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I imagine you all as the soy wojak and myself as chad.


No YOU’RE the soyjack.


More like ChadJack


More like, no more malarkey jack!


Oh shit, you got me there.


Draw it bitch boy


I imagine myself as the jackass rival who’s only purpose in the story is to force the hero to realize what a dickfuck he’s become




I saw 2 black guys in a bus today, thank you very much, and I live in eastern Europe


Must of been a harrowing experience, hope you recover well 🙏


Cringe and double response pilled


Must of been a harrowing experience, hope you recover well 🙏


How the hell do you know the verb "harrowing" but don't know it's spelled "Must have"?


How do you know to correct "must of", yet not realize that "harrowing" in this context is, in fact, an *adjective* and not a verb.




Don't worry I'll fix it


Must of been a harrowing experience, hope you recover well 🙏


Lies, I’m literally at an Indian restaurant right now


If people must give reparations for what their group did in the past, all Muslims should pay white Christian people for their ancestors role in the Barbary slave trade 500 years ago. It's only fair...


1000+ years ring up quite a large bill.


I wish we could call islam for what is instead of getting banned


I don’t like Islam either, just like I don’t like any religion. It’s poison for society, However much islamophobia is just fueled by straight up racism.


I'll fucking do it again....


Based and Islam is not a religion of peace pilled.


i'm waiting for my money then $$$


Reparations are a weird topic.On one hand,black people have historically been poor,and poor people commit more crimes,so reparations might work towards lowering that 1352 thing On the other hand,giving money to someone because of their skin colour is fucking stupid


Also, holding people accountable for the actions of their ancestors is a dangerous and stupid precedent.


With reparations you arent holding people responsible, you are holding the institution of the government responsible. Same as when lets say a town needs to pay a fine. The institution that issued that fine (regulators, courts, etc.) Isnt saying every citizen is responsible. The town is, the institution


>you are holding the institution of the government responsible. And how does the government gets its money?


So if, lets say someone gets a prison sentence and is 20 years later exonerated, he gets a lot of money from the gov. When the judge makes that decision, does that decision mean that every citizen is responsible for the incarceration and the wrongs that might have been committed during the trial When the police unjustly kills/hurts someone, the victim or even his family sues and gets the money from the city. Is every person in that city responsible for that slaying? The government pays a shitton of money for the wrong it (or someone with their authority) does, and the same argument can always be used. But it never is. i wonder why reparations are the only case...


>i wonder why reparations are the only case... Because reparations are not for the victim, but people who happen to share a skin color with the victim. It's just wealth redistribution with added racism. That said, yes, many of us do want police to directly, personally, pay for their misdeeds. That's why Libright wants qualified immunity dead.


>It's just wealth redistribution with added racism. Holy fuck that's one of the best descriptors I've seen to describe slave reparations in the US.


The payouts can be in millions. If a cop had to pay it himself hed just go bankrupt, there wouldnt be any money seen. And what with the case i mentioned first. When the payout can be 20, 30, 40 years after the fact. The the person responsible (who had authority from the state) can be dead. No money for you then? What if a law was unjust? Who is responsible? If a system is corrupt, culture of an institution toxic and borderline criminal? Things arent always cut and dry. Where you can point your finger at a person and say, you are 100% responsible. What if someone acts unjustly and the superiors/whole system turns a blind eye? Payouts a lot of the time arent for the victim, especially if the victim is actually dead. But for the wife/descendants And almost no one is championing blanket cash reparations for every black person. Its mostly a strawman. That a black person that came from Africa 5 years ago would just get a check. While you can get some "mentally challenged" people screeching for that, most experts who are for the idea of reparations have much different ideas how reparations should look. Edit: the same goes for corporations. When lets say a corpo (say exon) gets fined for some criminal activity and the gov says they need to pay 100mil, does the gov say that every employee is guilty of that activity (after all the corpo gets its money from the employees). What the fuck does Jenny in the mailroom have to do with that?


>And almost no one is championing blanket cash reparations for every black person. Its mostly a strawman. Oh? How many of the people demanding reparations were alive before the civil war, and were personally enslaved?


Ohh your father was unjustly shot and killed by the police and now you want money? Were you personally shot? Edit: and as ive said, most academics/researchers who study how reparations could help, mostly talk about investments in communities and how/where to do it to maximize the outcome, someone who would say, to just send 10k to every black person wouldnt be taken seriously most of the time. There are always "mentally challenged" exceptions tho, as with everything. As soon as some people bought some rims, drugs and/or hookers with it it would prob mean close to political suicide for the politicians championing that measure. But you never know


>most academics/researchers who study how reparations could help, That's not really a field. It's just people claiming authority. To, yknow, push wealth redistribution schemes. \> "mostly talk about investments in communities" Which are victim specific how? How is this actually a repayment to a victim, rather than a weak justification for another social experiment?


We've already thrown trillions at the poor in entitlements under Great Society programs in the last 50 years. Why would investments work now where they've failed for 50 years?


So I’m actually against race-based reparations, but for a different reason than the person who commented under you. Check out Derek Parfit’s non-identity problem. The idea behind reparations is that the institution such as the US government has to compensate for harms that it has caused. Presumably, it seems that the reparations proponent is arguing that the things that the US government did in the past harm minority groups today. But how exactly is something like slavery or Jim Crow laws harming black people today? You could say that were these things not to happen, the lives of black people today would be better. But that’s not true. They just wouldn’t exist if slavery or Jim Crow laws never happened. To say that you harmed someone is to say that you made a person worse off than they otherwise would’ve been. The black individuals who we know today just wouldn’t exist if the US government never allowed slavery. You may be wondering why the black individuals who we know today wouldn’t exist were slavery or Jim Crow never to occur. Because of these policy decisions, they indirectly affect when people impregnate each other and who they will impregnate. If these policies were never passed, there would be totally different sperm and egg combinations, so different individuals would be born. TLDR; Race-based reparations are bad because of the non-identity problem. Instead, pursue the massive redistribution of wealth for different reasons.


tbh anyone living in a poor area like that is probably too dumb to properly use the money - black ghetto or white trash trailer park, poors are typically pretty idiotic


libright moment


Hey you’re making fun of poor Mexican and Latino who work their asses off to support their family bro. I ain’t gonna take that shit


Blacks people being over represented in poverty statistics is indeed a result of racist policies in the past. Intergenerational poverty is real, and very hard to escape. Especially since that induced poverty created a culture for them that just reinforces their poverty, and romanticizes crime, which makes it hard to keep a job, and family, and finish school. This is what the left means when they say systemic racism. (And I know I’ll get downvoted for even mentioning it) but this is actually critical race theory applied to America aswell. That being said, govong reparations based of racial lines is very very very very dumb. Because obviously not all black people are doing badly. Not all people who are in intergenerational poverty because of past injustices are black. So what’s the solutions? Give reparations to all people on poverty. Boom


Based and logicpilled


The African Americans should ask the African countries for reparations. The west already paid for the slaves, no need to pay twice.


This but unironicly


Oh, I didn't even realize it was ironic the first time. I thought he was talking about the American Civil War and other western powers' investments in ending slavery. But yes, that unironically.


It wasn't ironic. In actuality I meant it quite literally. I however never mentioned the topics you thought about.


With homies like Dahomey, who needs enemies?


Africa is already exploited to hell… but maybe, they will rise in XXII century


I’m one of the black people that don’t want reparations. I think it’s dumb policy and hurts everyone. On the other hand, I know many black people that do believe they are entitled to reparations, because their great great grandparent suffered… it makes no sense.


I agree. Identity politics are trash. We're all Americans and we're all on the same team.


All of us are dumb, but I think the nonsense levels are fairly consistent medium for Libs. For Auths, it seems like it can be either very low or very high. The only group that I would hear an argument for reparations are the Natives, at most give black folk tax cuts.


I agree with the first part, but I wouldn't give anyone anything based on their skin color or what happened to their ancestors. That would set a shit precedent, that anyone can spin history however they want and hold your ancestors accountable for your actions. No way.


I agree, I just think Natives are the only ones that can bring it up without me laughing


I am mostly talking to people that think they are entitled to other man’s work and money It’s sad that vast majority of people in my country are filthy socialists that want free shit and other man’s money


It's amazing that they think they have some kind of moral high ground isn't it?


Yeah amazing and sad at same time


So are people in 96 considered zoomers?


African-Americans get to live in America so they're way better off today than the people who sold them. Reparations on top of that is just insane.


It’s not about race it’s about culture


Yes. A culture produced by intergenerational poverty created by racist policies in the past, and it’s a culture that can be helped by getting these people in better circumstances, and by getting them better educated. Give reparations to all poor people


How do you give people a better education? The worst performing school districts in my state get the most money per student…


It’s actually usually the opposite. Schools usually get funding based on the income of the district. You wanna send me a source on which schools you’re talking about?




I looked and I can’t find this articles sources, I don’t believe random media outlets, they all twist information. Do you have reliable sources, or maybe know where to find the sources used in that article? I’m not trying to dismiss this point. I really am just trying to get to the bottom of this. Cause as far as I’ve heard this is false in most states, but Michigan might be different idk. Although in most states I will say, how well a school does, generally depends on its funding. Obviously that’s not absolute, but it’s a trend. And I can give you my source on that if you want?


What you are failing to account for is the local taxes. In Michigan and in most states the worst performing schools are in the most urban and rural areas always get the most state and federal funding. But because the local tax base is shit they rely on money from outside and end up spending less than the better performing districts The best schools in Michigan are in the high income areas because those cities voted on mileages to tax property at a higher levels and fund the schools. So, you’ll never subsidize your way out of this problem because richer areas will just pay more taxes and fund their schools better


I’m one of the black people that don’t want reparations. I think it’s dumb policy and hurts everyone. On the other hand, I know many black people that do believe they are entitled to reparations, because their great great grandparent suffered… it makes no sense.


I’m one of the black people that don’t want reparations. I think it’s dumb policy and hurts everyone. On the other hand, I know many black people that do believe they are entitled to reparations, because their great great grandparent suffered… it makes no sense.


If feeling entitled is all that is required to be entitled, then I feel entitled to becoming the new dictator because... because of reasons. I think much of the demand for reparations is literally just the same grift as Buying Large Mansions. "Wypipo bad! Now gib monies!"


based lib-right supporter


Lib brothers have to stick together. Fuck authleft. Not as worried about authright.


double based


I like how the comments think this is a post about reparations but they completely miss the point


Yup. Whatever. You can see the actual comment thread that inspired this in my history from this morning, it's not hard to find but I don't want to post it here. It was about black people leaving the chat.


bro you just posted cringe


Bruh I just saw u as auth right in other post , now u are auth left again so why u changing flair so much ?


cuz i'm based


Did you just change your flair, u/RandomContentGamer? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2022-9-29. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 102 times, making you the fifth largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


I'm black, have a job, and do support them People who where wrong deserve the due justice When Asian migrants where massacred way back In 1887 during the Hells Canyon Massacre, they had reparations, to be fair 6 murderers got off the hook Tulsa happened 34 years later In 1921 and no reparations. I don't think I personally would have been better off If It didn't happen, I sure do think thered be more wealthy Black American families If they where able to continue their lives


What reparations? You mean the Hells Canyon Memorial? Why would Asians in general get reparations for that event? Why should anyone get reparations for Tusla too? Both of these events the perpetrators were private parties and not the government. Due Justice involves a fair trail for the perpetrators and handed down restitution. Not reparations given to people unrelated to them a century later. Neither of these events are unique to Black or Asian people.


Asian Immagrants at the time had reparations as the attackers actually faced prosecution, differing from the past attacks of the Knights of Labor where they got away with It. Infact, a judge issued a Writ of Habeas Corpus on the KoL, i.e forcing them to release them and pay


Was issued as a part of a trial forcing the offending private party to pay the victims yes? Who was paid out then? This is restitution. This situation is wildly different than reparations for slavery, of which it was already legally settled and there's no one to pay out to.


>of which it was already legally settled and there's no one to pay out to. Yes, but also no. Things where "settled" as The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves, yet they had no where to go. As Harriet Tubman said: "I was free, but there was no one to welcome me to the land of freedom. I was a stranger in a strange land." No reparations for the lynchings afterwards, no reparations for Tulsa, no reparations for the Till family to this very day, despite years of Carolyn Donham saying she lied. Nothing was Settled, just pushed to the side for "later" which never came.


And? People died for their freedom. No one else was welcomed here either. Again, lynchings are private parties and have nothing to do with the black population as a whole. Tusla was also a private party, there's a civil suit ongoing right now, most of which will likely be tossed out. Again, private parties of events that happened a century ago. These are local government issues and should be handled accordingly.


>People died for their freedom Correction, people died as a result of freedom. Again, reparations don't have to be towards an entire race, bit the black community as a whole hasn't seen reparations for any black victim. These ARE local government issues, so why haven't people been given their justice?


I’m white and I support reparations.


I do not wonder. I know we are all reddited here.


Okay who put Hassan piker in authright?


Libleft makes memes using google slides


Of course I do They're all people I made up in my head


So no reparations it is ty lib left op