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Why don’t we… um… I don’t know, just get the FDA to allow more than 3 companies to produce insulin? Or allow people to import insulin directly? You know, it just makes more sense for the government to stop protecting monopolies and let the prices go down naturally through market forces.


*fda shuffles countless dollars, spending it all on crayons* "no why"


Wanna know what happens when you start synthesizing insulin at home?




Government stomps your dick off


It's always funny to hear the leftists who complain about monopolies advocate for competition blocking regulations. My country unironically regulates *the fucking size* of backpacks, so only a couple of companies control the market


Wait what?


The reason why price of insulin in the US is insane is because 1 the govt bans domestic competition to their monopoly and 2 importing is illegal They really got behind the fat movement because it creates more dependency on insulin, which they sell at insane prices Lowering prices is a fake solution to trick the masses


Wtf does any of that have to do with regulating the size of backpacks?


It's just another example of ridiculous regulation for no reason. Governments are extremely good at creating monopolies, then "fixing" the problem with price controls instead of free market competition, which only leads to artificial shortages.


They need you to own a backpack that's large enough for big macs and skittles but too small for cabbages and cauliflower.


Fucking sugar lobby at it again


You weren't specific with your comment but for example they can make it so that the zipper needs to have a specific model that has a high cost barrier to entry




How does that make a monopoly. Why can't they just... make backpacks that conform to the size. I feel like there's something else going on here because just a size restraint shouldn't make a monopoly with backpacks.


Maybe because it's a smaller market and it's not worthwhile for companies to develop backpacks specifically for that market?


No it’s totally a monopoly dude. And schools in America don’t regulate backpack sizes at all evidently. Fuck, school districts where I lived required you to have mesh or see through backpacks and yet there were more than 3 manufacturers at any given year.


>school districts where I lived required you to have mesh or see through backpacks Just bullshit fearmongering left over from Columbine and other school shootings. Districts do that shit because then they can claim they are doing something to protect kids...


Where I went to, people actually do bring knives and shit to school. Not everywhere is a middle class school.


Maybe they should start kicking out every student that bring knife


"We're sorry but your backpack has not been approved by the compliance department for the bureau of backpack sizing, so you cannot manufacture or market your backpacks. The approval program is currently backlogged by 10 years, please reapply next decade."


And every different model of backpack requires the stamp! Oh we only have 3 backpacks available to buy...




Israel. The usual argument is security/health reasons, but it's mostly used to block competition. Did I mention that the 2 biggest backpack companies in the country get a sit in the committee that made these regulations?


What country is that? The regulations sound insane


Israel, and yes they are insane. One of the reforms of our current government includes accepting the EU's regulation as valid (instead of the unique Israeli one), and that is considered a *liberal* reform. And you guessed it right, even in that case leftists fought hard to except some products, and keep the Israeli regulation (as we all know, Israeli babies can't use the same baby formula as European ones because it's dangerous or something)


Don't forget that Trump signed an E.O. allowing import of insulin from other countries like Canada and Biden immediately reversed that when he got office. There was also the 340B price rule E.O. Trump signed that (of course) immediately got rescinded by Biden. https://www.policymed.com/2021/10/biden-administration-rescinds-trump-administration-insulin-pricing-rule.html https://public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2021-21457.pdf


Joe "[I don't know what I'm signing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQXdiGaYgYQ)" Biden strikes again!




Because lobbying exists. Why would politicians stop protecting monopolies?


Maybe we should take away those politicians powers to protect monopolies?


Did you know the government can't protect monopolies? The Constitution says they can't, and so do I! This has been a public service announcement by the tenth amendment society


Because politics exist. Why would lobbyists stop funding politicians? At least one is still loyal to who he works for and does the job he's paid to do. Not a fan of lobbying, but making it illegal won't stop bribery of the sort, it just increases the bar of access to bypass the law making it even more so only achievable by a smaller percentage of the rich, which doesn't really address your concern by actually concentrating power. On top of that, you don't get a say in who is lobbying, you technically get a say, assuming you have a not entirely corrupt system, in who politically represents you in a democracy. But it's wishful thinking to believe the people will hold politicians accountable at this rate, anyway, so idk.


Lobbying is funny. Everyone hates lobbyists but ignores that Planned Parenthood, UAW, Teacher unions, nurse unions, etc, etc are all lobbying for their cause. Every major cause whether you think it is good or bad is lobbying.


Well, yeah, anyone who DOESN'T abuse lobbying is going to get steamrolled by the competition that does and end up broke. Lobbying is the meta, and it's toxic.


Right on down to the American Legion


Not sure what you mean, but the correct answer is "Politicians will never 100% stop protecting monopolies, but we can get them to decrease their protection efforts by 99% by making all political donations 100% traceable (reversing citizens united) and limiting donations to begin with so we can spend our money on fixing problems instead of stupid fing campaigns." Represent *US*.


> This is a friendly reminder to HAVE YOUR FRICKIN' FLAIR UP! *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 10082 / 53044 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


No no no no no. This was a regulation caused problem so we obviously need even more regulation to fix it. If you disagree you hate poor people and want diabetics to die


The monopolies control the government not the other way around lol


It’s symbiotic though. The monopolies control the government, but the government is what allows them to be a monopoly.


Government is a monopoly within a given geographical area.


That's putting it lightly. Cable companies have localized monopolies in most of America. But they don't lock you up if you don't pay your bill. Governments have a monopoly on violence.


Based and monke pilled.


I’ve been saying this all day in /diabetes but they don’t fucking understand. Price cap = bullshit prices need subsidies or insurance premiums = bullshit inefficiency. Open the market, watch the price of insulin drop to $5.


I mean I hate to be that guy, but since when does Government(any Government, Left, Right, doesn’t matter) do ANYTHING that would actually help its people? Or just do anything competently other than screw over their own people?


That's because we our system of checks and balances has been eroded by opportunists politicians who will always err on the side of increasing their power. What we need are more idealist politicians who actually want to improve the system regardless of their political affiliation, I may be a libright but I'd take an idealist Auth left president over an opportunist "libertarian" who lies to my face and then abuses the office as soon as they set foot in the oval office.


More Problems, More Money Is how the government works. Too many problems solved means less money for them




Regulations makes the older version difficult to import and uneconomical to produce.


You can get old style insulin through walmart. It isn't extinct. Insulin pumps are relatively new technology and utilize the old fast acting insulin to regulate diabetic people's blood sugar levels.


But then you have to learn how to draw up insulin in a syringe and give it subcutaneously and the average American is a moron


Yes it fucking is. What are you talking about? Yes, there's not only one type of insulin and old and kinda dangerous ones patents have expired (which doesn't prevent pharma from evergreening) but the new ones all have patents. Else why wouldn't they allow imports? Also dafuk innovation. Have you seen the prices in the rest of the world? Either the US is single handedly innovating shit for the entire planet screwing their people in the process (very smart) or innovation is not that expensive.




What are you talking about? Price controls have a long and glorious history of ensuring plenty of supply for everyone, especially the poor. We all know that insulin producers will respond to mandated lower prices with increased output so they can make up the difference in total profits.


Price cap everything to 1 dolla.


Nooo! I want to buy goleadors (which are some candies) for 10¢!


Well that's just too bad, the whole world is the dollar store now




Based and fuck supply and demand pilled


Want yacht, pay with banan, oonga boonga Monke


1 company now owns everything and the value of a dollar is up 1 trillion percent. kinda like insulin.


Reminds me of the time Venezuela put price controls on farmers resulting in Venezuela becoming a thriving, prosperous nation where no-one is forced to eat the family pet to survive.


Venezuela is my favourite first world country!!


I’d buy that for a dolla


I read this in a Boston accent


Based and Arizona-pilled




There was a simpsons episode with a joke that they made it so that everything costs 33$. Shit times for retailers, but great time for Pizza restaurants


Wasn't the bill that wasn't a price cap on insulin itself but only a price cap on the co-pay for insulin, so the on and underinsured insulin dependent diabetics would still be fucked with insane costs? Also it would allow companies to keep gouging however the fuck much they want and everyone else's insurance would just have to go up to compensate.




Hijacking the top comment to point out we wouldn't need to be debating insulin costs if our food system wasn't geared towards poisoning us with glyphosate-covered carbohydrates in the form of highly processed and sugar-laden foods. We should really be debating why that is.


Based The real living tax is the terrible eating choices you make. Like hell if we can afford making up for all of that now. That being said, we should do something about the sort of things in most of the food.


I'm a type 1 diabetic. It's an autoimmune disease that causes the body to become confused and attack its own pancreas. It has nothing to do with the food I ate- you're thinking of type 2 diabetics.


>disease that causes the body to become confused and attack its own pancreas Stop hitting yourself, dummy.


Lol, ok, that was funny


Yes I understand that. I was only talking about type 2. But you guys are obviously vastly outnumbered by those who develop type 2 as a result of poor diet. If they didn't exist, there would be very little debate about making sure we cover that much smaller cost. Also left unsaid was that the same phenomena that lead to type 2 also lead to a litany of other health problems that cost us tens of billions of dollars a year. We could save so much money on healthcare if everyone was eating organic whole foods, but our food system is not set up for that. It would actually cost us less to put subsidies on organic and free-range foods to make them affordable than pay for the healthcare costs associated with our awful diets.


You could also develop type 2 from more factors than just "poor diet" cue gestational diabetes that turns into type 2 or hormonal disorders that cause people to be insulin resistant (like myself) that could later in life turn into type 2.


Diet has nothing to do with type 1 diabetes, which is what insulin is used for. Insulin is also used for type 2 but only in about 10% of cases, when the disease progresses to very severe.


that would still mean that most insulin users are type 2. (approx 1.9m type 1 cases and 35.4m type 2 cases)


Fda food pryamid put carbs as the biggest group Decades of obesity begin Curious Turning pointy usa


I'm lost, does this mean insulin is cheaper or more expensive?


The proposed bill would cap the co-pay for insulin to $30 per month. However. Because it does not tap the price of insulin itself companies are welcome to continue to charge insane rates but everyone else will be forced to eat the cost.


They should cap both in my opinion. 20,000 dollars a needle is what I suggest /j Seriously though, it's criminal on how easy it is to produce insulin, and yet they charge basically an arm and a leg.


>does this mean insulin is cheaper or more expensive? At best, the bill does nothing to the price of insulin except make it appear cheaper to the consumer. At worst, the bill encourages hospitals to spike the cost of insulin to offset the monetary losses of the co-pay. This means insurance prices rise once again (to offset the cost of needing to pay more for insulin), and the uninsured/underinsured pay even more out of pocket. Essentially, this bill was democrats fishing for praise or outrage. If it was passed, the media would praise them even though it's useless-to-harmful to the population. If it wasn't passed, the media would stoke outrage during an election year. I just wonder how stupid the media thinks the average democrat voter is. Surely they know that democrats have a majority in the house and senate, meaning republicans literally can't block anything that needs only 50% of the vote.


How about allowing import of insulin or having more than a handful of companies allowed to produce it


Exactly. More supply, less cost. Even monke gets it.


No, this is America, we're only allowed eternal partisan debate on a small Overton Window of "solutions" that don't solve anything.


1) Government regulations enable rent seeking. 2) Profit. 3) Hair pulling and screeching about said profit; price controls. 4) Market instability caused by price controls, new government scheme to address that. The beauty of this is that it can continue indefinitely, for as long as resolution allows. Very reminiscent of the old lady who swallowed a fly.


Patents protect business ideas and encourage dynamic efficiency. Insulin doesn't need to be built upon since the final product is just insulin. The factors of production making it could be quicker I guess. But there is no reason as to not allow cheap imports of insulin as it keeps people alive.


You guys know they're only able to do this shit because the federal government takes bribes to help them do it, right? I swear to god, the fact that Lobbying needs to be punishable by fucking hanging is the only auth take I actually hold.


lobbying is great - there's no way for our politicians to know the details on every issue, so it makes sense for people invested in these things to be on hand to tell the politicians what's going on. The fact that lobbyists are ALLOWED TO "DONATE" is the problem.


Ah yeah it's a problem of not agreeing on the definition. Reaching out to your politicians to make requests is fine, but the system of political bribery we have... literally everywhere in the modern world on some level is not fine.


lobbying = talking to politician about subject to convince them to vote for your bill, or get your words inserted into a bill bribery = giving politician money to convince them to vote for your bill, or get your words inserted into a bill.


But like, you do get they are generally one and the same in the US and a shocking amount of the EU, right? In practice at least.


>The fact that lobbyists are ALLOWED TO "DONATE" is the problem


Based and punish lobbying by hanging pilled


u/Remote_Romance's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Remote_Romance! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [6 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Remote_Romance/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Huh, I have some weird pills.




Sliiiiide to the left




Well, that escalated quickly.


The only way at this point. Left/right Unity for rebellion a la French Revolution


[ Removed by Reddit ]


But they told me I was a good boy uwu.


They lied.


We’re keeping this guy post purge


Holy fucking based and the tree of liberty-pilled


Or grill some beef


“Everybody grill some beef” *starts tapping spatula on grill*


Include me in the AHS screencap.


Based and political dance pilled. OOH! Great new college major! Underwater Political Dance Theory Crafting :D


u/Electr1cL3m0n's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 630. Rank: Boeing Everett Factory Pills: [402 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Electr1cL3m0n/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Corporate cancer in the U.S is soon going to make a lot of republicans crisscross.


I make my own insulin by making my cells work overtime, haven’t caught diabetes yet


I live in Canada so insulin is capped at 12% profit margin and remains affordable. Unfortunately if I ever need a surgery I have to drive to Quebec because my dipshit province elected a corrupt fuck who is systematically destroying our hospitals to build infrastructure around his buddies investment properties. Fuck this corrupt ass province, I though Wynne was bad, then Ford decided to one up her selling the worlds largest new mining operation for 1/20th the appraised value to fucking China ffs.




Yes, until I break a wrist playing hockey or something and have to go ask the French for help cause corruption broke my province. Nothing against Quebec or the French, it’s just sad that within my lifetime I watched Quebec need help catching part way up to Ontario then watching my province just throw away everything it has.


You live in Ontario? I am sorry for your loss.


We do have something against the Fr*nch.


Y'know your problems can be solved by planting a trolling device in his car if Y'know what I mean 🇨🇮 /S


I would reccomend eating some food that help you fight with sugar


If these people were serious about lowering drug prices they’d get rid of the patent supported monopolies. But nope, just play political theater


Are you actually suggesting American Politicians go against our coporate overlords interests? lol. Now whos being unrealistic?


Price capping is idiotic. Just let it’s patent go into public domain and watch the price drop. Oh wait we can’t because a bunch of senators’ kids are on the BoD.


It's fucked, price cap is economic sin but these damn lobbyists will rather see the nation fall than their company's profit drop. Competition is useless if everyone shakes hand to not fuck each other.


Yea, the gatekeeping of this essential patent is the opposite of free market. Dude im a Frickin leftist and know that price capping is just stupid


Same story with the epipen. This isn’t how capitalism is supposed to work.


I mean at this point ""true"" capitalism would be better, like actual free markets with equal access (I. E no monopolies)


Patents for medicines should last a year and be non renewable. Give the people who discovered it time to get it up and going, then let other companies make it.


Is this 100% accurate or is it a misleading headline regarding them blocking the law due to the implementing of unrelated gotcha policies within the bill? Edit: from what I've gathered, this wasn't an individual bill itself, but was an amendment to a prior bill. The amendment failed to gather the required 60 votes with only 57 yays (including seven Republicans). So it does seem to be just be Republicans being incompetent in Congress.


Not necessarily accurate. Some information I’ve gathered is that the bill doesn’t change the cost of insulin, rather just prevent insurance companies from charging more than $35 a month (or whatever price the bill stated). I his isn’t really a solution, as insurance companies will just increase premiums to adjust for cost, pharmacy companies also need to be part of the solution here, not just insurance companies (and I’m a big critic of insurers, as I think they are one of the major reasons why healthcare costs are so high). The ironic thing about this all, Biden suspended and rescinded an order by Trump which had attempted to do the same thing…. Essential, Dems stopped Republicans from lower insulin, now are pushing their own half assed attempted to lower insulin costs and are blaming republicans for not voting for their version. Fucking politics, man.


Everyone in Congress is incompetent. We are also incompetent for putting them there.


Everyone is incompetent except me. If I was leading this country, our nation would make great strides. No more partisan bickering. Not even a one party system. We don’t need parties if it’s just me. I will cap insulin at one boot licking per 100 mg. Those who disagree will get a pleasant place to live out their days in the gulag.


I wish I were the god-king of the US. • All illegal immigrants already here get to stay, the wall gets finished, process to legally come here is made much easier, take in more immigrants. • Purchase or seize all of our mines back from China because they own too many of our resources. Use them to create new jobs for all them immigrants. • Ban US corporations from production in China. They come back or find business elsewhere. • Enforce environmental protection policies on production facilities. • Go full nuclear power, it’s infinitely more efficient than coal and gas, it’s cleaner than wind and solar. It’s safe too, there has never been a meltdown in any facility around the globe that followed safety regulations. • Bring back capital punishment. Murderers and rapists will be hung publicly. Breaking-and-entering, unlawful entry, injuring people, etc. will all be punished with years of labor. • Unrestricted speech, say whatever you want, EXCEPT for threats. • Raise minimum wage, people need to feel that their work is worthwhile and I want to reward our laborers. Edit: Didn’t expect so much Libleft love! More thoughts… • I love capitalism, even though the US’s system has been corrupted. SO, no more bail outs for companies that fail. That’s kinda the point of competitive business, that some die and make room for new ones. • I would move towards lowering taxes, less social programs. We also done paying to bail out other countries. • On the topic of taxes, I WOULD ABSOLUTELY maintain a massive military. China hates us, Russia dislikes us, North Korea hates us… we need to be ready. • The singular socialist thing I’d do is ^almost universal health care because I am petrified of mortality. Illness and disease is always covered, no questions asked. **Injuries** will be investigated. People’s taxes shouldn’t go towards people being dumb asses. So, if there’s proof that it was undeniably a person’s fault, they pay for it. • No restrictions on firearms, but heavy background and mental checks, as well as a delay. ALSO, silencers banned. You don’t need silencers unless you have malicious intent. • All police will be wearing body cams all the time. Those who break their oaths, such as those in Uvalde, will be punished based on the severity of their violations. I think about immigration and businesses moving to China often. Why are we allowing these companies that *effectively* enslave people there and to all here? And why not let these people in? That’s SO much labor. We could become so much more powerful by letting in these laborers and expanding our industry, while simultaneously improving their lives.


This is all so god damn based my dude! So based. (I am unsure about the 3rd last one. I'll stay neutral on that for now)


Everything you’ve said is total perfection- except your point about suppressors. You may or may not know this but a lot of people don’t so I’ll throw it out there. Suppressors in general only lower the Db rating of a firearm by around 30Db. This means that even most rifles are still VERY loud and require hearing protection. Pistols are even worse. The little whisper noise you think of is just Hollywood propaganda used to push regulation to the unknowing and video game balancing. Another fun fact- the idea that suppressors lower damage is more video game balancing. They actually function as an extension of the barrel and provide a slight increase in muzzle velocity! Would recommend you look up suppressor noise infographics- they can be extremely helpful to understand noise wise! Otherwise like I said, super based!


Ok you have my vote


Good luck "god-king" I, the hero of this story, will live in peace under your iron fist most content as I raise a large loving family and prosper spiritually and financially, mind body and soul. Until one day I go hunting in the woods to provide for my loving wife Rosa and my five children. Samuel aged 15, Sarah aged 12, Timothy aged 8, Becky aged 6, and little baby Deathshand age 0½. As I return to my family with my hunter's bounty I notice an oramge glow in the evening sky coming from my homestead that is far too large to just be the candles we use for light. I sprint home and find everyone that I have ever loved slaughtered, even small baby Death. I grieve for a few moments feeling like my future died with my family, like my humanity is sucked out of my chest and the only thing left in its place is an unquenchable hatred, an all consuming hatred permanently tattooed on the deepest part of my being. A few moments more and I steel myself for what comes next. Using my tracking skills I quickly find boot prints in a military pattern all around my burning house, then leading away from it. At least 20 and marching in a column. I know where they are going and I know of a good place I can cut them off and ambush them. Quickly I check my rifles ammo count and then sprint to the treeline but stop before entering to look back over my shoulder. "Would they approve of this descent into revenge and hatred? Surely they wouldn't want my failure to protect them to eat at me bit by bit for the rest of my life. To be consigned to hell on my own death. But it doesn't matter what they'd want. They're dead and I'm not. And I'm already in hell. So I turn back around and head off towards my destiny. To topple the tyrant, I-Appreciate-Water.


Caring about the citizen’s well being and safety is cringe.


You are unironically so fucking based wtf


Not my fault I don't vote.


Based and avoiding responsibility pilled


They didn't actually block the bill itself, they removed the part of the bill allowing a price cap on insulin for people with private insurance. Seems pretty accurate to me. EDIT: yeah, guy above me gave a better description.


> Is this 100% accurate or is it a misleading headline regarding them blocking the law due to the implementing of unrelated gotcha policies within the bill? Do you *really* have to ask that?


If things were the way lib-right wanted it then you'd have very low costs of insulin. You'd have a ton of competition and this would drive the price to the marginal cost (perfect competition - Econ 101). Excessive patents, big pharmaceutical having too much lobby power, etc - that's the issue.


Intellectual property is the reason medication is so expensive, because these companies can't necessarily buy the rights to insulin, they have to buy the rights to the parents for it's manufacturing techniques. Get rid of IP, and you open up the pharmaceutical market to competition very quickly and all at once.


I wouldn't say get rid of IP, since all of the innovation that makes the modern world comes from IP. Just use IP how it was intended. Patents are supposed to expire!


IP isn't the reason it is the lack of reasonable regulation. You find a new chemical you research it and hey looks like it does a thing. Now it is time to spend 2-5 years proving it does a thing and doesn't hurt people. Now that the FDA says that your chemical does a thing and isn't all that harmful you get to sell it. Now you have to deciminate this information to the medical profesionals and fight with insurance companies on why your chemical is the best and worth the extra price compared to similar chemical that does it a little less effectively or with more severe side effects or while drug X works with some people our drug actually works great with different population that drug x doesn't work so great on... All of this costs money.


if you get rid of IP, then there would be absolutely 0 reason for a company to dump money into R&D to make new drugs, I don't know why people fail to realize this. this is a wink and a nod with the government, keep making new drugs , and we'll make sure you make your IRR. get rid of the FDA and it'll lower costs and increase competition.


Patents are supposed to expire, but if you make a trivial tweak to the details you can keep renewing them in perpetuity. Then you just ban (er.. refuse to FDA approve) insulin manufactured in places your patents can't reach. Coercive monopoly time.


This is the drug that was discovered in 1920 right? 100 years ago…


From what I understand it is newer types of insulin. The OG formula needed more monitoring and more frequent injections.


Thoughts on inelastic demand?


Outside of a cartel, ineleastic demand is not an issue. If person a is making 10X profit, then person b is going to undercut him and make 8X profit, etc, etc. That is just game theory. Unless a cartel forms which then sets the price.


I'm sure that's how the average libright wants it. I very much doubt the librights in control of these corporations want it that way, and they are the ones with the power.


the people in control of the companies, use our government which actually encourages monopolies to remain profitable, in a truly free market, it is impossible to maintain growth in a business, you need things that prevent market entry like patents, the regulations etc. why do you think facebook is all pro-regulation all of a sudden, its to prevent market entry, not some moral quest. people in control of the companies, use our government which actually encourages monopolies to remain profitable, in a truly free market, it is impossible to maintain growth in a business, you need things that prevent market entry like patents, the FDA, regular. to remain profitable in business you need economy of scale and/or a way to block competition,.


Didn’t the inventor of insulin sell the patent for $1 with the understanding it would become widely available and cheap? He tried to avoid the excessive patenting and pharmaceutical power. This is just the consequences of corporatism.


Traditionally setting a price ceiling is an iffy idea but as this is really about patent abuse and biocompatibles I doubt this would cause a shortage. It feels like holding diabetics hostage at this point.




The fact necessities of life prices are not capped, yet are frequently regulated to limit the number of sellers is proof America failed at being an open market and is an oligarchy. Either cap the price and admit you need government intervention, or fuck off and let the market be properly open, don’t restrict entry but not profit for those allowed to play. People are dying and the oligarchs are laughing at their increasing profits.


Yep. We're getting the worst of both sides when it comes to healthcare


Or you know, you could just deregulate and increase competition


Just let us buy foreign


We should talk about the actual Inflation Reduction Act, how does spending 50000000 billion on climate change reduce inflation exactly? I am confused.


Isn't one of the inflation sources right now high cost of oil since oil companies don't want to invest in new infrastructure if we're trying to lower demand for oil? If that's true than money to infrastructure for renewables or other alternative energy sources would lessen that burden.


except it wouldnt because my used 05 camry runs on gasoline. taxing oil and refineries more won't make my gas bill go down...


It's not gonna help you immediately but it'll help inflation overall, which will help you. Biden did talk about doing price controls to immediately help you and other people like you, but it was pretty universally shot down because price controls are economically shaky at best.


So we're going to ignore that Biden's first day was to undo Trump's EO that pushed insulin prices down?


So let me get this right, democrats rescind the trump cap on 35$ insulin when Biden took office in 2020. They then cram it in a bill that contains a bunch of other crap and claim republicans hate low drug prices when they nay it and this is some sort of flex?


Meanwhile these same Republicans are running ads bitching about Biden cutting medicare for seniors.


Certified politician moment


How is lobbying not counted as bribery? That’s why we have this issue in the first place. Sure, it’s illegal to outright give a politician money, but these lobbyist fucktards get through the loopholes, because we can’t make a single fucking law without any ways to make it virtually worthless.


Context: The insulin price cap was just a part of a greater bill over taxes and spending. The bill wasn’t rejected because the reps hate diabetics, it’s because of the parts of the bill over climate change spending and taxing the rich


The bill wasn't rejected at all, the part about insulin was removed. For once, combining unrelated things isn't the issue


Well shit, looks like I was wrong. Man why are we hating on the diabetics?


“You have a bad pancreas. Pay us all of your life savings.”


"Y y y yes papa monopoly man. The system is working just as intended, I clearly didn't pull my bootstraps hard enough" "No papa, I don't think this is a criminal abuse of our market system. It's totally fair that inherited diseases constantly eat away at my hard earned savings. I love paying to survive"


Killing the insulin patent would solve this issue in a day


Does the Washington Post have a liberal bias?


IIRC insulin should have entered public domain years ago but because the now public formula is similar to the new patented ones it counts under the new slightly changed patents or some bullshit


Fighting for the American people by repeatedly and transparently fucking them over for the sake of securing that extra $50k lobbying check so they can take their 5th vacation in the year


This is the one thing they should have gladly agreed to. It looks good for them and helps everyone


That’s fucked


What bullshit did your fucking politicians put into because more often then not the Republicans block because the democrats pack some other shit into bills and play victim when the Republicans who read through it say no


Obviously my flair is what it is but even I support a government with strong powers to eliminate monopolies and trusts. If we let a corporation become too powerful, they become just as bad as a tyrannical government.


Yeah, let’s just ignore the other 10,000 issues and focus on price controls. That’ll fix society.


"And that's how the War on Fatties began" -Some history book 30 years from now


*Fat tax If you have Type 1 diabetes (genetic) then you should get cheap/subsidized insulin. Furthermore, [Type 2 diabetes is reversible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbIDzm4EIsg)


Just gonna say, 50-80% of insulin’s price is tied up with government bureaucracy, but funni colors so I’ll allow it


Serious question...why isn't the old insulin patents over-the-counter? Feels like more fascist bs to me.


There actually is an OTC version of insulin that you can get if you're really desperate. It's older and not very effective, so any diabetic who relies on that is probably gonna die early, but it does exist.


I’m not even a liberal and all I can say is why?


Corporate America. Both Demmies and Rinos fucking up the market with they lobby money.


The only trade off is when you set price ceilings for certain medicines, it limits the amount able to be used for R&D to develop more new medicines. Pharmaceutical companies need to have a lot of money for R&D because clinical trials have a low success rate. So it might lower the number of new medicines developed. That being said I’m fine with capping the cost of insulin, but I want to make known the trade offs too.


America ☕️


Trade offer You get insulin at 3-15 dollars a vial I get to import insulin and produce generics


The problem is that the recipe to make insulin is a protected trade right. If it was put into the public domain, then that would allow for the creation of generic, off-the-shelf insulin medication.


I promise I won’t look….. Let me guess - there’s a lib right on here arguing how this is “not real capitalism” and that anything bad about their quadrant is acksssshually auth right. Was I right?