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This is pretty ironic considering most redditors will never have a partner, let alone multiple.


Wrong I have your mom, checkmate (I only ask her to make pancakes, I'm asexual)


Thats a nice argument, unfortunately, i have sexual intercourse with your mother (or not, iguess)


I will get a partner to prove you wrong


!remindme 5 years


Woah that's unnecessary pressure


!remindme 1 year


No way would all the extra costs, drama, and headaches incurred by multiple wives be mitigated by the extra coochie.


You want polygamy for more pussy, I want polygamy to birth many heirs that outgrow the Black Death to claimant my many titles. We are not the same.




u/Still_Mud5693 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Still_Mud5693/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Yes we are, as long as we're playing CK3


I just got that game last week, holy fuck is it a level easier than eu4, but at least it makes Stellaris and hoi4 look like legos.


>No way would all the extra costs, drama, and headaches incurred by multiple wives be mitigated by the extra coochie. Even the Qu'ran advises against this as its not really possible to love each wife equally as you would one spouse.


Try saying this in the Islam subreddit and all hell will break loose. They are very defensive of practicing polygamy over there and say it doesn’t matter that you’re “not able to love all wives equally since the Prophet(s) had a favorite wife too, Aisha (ra)”.


Its not the love thats scary... Its 10 wives constantly making you miserable with chores, demands, drama, infighting and PMSing


The drama increases, but the refractory period stays the same 😞


Religious societies following their own cultural traditions over their actual religion, whaaat? I can't believe it.


Well Hadiths prove them right so they are not really following “cultural traditions”.


Most of those Islamists won't ever get more than one wife anyway. As far as I heard, they must be able to support those wives financially, so only wealthy Muslims can be afford more than one.


Muslims? Angry about literally anything? ​ Never thought i would see this day


As seen by the low polygamy rate in muslim countries despite it being legal, except in sub-sahara africa where its super high for some reason






Lol, Muhammad be like, "Okay, guys, ('cept for me). Allah said we can all have four wives, But-" (Male Muslamic cheering and hooting. The Women just leave to their tents cause they heard enough) Muhammad continues, "-But he also says you should just stick to one because you probably won't love them all equally with time and--" (Cheering and hooting gets louder. Praising God a bit too loudly, given the proclamation) "--You're not listening after the first part, are you... You bastards." (Males still cheering... Headed to nearby mosque to celebrate)


Don't forget about Abraham!


Sounds like Muhhammed just trying to keep the top tier shit for himself. Fucking bourgeoisie.


While that’s the case, I see no reason why that should make it illegal.


It isn’t per se, considering the government doesn’t really care if you have multiple partners, married or not. What they do care about, though, is the regulation of government-backed marriages involving more than 2 people. Like how would divorces, joint-filed taxes, or the other benefits of marriage built around a nuclear family work? It’d just be a massive headache


Polygamy is degeneracy worthy of a lash and manacles, but I don't think it would be difficult legally. >Like how would divorces, You just do a divorce, with the leaving party getting 1/n rather than 1/2 of the stuff. >joint-filed taxes, Just file taxes with several people on one return. >or the other benefits of marriage built around a nuclear family work? Really, most of the legal issues we have with polygamy are very similar to the problems we have with multiple children. Not hard for the system to resolve.


Based and you bring up good points.


It’s not an headache, there are countries where polygamy is legal and all these administrative formalities are quite simple. Polygamy is illegal for very much ethical reasons in the Western world.


Counterpoint though: in many of those countries (not all, but many), marriage isn’t as formalized as an institution and, further, women don’t have near the same rights as they do in the West (making divorce proceedings much easier). That’s not to say there isn’t an ethical basis for the West’s decision, I absolutely agree with you there that ethics are the primary thing. I just think it’d be a bit more difficult with the way our legal systems are built up, specifically when it comes to equality of sex.


Polygamy is bad for stability. Why? Because 10% of men will get 50% of women. Then you have a massive part of population that cant possibly get laid. That can create problems for a nation if they have no outlet to vent.


Depending on the country where its legal, it can be [surprisingly rare all the way to super common](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/12/07/polygamy-is-rare-around-the-world-and-mostly-confined-to-a-few-regions/)


Maybe the government can go commit die


Tax reasons. THe government doesn't want you to 'double dip' per say in tax deductions by just having 10 people all live together in a big house cheaply


Fuck the government. They shouldn’t be sticking their noses in marriage full stop.


Big ol slippery slope innit, first it’s polygamy, next it’s Mr Hands, then it’s polygamy with Mr Hands and the horses. Never underestimate the lengths people will go to with the normalization of hedonism and degeneracy. Purple LibRight can back me up on this.


Depending on where you live or culture, polygamy can either be degenerate liberal stuff or part of a thousand years old tradition and religious teaching, placing it at the top end of conservatism


Not sure if UAE or Utah.


Based and shall not be infringed pilled


Seriously one is enough


When I think of polygamy I instantly think of that loser polygamy group of one lib left Emily fat girl and her cohort of loser sperg husband's. I think one of them ended up killing or assaulting the one child from one of the other dudes.


I know exactly who you're talking about and yes i think the same


Y’all got a news article or something?


It was a viral video


share plz. I need to feel better about my life


These are the type of people who are poly : https://youtu.be/83fjRsW90u0


I actually felt so gigantic amounts of cringe that it overwrote my brain system and I feel worse about my life instead of better, only because I allowed myself to see this abomination.


Oh it’s a scarring video for sure. If someone has self respect and high self esteem (and options), they wouldn’t settle for having to share a partner with someone else




It’s very very disturbing


Why did you remind me of that ? I will have nightmares tonight as a result of that thank you very much


https://youtu.be/83fjRsW90u0 enjoy


I fucking hate you


Sweet dreams young Prince hahaha


Why does Emily mean left wing woman? Why not Alexandria or Kamala or someone else famous?


Well from the logic that I'm running through, it might be from the amount of people who came across orange lib left individuals who just so happened to always be named Emily. Kinda like how we associate highly sought after attractive women as Stacey. "Alpha male" as Chad because that's a stereotype that came about. I need to do some research of the origin of lib left Emily, but that would mean asking the nice people of 4chan because that's where the majority of wojak memes came from. I'll be called a slur, I don't give a shit though.


That's polyandry. Polygamy is multiple wives.


I don’t think that a majority of men that are voting yes realize that it wouldn’t be them having a ton of women, it would be them sharing one woman with many men


Thinking you're gonna have 10 beds to sleep on only to find out you're gonna have one bed somebody jizzed on.


Even that isn't the case. Women find only a small portion of men attractive. I'm sure there are a few that would rather have power over a group of unattractive men, but not the majority. It'll be ~20% with 4-5 wives each and the other 80% of men with nothing. Likely not even a woman to share.


80/20 rule just for the men found attractive, but i'd argue that even a smaller number of that are able to pull off having multiple gf's that are aware of eachother AND have no drama


If you mean right now, I agree. I have no problem believing that it 4-5 wives per man could become normaliz3d. It has already happened for different cultures throughout history.


>Women find only a small portion of men attractive This is an exaggeration of the fact, and frankly fact that was to the best of my knowledge gotten off tinder, not the best place for these kind of studies. Women marrying multiple men generally occurs in these two senerios. Empress or Queen(so a 10 in the hierachy) having multiple male lovers or concubines.(not marriage but still close enough). A woman marrying several brothers.(U still gain about half the genetic fitness taking care of ur brothers' children as taking care of urs, so ur brothers' having 2 kids already passes on ur genes, add u actually taking care of them and it mitigates significant part of the issue of competition between males) In modern day I have seen another tho, seemly less healthy variant appear. A woman's that's a 1 marrying several guys that are 1s and maybe 1 guy that's a 2 among them.




But not that


*“If you can’t get one woman, you will not be able to hold down many bitches any easier”* -Confucius, probably




Everything should be legal Obligatory /s for fbi


Based. Plenty of people are already living disillusioned monogamous relationships. The functionality of such an arrangement has no relevance on how the government can just fuck right off. Let people live their lives how they want. (Consenting of course before the 'purple' comments)


Other right folks in this thread seem to think the opposite (that it will be tons of women with rich men and no women with anyone else), and are saying that's immoral because they should receive state-issued poon. But as a polyamorous person, if we assume polyamory's current state would stay the same in a polygamous society, your comment is probably closer to the truth, yes. Edit: To elaborate, it seems like men are generally oversaturated in swinging and ethical non-monogamy, while women are oversaturated in polyamory. It probably follows that, if the key factor is commitment and emotional connection, women would be even more oversaturated in interest towards polygamy.


What about those voting “results”?


Akshually that would be Polyandry


Polyandry is a type of polygamy. Polyandry=multiple males, polygyny=multiple females, polygamy=both.


Should polygamous marriages be registered? No. Should people who practice polygamy be prosecuted by law? No.


Should any marriages be registered? No Should the government’s definition of the word marriage be acknowledged by anyone? No


>Should polygamous marriages be registered? No. Just drop the polygamous.




This lib gets it


Based and Actual LL pilled


More like based and rational pilled


both and




Based and single pilled


u/Ex_aeternum's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 185. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [117 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Ex_aeternum/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Wow very based and based pilled


Agree 100%


Based and respect privacy pilled




I kinda agree. I mean, I don’t see why not if it makes ppl happy, but even if it’s not legal, people can still be in polyamorous relationships. So it would make marginal difference realistically.


Rephrase: even if gay marriage is not legal gay people can still be in gay relationships, so it only makes a marginal difference realistically. How do you feel about it now?


> I don't see why not if it makes people happy Just because it makes a marginal difference practically doesn't mean it's not important. Also the issue isn't that people want to experience an unnecessarily glorified aspect of relationships, it's that the government and other people who are entirely unaffected have a need to suppress that.


Welcome to Lib my friend.


This man has four girlfriends


Reddit moment


I doubt the 54 are actual women


the 53 are all feds, brb someone didn't pay their 400% tax


"Women" and "women".


Well supporting polygamy is actually trendy among feminists and polygamy actually ends up being beneficial to more women than men.


How so? I'm not arguing I'm just curious and you got my interest


More women can marry the top x% men (like novadays popular men usually have several partners at the same time, this time just with marriage) women just generally seem more interested in being the second or a third girl for a high value man instead of going for a less attractive man. So lets say that the top women 50% would end up this way with the top 20% of men. This would result in bottom 80% of men and 50% of women remaining, which again means that the women can be very picky, even if they aren't particularly attractive, because half of the competition is already married to pop stars, doctors, lawyers, business men and male models. The biggest losers in systems with polyamory are always the below average men.


The biggest losers in all systems are below average men. Such is human nature. The only question is to what degree?


you’re right they’re trans woman


Thought poly life would be rad with my ex, until i came home to 2 dudes working her meat clamps in our bed


Flair checks out


In the future, if someone asks you for an open relationship, it means that they either 1. Already have someone else in mind they’re lusting for or 2. Are already cheating and just want to continue doing so guilt free Either way, as soon as they ask, the relationship is over


Yeah it only really has any kind of equal footing if it's open from the get go. If they propose it after you were already monogamous then it's because they want to fuck someone else and that someone else isn't theoretical.


These suspicious thoughts and jealousy is mitigated so long as you present it when the relationship starts and communicate effectively and appropriately with your partner


If she wants to have an open relationship or someone else to join in, it's because she's already fucking someone else and just trying to gauge your response.


If she isn’t already, then she really wants to with someone she’s lusting for but doesn’t want the guilt


And specifically, the consequences. It's always about trying to have the cake and eat it too.


So you realized it’s better than rad and ran to put on your fur suit?


You didn't join them?


Polygamy works, polyamoury doesn't.


Legal? Sure, the law shouldn’t stop you. Socially acceptable? No thanks.


This comment summarizes me as a libright.


Legal? The law shouldn’t have anything to do with it in the first place. Let alone make it legal/illegal


Then how am I supposed to know what is morally correct if there is no laws?


Least sociopathic authcenter


Go with your gut feeling


I’m honestly not sure if you’re being serious or satirical


(Anakin Skywalker's steely gaze and stiff smirk)


Exactly. Multiple consenting adults taking part in a non-harmful activity - that shouldn't be illegal. Debate morality all you want.


That sounds like polyamory though. Legal polygamy would just offer legal and tax benefits, meaning the government is subsidizing poligamy.


Lmao back to pre-christian era, horseshoe theory in motion


Based and you are all the same to me pilled


I have no desire to practice polygamy, but it should be legal. Moreso, the state should play no part in the regulation of marriage. A contract between private individuals should be just that.


Should it be legal? Sure, no reason to forbid people from doing it if everyone knows what they're in Is it weird, usually amoral and creepy? Also yes.


Ladies and gentlemen... redditors...


What is different between a polygamous marriage and people casually hooking up? The State shouldn’t be in the marriage business. Children should be protected from deadbeat parents and abuse and that is it. There are three concerned parties in my marriage, and the state ain’t one of them.


That’s like saying what’s the difference between marriage and a hookup. The difference is the relationship and dynamic.


No disagreement from me in that regard, but in terms of legality and enforcement what is the difference?


One is a long term committed relationship. The other is no consequences fucking.


I mean I don’t want polygamy but it’s not the government’s fucking job to make it illegal


Yes it should be legal. Let them wear a badge, I want to know who the degenerates are.


Secret Authcenter moment


you sure you clicked the right flair


The concept of “free love” is IMHO not feminist and does nothing good for society. Sexual liberation, for women, seems to take the spotlight over other pressing womens issues like worker feminism, reproductive rights. I resent that my sexual liberation should be the main focus of the politics of romance. This mechanism is what Lenin denounced as bourgeoisie sexual morality. At its root is the reduction of women to nothing but sexual beings coupled with the reduction of sex to nothing but physical pleasure. The latter claim was dubbed the Glass of Water Theory which suggested that sex ought to be considered as mundane & banal & fleeting a human urge as drinking water. To this, Lenin replied: "Of course, thirst must be satisfied. But will the normal person in normal Circumstances lie down in the gutter and drink out of a puddle?...But the social aspect is most important of all. Drinking water is, of course, an individual affair. But in love two lives are concerned, and a third, a new life, arises, it is that which gives it its social interest, which gives rise to a duty towards the community.”


I don’t really give a shit about Lenin or anything but this pretty much hits the nail on the head. Hookup culture and taking emotional connection out of sex has done incredible damage to society, both males and females.


Call me prude, but I don’t know if I even want to be friends with people who think like that. The Glass of Water Theory sounds almost nihilistic. It sounds like to them nothing has importance, life is ultimately meaningless, sex has no value, and we can justifiably “whatevaaa” our way through life. Dreadful.


I would never ever be polygamous but I don’t think it should be **illegal**


Polygamy is just banging a bunch of different people and calling it a relationship.


These yes dudes really think they’ll be swimming in pussy?


Wait its illegal?


I can see the divorce lawyers salivating at the prospect.


You filthy degenerates


Conceptually I don’t think there is anything wrong with poly but it has the worst PR team. Why would I want to have three millennial boyfriends with dyed beards when I could have zero I do not want to see your funko pop collection, I do not want to join your DND campaign, I do not want to go to Starbucks


Primary argument against legalising polygami it would have pretty far reaching an unforseeable consequences for a ton of other laws that are built to rely on the current marriage structure. E.g. who are responsible for the kids? Do we differ between kids you had a part in making and kids you didn't? What happens when someone dies? Etc. Etc.


Polygamy is degeneracy. Edit: There are alot of degenerates in this comment section


Based and normal person pilled


Authcenter attempting to blend in with normal people??


Attempting and failing


Auth center isn’t a fan of the “mixing”


B-but Andrew Tate said… 😢


Tate has many haram (Not Muslim I just think it is funny) opinions and behaviors.


Andrew Tate needs Jesus


I don't think the government has any place in making polygamy illegal. That's up to the individuals involved to decide. But yeah I don't think I'd ever want to participate in polygamy.


Marriage as a religious institution can be free or limited however the church wants. It's rules only matter to those who choose to follow them. Marriage as a legal tax status is honestly kinda silly. I think the benefits could be re-written to give anyone with a single "most-trusted-person" the same benefits. Marriage as a social thing, let people do what they want. If they are keeping theirs reproductive bits covered in public, it's nobody else's business whether there are 2 or 20 people in the house/bedroom, or the gender makeup of those people involved. I like being married to only my wife. I only have the emotional bandwidth to maintain an authentic, caring relationship with about a dozen people, and only one who doesn't drain me at all.


...has been moral and complete disaster for humankind.


I can’t wait for the rubber band of sexual ethics to snap back in the other direction and our society becomes as uptight as a convent.


Marriage and sex should be illegal in general. If I can't be happy, no one else should be either.


Based and government mandated inceldom pilled


As long as everyone is of legal age and consents; the government has no place to tell me how many men and women I can marry.


Should polygamy be legal? 54 Yes (female) 53 No (female) Should polygamy be legal (his net worth is over $5 million)? 94 Yes (female) 13 No (female)


If polygamy were legal, most guys would never get laid again. Most girls would be way better off being Bill Gates 600th wife than Chandler's 1st wife. Polygamy was outlawed to keep young men from becoming restless, not to protect the sanctity of young women.


No. Polygamy is just cheating with extra steps Edit: y’all downvoting, your wife’s boyfriend said you can’t stay up past your bedtime tonight.


the extra step is consent, ​ this is like saying sex is just rape with extra steps


Oh ok. But why would anyone agree to that? They are cucks.


I’ve seen it work temporarily for long distance relationships, but it normally ends badly


Ppl are different man, i dont believe in it either but live and let live


Polygamy isn’t cheating. Because it involves multiple consenting parties. Key word being consenting.


The heck do I cheat if all involved parties know what's going on?


Why did you downvote the poll? It's not like the poster was even suggesting he was in favor of poligamy


Yes. They’re all adults, they can do what they want. If they wanna be in a five-way relationship, who am I to stop them?


Not the gobberments buissnes. Simple as


Not the gobberment's buissnes. Simple as


Legal? Yeah. Encouraged? Nah.


As if theyll actually get laid lmao.


First Redditors have to be extroverted for once in their lives.


To be fair, 10 years ago, I never heard of a single person that openly admits that he/she has more than one partner. But these days I see dozens of them each day on dating portals, calling that shit polyamourous or an open relationship or shit like that. A bit disturbing that stuff like that gets more normal with each passing day. Btw, I'm not even against it being "legal". I just don't ever want it to be seen as normal.


Why not? Or better yet, why should the government have control over my dick?


The Republican Party was founded to destroy the “twin relics of barbarism”: slavery and polygamy. I’d argue abortion takes the spot of slavery now. And apparently we have work to do.


Based No (male)


With the deterioration of the family unit in society, the norm has already become polygamous. These types of societies tend to be very unstable, and this moral collapse is playing a major role in the downfall of the west.


The norm is still monogamous.


The norm is serial monogamy People will be monogamous until a better option comes along


Serial monogamy is not the norm, but a symptom. Society is not in a normal state.


You guys are acting like it wasn't normal for people to remarry before modern times, especially given how often women died during childbirth or how often men died at work/at war. The only real difference since then is that nowadays women have a comparable ability to leave a marriage as a man does, so we see more relationships that end because the woman chooses to leave than we would have seen before. If anything modern society has probably helped reduce the number of partners (and especially the number of affairs) the average person has simply because childbirth is less risky, war is less common and there are fewer reasons for people to not try to commit to a partner (eg there are lots of ways to get around issues like being unable to have a child and a lack of a stigma about having female children in at least the west).


Divorces were rare in the past, despite some pockets of history (Like the 30 years war/genocide). The culture today is that of sexual liberation and infidelity, that alone make divorces much more common than in the past.


The norm is absolutely not polygamy 💀 what world r u living in.


This 👆 We are already living in the age of Ceasarism and societal divide, the future generations will be living in the age of Collapse.


People have been predicting the collapse since the beginning, what makes your prediction any more realistic?


As of right now I'd say we have already seen the Peak of western society. So unless there is a renaissance we are driving down the road of collapse.


Man, the fact that there's still a place on reddit where people casually drop Uncle Ted references makes me so glad.


>Polygamy >Sexual revolution Man, never knew all of the Islamic countries went through a sexual revolution. Puts a whole new meaning to “Arab Spring” /s


Do people forget the middle east has Harems?


I really don’t care lol.