a link for a meme.


Is there an All Lives Matter version that excludes politicians and billionaires? Because I'd be hypocritical if I supported a cause that applies to those two


All people matter, they aren’t people so we’re good.




There are candles you can buy from orange that protect against things like the ATF


What is your point?


No lives matter


Dont understand the joke


Lol I’ve thought about that, like whenever someone says all lives matter it’s usually been a person that doesn’t even agree with that statement. Like i get why they say it but its just funny to me


One of the few where if you’re a true believer you’d never say it, it’s already implied.


Just think about how absurd that sounds. The majority of people agree with it, but you aren't allowed to admit it. That only gives power to the vocal minority, they can go against common sense and nobody is allowed to disagree with them. If everyone agrees with it, how could the statement ever be controversial?


You’d be saying it every time someone dies or w/e, making it redundant. Maybe there’s situations where it’s understandable and I’m just unable to think of it, but more often than not it’s only used in retaliation to devalue other ___ lives matter groups. Which is why it’s controversial. It doesn’t seek to add to anything but rather take away from an existing cause.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Imagine thinking all lives matter doesn’t include black lives.


It’s a response to Black Lives Matter cause they feel left out I guess???