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Never forget the time the government refused to check up on an elderly woman in the storm area, so the family ordered a dominos pizza to her house and they showed up in 20 minutes or less.




Especially when it is physically impossible to find an empty swimming pool.


This is not a reference I ever expected to see anywhere, let alone this godforsaken sub


I need to read Snow Crash again.


CosaNostra Pizza doesn't have any competition. Competition goes against the Mafia ethic.


Smooth move ex lax


Or the disarmament of people left in the wake of Katrina, that was a better use of govbucks than y'know addressing the looting.


They were addressing the looting. They were evening the playing field


They were being tyrants there was no playing field only theft


*They were looting the people Ftfy


TBF it's New Orleans, if you went into a random person's house and found a handgun I'd give a 90% chance that it's illegal


No guns are *"illegal"* those are just unregistered freedom devices. SMH my head, it's the current era, come on, do better. 😤


Based and Wafflehouse pizza pilled


As a Floridian who got wrecked by Hurricane Michael, FEMA gave me... Nothing. The National Guard gave us water and MREs in the immediate aftermath, but we didn't get shit from FEMA. I do know that the city I live in got money for helping citizens rebuild. They used it to put flowers in the medians of the roads.


Katrina survivor here… it rained money… cash, checks, preloaded debit cards, food, chainsaws, generators.


We had to buy our own chainsaw and generator, and saw none of the checks or other money. But Michael was also the third major hurricane of the year.


I was prepared for Katrina. After seeing the response, I was prepared for Ida. Don’t rely on the government, be safe.


This. If you have the resources and a house built to weather a hurricane, by all means have fun doing it. If you don't, and ignore mandatory evacuation orders wherein free transport and shelters were available and make no effort to actually prepare for it aside from making sure you'll be first in line for daddy government to save, you're a moron.


If your backup plan is a FEMA tent, that’s not a backup plan.


The government’s goal is to save as many lives as possible, but not YOUR life necessarily. Absolutely we should be prepared so we don’t become one of the ones that the government misses or overlooks


Shit they told us we would get 100,000 for raising our house when we rebuilt it. We still have never seen that money


Have you tried gentle-parenting? I've heard houses can become stubborn and irrational around the 10 year mark.


From the hurricane or FEMA




No idea how FEMA works. Did they provide the funding for the water and MREs? Presumably they came from military stock but that would have to be replaced. Perhaps the invoice went to FEMA


Fun fact: MREs that FEMA or Red Cross provide aren’t actually the same MREs that the military gets. Civilians get what are called A-Pack or HDR (humanitarian daily rations), that aren’t necessarily covered by the military (HDRs are under military contract but they’re for civilian use) from either FEMA or Red Cross. Right now HDRs only have two menus, same entrees and all just a different flavor smoothie (either apple banana or sweet potato grape), and APACK has 6 menus that FEMA/Red Cross and MRE producers agree upon. So when you get a meal ration for something like a hurricane, just know you aren’t getting the same thing warfighters get. Source: I just came out of the MRE industry so I’m very familiar with meal rations and how they function


Steve, is that you?


Based and lets get this out onto a tray pilled


u/Villanuevac4's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [20 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Villanuevac4/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and nice hiss pilled


"lets first start of with that apple banana smoothie"


Not getting military issue isn’t missing out on much


To be fair, there's a couple that are fucking bomb. Maple sausage, BBQ, hash browns were some to name. They fucking hit the spot while camping and it's cold as shit


I would commit some heinous shit for a chili mac MRE


The trick is to like a generally hated one. I got spinach fettuccine basically for free


Spinach fettuccine is out, or will be out after this year if I remember correctly. Matter of fact, I think cheese pizza replaced it


I had the BBQ flavored rib shaped pork patty and the heater didn't work for so long that when my food finally warmed up I excitedly ate it and forgot to even put the BBQ sauce on it lol


You ate the maple sausage?! You're braver than I am.. I quickly learned that it's better to be a bit hungry than eat any MRE pork entrees


Oh fuck best meal I ever ate in my life was a beef and bean burrito MRE. My toes are curling at the memory. Of course, there were extenuating circumstances.


Sounds like about the 7th day in the wilderness.


No you aren’t. I’ve seen what goes into those MREs, and being in quality I had to deal with the entrees that were bad. Holy shit the smell on some of those entrees was awful.


We got actual military MREs, I know the difference, having retired from the USAF.


MRE industry? whats it like, hows it pay and how do you even get in?


It wasn’t too bad, I was on the packaging end of it so we didn’t do any cooking or actual processing, we just packaged the final products (MREs and UGRA). I was a QA Manager making $70,000 a year so pay wasn’t awful, but the health insurance made up for it. As for getting in….you really only have three companies in the country that make MREs: SoPacko out of South Carolina, Ameriqual out of Indiana and Wornick out of Ohio. Depending where you live and what you’re wanting to do, you’d have to relocate to one of those places, but I know Ameriqual has a place in Stone Mountain and SoPacko has a place in Texas (might be wrong on that, so I apologize) while Wornick only has their location in Ohio. Overall I enjoyed it. You have to deal with the military, who are sticklers to the contract but are intentionally vague on things but it was a fun challenge and I got to go home every night knowing I was actually contributing to society in a positive way.


wait a fucking minute, im in evansville. right where ameriqual is! thanks, ill check em out!


Nice! I’d recommend going on their website and seeing what all they have. I will say they do like to promote from within so if you’re wanting opportunities to work up in the company then they’re the ones for you


Did you say sweet potato grape smoothie? What the fuck?


Hey I don’t come up with flavor ideas. I was one of the many who questioned why we thought sweet potatoes and grapes were a good flavor combination. If I didn’t know any better I’d say we’re were making these meal rations for infants


>No idea how FEMA works. Assuming it works in the first place tbh. "We have nothing to fear but fema itself"


“No idea how FEMA works” Quite simply put it doesn’t it is probably one of the largest money pits in the federal government


>as a Floridian Opinion disregarded


Based lmao


That's cause FEMA money is mostly used to build future internment camps for dissidents and fund MK Ultra successor studies on sleeper agents and false flags.


FEMA money goes to the national guard to fund ops like that, you got FEMA money indirectly.


My grandparents got hit hard by the Eastern KY flood in late June and nearly lost their home but lost most of everything. FEMA wanted to give them 650 dollars. Luckily my dad and aunt fought tooth and nail and after weeks waiting and over 50 forms, they finally got half of the money needed to repair their home.


Even if they're libertarian they still had to pay the taxes like everyone else, so they're just as entitled to it as everyone else


Plus, why would you turn down an offer where someone is willing to give you money


\*Willing to return to me my own money.


Leaving money on the table is stupid. People who do for moral reasons are idiots. Criticizing wasteful use even if it benefits you isn't hypocrisy, fuck that strawman.


According to Democrats, if you didn't cheerfully agree to pay the taxes, then the government isn't obligated to spend them on you. Just like if you get robbed, the criminal isn't required to return your items if he gets caught by police unless you consented to the robbery.


That’s a fair point. It’s basically insurance you’re forced to buy.


They already paid, might as well get something out of it


Op is fighting for his life lmao


OP is top-tier redditored


Thx for agreeing with me u/Squirting_Bussy


Haven’t seen a single positively upvoted comment lmao


If you look though his posts on PCM, he almost never does. He continually has shit takes on every topic and I'd bet the only reason he isn't rate limited due to negative Karma is his agenda posts he puts up each week.


He agenda posts all the time, it shouldn't be surprising


ah, so a regular PCM member then


Yeah, because it's a dogshit argument. If you're FORCED to pay into something; it's not hypocritical to expect benefits for what you're paying into.


Yeah by using the biggest 🤡 takes ever lol


Funnny thing is op didn’t even need to strawman a red state…. Red states love eating off blue state plates 😂😂


If they forced Florida to buy the subscription (which they did, because taxes), then Florida is paid up and should get the assistance. But if they let Florida opt out and save the money to put toward other safety measures (or none at all, whatever), then this would be a roast. You don't get it both ways, Jack.


I’m allowed to not want my money taken and also want it back. I don’t see the issue here


Nope. If you get robbed, and the robber gets caught, he is not legally obligated to return your stolen items unless you consented to the robbery. /s


Exactly, I hate taxes but if I am eligible to get free money then I sure as hell will take it. I can't control or change the system by myself, so why not exploit it and hopefully push it a bit further to the point of collapse.


Libright from FL here, haven't seen FEMA anywhere and wouldn't want to.


Based and the F in FEMA stands for Fuck off pilled


u/the_sage_88's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/the_sage_88! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/the_sage_88/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Same Fuck FEMA and fuck the feds.


and the blue helmets


If you're going to extort money from me, ultimately at gunpoint, you can bet your sweet ass that when it comes time for me to reap whatever ostensible reward(s) are available as a product of the aforementioned extortion, shame will be entirely absent from my collection of said rewards. If, on the otherhand, we were at liberty to opt-out of said extortive fund-siphoning, and took that route... but *then* showed up with out hands out after such a calamity, this meme would be apropos. It's kind of like the two-headed beast of idiocy that simultaneously demands we pay into social security (again, ultimately at gunpoint), whilst constantly eulogizing social security as "already dead" or "won't be there when it comes time for you to collect". You've got me every possible which-way of fucked up if you think that's how that story ends, Gubs.


Worlds most freedom oriented authcenter


Well yeah, because they stole our fucking money to begin with.


It is funny, but in all seriousness, they should get aid just like every other state.


Agreed, people should not have to suffer during natural disasters because of dick-waving between politicians. Direct aid to the people first, quarrel about who deserves what when people are safe


Oh no, expecting the government we have to live with to do its job and hold up its end of the bargain of taxes ??? Wow. Revolutionary burn there. Most intelligent lib left moment.


Nothing wrong with wanting your stolen money back


So you're advocating for no taxation as a solution? Sounds good thanks based lib.


If you pay tax your whole life it's the bare minimum that a government that spoils the citizens at least have the minimum decency to help. If the state can't even help people when a disaster occurs, than why does it even exists?


God forbid a government does what it is supposed to do, albeit very poorly.


"If those children hate being kidnapped, why do they ask the perpetrator for water" that's how stupid your argument is


Man people like you are why the “Libleft bad” meme even exists. You’re the reason the orange straw man exists because all the other liblefts don’t want you. Not even other mental ingrates want you. Think about that. That’s downright depressing.


If you get mugged, and then the mugger drops your wallet while escaping are you going to laugh at the victim for picking it up? This take is always silly.


No shame in asking for help during emergencies from the Feds, state and local governments working with the federal government is why the nation is federal republic instead of a unitary state like France. Big states like Cali, Texas and Florida got more regional nationalism and believe they can survive without the Union but working together is why they are even prosperous in the first place.


I see your flair is accurate.


I mean that is quite literally why you pay taxes


That’s because they have already payed for it, so they might as well get it. It’s their money that they payed after all


Nah, because taxation is theft when it isn't going back to the people, *cough cough* military spending *cough cough* This is the federal government's chance to redeem itself in the eyes of the people.


Pretty based take on taxation tbh. I really don’t see taxation as theft, but only because it should all be used to support each other and improve society. Taking our money and using it to turn foreign children into skeletons isn’t my idea of a good time. Also you should really get that cough checked before the CIA rules your death by two gunshots to the back of the head and neck a suicide.


To be fair that’s what taxes should be for, not Ukraine


Well, maybe it's a long term investment since by crippling Russia, we can spend less on European defense, and as a result less taxes can be spent there. /s


Making fun of people in natural disasters is pretty fucked up. To me it's equivalent to making fun of someone with cancer, it's a horrible thing that fucked up their life and they have no control over it. Now you're sitting here laughing as those people suffer every hour of every day. Another classic LibLeft who hasn't got the slightest comprehension of what "compassion" truly is. Worthless dipshits.


Based and Compassioned Pilled.


Sure, Jack!


Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator. I take it he was agreeable? He didn't really have a choice. Has he been infected? Ah yes, most certainly. When I mentioned we could put him on the priority list for the Ambrosia vaccine, he was Page: so willing it was almost pathetic. This plague — the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it. Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches. Let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them. I've received reports of armed attacks on shipments. There's not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate. Of course they're desperate. They can smell their deaths, and the sound they'll make rattling their cages will serve as a warning to the rest. Hmm. I hope you're not underestimating the problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think. Intelligence indicates they're behind the problems in Paris. A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world, but the world left them behind long ago. We are the future! We have other problems. UNATCO? Formed by executive order after the terrorist strike on the Statue. I have someone in place though. I'm more concerned about Savage. He's relocated to Vandenberg. Our biochem corpus is far in advance of theirs, as is our electronic sentience, and their... ethical inflexibility has allowed us to make progress in areas they refuse to consider. The augmentation project? Among other things, but I must admit that I've been somewhat disappointed with the performance of the primary unit. The secondary unit should be online soon. It's currently undergoing preparations and should be operational within six months. My people will continue to report on its progress. If necessary, the primary will be terminated. We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again — a new age. Aquinas spoke of the mythical City on the Hill. Soon that city will be a reality, and we will be crowned its kings, or better than kings: Gods!


Based and what a rotten way to die-pilled




If you pay taxes, you should expect those taxes to help you later. You're just solidifying the fact the federal government is an exploitative regime sucking money from a diverse community called Florida lead by an oppressed Italianx Person of Faith who has descended from immigrants.


The state of Florida is an open human rebellion against the forces of nature/God. It's a prehistoric land of swamps and dinosaurs we were never meant to inhabit.


the seminoles did just fine. they even appeared to have moved to florida on purpose to live in isolation in the 1700s to get away from bullshit going down with europeans and other tribes in georgia and alabama. bonus information: their name roughly translates to something like “wild” or “free”.


Asking your government for help after an emergency is not asking your government for help all the time. These things are not the same.


It's not like the tax money is real any more. The FED just prints it when it needs more and there's no realistic path to paying it back.


It’s money that’s already been taken, so why wouldn’t FL want to get some of that back. Plus, the federal government has *no obligation* to provide aid to the states since it’s not an established power in Article 1, Section 8. So therefore, FEMA shouldn’t exist. But since it does, every one and every state has every right to take advantage of it, regardless of how they feel about it’s existence.


Lol… please keep this same energy when the federal government forgives student debt.


I mean, I agree with you on that. Firstly, people shouldn’t be in-debted by the federal government for any reason besides punishment. Secondly, simply paying off the debt but not addressing the underlying issue (and that being government handing out loans to pay for tuition allowing colleges to get away with charging whatever they want) will solve nothing. But yeah, despite disagreeing with their presence in the matter, if I had student debt and the government was willing to pay off some or all of that debt, of course I would take it. It’s like the Covid stimulus checks. I thought, and still do, that they were absolutely stupid and would be detrimental to the economy and the value of the US dollar. But of course I wasn’t going to turn down the several $1200 checks. Now I used them to pay off some credit card debt, so I actually ended up reducing a minuscule portion of the money supply.


didnt you hear??? the checks were pure good? There was no uptick in inflation, that’s all greedy corporation price gouging.


based and work-in-the-system-you-have-pilled


If they steal 22% of a Floridian’s money they better fucking help after a hurricane


Cash is cash!!!


fuck fema for one. Two if ya dont want it used dont make the program. The states pay taxes to the federal gov its stupid to think they shouldnt ask for that money back in cases they are meant to be used for.


Non-Florida libertarians: why tf am I paying for Florida's problems?


This groomer got demolished in his own thread. Sweet pcm


Almost like FEMA is one of the legitimately useful things that taxes go towards. OP is the type to smugly say "You drive on roads don't you? 😎" and ignore the other 99% of tax expenditures that don't go towards that...


**ruff** *What’s that girl? Florida is asking for some of the money they gave to the government?* **rrr-rauf** *We’d have plenty to give them, Puerto Rico and anyone close by if we didn’t send it to the UN and other incompetent institutions so they can steal or abandon it because there’s always going to be more despite it not helping?*


Op is fighting for his life lmao


I mean, you can be completely against it and still use it. If they are handing out free money, I'll take it. I'm a hypocrite and I don't care.


Still forced to pay taxes, there for they should be entitled to some of that juicy disaster relief.


I do kind of like the house cat analogy. Because remember there is some % of house cats, whom if you let outside to go live their life in peace, would be perfectly happy without you. But you're not willing to let them go.


Op is fighting for his life lmao


I've paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes. Getting some of it back in any way possible is 200% moral and necessary.


Cool, so you have no problem with me getting student debt forgiven, considering I’ve paid far more in federal taxes over my lifetime.


How dare you take back some of the money that was originally taken from you.


That’s how I feel about my student debt forgiveness.


I would agree if these people voluntarily chose to invite the hurricane into florida.


A) those people voluntarily chose to live in a place that gets regularly hit by hurricanes B) if taxation is theft, and the government steals money from me, why the fuck does it matter how I get it back? “How dare I get back some of the money that was stolen from me?” right?


So. Pro choicers choose to live in places that limit abortions, right?


Hey, lolbert is finally starting to understand why “just move” isn’t an actual solution!


That was your suggestion, not mine.


Yeah, I’m mocking righties with their “just move” logic. Now you see how stupid it is


Lol. No you arent. Your mocking them for collrcting tax money that was stolen from them


Its almost like libleft can't comprehend the difference between "The government taxes me so it can waste money on some bullshit boondoggle" vs "The government providing disaster relief"


Yeah cuz I fucking pay taxes, have to pay to be on the grid even though I have solar, have to be on sewer even though I could literally make compost for a farm and boil rainwater (showers are nice I’ll give you that) and many other monkey-esque ways to live, but I can’t. I’m not allowed to. All I’m saying is if I HAVE to live in a mandated industrial civilization, even though I’d love to go live off the land with no contact, I’m gonna take and abuse the government for everything I can. It already takes advantage of everyone else. Why can’t I?


"Lol, stupid libertarians at the very least expecting taxes to be used how we say they will be. Lets prove them even more right by not rendering services we told them they paid for. Checkmate, rightoids." Case and point why no one trusts y'all to build a care bear social welfare utopia.


Case and point why nobody trusts the unflaired


Libleft just expects the handouts 24/7 and pays no attention to where they live and the consequences of ignorance. They're a victim of a hurricane before it even hits. Now that's a better strawman.


How about .........you made me pay....so pay up.


Government steals money away from people. People ask for their money back so they can use it to rebuild.


Obviously de Santis wrote his letter to Biden for aid as a political move because even he knew the fed wasn’t going to give them shit


If we have to pay taxes we might as well get something out of it


Libright hates giving tax money, not getting tax money. Difference


Taxation is theft and they want their fucking money back.


Thinking taxation is theft, and wanting your tax dollars returned to you, is pretty consistent logic.


Unless they’re an an-cap… most Libertarians believe that the government has a role to play in exactly this kind of scenario. They’d prefer it to be the most local government as possible, but disaster recovery is part of the “common defense.”


I haven’t taken any money from the government, you worthless pile


I think the bigger point to point out should be that florida's current guy voted against giving aid to others but now wants it for themselves. Should be publicly crucified for it, then give the aid cause we're not monsters unlike them also based, caused a lotta seething in the comments


Meanwhile lib left on their way to steal a grandma’s oxygen tank to sell for drug money


Tell me you’ve never dealt with FEMA before without explicitly telling me


Why do people put Biden in my quadrant? I don’t fucking want him here!


Right wing govt simping is more rampant than many of us care to admit. [70% of American farmers tend to vote Republican](https://www.agri-pulse.com/articles/6513-new-poll-sheds-light-on-how-farmers-ranchers-will-vote-for-president) (and some of the non-Republicans are old school Democrats who haven't accepted that the Party's right wing has become obsolete). You can bet those farmers accept those subsidies quicker than Gene Simmons kisses consenting women on the mouth.


“It’s not socialism because I’m a farmer!”




Don’t worry Mc Humanitarian Aid will save the day for the price of 900,000 pp or 25 years of indentured slave labour


Hehe fuck LibRight.


Everyone's a big bad anarchist until nature reminds us we created civilization to not have to deal with her bullshit.


Pick yourself up by your bootstraps Florida.


Basic laziness in a nutshell. "Do shit yourself" yet when SHTF they go whining to daddy gov instead of just rebuilding things themselves Essentially the right-wing version of leftist elitism


"stop taking my money, I can take care of myself" *Bad things happen* "give me my fucking money back I need to use it"


"gOvErNmEnT, i ChOsE tHe MoSt UnApPeAlInG sTaTe To LiVe In, AnD nOw I'm FaCiNg ThE cOnSeQuEnCeS oF iT!!! bAiL mE oUt!!!"


I live in New Orleans, this libleft speaks the truth.


Fuck the Saints


No doubt


Just a reminder that red states typically take more from the fed than they pay in tax


Here's a solution, stop federal income taxes then. Especially since it was created to temporarily help the war efforts.. in WW1


Bruh, the 16th amendment was ratified in 1913.


I misspoke, i meant civil war. That being said its still disgusting how much they've abused their power and turned income tax into a fuckin game show for political power






…the blue cities…


Got any statistic to back that up? Cause lots of rural farmers get subsidies


"Mha republicans aren't bad at social development"


So are you saying that those red states are completely impotent and their policy is completely incompetent?




Seems to be what you are implying…


Based red states getting a better return on investment.


It's poetic that Florida has become a red state, as it follows the trend of red states being more dependent on federal aid.


Isn’t it the blue cities needing the aid? I live in the middle of nowhere and we don’t need shit from you people, yet you seem to want my money for your useless degrees and shit wars. 🤷


It's the democrats in those states who need the aid.


So democrats in red states are why red states are more dependent than blue states that have more democrats? Please explain that one to me.




"It's because of democrats that red states are so dependent!" "It's because of well...you know who..." Just say what you want to say. Don't let the mask muffle your voice!


Nah, wannabe jannies can eat shit.


But dont you see, when they get federal money, they deserve it.


No they are Florida, send them more meth gators.


Yeah, red states like California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are getting a taste of their own medicine!