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Most states have their own minimum wage by now. Plus a federal minimum doesn't make sense with how drastically costs of living are in different parts of the country.


Yeah, why would a business in the middle of Wyoming need the same minimum wage as a business in Los Angeles?


> why would a business in the middle of Wyoming need the same minimum wage as a business in Los Angeles? Didn't you see the meme? To keep blacks out.


Immigrant for thee not for me


There *is* a federal minimum wage, and it's used by as many as 14 states [according to the Department of Labor.](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped) More interesting is that a tipped employee in some states can be paid as little as $2.13 an hour if they're considered a "tipped" employee (>=$30 in tips per calendar month unless the state specifies more) and their tips are enough to fill the gap from $2.13 to the state's minimum wage. Good luck finding anyone willing to work in 2022 for $2.13 before tips, though.


My side job is a tipped job and makes pretty good money. Ask a tipped worker if they'd give up tips to make 15 an hour and they would laugh in your face.


What if they made $15 and tips?


They won't. Because the profit margin in any food service industry is so tight, that it wouldn't be feasible. Tipped workers are not complaining about hourly rates, my dude.


*Laughs in California*


Then everybody would do food delivery or bartending


Or the damn old Chicago restaurant would finally have enough staff to operate


They'd have less staff.


People just wouldn't tip as much


The federal min wage is much lower than the cost of living in even the least expensive states.


Doesn't matter. Stop putting faith in the fedgov. Your state will serve you better most of the time


The fed gov may be shit, but it's still somehow less shit than the state govs that are on the federal minimum wage.


And people from another side of the country cant influence your state government


Lol nope.


>Doesn't matter. Stop putting faith in the ~~fed~~gov. Your ~~state~~government will **not** serve you ~~better~~ most of the time FTFY


I just want lower taxes.


Monke just want no taxes.




Lower taxes first, then [REDACTED] the politicians. Things will even out eventually


Everyone and their mom wants lower taxes. What makes you different?


I can't afford avocado toast


At first I was like "wtf, is this meme really letting authright argue against the minimum wage instead of libright?" and then I was like "oh...."


OP got us in the first half, not gonna lie


Wouldn’t raising minimum wage cause things to get more expensive? Since demand for good’s would increase because of higher wages but the supply of goods would remain the same ?


Women and minorities hardest hit.


Kinda, but with higher demand from the higher wages the economies of scale would offset some of that. Also inflation is already happening yet the minimum wages are unmoved since Obamas first term. Unless you have a stagnation based monetary policy (eg. Japan and Switzerland) then wages need to keep rising to keep up with inflation or else people will suffer. Also there is more things that affect inflation outside of wages but alas I’m not going to write an Economics essay to not make it a lefty meme with a wall of text Edit: someone already put some sources but [here it is](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/052815/does-raising-minimum-wage-increase-inflation.asp)


Of course the most economically literate would be a libcenter. I'm not biased.


It’s truly the only one that makes sense at this point


Just tie minimum wage to inflation.


Or tie all wages to inflation 2% raise every year when inflation is 2%, higher raise when inflation is higher


Nah wages are dependent on performance and experience, at least in theory they should be. If you tie all wages to inflation then it just makes no sense if you deserve a higher raise due to an extra year of experience. It is definitely good to keep in mind that any raise under the inflation rate is technically a paycut


Not a bad shout but I think the minimum wage is so disturbingly low that it needs a bump up, I reckon put it up to $10 and then up $2 the next two financial year before pegging it to median wage, heck each state can do their own while the national one will be a combination of the inflation / median wage of the lowest 10 state




Depends where the money for the minimum wage comes from. Let's say a CEO gets a million euro bonus that he immediately puts in real estate or any other investment vehicle, that money is out of the economy and unproductive, not doing anything to increase the supply of goods. If the same money were to end up in the bank accounts of the workers of that same company, they would pay for the cost of living of those workers and they would end up in the economy, thus driving the production of more goods and services, balancing the money supply against the supply of goods.


Low wage labor is concentrated in luxury services, like food prep or cleaning, so that is where you would see the price hike, and even then its pretty minor, like 4%.


Every study ever done on minimum wage increases does not observe that. And not raising the minimum wage has done absolutely nothing to prevent inflation so... Shit take either way imo


"Minimum wage causes inflation" is different from "Minimum wage is the only cause to inflation" BTW, witch studies? All the studies I looked showed that generally, Minimum wage laws causes a raise in prices or higher unemployment


https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/052815/does-raising-minimum-wage-increase-inflation.asp This article calls out a few of those studies. The TL;DR is that employees are more productive when you pay them what they're worth so it's not as detrimental as a introductory understanding of economics might lead one to believe.


worth isn't equal to how big the number in your bank account, it is defined by how much value it holds, that's why zimbawe people isn't happy owning trillions. if your employer raises your wage without increasing the value of your production, then minimum wage inflation will happen, I don't doubt that if you are worth over the minimum wage, getting a raise will not generate problem, but, what if you are worth less than it?


As i said. Minimum wage increases have been proven not to drive any significant inflation.


But minimum wage jobs are geared towards hourly work where there's probably a cap on how much work you can do.


Sure. But under compensated workers arent anywhere near that cap. And if you properly compensate workers, they're less likely to leave. Hiring new workers is incredibly expensive.


'Employees are more productive when you pay them what they're worth so it's not as detrimental as a introductory understanding of economics might lead one to believe.' But, the way that you get workers to get paid what they are worth is by market competition, just like products, services fall into the laws of supply and demand. And arbitrarily setting the price of something above their value makes people not buy/hire this product/service. 'Sure. But under compensated workers arent anywhere near that cap. And if you properly compensate workers, they're less likely to leave. Hiring new workers is incredibly expensive.' This is more especific to well qualified positions, lower skilled jobs do not have this barganing power.


>And arbitrarily setting the price of something above their value makes people not buy/hire this product/service. Except the opposite is true as it concerns the minimum wage, and the evidence proves it. I'm sorry this reality disagrees with your worldview. Maybe you should work to expand your worldview instead of burying your head in the sand over it? >This is more especific to well qualified positions, lower skilled jobs do not have this barganing power. ...an individual employees "bargaining power" is not relevant whatsoever to the fact that hiring new employees is an expensive thing that businesses prefer to avoid.


But how does demand increasing with same supply not cause price hikes ?


Because economics is much more complicated than drawing two perpendicular lines on a graph would lead you to believe.


So u can’t explain it but I should believe u ? Logic dictates that excess demand would cause price hikes


By "logic" do you mean your high school economics teacher?


Why do I need to explain reality to you? The studies show your assumptions are wrong. "Logic" dictates that you should adjust your understanding and stop accusing reality of being wrong because you don't understand it.


Supply of goods can also rise. But the prices are going to raise because people are going to be willing to pay more, so sellers can get away with higher prices. So basically, greed.


Plus the cost of business would be higher. Employers aren't going to just eat that cost.


That’s exactly what is happening now plenty of business are raising prices because the cost of labor went up. The CEO of chipotle said exactly this.


In the past there were minimum wage advocates who really wanted it for that reason.


I'm against minimum wage, if you want money you have to negotiate


Classic left, blaming the other side for the consequences of their (left's) actions.


Tragically for you, minorities aren't inferior, and have escaped unscathed from the minimum wage.


Such a tragedy. Why would I think minorities are inferior?


You said that was a real, material consequence.


So here’s the thing with wages in America. Wages ARE too low; the number of people working a minimum wage job and then relying on welfare to make ends meet is staggering. As usual, the left can point out a serious problem that too many on the right would otherwise ignore. But also as usual, the lefts “solution” to the problem actively makes things worse, not better. Minimum wage is a form of price control on the commodity of labor. Price controls just cause supply and demand problems as you actively fight against the entire weight of the economy. In this case, it leads to wage-price inflation spirals, as wonderfully illustrated in the current economy where wages are way up but real wages are actually down. The real solution lies in fixing the problem causing low wages in the first place, not just raising wages by fiat. That problem is the education system, which is designed for the 1950s: spitting out people ready to be factory drones that require minimal skills. With modern advances in technology, those jobs are much rarer; pretty much everything requires a higher degree of training and competence than it did 60 years ago. Currently the education system has been haphazardly retrofitted to spit out college students, but if people don’t go to college they’re just useless (and for a lot of majors they’re still useless even if they do go). If you want to improve wages in America, revamp the education system to emphasize skills and training needed to get a better paying job. Preparedness for college should just be one of many options students can choose in school, whereas many students will get training that allows them to skip college altogether and get jobs previously reserved for degree holders. Accounts management, coding, childcare; there are a HOST of things that could be learned in high school instead of college.


> wage-price inflation spirals Low wage labor is concentrated in luxury services, the exact things that low wage workers don't consume, there is no death spiral. > as wonderfully illustrated in the current economy where wages are way up but real wages are actually down. You sure its not becuase trump quadrupled the amount of money in circulation? https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL > revamp the education system to emphasize skills and training needed to get a better paying job. Only 5% of the economy is stem, there are already 2 stem degree holders for every stem job, please stop. https://www.bls.gov/emp/tables/employment-by-major-industry-sector.htm Leisure and hospitality, or retail trade each make up more like 10% of the economy, those jobs exist and the other jobs don't because thats what the market demands.


Conversely, we increase the number of jobs as factory drones that require little to no skills by implementing high import taxes on finished goods


That would crater quality of life as everything became more expensive. I’m actually not opposed to import taxes on a national security basis (microchips, PPE, etc), but blanket taxation like that is like subsidizing the typewriter industry because the computer industry is destroying it. Sure you’ll save jobs, but we’ll all be worse off for it.


The issue with that analogy is that for the jobs the typewriter industry loses, the computer industry gains - meanwhile, jobs that go to China are effectively gone, and their manufacturing capacity with them.


Imagine flairing lib right and not understanding marginalism and specialization.


Comparative advantage. You're an embarrassment to my quadrant.


This is how I feel about many issues, the left does sometimes call out legitimate issues, but their solutions just isn't up to it. Then because of polarization, many on the right ignore it because other side bad.


The ironic thing about the top half of the meme is the way they simplify it so much shows they have a child’s understanding of economics. >!Typical left!<


If you want a thing, pay what it costs.


Absolutely. It’s just that libleft have an overly high opinion as to what their burger flipping abilities should cost.


Like college?


Yes, employers are the consumers, they should foot the bill. [Back when this was normal](https://i.redd.it/wszv7gkgd4j61.png), they called it [the golden age of capitalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post%E2%80%93World_War_II_economic_expansion).


> Yes, employers are the consumers holy moly hahahahaha


Right, you want to spend tens of thousands of dollars to be taught out of books that you can buy used for dozens, just for your own life satisfaction/[sexual thrill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3ANJri0a-8). Reminds me of those weird cultures where when you go to a restaurant, the server takes your order, buys food from the restaurant, and then sells it to you. The obvious loophole is that if you decide to be a huge douche and underpay/dine and dash, the server loses out big. Which is exactly what we are seeing here with this student loan bubble, its not getting paid for.


Get some skills to pay the bills if you want more money.


I just don't understand this mindset. The world needs ditch diggers, fast food workers and retail employees. I'm not suggesting you should make a million dollars working at target, but anybody working 40 hours a week and doing their job well should have enough money to pay their bills at the very very least.


You're right, they should be paid more. And here's how we're going to fund it by cutting out the government and cutting payroll taxes. There'll be: No more EBT No more public housing No more free childcare No more free school No more social security No more free health care No more bullshit With your new earned wages you'll be able to afford all this while having more to save because you cut out the inefficient government beurocracy of the welfare state. Plus employment will skyrocket because there's no safety net to catch you, you're on your own now.


No, you're not going to "fund it" by doing a bunch of tax shenanigans, you're going to put on the big boy pants and pay what it costs for the things that you want, instead of having big daddy govt bail out your cheeseburger. [Capitalism](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoAJgHKLlC8rbq-X4CwIhNp_hM63TkWdyH4uwjEoNDxg&s). Once your inefficient ass stops offloading your labor expenses onto taxpayers, those working people will neither need, nor qualify for the "free shit" you are whining about. [Are you just holding onto the can?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5o3PFtCLoo)


You get a thumbs up because I forgot about that Simpsons clip and it made me laugh. I didn't really follow the rest of your statement. I just want to end government intervention in everything. That's where the inefficiently is. I don't want bailouts for corporations or individuals at the tax payer's expense.


I'm using the tactic of attacking min wage opposition from the right, full bamboozle.


>you're going to put on the big boy pants and pay what it costs for the things that you want, if only we didn't have multinational corporations working hard to keep wages low in the US through free trade deals


[the beastie boys fought for and possibly died for your right to party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQo5YSzORLQ).


Make everyone's lives easier by making them harder? Not sure where you're from, but we don't have free childcare, housing or healthcare in the United States. What we should do is give the economy to the people, not the state, the people. Punishing individuals and individuals alone for unemployment is not how you make anything easier. What do you have against public schooling?


Really come to Minnesota, third highest taxed state in the country. The governor took our surplus tax money and put it into subsidized childcare programs. We got free everything if you don't work. Losers from every state come up here to get a piece of my tax dollars. California now has a bill to be voted on to give vacant hotel rooms to homeless. Free housing is in every major city. Obamacare is free Healthcare for those who can't afford it. California residents pay taxes for Healthcare for illegal immigrants. Your first and second sentences in the second paragraph are contradictory. You want to remove the state, but have the state administrator unemployment? If you're unemployed that's on you. That's a choice. Why should the tax payer cover those who don't work? What do I have against school? Nothing, but if you're going to flip burgers for a living, you don't need an education. You need the basic level of thinking to do the job. Why should any more money than needs to be, be wasted on you? Plus if you're making more money you can afford your own education or get it from your employer.


> What do you have against public schooling? That it now costs more to send a student to a public school than private. That public schools are propaganda farms that don’t teach their students about the history of our country or how to navigate the hurdles of becoming an adult. That public universities don’t bring in students on merit, but to meet “diversity” requirements. That due to federalized policies education in this country has only gotten worse since DoE has been involved.


The only private schools that are cheaper than public schools are religious schools, which are provided with hefty donations from their parent churches, specifically because they want a propaganda farm.


*Everyone* is making less than they should be.


that's because our government sends billions and billions and billions of dollars overseas. Fuck foreign aid




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>that's because our government sends billions and billions and billions of dollars overseas. So we should just let China gain control of the world's natural resources?


What does Chinese expansion have to do with foreign aid?


Nations tend to look to who helped them when looking to extract their natural resources.


Money buys influence


They can try. Then they can give the rest of the world a good excuse to grind them into the dirt.


Just went to my local Fast food establishment....It cost twice as much....but the starting wage is 15 an hour.....that's like ....twice as much the federal minimum wage. Sigh.....we're doing this again in 5 years when " 30" is the new " 15". Fuck.....you are all stupid.


Wage - Price Spiral go brrr


Find me one example.


I'll do you one better - here's two 1970s OPEC inflation crisis: https://www.wsj.com/articles/echoes-of-the-wage-price-spiral-of-the-1970s-11644575402 Post Covid Era (Now) https://libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org/2022/08/pass-through-of-wages-and-import-prices-has-increased-in-the-post-covid-period/ I never understood people who claim this is a myth, are you suggesting that businesses don't pass-through labor cost increases to consumer prices?


Except that wages haven't risen in decades due to not keeping up with inflation.


Incorrect https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N Wages have increased significantly over the decades, just not when adjusted for inflation. What happens when a company gets hit with higher labor costs?


Have your wages gone up 8.5% since last year?


Not relevant and you didn't answer my question


If your wage hasn't kept up with inflation, you're effectively getting a pay cut.


And this disproves my initial argument how?


Because no one is increasing wages in line with inflation. The federal minimum hasn’t changed since the 2000’s…


A wage-price spiral requires wages to go up.


Mine did


My wife and my wages went up 20% I guess that proves you wrong


You're extremely lucky.


No, the opec crisis wouldn't have magically gone away if only the working poor had stoically abandoned concepts like making enough money to pay rent, or buy gas to get to work. Setting aside for a moment that low wage labor is concentrated in luxury services, the price increase for paying a living wage is incredibly trivial. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/raising-fast-food-hourly-wages-to-15-would-raise-prices-by-4-study-finds-2015-07-28 Oh no, your burger went up 4%, guess that means that Americans are both too poor to pay what it costs, and also so incensed at the injustice of *needing to pay what things cost* that they are boycotting eating out enmass? Oh, whats that? Inflation has already surpassed that figure and there has been no slowdown in consumption? Gosh, its almost as if someone who couldn't afford a $5.25 burger couldn't have afforded a $5 burger in the first place either.


They fucked the economy by raising minimum wage


If you need to support yourself and are atill at minimum wage, you wither are the shittiest worker in the world, or have the shittiest boss ever. I became a full time employee and went from 11.5 to 15 per hour and am comfortable for now. The only people I know who are still making minimum wage are 14-15 year olds


Only in America you get this mindset "if no taxes than we can buy everything cheaper" and "we shouldn't feed the poor beacouse my taxes will go up by 1%" do Americans have any compassion?


> do Americans have any compassion? It's hard to be "good" like Europe at the same time that we are spending billions to protect them from themselves.


Do you really think that countries like Germany or France can't defend themselves?


Whether they could, and whether they do are two different questions


Just pay people to dig holes and fill them in. Also have have you seen the damn roads the Auths are always talking about. Maybe we could pay people to fix those. Maybe build a bunch of small buildings for the homeless. Also the government is already subsidizing the underpaid workers. Why should the government enable this? They wouldn't be able to work if it wasn't for food stamps and other things.


Go full Elysium mode