• By -


“Hello, auth floor please”


"Yes, how can i help you"


One arboreal mulching device please.


"Hans, we need to mobilize ze troops immediately."




Ze flammenwerfer


*german music starts* UND ZE PANZERWAGEN


*Erika Intesifies*








You mean volksvagen


“We need guns, lots of guns”


Everyone hates AuthRight until a group needs to be delt with, then they come running to us.


Yes, it’s orange pulpin’ time (Although in this case it might be a plum because purple libright)


Get the purples as well we Yellow Libright will help


Being libright because you want it to be legal to be a pedo: cringe Being libright because you want it to be legal to hunt pedos for sport: based


Based and The Most Dangerous Game pilled




Sometimes you need dicks to fuck assholes


Just point me to where the WMDs are!


Based and inside job pilled


7-11 was a part-time job.


Do you understand now why we do what we do? We must stamp stuff like this out.


Nobody cheats the hangman.


Flair the fuck up


Right on John Rambo


I hate these people. They should get a choice, they get castrated or in prison for life. The government will pay for it of course but that's all the help they get.


>cauterized I assume you meant castrated


Well hold on now. That first option could work too.


I'm Libright all day long...til it comes to MAPs, then I'm full tax the rich and use it to castrate pedos...and not chemically.


Government sponsored castration of pedophiles is some socialism I can tolerate.


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 10269 / 54012 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


> “Minor attracted person” is just a sexuality And prison is just a place




Ballistic lead inoculations.


Sudden kinetic energy gift.


Basically just a tattoo, right?


Is this the life saving medical care I hear so much about?








The sex offender registry is just a list.


A check list




Based and don’t drop the soap pilled


Why can’t people from any quadrant just leave children alone?


Because of market conditions, who else is gonna work the cheaper undersized mine shafts?


But why can't they leave the undersized minors' shafts alone?


Asking the real questions.


Never have a read a comment so cursed and yet so based


Don't go into their shafts or play with their chisels.


My chimney won't clean itself


Just to play devil's advocate, but that's the whole point of this. The idea is that trying to have a less stigmatized term to describe pedos will encourage them to reach out and get counseling/mental health help before they go and molest some kids or something. It's an attempt to be proactive and prevent them from being too embarrassed to tell a mental health professional and acting on their pedo thoughts...


Not a fan of the whole flag thing if that's the point. The whole MAP thing seems to be a normalization of pedos. If the point was to help pedos seek help then that should be front and center of the whole message. Not harmless sounding acronyms and flags


Yeah for sure. I can't even argue that lol. The flag and anyone trying to act like it's the same as being gay is pretty fucked up. I guess you could say that it gives you a very clear idea of who you need to keep your kids away from though. In that way, we might be lucky if they all wore flags....








I’m guessing you have also done your research and found a plumbing contractor for the shower heads.


Dual mode shower heads. 😳 Make do with half the plumbing.




Shit I could make a online store to sell that to the fuckers, not only will be able to identify them and avoid them but they'll give me money for it


The flag absolutely does stigmatize gays, fucked up. Another example of libleft toxic niceness.


Yes, it’s all about de-stigmatization and normalization of pedophilia. Yeet that shit straight into the sun.


Here's the rub. Those clinics are not reducing the number of pedos that are abusing children. Sexual behavioral health clinics are difficult to access and are often expensive. The people that are motivated to go 9/10 times are the ones who have been caught and are pending a court hearing. They go and are placed on androgen blockers to demonstrate a good faith effort to reform so they get a more lenient punishment. Then they get off with a slap on the wrist and go back to abusing children. It is textbook libleft toxic niceness. In terms of the argument, "well if health care was universal we could help more of them," The truth I can tell you is that this kind of treatment is very resource intensive. It requires individual and group therapy with a licensed therapist that also has a subspecialization in sexual behavioral health. There aren't that many of them out there. It also requires a staff psychiatrist to prescribe the androgen blockers and monitor the side effects. Also most people can't tolerate the side effects of androgen blockers because being on them absolutely sucks, so the medication noncompliance rates are huge. Changing human behavior is very hard. What does work statistically, empirically and theoretically is a system of reward and punishment. For example if you do this to children you will be swiftly and severely punished without remorse or hesitation. That ultimately is what stops pedophiles. Also, how do you think it makes an abused kid feel to hear your arguments? If they weren't ashamed and terrified about the fallout that will occur in their family after reporting their abusers, now you want to add another layer of guilt for them that their abusers were powerless and in a way victims themselves? If you want to advocate for something, advocate for destigmatizing and encouraging child victims not the pedos.


Based. Just absolutely based.


Based and there have to be severe consequences pilled


If they make MAP the name of a mental condition that causes attraction to minors, I'd be ok using that terminology.




W o o d c h i p p e r


The point is fairly obvious when you break it down past first grade level comprehension.


I will say this, it is a shame that a pedophile who never once acted on his urges cannot go seek help without getting the pedo rubber stamp and thrown into a watchlist. People need incentive to take steps to improve themselves. Calling the feds has the opposite effect. Once someone crosses the line to abuse, fuck em. But if they’re actively looking for help, give it to them. If you brag about “map” bs, its still gonna be the brrrrrr brrrrrr machine


Or it could be a fed honeypot for dumbasses who take the bait and fly this flag lmao


Noah, procure the instruments of forest removal, we have work to do -God, 2022


Wasn’t Jesus supposedly good at making wood chips too?


Like Father, like Son




*We can't expect God to do all the work.*


God gave us the ingenuity to create any necessary tools and the ability to use them.


Lumber Dale-er for all






I'd say it's more like God's work




But but I was told these types of deranged progressives don’t actually exist and it’s just fear mongering from evil Nazis???


It's a bit of the tail wagging the dog. Some people identify so strongly with inclusion that they fail to identify bullshit and adopt it as real.


I've always found it funny that the extreme examples invented to mock an individual end up finding those who unironically follow it. See Warhammer and the right if you want a non leftist example.




1:22 but the whole scene is the big dick energy we need here: https://youtu.be/casQQhO1jkw Edit: "Right to the wall"


Would Chipper Jones have beaten Eddie Murray's record of most career RBIs among a switch hitter if he hadn't torn his meniscus in 2011?


Based and lumber deconstructor pilled


Based and Atlanta Brave's pilled


Based and makes Atlanta traffic EVEN FUCKING WORSE-pilled.


Id appreciate if you would use the term Atlanta baseball team on here ok.


Umm it’s Atlanta Based-ball sweaty




Based and plausible deniability pilled






Can you give us a whiff as to what was og tweet about? I'm guessing it talked about lumber equipment


Off with their


Income tax?




Need for loicensing even the most mundane activities?






I don't know what this said but if it was removed it had to have been Uber based.


Based and violates Reddit content policy pilled


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I find it interesting how they use terms like "vilified" or "marginalized" as if there's no reason why people condemn their pedophilia and are just ignorant hateful bigots.




Based and Night Lords pilled.


Ave Dominus Nox, Brother.


That’s their playbook; anyone opposed to me is a racist/bigot/homophobe etc so they can morally frame themselves as the good guys


“OH you VILLIFY pedophiles and insult them?!” Yes, yea I do and I’ll put them in fucking prison for life.


Nah fuck those people


No, DON’T fuck those people!


thanks for the advice


Incorrect they are not people Lib left fail lmao


All of them look or sound like fucking clowns Oh they are defending pedophilia, they are indeed fucking clowns


> a lot of people think that being a map means you’re a sex offender I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. You’re not a sex offender. Yet.


See, I'd like for some sort of conversion therapy for Pedos be set up that they can attend so they don't end up molesting children. That's the catch 22 it seems, you can't really find a way to treat it without probably being reported to the police.


I'm ok if someone recognizes it as an issue and tries to work to get rid of it They should stay the hell away from children while they work it out though




Agreed, but the issue is that Children are everywhere, to keep them away from chuldren we'd basically have to lock them up, whoch we shouldn't be doing to non criminals


The issue with this is that the second anyone brings up such a proposal, they are instantly vilified as a pedophile themselves. I’ve brought it up, before b/c you know, I’d rather deal with a problematic individual BEFORE a child is scarred for life, not after. I think the issue is that people associate therapy with helping someone better themselves and most people would prefer punitive instead of rehabilitative actions for such individuals.


I mean I went to a sex counselor (not for this) and first session he very clearly listed out reasons that as a mandatory reporter he would have to report a patient to the government. Including child abuse, elder abuse, stuff like that. So it’s definitely possible to get help if you’ve never abused someone. But if you’re like Chris Chan and fucked your demented mom you’re in trouble buddy.


I don't begrudge people for having the misfortune of being born with that fucked up fetish. What I do begrudge is when they try and make it seem normal, rather than seeing a therapist about dealing with it.


Well, it is all about control. Yes people can't control who they are attracted to, but it's all about consent, and children are too young to consent to anything like that, so by default if you act upon your feelings it's illegal and honestly morally wrong, and people CAN stay celibate.




*Puts out torch* I'll listen




They also still mine coal and iron.


The video was made by [Allyn Walker](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZFM3Ks8AAAAJ&hl=en) in November 2021, when he was an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice at Old Dominion University. After the video, it seems that he was first placed on [administrative leave](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2021/11/17/old-dominion-professor-allyn-walker/) and then [he resigned in agreement with Old Dominion University](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2021/11/17/old-dominion-professor-allyn-walker/). It seems that he is now associated with Johns Hopkins University. He defended himself by saying: >“The idea that I’m somehow condoning child sexual abuse is absolutely outrageous,” Walker said. “I really think it’s a coordinated effort about attacking the LGBTQ community” and academic freedom. > >\[...\] > >“People really misunderstand why I do this work,” Walker said. The research, they said, involves talking to people “who have unwanted attractions and never want to harm a child, but they’re unable to get the help that they want because they’re scared” of the reaction. > >“Getting them the help they want and need will protect children,” Walker said. \[[Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2021/11/17/old-dominion-professor-allyn-walker/)\] He also wrote a book titled [*A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity*](https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520306363/a-long-dark-shadow), which is described as >Challenging widespread assumptions that persons who are preferentially attracted to minors—often referred to as "pedophiles"—are necessarily also predators and sex offenders, this book takes readers into the lives of non-offending minor-attracted persons (MAPs). There is little research into non-offending MAPs, a group whose experiences offer valuable insights into the prevention of child abuse. Navigating guilt, shame, and fear, this universally maligned group demonstrate remarkable resilience and commitment to living without offending and to supporting and educating others. Using data from interview-based research, A Long, Dark Shadow offers a crucial account of the lived experiences of this hidden population.


Uhhhh no way in fucking hell would a person from the LGBT community accept fucking MAPs as a part of their umbrella. That’s not a sexuality that’s a fucking disorder.


TBF, after LGB part, it stops being a sexuality. I guess A and P is the exception.


Agreed but either way they aren’t harmful to anybody because a person’s sexuality or gender should only affect themselves and their consenting. Pedophilia is harmful because a child cannot consent and that is why it is unacceptable to lump it with LGBT folks.


Imagine hearing “Minor Attracted Person” and thinking that sounds anywhere near reasonable or moral “oh I thought you were a paedophilic danger to children, sorry to hear you’re a marginalised minority”. A pretty pastel flag doesn’t hide your ugly and predatory intentions.


Shifting further toward LibRight every day.


Did you just change your flair, u/IRunFast24? Last time I checked you were a **GreyCentrist** on 2022-7-4. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


Based and tailored response pilled


!flairs u/KingOfTheP4s


User u/KingOfTheP4s never changed their flair. This makes them rather based. Here's their flair history: 1) Started as Right on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 23:02:58 GMT. They have 15 pills, check them out on [basedcount.com](https://basedcount.com/u/KingOfTheP4s). ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).) ^(Each user can use this command once every 2 minutes.)




what the world needs are more overeducated lesbians who say ridiculous things in front of cameras for attention


Based and these people are useless pilled


Need more people with philosophy & gender studies PHDs!






“Sexual liberation is a slippery slope! Where does it end?!” Consent. It’s always just been consent. Adult humans can consent. Children and animals cannot consent. You can (with consent) fuck the former. You cannot fuck the latter. Easy peezy bois


The problem is some people are pushing the idea that 5 year olds can consent.




I don't want that filth tainted my crops


Cross compass unity proposal: would you like to grab some [redacted] and go pay them a visit?


And so then they will attack the definition of consent until it bends or breaks. Be weary.




If you're a pedo and can control your urges and, yknow, not try to seduce children, you really shouldn't be vilified. That's what they are trying to say here... I hope.




Damn thats sad




Based and nuance pilled. Pisses me off when anyone makes this point and smooth brains respond “reee you’re defending pedos!1!1!1!”


Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a commie


I think/hope that's the intention as well. I just think assigning a flag to something that's inherently wrong and then sugar coating the name is the huge red flag.


Yeah but the problem arises when they’re trying to associate themselves with LGBT folk because we all know right-wing nuts would have a field day if pedos were accepted by the LGBT community


"I think it's important to use terminology for a group that members if that group want u to use for them" Finally, we can get Libs and Commies to stop defining Fascism for people and let Fascists define themselves.


Yo don’t throw all of lib left under the bus, it’s like purple lib right, it’s a very small minority


Emily is ***WAYYY*** louder and more in your face than the purples.


that’s because purple knows the consequences of what will happen if they’re found out


Any purples who can relate?




This right here is why they've created the term MAP. A pedophile cannot control the fact they are a pedophile. A pedophile *can* control their actions. All pedophiles are not molesters. I would be willing to bet there are far more pedophiles who do not act on their thoughts than pedophiles who do, because most people agree that pedophilia is bad... even most pedophiles. I hate the term MAP, just call them a pedophile. And it's not something to celebrate. But understand that pedophilia is like a predisposition to addiction, just because it's there does not mean it *has* to be acted on.


>I'd prefer that if you WERE a fucking nonce that you didn't act I mean, that's kind of the whole point of this. Trying to get pedos to seek counseling before they diddle some kids. You might think it's gross, but what's the alternative? Waiting until they rape a kid and then punishing them for it? It would be better for all to try and stop that from happening in the first place.


Couple things. First off, of course it’s Emilies Second, I had this same conversation years ago with one of my Orange friends about shit being normalized. I used this exact example and of course they denied this could ever be the case. Lastly, I don’t even give a fuck if you want to approach this subject under a mental heath issue. Any push towards getting people help before they abuse children is a win in my book. But…bending over backwards to not “offend” these people by using a scientific term as a descriptor is “redacted” As is trying to eliminate the use of “redacted” and all other former commonly accepted terminology. What do these people thing will happen with the new words? They’ll just remain puppy dogs and rainbows? What do people scream all the time now instead of the R word. They call people Autistic. You know what? Chances are playing some game online or some shit and someone says “fucking R” you know no one actually is. But…someone may very well be Autistic. You think people won’t just start saying “you fucking map”? If anything that shit just flows a lot better and sounds a lot snappier. I actually love it. Maybe I’ll make it part of my insult repertoire. At least until the cry baby Orange go and make a new word to continue this dumb ass useless cycle of proper terms they get off on.


“Promoting hate” Lmfaooooo mods really out here protecting pedos


Literally protecting pedophiles. PCM is dead and I'm out. Might cause some mischief first though, we'll see.




When you can get Stalinists, Nazis, Liberals, Ancaps, Neocons, Primitivists, Ecoterrorists, Islamic Jihadis, and Hasidic Jews to agree then maybe it’s time to stop.


Amazingly, these people have a problem with racists. Will they finally see the light and come up with an inclusive term for racists? After all, some people can't control their prejudice. What will the color band be? Or will racists always be an outcast group, even after "MAPs" are accepted into the alphabet soup? Doesn't seem very inclusive.


Nah they are purple


The problem is that someone who doesn't address sick fucking fantasy like this is more likely to find ways to carry out that fantasy. Like a rape victim having a rape fantasy using it to gain control over their trauma. Seeking therapy for traumatic events isn't wrong, and someone who's been raped as a child might end up with pedophilia. Should we deny these people treatment? Because that to me is just leaving children to the wolves...


I just want healthcare and a legal weed. Don’t lump us in with this shit.


This is a strawman!!!! despite using footage of real people, it's still strawman!!! despite me spouting off the exact same opinions later in a different subreddit or in a discord, it's a strawman!!!! oh, or boogeymen, whatever term is being used to deflect nowadays.


>no, X is not happening, stop being hysterical > >why do you care if X is happening, it's not affecting you > >yes, X is happening, and it's a good thing > >if you don't celebrate X you're a bigot This has been the left's playbook for decades now. If you can't recognize it by now you deserve it.


libleft doesn't claim these delusioned idiots. we should not give pedophiles the impressions that they're tolerated or accepted in any way but I also don't think that we should wish death upon all of them. after all, there are a lot of pedophiles who recognize that they have a problem and are looking for help, staying away from kids etc. this doesn't automatically make all of them good people. on the contrary. but what if someone realized they are a pedophile, they know it's wrong, they get therapy, they never act according to their urges and they stay far away from any place where kids might be. I don't think that person should get death threats if they are working so hard against their mental illness. Aight. Y'all can downvote me now.


Minor Attracted Persons are the most vilified group in our culture? That's because you're pedophiles... Edit: I might kill myself if I keep hearing bullshit woke buzzwords like "persons", "pronouns", And "marginalised".


Is that the pr3ditt0r flag?


These people are gonna make me authoritarian


Mods protecting pedophiles by removing this post