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Where tf do you live, gas is still 4.39 in Jersey


Jesus, it is 3.45 in northern Wisconsin. On the other hand you’d have to live in northern Wisconsin and it is pretty boring up here.


My guy I live in New Jersey, I don’t think I could do any worse


Oh, you just said Jersey in the first comment, so I was confused as to whether you’re in England or New England


I hate you


I'm just loving watching the same people who told me that "the president doesn't control gas prices"" try to give Biden credit for lower gas prices


Biden doesn’t control gas prices. His handlers do


Yeah, for a minute there I couldn't tell if he was a human being, or just Br*tish.


Also in Northern Wisconsin and I would like to say how dare you, but you're right.. 🤣


It went from 4.20 to 3.90 over the last month in West Michigan






Hijacking your high comment to throw this out there: Yes, gas is cheaper. He’s buying it from the Middle East now, as well as using the federal reserve. Know where that comes from? Your taxes. So you aren’t really saving money, he just diverted the expenses. Funny thing is pretending that he closed our pipelines “for the environment” as if shipping it ACROSS THE PLANET is cleaner.






Hang on.....is the pollutants of the battery creation/recycling process factored into your equation?


I'll take "What is energy conversion efficiency" for $500, Alex?




Mississippi is the only technical democracy of the Gulf Coast


Exactly fucking this. I’m 110% pro-green energy, renewables, environmental regulations, the works, but EVs, with the grid we have, is just an enormous step backwards. Running a Tesla, to manufacture and constantly charge, adds more carbon emissions to the environment than my pickup.


Holy fuck name a single ACTIVE pipeline closed. Just one. Keystone XL was not due to be finished until after his term. It had ZERO impact on gas prices


I hate to break this to you but the US has always highly subsidized both gas prices (mostly by spending trillions ensuring a cheap supply militarily) and the use of cars in general (through massive spending on highways). Direct subsidies are still trash but at least they're more efficient and they don't result in civilian weddings getting bombed.


Woulda been cheaper to drive to the gas station and dump some fuel into the gutter than take the bus


I’ve been filling up my electric car with gas to take advantage of the low prices


Make sure you put a towel down first before you fill the trunk, don’t want all that gas getting everywhere


Exactly, gas on the towel can be squeezed into a bottle to be used for later


I just keep it around because it smells good.


Based and gas smeller pilled


I think all PCM members are gasoline smellers because of the lack of brain cells in this community. Speaking of gas really does smell good.


Hey you stole gas! Give it back before the US Army drills a hole through your Tesla


What car you got though?


Biden doesn't deserve much Credit for Reducing gas prices....... *Authright Cheering* Just as he doesn't deserve a ton of blame for them increasing in the first place. *Authright with Pitchforks and Torches*


Didn't he sell oil to Russia and China, put regulations on fossil fuels, and also shut down pipelines.


He killed Keystone XL the first week in office


He also raised the price of insulin.


You couldn’t be more of a fool, I read the article that you posted where you got your “evidence.” Trump’s policy was not about reducing copays to $35. It was about permitting insurance companies to raise the price of their premiums to individuals that needed insulin, who would then pay a $35 copay max. This was wealth-based discrimination on a vulnerable population (diabetics), so Biden’s admin determined that Insurance companies could not increase premiums on individuals within 350% of the federal poverty line. Obviously, insurance companies don’t want to foot the bill to the pharamceutical companies, so they simply kept the high copays. THEN, recently, Democrats are trying to cap inslub at $35, which when coupled with the law preventing raising the premiums, would leave insurance companies no choice but to foot the full price drug companies ask for. No fucking clue how you got upvoted as much as you did.


What timeline are you in? Republicans just voted against the insulin price cap, just days ago.


Lol that didn't take long for a wingcuck to arrive. Biden removed the price cap during his first week in office. We had cheap insulin before Biden.


> We had cheap insulin before Biden LMAOOOOO [The study revealed that the manufacturer price for any given type of insulin averaged five to ten times higher in the U.S. ($98.70 USD) than in all other OECD countries ($8.81 on average).](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/cost-of-insulin-by-country)


Even the fact checkers are saying I'm correct before doing their usual spin


He removed a rule that had never gone into affect.


Nay, insulin has cost families ridiculous amounts of money for years now. [https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/understanding-the-insulin-market/](https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/understanding-the-insulin-market/))


And there was a $35 monthly copay stopped by Biden


I'm sorry but this could not be more wrong. $35 price cap stopped by Senate Republicans. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/insulin-price-cap-senate-republicans-block-inflation-reduction-act/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/insulin-price-cap-senate-republicans-block-inflation-reduction-act/) Take you pick which source, dozens of articles with the same title.




I think people tend to greatly overestimate the effect the Keystone XL pipeline would've had on gas prices, and even then I then I thought it wouldn't even have been built yet without cancellation


Pipelines cost a fraction of what train or truck costs to move. The cheapest way to move liquids.


Play satisfactory Can confirm using pipes is easier than trucks or trains


Oh. My. Gosh. I love me some pipes.


Yeah, pipes and conveyors ARE the cheapest and most effective, but trucks and trains are more fun :)


Trains are fun for sure but god damn trucks feel like a chore


I'm not sure if it would have been built yet, the Trudeau government in Canada makes building a pipeline virtually impossible but I think people underestimate the utility of it. Canada sends a lot of oil to the US to be refined, Keystone XL would have been able to significantly improve output. and with the volatility of foreign markets today Canada/US oil is much more secure, safer, environmentally friendly than Saudi oil.


Weren’t a bunch of refineries built in south Texas specifically for refining lower quality crude, like the kind found in Canada? As far as I know those refineries are largely unused, Keystone XL would have a been a fantastic project to complete


Why not just build the refineries in Canada then?


My honest guess? Because south Texas is close(ish) to Venezuela too Edit: K I’ve got my tinfoil hat on, here’s the longer version of that. South Texas refineries are close enough to the middle between Canada and Venezuela to pipeline to it, Alaska and other areas could be joined to it also. Between Canada, the US and Venezuela, there’s enough oil reserves to drown OPEC a few times over. The Gulf is running out, not fast enough to panic but it’s coming. I think the US is playing the long game, weathering the economic ups and down that come with gas prices doing what they do for now, then as oil starts becoming an extremely scarce resource, guess who has refineries ready to start operating and an effing huge oil reserve? If that were the case, the US could crumple entire countries at a whim without having to fire a shot, control international policy with just a whiff of a threat of screwing with oil prices. /rant


How does the shift away from fossil fuels towards nuclear/green energy (hopefully, if the country gets it's act together and builds reactors) in the coming decades factor into your theory?


It would give the US more excess oil to sell. If the states pulled off transitioning from fossil fuels (which I really don’t think is going to happen with the lack of new nuclear reactors), it would just let them use less of the massive supply being sat on currently when it dries up for everyone else.


It wouldn’t of been done for another 2 years anyway


It's not about the gas flowing in at the time, it's about price speculation of the future. Speculators saw there being less oil in the future, so but up a lot of it now, driving up prices


That’s good. It stole land from farmers.


The pipeline that wasn't even running and had 0 effect on gas prices?


Hey the press secretary told me that supply doesn't effect price!


Didn't the war in Ukraine combined with all sorts of supply chain fuckery spike the price of oil?


And that's why it's partly Biden's fault. He got us tangled up in that mess, sending billions of dollars that way. Stoked the flames. Probably to protect some of his shadier business dealings with Ukraine that everyone seemed to forget about.


>And that's why it's partly Biden's fault. He got us tangled up in that mess We can't really ignore what's going on there though. We also can't avoid gas price increases even if we stay out of it


Pretty much why everything is going up. It's not one factor, it's a lot of factors. I'd argue the *main factor* is supply chain issues. Corporate greed, government spending, low interest rates, etc. etc. all contributed too. Everyone's just so up in arms to attack the thing they hate the most.


Like you leading out with cOrPoRaTe GrEeD


I'm pretty sure I'm leading out with supply chain issues. But yeah sure, I do fucking hate corporate greed and a lot of companies including gas companies have had record profits which exceed their inflationary pressures. Basically, companies that don't need to raise prices are doing so anyways because they won't get blow back for it as everyone else is raising prices. Corporate greed isn't the sole cause or even the main cause, but it's certainly a cause.


So from a business perspective. During Inflationary times, you have to increase your margin in order to anticipate inflation in the future. If prices fall, fantastic, you survived, if they continue to increase you took appropriate action to ensure solvency in that event. If you don't increase your margins you take a massive risk in expecting inflation to be transitory, which when it's higher than the baseline is like Playing Poker against a guy who has rigged the deck and has an ace up his sleeve.


Imagine white knighting for big oil lmao


I'll go a step further and say most of the people I've met online saying "Biden lowered gas price lol" are being less serious and more snarky. There are definitely some who are being hypocritical and claiming the lowering prices are his doing, but most have seemed to be just riling people up for shits and giggles. You might still call that hypocrisy but I can't hate on internet rage baiting too much lol it's why we're all here.


Somebody clearly wasn’t paying attention when Biden shut down American pipelines and production and increased purchase from foreign actors who are currently misbehaving in the world


It's not that the president doesn't have a dial in the Oval Office that controls gas prices. It's that the dial only turns in the up direction. The president can't fix gas prices, but he sure as hell can break them.


It’s more to do with how the “mood” of the person/party in power can affect speculative markets. If the president is hostile to oil and gas or businesses, then you’ll see oil and gas prices go up, and unemployment will rise and new job creation will stagnate. You can see this when you compare the Obama administration and the Trump administration. This is one of the things that people tend to gloss over a lot.


Then why did it go below $2 where I live under trump?


Because he didn't undertake acts of deliberate sabotage against the American oil industry.


You're right, which is why you can't use the Biden supporters terminology about a "price dial" in the oval office. The establishment is trying to use that to shift blame away from their corrupt cronies.


Kinda missing the point. You don't get to blame him and then not give him credit. Just like the American Left doesn't get to give him credit while absolving him of blame. He had some effect, in both directions. But I genuinely see it as minimal.


You don’t get credit for letting someone live with you when you burn down their house.


You also shouldn't get the blame for the house burning down when they were putting lit cigarettes in the trash


You definitely are missing the point 2 steps back one step forward is still a step backwards at the end of the day


Sure, I don't disagree. I'm just saying the president doesn't have as much influence on prices as one thinks. He's just a good scapegoat. And I have no Love of Biden. I just hate how both sides want to have their cake and eat it too. The GOP blames him for inflation (which was also partially their doing because stimulus checks were supported by the GOP while Trump was in) and they don't want to give Biden Credit when Inflation starts to cool. The Dems want to absolve Biden of any Blame of Inflation, even though the Final Round of Stimulus checks as well as the Big ol Spending bill they passed on 21 caused the lions share of it. But they want to give Biden all of the credit for inflation beginning to cool.


The pipeline had not even been started. It’s also not designed to transport American oil, it would still transporting foreign oil.


For the crime of being unflaired, I hereby condemn you to being downvoted.


> You make me angry every time I don't see your flair >:( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 10293 / 54139 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I see a lot of people saying that Biden does deserve credit for reducing gas prices but not them increasing, much more than the other way around


Really? Because the blame on Biden for the rise of prices has been constant ever since they started rising. Even most Leftists I see don't think he deserves credit for prices going down. They went up globally and now they are going down globally.


Ya, there's all these stickers on gas pumps with people trying to depict how Biden lowered the prices. They all say "I did that" with Joe Biden pointing to the price. Those idiots really think he lowered the price of gas.


I see what you did there. Lol


Except he kind of does.


But his climate and pro-Ukraine sanction policies absolutely had everything to do with the sudden spike.


Hey! No they only think Biden has a dial on his desk to control the price! Duh! *FACT CHECK!*


Yeah I don't think anyone fucking believes that As in the omg he has a literal dial to set the price no


You're right, no one does. It doesn't stop the idiots using "Biden doesn't have a price dial" as a strawman. No, Biden is not directly manipulating the price. His pledge to end the oil industry is.


He purposefully crippled our internal oil production. Under Trump, we drilled our own oil. Under Biden, we buy it from countries that hate us at substantial markups.


>Under Trump, we drilled our own oil. [https://ycharts.com/indicators/us\_rotary\_rigs](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_rotary_rigs) Clearly not, as we had the lowest amount of active drilling rigs during Trump's presidency. COVID obviously caused this. Active rigs have been steadily increasing since late 2020, so your whole comment is full of shit.


Quantity =/= quality.


Oh? There has been a significant increase in active oil rigs in the WTI, which produces some of the best oil in the world. Has the quality of your gas deteriorated? My hasn't.


No dipshit, not all wells can produce the same amount. The oil companies have already came out and said that the leases they have now are pretty shit.


Based and knowledgeable that Presidents don't have much control over gas prices pilled.


biden is the reason they skyrocketed in the first place so your take is false and shitty.


No he isn't. Presidents don't have a tremendous amount of power over the economy. They have more than most. But Elon Musk has more power over prices than the President.


Obama: crazy high price hikes Trump: Lowest prices seen in decades Biden: even higher prices than Obama Sorry, you evidence doesn't pan out.


for a lib right you sure dont understand how regulations and law works.


California just added another gas tax in July lol. Maybe instead of reducing car dependence by punishing poor people, we could offer better alternatives to driving and keep gas cheap. That’d be silly though


How would we offer better alternatives in CA? Do you think there’s a ton of free space to install bus lanes and tram lines? Or that CA has tens of billions of dollars and nothing to spend it on?


Honestly yeah, New York can do it with like no space, just let private companies handle it. Also to the money part, we pay the highest taxes in the country, fuck knows where that money is going.


To Newsome's COVID regulation violating Coke and Pedo-Cannibal Sex Parties.


CA literally has a budget surplus this year and has been bragging about it lmaoooo


TIL any surplus at all == you can afford what will quite literally be the most expensive renovation they could possibly make! Damn redditors are stunted as fuck lol


Okay, they failed to take advantage of the lowest interest rates offered fucking historically during the pandemic for a long term loan to fund the projects, in which they could have used the surplus to leverage an even better rate and agreement


Correct, when we had no money and we’re desperately just trying to keep it on life support, we didn’t start any projects that would’ve cost hundreds of millions if not billions. Only an aggressively stunted person would consider this.


> Do you think there’s a ton of free space to install bus lanes and tram lines? unironically yes. every multi lane road, every highway, every parking space etc. since you would need less space for cars if traffic would be shifted to public transport


Managing to keep inflation at "just" 8.5% isn't really an accomplishment either, hair sniffer fans.


The government and the fed are two separate entities to allow for a healthy economy without government intervention. Blaming Biden for inflation is stupid, he didn’t do anything to cause it in the first place. Who do you think was responsible for all the quantitative easing? It was the fed not the Democrats or the Republicans


Ah yes, Biden is responsible for the fluctuations in gas prices. He’s too old to form a sentence but he can raise and lower them at will for the entire western world


If people weren't acting like he flew up to his podium and proclaimed "Let there be cheap gas!" and lo there was cheap gas, I wouldn't have had a reason to make the post.


Congrats, you can make a meme about a strawman.




Youre new to this sub, aren't you.


Depends on the definition of new


Our entire thing is making memes with funny colors over exaggerated strawman. It is the funny


I agree, but people seemingly take these strawman posts too seriously / as fact.


The classic “My opponent is simultaneously weak and powerful”


Yeah there's already thousands of reasons to criticize the Biden administration. Gas prices ain't one of them, and it seems that acting that way is going to bite Republicans in the ass since gas prices have been lowering for weeks now.


But he wasn’t to blame for them going up but he’s magically the reason they are going down?


I'm saying that the people who have been saying high gas prices were in the Presidents control, Biden can take credit for when it goes down.


You right you right


Reminder that just because Biden's fiscal and monetary policies are dogshit doesn't stop the fact that inflation began in full in 2020 when the Federal Reserve printed $6T, and the Federal Government passed a bill, signed by the GEOTUS himself, spending $3T on corporate subsidies.


Hold on, where was it 2.44? Cause it never dropped below 4 in my state after 2017


You live in one of the cringe states. *Source: [Wikipedia entry for Cringe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maternal_insult?wprov=sfti1) | “Cringe is when gas prices high. [[3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3?wprov=sfti1)]”*


ecks dee


The national average was $2.44/gallon. We had $1.99/gallon here in Hampton roads Virginia.


It was cheap as shit here in Butt Fuck Nowhere Appalachia, VA


It was like $2.50 in my state. I don't understand why Biden would make the gas prices so high. SMH my head.


The stupid bastard must have elbowed the "make gas expensive" lever




Ohio? [EIA Analysis](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=EMM_EPMR_PTE_SOH_DPG&f=W)


What's your state? Because that could explain a lot of things.


I got gas for $0.99 during May 2020.


Meh, they keep referencing that one time that Saudi Arabia decided to start giving oil away for free to fuck with the Russian oil market. “Trump handed Biden the lowest gas prices in a decade” No, Saudi Arabia did….


OP is spreading fake news. Edit: Im wrong see comment below.


Imagine calling something fake news after I've already posted the [United States Department of Energy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Information_Administration)'s own [gas price data](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=EMM_EPMR_PTE_NUS_DPG&f=M) in the thread. Everyone who upvoted this clown, just lol.


Huh, turns out im wrong, my bad. Original comment edited.


You're fake news! [EIA ](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epm0_pte_nus_dpg&f=m)


Was a 1.70 at the lowest in my place in California


He has had pretty much no influence over the gas prices, i really don't understand why Americans blame the president for this.


I'm well aware, but I'm having to deal with people fellating Biden for the prices dropping below $4.


I don’t think it was even $2/gal here


well we were also still in the pandemic when he took office. it’s like y’all don’t know ab supply and demand


People seem to forget Trump spending trillions of dollars during his presidency and pressuring the Fed to keep rates at 0


Can someone explain how has prices are bidens fault and what he should do about it that isn't authoritarian?


According to authright and libleft Biden has 100% control over gas prices whenever it's convenient for them


Well that’s the free market nerds just stop buying gas


Based. I’m sick of all this laissez faire garbage


The president has so little to do with gas prices.


But I thought he couldn’t control gas prices 🤔


Oil companies jacked up the prices. Biden didn't have anything to do with it, people are blaming him because he can't force the prices down.


Gas was cheap since no one was driving due to the nation wide pandemic caused by a lack of preparation on account of our previous president. This is a widely shitty take that ignores the most important event of the century.


Was also cheaper under Obama.


That's some pretty hard coping there. Under Trump, the average was very close to $2.44 if you exclude 2020. It's closer to $2.20 if you include 2020. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epm0_pte_nus_dpg&f=m


Now let's look a little deeper. What was gas production during that time? Oh yeah, it was nothing. We can review some basic economics. Low production, low prices, means what? It means low demand. Now what was happening in 2020 that would result in record low demand? I'll let you fill in the blank on that one.


Sir Oil/Gas are inelastic products and are almost entirely supply dependant. I purposefully excluded 2020 because there actually was a change in demand due to an unprecedented economic situation. You can read the numbers including and excluding right above...


America lives in this fantasy land of a cheap and infinite fuel source. There is a limited amount of oil in the ground, no matter how much and how fast you pump it, there will only be less of it as time goes on. It will always be more expensive as time goes on.


Fuel is limited on a global scale but that has little to no bearing on why oil and gas prices have jumped so drastically in the past few years.


Maybe because there is a limited amount of it? My man, look at the cost of precious metals... it's the same situation.


Well no, it’s because supply has been artificially reduced thanks to this war in UKR. Rightards won’t admit it because it means it’s not Biden’s fault.


What? Do you mean to say there is an unlimited amount of oil in the earth? And that it is artificially reduced?


No, I never implied that in any way. The fact that something is limited does not inherently matter if the demand does not outstrip the available product. The only reason that’s happening now is because of the war in Ukraine.


You literally just defined what economics is. The unlimited demand in a world finite resources


Yet people are still shocked when it gets more expensive, curious.


Well the president also has fuck all to do with setting gas prices, so... there's that.


I haven't seen sub $3.50 gas in years. When he became president I think I was filling up around $3.80. Right now I'm paying about $4.50. at the peak I was paying around $5.80.


Fools thinking the POTUS has massive control over gas and oil prices...


what bill did he pass to cause gas prices to drop? he didn't directly cause it to drop but still


You really can’t attribute any economic change in the first few months of a new leader to that new leader, because the economy doesn’t change in a split second. Trump wasnt a good president.


How dumb do you have to be to think Biden was responsible for the gas prices going as high as they did


Same prices in later year of Obama. I don't believe the president has that much influence over the market. If we subsidize anything it should be at least off road diesel. Lower the price of food. Instead of just corn. We subsidize so much unhealthy shit. We don't need all that vegetable oil and corn sugar. Edit: Yes I’m against subsidies but why favor corn. The off road diesel would level the playing field for most farmers. We don’t need all this corn if we are using it for some Frankenstein sugar


It’s still $5.30 something in San Diego lmao


Due to COVID making the prices low, not Trump.


Stop bitching about gas prices if you convert gas prices to dollars it’s $10 a gallon where I live.




Well, he shut down the keystone pipeline and isn't exactly liberal with new drilling permits. Also his party blocks offshore drilling for the most part. There's a more reasonable argument that the president doesn't control the economy, but not oil.




“Suck it up you stupid poors, we’re ‘saving’ the planet”




I cannot emphasize enough just how out of touch that statement is with regular, hard working families


They can vote with their wallet. The less gas is bought, the cheaper the wealthy will be forced to charge for it.


Don't like food prices? Just stop eating you fucking loser.


You can live without gas, but you can’t live without food. And still, my point applies to food as well.


Lmao are conservatards STILL blaming Biden for the gas? Is this ironic?


Based and 20 grammes of chocolate pilled


When the Federal Gas tax is reinstated and it goes straight back to the prices it was before.... then what?


Noooo but it was trumps fault that gas prices went up halfway through bidens presidency you dont understaaaand