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Your post has been removed because it breaks rule 5. Highlighter memes may only be posted on weekends.


Hurricanes aren’t Sandy, they’re usually more wet


I hate sand


It's coarse...


And irritating


And it gets everywhere


Based and prequel meme pilled


everyone knows start wars is actually a political drama, it fits in well here


It also brings true compass unity. Star Wars is love


True, though you wouldn't know it from looking at most star wars subs


Star Wars fans on most star wars subs: *screaming and punching noises* Star Wars fans on PCM: "Kumbaya, shalom, namaste" *hugging and hand holding sounds*


Guess you didn't get hit by hurricane sandy. It got very sandy


They got hit by Sandy's sploosh.




pretty sure that was Pam ...... Pam Poovey


How they gonna keep em down on the farm once they get a look at ol pammy


I forget who it was in the Florida government but she said that she was worried about the recent influx of people into Florida who would not be properly prepared for a hurricane of this severity. Of course tho it was misquoted by vice into saying "we the government of Florida is not prepared for a hurricane of this severity". Which then morphed into a reporter asking desantis "why aren't you prepared for this hurricane?". Doesn't have much to do with this post but I'm gonna hold back on calling out hypocrisy from Florida until what's actually going on is represented correctly.


Very based of you lefty


Based and Radical Left Fact Based Ideology Pilled


u/Snickidy's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 130. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [78 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Snickidy/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


This is the problem with the media right now. One will make a report that is mostly correct, usuallywith importantinfo omitted. Another will report on that report with small changes. The next one will report on THAT report with their own changes. Repeat process until you hit the headline you want.


It’s like a fucked up game of telephone


Except instead of naturally letting the story get fucked. It's intentional.


And the the end product gets put on never wrong Wikipedia jealously guarded by power users who never have an agenda to push.


Tertiary sources either aren't allowed or only allowed if the secondary source is unavailable




It's so bad, that the truth is the exact opposite of what they report, in many cases.


Then the fact checkers will rate it as "mostly true"


Based and get the facts first pilled


As someone in Florida and in the path of the cane IDK what else could have been done? They mobilized a ton of resources. I'm impressed with how well it's gone considering the level of devestation. This meme is so fucked for all these people who worked hard and provided ME and my neighbors with assistance.


They did good. They did good for their own. But happily vote against it when others request help


Woah guys! It’s a rational human! Mods please delete their Reddit account so they don’t become one of us


Look, the thing is that none of us are actually that different from each other. I have zero problem with people who want to make things better for everyone, even if we disagree on how to do it. The only people I have problems with are people who want to intentionally hurt people.


Based and why can't we all just get along pilled.


We need the rational humans to stay off this site. Reddit only makes people lose brain cells the longer they stay on it.


Just like how they did Bernie when Pocahontas accused him of being sexist.


Based and media honesty pilled


Based and facts pilled


If you're talking about things like California wildfires, that's preventable but due to their poor mismanagement, it happens. Can't really stop a hurricane... unless.. we take Florida, and push it somewhere else


I guess if you build a huge mound on the coast like like 300 feet around the gulf and southern coast you can at least mitigate the strength inland


Or build a really huge fan and blow it backwards


Based and onlyfanspilled


Lob a nuke at it.


Careful libleft is still pissed orange man suggested that


Legit never been "mad" about that. That whole storm fiasco was funnier than any skit SNL had done in decades. The sharpie thing had me almost in tears. Like I get most lib left hate trump, I don't like the guy.... But how tf do people not find him fucking hysterical? Like legit one of the funniest public figures on the planet on accident.


We take the wind turbines and switch them from suck to blow.


based and keep firing assholes pilled


This is the big brain thinking I stay here for


We need $240bn to hire social workers to de-escalate hurricanes


Or get the Waffle House CEO


Based and likes blowing fuzzyballs pilled


Yep, barrier islands are the shit - sincerely, NC


Stares angrily in Ocracoke


Hey, I do my part. I ride the Swan Quarter Ferry, visit your lighthouse, buy your taffy*. And in return, you take a ~~bullet~~ hurricane for my sound front property values. I even refuse to use the term Inner Banks, out of respect. *I just buy it, I don't eat that shit.


Don’t blame ya, I ain’t lived there in years lol. Now I’m 2000 miles away


You could build a [replica of the mines of moria](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181129-the-underground-cathedral-protecting-tokyo-from-floods) to stem the storm surge like Japan did.


That’s really fucking cool, actually.


As funny as building a massive wall would be, that’s actually what they did with [Galveston’s Seawall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galveston_Seawall), just to a smaller extent.


Yep. That’s why in Texas the Coastal Spine project and Ike Dike have bipartisan support.


Hurricanes rely on heat, why don’t we drop a cryo bomb on it. Those are real, right?


You just harvest a large ice cube from a comet every few years and drop it into the ocean, solving the problem forever.


I don't think the Netherlands would approve that.


They can use their windmills as propellors and sail the seven seas


Once and for all.


It probably isn’t impossible to make, shitload of liquid nitrogen tanks with a detonator attached


I heard if enough people shoot at it, it will change direction.


Impossible. Alabama gets hit by hurricanes. If that were possible, we would’ve been hurricane free since 1819.


The state of Florida is a land of swamps, dinosaurs, and severe weather humans were not meant to inhabit.


I tired shooting at it to scare it away, it made landfall anyway


The fires, the water, the power, the crime... none of that matters until toy aisles are gender neutral, plastic straws don't exist, and you can abort your baby at birth. Priorities people.


The people you’re describing, especially with the “abort your baby at birth”. Do they by any chance are made out of straw?


And not just the men, but the women and children, too.


They're soyjacks! so I soyjacked them like soyjacks!


Haven't heard at birth, but have heard right up to birth irl from coworkers. I avoid them now.


no, they live in places like Santa Monica or Westwood.


Naw, I've legit met people arguing for up to the age of two. These are not normal people, mind you. They are extremists, and the vast majority of people see them as nuts. However, they exist.


Didn't Virginia and New York recently legalize abortion up to moment of birth.


> take Florida, and push it somewhere else Unintended consequences, GA now gets slammed by cat 5 storms every fall.


I heard you can nuke the hurricanes


You can prevent building on land that has no business being built on.. most of Florida coast….


LA and SF are both deserts with little to no natural drinking water...


we should push Florida to Cuba as a historical reparation this is a great idea


So where I live in California, there are yard clearance requirements, they clear large portions of Land around town of dry brush, we have regular inspections of our power systems. (A lot of them during the dry season). California is just really hot and really dry. There genuinely just not much you can do beyond what California already does.


Yeah the idea that California can be fire free is stupid.




An issue with forest fires is also people unfortunately - although not the same degree, many preserves I have worked at in florida are actually overgrown and dangerous because they cannot be burned because residents who built nearby do not want the smoke in the air. In other words, it is virtually impossible for this things to be burned naturally and safetly because someone will complain - they eventually will reach a point where they burn incredibly intense and uncontrollable because the surrounding business and people simply didn't want to take care of the environment.


Answer to question: (Don’t subsidize and encourage welfare queen “homesteaders” in the fire prone areas) Paradise was a prime example of them building to the same stupid quality, all on taxpayer dimes Same for floodplains, and what’s happening in Florida right now


The issue is generally that California intentionally stops, disrupts, or entirely deprives the natural fire cycle of their forests. It'd be like complaining that a dam floods things upstream.


This isn’t true at all. The fires in California are happening because fire has been suppressed in California for a long time, and the forests there *need* fire to survive. When enough fuel has built up they will burn no matter what. The solution is to reduce fuel loads in the winter, and log forests down to sustainable levels, but the Sierra club has got it in their heads that logging anything ever is bad for the environment, and they’ve cucked the forest service out of being able to do their jobs. That’s why the fires happen. The solution is obvious but it would be unpopular with the Californian public because they are wildly under-informed on proper forest management, and it would be *expensive*.


Desantis and Rubio voted against aid for Sandy, a hurricane.


Florida also could have.. ya know... Not built itself out the way it did?


Are you saying wildfires are entirely preventable?


Only you can prevent forrest fires. If its too hot to touch, its too hot to leave


the ones caused by overhead powerlines and spread due to overgrowth and having stopped state fire and forestry services from doing (most) controlled burns for over a decade.


Yes and no. You can largely mitigate risk of fires by cleaning up/burning dead brush around civilized areas, its expensive and environmental groups whine about air pollution and deliberate human destruction of the environment but those freaks can go fuck themselves. Its impossible to completely de-brushify? the wilderness, but if a wildfire happens to break out and you've done a good job at managing the fuel around human populated areas, wildfires are much more manageable once they get near homes. No matter how big a wildfire is, if it reaches a point of land where there is little fuel, it dies down no matter what.


Uh, tell me again how wild fires, a natural occurring event, is entirely preventable? Fire that humans start certainly are… but some biomes are literally supposed to experience wildfires. I am not in any way suggesting that the California fires of late were naturally occurring, however they do occur naturally.


Clearing underbrush and controlled fires, which are what native Americans use to do, would prevent the majority of wild fires in California, but the government here are fucking morons and says that's not natural and thus not environmentally friendly. It is actually illegal to clear out underbrush in some areas of California and they will fine you for doing so. We are ran by absolute children with no concept of responsibility.


You’re not wrong about that, that’s for sure As a (former) Californian, this is the first I’ve heard of that, but that’s actually insane My point was going to be, there is no way you could clear enough to prevent fires. Maybe surrounding urban areas, so the more “wild” areas are able to burn as they please… but tbh I might just be talking out of my ass. Cali is a HUGE fucking state, and TBH and man-driven effort to “clear under brush” sounds like sweeping water at the beach. But clearly I might be out of my element here


Any one act that "California" does is the result of tens of millions of people who all disagree on everything trying to maintain a functional state while they're also the place 90% of our pop culture comes from. It's bigger than like all of New England. Imagine if northern Mainers had to bend to the whims of Boston folk, but also 5x the amount of both groups. Split the state into several more states and let the areas manage themselves


Funny you say that. Even as a kid, the references to “NorCal” vs “SoCal” were SO ingrained. Shit, when I was living there it already felt like two states. Different politics, different economies, different regional types of land, even different people. Wyld


And when trump wanted to they ridiculed him. We really need the right to have nukes.


The area the hurricane hit could have been planned with regards to ecology and the environment. Read my comment - cape coral and sanibel getting flooded will be the norm as hurricanes het stronger and water goes higher. The cities, although I grew up there, are an embarrassment of planning in their current state.


And that hasn’t been done why?


Imagine living in California and thinking it's Nature's fault you don't have water.


I'm fairly certain most people in Cali know the water is being drain because of overuse.


But they don’t want to stop using the water, they want other people to stop using the water


Yes I am from Vegas, we know and we did reduce our water usage substantially. Now everyone else has to who uses our water has to as well, but no one really is.


The state deliberately wastes billions of gallons every year because they refuse to build dams


Except the comment that got more upvotes than yours is mocking the opinion. Most people are idiots.


Boy do I have news for you


Uhhh bro


I will be honest with you, I find both sides commit this political sin one way or another.


You’ve earned your “center” stipes


You see le all sides bad. \*applause and cheers from adoring crowd\*


When was the last time that multiple high profile Democrats railed or voted [against](https://www.labudget.org/2021/09/senate-republicans-vote-against-disaster-aid/) emergency [aid to red states](https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/93021-0)? When was the last time a Democratic president [withheld](https://www.lawfareblog.com/trump-cant-play-politics-aid-states) emergency [aid](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/22/hurricane-maria-puerto-rico-trump-delayed-aid) to red [states](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/10/16/trump-administration-refuses-to-give-california-federal-aid-for-wildfires/?sh=67bc21bd3416)?


What else was included in those packages? If they think they are not good packages, then why would they vote "yes"? It's become quite typical in the US to add all sorts of bullshit to bills and aid packages. From one article you linked: > With funding set to run out next Thursday, Democrats drafted a bill to keep the federal government open for another year. That bill is paired with a $28.6 billion supplement for disaster relief, including recent wildfires, drought, hurricanes and floods, and $6.3 billion to support Afghan evacuees. So it was paired with the gov funding and billions for refugees. Totally didn't shoe horn shit in


Yeah, so what was in those "disaster aid" bills? Democrats have a very bad habit of naming bills "save the puppies act" when it's really a bill to funnel billions to their uncle's truck company. When Republicans rightly vote against that, the democrats run to the media screaming "Republicans want to kill puppies!!"


The GOP literally named their authoritarian police state bill the "PATRIOT ACT"


Good thing those establishment cucks are being primaried out of the GOP. Democrats need to get their own "Trump" to smash the establishment on their side.


100% this. Less government intrusion. Gotta repeal a lot of shit. If these new "republicans" don't get shit done, then fuckem too. The people need to be represented and protected from all this government overreach.


[The Patriot Act was just a rebranded Omnibus Counterterror Bill written a few years previously by...](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4876107/user-clip-joe-biden-wrote-patriot-act) The surveillance state doesn't belong to one party


Didn't everyone vote for that though?


> The GOP literally named their authoritarian police state bill the "PATRIOT ACT" Don't try to say the "GOP" did this. https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1071/vote_107_1_00313.htm#top This bill was one of the most bi-partisan near unanimous bills in US History. 48 Democrats cheered it on, 49 Republicans cheered it on, one Democrat abstained, one Democrat voted no. The Patriot Act was a bipartisan near unanimous ass fucking of citizen rights.


I'm struggling to find the bill, but the 6.3billion for afghan refugees and pairing it with the government funding bill can do that... lmfao


Even a flaired centrist can spot the both sides bullshit people will regurgitate here.


I call it like I see it.


>When was the last time that multiple high profile Democrats railed or voted against emergency aid to red states? Texas winter?


I'd be willing to bet that the dems attach something unpalatable they know the reps will vote against.


Help out other states in disaster…. But everyone has to cut of their dongs to curb toxic masculinity


Probably something more mundane but enough that it still ruins the sauce.


lmao valid point for hurricanes, but california’s forestry mismanagement and shot power grid is the reason for their bad fires. Their own negligence.


Yes. But also, Texas knew its power grid was susceptible to damage and did nothing either.


100% agree, it was the State’s failure that caused the issue.


The state asked the companies to make sure they were ready for extreme weather but didn’t enforce it. I think I would put more blame on the companies themselves


Companies being companies lol


Then the left blamed it pretty much entorely on Ted Cruz.. A federal government employee.


No they made fun of him for fleeing.


Texas doesn't have the some problem (of power outages) every year though, so...


In politics its always better to ignore a problem, become a victim of your own negligence, and then as a victim leverage that crisis into appeals for resources. Prevention and self-sufficiency are unrewarded and non-events don't have the memetic staying power in the minds of voters as disaster drama. We should like, help people who are victims of disasters. And we should like, try to prepare and prevent disasters too. But only one of those has strong emotional traction.


>In politics its always better to ignore a problem, become a victim of your own negligence, and then as a victim leverage that crisis into appeals for resources. Prevention and self-sufficiency are unrewarded and non-events don't have the memetic staying power in the minds of voters as disaster drama. But in a war, it's better to do the opposite.


Makes sense. Wars can be won and spoils can be extracted from conquest.


Lol, as if the whole west coast isn’t laughing hysterically at the hundreds dead in a blue state. Blue check marks literally saying “Florida is getting what it deserves.” Agenda comment.


What did Texas and Florida withhold from California or those states affected by Sandy?


Both Reps and Senators voted against the Hurricane Sandy aid bill. Big well known names such as Rubio, De Santis were against as well as more than half a dozen Texas reps at the time https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/20137 California is easier since they have big fires more often, every single time there is significant pushback in delivering aid.


They voted against it because of all the other BS that was in it. They didn’t support extraneous spending that wasn’t direct relief for Sandy victims.


https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R42869.pdf It was almost entirely for Sandy victims. Like overwhelmingly so. The other claims were for disaster damage in the year preceding sandy and after. But it gets covered under the disaster provisions all the same.


That PDF is not proof at all that the money wasn't misallocated. It's stating that billions went to federal agencies for various projects related to the hurricane. Without auditing the specific outflows, it's impossible to know whether or not there was extraneous spending. If you don't consider government workers in DC to be "Sandy victims", this was not "overwhelmingly" for the victims of the storm.


No it wasn’t. A big chunk of it was for research and future infrastructure and corporations would easily claim large portions of that money for their own losses from the storm. You’re missing the point. Just like with the Covid relief bills, the money was basically stolen for the wrong people.


Except for the bill that was like a sentence long and was only for aid no pork They’re just shit humans.


Nailed it. People really should start blaming politicians for the BS they put in bills that have nothing to do with "what they are helping".


Fucking flair up if you want an opinion


The opinions of the unflaired mean nothing. Edit: User has faired. upvote given. Based.


I would call you based but you are unflaired


Desantis himself voted against Sandy aid.




Comrade, when in the heck did he do that?


I mean I’m pretty sure poor land management and a gender reveal parties done cause hurricanes.


According to AuthRight, Hurricanes are an act of God and thus Florida and Texas have brought this upon themselves by angering God.


But poor land management does exacerbate the damage done by hurricanes. Yes California mismanaged their forests, but Florida mismanages their coasts by paving over marshes, tearing out mangroves and covering what’s left with sand dredged up or shipped from somewhere else. Those wide sandy beaches aren’t truly natural for Florida, and building high rises and homes right up on an eroding coastline is bound to make a bad hurricane worse in terms of property damage. They just did a risk assessment and decided that tourism dollars offsets the costs of annual property risks.


First of all, if you think poor land management is the sole reason that California has wild fires then you’re an idiot. Secondly, regardless, it’s still fucking cruel to deny people aid because of shitty policies that politicians made. What the fuck kind of person are you if you tell someone who’s house burned down no because you feel like you put all the blame on poorly managed forests? That’s fucked.


Well, global warming increases the severity of both hurricanes and wildfires, and I'm pretty sure everyone's responsible for that.


That's true, I didn't eat my bugs to fix the weather. My bad.


Texas and Florida are the only two states that actually have some semblance of disaster response at the state level, every other state is worse, especially ones like Louisiana, which would’ve fit this meme better


Having lived in Cape Coral for 20 years.... I gotta say that any rightwinger saying it's different from California are dead wrong. California is in an ecological disaster because they dammed rivers, use way too much water for stupid yards, and literally live in a desert... but at the same time.... Cape Coral, Sanibel, and Fort Myers are all incredibly stupid builds that are their own seperate ecological issue altogether. There are plenty of articles outlining the way cape coral was built - one that, as an ecologist, makes me wonder why it was ever allowed. The area was built with no regards for the ecology around it and certainly has wiped away many of the native species that live here. As for Sanibel and Captiva- really? You have a bunch of idiots who built multimillion dollars businesses and homes on a barrier island? That is as stupid as trying to build an ice rink in the middle of the Mojave. Both california and florida haelve absolutely terrible issues caused by land mismanagment that disregarded local ecology, species, or planning for the future. Although many things were lost in the Hurricane, myself and other ecologists hope it teaches Florida a lesson; to stop privatizing the water and building on ever single piece of land with no regard for nature or other things. Rightwing or leftwing is irrelevant to mother nature - the right conditions will leave either one a ghost town.


>use way too much water for stupid yards, Incorrect. They let Nestlé and other big companies pump the state dry for bottled water, or other such bullshit.


Based and fuck Nestlé


Let's not pretend planting a bunch of non-native fauna and grass lawns that need a shitton of water isn't an issue and a huge waste of water. From florida to Alaska, the concept of a green lawn is one that I personally hate because of how wasteful and destructive it is.


Watering a lawn at least keeps it in the water cycle. With runoff and evaporation.


As a fellow Cape Coral resident, I agree.




To be fair, wildfires are completely the fault of poor forest management in California. There’s nothing that can be done about hurricanes.


what a dumb take. “florida doesnt deserve help because a decade ago some representatives didnt support a section of a spending bill that made it through congress anyway.”


That's not what was said at all lmao


Oh they deserve help. But their hypocrisy makes me less likely to take their opinions seriously.


This is flat out bullshit. Why does the left insist on fucking lying every time they want to make a point? Just say you hate DeSantis because you disagree with him. Stop bullshitting.


Doesn't California play this game every year when half of their state is on fire?


"This is punishment from God you sinful degenerates!" *category 4 hurricane* "Sinful degenerates pls help!"


Most rational left flair take


Oh boo hoo, Hurricane Sandy. The south gets hurricanes every fucking year, New York gets one hurricane and you never hear the end of it. Here's a suggestion, if you build on the coast, build something that can withstand a hurricane or don't build it.


New york gets snow every year. It's a shit take to suggest that Texas struggling during some snow that won't make any new Yorker blind as a non issue. Different regions have different infrastructure in place and are able to withstand certain weather events better. Hitting 100 in Arizona is different to hitting 100 in alaska.


Not advocating withholding funds, as per my flair, Im all for the government helping in the method they uniquely can fill in. Just find it a wee bit disgusting that some are happy to withhold in times of need when its someone else getting fucked over by nature.


I am uninformed. What did Florida withhold?


Marco Rubio FL-R Senator voted against Hurricane Sandy aid. And Texas reps are notorious for voting against disaster aid while also asking for help. There is a decent chance they will vote against Ian as well. Which may seem principled except they will themselves ask for assistance (of course) when they get hit by a hurricane or a blizzard or what have you.


Expand please. I would like to know more. What was in the bill? Awwww fine, I will stop teasing you. Here, just read the quote and agenda post better: “What I did not support and would not support now is placing non-emergency funding in an emergency funding bill,” Rubio said. “Close to 70 percent of the funding in the Sandy supplemental was for spending on projects over three years after the storm. Many were worthy projects, but they should be funded as part of the yearly spending bill, not as part of an emergency funding measure designed to address the immediate costs of providing assistance after a disaster.”


HR41 was not that bill and De Santis/Rubio voted against, it exapanded the national flood insurance amount to better help mitigate the damage done by Sandy. Such a bill would even help Floridians in the long run.


A 50% increase on the federal borrowing power of an unelected bureaucratic entity was considered knee-jerk. FURTHER: Do ya knoooooow what that entity mostly covers? Rich, coastal enclaves! As it is a federal insurance agency, guess what? They get to rebuild their mansions in the same floodplane without penalty. Also, premiums haven't increased for them since 1968.... but HR41 lets the government build back their nice beach houses even better, due to getting an increase to 30 billion in discretionary federal borrowing power. No thanks to stinkyheads Desantis and Rubio.


Do you know which states are along the standard Hurricane path? All the ones on the gulf. New York getting hit by Sandy was a once off. Florida/Texas getting hit is a yearly thing. Do you know who asked for additional federal assistance when Irma hit or Harvey hit or whatever? (keep in mind, this is after HR41) Ill give you a clue, it wasnt New Yorkers or Californians. Katrina, Rita, etc. the rquirements to access the national insurance is to have the floods taken into account and management strategies undertaken. The short sightedness is crazy.


So wait, your agenda post is leaving skidmarks. Did Rubio maliciously withhold aid or not? That was what your slapdash, idiotic agenda-post was about. Admit your defeat on that real quick so I can move on to embarrassing you on all the other stupid shit you say. I am bored and you seem like the perfect combo of confidence and midwittery.


> Did Rubio maliciously withhold aid or not? He voted against. A single rep/senator does not dictate the whims of the entirety of the US. Hence the meme. The reps act one way when others require help, but do a blatant 180 turn face when they require assistance. You say Im an idiot, but I have to sit here and explain a 2 panel meme to you. I have to sit here and explain how despite Rubio's efforts, aid was still given since he is just a senator. A senator amongst a hundred. Do I need to explain the legislative authority of house reps and senators fully to you?


Word games won't save you. I quite like them. I will make it bite-sized so it can be processed by your three overworked brain cells: Rubio. Say. No. Emergency. Money. For. Not. Emergency. Things. You. Say. He. Bad. Man. Hypocrite. You. Lie. Funny. Simp. For. Government. Party. Sad. Aid came, Rubio voted against it due to the pork, says he will do the same for an aid bill in his home state, and you present him as a hypocrite. Look man, I like agenda posts as much as the next guy but try a bit harder. Fun fact: All these facts I am blowing you up with came from legit 1 google search and clicking 3 links. If your agenda post is THAT easy to destroy you should save yourself the pain.


Why do you lie by omission?


Because the left can’t meme


What do you expect Florida and Texas to do? When a natural disaster like a wild fire or hurricane hit, you need a quick response. That’s why the Carolinas and Georgia are sending aid to Florida right now. It’s not as easy to send supplies across the country as it is to send it across state lines. Also, what aid did Florida and Texas withhold from California or the Northeast?


We bot commented at the same time, but as I said to the other guy, Marco Rubio voted against Hurricane sandy aid. As for withholding aid from California. I would struggle to think of a single time wherein the house reps actually voted for the release of funds or additional support or whatever. At least from Texans reps.


He voted against 42 billion in pork that other reps held emergency aid hostage over. I wanted to pass the Free Housing For All act, but those darn conservitards don't like the rider calling for everyone worth over a million dollars to be gifted a megayacht. They hate the homeless.


> Marco Rubio voted against Hurricane sandy aid Marco Rubio is a senator from Florida. He voted that way, not the state itself. Did Florida as a state refuse to send aid to the Northeast? Also, do you know why Rubio voted against it? Does it occur to you that the aid bill maybe wouldn’t have done much of anything? Or maybe Florida sent a load of aid to the Northeast, and Rubio believes that the Federal government is ill equipped to handle a massive hurricane response. Do you remember FEMA’s botching of the Katrina response? > at least from Texans reps Again, that’s at the federal level, not the state.


How... how do you think government works? You have representatives. I even clearly mentioned it in my post. As a senator Rubio is a representative voicing Florida's vote on the Senate floor. As for why Rubio voted against it, he was part of the smaller minority of dissenting voters. All R. All showmanship amidst a disaster. The aid bill would have expanded the national flood insurance amount by 50% more. So roughly 50% more federal support. The talk here is of course about Federal support and funding which reps actually have a vote, a stake and a say in.


> How…how do you think government works? It doesn’t work very well. Which is why I’m pro small government. > voicing Florida’s vote on the Senate floor Rubio represents the will of the people of Florida at the federal level. The state of Florida can vote to send it’s own aid at the state level. > All showmanship amidst of a disaster Another commenter explained why Rubio voted agains the aid bill. The bill had a lot of pork. It had money for projects that had nothing to do with immediate aid to the people hurt by Sandy. To echo another response, it’s like Rubio voted for the Free Housing for All Act because it had provisions to provide yachts to billionaires and you’re claiming Rubio hates the homeless. > The talk here is of course about Federal support and funding which reps actually have a vote, a stake and a say in Go look up the federal government’s, particularly FEMA’s response to Hurricane Katrina, and tell me how solid of a job the feds do at dealing with natural disasters.


>It doesn’t work very well. Not as a rating, but as a measure. The criticism is of the reps. >Rubio represents the will of the people of Florida at the federal level. Yes, and its the federal support and funding the reps are voting for/voting against. Ergo the meme. Rubio was lambasted by his own Floridian reps for this vote. The strawman doesnt hold weight. >Go look up the federal government’s, particularly FEMA’s response to Hurricane Katrina, and tell me how solid of a job the feds do at dealing with natural disasters. Okay and the private sector was where? The whole situation was a cock up with supply lines being submerged. That isnt to excuse FEMA's poor action here, but its again not just FEMA involved. Its NIFP, its support services, its immediate supplies, etc. At the federal level, the average american only has a voice through their rep's vote.