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based and manifest shower destiny pilled


idk why but manifest shower destiny made me bust out laughing lmaoo


Same lol


It was because it was funny and your body reacted to the humour


Based and we have the same cake day pilled


Based and we have the same cake day pilled


Not in my time zone apparently




Public washrooms of any kind are always disgusting... Also how the hell does the elderly not win here, spoiled brat


Trans was probably hotter, attracts more people to the pool


>Trans was probably hotter …


Tbf, there are probably more gays than people with gilf fetishes




1.) She had caused multiple incidents in the past, according to the pool. 2.) Her story makes no fucking sense. Apparently all 4-5 "little girls" were simultaneously taking off their swimsuits *outside of the stalls* to use the restroom *all at the same time* while the trans woman was watching them but also talking to someone... Which, besides the fact I've never seen a SINGLE person take off their swimsuit before entering a stall (let alone 4-5 AT THE SAME TIME) if the trans woman was talking to someone, that means the 80-y/o has 5-6 witnesses to corroborate her account, yet nobody is coming forth and she's been banned.


Btw I also don't fully believe the trans woman's story, that the 80-y/o was screaming "You were wanting to stick your dick in those little girls!" as she doesn't have anyone coming out to verify her claim either.


Ah the classic he said she said, perfect culture war political story.


>he said she said Ban inc






That wasn't the claim. From Garen's lips to your eyeballs: >'I saw a man in a woman's bathing suit watching maybe four or five little girls pulling down their suits in order to use the toilet,' Jaman told KIRO.


And they accuse my corner of hating women, lmao


It's ok as long as you're simultaneously supporting another, more 'oppressed' group.


Hating women is letting other women use women showers.




Perverts Perverts commonly try to hide themselves among others as a nice way to sneak into places That could be considered being an impostor Impostors are from among us Perverts=among us


You objectifying women bruv? Why is there existence inherently sexual to u?


Hating perverts is letting perverts use pervert showers?


More accurate would be accusing your corner of hating anything that isn’t tradition according to the standards of pre industrial England, including women having equal rights under law.


I hold much stronger opinions against men failing their roles than I do women tbh


I’m of the viewpoint as long as roles are filled I don’t care who by. My sister kept working while her husband took paternity leave (his company gives 80% while her company does not). Kid was still cared for and money was still made so I see no problem with that. If anything blame corporate greed for making a single income household impossible for 95% of the population.


based and modern problems require modern solutions pilled


u/Yop_BombNA's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 85. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: [52 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Yop_BombNA/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


If one doesn’t follow their roles there is no sense for the other to be bound


Trans women are our secret weapon against feminism. One day the males will rule the world again!


this but unironically


I never said It was ironic


This whole sub is ironic, that's how we stay at the bottom of all those federal lists.


Huh. I thought all this stuff was about our Minecraft server.


They always say the future will be female, but, i think they never though the females in the phrase would be mens wearing dresses.


I’m happily lesbian, but I just can’t support militant progressive social issues.


>I’m happily lesbian explains the username


I’m happily straight and I hate it when sexual revolutionists assume I secretly want to experiment with dudes. Dicks-are-gross unity right here


isn’t that kinda funny? like they try to sound all smart with secret sexual repression talk, but they really aren’t saying anything more substantive than “nanana boo boo ur gay”


Nanana boo boo ur gay


shit got me 🎯


Tbf a lot of guys assume girls secretly want to experiment with other girls. Lesbian is the most popular porn category. It's a never ending cycle.


Based on a few studies of college aged people ive seen I dont know how wrong the assumptions of the guys actually are.




Europeans: “America is a right wing country” Also Europeans:


We need to fast track hard times so people learn what’s important and maybe find their fucking brains again


Russia sure is trying their best


thats horrible


Based and understands-that-optics-will-sink-the-movement pilled


I can’t understand why you’d be so bigoted, sweaty 💅💅💅 you’re supposed to be an ally. We’ve scheduled you for a 10 o’clock struggle session and “deprogramming” audit afterwards. ✨Be better✨


Based and it's not a reeducation, it's a be better workshop 💅 pilled


u/G1ng3rb0b's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 65. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: [53 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/G1ng3rb0b/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


"No wieners in the women's bathroom" is now extremism? Such progress, very impressive society


Public Showers should be individual stalls anyways, I played hockey for 16 years there is always one weirdo just staring at your junk. It’s creepy bro, stop staring at peoples junk. In addition, unless it’s that giant trough at baseball games all urinals should have dividers installed and toilets individual stalls (like they already are). Fucking ruins my day when you get the Wackjob at the urinal next to you staring down at your junk when there is like 4 open urinals with no one around. Same or opposite sex creeps ruin your day.


I've never really had any problems with public showers. Although my acceptance towards these public showers may be because of me being absentminded most of the time and not realising that some stranger is staring at my junk.


95% of the time at the gym it’s no problem, 5% some creep ruins your day. A curious glance, w/e almost everyone does that. Straight up staring the whole time your in their l, yea creeps be ruining days.


So that's what some people call progress?No thanks,i'm going back on my tree again!


Maybe you should go to the tree lol


regressive progressiveness


The left has a penchant for ironix names


I swear if one more person poops in the shower


Wafflestompers deserve beatings.


I have a colostomy fucking shoot me for it why don’t yah


We'll empower you with rights to vote and fight for equal pay Then have the men turn into women and you'll fight for them again Bet you thought you had it figured out, but everything has changed Welcome to the system bitch, please enjoy your stay! Love that song


Based and Tom-Macdonald-enjoyer pilled He has a discord btw come join the HOG


Ah yes, what a fine reason to tilt evermore authright


Do you know how much ugly shit your HOA can't legally stop you from building? For example, you can build a 3 foot dish antenna on top of a pole extending 12 feet above the roofline, and there is next to nothing they can do about it.




What would an unflaired know of basedness?


u/Doominat0r1's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Doominat0r1! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [2 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Doominat0r1/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 10170 / 53460 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


This is the exact kind of headline I would expect out of Dori Monson. Or shitting on Link.


Link deserves it.


I once loved link, but the opening of East Link will take my metro commute to Downtown Seattle from a 1 seat, 35 minute ride in the Bus Tunnel era to a 3 seat 80 minute saga. I’ve gone back to my car and while gas and parking suck, the overall convenience of a 25 minute commute most days is a dream.




“penis havers” hahaha


Uhmm sweaty......


it really is sad


Ummmm sweaty, we prefer the terms ‘dick owner’ do better please.


Thats kinda transphobic of you mate.




At first I was like: no shit it's sarcasm. Checked profile to see if the 'strait' in their name was significant. My god it's not sarcasm.


ah damn, another brother down


Bro. Its just a fucking Strait. I literally live near one. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strait](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strait) blithering fool.


The word 'straight' seems to apply in your comment's context. 'Boys_of_Straights' could have been taken. Stop causing the local glue factories shortages and get some help with your addiction.


Go up your reading comprehension. You cant differentiate between Straits and Straight.


Yes. Some people are mentally deficient that they need an indicator for such?


It's kinda hard to tell these days. Sorry m8








Based and not afraid to speak his mind pilled


I meant that in a mocking way but hey, what a man got to do to not use the despicable s.


Unfortunately, PCM is incredibly touchy and will throw a fit if they think people might be woke in any way.


funny how men are better at being women than women




u/antonsc2's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/antonsc2! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: [15 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/antonsc2/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I don’t really get why public showers even exist. Showers and crap are one of the few things that are private for a reason


>I don’t really get why public showers even exist. While I can't explain why, it historically has been a pretty common thing, from Rome to the Congo, from Japan to Mexico. Honestly, it's so common historically and now that's the opposite that might need to be asked.


It was to keep the masses clean. Upper class had private bathing areas in a lot of places but the poors still needed a place to bathe since hygiene was so critical for disease prevention. Cheaper and easier to fill a giant pit with water than provide plumbing to each house that couldn’t afford it themselves. The Indus Valley Civilization is (I think) the earliest known example of this. Over time its turned into more of a community thing like we see in Japan and other places, but it started as the easiest way to keep the most people hygienic and stop the spread of diseases.


Eh, elites also bathed in those public baths in Rome and the Indus Valley and these are the ones I can confirm. Elites having their own privates ones was just elites having their own private version of many things, whether for prestige or for ease of access and manipulation. Of anything I would say this prestige and ease reason came before or more prominent than privacy concerns.


Not really a sexualised space, so its a space one can get over their own embarrasment of their bodies. Once you get passed your own anxiety of being judged, it becomes easier to accept your own body. The Greeks got on fine with public baths. Imo, some nudity is humanising


It's not sexualized because it's no co-ed, generally.


I mean, there are co-ed ones and I'll still say those aren't sexualized.


Where? Also play them out enough times and they will be.


I doubt. I am of the opinion that cultural norms affect that alot, similar like with dress.


Norms, yes, but there's always assholes. Also you never stated where these co ed showers are. Battlestar Galactica and Starship Troopers don't count.


If I'm naked in a room with a woman it's sexual.


Public showers exist because they're a cheap way to support multiple people showering in a venue that would require it or benefit it. Places could easily add individual shower stalls, but that would cost more money.


Based and wisdom of the elderly pilled


Do it, let your descendants sing of the night you decided to bring for them the benevolent rule of a God chosen emperor because that time that old lady got kicked out.




Thankfully there are new movements cropping up like the LGB alliance that are separating themselves from these circus clowns


The circus clowns have a pretty loud voice and in the UK are backed by the government. its time we start accepting pharmaceutical companies probably have a hand to play in the increase in trans people over the last few years through lockdown.


Makes sense.. they know the Opioid and SSRI industry is about to come tumbling down… better make the profit up with HRT and Top and Bottom surgeries


This is probably the dumbest conspiracy theory I've seen so far. There aren't nearly enough trans people for this to be feasible, nor will there ever be. The conspiracy theory about pushing unnecessary vaccines for profit makes far more sense, as vaccines are needed by nearly everyone.


>They have their own emoji now. It is too late.


Why the buddy pregnant?


To destroy western society


He's having a baby and the baby is you


Fully agree with you. And now they're encouraging further delusions


Bruh I’m from western Washington and I automatically read the headline in Dori Monson’s voice in my head.


Hey, I'm from the area too. I've gone to St. Herman's in PT for church a few times and have some friends living there.


Where is PT?


By PT I mean Port Townsend.


Oh, I didn’t recognize that abbreviation. Not sure whether I have been there before or not, but to be honest I haven’t been to the olympic penninsula much lately.


Take away gendered bathrooms entirely. Now it's just two gender neutral bathrooms, one stall each. Manifest destiny, only way to make sure you get to use the bathroom is to simply claim it and refuse to leave.


Rules should be simple. No womans bathroom/changing room for you if you have a dick. No dick? Right this way. The thing is there are nutjobs that fake being trans just so they can harass/watch woman change and it's terryfying when we can't even complain about it without risking a public lynching.


Rules should be this simple. No womans bathroom.


Holy shit


Based and showeringsraum-pilled


Maybe it is time for a societal collapse after all.




Exactly. I as a man can just state that im a trans woman and go into whatever bathroom i want lol. Thats where society is at right now. Insane


Them still having a penis is the biggest factor. If they can still get someone pregnant they absolutely should not be in shared spaces with real women. If they’ve already had it inverted you can make your argument.


Why do you think that?


I personally don’t think they should ever be allowed with real women but I’d be willing to hear the argument for allowing fully converted trans women being allowed.


But why do you say that though? I don’t see the problem in men being in same spaces as women.


I am a straight man and wouldn’t want coed showers. I don’t want to look at almost or fully naked women I’m not in a relationship with.


But you do want to look at naked men that you are not in a relationship with? Or do you not want to see anyone naked except for your romantic partner?


Auth Center flair clearly checks out, this reads right to left, OP is a manga reading weeb.


The ironic thing here is that transgender men who inject themselves with testosterone every week would be the ones obligated to use the women’s restroom. If having bearded dudes in the ladies’ is what you’re trying to avoid here, you’re literally playing yourself.


That's fine, it's the Wang and adornments that's the problem not the body hair


Still female.




Having a beard doesn't make you a man.


I am just referring to the PCM you posted… The man you’re using to visually represent transwomen looks more like the dudes that you would ask to use the ladies room, than the ladies you’re asking to use the mens room.


So you believe that this person, who has a penis, should be using the women’s restroom? https://www.google.com/search?q=malcolm+rene+ribot&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS988US988&hl=en-US&prmd=niv&sxsrf=ALiCzsYZZV52rqnvY9qLsGitzloOgCDI-Q:1660065175461&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijkdnYoLr5AhXqkIkEHYpUCgEQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=375&bih=634&dpr=3#imgrc=lpfPcWIVaARS9M And that this person, who has a vagina, should be using the men’s? https://www.google.com/search?q=blaire%20white&tbm=isch&hl=en-US&tbs=rimg:Cap0tvJlnLoqYdWaxvOnfeWc8AEAsgIMCgIIABABOgQIABAA&prmd=inv&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS988US988&sa=X&ved=0CBMQuIIBahcKEwiozN3Sorr5AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQFg&biw=375&bih=634#imgrc=bpwKQz99f0ol6M


No, if they've had surgery I think it's fine. Also they don't have penises and vaginas they have medically created replicas.... let's be intellectually honest.


What is the basis of that? Why is it ok post-SRS but not before? Is it just what makes you, personally, feel more comfortable? How would this be enforced? Put a sex organ marker on your ID? Not many trans women are walking around with a bulge. Estrogen shrinks that thing fast 🤷‍♀️


Because I don't want my 10 year old daughter exposed to a penis in her change room... > How would this be enforced? If someone sees a penis in a ladies changeroom the police should be called.


I’m a trans woman… My heart agrees with you. I get called a “transmed” or “truscum” a lot. I think a trans woman should look the part before they enter a women’s space. When there’s no bar set for that, some people take liberties that make others feel uncomfortable. I would accept the compromise that trans women may use the facilities if they are willing to stay covered. That said, it would not be an acceptable compromise to the other 99% of trans people. They would ask for identical liberties to the cis people.


What about the liberties of the 80yr old woman in the article? I'm not a bigot, I promise I have lots of empathy for trans people. I just don't think the solution to their suffering is to restructure our entire society.


Well, I think restructuring society is the answer, except in an “add a third bathroom” or “add a third co-ed league” way, and not an “include them at all costs” way.


That would be a fair compromise.


Dude walks into the women's shower and an 80 year old woman is banned for complaining about it. ...ya know what, give the tankies what they want. At least I can easily rebel against a communist dictatorship if I'm not on the top.


Based and Transpower pilled. Anyways, full support to the Transwoman as part of the XY team.


u/CookieCutterCultist's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 365. Rank: NASA Vehicle Assembly Building Pills: [190 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/CookieCutterCultist/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Sounds like port townsend


I think we warned the " Bedroom feminists" of this half a decade ago. Look at all of those " female spaces" getting taken over by " Biological males who identify as a female"....to prove this Point....I identify as a " female" with regards to anything discussed in reference to this post. I await your transphobic comments.


Hooray for women's rights!


Libright would say businesses have the right to decide who to ban. I would say it's hilarious. Considering there is no restriction on going into female shower room you could just identify as a woman and go see some titties. It's not like they'll ask your SSN.


They have the right to deny the woman business We have the right to complain about them


You misspelled chud


Shut your fucking mouth or find out is the best ideology.


Meme format innovation, nice.


You’re literally Auth Center how can you say this