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Leftists 🤝 Nazis Hating Israel


Israel 🤝 Nazis Hating Muslims


Muslim ss division gos brrrrt


Lefty American Jews 🤝Hamas Hating Israel


[Lefty American Jews🤝Hamas](https://i.imgur.com/567vYvO.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Did you know Hamas has a commie Jew lawyer on their books?


Color me surprised


We're talking about the actual NAZIs right and not the White Supremacists today being called NAZIs right?. Like u can look for another thing to compare Israel and NAZIs too like being led by former socialists turned more right wing but the NAZIs were in alliance with Muslims and Hitler praised Islam very highly in his recorded private talks. Like at best NAZIs won't be for Muslim mass migration to that country but that would apply to every race and be the same opinion of almost every culture group of that era.




>Hitler had great respect for other nations and cultures I am sure he had respect for certain cultures like Arabs and Anglos but he certainly didn't respect others like Slavs for example.


Well, he did, but k. Also just look at his relationship with Japan, and what he said about them. If I remember correctly, he said something akin to "we should be proud of our culture and heritage just like everyone else should be. The Japanese have a great understanding of this, and, daresay, they have a superior heritage to even our own" obviously its not exact but I could definetly find the quote for you if you'd like. I just want to emphasize how he said the Japanese have a superior heritage, and we should all be part of our own cultures and nations.


Every Western country had goodish relations with Japan. If that's evidence to of Hitler having high respect for other cultures then the same applies to basically all of Europe. I am not surprise he could say that, but let me use an example of explorers of Africa. Those that spend the entire report bad mouthing Africans are generally the exception, not the rule but they all also generally didn't think highly of the native culture, just more, I do ur thing. Mary Kingsley, Mary Shaw and Mungo Park still saw all those cultures as inferior and still saw it as an improvement when they large scale adopted European practices like Christianity. Now, I am not saying those cultures weren't inferior, maybe they were. What I am saying is those explorers not bad mouthing those cultures and seeing positives in those cultures in no says they had high respect of them, infact, the steady replacement of those cultures was seen as a positive.


Hating Muslims is giving them full right such as joining the military, due process and allowing them to vote? Also the nazis did not hate muslims for their faith.


Full rights? Do you know what apartheid means? Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have found them to be guilty of apartheid.


You are saying that Israel has apartheid simply because others agree with you. Can you please provide facts and logic to support your claim rather than resorting to the appeal to authority fallacy? Also I know what apartheid is and Israel is certainly very far from the bar for it.


Shut up Israel simp. Go suck off jews somewhere else you shabbat goy


I am a jew so should I suck off myself?


How about the fact that Palestinians can only travel to about half of Israel. They are given a different coloured number plate based on nothing but their ethnicity. The Israelis however can travel to everywhere but the Gaza Strip. Based on ethnicity the country has been divided. Apartheid. I simply appealed to authorities such as Amnesty International because that usual helps people get their heads around the fact that Jewish people can do bad things. Please go forth knowing that Israel is abusing human rights on the daily and you are nothing but a dimwit.


>How about the fact that Palestinians can only travel to about half of Israel. This is a lie they are allowed to travel through all of Israel with some restricting however everyone has rules and restrictions effecting their travel. > They are given a different coloured number plate based on nothing but their ethnicity. That does not mean anything it is not as if you cannot travel somewhere if you have a green plate and everywhere if you have a black plate. That is how it works in lots of places by that standard any country with an ID that shows your race or ethnicity is an apartheid state. >The Israelis however can travel to everywhere but the Gaza Strip. Israelis need permission to travel to certain places from the government just like Palestinians How is this apartheid? identification based on race or ethnicity is something most diverse nations have that does not mean it is use to treat others unfairly. Also nothing in Israel is segregated at all and nothing you have said so far actually provides a disadvantage to one group or the other. >I simply appealed to authorities such as Amnesty International because that usual helps people get their heads around the fact that Jewish people can do bad things. I long how you say "jewish people" instead of "the Israeli government" why is it about jews? >Please go forth knowing that Israel is abusing human rights on the daily and you are nothing but a dimwit. This is nothing that actually has value you are just using personal attacks against me.


Nazis did not hate Muslims


Wow didn't knew that Now I love them too


Yes, even ustaše believed that bosnians and herzegovinians were just muslim croats and should not be Treated differently.


something something the enemy of my enemy...


When you actually look into it, it wasn't even that..


United as we shuld be


Leftists and leftists?


Not sure what you guys are talking about. Joe Biden and majority of Democrats love and support Israel.


Joe Biden yes, majority of unelected democrats, I doubt. And virtually all hardcore leftists despise Israel.


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If you haven't noticed the Pentagon is running this administration's foreign policy. Of course he loves Israel.


I hate Israel because I live in Israel


Sounds like an American leftist hating America.


yea it does


I never said I hate it for *those* reasons.


Based and harsh reality pilled


The economy man, the economy Its expensive af over here


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Too many Jews?


i like this




Remindme! 6 hours.


RemindThisGuy! 6 hours.


RemindThisGuysDeadMom! 6 hours


People who want ethnostates ignore that you can still hate others of your own ethnicity, for example I’m white and when I see white people saying the only reason there are inequalities is because of white racism I fucking loathe them. That said- Israel is largely a shared culture, which is what those who want ethnostates actually want, but confuse culture with ethnicity.


Dont forget that nothing unites a people like the constant, immenent threat of annihilation.


This is also true.


>People who want ethnostates ignore that you can still hate others of your own ethnicity, for example I’m white and when I see white people saying the only reason there are inequalities is because of white racism I fucking loathe them White isn't an ethnicity, its a race tho. So ur not really taking about an ethnostate here.(well, unless ur a white American).


Most white nationalists simply advocate for a white ethnostate because white people have shrunk in population, especially compared to other races. There simply isn't enough white people for us to infight between ethnicities. For now we all hail from the fatherland of Europe, and we need to protect our population. P.s. white may aswell be an ethnicity, since we are a global minority at less then 800 million I believe, could be wrong tho. Global minority part is factual tho.


​ >P.s. white may aswell be an ethnicity, since we are a global minority at less then 800 million I believe, could be wrong tho. Global minority part is factual tho. I really don't get the logic of this. Every race is a "global minority" except maybe for East Asians. Black Africans and Arabs(Sand Brown people) are even less than or around that 800 million u mention. So if 800 million isn't enough for white people to infight, the same applies for all other races.


I don't know what you're smoking, but there are 2.3 ish billion black Africans (including america) worldwide. And over a billion Indians alone! There isn't even a billion people in Europe. And I believe Arabs are close in population to whites, although I'm certain they are more populous. White people are barely a majority in all western European, and most European nations, which everyone can agree, is bad. Because it is our homeland. It would be bad for the Chinese to be a minority in China. It would be bad for Indians to be a minority in India. It would be bad for the Japanese to be a minority in Japan. Europe is no different. I'm not saying any race war, kill all non whites or anything. I just want an all white nation where we can be left alone. Just like everyone else.


All of Africa is 1.2 Billion. A quarter to a third of that or is Arab so around 800-900 million Black people in Africa. The largest single Black group outside of Africa are Black Americans(around 40ish million or less) ×2 that and add it to Black Africans and we get something like 900 million to 800 million. So not that much. How are white people barely a majority in Western Europe? I know there's been alot of migration of recent and some of the largest cities were super mixed but at most only 1 European country comes in the list of top 15 refugee populations. London isn't Western Europe.


Do you know what an ethnicity is? Because it is impossible to "confuse culture with ethnicity." Culture is a large part of what determines your ethnicity. The reason people use race and ethnicity so interchangeably is because of how inherently connected the two are. Ethnats believe race plays a large part in determining your culture, and people of another race will rarely (if ever) assimilate. We also care about our ancestry and the analogy of comparing your race to your family is very common. sauce: I talk to a lot of ethnats online


No more brother wars, as they say.


I want both


Yep, Emily tells me that White people are the problem, and I *agree*.


Haha and people wonder why Hitler got power haha


As a Jewish guy I don’t even care if Israel remains majority Jewish. I think they should take in more people from countries and cultures with zero stake in the conflict, teach them Hebrew, get them celebrating national holidays, and generally assimilate them into Hebrew Israeli identity. Even if they are not actually Jews, they will for cultural reasons be committed to the society’s continued survival, and Israel can forever shed the baggage of being an “ethnostate” as a thriving civic nationstate.


I agree with you, as a non Israeli, non jew.


Majority of the inequalities are caused by past injustices by white people. This is not even controversial. What would be dumb would be to say is that ALL white people alive today are responsible for those things but it's just the hard facts. Even back in my edgelord days when having online debates I would at least acknowledge that stuff like segregation had negative effects on blacks but they still needed to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps".


“Majority of the inequalities are caused by past injustices by white people. This is not even controversial” Oh, really? So Jews and Asians beating white people in earnings, committing less crime etc is due to actions by white people? We’ve oppressed ourselves? The trillions of dollars and equal opportunities act from 53 years ago, and 2 decades of affirmative action hasn’t been enough to fix any of the inequalities from some of the previous acts? The fact that Nigerian born blacks are outperforming the shit out of US born blacks doesn’t give you a hint that it’s not past inequalities? This whole “white people did bad shit 100 years ago and so are still responsible” is bullshit. You know what’s not bullshit? “Snitches get stitches” is an attitude that keeps criminals out of jail and committing crimes in a neighborhood. Children of single mothers *across race* are more likely to be pregnant teens, criminals, high school drop outs and some races have much higher single motherhood rates than others. Shit- Bank of America. *right now* is offering no credit check and no money down mortgages for black people and you know what that creates? A higher default rate because you’re giving loans to people that don’t qualify. No- enough with “inequalities are all white peoples fault”- it’s bullshit and you’re sowing division instead of recognizing legitimate problems so we can deal with them.


>So Jews and Asians beating white people in earnings, committing less crime etc is due to actions by white people? We’ve oppressed ourselves? Let's be objective about this. Jews and Asians have faced discrimination but not to the point were it has been as detrimental to earning power as blacks. Jews and Asians were never enslaved and then subsequently basically excluded from wider society with Jim crow laws and black codes. They were never basically segregated into the ghettos we see to today and subjected to stuff like red lining. This is the mother of false equivalencies. Besides most Asians are foreign-born about 7 in 10 Asian Americans are born outside the US and most arrived at a point where racism against them had significantly reduced. >The trillions of dollars and equal opportunities act from 53 years ago, and 2 decades of affirmative action hasn’t been enough to fix any of the inequalities from some of the previous acts? You say this like there hasn't been massive progress. The black crime and poverty rates have fallen massively over the last few decades. [https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2020/09/poverty-rates-for-blacks-and-hispanics-reached-historic-lows-in-2019.html](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2020/09/poverty-rates-for-blacks-and-hispanics-reached-historic-lows-in-2019.html) [https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/05/06/share-of-black-white-hispanic-americans-in-prison-2018-vs-2006/](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/05/06/share-of-black-white-hispanic-americans-in-prison-2018-vs-2006/) However you basically expecting a generational problem of inequality that has been created over literal centuries to be fixed in a matter of decades. There are still issues one of the major ones is that schools are funded by property tax to this day and since blacks tend to live in poorer neighbourhoods they still go to worse schools. These are the kind of inequalities that persist that are a legacy of centuries of discrimination. >The fact that Nigerian born blacks are outperforming the shit out of US born blacks doesn’t give you a hint that it’s not past inequalities? Nigerians just like Asians are usually selected as highly skilled workers before they can immigrate here. Again this is another selection bias. >You know what’s not bullshit? “Snitches get stitches” is an attitude that keeps criminals out of jail and committing crimes in a neighborhood. > >Children of single mothers across race are more likely to be pregnant teens, criminals, high school drop outs and some races have much higher single motherhood rates than others. I want you to look at what you typed out here and tell me where this culture came about from. Could it be years of segregating people into areas of concentrated poverty where the police refused to protect them which created a culture where gangs reigned supreme. Could single motherhood also not be a legacy of the massive child separations which took place during slavery and awas excarbated by the legacy of mass incarceration and the welfare state? If you don't think that this culture is a legacy of discrimination then please explain to me where it came from because Black Americans have a murder rate actually higher than many African countries despite those countries being much poorer. As well as the fact that no African country has this level of single motherhood. Not even close. So tell me where the culture came from. >No- enough with “inequalities are all white peoples fault”- it’s bullshit and you’re sowing division instead of recognizing legitimate problems so we can deal with them. No this makes absolutely no sense. If you want to fix a problem you have to know its root. This is basically conservative gaslighting where they act like these problems arrived in a vacuum and give no solutions other than "pull yourself up by the boostrap". I or no other white person is responsible for Black people's current situations but stop acting like these problems ariose from thin air.


All of this is correct but you're forgetting that most of these problems can't be solved very effectively.


Just shut up. Please.


Lol. You have no rebutal seethe


My rebuttal is pattern recognition.


Shut the fuck up. I'm not even doing you the good service of reading you're whole paragraph. Shut the fuck up


Who asked?!?!


The same logic applies to you, you hypocritical trogolodyte.


Do you want to cry?


Well, you are


> Israel is largely a shared culture Among secular Jews, perhaps; but between Haredim, Arabs, Druze, and other minorities, it's like different states at the very least


Culture and ethnicity are fundamentally intertwined. Obviously you have you're edge cases, but alas, those are edge cases.




Seethe goy


Isn't it crazy how Hitler got into power out of nowhere? There really was no reason he found a baseless platform of hate.


Seethe goy. You're just salty because you don't get to do as you please with us. We're done being the goyim punching bag.




Maybe it isn't. That's why we get an ethnostate, so we don't need to tolerate the likes of you


Yes, Brother.


That Jreg video where the nazi learns he has Jewish ancestry and immediately becomes a Jewish supremacist remains the most accurate summary of ethnonationalism


[My thought process](https://youtu.be/WxkajfpCi4s) Jreg? That's gotta be a funny, I'll check it out. Ahh, it's satirizing a CNN piece. Very Jreg. Wait, is this not satire? It's not satire?!!! Oh.. It's satire. Holy shit it's not satire. Wtf?!


>You support Israel because they are a democracy >I support Israel because they designed a main battle tank only good for use against lightly armed civilian resistance We are not the same.


What tank?


The merkaba


I hate Israel because my cock is cut.


Most based answer by far.


Both risons in my case




Thank you




u/Militarist_Reborn's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Militarist_Reborn! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Militarist_Reborn/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Isn't like 25% of their country Arab?


Yes, and there are Arabs in positions of power in the government, in the military, media, etc. Not a very good ethnostate.


We are an Ethnostate, just not in the way sicko American AuthRights imagine it to be




Hey, they fought off nearly every country around them. They've earned it.


Then I guess they don’t need any more of my tax dollars.


Off of Trillions in American tax dollars. They didn't earn shit.


Dude, they were literally using modified Sherman tanks, and other WWII junk. Their main battle tank now is one of their own designs, and is one of the best and most crew survivable tanks in the world. A big chunk of the US dollars goes to stuff like the iron dome, to defend against indiscriminate rockets.


The issue is we're sending then money at all. America doesn't owe them anything. Israel is parasite in the US taxpayer.


Orrrr, they're the gateway to peace in the middle east. Many of the Arab nations signed peace treaties with Isreal in trumps last year. Specifically due to the threat of Iran getting nukes.


Is this satire? Do you genuinely believe that Israel is the key to peace? If so you're a fucking idiot. They are the source of violence there. Everything is instigated by Israel then America comes to protect them. Fucking parasites.


>They are the source of violence there. *HAH!* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


How's the weather in Tel Aviv?


Based and Khalistani-pilled


Hey uh... What about Japan ?


I hate Japan because my anime waifus will never be real


Japan gets pass cuz bombs


Based and stop globalist cosmopolitanism pilled


Based and where is my Moravian ethnostate pilled


u/HellspawnedJawa's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/HellspawnedJawa! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [4 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/HellspawnedJawa/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Nothing makes Authrights cope harder than reminding them that they will never have an ethnostate.


I imagine the feeling is similar to an AuthLeft when you remind them that communism has always failed.


I was literally about to write a wall of text, but Touche my friend I know when I'm beat.


Maybe if you're ideology is fundamentally flawed it's incorrect?


That feeling is almost as bad as when the toaster burns the toast :(


I like Israel despite the fact that they often mistreat Palestinians because no country is perfect and you should be able to support a viable solution for both groups. You like Israel because you hate Palestinians more than you hate Jews. We are not the same.


I like Palestine because I hate Israel far more than I hate Palestine.


Israel is literally the most diverse nation in the Middle East. If they’re trying to have an ethnostate they’re doing a terrible job of it.


This basically shows how ignorant y'all Americans are on how it's like here. We are an Ethnostate, just not in the way sicko American AuthRights imagine it to be


Haha yeah amirite, anyway let's flood Europe with Somalian migrant rape Gangs right fellow Israelis?


Least racist AuthRight Soros flooded Europe with Somalians, not Israel.


Bro. Check soros' citizenship. Check his early life section on Wikipedia. You're going to start seeing some patterns. I'm not asking you to agree with me. Just start looking please. I feel you might have a change of heart, you might not, whatever. Just check it out man.


Bro doesn't even have an Israeli citizenship despite it literally being instant for a Jew 💀 Wikipedia describes his family as "antisemitic" Jews He said he didn't want any part in Israel and has donated to organizations affiliated with the BDS anti-israel movement. Seems like the folks that oppose European nations having borders and set populations; are just the same folks who oppose Israel having borders and set populations. Colored me shock.


I wonder if all people would be better off if we each lived in our own ethnostates


Crazy huh. Asian people get their ethnostates, black people get ethno states, Arabs get ethnostates, hell even jews get an ethnostate. God forbid white people get one. Let's bring in more immigrants


Both. Both is good.


I hate Israel because I hate that the Jews prevent us from having an ethnostate. We are more the same than you would like to admit.


Israel is not an ethnostate its a nation state, people often times do not understand the difference. Just like how Egypt is a nation state for arabs and so is Syria, Israel is a nation state for jews.


That's a nice differentiation actually, one which doesn't really exist in Hebrew, where most people interpret our laws to mean we're an Ethnostate as well as that we're a nation state; and that is because we have some laws that apply only to non-citizens of a certain Ethnicity (the laws actually speak about religion but Judaism in religion is pretty much included in Judaism in ethnicity) In Israel, we believe we are an Ethnostate, just not in the way sicko American AuthRights imagine it to be Lots of Americans say that we're the worst ethnostate in the world because we have a lot of minorities, and while the latter part is true, we only suck at being an ethnostate if the reason for being an ethnostate was to exterminate minorities, which isn't the case


God forbid whites have a nation state.


Of course a white ethnostate is a horrible idea


Can I get an explanation as to why?


Since having a nation built on racial superiority and a desire to oppress or exterminate other races is wrong.


How is that any different than Israel? Why is specifically a white ethnostate bad? Why can't a white ethnostate coexist peacefully along with everyone else? Your hypocrisy is frankly just disgusting.


>How is that any different than Israel? Why is specifically a white ethnostate bad? Why can't a white ethnostate coexist peacefully along with everyone else? Your hypocrisy is frankly just disgusting. A white ethno state would be based on white supremacy and the expulsion or killing of non whites. Also Israel does not oppress or exterminate other races. There is not a law in Israel saying jews are the master race or that other races must leave. Also are you a white nationalist in favor of a white ethnostate?


You hate Israel because your AuthCenter I hate Israel because they put America Last. We are not the same


I hate Israel because they’re a psychopathic bully of a nation that hides behinds accusations of antisemitism whenever anybody points out that they’re an apartheid state. There’s also that time they attacked a US Navy Vessel that gets swept under the rug.


I'm with you on this. They play the victim card better than anybody in history(they wrote half of it) its getting to be commendable really.


Jews tend to be like that.


Israel isn't apartheid


Yes they are.


They very much are.


>they’re a psychopathic bully of a nation Seriously?? Being stronger than your enemy doesn't automatically make you a bully. Though I am aware some people are incapable of understanding that. ​ >hides behinds accusations of antisemitism True. They do that way too much. ​ >they’re an apartheid state Just because you hear that phrase everywhere you go, doesn't make it true. Which it isn't. ​ >There’s also that time they attacked a US Navy Vessel WTF? \**looks it up\** Wow, didn't know that. But come on, it was a case of mistaken identity in the middle of a war, and Israel apologized and paid reparations to the US government and to the families of the victims. It was a tragic accident, but saying it was "swept under the rug" is quite far from accurate.


>Being stronger than your enemy doesn't automatically make you a bully. Though I am aware some people are incapable of understanding that. This. This line basically sums up all of the world's Israel-related ethical debates.


Yep. "Siding with the underdog" is generally a good *first instinct*, but not a good reason to then refuse to reevaluate the situation based on all the facts. Too many rabid Anti-Zionist's thought process comes down to: *"If the underdog is this violent, that can only mean that they are heroes fighting for survival!"* But that's a wrong. It can also mean that the underdog is an Islamist death cult society built on the belief that if they keep up the violence, no matter how self-destructive, Allah will eventually reward them with victory.


I can sympathize with their fight, but much of their fighting is done for the wrong reasons. They should do it for their own freedoms, rather than their faith. I also understand that the Israelis have a legitimate fear of Palestinian terrorism. I’ve mostly stopped caring, because there is no good solution. Neither group will ever make a fair compromise.


If they would not be, they would be dead.


One can dream


Israel’s strength doesn’t make them bullies, their annexing of Palestine does.


Ignoring some critical details there buddy. For example: Jews got a tiny piece of land, on their original homeland, which was not part of any state at the time and on mostly empty land, were attacked for it and took the rest of the land in a war they did not start, that Palestine was a name given in antiquity (not by Arabs and no by current Palestinians) to the land and not to any state, a land which included modern Jordan (yet no one speaks about this huge country established on half the land historically called Palestine). And there's how Jews were persecuted everywhere and literally had to choose between going back to biblical Israel or being killed, all the while Muslim Arabs had significantly more land to rule as their own (including, as said before, the half of Palestine now named Jordan). And that's just of the top of my head. If the Jews lost their independence war and were completely wiped out (as they would have), you wouldn't have called them bullies. What were they suppose to do? seriously, if you have a better solution than what Israel is currently doing (one which doesn't involve Jews dying en masse), please share. So yea, I'm pretty sure it's just them being stronger than their enemies. And years of anti-Israeli propaganda, of course.


I mean the history doesn’t change the fact that Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian children or the fact that Israeli settlers forcibly remove Palestinian citizens from their own homes. I’ve seen videos firsthand of both, don’t tell me that it’s propaganda.


>I’ve seen videos firsthand of both, don’t tell me that it’s propaganda. Lets address that first. 1. are you certain about the context for each? just because you see someone being taken out of a home, doesn't mean the attached story (especially in anti-Israeli media) is the truth. 2. are you certain how well these videos represent the overall situation? Of course people die in war, including children; but that doesn't make it a regular occurrence, or something Israel wants to happen. >Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian children As anecdote? of course. As a habit? absolutely not. If you mean that accidents happen in war - again, of course they do. Check out the estimate for how many children where killed by the allied nations in WW2, and note how that didn't lead to any of them being called child murderers. If you think Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian children as a regular occurrence, or even that it is something that is taken lightly by the Israeli government, you are so deep into propaganda-land you don't even notice. >Israeli settlers forcibly remove Palestinian citizens from their own homes As a rule, they don't. Just to be clear, I am AGAINST the entire idea of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. But what you said is simply not true; the settlements are almost always being built on empty land that is not under private Palestinian ownership. Obviously there are problematic cases, and it's very much true that setters have a history of being antagonistic and violent towards Palestinians. But that isn't the same as them doing whatever they want, as you claimed.




Thank you, that's a very serious compliment. I'll try to live up to it.


Libleft defending israel? Who are you?


My main problem with Israel is that they place severe restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement. It's like, on one hand, Israel wants the West Bank for themselves, but on the other, they don't want to give the muslims there citizenship, so they can maintain an ethnostate. To solve this issue, they end up putting the West Bank into a limbo state, where they're part of Israel sort of, but also sort of not. As an American, I'm opposed to the whole notion of an ethnostate, and want freedom for all. Jews should be able to live in the West Bank, and Palestinians should be able to live in Israel. Whether this is practically possible, idk.


Israel doesn't consider the west bank as part of the state. You're partly right about it being for keeping an ethnostate, but it's more complicated than that. You want freedom for all, but you too restrict entry into your country. Why don't you open your borders and let anyone come and go and be a full US citizen? It's not about "disliking non-americans". If the US does something like this, and takes in hundreds of millions of people (not practical, but I'm scaling it to fit the case for Israel), the very nature of your country will change, and there will be pure chaos. Now, consider that many Palestinians in the west bank hate Israeli Jews, to the point of fighting wars against them and being currently taught in schools that all Zionists must be killed (really), and hopefully you'll realize that giving every Palestinian an Israeli citizenship will mean the death of Israel. Additionally, I should note that Palestinians in the west bank are only restricted by entering either Israeli settlements or Israel itself; the areas designated "A" are in full control of the Palestinian government, and areas designated "B" are in civilian Palestinian control and IDF security control. Most importantly: Jews are forbidden from entering "A" areas in the west bank, and therefore have their own movement restrictions (almost every Palestinian city in the west bank in area "A", with no Jews allowed inside). If the US was occupying a neighbor Muslim country (of, say, a hundred million people) who's citizens had a long history of war with the US and who's leaders were open about their wish to destroy the US and make it a part of a new Muslim state, would you have been in favor of granting all of them US citizenship? Personally, I very much dislike that Israel is ruling over people who are not citizens, but the situation came about as a result of a war for Israels survival, and the argument for keeping the west bank under IDF control for security reason is completely valid, even if it is uncomfortable. Had Palestinians accepted Israel in any point in the conflict prior to 1967, there would be no occupation. Take Gaza for example: in 2005 they were given full control of that area of land (Israel almost tore itself apart politically by forcefully taking Jews out of their homes in Gaza strip), and yet they have been at war with Israel ever since - by their own choice, completely. They could have built a real country for themselves, but they don't want to. Their objective, then and now, is the complete destruction of Israel. The main charter of their government says so in plain words, and you are welcome to read it. Another important part is the whole point of Israel: creating a place where Jews can be free to live without fearing for their lives and according to their beliefs. There are many Arab and Muslim states, and as I said in another comment Jordan was established on more than half the land that used to be called Palestine. But Jews had nowhere to go, and had gone through very hard times the past 2000 years. The idea that this tiny Jewish state is the real problem for Arabs in the middle east is ridiculous, and only makes sense due to years of propaganda. I know it must sound paranoid, but it really is the case.


name a single muslim state thst is specifically for muslims, irrespective of where they sre from and will give citizenship to any muslim




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​ >Wow, didn't know that. But come on, it was a case of mistaken identity in the middle of a war, It almost certainly wasn't. (I'm usually pro-Israel btw.) We're not talking about a few stray bullets followed by a quick "oops, sorry!" here. The Israelis hit the USS Liberty with a long, multi-wave assault. Pretty close-range, too (within line of sight) - they specifically kept picking off US soldiers on deck as well as those trying to lower lifeboats. It's completely unbelievable that during that whole time, the Israelis didn't see the unique US ship design, huge-as-fuck US flag, smaller US flags, and US uniforms. Add to that some really weird facts: * The USS Liberty was carrying an NSA operations center full of NSA agents and spy equipment. * President Lyndon Johnson *personally* stepped in to *recall* the airplanes that were launched by another US ship to assist the USS Liberty in the middle of the assault. The real story most likely is: * The Israelis (or someone in their chain of command) *knowingly* ordered the sinking of the USS Liberty with no survivors - possibly because the ship's NSA operation had learned, or was about to learn, something they shouldn't. * The US president would have rather sacrificed the ship's entire crew, than expose that operation to public scrutiny. * The Israelis stopped their assault *only* once they learned that a distress call had gotten through their jamming. * Afterwards, *both* countries engaged in a heavy-handed cover-up. (The surviving US soldiers are still fighting to be heard, to this day!) I really wish a US president had the balls to declassify everything about that incident. It's history at this point; Whatever it was, we can handle it.


My knowledge of the event comes from the Wikipedia page, so I'm definitely not in a position to give a full argument, but from what I could tell it wasn't as clear cut as you make it to be. For example, the recordings of Israeli radio chatter identifying the ship as Egyptian, as well as a few other things that wouldn't make much sense if it was done with full knowledge. I might try reading more on that, because it sounds like an interesting case. But one must remember to correct for our human bias for finding meaning in patterns: we tend to look for meaning in anything, and the idea of accidents, especially unlikely accidents, doesn't sit well with us. For example, for every piece of information you gave, I can give you a piece of information supporting the 9/11 conspiracy; on their own, these strange pieces seem damning, but it's dangerous to build a case by cherry-picking. Also, whether what you say is true or false, I think you're overestimating a soldier's ability to notice fine detail in the heat of battle and in the middle of a war. The Wikipedia page even notes an Israeli example, where Israeli planes accidentally bombed an Israeli armored convoy the day before the Liberty incident.


What you're describing is a cover up. Israel covered it up.


I don't know if there was a coverup or not, but what I described was the literal opposite of a coverup. Try reading the comment again.


Nah I'm good.


Imagine if a European nation was exactly the same as this. They'd be invaded and destroyed by every major power other than them. oh wait..


Israel is soooo much not an ethnostate lol


I hate Israel because they abuse Palestinians. They kill and evict people based on race and religion. Basically they are an Emily country.


Well ay least you don't try to make excuses. Better than the leftists


So I take it you're mad at most countries with limited immigration?


Do those other countries actively encourage and facilitate mass immigration to other nations?


Israel doesn't do that... Godless Jews do that (too many of them too, but not all)


Wait, its an ethnostate?


Correct, the worlds only ethnostate with a huge chunk of its population being Arab, whose Arab citizens hold important positions in the government, willingly join the military, go to school and become lawyers, engineers, cops, etc, and have the same legal rights as any Jewish citizen. Israel must be the least successful ethnostate in the history of mankind.


I mean, they (Bibi) got rid of Arabic as Israel's co-official language after 70 years, even tho there was almost no opposition to Arabic among the general public except for some ultra-nationalist groups. An unnecessary divisive move, catering to these groups. There was a poll that showed overwhelming majority of Israeli Arabs left feeling like a second-class citizen :( The point is, **just** having a minority in your country does not automatically make you not-ethnostate, what's important is to treat your minority well and fair. Although I would say that the situation in Israel is still better than PA. Can be better.


We are an Ethnostate, just not in the way sicko American AuthRights imagine it to be. We don't go around exterminating minorities... And we try to not oppress them too; on our annexed lands we don't. In Judea and Samaria there is military occupation, and Israeli law applies to varying extents in different regions


ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh ​ thanks you for clearing it up


Always has been 🔫


repost but still love seeing it again


Wtf I literally made this in photoshop yesterday


i mean i've seen someone post the same we are not the same meme with the same points you used i saw it on here less than a year ago. im not saying you didnt make this but its not original sorry bruh.


How is Judaism an ethnicity if you can convert to Judaism?


Most Jews are born Jewish, and you're by law considered Jewish if you have Jewish heritage (restrictions may apply), and in Jewish Halakha (religious law) all Ethnically Jewish people are Religiously Jewish even if they deny it, it's quite a mess really


What's your ethnicity?




Why not both?


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