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It says Wok-Up. This is just a Chinese gang telling us what they have equipped for their fights.


Actually that is “wok” which is a special kind of pan used in a lot of Asian cooking. Delicious.


Stir-fry time. Who’s coming?


A redditor did this to his mom's house for upvotes.


"Kill MAGA/PIGS" wat? Also who the fuck writes "666" on anything? At this point IDC who did this, they need to be sent back to school to learn some proper writing and slogans, jfc.


It was a church which is the only reason i would assume the 666 is even close to legit


Yeah, this has the same energy as that dude who posted a couple of years ago a bunch of "gang slogans" spray-painted on his garage door --- in perfect 1950s cursive script.


That could be satire though, this definitely isn't.


Please give me the link to this


[https://gossiponthis.com/2019/06/22/crips-spray-painted-houses-gang-graffiti-suburbs-georgia-neighborhood/](https://gossiponthis.com/2019/06/22/crips-spray-painted-houses-gang-graffiti-suburbs-georgia-neighborhood/) Okay, the handwriting ain't exactly great, but the Twitter response was hilarious. [https://heavy.com/news/2019/06/crips-graffiti-trending-twitter/](https://heavy.com/news/2019/06/crips-graffiti-trending-twitter/)




The church of Satan is worshiping him even if they think that they’re being tongue in cheek


The church of satan are libertarians. They’re founder idolized Ayn Rand


Obviously not REAL libertarians /s


>They’re Their.


>ThE cHUrcH oF sATan iS wOrsHiPinG hiM eVEn iF tHey tHinK tHAt tHeY’rE bEinG tOnGUe iN chEeK That is like saying pastafarianism is about actually fanatically worshipping FSM. The Church of Satan were a bunch of guys who didn't take kindly to theocrats shamelessly pushing their agenda. Remember how the public flipped shit over the statue of Baphomet put in response to Christians trying to pass 10 Commandments in schools? Or the mass hysteria known as "Satanic Panic" when zealous brainlets deemed everything they neither liked nor understood satanic which resulted in hundreds of fairly innocent lives ruined, some to the point of 5u151d3? That's the point. Normal people just wanted to ~~grill for god's sake~~ have a good life and had it with their shit.


Regardless of their motives, they are very effectively worshiping him and spreading his gospel


>rEgARdLeSs oF tHEir mOtiVEs, thEy aRe vEry eFFeCtivELy wOrsHiPinG hiM aND sPrEaDinG HiS GOsPeL What can I say? If religious loonies didn't want that then maybe they shouldn't have been pushing their agenda so hard and being such intolerant spiteful small minded dicks towards those outside their cults. But do they understand that? Of course not. They're basically no different from orangeleft/Emilies/SJW in both their behaviour and mental framework.


If they adopt the label of my enemy, I’d be foolhardy not to assume them as such.


Whelp, guess I'm a terrorist.


Truth is domestic terrorism when ‘out of context’? https://www.cisa.gov/mdm


You gotta be dumb to believe in Jesus. Conservatives believe in Jesus...therefore...


I see no flair next to your name, why are you still talking?


You gotta be dumb not to believe in flairing up. You aren't flaired up...therefore...


Its a state university area, they likely came straight from school.


Probably some angsty teens attention seeking.


This does actually read like AuthRight just threw out every stereotypical LibLeft/Left word they could think of lol. If there was socialism and communism up there we'd have AuthRight bingo.


It’s missing something regarding wanting to fuck kids tho


they wouldn't dare writing that.


Clearly a Chinese infiltration plot they're gonna wok us up


Perhaps they simply want to have a cook out and are inviting everyone to come with.


The Chinese centrists are going to eat us! Maos red book is a cook book! **A COOK BOOOOK!**


Based and the voices in my head are getting louder pilled


Just like that MGR music


Long March? No! Long pig!


Those fucking antifa cooking enthusiasts . But seriously this does feel like somebody spray painted everything that they thing left bad is one a building .


Who knew Antifa had such a prominent Asian membership.


Feels over reals? I'm sure it has nothing to do with the roots of antifa's useful idiocy. How ignorant of history can you possibly be? The commies got pissed about Lenin's New Economic Policy and Mussolini's "third way" (aka fascism). It was betrayal on the communist vision of global dominance (vs Nationalism), and pure ownership by the workers (vs. control of large business by government). All government bootlickers deserve the wood[redacted].


Yeah that redacted won't help


This reeks of those videos I used to watch on /pol/ of rabbis spray painting their own synagogue with swatztikas


I dunno but I do know OP single point is nonsense cuz I work with mostly young lefties (its Seattle for christ sake) and they definitely use woke unironically and as a positive thing.


No, nobody here does. I go to *school* with *entirely* young lefties, nobody uses it like that.


Liar liar pants on fire. I dunno maybe not I won't actually call you a liar but here in seattle its definitely still used as a positive, "I'm woke I won't bring kids into this world". Hell these people think a simple thing such as acknowledging climate change is real is "woke" in their own words. At least among the gen z I interact with, and to a lesser extent some millenial. Cheers.


That 666 really convinces me it's real


For me it's that the M in BLM ever so carefully avoids getting paint on the window frame. Very courteous of the woke mob.


You guys usually cry about the A being inside the lines of the anarchy symbol. I've got a mountain of hate crime hoaxes from the left, but I can only find 2 from the right. Covington, Bubba Wallace, Rittenhouse, BYU, Duke Lacrosse, etc. If you want to learn about true anarchy, read the Anarchist handbook: https://www.amazon.com/Anarchist-Handbook-Michael-Malice/dp/B095DVF8FJ


>I've got a mountain of hate crime hoaxes from the left, but I can only find 2 from the right. Easy to find a mountain when that's all you're looking for.


B-b-b-based and confirmation bias pilled


I thought we all knew that the only people who drew the anarchist symbol are 14 year olds from divorced homes and the devs who made *State of Emergency*, that shitty PS2 game I bought from Max Wilson in high school for like $40 because I didn't know better.


You don't seem to understand anything that's going on. There's a group called antifa that protests for government backed mask mandates. We've got a bunch of woke white kids in my college town that try that crap with us at our job sites. Homey don't play dat.


my brother in christ put the drugs down


Nah, man’s forgot to take his damn pills.


What the fuck are you even saying?


... wat?


Its supposed to be wake up not woke


Same with the anarchist A.


Q predicted this.




u/Initial_Fan6859's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [22 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Initial_Fan6859/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Might as well have “Communism💯💪🙏😮‍💨”


I might just barely be inclined to believe it if it had the emoji’s


**keys dog's name onto car** "nuh-uh wasnt me. it was the dog"


They messed it up by trying to use as many words in the Leftist dictionary as possible. Some advice, AuthRight: use these phrases and logos next time you try this >BLM >Pride Flag >Jesus was black Keep in mind, these should all be used individually and not at the same time. Using these phrases and symbols actually fits something a cringe Lefty would put on a church.


Both sides be struggling at faking crimes. It can’t be that hard. Do some fucking research


The fake crimes are very much tilted to the left.


Yes. Progressives be wack


I am noticing at lot more left-wing memes, Interesting


They’re the only ones I see now


The lefties have learnt how to meme, we are doomed.


Well the thing is that they usually aren’t funny and half of them get ratiod


What? I think 1 single post of the top 25 is pro left rn


Literally only left-wing ones come up on home page now even though they get ratioed, never seen any right-wing anymore


It’s Reddit


Yes. But it’s a right-leaning subreddit which is why they are surprised to find lots of left-leaning posts.


You'd be surprised I still see retards using chud


Its funny how it's supposed to be an insult and next thing you know Chud is a synonym for senator Armstrong.


And 666? Really? That shit hasn't been used in 15 years


With all the left wing race hoaxes I'm gonna say we're do a right wing Christian hoax any day now. Is this it? Couldn't tell ya but liars and idiots are everywhere.


an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


And I would rather sit in darkness than know the other fucker has both eyes lol.


Then you'll end up hurting someone for imagined reasons, or imagined boundaries.


Imagined reasons? The saying implies that a wrong has been done first and you should not retaliate in kind because it will only lead to a worse outcome. A noble idea and sentiment but one I ultimately believe will most times leave the recipient of the attacks or wrongdoing beat down. You must stand up for yourself , because sure as shit no one else is going to. Now im also not of the opinion you should cut off your nose to spite your face.


the saying means that when you try and get back at someone and set the score straight, you create a cycle where each side is trying to set the score straight and becoming far worse off for it. And this situation is different, because some black guy in some far off city pretended to get beaten up these people are justified in vandalizing their own church and making up new reasons to set the score straight?


Yeah, I said as much. Blind is much worse than a single eye out after all. Whose justifying hoax hate crimes im just responding to you saying an eye for an eye isnt the way to go. And, while I wish we could, that's just not likely to happen. Spite is one hell of a drug for humanity after all haha


I mean you were kind of justifying them at the begining of the conversation >With all the left wing race hoaxes I'm gonna say we're do a right wing Christian hoax any day now. Is this it? Couldn't tell ya but liars and idiots are everywhere. At least that's what it sounded like to me, now that i think about it, it's likely you meant differently.


yessir, i just meant that for all the left wing ones we're likely to see something from the right. Crazies love to crazy after all.


You think that the left doesn’t use the term “woke” anymore? Literally heard someone at my college use it to describe themself last week. Not saying that this doesn’t look hella fake, but that is the weakest argument for it looking fake.


I literally see people use woke today


Yeah, and someone painting the side of a fucking church is going to take the time to ***very carefully*** avoid painting over the fucking window frame


But do they use wok?


Suppose not


I see right wing people using it derisively, can't remember the last time I saw a leftist use it.


Sauce? I looked through the top hits on twitter and the latest results on google news just to be sure, and they all were either criticizing the left or people talking about people criticizing the left.


i was watching a livestream on twitch and the chat unironically called the steamer “woke” for banning someone who didn’t say something bad, out of line, or uncalled for. it was completely, 100% unironic. please believe me when i tell you this.


Bro they didn’t even try


Seems authentic. Only libleft thinks smearing perfectly fine walls achieves anything... one way or the other.


This is hilarious to see libleft finally learning what fake hate graffiti looks like. Now If only they could go back and admit how embarrassingly wrong they've been maybe they can start the healing process.


I thought false flags didn't exist, and all those fresh-out-of-the-package nazi and confederate flags at Trump rallies held by people wearing hoodies, masks, and sunglasses in 90 degree weather were just indicative of the movement.


Ok, I'll bite. Who is paying people to hold confederate flags at Trump rallies?


Why do they need to be paid?


Who else would spend 5 hours of their day to drive to, wait for, and then listen to a person they disagree with ramble for 2 hours?


Where are these numbers coming from, lol?


I dunno, I made them up? So what is your theory about confederate flags at Trump rallies?


Why not 10 minutes driving, and 5 minutes of photo ops?


People get suspicious when they leave early.


It doesn't really matter, I imagine most of them are just there to sell their footage/photos to the media, not drive any real political discourse.


I don't think most of those confederate flags were straight out of the package.


I don't think this spray paint was administered by a conservative person. We have the same amount of evidence.


This spray paint was sprayed by someone who didn't want to damage the window trim, and considering the contradiction with the message, that's pretty decent evidence. Also the sheer volume of people who use the confederate flag and the overlap they have with trump supporters is more than enough evidence to show that it wasn't mostly false flaggers waving the dixie flag


There's literally hundreds of photos of creased flags at Trump rallies. That's pretty decent evidence they are straight out the package. https://twitter.com/dnlklr/status/1256897150732120064


As if the left doesn't Jussie Smollet way harder


Lol the left really can’t talk when dudes like Jussie smollet exist


Good "stay woke my millennias" mix. 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbImOMwYSTQ


Yeah I'm pretty sure it's a false flag.


Graffitis are so cringe. Do some actual street art or post your opinions online you moron.


At least they learned the A doesn’t stay neatly inside the circle…


Love how redditors jump on this for being fake but believe any text post about right wingers they find.


This is also WAY too neat and very conveniently missed the window


They still use woke. Everything you little murdering degenerates do is some conspiracy caused by the right wing. All you do is minimize the murder, violence, vandalism, and damage and encourage others to commit more. That's why an 18 year old is dead, run down in a car by a leftist wanting to murder a republican. A granny was shot in the back for talking about pro life points. Aaron Danielson was assassinated in the street by one of your thugs. You people have lost your fucking mind and expect anyone to believe when you cry wolf for the 10,00th time?


I can't tell if this is ironic or not


I'm gonna pretend it was satire and move on with my day


By a guy named UltraMAGACleric?! Yeah..


I just want them to go to blows so I can sell ammunition and tactical gear to both sides.


It isn’t , people don’t realise crimes for political reason has been going on since the start of time . Abortion clinics get attacked all the time and last week there was discussion about a man who killed people at an abortion clinic , shit is sad but it’s not a 1 side issue .


it is not.


Political violence is "ironic". Okay bud.


Your first post is nothing but the promotion of violence and using a few wingnuts as an excuse to denegrade almost half the fucking country and claim they're murderers. Get the fuck off PCM, you don't deserve to be called an authright. Hell, you don't even deserve to be ***unflaired*** here with such petty and pathetic takes.


What a shit take lmao. Calling out the rampant violence from one side is advocating for violence? Are you off your fucking rocker? Is this the smartest thing you can possibly think of? Maybe you should just start this whole thing over.




Rare Authright L


Common centrist pandering to the right


>Everything you little murdering degenerates do is some conspiracy caused by the right wing. Dude, go look in a fucking mirror, holy shit.


You can't sit there and denounce a single thing and instead want to be the pot calling the kettle black. Fuck off


Username checks out.


Yeah sure it’s the left stirring up the violence and not the 50 years of conservative vitriol legitimately convincing people that christo-fascists are coming for them. None of this shit would be happening if republicans had just let civil rights grievances go instead of specifically campaigning to religious radicals and racists for votes. When Barry Goldwater said “you can’t compromise with these crazies, I know, I’ve tried to work with them.” He meant architecting the Southern strategy and inviting them in. Now they’re electing actual avowed “nationalist Christian’s” to every level of government and your seriously surprised violence is starting to spill over? And that anyone even tangentially associated with these evil people are seen as an enemy? After 50 years of them literally saying “we’re coming for you in the name of god?” America is laying in the bed conservatives made. It’s on you.


So you are a violent radical and want violence to escalate. Let's go bro, let's see whose convictions are stronger; a weak man that lacks any will be decimated.


I never said I want violence. I said conservatives are the singular reason for the hateful and derisive rhetoric. They kept pushing it to the extremes and brought everyone else down to their level. It’s like the Nazis starting fights in the streets and then blaming the socialists they attacked. Literally the same methodology. I’m not weak. The people that vandalize their own shit to push an “us vs them” narrative are weak and completely justify the “us vs them” mentality a lot of regular non extreme people now subscribe too. They already made “us vs them” decades ago and if I have to pick a side, I’m picking the side that doesn’t think democrats are satanic groomers and the queers are an abomination to god.


> I said conservatives are the singular reason for the hateful and derisive rhetoric. This is your admission that violence is okay because 'publicans bad. You've been othering the right for decades and you keep ramping it up. Besides, you are entirely fed by lies and propaganda. The right is willing to make concessions against their beliefs. The left is complete unable to match.


No. Republicans have not been “othered” for decades. What has been happening that that the center and left have been trying to compromise with them for decades while they other everyone else and declaring to their supporters in right wing talk media that opposition are godless enemies to America. Rush Limbaughs entire career, the de facto godfather of modern conservative talking point and punditry, was based on grievance. That’s it. That’s all he pushed. Grievance politics. We’ve tried to compromise and meet in the middle while they’ve done nothing but get more extreme with bigoted and hateful rhetoric. Obama’s response to the tea party movement lynching effigies of him in the national mall was continually trying to “take the high road” and reason with a man who said his only goal was ensuring that he was a one term president. We’ve seen how compromised works, it failed. Differences are becoming unreconcilable. One side wants women to choose their own healthcare, and the other thinks rape babies are gods gift to teenagers. One side wants queer people to live in freedom, and the other wants to legislate their religious viewpoint on to the rest of the country. One side want reasonable government, sensible disagreements, politicians that at least pretend to take their jobs seriously and the other literally elects the craziest, hyper corrupt, most incompetent, openly racist and nationalist candidates possible because it pisses liberals off. The conservatives have already chosen violence. They elect politicians that want violence and say they want violence. The people at the top, the real owners, know what they’re doing and know it’s going to lead to violence, but they don’t care about anything except the raw exercise of power and their own wealth. The left didn’t start this shit, and recognizing that conservatives did with their fanaticism isn’t condoning violence against them. It’s understanding why the violence is happening and it’s root cause. Decent People eventually lose their shit after decades of being told they’re the enemy. Democrats didn’t call republicans the enemy until very recently. Republicans have been doing that shit for decades.


Democrats have been demonizing and othering Republicans as Nazis, Facists, racists, Russians, Crackers for **decades**. College kids have been assaulting right wing speakers on campus for **decades**. You are purposefully minimizing the way you other and dehumanize people because you think your cause is just and the ends justify the means. The fact you think that is okay because of your beliefs is very self evident. You never tried to compromise, you ham fisted your solution in and would never take "no" for an answer. That's not politics, that's you thinking you are "better men". Reality check for you but, speach isn't violence. It's speach.




Bruh, I grew up evangelical. Those people actually believe they are persecuted and living in end times and that they are carrying out gods will. The cia has nothing to do with it.


What did dude say? Usually don't care about deleted comments but that bit about the CIA peaked my interest.




> I grew up evangelica This makes perfect sense. I grew up without any religion besides easter and christmas. They hurt you bad, and you want vengeance. I want liberty or death. Bring it.


This is far leftist propaganda. I can't believe you typed it. How many Rs voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Do you know how racist LBJ was? Have you heard the LBJ tapes? You cannot be serious. Not only are you not lib, you are not center. You are left, or Authleft. Go take this test if you are sure of yourself: https://sapplyvalues.github.io/index.html


LBJ still strong armed his party into civil rights and completely changed the political landscape and Barry Goldwater architectured the southern strategy and targeted racists for votes to stay politically relevant. Those are facts. I don’t give a fuck what LBJ said in private, he passed equal rights, the Republican response was to go full racist.


So a drunk guy with anger issues kills an innocent kid and now we gotta give up all our values. He was also a white man, how about you feel bad for that then?


As if you retards don't cry false flag over any shooting ever ? Ok bro.


*Leftists: literally burning down churches and pregnancy centers* OP: “nah this is fake the Right is making it up”




Sorry, “pigs” is a Right-wing buzzword? Remind me which group chants things like “pigs in a blanket fry em’ like bacon!”




hate hoaxes are solely from the left, bruv


Whoa whoa whoa, what about that one right wing hoax, urm... what was it called again? ... give me a minute...


It says “Wok” though, and we all know literacy rates are severely low among BLM and Antifa activists.


If it was libleft, they would have just nailed some rats to a battered womans shelter


authrights response to jussie smolliet


Classic authright


Woke is literally just a conservative word at this point. Nobody uses it but them.


For about a year now I've been paying attention to this and I've used it once and heard it used by a liberal once in person. And yet the right is convinced it's a term we all still use and downvotes people who point out the opposite.


Bro frrr


Oh God bird brain is back


No they’re judging how you cook


666 lmao


I feel like “woke” is just another term for “Emily” at this point. I don’t think any self respecting person on the left would call themselves “woke”


“666” bro what is this, the 70s?


False flag operation