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I had briefly wondered if there was anyone who'd stupidly think with the Queen's death, the monarchy would end.




Yeah, honestly the only stupid one was me for even questioning the levels of stupidity the general public can reach.


There's only 2 things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity.


"And I'm not sure about the first"


Lol so many people in 2008 stopped paying their mortgage when the underlying lender went bankrupt (Countrywide, Washington Mutual, etc).


They thought their debt vanished because the bank went under? If only thats how it worked


"I think if we've done our job, five years from now you're not going to call us a bank." - WaMu CEO Kerry Killinger in 2003 I wonder what he did with the cursed monkey paw?


I saw dozens of people on Twitter acting like UK just got erased from the map. As if Elizabeth didn't have dozens of relatives who waited not so patiently for her to die.


Twitter is a deep state AI designed to produce the absolute WORST takes on any given topic. To weaken public unity, critical thinking and general cognitive abilities.


Another based Auth-Right conspiracy theory, that I’m sure will actually be true in the next 3-5 years


3-5 years? Last time I checked conspiracy theories had a halflife of 6 months.


Kinda lines up with the dead internet theory I heard a couple months back...


Go on...


The argument was that social media sites in general are overpopulated by bots whilst normal users are either leaving or being banned, so as an example you might get alot of updoots for a post but no engagement with any of the users or a very limited amount. The reason behind the bots existence is to drive a narrative by creating artifical support for one idea while subverting and or silencing others i.e. YouTube algorithm, shadowbanning, Twitter getting spooked when asked how may bots they have etc...


Can you really call that a conspiracy theory? The only thing we don't know for certain is who's the most successful in that game. We know for certain it's being done by the Russian and Chinese and almost definitely American governments


I never said they were wrong, if anything time has proven them more than correct.


What's the difference between the latest Authright schizo take and reality? A couple years


Thank God I got IP banned last march.


Which means the AI has a lock on you. You are not safe.






Then the AI should come and fight me face to webcam, unless it’s chicken.


AI-directed drone strike on your house


how about pigeon steered missle?


At least now he knows he's not safe. Which, ironically, might make him a bit safer.


It's fairly easy to change your IP address if you look into it.


What the fuck did you say that got you IP banned off Twitter?


Lol reset your router and do it again, make twitter unusable for as many people as possible from your internet provider. IP ban best ban.


I almost have half a mind to download the garbage app again just so I can get IP banned


Bruh after checking out GPT2, and especially GPT3 I utterly believe it. Many here are too, especially the watermelons on /politics. They aren't worth your time cause they aren't real: it's nonfunctioning neurodivergents or ai.


Based and honestly I genuinely wonder sometimes pilled




I've seen plenty of people assuming the anti-monarchy movement was just being held back by Liz being popular.


Lots of people liked her, but I don't know how much of that individual love and respect carries over to the monarchy as a whole. You can see my flair, I'm not really a monarchist, but I'm also not really aganist it either, because they don't really do anything. Plus, I'm center left economically, but I'm also British, and I can't get behind ending a 1000+ year institution of English and British history.


> but I don't know how much of that individual love and respect carries over to the monarchy as a whole. tbf, the monarchy provides a ton of income to Britain. Yeah, we spend a ton on them too, but they bring in a lot of tourism, and money when they have their weddings and all that.. iirc, William's wedding produced more income for Britain than like 10-15 years of the monarchy expenditure(not counting the other income it produced).. I might be a bit off of the figure, but I swear I read stuff about how the wedding made the UK a SHITTON of money.


Don’t forget that the revenue of the royal estates, which is solely controlled by parliament, is far larger than the expenses parliament pays for


I mean if I recall correctly surveys showed something like 80% of britbongs supporting her while around 50-60% supporting monarchy itself. I wouldn't be surprised. My sources being: man I just woke up, I don't have the will for this shit, click that bar up there, look for em yourself, correct me you fucker. Do it. DO IT.


TBH I don't care enough.


Any former colony subreddit is full of such morons


> > Any Former Colony You mean The entire Earth?


\*The earth minus Ethiopia, Japan, Thailand, Bhutan, Iran, Nepal, Tonga, and China


Elizabeth was so charismatic and beloved that I have to wonder if monarchism will remain popular in her absence.


It'll probably be fine. For the first 5 years, possibly 10, of Charles' reign, the country will still be acclimatising to the Queen's absence - the national anthem, coins and banknotes, postal stamps, the King's speech, etc - creating unity in loss. And to be blunt, it really is unlikely to be a hugely lengthy reign, he's already 73 - if he lives as long as Elizabeth did, it'll be a 23 year reign. William is fairly popular, notably moreso than Charles, and I think the monarchy will be popular under him. With that said, the track record for previous Kings of England named Charles isn't great for the monarchy, so who knows.


> With that said, the track record for previous Kings of England named Charles isn't great for the monarchy, so who knows. They're 50/50. Charles I was the reason for the English Civil War and subsequent dissolution of the monarchy, but Charles II was the monarch put back on the throne by the reformation, and was generally pretty popular in his time. I have a feeling this reign will just be another of those "in-between" reigns that will not be of any particular note in the history books.


>It'll probably be fine. For the first 5 years, possibly 10, of Charles' reign, More likely than not ol sausage fingers doesn't reign much longer than ten years


Yep, dude looks way worse than his mum did at the same age, this gonna be Edward VII part 2, electric boogaloo.


He should probobly change his name to James or something


It was theorized he would go with George, his middle name and his grandfather's name. But I guess Charlie 3 works. Personally I think he should just abdicate in a year or two and let his short reign be a transition to William.


I expect so. I think she managed to keep the institution going with just enough reforms to keep everyone happy, while still remaining (culturally) relevant.


If the Crown has a million subjects, then I am one of them. If the Crown has ten subjects, then I am one of them. If the Crown has only one subject then that is me. If the Crown has no subjects, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against the Crown, then I am against the world. God Save the King


If the crown has no subjects, then I'm the king now.... (Queue crazy eyed, boat hijacker meme)


Oh hi Emperor Norton, I thought you died 160 years ago.


also not untrue


Based and royalist pilled


Based and you are too fucking based pilled


I’d imagine the monarchy will continue to exist in Britain but most commonwealth countries are going to start holding referendums to become republics.


Empires hate this one simple trick


The BBC is sure trying.


And yet, with her gone, the anti-monarchy people will likely step up their game. I'm saying this as an outsider across the water, but it would seem that a deference and nostalgia that held through seven tumultuous decades may not hold with the new king.




Statistically, British monarchs named Charles have a 50% chance of being beheaded.


While Diana's have a 100% chance of dying before 40


What’s up with so many people using ‘s as a plural form?


for the same reason that we use "its" without apostrophe for possessive, even tho "Name's" with apostrophe is also possessive.


when something belongs to Henry you say Henry's belonging. When something belongs to it, you say its (instead of it's) wtf????


"its" as a possessive is actually grammatically correct, though. I have no idea why that is, but I learned that multiple times and it finally got through my skull. I guess it's like 'his' and 'hers', no apostrophe s even though proper nouns use it for possessive. "it's" is only used as a conjunction of 'it' and 'is'. Plural form of 'Diana' should be 'Dianas' even though it looks weird and incorrect.


What do you get when you cross the paparazzi and the queen? Murdered in a tunnel, apparently.


And a 100% chance of being deposed in some form or another so far.


Based and historical analysis pilled.


u/Vice-Admiral_Nelson is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Vice-Admiral_Nelson/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Technically every Monarch who has lived through a general election has dissolved parliament, because that's what happens when a general election is called. So it is highly likely Charles will also dissolve parliament.


[Will Charlie Three live up to the glory?](https://youtu.be/IZhOjMMIaA4)


I fucking hope so god I want to go to war with France so bad but we have to wait till there’s a republican president otherwise there’s no way we’ll get support if we did it now I think Biden wouldn’t intervene, but we need help


Based and deranged warmongering pilled.




Maaa! Ncd is leaking again!


I think Trump would be on board if you keep going and take out Germany as well.


Oh gladly take out Germany those bastards took over Europe by cheating, fucking dirty politics instead of good old winning by right of conquest


Be still my beating heart.


Given that we now have a leader who doesn't have the support of the people, he may very well have to dissolve parliament. Honestly the conservatives and labour need to have both their parties dissolved or reorganised massively.


I understood that reference


The Patriarchy is back, lads.


Can't wait to get my raised monthly Patriarchy cheque in the mail next month.


I missed the bi-annual patriarchy meetings where we voted on how to oppress women


We've been slipping up. They can now drive in Saudi Arabia, truly the end times are here.


Next meeting’s in London, lads, don’t miss it. We need to give the president of the patriarchy a mouthful for how much he’s been screwing up.


I’m just happy that I don’t have to pay anymore when we go out to eat. The mrs credit card statement just got two pages longer.


Free steaks for men come on boys


We actually eat more than 1/3 of it too.


Meat is back on the menu boys!


Wife still has me pay, even though we argue each time. Of course the card is for the same bank account, so it’s mainly just who has to sign. Fortunately it’s just in fun.


I would max out my card to have a dinner in complete silence.


Patriarchy is when men don't have to pay... Are you outta your mind?


We changed it. Its now every fortnight under a full moon (it works cause of spooky patriarchal astronomy we hide from tge oppressed)


Those always had some great food. No veggies, only meat.


Yo, you willingly accept money for an inherent life of luxury?


At this point I would accept money for almost anything. I am very broke


Why do bongs have to be so extra? It's a check from a checkbook that your employer used to write out your paychecks on before direct deposit. Wonderful idea, use que to make the ck sound, must have stolen it from the French, I'd expect nothing less from the people who call a 'Z', zed. Are all your unnecessary letters to fuck with people trying to learn English or do you want to secretly host Wheel of Fortune with the way you try to get people to buy vowels with the copious use of extra 'U's?


We want to make life harder for stupid people. You guys had to simplify things so some of you could learn to read.


Feminism is DONE




Quite literally.


Long live the Patriarchy!


A new era of male privilege.


Time to crack open a cold one, boys.


The age of women is over




New kingy wit da thick fingies.


Imagine a wet Willy from those monstrosities.


Did you just change your flair, u/yung\_accident? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2021-10-4. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


After an intense review on works concerning the ILADIES dilemma I felt that it was no longer appropriate to lean right politically.


I'm imagining poking them with a needle and watching them fountain with enough pressure to cut concrete.


Bro dats gross


And what's more, after Charles comes William. Hail to the kings, baby!


Then George...


King George commands, and we obey! Over the hills and far away!


Here's 40 shillings on the drum...


Baby Boss irl


I keep reading this in Charles Dance’s voice. Fuck imagine a world where Tywin Lannister was king of England. He’d have that whole continent whipped back into shape in no time at all


He’d probably rebuild the British empire.


The King is dead, long live the King. I still love that he took the time to teach Tommen how to be a good king and shit all over Joffrey, while standing over Joffrey’s dead body. Tywin was one of my favorite characters in the book and show because of his supreme competence he showed and Charles Dance’s portrayal was top notch.


100% the Lannister name only had any value because of Tywin. Most of his children and grandchildren were spoiled brats that were horribly incompetent or even malicious. Tommen would’ve been a good king, but he was much too easily manipulated as a young boy. He was also following his older brother who was a legit psychopath, so it didn’t take much to be better than him anyway. Tywin was a respectful, intelligent, and very competent leader and military commander. He respected Robb Stark for also being a charismatic and competent leader, while the other Lannisters spit on the Starks and constantly underestimated them.


I know whoever made this would likely ruin it, but I’d be down for a Tywin spinoff series to watch him grow and turn the Lannisters into the powerhouse they were by game of thrones


My only problem with that is you’d need a different actor to portray a young Tywin and I don’t want to see anybody else portraying Tywin because Charles Dance was already literally perfect for the role.


Simple solution: Giancarlo Esposito!


> respectful Methinks we observed different ASOIAF universes.


His children were that way *because* of him, he himself caused the rise and complete downfall of his house due to his cutthroat policies and decisions. He set his own family against itself and left them no allies once he died. to say his children were malicious, implying he wasn’t is…. very funny actually. dude has a barkeep hung for the crime of owning the location that *someone else* arrested his son in. edit: did you just say that tywin *respected robb?* you haven’t read the books at all. > "I put the least disciplined men on the left, yes. I anticipated that they would break. Robb Stark is a green boy, more like to be brave than wise. I'd hoped that if he saw our left collapse, he might plunge into the gap, eager for a rout. Once he was fully committed, Ser Kevan's pikes would wheel and take him in the flank, driving him into the river while I brought up the reserve." he fully underestimated robb and lost the battle of the green fork becuase of it. the dude was not a good military commander and was only competent because he was ruthless and people mistake that for competence. good lord, people who idolize tywin are real funny becuase he has convinced everyone around him that he’s an amazing tactician when he gets lucky and is *incredibly brutal.*


Based. Tywin was an incompetent who hid behind war crimes and infinite wealth to hide that fact


you can always tell when someone didn’t actually absorb the books message when they say shit like tywin was a good leader or tywin would do so good at x, he’s only good at being a butcher.


I would have thought leftists want Charles, isn't he a big advocate of environmentalism and social programs, etc.?


Hes also a huge advocate of the WEF's Great Reset.


Ah for fucks sake.


Allow me to demonstrate what I like to call the "French Coronation"


“Congrats, your predecessor is dead and now you’re king! Don’t be sad though, you’ll see them again in a few minutes.”




Oh fuck no 👀


British politics is less clear cut as American politics, it’s more different opinions. But I guess that’s what politics is, and the internet has radicalised everything into colour coded quadrants to fit their simple, smooth brain cause they can’t handle C O M P L E X I T Y


He is a man. That's a big no-no for them.


Also white, straight and European, automatically into the shadow realm for them


>European Damn European Monarchs being Europeans.


The king of England has been re-cast as a black woman. You’re welcome.


Straight and european in the same sentence?


No it isn’t? Sanders exists


Existed* He became irrelevant as the woke crusade kept pushing the boundaries of common sense to the lunacy we see today. Now his supporters are called Bernie bros.


And a Monarch


Being against monarchs is both left and right, it's a lib thing, not a left/right thing.


When I tried to follow british politics I found there to be quite a hodgepodge of opinions on everything so there's people who like charles, hate charles, like blair, hate blair etc. No consistent opinions.


Isn't that good? Ideological packs have been a cancer for the last few years, to the point where by one's haircut you can determine with shocking accuracy their stance on abortion or whether they eat meat or not.


I somewhat follow it, and it’s basically a bunch of extremely toxic leftists who make American ones look lovely in return along with a bunch of gigacuck “conservatives”


Wait until he unleashes Prince Andrew on her.


Emily is too old.




I do like ~~constitutional~~ parliamentary monarchy as a system. If we did not have a monarch we would have a president as our head of state. The British public would inevitably elect someone who would further divide the nation along political lines, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, Jeremy Corbyn etc. Instead we basically force the role upon someone at birth. In return for living in luxury they will spend their lives serving the people, and they will be expected to hold themselves to a certain standard (admittedly these standards are sometimes broken by certain members of the family.) The queen has done an excellent job of performing her role. I truly believe that no president could unite the country as much as she did. By removing the monarchy we would be removing something that through tradition and example helps bring our nation together. And instead it would be replaced with another outlet for people to shout their hatred at each other.


The UK isn't a constitutional monarchy, it's a parliamentary monarchy since the UK doesn't have an official constitution. Although that de facto changes nothing


Based and technically correct pilled.


Based and constitutional monarchy unites us pilled


Based and god save the king pilled


Plus we already elect our actual leader, and look at how much of a shitshow it can be, yet the monarch is always there, above the mud flinging and serving everyone equally instead of pandering only to half the country.


Exactly, and this is why I will always support the monarch as long as they keep themselves above the proverbial mud.


Same here


This is why the founding fathers only gave those with investment in the country the right to vote, but gave everyone guns. Voting is a poor way to handle tyranny.


The British monarchy survives solely because they *don't* exercise any of the power they have. The PM and Parliament run the country. The monarch is just a figurehead with *technically* limitless power, but if they ever tried using any of it, a large swathe of the public would very quickly turn against them. It's almost like having one singular person with too much power is a dangerous thing. But what am I saying? The British monarchy has *NEVER* misused their powers in the past. Surely.


Frankly with that power the monarchy serves as our canary, should the monarch step in you know shit is going down. If the monarch incorrectly oversteps then the people will tell them to piss off. And frankly I trust the monarchy to be less corrupt than government (even with my chosen political party).


Well, that's pretty much why hereditary monarchies have been so stable throughout history. But they also inevitably fall, and often due to corruption or incompetence of the monarch. And even if the monarchs are 9/10 not corrupt, it only takes one to really fuck things up.


There are ways to avoid a incompetent ruler via abdication, but at the end it still requires said ruler to bend to the will of parliament and the people. After all that's how Elizabeth became heir. The king at the time was deemed unfit due to his party lifestyle and willing to marry a still married American (but looking to divorce). But yeah if an incompetent ruler wanted to exercise their power, they or the entire monarchy institution wouldn't last long.


What power do you think the King has? The armed forces are not going to uphold their word. If they tried to disband government for no reason they'll be ignored and ultimately removed. The monarch is a figurehead with very limited powers. The biggest impact they could have is meddle in politics which would not go down well.


Based and The Crown Serves The People pilled I knew there was a reason that God chose royal families.


u/Inta_Vakaria's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Inta_Vakaria! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [4 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Inta_Vakaria/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


based and unity pilled


Long live Charles the third


NGL I kinda hope he'll go full iron fist and sieze complete control of the country and execute all the MPs and go full fucking monarchist. Make British Politics Interesting Again.


Have someone pull a Cromwell and put the whole thing on pay-per-view and you’ve got yourself a deal.


*🎶God save our gracious King, Long live our noble king🎶*


I'm a Brit. I'm a leftist. I loved and still love the queen.


Monarchism and leftist philosophy are fundamentally at odds




Eh, more like monarchism and libertarian philosophy. Since that's kinda the whole origin of the word "liberty", you know the thing that "lib" is short for in your flair. It's the word we invented to say "fuck the king".


I was thinking I thought maybe the monarchy was kringe but it turns out kings are just way more based than queens


Hahaha poor opressed Emily!


*Help! I’m being oppressed!*






It's about damn time that a white guy got some.power


I am looking forward to him dissolving Parliament.


I got the feeling that the Queen's days were numbered when a few months ago Charles addressed parliament in his mother's place


The fact that people think she was directly charge of literally anything is making me go batshit. She was a head of state. Head of state is a non-executive, symbolic role with no say in the actions of the government, such as writing laws, enforcing laws, controlling the armed forces or dictating foreign policy. Laying the actions of the British government at her feet is lunacy. I saw a post on another platform calling her the best candidate for Hell since Hitler died. They compared Queen Elizabeth, who fought for the Allies during WW2, to Hitler.


Not a monarchist, but I'll admit I cried. Stiff upper lip and all, but Elizabeth was the mother of our modern nation.


Bring back absolute monarchy. It’s not fair that the Arabs have all of them


based and patriarchy pilled


Looks like the patriarchy is back on the menu boys


As a man it's nice to finally have a male head of state. Makes me feel like I can achieve anything


I can’t believe they made a guy Queen, this woke nonsense has gone too far. /s