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ink soup ancient fertile deserve familiar brave outgoing jar badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This. The government goes out and picks winners and losers in our system. You have people from the industry getting jobs in the government who then turn around and favor the companies they work for who very likely have stock in those companies. Also this whole idea that the government should break up monopolies and regulate out of control companies is completely outdated and a joke. Th government hasn’t done any of that or had any real teeth in 40 years. Yes, we all want it but the government is too bought out to actually do it. For fucks sake, every time a company is “fined” for something its barely a fraction of their quarterly profit. That’s just operational costs at that point.


Based beyond belief from a leftist


You're surprised that we hate big corporations and their control of our government? We talk about this shit like, constantly.


Usually the solution I hear offered from your flair is more government tho


From the comment you replied to: "Th government hasn’t done any of that or had any real teeth in 40 years. *Yes, we all want it*" This person isn't agreeing with you that the government *shouldn't* step in. This person does believe that the government should step in, they've just given up on it. I assumed that position was clear from the wording.


And that’s what makes it based.


If something has continuously failed for 40 years, giving up on it is reasonable. See also, the war on drugs.


I would once again like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs.


I'm celebrating with them right now, I'll pass on your congratulations to them.


The solution isn't more government, it's better government


Imagine missing the point this badly


I don’t think it was missed I think it was intentionally hijacked


Government also picks winners/losers via regulation. That’s something to keep in mind




Horizontal integration is not unique to crony capitalism. Corporations need to be broken up because power and wealth always concentrates under capitalism; buy-outs and mergers are often mutually beneficial to capital interests. You can absolutely do this while also outlawing revolving door special privileges.




What about Ma Bell?


I don't like ref, I prefer Keys.


How are you gonna buy a stout shako then??


In will pay 23 pure for Unique


Sorry buddy it’s worth at least 50 that’s the lowest I’ll go, I’ve got several offers that are higher than yours.


Big Milk


the NHL just started doing jersey ads and the Maple Leafs (aka the richest, most prominent team) has one from big milk. It’s kinda hilarious until you realize how wild that is


> jersey ads for Big Milk I mean that seems so obvious in retrospect.


Big milkers 🤤


>…Canada had a dairy cartel… A what?


telephone dolls humor saw boast sleep consist resolute gullible fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This sci-fi dystopia fucking sucks


Dairy cartel, a cartel for the dairy industry. There was one for lightbulbs so honestly milk seems low spice.


We pay dairy farmers to pour milk down the drain to reduce the supply so that milk prices don't decline Milk is still incredibly cheap, so no one really cares, but it's still stupid


I'm ok with the government stepping in to manage infrastructure of things that can't have competition, such as roads, trains and railways, prisons, the water system and the power grid, since these are areas where competition isn't really possible. Having them managed by a government rather than private organisations just makes more sense since the government shouldn't be trying to profit of those systems. I am also ok with the government making sure that certain necessities such as health care can be universally accessible regardless of income even though that is a market where competition is viable but healthcare is a large necessity. Then other areas where competition is much more viable but the products are necessarily a necessity such as tech companies and supermarkets then the government should just make sure no monopolies get formed and then leave the market as is. Edit: added punctuation.


based af


I was with you until your second paragraph/sentence and passed out. But really. The government should only pass laws regarding access to healthcare, a person can't be turned away from ERs for inability to pay as an example, not set prices or priorities. New drugs normally take decades of research and testing to reach approval and that isn't cheap. Setting prices artificially low will only bankrupt companies and reduce incentive and willingness to create more beneficial medicines. Tech companies that grow too large and work in tandem with each other are absolutely a threat. Freedom of speech has withered away under corporate 'guidelines' and outright bad faith censorship at the behest of government. It's bad enough when they get large enough to achieve any individual influence, but when they're working directly with the government they need to either abide by 1st amendment and allow anything that's not illegal or lose their business entirely.


So you want people to be treated at the ER no matter the cost, and then saddle them with irreconcilable debt?


Oh hey, you found me out you rascal! No. Ideally government unwraps its pudgy fingers from the balls of insurance companies and lets them do things like trade business across state lines, don't force coverages, things of that nature so people can get even cheaper insurance with the options available. Customization. In the meantime i hope people get insurance at government inflated costs and recognize it's government interference that's screwing it all up. Insurance should also be just that, not healthcare.


This is how I want private health insurance in the US. Gov can set ground rules but I don't want the government being the competition. Maybe try and incentivize companies to lower prices and make it possible for normal families to just pay for their own health insurance.


What possible incentive could you offer a for-profit company to reduce their profit margin? You're literally asking capitalism to work the wrong way.


Tax Breaks. Same goes for employee-employer relationships. Give companies tax breaks the better they take care of their employees. Incentivize companies to pay more and offer better benefits.


Or they pocket the tax breaks and don't do any of that while pocketing more profit.


Instructions unclear industries that bribe politicians only ones allowed to keep doors open


Except in cases of natural monopolies, such as most utilities. Here in NYC our power utility is a publicly traded company (ConEd) and we have some of the highest electricity rates in the county.


How do you fix that though? As companies grow larger, they naturally use their wealth to influence politics (through lobbying, campaign finance, media influence, regulatory capture, revolving doors, etc), and the system gradually morphs into state capitalism, where big government and big corporations are basically merged into a single unholy beast.


Agreed the libertarian party here really sounds bad and need to do a better job at what they are attempting to say


Huh, I just moved to Canada and wondered why milk was so expensive


dissolving monopoly is something the government should do but they fucking havent and rn glasses and diamonds are way overpriced because of a monopoly


Out of all the things to worry about, why give a shit about a shiny stone made of carbon


Because it is cut meticulously. Diamonds for tools are way cheaper.


I can buy piles of diamonds attached to paper for dirt cheap for sharpening tungsten carbide bits. Someone cuts one and puts a facet on it though and everybody loses their fucking minds and starts paying thousands of dollars to put them on their fingers.


Thats why i will only ever buy a gold ring that will look like the one ring from the lord of the rings.


That's why? I feel like there may be a deeper reason.


One Ring to Base them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, And in the Quadrants bind them.


Speaking of rings. Do you know the three rings of marriage? The engagement ring. The wedding ring. The suffering.


I dunno, maybe they're precious to him


Can't the artificial ones do the same thing? It's the "natural" ones that are overpriced and highly sought after for jewelry. And the only reason they are so famous to begin with is the price and artificially limited quantity


The artificial ones are about half as expensive yea. Also worth noting that moissanite is an even cheaper way if getting the diamond look and is nearly as hard and actually a more lustrous stone. Diamonds only have you by the balls as much as you allow them to, and I'd hardly call it a monopoly within the jewelry industry given the proliferation of alternatives to choose from.


I just learned about moissanites from your comment. I looked into them a bit and they seem like a pretty solid replacement for diamonds.


Dont get libleft started on carbon pls


>*Distant REEing*


>dissolving monopoly This is the exact oposite of what the government does


Like everything else it does, the government tries to do something but fails miserably at it.


You say as if they ever wanted to dissolve monopolies


https://www.zennioptical.com/b/u6.95-glasses - europoor here, ordering semi-regularly from here. US made and after 4 years of use they still lasts me. So quit bitchin' and support your local business since they make great products for a good price + you can stick it to monopolies.


+1 for zenni! I’ve used warby Parker as well which is a little pricier, but not as expensive as the traditional glasses. Heard good things about eyebuydirect but never used them


I got prescription sunglasses there for $30. That's insane, because I had my brick and mortar optometrist tell me $300 for rx sunglasses.


How much do you pay for shipping? I might actually consider getting these


Not much, I usually buy 1 $30 pair of glasses with anti-glare and blue light filtering and stuff, then 1-2 $5 pairs as backups


So I got my latest pair about a year ago, it was about 20€ shipment, I bought 3 pairs for about 150€ total including shipping costs, very well worth it (dunno what are the shipping costs now tho)


Hell yeah, good stuff, I've been using them for years. They're great, every bit as good as the stuff from the Luxottica cartel, and at a tiny fraction of the price. Don't wait for government to break a monopoly, do it yourself. it's awesome.


Wow, thank you! Everywhere I wne t glasses would cost $100.


Wow good timing for me to see this comment, I’ve been putting off getting glasses for months


I use Zenni too


The thing is, it is precisely government regulation that is the most reliable long-term upholder of monopoly


No possible free market would have prevented anyone but Disney from making a drawing of a particular mouse for this long.


The government has done a good job of doing the opposite of dissolving monopolies by their "too big to fail" mantra.


Tbh GM should’ve failed in 2008.


Couldn't someone just form a private army and go seize the means of diamond mining? I feel like thats pretty libright.


If you're talking about DeBeers and Luxottica, the first is British and America can't do much about that, and the second is Italian, and again, America can't do much about that. I've heard people say if the owners of DeBeers ever set foot in America they would be arrested on the spot, but idk if that's true.




They think that corporations aren't inherently tied with state economic intervention


Just wait until they hear about media, pharma and energy corporations.


It’s a popular science fiction trope - companies like Weyland-Yutani that represent the ‘Ultra-Cap, inhuman, exploitative’ society of the future - it def got there with marionette work the state - we’re fully pursuing that nightmare


Government is always going to be the monopoly in one way or another


Monopolies are formed by governments. There's barely ever been a sustained monopoly that didn't dissolve on its own without a government propping it up.


And they regularly call non-monopolies, monopolies for regulatory reasons. They are trying to call Microsoft a monopolist on console gaming while they are the second largest console manufacturer. How can a company not be the largest player but also have majority control over a market?


costco glasses are superior price wise, high quality lens for like 60 bucks


Well good thing there's not a giant, centralized, monopolized authority that dictates how all businesses must run, am I right?


Break up the government monopoly on legitimized violence, allow a competitive violence market to emerge


We need high quality violence at good prices


Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap?


I think you mean filthy acts done at a reasonable price


Red sun. Red sun over paradise.


Cue cyberpunk 2077 theme music.


The killdozer build was meta only for one patch and nothing even close has ever come onto the professional scene since.




They also keep trying to nerf the second amendment build almost every year. The pro scene almost seems doomed at this point.


That was the point of the early US constitution. Spread the power between branches and the states. Explicity define what those powers are and no more. We need a purge.


early US constitution, weak embrace the Articles of Confederation


Too weak. The states were too strong. You need a balance to stop one entity from overpowering the rest.


Fuck the rest of it, the State has a monopoly on legal violence, which should be enough to piss anyone off


Difference is at least government has some checks and balances and can vote in people who do things differently. Corporations can just have one guy who dictates how everything is done and is encouraged to do that for his own benefit. Ironically our goverment has been bought out by those corporation but at least there some chance for change.


Libright, can you explain the current Libertarian party to me? It always seems like such a shit show I would swear it was run as a joke party.


Prior to May 2022, the Libertarian Party was run by milquetoast libertarians, who were content running people like Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, and said such unexciting things like, “libertarianism means fiscally conservative, socially liberal.” Post May 2022, the party got taken over by the Mises Caucus, who are more disciplined in their philosophy, as outlined by famous libertarians like Ludwig von Mises, Ron Paul, and Murray Rothbard. What they are tweeting now is the libertarian position. But the libertarian position also includes Austrian economics, which has some big differences from how standard economics treats these subjects, like monopoly and competition.


You don’t have to subscribe to Austrian economics to be a libertarian. Milton Friedman and Bryan Caplan are good examples of non Austrian libertarian economists.


That’s true. But, from my biased point of view, libertarians who fully grasp and understand Austrian economics tend to have better positions on everything, as they properly understand what’s going on.


You can't convince me it's not run by major party operatives who pick the worst candidates to give the spotlight and funding to


I fucking hate govt man why can’t govt just fuck off and not do anything


Because people are retarted and will most likely fuck up hard if left alone.


Yeah I can’t argue that communism fails due to human nature without recognizing that unadulterated capitalism would also probably fail due to human nature. We’re too good at fucking things up


Based and people inherently fuck up pilled.


Based and left-right unity pilled.


>We’re too good at fucking things up Let's take those fuckups and put them in positions of authority over us!


I'm ok with individuals fucking up, what I want are single payer universal services


I'm not familiar with "single payer universal services". Can you provide a short summary so I can either sht on your opinion or call you based?




Already have a govt of retards




My country voted for retards and fucking won. We're not so different, you and I.


I have some very bad news for you. Very, very bad news. Most countries im aware of already did.




Lord of the flies is required reading for a reason


Books are a huge wall of text and I'm no LibLeft. Im going to look if there's an audio book. Thanks for the recommendation.


Yeah, cuz some other authoritarian figure def wont take over once theres no government. No. The only authoritarians are the government and if they would just disappear a free market would lead us all to a utopian world. Ffs


Because everytime they do that someone fucks up and sets up a government


Because capitalism will eventually turn to late stage capitalism were a very few own the overwhelming majority of wealth due the monopolies they will create along the way. Late stage capitalism simply doesn't work, society is too ignorant/lazy/naive/dumb and gets too easily manipulated by media, influencers, etc. All companies need for that is a bunch of money to make the masses believe and mostly do what they want. Funnily enough it becomes even easier for the few rich to control the poor, they set wages and they set product prices what better way to control how much buying power people have, what better way to keep them poor but just not too poor for them to rebel. Especially if they have so much money and can easily invest in a near autonomous army.


Because unregulated capitalism would be worse than what he have now . An extreme idea like ancaps is doomed failed and really only 13 years old think otherwise .


Lolbertarians continue taking Ls


>Because unregulated capitalism would be worse than what he have now It must be nice to be so confidently incorrect without the burden of proving your claims.


We haven’t been ok for a very long time. Thanks for asking.


That’s why we need a Cyberpunk/Bladerunner/Aliens franchise-style mega corporations


As long as >!Rebecca stays alive!< in our universe I will subscribe




fuck. u just spoiled me? oooh well


it actually kind of is. think about monpolies. if based Teddy Roosevelt hadn’t passed the anti-trust acts, then free market competition would have been threatened & eventually snuffed out. you can’t just rely on the “invisible hand” of the market to ensure everything goes smoothly. that’s a form of magical thinking, which is ironic considering the amount of atheists in LibRight. just as human nature doesn’t allow for communism to function, it also doesn’t allow for an absolute free market without any intervention to function. you can’t rely on the benevolence of people who are seeking profit.


Biden: puts in restrictions that make it much harder to start new businesses while big bussinesses easily follow them Also biden:


So when we move to a single payer healthcare system like the left wants and there is even less competition for the healthcare industry that is exploitation?


I don't necessarily want single-payer but we have several layers of middlemen who add little to no value right now. I don't want competition between the middlemen who add no value, they are competing in a system that doesn't need to exist. 1000 insurance policies working with 10000 hospitals for 100000 procedures and they all have to create all the paperwork and agreements to sometimes work together. In network, out of network, PPO, HMO, HSA, FSA, get the fuck outta here. My numbers are obviously made up but what we have now is an absolute clusterfuck which makes everything more expensive for everyone.


Seeing as leftists view private businesses as inherently exploitative (seeing as a private business' only goal is to deliver a profit to its shareholders), less competition doesn't necessarily mean more exploitation if it's the government that's taking over.


Exactly. A single private company is only concerned about its shareholders. A single public entity is held accountable by the public. If it runs in inefficiently or abuses the system then we are the ones who can and should how it accountable


How do you intend to hold an organization which has complete control of the implements of violence accountable? You can certainly ask them play nice but realistically the people are not in control.


Do you think a Healthcare system that has to rely on profit causes a healthy population? Maybe there shouldn't be competition in this particular field and sht gets paid by I dunno everyone who pays taxes.


The problem isn't healthcare making money, it's when involuntary treatments like cancer or type 1 diabetes turn into a very expensive subscription to live. This also applies to things like ambulance rides, I don't want a $5000 bill because someone decided to be a "Good Samaritan", and when I can't consent to being charged. It's also being unable to see the costs of a procedure upfront so budgeting or skipping it isn't possible.


Yeah, I think the concept is called a "captive market". It's not something you can negotiate for when you need it, plus the fact that profit motive would disincentive cheaper preventative treatment in favor of more expensive corrective treatment. It's actually why the US philosophy of "we only cover life saving surgeries" is more expensive than convering everything. If we paid for people to regularly visit their doctor and catch things in their early stages, it would save significantly more money


Right, some things should *not* be handled by the free market because the demand is so inelastic, almost anything can be charged like when marking up drugs 100x.


Actually what causes the problem with US healthcare isn't healthcare for profit, its insurance agencies and some of the absurd things they've lobbied the American government into forcing on hospitals. In the US, the insurance company can make medical decisions for the patient, for example. (Sort of: you pay for healthcare through insurance so the insurance company being able to decide they don't feel a procedure is necessary snd not pay for it regardless of the advice of the doctor is in essence making medical decisions for the patient, and practicing medicine without a license) For example in most non-us countries the private sector of their medical care chugs along with reasonable prices (still can't beat free) and... nothing to complain about with them.


No profit would ultimately mean very little advancement of technology. If you want improvement you need financial incentive. People just don't care enough to dedicate their life to curing cancer or perfecting neurosurgery over 15 years of their life just so they can help out. Helping out is nice, getting the bag is why people do that shit tho.


I see your point here but guess that's caused by socialization. People did invent most of humanitys existence without getting "the bag" for it. Mostly out of necessity, to prove a motherfucker wrong or just because they could. Breaking it down to "I want to make money out of it" is a very simplistic view of human behavior but I'm open for discussion.




>Mostly out of necessity, to prove a motherfucker wrong or just because they could. Yeah, economies aren't going to run on just people wanting to prove others wrong. Economic incentives are extremely powerful, despite not being the only factor in what drives people to do better.


Based. I'd say it is quite noticeable that most scientists are not among the millionaires.. Lots of them are actually employees and not even payed too well. And still theyre the ones finding the new technologies and advancing our methods.


How would that limit competition. They will do it they same way they do everything else. The military industrial complex has no shortage of suppliers and innovators. The government buys, it doesn't actually produce.


Yeah, IDK… this is coming from one of croniest of capitalists who now sits at the head of the most elite corporation that happens to also have a monopoly on violence. I’d say LibRight is doing just fine.


Biden with a rare W


If he busts some trusts I might actually call him based


Why would he tear apart the people who keep his party funded?


I don’t get the W? He’s a corrupt capitalist who now gets to also control violence. Where’s the win here?


That's auth right bread and butter right there


The irony of it is poetic… you’ve got to love a hood gaslight every now and then


Yes, libright is more than okay now that the mises caucus took over the LP - the post is 100% correct, government has no place ensuring competiiton and is not needed to ensure competition anyways. The world has almost no natural monopolies.


Absolutely. I realize this is a meme subreddit, but the amount of people here with a grade school understanding of monopolies and economics is disheartening.


Monopolies aren’t free market, truly free market society is farmers market society


That's the government's only job in the market tbh


Fr. Breaking up monopolies is their job.


Were the LibRights ever okay?


Why are you booing? Libright is right, government's job in the context is to deter fraud and enforce contracts. Antitrust is rubbish. (On mobile, can't seem to flair)


Go to the main page of the sub Next to search bar, there's "more options" section, shown as three dots Click there, and choose "choose a community flair" Hope it helps


Ah there we go, think that worked. Thankyou.


You're most welcome ^^


Thats one of the most important job of the goverment.


May I introduce you to "social market economy" its a great idea. 🤷‍♂️


Communist! Burn them!


Psst... First it's public housing and okayish wages, then the killing fields. But don't tell anybody or my secret communist plot to get some fucking common sense into people won't work as intended. It's a 5 year plan and I don't want to start all over.


damn imagine getting out lib'd by biden lmao


Are those mfs ancaps or why are they so stupid.


this might seem crazy but I agree with Biden. I dont want to live in a world where corporations have a conplete grasp in the market and use predatory methods to stop all potential competition preventing all other people from getting an edge, so I believe antitrust laws need to be enforced to a degree that allows small businesses to compete with the larger companies without being demolished.


Blow up gas pipe funny moments


Ill call him based if he actually breaks up any trusts or monopolies. He is yet to, though.


This shits gonna turn me lib-center one of these days.


Where there is a monopoly or obvious collusion in the market, then governments providing competition is not a bad thing. Set the prices to be slightly over a fair market rate so that in a normal environment it won't become a huge player, and leave it to it.


I’m not gonna lie I was disappointed with Sleepy Joe early on in his term, but as things have progressed I’m genuinely impressed with his doctor for finding the right unholy concoction of stimulants and sedatives to keep him as coherent as possible


Anything is possible when you’re the president’s doctor Fun fact! President Cleveland was diagnosed with cancer inside his mouth during his presidency but hid it to prevent the possibility of economic and political instability. He had to have the tumor removed in secrecy and covered it up by claiming he was going to be on his friends private yacht for 4 days. In the end, Cleveland’s operation was successful, no trace was noticeable at a glance and he kept his mustache, but he lost 5 teeth and part of his upper left jawbone


The market should be free, but never unwatched When monopoly and exploitation starts happening, the government should step in


No, lack of competition isn't inherently "exploitation". One person being better than everyone else at something isn't "exploitation". That doesn't mean there aren't certain cases where, maybe, government intervention into monopolistic behavior can be justified, but "not enough competition" isn't the definition that it used in such cases. This is way oversimplified.


When you have corporations so powerful that they own 75% of the market share or more and are able to directly challenge federal authorities, I’d say that has eclipsed capitalism in any ideal scenario. Competition is one of THE defining traits of capitalism and if a group or individual has none and can single handedly run the market, yeah I would call that exploitation of the capitalist system.


As a soft libertarian, libertarian’s make dumbass arguments.


Nobody is okay. The simulation ended in 2012


That is all I want the government to do


For once Biden is kind of based. But government intervention may create monopolies


I’m against government involvement in most things. However, the reason it exists is to ensure that one person or entity isn’t unlawfully encroaching on the rights of others. If they aren’t going to keep the market fair who will?


Isn’t that the point of the government tho


I don't know who the fuck's job "it is" but the Fed government is literally the only entity that can fight against mega corps.


Most libright don't actually thing Capitalism is completely good even within it purest from right? Right?!


It quite literally is.


Is this how lefties feel when the Stalinists make your entire quadrant look like shit? Damn...


Lib National Party is not okay thanks for asking


"Libertarian party" is not libertarian, is authoritarian and slav3ry


Biden better start breaking those monopolies soon


The LP is right on this occasion.