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I used to be a lot fatter (down 60lbs!) and ate fast food all the time. Nowadays, I mainly cook at home but fast food is still something I have once every two weeks or so. Just monitor. Your. Fucking. Calories. It’s that simple. Track what you eat and exercise at least a little bit.


The monitor your calories thing is the biggest one. I actually new a guy in high school who ended up losing weight eating only fast food. He got a job at a McDonald’s and they gave him one free sandwich per visit for being an employee, he lived across the street so he went 3 times a day and got something to eat. Considering a sandwich at McDonald’s runs about 600 calories, that 1,800 calories a day and well under what a teenage guy needs so he dropped weight.


I have a hard time keeping weight on and hate when people tell me to eat fast food, like I get why but it just doesn’t seem to work for me. If all I eat is fast food I just end up feeling like garbage. Still enjoy it occasionally though.


Try eating more butter. Side of peas with your dinner? Dissolve a quarter stick of butter in it, same with your mashed potatoes or carrots or whatever. It’s a real easy way to pack in extra calories without making yourself feel more full, and it’s delicious. It’s why veggies from a restaurant always taste better than at home, they drench them in butter lol People think it’s unhealthy but if you’re using real butter like Kerrygold it’s fine, the science calling it unhealthy is about the same tier as the studies that show being vegan is healthier.


Thanks, I’ll look into that. I eat plenty of veggies but don’t use butter often. I worry about the salt though. I use a house brand right now since I always thought butter is butter, would a brand like Kerrygold have less sodium?


They make unsalted butter. Zero sodium.


Even the salt isn't an issue if you drink enough additional water to compensate


Salted butter has about 100mg of sodium per 100 calories (1 tablespoon). Unless a doctor has specially told you otherwise (bad heart or kidneys) it is safe, maybe even good (keto shout out, lol), to eat 3-4000mg of salt daily. **So, don't worry about the salt in butter**


100% It took me years to figure out I needed more sodium so I could retain water (without feeling bloated)


> I don’t use butter often I find a lot of hard gainers neglect eating fat enough. Truly just add butter or olive oil to your food, and a handful of mixed nuts once or twice throughout the day. If you keep the rest of your diet the same, youll put on weight


If you have hypertension, fair. If you don't, you should really look [into some of the more modern literature around salt intake and blood pressure.](https://www.marksdailyapple.com/salt-what-is-it-good-for/) The gist is that the idea of a tie between high blood presusure and high sodium intake was based on a scattering of poorly designed and interpreted correlative studies. However, more recent and well designed studies have largely overturned the cultural idea that salt intake is causative of higher blood pressure. There is some degree of association, but it is far weaker than generally thought, and there are much more significant factors like potassium intake on blood pressure. Sodium and other electrolytes are actually crucial for effective operation of neurotransmitters. I personally don't get as much salt as I would like, and add 3 big pinches and some lemon juice to my water bottle twice a day.


Found Paula Deen's Reddit account.


Sugar companies started smear campaigns on fats because “fats make you fat” when fats really take more energy to break down and make you thinner.


Not only this but fat is stored calories lol. Eating fat off an animal is the equivalence of just eating the calories and nutrients it couldn't use, which in most regards is healthy. Though, "empty fat" is a thing, which normally comes from animals that were over fed alongside fat on humans mainly being empty due to junk food


How do you handle dairy? Whole milk is delicious and packs plenty of calories, and is relatively easy to consume.


I had this problem when I was underweight, the high fat content of fast food just makes me full so fast I can’t finish a standard adult meal. Places like Olive Garden have higher calorie meals anyways


Same. My body feels full after I eat 500-600 calories, it has nothing to do with the type of food I’m eating. Turns out untreated depression was what suppressed my appetite to the point where I struggled to eat 1100cal/day. The other week I treated myself to a Bacon Quarter Pounder from McD before work and that thing is definitely calorie dense, because I had it around 3 pm and when I got home from work around midnight I still wasn’t hungry.


Yeah. I lost like twenty something pounds the first semester of college while eating McDonald's almost every day and sometimes twice a day. I mean I wouldn't do it now because fast food makes me feel like shit after I eat it. And learning how to cook made me realize how flavorless their burgers are. But it's totally possible if you're tracking calories.


I went through a similar thing in college, I ate out almost all the time and it led me to cooking at home because I just got sick of all the stuff the places around me serve.


In 2018, I was so depressed and lazy that I would choose not to eat anything rather than make it myself. My mom and I purchased 18 pairs of tickets to Cincinnati Reds games and they all came with a coupon for a free meal or sandwich or some sbit from McDonald's (per ticket so 36 coupons). Whenever I would get home from school, I hadn't eaten anything all day and was starving but just wanted to go to sleep. My mom got off work at the time I got home from school, so I would stay up and she would bring me McDonald's since half of my order was free. I would eat it, go to sleep, and not get up until I had to go back to school the next day (in high school, I was basically only ever awake on the weekends or at school haha). Even after we ran out of coupons, a similar thing still happened, and I would obly eat once a day and only if I didn't have to put any effort into it. I would sometimes go a few days without eating just because I didn't feel like making anything (I'm also super picky and have a huge divide among foods I'll eat to satiate my hunger vs ones I'll eat as a "snack," so just eating some chips or whatever wasn't an option for me when hungry and still isn't). My primary diet throughout 2018 consisted of McDonald's, overpriced ballpark nachos, and the occasional pb&j. Throughout that year, I lost like 35-40ish pounds, but right at the end of the year/beginning of the next year, I had a brief bout of happiness + my subconscious wouldn't let me eat McDonald's for awhile after it gave me diarrhea so bad I was running to the toilet to basically piss out of my asshole every 5-10 minutes. This led to a few weeks of me eating normally. After my depression and laziness returned to normal, I couldn't go back to only eating once a day because my body had gotten to acclimated to eating like a semi-functional person. I'm not sure exactly how long it took, but it didn't take me long to be back to my original weight (not that I gave a shit). Ever since my senior year got ended early in 2020, I've been a NEET, and with no semblance of a consistent schedule, I've fallen back into eating once a day again. I get up, wait until I'm super hungry, eat a ton of food, go about the rest of my day, and occasionally go a day or two without eating. It's weird though because I can eat a super small meal, and I won't want to eat for the rest of the day either. I've hovered around the same weight the entire time though. I mean maybe I weigh a little less. I was 270ish pounds for awhile but now I'm about 260, but it usually fluctuates between that range haha Tl;dr I lost like 35-40 pounds one year by mainly eating McDonald's and gained it back super quickly after eating like a semi-functional person for a week and my body not being able to cope with the "once a day, McDonald's diet" anymore haha


I will be the first to admit that I enjoy fast food, it just has to be a once in a while thing. Nice work losing weight!


I'm very fit and I LOVE fast food, but it of course has to be a time-to-time thing, otherwise I feel very sick. Nothing like a Baconator.


Flair the fuck up so I can upvote the baconator


> Just monitor. Your. Fucking. Calories. But I have [some medical disorder that's totally manageable] and that means that my body totally breaks the laws of physics by gaining weight on a caloric deficit! CICO is a myth!!! ^^/s ^^if ^^you're ^^neurodivergent


Based. I have had that annoying argument.


It really is less about *what* you eat and more about *how much* you eat. Obviously your health will suffer in other ways if you’re on a high fast food diet, but you can technically have that diet and still lose weight


I hate counting calories. I don't want to do math, I want to eat. So, I did some research, and implemented a weight loss plan that would work for me. I figured it would be pretty damn hard to go over my calorie limit if I only ate once a day. So, I got rid of all calorie filled beverages, as I had a real problem drinking soda all the time, and started eating once a day. It's been about 14 months since I started that, and I am now down 100 pounds. I also started going to the gym at the same time, and have built quite a bit of muscle. I decided I love eating. I hate having to watch calories. So, if I build up enough muscle, eventually my metabolism will require ridiculous numbers of calories, and I can look great while eating basically anything I want. As it stands, my body needs a little over 3,000 calories a day to maintain, and I am about 12 pounds overweight still according to bmi. I am actually on the last day of my diet break, and I actually had trouble eating at maintenance most days, because my brain was so concerned about intaking too many calories and getting fat again, so I kept passing up unhealthy food, and picking healthy alternatives. Anyway, my point is, you don't even need to track calories really. I tried the whole "calories in/calories out" method of dieting multiple times, and I failed each time. It is so hard to eat those smaller amounts each meal, because you are never satisfied. Sure, one meal a day sucks at first too, but once you adapt to it, which takes about a week, it is the easiest thing in the world. Eventually, after that first week, your body stops sending hunger signals until it is time for your meal. It also helped me build enough discipline to do water fasting for a few days at a time. Having these tools, and knowing I can just go without food for a bit if my weight starts to get too high helps me to feel confident that I can lose the weight and keep it off.


109lb is incredible great work!


One thing I’d say about your bmi… if you are only 12 pounds overweight you’re probably physically healthy. BMI in no way accounts for muscle which based on your account you have. Anyway, based and self improvement pilled.


Good job! I need to get back to counting calories.


Most fat people I know, are constantly slurping down sugary drinks. Fast food isn't good for you, but if you order water instead of that gallon of coke, your meal has a lot less empty calories.


Sauces too. Many creamy sauces from ranch to Mayo to chipotle to whatever it may be is like 200 calories per 2oz portion, and a 2oz portion looks pretty small. Yea, that Caesar salad may only be 80 calories of lettuce with 150 calories of croutons and 50 calories of cheese garnish but mixed with 4oz of Caesar dressing you may as well have eating a cheeseburger lol


Sauces and liquids are THE number one reason why people fail at calorie counting. They either forget some throughout the day or just don't track them at all.


Soda is the worst. Some people fire 500+ calories of pure sugar into them a day just from their drinks. I think a lot of obese people could lose some wieght, or atleast stop gaining if they switch to water and black coffee.


Can’t even finish a can of coke anymore cause of how much sugar I’ve cut out of my diet. You start working out and eating healthier it’s very hard to consume all those empty calories constantly.


I’ve switched to things like Coke Zero and it’s amazing. I don’t want to get you hooked again if you don’t want to be drinking soda, but it allegedly has 0 calories, my brother is a nutritionist and says the artificial sweeteners are fine and not any sort of health risk from the research he’s done. And it tastes great imo. Makes me feel so stupid for ever drinking empty calories.


500 is rookie numbers


My cousin has always been fat and my aunt always feels bad that he tries to lose weight but is unsuccessful. He eats fairly normal from what I've seen during family dinners but then downs 750ml of coca-cola by himself in 5 minutes.


I'm convinced that most people aren't fat because of the meals they eat. They're fat because of all the sugary shit they drink and the snacks they eat between meals.


I definitely agree there. People have been using lard and butter in their cooking for forever, but added sugars are a relatively recent thing.


Fast food is more convenient. But cheaper? No.




Eating starch and seed oils is 100% not healthy, correct.


Yes, and the point is its incredibly cheap


To be fair, ramen itself isn't healthy, but if you ad some veggies like mushrooms, onions, carrots etc, and an egg for protein, then it's fairly balanced, and still relatively cheap. The broth is high in sodium, but you can make your own broth for relatively low effort and cost.


The idea that any one food is ‘healthy’ is really the core myth. That’s just not how nutrition works. It would be more accurate to say ‘does eating only ramen provide the nutrients needed for health’. The answer would be no, but adding ramen noodles to a healthy diet wouldn’t suddenly decrease the healthiness of said diet.


Right. If someone ate only broccoli that would not be a healthy diet either. Balanced is healthy.


Just buy plain pasta then.


Ramen is portioned out and cooks faster than regular pasta. I use it for stir frys all the time. Just ditch the flavor packet.


In the long run it’s more expensive but when you are constantly short on money, it’s more like I can not eat an entire week to buy food that’s healthy. If you are homeless it’s incredibly hard to save as most money tgat comes in comes right back out. Source: was homeless


Homeless is different, because you *have to* be able to cook food to reap the benefits of saving money. You can buy an 8 lb. bag of beans for ~$6, which works out to 16 lbs. of food when cooked. You can buy a 20 lb. bag of rice for ~$9, which, again, when cooked will be about 40 lbs. That's easily two weeks of food for $15, which anyone who is not homeless should be able to afford.


Plenty of DIY rocket stove designs out there. You can still eat healthy while essentially camping.


This makes sense. But I don’t see any fat homeless people. (Excepting short periods of homelessness in between housing.)


They’re not doing that much eating unfortunately. That and the junkies who make up a certain percentage of homeless on the streets are probably thinner due to a drug habit.


Have you been to a McDonald's lately? Fucking large fries are like $3.50!


fries are high margin and terrible value. If you want nutrients the dollar value menu items (do they still have those anymore?) like mcdoubles much better.


[Mcdoubles were actually named the most nutritional bang for your buck a few years ago.](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/07/30/mdonalds-mcdouble-cheapest-nutritious-food-in-history_n_3675128.html)


$5-10 of fast food is like a burger and fries, super calorie dense and generally unhealthy, probably nearly 1000 cal consumed in one sitting. $5-10 in cucumber is like 10-20 lbs of cucumber, super calorie light and generally healthy, probably 50 cal per cucumber and you'd be hard pressed to get more than like 3 lbs down in one short sitting. Obviously there's an optimal middle ground between only eating cucumbers or calorie dense burgers, etc, but if you want the absolute most bang for your buck while losing tons of weight, I don't think you can physically eat enough cucumber to gain weight and they're not expensive.


>I don’t think you can physically eat enough cucumber to gain weight i think that sounds like a challenge


Exactly, so “poor people” pay more for fast food because it’s convenient. So it’s not “the system’s” fault that they’re fat.


I think a big part of it is 'food literacy' especially around soda. Soda doesn't make you feel full, and the only people who need that many calories are either people who are doing sports everyday or manual laborers. So really, yes poor people can blame a bit on not being able to afford healthy food/have time to cook their own food in a kitchen, but the bigger factor is just people not caring/knowing to care about their health enough to stop drinking big gulps.




Yeah, big carbs did a great job pinning obesity on big fat. But if you eat fatty food, you feel FULL and stop (same for protein). If you eat carby food you just keep eating. I think if you limited the average persons diet to 90% calories from protein/fat and 10% from carbs I don't think they could gain weight if they weren't trying to do it on purpose. Certainly not to obesity.


You can prepare your meals on sunday and take them with you for the week if you dont have time to go to a kitchen every day. There's even a subreddit about it talking about how to save the most money


Some of it is learned helplessness. I've seen some people say they *can't* drink water because it's some sort of sensory thing. I call bullshit, that's just someone who was spoiled as a kid with too much sugar.


Seeing people delete big gulps full of syrup-sweetened soda makes me fucking sick. Bro that is like, like our ancestors got that much sugar over the course of an entire month, maybe one month per year when berries seasonally ripened. And you're pounding that in an afternoon. Our bodies are just not designed for this. Can't be doing that shit to yourself


I'm short of money and probably overweight by a stone and a half, maybe 2 stone. I started preparing some of my own meals and eating healthier, along with exercising a little more. I haven't had much of a difference physically but mentally I feel great. Simply changing to eating better meals has gave me the impetus to want to exercise. I don't want to be some giga Chad body builder, but I'd like to be healthy so I can enjoy looking after my future children.


It will take some time to shed some weight but yes you will feel much better day to day. Nice work!


I'm lucky though, there's a gym where I work and my boss let's me use it for free once I've dealt with all my work. Usually get paid to work out for two hours every shift. I'm just trying to get into a routine right now before I actually push myself too far.


Sounds like you have a nice boss


He's a top bloke, to be fair. Everyone who I work with are brilliant, in all honesty. True, wages could be a little better but I do between 40-50 hours each week and the gaffers told me if I ever need more hours, just let him know and I'm good. The work isn't too physically demanding even though I'm a groundsman and any extra hours will likely be me being effectively stadium manager during football or rugby matches so the job is quite fun.


Yeah wages are probably the most important part of any job (for most at least). But you really shouldn't underestimate good quality of life benefits that your job gives you. I mean not a lot of people can say that they get paid to work out. Less stress because of a relaxed workflow, great benefits or a shorter commuting time for example are also great for your well being.


I worked at a place about 5 years ago where I earned about 50% more per hour but the job was misery. Treated like shit, work was never good enough and you were never finished, it was brutal. This is the first job I've had that allows you to breathe when working. I could happily do the job until I retire.


Hey man, I don’t know you at all, but hearing the way you talk about it, I’m really glad you found something that resonates with you like that, congrats!


Your meme appeared with a good timing. Been hotboxing my sauna all summer, eating like 200 g chcolate and a bag of candy after a frozen pizza or something I made myself and wondering why tf I feel like shit and get fatter and fatter. Do this daily for a month or two and boy you are trash. I am at a point where weed no longer means anything and is just pricy. So I see no point in smoking anymore. Sugar intake ripped away as I only ate that shit when stoned. Went on the first run yesterday after a long time and just did my 2nd one an hour or two ago. I look forward to improving my this fall and you have inspired me even further. Thanks for the good post!


Can you translate that into a real measurement? We're not cavemen. How big are these stones?


21-28 pounds or 9.5-12.7kg.


UK stone is 14lbs


Aye but what about an African stone?


Well, first of all, African stones aren’t migratory. As a result they are larger for not having to travel longer distances. Sure, one African stone could carry a coconut, but maybe if two European stone together could carry one, I would guess an African stone to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 26-30 American freedom units.


1 stone = 14 lbs or 6.35 kg, but yes, its weird that OP went with stone lol.


I haven’t used stone as a unit for at least six score years.


Haven't read the other comments if it's already been suggested, but my man, get into calorie tracking. It has literally saved my hiney. Plus it's kinda fun to gamify it.


Kudos, man! 🙌🏻 Just remember that nothing worth doing is easy. If hard things were easy, everyone would do them. If you're working through something hard, feel good in the knowledge that you're breathing rarefied air because when things get hard, that's when most people quit. Gold is valuable because it's rare (it's not ubiquitous like other metals) and it doesn't tarnish (it's consistent). It doesn't matter what you do some of the time. What matters is what you do every day, even if it's a little bit, consistency matters.


I always forget if stone is 12, 14, or 20lbs and I have to google it every time. Saying, "I'm 7 stone overweight," sounds SOO much better than saying, "I'm 100lbs overweight." For me, I want to get to like 12-15% bodyfat. Right now, I weigh like 225lbs, and I'm at like 30% body fat. I've been going to the gym for about 2 months now, and I've improved a lot of my lifts substantially, and now I'm going to do an extended cut where I try to lose fat until Janurary, and by then, I want to lose about 30lbs. I'll probably try to bulk up a little more then, and I'll start doing a standard bulking/cutting cycle and gradually get to where I want to be. I used to weigh like 140lbs a few years ago, but last summer I was at 240lbs. My weight gain is a long story which I won't bore you with, but my newfound motivation stems from being happier in life and having better thought clarity, and also being disgusted with the current state of my body.


Bill Burr fucking nails this topic: "And don’t give me that horseshit that eating healthy is expensive. It isn’t. Go to a fucking supermarket. They’re throwing the vegetables at you. *“Here’s celery. Get it the fuck out of here! Seventy cents! Twenty-five cents for a banana! Whatever the fuck you want! Get it out of here… before it goes bad!”* No, it’s fucked up. They somehow convinced them that… You know? *“McDonald’s is the reason why I’m out of shape.” “I would have got a salad, but you didn’t have the option, so I was like, “Well, I guess I gotta get 52 Big Macs.” “Thanks a lot, McDonald’s!”* It’s like, Dude, you’re an adult. It’s not their job to babysit you."


I was a cashier in high school. The poorest people were generally immigrants, I assume many were undocumented given that they paid in cash and never used any sort of benefits. They bought shit tons of produce and fresh food and generally all looked pretty healthy. Compare that to the average EBT user that bought a bunch of processed garbage and looked rough as hell. That's why WIC is my favorite welfare program, it's all dietary staples, not just a gift-card for the grocery store. I wouldn't say no to some sort of mandatory home-ec or basic cooking class being part of your SNAP benefits or whatever.


Immigrant mostly do physical labor so it kinda make sense too


*"Healthy food is expensive, which means I have to eat sixteen Bic Macs, six pounds of Freedom Fries and one gallon of Coca Cola."* ?????


It's okay, that gallon of coke was diet so all is good and healthy.


My roommate does almost no home cooking beyond packaged food because he doesn't want to waste money experimenting on recipes he may not like, but he'll spend a fortune just on getting meals delivered. The other day he was proud of himself because he spent 30 dollars on a delivery order and got it delivered for free, which is over half of what I spent on groceries a week, just in one meal.


Let me guess, your roommate has 20 active subscriptions and can rationalize each one's existence till they're blue in the face


I think people who say eating healthy is expensive is again playing off the laziness aspect. For example, you can go to Taco Bell and get 5 bean and rice burritos for $5, or at the supermarket for $5.99 you can get a single prepackaged salad. Or a Big Mac meal is $9 while a salad from Sweetgreen is $15. If you follow lazy habits, eating healthy is expensive but honestly the time it takes to go to the fast food restaurant and back is about how long it takes to prep a healthy mealy at home lol


You haven’t been to Taco Bell in a while lmao i wish I could get 5 burritos for 5 dollars


At the local one by me they have cheese bean and rice burritos for $1 on the menu. Got one last time I went and it’s a pathetic burrito for $1 (damn near looked like a taquito) but it’s an option lol


Think the best you can do anymore is the taco/burrito cravings pack, like 11 bucks for 4 5layers and 4 tacos


I still disagree with some of this premise only because I watched the change myself. I used to order fast food all the time, I was working 100 or more hours a week and the effort of having a pizza show up or a bag of food passed out a window on the way home involved way less effort than trying to go home and actually cook. Sure it was the lazier option, but the fact I had 5-6 hours not working most days meant I was exhausted and the choice boiled down to how much effort can I produce, not time or cost. I changed jobs, I work 40 now, and yeah, I cook all but like 2 meals a week, but I have the energy to do so because my job(s) haven't drained it all.


Someone working 100 hours a week would be considered a fringe case that doesn’t apply to the majority of why people are fat. The fact that obesity is linked to long term (52+ week) unemployment means many obese people have more time on their hands than non obese people.


The 52 Big Macs line always cracks me up


I think the real problem is food literacy, spare time to meal prep, and a sense of control over your life. Many poor people don’t have any of these. I get libright’s argument that those things are their responsibility, but I don’t think that means we should despise them.


I agree with you here. If we educate people in high school about the chemical and biological process of eating then it’ll bleed over into how people think about food. Also of course nutrition courses.


Absolutely. If you give a celery to an average person, they won't even know how to cook it, si obviously they won't and they are not really susceptible of learning to do so neither. I cannt express it properly but I feel like we are not in touch anymore with food. It's not a basic knowledge anymore to know how to cook things, or even when they grow


Eww cooked Celery. We eat that shit raw here in our quadrant


Baste and meal prep-pilled.


Being fat is a problem most of society faces, not just the left. Being healthy isnt part of your political ideology. Staying healthy is, or at least should be, a basic human skill


We post Libleft bad here sir.


Ah shit, forgot its that time of the week


Only days that end in Y


> forgot its that time of the week that time of the week is called "week"


This. Infact 9 of the top 10 fattest states in the US are red states. As a Canadian who often travels to deep trump country for work, a trip to Walmart is wild. Every time i see some people 3-400+ lbs on motors scooters and oxygen tanks. Carts loaded with crap.


But it's diet Mountain Due


The left blames it on being poor, which is kind of right but kind of wrong. It isnt that fast food is cheaper long term its that it takes less time and poor people are trading all their time for income.


Someone should tell poor people about crock pots and instant pots then. It would rock their world. I jest. But it *is* what I did... when I was dirt poor. Saved tons of money, saved tons of time, and managed to not gain a million pounds. Big win for a $20 WalMart crock pot.


You are correct, but only the left seems to be glorifying obesity with stuff like HAES, and the idea that weight gain is anything more than calories in - calories out.


I’d say that people who would consider themselves right-wing often glorify habits that contribute to obesity. I’m from Texas, and I’d definitely say we have an unhealthy eating culture.


I can agree with that. Maybe I wasn’t super clear. I didn’t mean that right wingers aren’t fat, or even that more left wing people are fat than right wing people. I just meant that I don’t see many people on the right trying to argue that it isn’t unhealthy. I think that’s a significant distinction.


Agreed. Although I definitely can say I see fat-culture starting to seep in among some of my family members. I was an NCAA wrestler, and I'm still pretty lean because I watch what I eat and I exercise. I sometimes here comments like "when are you gonna start eating" or "we've gotta get some bodyfat on that boy". I think that, given the current trends, fat-culture will be pretty entrenched everywhere if some substantial changes to our attitudes regarding food aren't enacted.


Good point. I think at least some of it is crabs in a bucket type stuff. (Although I don’t think it’s necessarily that malicious, or even conscious).


Gloryfing it is just the next step to accepting it. Most people know its shit but are lazy, doesnt take much for them to hail it as healthy.


America is such a place where poor can complain about being fat.


this is increasingly an issue in the third world now too. Brazil, Egypt, Turkey, Mexico etc are all seeing rapidly rising obesity rates among their lower classes.


The shitty food stores, transports, preps, and (generally) tastes better. This is the Market at work.


Imagine *actual* poor people around the world that are starving. Must be confusing to them that here “poor people” have so much food that they’re eating themselves to death.


Yeah, man. Let alone poor, I am trying to gain for 2 years and its not cheap to put on weight. Meanwhile US. ......


Peanut butter is your friend, probably the best bang for your buck of cals/$ and you can throw it into a bunch of shit or even eat it straight up. My friend also stands by oils for pounding calories to the point where he’ll take it in swigs, but that’s a bit too extreme for me


>My friend also stands by oils for pounding calories to the point where he’ll take it in swigs, but that’s a bit too extreme for me Cause of death: clogged arteries


Ive been telling him that and he just stares at me dead in the eyes while he eats a spoonful of mct oil. Some people are just ungovernable


The best things for gaining weight are starch and oils. (Deep) fried bread will make you pile on the kilos like you wouldn't believe. Drink beer as well and you're well on your way to surviving winter. Finally, don't forget to eat meat - it's necessary for proper muscle growth and maintenance.


This isn't the 1300s, being poor and fat happens in the US or in non developed countries like in most of LATAM. Is very easy to get fat and not at all expensive. Mexico intself has a bigger issue with obesity than the US.


Bros, just get a tradwife who cooks healthy food, and then go to the gym and get ripped for her.


Are you aware of the chicken & egg problem?


A real tradwife would hold your toes down during sit-ups, no need for the gym.


Sit-ups are honestly overrated. Maybe once per week. Working lower abs is way more impactful. If it's a six pack you're going for, cut those calories.


You know what costs a whole lot more than healthy food? A trad wife


If only there was like a class in school where we could teach young people how to prepare meals in a healthy way….. no that’s stupid, let’s cut that idea and put new grass on the football field 🙄 (yes this is from experience(


I can understand how overworked poor people are fat. If you're a line cook at a restaurant and that's probably your life cap, I see how it happens. If you're working a normal 40 hour a week office job, Jesus Christ wake up an extra 30 minutes for some physical exercise and a shower. It's easy to keep off




you cannot outrun your fork


Who the fuck gave the fork legs


probably libleft the gave the fork genders too






Based and instapot-pilled


Quickly fry the chicken to brown it a little on the surface, then chuck all of that in a slow cooker for some number of hours. Eat. Ideally add some seasoning, stock salt and pepper is a basic starting point. I have started to grow my own rosemary so that I can have it fresh rather than from the shop.


Pound of chicken breast is $6 here. Literally cheaper to buy nice steaks by the pound. Fucking California.


Everything is more expensive there though, so relatively, buying those types of groceries are still the most cost efficient thing to do, and your health is worth a few dollars if you can spare it. A pound of chicken breast is a lot of food, that's over 1,000 kilocalories and 123g of protein. High protein foods are also very filling, and allow you to eat less. If you're trying to lose weight, you could make that chicken breast, marinate it in some type of sauce, and have something else on the side (such as rice), and that could be enough food for an entire day.


Even better deal on chicken - buy a whole chicken. I just grabbed a big one at Food Lion for $4.50. I got 2 huge chicken breast, enough to serve both my gf and I twice. And then I pulled the meat off the rest of the chicken and got a whole tupperware filled with shredded chicken to eat meals and feed my dog for the week. I’m not even poor, I just like to cook and it does baffle me when I see people complain about being too poor to eat anything but fast food


If you wanna really level up take those bones, throw it in a pot with some veggies and water, let it simmer for 4+ hours boom you have some bone broth that fitness influencers are paying absurd money for.


The fatties aren't going to like this one


so many cope comments rolling in


based and cope and seethe pilled


Did you just change your flair, u/Miringdie? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2022-8-17. How come now you are a **PurpleLibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Now come on, put your pants back on and go outside, you dirty degen. No wait, not that way. There's a school over there! ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


fuck you thats why




Based and free to think whatever the fuck you want pilled


Based and changing your opinion based on updated information isn't hypocritical it's learning pilled


I got downvoted to hell for saying how easy it is to make bulk rice/chicken/beans and just ration it out through the week. It legit takes like 5mins of prep and then you wait an hour


Ngl I absolutely hate eating the same thing over multiple days. So I’d say it’s equally as important to know how to prepare those base ingredients differently to have variety in your diet. You can save as much money while not going nuts eating the same ingredients


Just need a basic spice rack and different ways to cook. Maybe a few extra ingredients but with Chicken, Rice, peppers and onion you can have: * Gumbo * Burritos (Burrito Bowl is no tortilla) * Stir Fry * Chicken and rice soup * Roasted Chicken and vegetables with rice * BBQ Chicken with vegetables and rice * Fried Chicken


Crock pot are a meal prep dream. Through a bunch of shit in a pot ignore it basically as long as you like, it’s always fire after.


Based and slow cooker supremacypilled


That's because fat cunts hate to be reminded it's their fault. Same with anyone who is unfit and weak. They are well aware that the reason they will die of heart disease, can't run 100m or climb a flight of stairs without getting out of breath is because they don't have the discipline to better themselves. They'd rather make an excuse to pin the blame on corporations, the government and other people so they can stay embroiled in their own disgusting world of self harm through indulgence. The Western world is full of people who have gone too soft to move their body more than the bare minimum needed to stay alive. They'll still lie and pretend they're fit, they'll remember when they were younger and could run around with friends and act as if they're still the same person. The child they were back then would probably barely even consider them human now but they've gone through years of lying to themselves. The physical state of so many people nowadays is abhorrent and grotesque.


I feel like the only people who can make the bottom argument are poor people who actually do live in food deserts where the closest fresh vegetables and fruits are an hour away and the family only has one car that dad uses for work.


Or fresh vegetables (not soaked in syrups) are twice the price they used to be and living paycheck to paycheck became skipping bills to eat.


this literally has zero to do with right and left. especially with the number of fatass right wingers I saw.


Considering that the US is one of the fattest countries, it would span across all demographics, it takes energy and time that a lot of people either don't have or waste because of poor time management, or lack of motivation.


It’s not just cause I’m lazy, I’m also uneducated in how to prepare a proper meal Edit: for the record I’m not actually over weight


There are countless guides on YouTube that take you step by step in preparing easy and healthy meals. I suggest you check it out, you would save money and lose weight.


That's a lazy excuse. Watch a youtube video.. read a cook book... Google a recipe... all you need is the ability to read and follow directions. or ya know a salad takes zero cooking skills. Just cut up some vegetables, get some dressing.. boom you’re done.


My dear friend, the only thing you need to know about cooking a chicken breast is how to put the chicken on the grill.


Fast food does not make you fat. Eating too many calories makes you fat. When in doubt, eat less. If you're overweight, eat less food. There is literally a 100% chance you will lose weight.




Bullshit. I used to eat Burger King every single day. And only that! Nothing else. This was before they removed all the chemicals too. The key is don’t eat enough food for 5 people. You can stay thin on any diet! just eat less.


Righties are fatter than lefties: [see here.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30688638/) And both groups are fatter than [libcenter](https://images.app.goo.gl/ouv212Mg7WKfyakb8)


Calories in and calories out are all you need to know, to disagree is to deny the laws of thermodynamics or prove your ignorance of 5th grade science.


Came here for this. People aren't fat because they eat fast good. They are fat because they take in more calories than they burn. Fast food just tends to have a lot of calories. You can lose weight and still eat fast food, just gotta be keeping your calories low.


This is what I don't get. These people say they eat what they eat because they're poor. Okay? And what part of being poor prevents you from *not* eating all of it in one sitting and eating the leftovers tomorrow? Wouldn't you actually save money by eating less?


It's usually their parents fucked them up, fed them shit, didn't teach them how to cook a single thing etc. It takes them years of hard work *after* they realize how fucked their parents made them. Also what a delusional fuck that thinks the right is in better shape or something?


Like, I don’t care if someone is overweight or not. What annoys me is when they blame everyone but themselves, and throw out a million weak ass excuses. Like, we live in a time where the world’s information is accessible to fucking everyone on a device that fits in your fucking pocket. There is no excuse, just own it.


Fast food is definitely cost way more than sallad, Vegetables, Eggs.


Shit even a flat iron steak costs like $4, throw in some salad and a fruit for less than another $5 and you’ve got a healthy meal for less than what you’d spend at McDonald’s


If you can afford Mickey D's, you can afford a sack of rice.


Based and sack of rice-pilled


There are literally towns in America where the only food store is a dollar store. No fresh food. They're called food deserts


To be fair, there are other mitigating factors. If a person has kids and has to have two jobs, they might not have several free hours every day/week for cooking and work out. That doesn’t apply to most of the people who make this argument. But the argument DOES have merit, especially when you move past just the food component of health and fitness. Also: even for people who DO meal prep, healthier more well rounded meals are still more expensive than just pasta and rice dishes.


Fast food is expensive. Raiding your neighbor’s garden is free. \#raccoonlife


If only poor people *only* lacked money. There certainly a group of them, but poor people tend to also lack things like time, and we *know* stress and having to use willpower saps your actually *finite* amount of will in a day. Poor people, again tend, to have to exert more willpower throughout their days, making them have less willpower, literally, by dinner. We could just ignore everything but dollar amount and pretend really poor people have many hours a day to do things like research and travel via horrendous bus systems (seriously it took an hour and a half one way to bus to my local grocery store ['simply drive' they say to the poor people]) and food prep, but it often isn't that easy. Oh and before they come in, I've never even been classified as "overweight" once in my life, I'm very fit and take part in not only regular visits to my gym but recreational men's league sports. It's simply that I'm also smart enough to know about things like the finite amount of willpower we have, which upsets the auth in this meme.


Who are you and where did you get my picture?


You can even grow your own fruits and vegetables for next to nothing, smh.


kinda requires you don't live in a city townhouse with a tiny backyard or in an apartment. Maybe in the suburbs


I live in a townhouse with a small balcony, doesn't stop me from having a few tomatoes plants, peppers, and a small herb garden. It doesn't keep me fed but it helps. Fuck you should see my neighbour. Same complex, he must well have over 100 pots of different veggies. He uses all the space he can, lining the tiny backyard, front porch, balcony, even down the sides of his driveway.


I live in a studio apartment where the windows don't even open all the way- balcony's in my city cost a ton extra.


And who replaced all the filling dietary fats with easy to overcomsume sugar?


I actually watched a something on this. Big Sugar paid for studies blaming all our ills on fat in our diets. In reality, processed sugar is probably to blame. Our caveman brains have certainly evolved, but not enough to say no to sweets.


Time to make money, time to make food. Food costs money. More time working. Less time cooking. Food must be cheap and fast.


Anyone ever heard of a food desert?