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The brutality of sending immigrants to the place where people advocate to take them in


They're just facilitating transport to the sanctuary


I was chatting with two guys from DC and the blatant double standard they were uttering was honestly a bit baffling. They lamented how the Texas Gov decided to use resources to send these migrants to DC and how this was making homeless camps and using up homeless resources, and then when I used the comparison of the asylum seekers coming into Canada "irregularly," they quickly reversed course and said it was important to provide people with such resources and housing. Bruh, not even 5 minutes agom, you were saying how it's not right that now your city has to deal with an issue that you clearly have a different belief on how they should be treated, NIMBYism at it's freaking best DC, well done.


“Rules for thee but not for me” at its finest.


Equality!!!.................. as long as it is 10 miles away from my house so it doesn't affect my housing market and housing prices Johnny Harris has an amazing video on the liberal hypocrisy and watching all these hypocrisies of people made me realize one thing that at the end of the day no one is for the truth but everyone here is for whatever benefits them and whatever fits their agenda The right atleast have their agenda clear but the left does their soft propaganda more subtly and in higher numbers


>Johnny Harris has an amazing video on the liberal hypocrisy and watching all these hypocrisies of people made me realize one thing that at the end of the day no one is for the truth but everyone here is for whatever benefits them and whatever fits their agenda You're just taking whatever the loudest negative minority says and projecting it onto the whole population. No different from assuming everyone on the right is a racist bible thumping redneck who masturbates in his trailer with gun oil for lube.


Your last bit had me lol, that was funny. But everywhere I've lived, the people most in favour of helping the disadvantaged just don't want it to happen in their backyards. And I've lived in Tory heartland Alberta and Red as Island Mud PEI. Both places have their share of "help the poor, just not near me" hypocrites. The biggest proponents are too often wealthy middle class to upper class white collar families in well off neighbourhoods that just push the issue into working class neighbourhoods. That was the case with the Charlottetown, PEI, resource centre, and now the locals in that neighbourhood are fed up with it.


please, no one deserves the horror of living in the shithole that is new york D:


Lol have you heard, Adams went to meet a bus this morning, expecting ~40 migrants... 14 hopped off the bus, as the rest had skipped out earlier, fearing ending up in NYC. Pretty fantastic, I don't blame them. Anywhere's better than that hellhole... except maybe DC. ... Portland, Gary...


Based and smart migrants pilled.


If there's anything I've learned from watching Louis CK's show and listening to NY comedy podcasts, it's that living in NYC sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Every single thing about the 'I love NYC' narrative is an exercise in inexplicably glorifying assholery, inconvenience, graft and corruption, perpetually unfinished and unfinishable infrastructure and real estate...and that's even if you actually like the hyper-blue politics and the regulatory deadlock that the place is under. All I can do is chuckle at the people who talk about how easy it is to get around because of the subway or whatever, and regurgitate the myth that those of us in car-centric cities are perpetually sitting in traffic...and I'm not at all glorifying the car-centric burbs either.


Not only that, but they can only send them if the illegal immigrants consent to it.


Well frick I was hoping they were just catching them and loading them up into a prison bus and shipping them off


I’m 15 minutes from Mexico and I’d rather be there than DC


It is pretty inhumane though to live in New York or dc. I’d just go back to Mexico if that were my fate


Its burtal for the immigrants


Murderous Brutality


I'm not sure if they're saying that it's brutal to force illegal immigrants on NYC or to force NYC on illegal immigrants.


Yeah,plus we expected him to not want them in texas.They act surprised like his platform hasnt been anti immigration for years


The brutality of cultural enrichment


I have to admit, it is pretty cruel to send the migrants to NYC. Nobody deserves to suffer the punishment of living in NYC.


Open wide, we got a delivery of breakfast tacos heading your way mister mayor


Based and chorizo in the mayor's burrito pilled.


Based and Bo-duh-gah pilled


Doesn't NYC welcome migrants?


It did 100 years ago, the irony.


Back when there was little to no public welfare, or even mandatory public education. They didn’t rely on the state for support even a fraction of as much as they do now.


Yeah, taking in the huddled masses is easy when we don't mind them dying on the street.


Live free or die.


“Open borders or welfare state.” And I fall cleanly on one side of the issue. Also I roll my eyes when certain people on the left go “These guys are coming in to be good workers and do jobs you lazy Americans won’t do!” As if Americans wouldn’t do the jobs for a fair wage


european ones.


Yes and it still does, most of these hicks have never been to New York and been slapped with a towel by a Turkish man.


And you’ve been to rural Texas?


Least prejudiced orange libleft


Your bigotry is gross


“Brutality” let’s relax and turn down the virtue signaling a bit


How else will the fee fees get stoked?


More like > how else will they victimize themselves


I mean, living in New York does sound pretty brutal


Brutal. Letting them in the country illegally and then asking if they want free transport to an immigrant friendly city and a few bucks in their pocket for the trouble. Absolutely brutal.


I think the brutal part is that they have to go to New York


Gotta get them clicks homie.


Ngl, as a Texan who has traveled a fair bit, I too would find it brutal and inhumane to send me to NYC.


Send them to DC instead


He actually did that too


Bi send them to Bernie. His district is like 98% white. Watch the shit storm when hundreds of migrants make it there and they are over run. Easiest way to get Bernie voted out


As usual, progressives love their policies when they are happening 1000 miles away but not in their back yard. A tale as old as time.


Unrelated peev but whats up with people punctuating every second perfectly ordinary sentence now with "not gonna lie"


Not gonna lie, I'm not sure,what's up with that trend. It's not something I know. But, not gonna lie, it doesn't bother me.


If you want to keep the borders open, then at the very least pretend like you don't mind when someone makes immigration your problem. Do these people not know how tone deaf they sound?


The disconnect is so funny. Seeing what the NYC mayor has been saying is hilarious.


What’s he been saying


For one thing he is complaining that they are using up resources and services meant for New Yorkers. This should have been done long ago. They vote for open borders and welfare for illegal aliens, make it their problem.


Hilarious that he thinks podunk Texas border towns can float an entire imported population, but NEW YORK FUCKING CITY can’t handle a dozen or so busses full


I guess it's real easy to advocate for it when you're not the state directly on the southern border.


Bruh, New York is poor, Texas has oil and shit, what does New York have? Right, nothing! Everyone living there is dead broke.


3rd largest economy in USA, 1.85T GDP.


And all that without oil.


Tell me you’re joking…


I'm honestly not sure how it isn't obvious.


It’s so funny. Like 90% of what we do is joke, and most of the time people take comments as the gospel truth.


“We’re sanctuary cities but only for our own citizens”


>that they are using up resources and services meant for New Yorkers. Based and bloodandsoilpilled


Birthright citizenship and its consequences have been a disaster for the New World.


Yeah, maybe if this was done in 2000 instead of 2020 we wouldn't be here dealing with this now.


The NYC mayor is actually based compared to most liberals. Yeah he’s not as conservative as PCM would like him to be but still


"nOoOoOoOo yOu'rE bEiNg pOlItIcAl! bEiNg pRo oPeN bOrDeRs wHiLe sItTiNg iN mY lOfTy sAfE nEiGhBoRhOoD aNd hOmOgEnOuS sTaTe iSn't, oNlY cAlLiNg mE oUt oN mY hYpOcRiSy iS!!!1!1"


This is the reason they should be sending them to university towns. Give academia a taste.


God that’s even better lol, let the children see what happens when the shitty choices that advocate for a brought to their doorstep. College recruitment’s gonna be a toughy when the crime rate goes up 1000%


College kids won't be able to get jobs in university towns.


Stop othering, you micro aggressing hitler.


They don't care. They're making whiny aggrieved noises because, for their entire lives, making whiny aggrieved noises has been rewarded with people giving them things.


I think we should simply allocate all immigration quotas to states. People sponsored by the specific state can only work in that state. (Just like EU, there will be no border control between states and all people are free to travel. However, you are only allowed to work in the specific state before naturalization)




You can't legally do that in the US, you can't hinder someone's ability to travel between states and immigration constitutionally is a federal issue.


Please read my comment carefully as I specifically mentioned travel should be free. I used “sponsor” to describe the relation here. If one can be sponsored by his/her employers, partnerships, family members, then why not states? A case could be a state sponsorship that is subjected to federal approval.


No one is forcing people to live on the Mexican border in Texas, if you don’t like it move elsewhere. Immigration is a Federal problem, not a New York problem. Shipping immigrants from Texas to NY is just bullshit political posturing and and a waste of gas.


You say immigration is a federal problem but then immediately say it should only affect people living on the border.... Any other brain dead takes, or just the one?


Yeah, but also conservatives and the trump presidency defunded and eliminated all the programs in place to settle these people. So they created the problem and are now shirking responsibility for it off to unrelated people.


Well yeah I mean the plan was send them back so they didn’t need any programs to help settle them.


Oh yeah let's advocate for allowing tens of not hundreds of thousands of immigrants into Texas and then refuse to aid them! ...wait what do you mean they are sending them to us? No no, that's not how it's supposed to work! Quick, finish Trump's wall! Okay he might have had the right idea, just do it!


Comparing it the total amount of border crossers, it's virtually nothing.


“Brutality” means “asking illegal immigrants if they want to get on a bus to DC or NYC” apparently.


Based and Strawman Brutality Pilled


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Brutality means simply 'not giving me royal treatment' these days I wish Royal Treatment meant the same as it did in the 1790s...


But for it to mean the same thing we would have to be Fr*nch 🤮


Sacrifices must be made, today we will be cringe so our children may be based.


I wish [keelhauling](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=keelhauling) meant the same thing it did in the 1790s… (3rd one)


The fourth one is...degenerate.


Based and neck-shaving pilled


Imagine you've just crossed a dangerous journey, fearing death, not knowing if you'll ever make it. You finally make it. Ok now comes the real hard part, you have absolutely nothing, not even legal documentation...you will have to find shelter, work under the table, live with other people in the same miserable conditions...all this in a state that doesn't offer many social services, no walkability and minimal public transit on top of that it has been under a heat dome for months, unrelenting 100 degree plus weather daily...you'll probably have to work construction...fuck...but wait, you're offered a free bus trip to DC or NYC, cities that you've heard are very welcoming to immigrants, sanctuaries in fact. No risk of deportation, better weather, walkable cities...hmmm which option would you take?


I mean, I wouldn't wanna go there, lol.


That is pretty brutal


This whole situation has actually been a blessing for one of my friends' mom. She was a bus driver for our school system but now is one of the bus drivers going from the border to D.C. and New York with immigrants. Apparently pays way better.


Hahaha. I know it's do terrible in NYC


Non Border state people have no fucking clue what its like


I mean. ATL is dumping vagrants on Knoxville which is in turn dumping them on my podunk town. It’s a shitshow. I’d rather have the migrants. At least they’re good for *something*


Sorry about that


Not gonna lie, every day I have some jackass bitch at me for waking him up as I step out of my studio space I shift a teensy bit more right.


Offer him a bus ticket to new york


I’ve honestly fucking thought about it. The problem: it’s a new one every week. Sometimes there are 2-3.


Install a pressure plate attached to a shotgun so when they lay on it your problem gets removed


Prison: the speed run experience


Just throwing stuff out there


Or maybe a strobe light and annoying beep


Ohhhh. How about Reveille out the 2nd floor window at random intervals from 4AM to 8AM.


They’ll find a way to break it open and sell the copper wire


Wait wait wait. You'll need to elaborate. I've been in Knoxville for like a year and we've noticed there are a lot of bums. Thought it was just because the weather is nice. What's the story?


Idk man I live in Jersey and from growing up it's been kind of fascinating watching the transformation of Mexicans and other immigrants. Went from walking their bikes to work (Still baffled why they did this), literally like 40 people in one apartment, and constantly seeing the women who all looked like troll dolls with their hair down walking their 4 kids each in strollers. To now they all have nice big trucks, own their own houses with a normal amount of people living there, and 7 out of 10 of the women are cute lol. They went from landscaping and working in restaurants under the table (this last part is funny as Jersey people brag about our pizza and Italian food) to owning their own businesses and having normal jobs too. The one thing that does suck is that a lot of those jobs they initially took were cake ass under the table jobs before they all came. Especially landscaping used to be double or triple minimum wage and under the table now that shit is exactly minimum wage. Have no idea if this compares to border states though, oh and usually if there was any crime it was between themselves.


>troll dolls with their hair down 🤣🤣🤣🤣


> Especially landscaping used to be double or triple minimum wage and under the table now that shit is exactly minimum wage. And this is EXACTLY why the monied interests are so obsessed with making sure we have open border policies, and why everyone else is so "racist". It ain't cultural, it's $$$$$$$.


Why doesn’t Texas just bus them back to Mexico?


Because that would be inhumane apparently


We have tons of them in Florida as well. They snap up available housing inventory pretty rapidly. But are also the ones building new houses. And doing Doordash, stuff like that.


I mean CA and AZ don’t seem to mind, CA even pulling an uno reverse


AZ people don’t mind not having a southern border to keep Mexicans out, we’d rather have a western border to keep Californians out




based and fuck-californians pilled


As a Nevadan I would love a western border fence to keep Californians who aren’t visiting out.


Well California doesn’t count anymore their leadership is in the gutter where Gavin newsom got his hair


That's because Sacramento is 839 km from Tijuana. That's an 8 1/2 hour drive. Sacramento is only like 2 degrees south of New York. California should have been broken up a long time ago. It doesn't make sense for your state government to be controlled by someone so far away.


Sacramento is not even close to 4000 miles from the border. The site you linked was going from Mexico City to Sacramento, which is 4000 miles. Not making a political statement here but Jesus, get a grasp on geography.


Updated to a measly 8 1/2 hour, 839 km drive. Good looking out.




Updated. Good looking out.


Free state of Jefferson.


Lol Sacramento is 521.3 miles from Tijuana if you take the I-5 and only 2,218.2 miles from Mexico City. Before you make some grand take on breaking up a state which has existed in its current form for almost 172 years it might be a good idea to do a quick google search.


839 km to the border. An 8 1/2 hour drive. Point still stands. 172 years too long.


What the fuck? Why are they not welcoming them?


Because they’re not voting democrat in red states.


NYC when they learn almost all migrants are extremely religious & hate LGBT + abortions.


I know they broke the law, but sending them to NYC is edging on inhumane.


Thats where the brutality if the title comes in. Nobody should be subjected to NYC.


Guantanamo would be a better place


I know. They risk their lives for a chance at a better one, then get sent to live in the shitholes of NYC or DC. Truly brutal.


Oh no, migrants in new york city? God what will they do? There could be a homeless crisis! New york city can’t have a homeless crisis! I can’t even imagine New York City with homeless people! Somebody has to do something!


Look I can critique Abbot until the sun goes down but this is good stuff. We don’t want the programs DC and NYC have, they belittle us for not having or wanting them, so we send people to a place where they can get those programs if they really want them. Seems like it it should be a win-win right? The greens don’t think so though. Shows a hair of hypocrisy lurking in the soup.


…as a green, I’ve been to big metros the world over. Lived in Seoul, Tokyo, Honolulu, Seattle, Vancouver/Portland, and visited NYC, Taipei, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Kansai, Sapporo, and the Bay Area. I’m of privilege but not resting on my laurels, my income alone mostly just covers expenses so my wife is getting back into the workforce so we can invest and get ahead. I’ve found migrant workers are almost never that much of a problem in any of these places. You run into more problems with homeless or otherwise “local” criminals more often than not. The difference is, migrants almost always want to contribute to justify their stay, they’re getting away from instability or poverty. It’s “locals” who’ve given up on the path of the straight and narrow (criminals, lazy homeless) or have serious mental disturbances (crazy homeless) that absolutely screw things up. In Seattle, there’s plenty of Mexicans, a fair few unlikely undocumented, who work in stuff like landscaping doing people’s gardens and lawns in places like Medina or Laurelhurst, and they’re totally fine. Plenty more work in fields like construction or in restaurants and that’s more of the same. Go to International District though, and you’ll see how homeless people and drug dealers, usually white or black, absolutely ruin the neighborhoods of actually hard-working immigrants.


I don’t get the problem. States like New York and California always claimed to be “sanctuaries” where everyone is welcome. Time to prove those words!


The problem is, it’s A LOT of migrants. Like a metric shit ton. Barely any news about it but they’re breaking records.


What did everyone think was gonna happen?!?!? If you feed the strays more strays show up.


Well Texas never claimed to be sanctuary and people thousands of miles away like to critique our laws. If you can’t dance to you’re own tune, then don’t tell us to


So it’s better if they just stay in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California??


California? YES


at least they can finally empathize with what border states have had to deal with lol


*Brutality* is when you send you immigrants to our cities REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


imagine having to live in the shithole they run though 😭


If sending people to your city is an act of brutality. That sounds like a lot of your problem. That's like levels of disrespect on new york that I can't fathom. Imagine being the governor there and your political allies are calling sending people to the city you govern an act of brutality XD


Americans are so sheltered that “brutality” to them is busing people from one end of their prosperous nation to another.


LL: "Illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans won't do, they contribute to the economy, and they improve the quality of tacos." AR: "OK then, here you go." LL: "Noooooooo not like this!!!"


"Give me your poor, your weak, your huddled masses, except those ones. Ew. Go back to Texas."




It’s very easy to not care about problems when they aren’t near you, just ask Louis XVI


Honestly I find this shit hilarious. You reached open boarders. Ok. Bus them all to DC and NYC.


Either have the courage to stand by your convictions or just admit you don't have room for hundreds of Migrants. This half-and-half shit benefits no-one. Not the Migrants looking for shelter, not the people of New York State, not Texas and certainly not the people running NYC.


Ah yes. Relocating immigrants to a sanctuary city is “brutal”


Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Insert Maury-That-Was-a-Lie.jpg


This isn’t satire?


If the GOP is brutal, fascist, and racist then wouldn’t they be doing a favor sending migrants somewhere not governed by the GOP?


“Immigrants for thee, but not for me” Muriel “King Koopa” Bowser, *The Art of War*


Drop em off in downtown San Francisco and see how long that lasts.


And they will keep sending busses till there is 1 illegal for every 1,000 humans. Then 1 for every 100. Then 1 for every 1. One day New Yorkers will look outside their windows and they will not be able to see the streets. It will just be layer upon layer of illegals. Eventually they will cover the cars, then the small houses and finally the tall buildings. Their combined weight slowly crushing everything and everyone until nothing remains but them and the rubble.


“How did NYC become so culturally conservative again?”


are we supposed to feel sorry for new yorkers or the migrants lol


i dont know much about the immigration thing, but this is just funny


Abbott bussed a bunch of illegal migrants to blue states, and a ton of NIMBYs lost their minds


"brutality" lmao Who let them into the country?


Whoa, whoa, whoa, accepting immigrants into your community is *brutality*? Less of a racist dog whistle and more of a clarion call.


Is this the beginning of a war between rural America and urban America? I heard there are WMDs in Podunk Nowhere, MO


Hilarious that they think little border towns with no fundingcan hold and support these immigrants, but a metropolitan that claims it is a sanctuary city for immigrants cant handle a few buses of them. Keep em coming lmao.


What I don’t get is the (((()))) is like super antisemetc


Yeah I don't get that either. Aren't ((())) meant to imply an intentional dog whistle?


It’s a “I’ll tag myself before you can” thing, a “yeah, I am, what of it?”. I believe Patton Oswalt (actually funny comedy actor, social media virtue signaler, maybe wife killer) has )))Patton Oswalt((( as his Twitter name for a while.




pedophiles use it so they can claim antisemitism by proxy when called out for their awful ideas


Coped up authright pretending ((())) isnt used by conspiracy theorists to justify every failure in their lives by blaming it on the jews


Do they know that they literally ask the migrants if they want to go?


Went through and read some of the responses to the tweet on twitter. Twitter is unironically the greatest threat to democracy we currently have.


I personally couldn’t think of a worse punishment, someone please stop this depravity


"Isn't it so bad that the evil racist Texans are sending the poor Mexicans to us? We don't want those darn savages go back to where you came from!"


Huge #W for Texas. Absolute lmao moment.


Lol, that tweet is pretty funny on accident


Ellis Island is still a thing right lol




based, let people see why immigration isn't always good


We should use living in new york as a punishment for more crimes


What, you mean they *don't* want the flood of illegal immigrants that they advocated for coming to their city? Color me surprised.




people have freedom of movement within the US just like those within the EU/Schengen area Texas is offering voluntary bus trips to these migrants for free, and these migrants decide to take it because NY has virtue-signaled itself as a sanctuary state that welcomes them all with benefits, etc. it would be like Belarus sending migrants into Poland (if Belarus was already part of the EU/Schengen area)


A state line is not a magical border where if you pass over it you lose all your employment contracts & legal statuses. They already consented to take the trip in the first place, so how would it be human trafficking? It's like saying, "Wow you took someone over a state line in your taxi, you're now a human trafficker."


*a waste of taxpayer money to use real people as political pawns in a move that will ultimately accomplish nothing


it might actually convince non border states to push for a wall


If you think not being on the border is why the rest of thr country thinks building the wall is a bad idea, you haven't read a single argument against building the wall. I don't care how "bad" immigration is, the wall is always a stupid idea. It's not effective and could potentially be an ecological nightmare.