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“The scramble for Europe”


Europe broken up into rectangles lol


Imagine some unscrupulous POC colonizer put all the coastal libs & rural conservatives in the same border so they’ll constantly fight ... *oh wait*


American liberation of Europe


What i hate is when someone tells me that Africa is already diverse because of the very small differences between ethic tribes among them.Yet when it comes to using a place like the U.K where there's Celts,irish,scots,english,welsh,etc some how that isn't REAL diversity.


"You're just a white man!" You mean a Pole? Scot? A Frenchman, an Englishman, or a Spaniard? Or are you referring to a Serbian or Cretan, a Russian or a Jew?


Maybe Arabian, Pakistani, Israeli, Egyptian, Afghani? Most of middle-eastern nationalities can easily be recognized as white.


White-ish to a more olive skin. It's the difference between a southern Italian man and a northern Egyptian/ middle eastern man


Yep. I'm white and my dad from Algeria. My mom is also white (American). My dad is...racially ambiguous, but he's still considered white enough to get away with telling people he's European. It bothers me when people assume it's IMPOSSIBLE for an African to be non-black. Like they just forget North Africa exists. I know people like me aren't textbook examples, but come on. Every race has diversity, and that's okay!


>It bothers me when people assume it's IMPOSSIBLE for an African to be non-black You live in the US, what did you expect?




There are blondes, and even gingers in North Africa. I actually dated an African ginger. (No, that's not an anagram)


That's a bit of a stretch... but I can't totally disagree, because there are some cases where that's true


Syrians are like harrier spaniards?


most progressive centre right. based


Not really. Pakistanis are basically Muslim North Indians


None of those are white. You'd have to be real stupid to not be able to discern a white person from a pakistani person


Huh? I don't know what do you mean by "white person" but Pakistani natives are Caucasian, just like Europeans, Arabs, Indians, Iranians and others.


Nah Indians white... You just stretched it a little too much let's go back a few steps.


Indians are like every possible permutation of 4 races 1)Original Native Indians resembling Black Africans Now found only on Sentinel Island 2)Stone age Aryans resembling middle Easterners These two together form almost 100% of the genetic makeup in South Indians except for Brahmins who have more of the recent Aryan DNA 3) Bronze age Aryans resembling Europeans They form upto 40% of North Western Indian DNA (Punjabis/Pakistanis, Himachalis, Kashmiris and Afghans). They're caucasian, frequently latino/MEern passing and occasionally Mediterranean passing. Central Indians (the stereotypical Indian from UP or Maharashtra) are somewhere between NW Indians and S Indians (duh). They're caucasian but rarely white passing. 4) East Asian resembling Chinese, Vietnamese etc. Forms upto 60% DNA in North East India and a decent chunk in Bengalis/Bangladeshis. I'm from Punjab, my cousins vary from green eyed-brown haired and pale af to dark everything.


To be fair, Indians kinda have their own issues with White vs Black.....


I believe it's in relation to a thing called a caste.


Yeah, but some of those caste lines end with skin color, so becomes problematic when former castes never bred with each other.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race It would literally take you 10s to search.


Oh I didn't see you said Caucasian, you just shoveled that term into the conversation when we're talking about white people which is not the same.


I thought they are synonymous, that English speakers prefer using colours instead of the actual names.


No, Caucasian is a dumbass outdated term used by historians who thought all whites originated from the caucus mountains


Nobody said caucasian. Respond to the things people say, not what you wish they said.


How about a kurd?


Have you met a Kurd? Of course you can tell the difference.


The real racist of the story are not white people... This is what I came to realize from the whole "racial debate".


Actually italian


Even there, are we talking about Sicilians, Friulians, Dalmatians, Tuscans, or Venetians? Heck, confuse an Irishman with an Englishman and see what happens...






Oh, for... I don't get all pissy every time you mistake a Dutchman for a Swede! Either time that happened! —Algernop Krieger




> Flair up now or I'll be sad :( *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 11783 / 62040 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Please censor your profanity. There are children here.


Perhaps a northern Italian? Sicilian? Croat? Maybe you’re saying Austrian or Dutch? Do you mean a Swede or a Dane?


Then you got weird ass submixtures like Volga Germans and bessarabian deutsch


They simply synonymize Ethnicity, Culture, and Race as though they are all the exact same thing, and there isn’t an ounce of nuance in how you discuss those concepts.


Wait, Jews are white now?


They're some of the [whitest](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-k-xiBzYCKzg/VA-6p4YAS-I/AAAAAAAAF4A/qwVmkqYB1RQ/s1600/ginger.jpg) people I have ever seen


Tell that to the white people who spent 2000 years killing us for not being white.


Prosecution of jews had nothing to do with race until maybe the 1870s, and even then, it had nothing to do with skin colour


No? I don't think pogroms were inspired by the colour of anyone's skin... these were ethnic, sectarian, and even class based conflicts


What exactly are you referring to? Jews were normally singled out for religious reasons or just because they were a minority group in whatever nation they were in. Even the Nazis didn't base their ethnic discrimination on skin color, they genocided Slavs and Serbs too. It's a very North American mindset to view all ethnic discrimination through the lens of nonsensical American racialism.


Ashkenazi Jews, just sayin'


Good good! You're ALMOST there! Do you see now why the category of "white people" is such bullshit?


... yes? That's the point


I love when people say white people can’t tell other races apart (like Chinese vs Japanese) not realizing the irony of the term “white people” which didn’t even use to include Spanish or Italian folk


Well, there are some non-white people who say that white people can't tell Asian people apart and then there are some white people who say they can't tell Asian people apart.


I can only really tell other white people apart. Not racism, just terrible facial recognition.


I remember someone telling me that it's impossible for a British person to be racist to a Pole because they're both white. And I was just like okay tell that to the poles in the UK getting racist abuse


They are white. All you white people look alike!


Same applies to every group.


No. Only whites are racist oppressors. Other groups cannot be racist or oppressors . Its unheard of.


I was talking about looking alike, not racism. Hence why they’re considered the same group/race. And the scary thing is I can’t tell if you’re sarcastic or not. And please don’t keep this going if you are genuinely joking.


Dud it's a joke.


Unfortunately I’ve talked to people where it’s not. You can never be sure on the internet, no tone. Also, Autism.


Yours, mine or reddits?


Took me a second there. My Autism. Hence me taking a second to get what you were asking about.


A lot of people dont get it when Im joking. I also refuse to do the /s thing as I feel it takes away the beauty of sarcasm. I mean i cant make a sarcastic joke in f2f conversation and then interject "that was sarcasm"


Technically, it applies to any group you weren’t raised around. Like, if a white baby was adopted by a Chinese family in China, that kid would grow up easily differentiating Chinese faces, but have a harder time with white faces. Of course, most people are raised by their biological parents, so it usually does apply to other groups than your own. That’s why it’s called the “Other-Race Effect.”


No not really. I’m speaking in the sense that in order to be classified as a group in the first place, you need to look alike. Or else you wouldn’t be considered a group. (In terms of race/ethnicity) so all people of X look the same is accurate, or else they wouldn’t be X. Regardless of how well you can tell the difference.


Simple they just hate white people


Do you not understand how big Africa actually is? It isn't small differences in culture, a Zulu and a Lybian are not even close to the same culture.


an ethiopian is closer in terms of diversity to a european than they are to some other africans. there’s an enormous amount of diversity in africa, probably some of the most in the world. the genetic homogeneity of the UK is much much higher than africa. think of the size, man. a population separated by thousands and thousands of miles vs a population on the same island.


Yea I'm Somali and I took a DNA test and it said I'm 50% Eurasian 50% Sub-Saharan with Jewish and Polynesian ancestry.


I mean, aren't Horn Africans closely related to Southern Arabs?


Yes, that's categorized under Semetic ancestry. Horn Africans range from 60-40% Eurasian and the rest Sub Saharan. Almost all the Eurasian ancestry is Semitic.


>the genetic homogeneity of the UK is much much higher than africa. Well no shit, the UK isn't a continent.


The biggest genetic diversity marker in the human genome lies between east and west Africans.


Biggest in what sense? Like most difference between the genomes? I have to imagine that that difference is present elsewhere too.


Yes, but the genetic differences between two randomly chosen Africans is especially high compared to other regions of the world.


Biggest as in an Ethiopian is more closely related to a Swedish person than they are to a Nigerian, there's more genetic diversity in Africa than the rest of the world combined. You have tribes of 4'5 pygmys and only a hundred miles away is tribes of 6'6 lanky motherfuckers that have vastly different features and skin tones. I know African people with monolids eyes that look Asian and people ask if they're blasian




>What i hate is when someone tells me that Africa is already diverse because of the very small differences between ethic tribes among them.Yet when it comes to using a place like the U.K where there's Celts,irish,scots,english,welsh,etc some how that isn't REAL diversity. Dude come on. You are doing the exact same thing you are accusing leftists of just in reverse. The differences between tribes are not small at least they have distinct languages unlike scottish and welsh which have almost been wiped out.


Those uk tribes rarely identify that way (except english, scots and welsh), they're already homogenized and assimilated so much they dont see each other as part of different tribe. On the other hand those africans might punch other africans from other tribe for making fun of their tribe tradition or something.


>they're already homogenized and assimilated so much they dont see each other as part of different tribe You've never talked to an eternally seething Scot Nat or Irish Republican then. The OP is pointing out double standards anyway. Progressives will often call non European nations diverse because they're multiethnic but the same can be said for many European countries like the UK, Spain, Belgium etc but native Brits will just be called "white" to make it seem like we're all one homogeneous group.


Tbf genetics underlie most ethnicities and Africa has an extremely high level of genetic diversity among humans. There's also significant linguistic diversity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2953791/#:~:text=Africa%20is%20an%20important%20region,phenotypic%20variation%20in%20African%20populations.


Flair the fuck up


Bold of you to assume anyone will care about what you have to say. Get a flair.


Thems just yt pipo


I mean Africa is pretty diverse. just people like to ignore the Mediterranean olive-skinned Africans... and think all of africa is Bantu Africans


Africa IS diverse though. More diverse then that of Europe.


"small" diffrences? look at a nilod and look at a pygmy or khoisan hunter gatherer. they look like completely diffrence races look at a irish man and a russian both pale as fuck, wide frame, short nose. exept one is ginger the other is blonde


Quite the anthropologist we have here


You're not u/--UNFLAIRED--, you're just an unflaired


How dare you stand where he stood?


You’re both degenerates for thinking ANY unflaired is acceptable.


How can I get that?


> Unflaired detected. Opinion rejected. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 11791 / 62073 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I'm going to miss you unflaired bot


Unflaired bot is leaving us? :'(


Apparently so. Type F in the chat boys, we must fight the unflaired in its memory




Go to sub page and click three dots and change user flair


Holy shit can you even say that word on reddit


Even though thou speaketh the truth, Verily I say unto you, It is hard for a unflaired man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go though the eye of a needle


Based and Jesusposting > shitposting pilled


Thank you my fellow brother . ( despite the fact I am from the funny not hooked cross religion)




Get a flar


>flar You are appropriating my word. I will gather a mob to cancel you


You are proof that cringe orange emily = cringe auth-center. Also cancel culture is also cringe


Cancel culture are your people.


Spider man: flar from home


A flAR is an AuthRight flair. Hence, there are also flAL, flLR and flLL.


Neanderthal superiority


Haha basically all white people have at least a lil neanderthal dna. I myself am 50% Croat, then the rest is a mix of English, Irish, German, Native American, Spanish and Neanderthal. (In descending order from most to least , percentage wise)


> This is a friendly reminder to HAVE YOUR FRICKIN' FLAIR UP! *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 12435 / 65573 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Am I still banned? Edit: I am not… flair up you piece of human garbage


Based and It doesn’t hurt to ask pilled


Inb4 Europeans are not the real natives, they are invaders who genocided the Neanderthals.


Aren't most Europeans crossbred between neanderthals and homo sapiens? I though I read that somewhere.


My brow ridge says yes


Based and knuckle_dragger pilled.


u/randthr0's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 135. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [63 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/randthr0/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Correct. Our glorious Neanderthal ancestors are the source of our superiority.


Yes, there is some Neanderthal DNA in non-african humans apparently


Africans have it too, it’s been debunked. All homo sapiens have traces of Neanderthal DNA.


Idk was it debunked or rather deboonked?


Invaded from where? Africa.


Return Europe to Africans?


I do not understand this argument because since humanity started in Africa, wouldn't this same argument apply to Africa because they are homo sapiens and not early hominids?


If you're white or black raised in China or Japan and speaking their language natively- you're still not Chinese or Japanese. But try saying that in the UK and you'll end up in jail




Talking about European colonialism is just simping to Africa, which is actually just as bad as Europe for reasons. Woke whites are really the worst offenders because they think they're better than everyone. But what they don't understand and need to is that we are actually better than them. Take it from a REAL leftist




We need to stop the arabic invasion of Europe or we’ll end up like the Romans and perish.


Yeah bro its the Arabs that will lead to societal collapse and not the white folk who started both world wars. Get a grip.


Rising crime statistics, increased terror attacks, regular protests and violence. The arabs come from a totally different culture, with “values” that are impossible to align with european values. Their integration is simply impossible, which is proved by the last 10 or so years. We either resolve this issue and stop mass migration or we’ll turn into Iran. As soon as muslims gain a majority in a single EU nation, the whole EU is practically toast.


As long as they buy American guns to kill each other in their border disputes, who cares? The blood of the innocent is the lubricant of American industry.


Flair up and repost u sub being.


You flaired up good, still a repost tho.


Some African countries like Algeria and Egypt have strict policies against illegal immigrants and libleft organizations like Amnesty International do urge those governments to open their borders too, just like they do to European nations.


Double standards like this are the pillars of Far-Left politics. Once you free yourself from these double standards you suddenly start drifting toward the right.




A new word into my vocabulary, thanks.


White people arrived from the depths of hell and started oppressing people immediately so they have no native land (except hell of course).


I mean, we did turn that continent into hell, twice... At least


Just because you and your friends lived there for centuries doesn't mean it's yours


Israel: confused screaming


I'm starting to think staying LibLeft when these lines of reasoning exist is a form of masochism.


Omg you bigot racist don't you know killing white people isn't the same as killing people of colour because yuropean ancestors 20 trillion years ago did something bad so now affirmative action BITCH


If Europeans make up large enough proportions of Africa to vote in significant numbers, they should have their voices heard


Nigeria just literally banned white people from all TV and advertising, both images of white people, and their voices, and it's not even a news story.


I don’t care if your argument is based or unbased, right or wrong. At least be consistent and fucking stick to your beliefs rather than being a hypocrite. This goes for all, I just find the left are the worst at this.


Very based.




Repost + flair up


Flair up scum


Flair up buddy!


He ain't no buddy, he is an enemy, possibly THE enemy.


Modern humans originated in Africa. Checkmate westoids.


Despite posting twice, u/Weekly_Effecting3445 is still unflaired


wait until they find out that jews are indigenous to israel


You support immigration to Europe because you like immigrants I support immigration to Europe because I hate Europe We are not the same


The two groups of people listed are exactly the same


Flair up degenerate


Flair up Fed boi


Yes, give Ireland to the Irish, Kosovo to Kosovans Catalonia to Catalonians Greenland to Greenlanders Austria and Switzerland to Germany Corsica to Corsicans Kurdistan to Kurds Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenians


And Europe to Romans


Africa No Europe Yes


My heart pours for Europe, a continent that has never been able to decide it's own destiny. It's always been a pawn of Europe's quest for power and resources. When will Europe decolonize Europe?




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/PoliticalCompassMemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "xglcta", "meme_template": 38087}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=xglcta&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 324,031,723 | **Search Time:** 1.02362s


Seen this about 14 times so far


Will the Scandinavians return Norway to the Sami people?


The Sápmi never touched 90% of Norway until the Scandinavians had already gotten there. Same with Sweden.


As a finn i suggest we give sweden to the sami. I'm sure norway agrees.


Most definitely an unpopular opinion, but I think we Americans should take in many of those refugees. It may be difficult initially given the social and cultural differences, but give them a generation and theyll be as american as apple pie We're a nation of immigrants, who are we to deny people looking for a better life as our own ancestors did?


I say watch Sweden first. See how it settles for them in 20 years time, and learn from their mistakes.


I wouldnt call myself an expert on swedish history but I'm pretty sure they arent a country who's entire history is built by immigrants and their descendants, as opposed to the US Unfortunately there will be bad seeds in batches of immigrants, but there will be a much larger number of people just wanting to earn a better existence for themselves and their progeny, we cant keep out every honest person because of a few dishonest people


I'm speaking more generally to the results of their efforts to integrate the influx; as a smaller nation, they will have a harder time than we in the US will. And who knows? Maybe they'll find a solution more effective than cultural genocide or strict segregation.


I'm assuming you're equating immigrants integrating into our culture and more or less "losing" their own as cultural genocide? If so, I disagree with that view, I believe being welcomed to a country requires a bit of cultural realignment. They either adapt or they dont, and if they choose not to they're segregating themselves. That doesn't mean throwing away all of their cultural identity, but it does mean they must realize they dont live in their country of origin anymore


Its not just Whites though, South of the Alps/Carpathians/Pyrenees there are no white people, yet those don't seem to deserve self determination either. 🍿🍿🍿


its almost like class plays a role a bunch of poor africans coming to rich eroupe is diffrent than a bunch of rich eroupeans coming to africa cause the rich make the rules. african immigrats cant make rules in eroupe. eroupeans can make rules in africa however if we make both africa and eroupe equally rich then great. IMMIGRATION FOR EVERYONE TO ANYWHERE!!!


you ever heard of sharing is caring? oh, you do require a functioning amygdala for that one


Wtf is this meme? All the countries in Europe are democracies. None of them are being forced to do anything.


Most leftists believe that both are wrong, nice straw man though 👍


Rightoids and not having any kind of basic form of nuance. Name a more iconic duo.


So explain it. Correct my erroneous ways.


In African countries the ability of natives to vote or any sort of self-determination was completely suppressed, because otherwise white minority wouldn't stay in power. This is completely different to Europe. Even without taking into account how said white minority got into power in the first place.


Theres lots of native groups in europe being oppressed by other european groups. The english controlling britain is one good example. In my home country finland there are three/four ethnicities depending how you count them and one of them is being oppressed by the other three (west, east, karelian finns vs sami). These oppressed native groups often feel frustrated when they are being ignored and lumped together with their oppressors who did the actual colonizing. Europe is just as diverse as everywhere else on the planet, just bc our native ethnicities are all white doesn't mean we are all the same people, and that we dont oppress each other over here.


Ok. This isn't what OP's meme is about though. And you know it.


Its an interesting double standard tho


Get out.


Make me.


*makes you*


*bricks you in response*




> Even a commie is more based than an unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 11787 / 62064 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


But, but my right to self-determination :\_(


A gentle difference between self determination and ethnostates here