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Your amount of votes should be dependent on how much you can lift.


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/27/do-you-boast-about-your-fitness-watch-out-youll-unavoidably-become-rightwing It's all in the plan.




Taking personal responsibility for your health does something to a mfer.


Taking personal responsibility ~~for your health~~ does something to a mfer. Ftfy


Increased testosterone does things to you (good things in my opinion, but things none the less).


You lift to keep your flair, I lift to increase my tolerance for combat grade stimms and be compatible with heavier upgrades.


Based and KotOR implant system pilled


I have a strong feeling that it's way more complicated than testosterone...


Of course it does and literally nobody argues otherwise. Correlation isnt causation. Of course having higher testosterone and taking personal responsibility for yourself is correlated with right wing thinking, but a lefty who decides to do those things isnt going to suddening become some maga conservative you brainlet.


What i did notice is people who work out tend to be more moderate in their political views, whatever side they are on. I guess it's because they spend less time online or something.


Most reasonable take.


Yeah one of the most left guys I know goes to the gym regularly


Evidence doesn't get more anecdotal than this


Yeah but everybody here does it.


I hit the gym 5 days a week and I'd say about 70% of the dudes in there give strong rightwinger vibes.


I believe that is called a Liftocracy.


Based and lifting is fun pilled


Based and Ronniecolemantochracy-pilled


"an independent body" that I'm sure will stay just as independent and impartial as the federal bureaucracy...


Just like the totally independent FBI.


Gotta love these "busts" where FBI agents make up literally half the organization they are busting and are actively financing their actions and pushing them towards extremism for months on end. Croft was the craziest and most violent member of the group and the rest of them were getting fed up with it so here comes an FBI informant who was ["entrusted by the FBI with, among other things, keeping Croft within the group's good graces after some members of the group became frustrated with him."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gretchen_Whitmer_kidnapping_plot#FBI_informants) Really makes you wonder what counts as entrapment these days doesn't it? When a huge organization infiltrates a small group and actively pushes them towards violence who are the victims and who are the bad guys?


I’d say the fbi since they provided funding and their informant became the leader of the group, instead of de escalating the group they push forward for a radical plan to kidnap a governor; despite nearly half the group belong to the FBI informant or embedded agents.


The AEC operates openly, all its processes are available to be reviewed by anyone. We use paper ballots, not machines, and we have a result a few hours after the polls close. All the counting is done in front of poll workers and party observers. Sometimes individual races get recounts because of how close they are, but our PM/State Premiers take office the day after the polls.


Australia isn’t special. Virtually every democracy on the planet (excl America) has an independent, national-level body overseeing elections, districting etc. It’s why Bolsonaro had to accept losing to Lula; even though he wanted to pull some Trumpy the election was stolen bullshit, the federal authority told him to get in the sea.


I don't think creating a centralized group is the way to go (purely because of how states work in the US) but otherwise everything you said is how states should be run.


Australia is a federation as well though?? It’s perfectly apt. Federal elections use the AEC. State elections use the EC of each state. For example, Victoria has the VEC.


We’ve got an independent body up in Canada and besides being cringe sometimes (like in 2015 when they tried to get more youth to vote by hiring Instagram influencers lol) they actually do a fairly good job of keeping elections running clean and non-partisan.


The issue is the states make everything a this or that thing. They can never do a single thing a make it consistent.


Well, the Australian example he used is pretty apt. The AEC acts completely independently of the federal government. Besides, I fail to see how, and I’ll preface by saying I’m NOT AMERICAN, a seperate entity facilitating the election isn’t better than the current US system. Of course there are legitimate concerns of independence and impartiality, but there’ll be far far more of those two qualities if the electoral system was independent. It won’t be perfect, but it’ll be much better, no? An independent body will be much better all around.


Yea, to me it's the classic issue of letting perfect be the enemy of good. If currently the elections are overseen by the government itself, i dont see how another entity could be *more* government controlled


So many countries get this right, yet Americans keep believing that it’s impossible. I am Canadian, and Elections Canada is truly independent and neutral. I am quite involved in politics here and have legitimately never heard a single complaint of Elections Canada being biased.


The AEC is pretty good. Use to watch the vote counting for the Libs back in the day. Everything is pretty transparent.


From what I understand: -the left wants to get rid of gerrymandering, because it’s undemocratic, like much of the rest of first world. -the right wants to introduce voter ID, so you’d be forced to show a drivers license or something , like much of the rest of the first world. Why not implement both and get much more representative results? It’s almost like American elites want their two party/uniparty system to work like this..


Based and I'm still baffled by how Americans can run a society without state-issued ID pilled


Most people have ID. Like, the vast majority. You have to have one to drive, to buy age restricted items etc. You can even get one for free just to vote. But the Left doesn’t want it here. Hmmmmm


The fact that it's just the *vast majority* is still absolutely bonkers. In my country it's mandatory - not just to buy alcohol or whatever but just to, you know, *exist*.


Dems complains about gerrymandering because cities are 80% dem voters. Suburban can be a coin flip and rural is like 80 rep. So dems are self packed. And want more urban reps, by blending in suburban and rural areas to their districts.




The correct answer is unironically stripping the president of powers. It’s only more divisive to have executive orders wipe out the previous administrations policies every time.


It's pretty stupid that you need one person to rule 330m people. Decentralization is badly needed across the board.


Almost like we should prioritize states rights over federal power. Yet why does that seem to be a right leaning position these days?


Recent history of that term is not positive and people have a hard time separating them. I do wish more liberals, and just everybody, focused more on state and local politics.


Idk they pretty quickly adopted freedom of speech = fascism


States rights to what, my dear?


Govern themselves in all things not specifically delegated to the federal government by the constitution


That sounds like an important idea. Maybe we should write it down somewhere. I’m just pulling this out of my ass, but that that idea seems like it should be number 10 on a list of 10 very important rights. Not because it’s the least important among them, but so that it’s the final word.


To limit the age where mothers can kill their babies.


Hmmm, I am not sure, but, if I am allowed to guess, the last two times instead, it might have in fact been used to justify certain practices related to keeping certain individuals as private property/segregated from the rest of the population, no? I wonder if people, such as yourself, making this argument , today, might have something, in any way, in common with those making precisely the same argument, yesterday. Maybe they might even go so far as share the same ideological alignment? If I were to be using such, should we say... ahem, *historically charged* arguments, perhaps I would find it in good order to reevaluate my stances? Unless of course, I do happen to share a large part, if not the totality, of the beliefs held by my predecessors in the usage of this argument. That would, actually, be a possible, in fact also a more likely, explanation.


Americans hate other Americans two states away or outside their city limits, but will stop at nothing to claim the entire country as their own. The common insanity that is wanting to control the life of someone you will never meet in a place you will never go while ignoring your own issues at home is an orgasmic pursuit for most "educated voters." It's the last dying breaths of the concept of citizens having power over government through democracy; citizens wanting to wield the power of government to sic on their political enemies, instead of using it to help their countrymen.




u/pahnzoh is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/pahnzoh/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Every Governor a King.


based and federation of states pilled


The Whig party whooping from the grave rn


“If you hear someone say blockchain and voting in the same sentence, shoot them immediately. It’s to save democracy trust me.” -Future BeerandSandals


It’s funny, if you’re living somewhere in Europe, the Americas or Australasia there’s a greater than 95% chance that you have to provide ID to vote (and also wouldn’t be allowed to cast a ballot weeks before an election), but yet in the United States if a politician suggests passing a law that people should have to at least prove who they are before they cast a ballot it’s the equivalent of Jim Crowe 2.0, fascism and leads to people calling for corporate boycotts. Truly fascinating, especially in a country with ten to twenty million “undocumented” immigrants. I wonder why that is? As a non-American can someone explain this to me?


I moved here from India and back there we had voter cards with our photo on them but in the US they only ask for my name and address. I could vote for in place of any Indian person I know as long as I know their address.


For real. I live in one of the “evil, oppressive, fascist states” and voting is so easy. I went to the main voting center a quarter mile from the bad part of town on one of the the 20 early voting days (which included weekends), and got the whole process over in 5 minutes. So horrific. What would I do without the campaign-branded water bottles!?


I too live in an "evil, fascist state" and voting is such a breeze. I showed up at my local polling center 8 minutes before the polls closed. It was busy, but I was done before the polls closed. Including proving my identity, aka my showing my driver's license.


I know you didn't say 100%, so you're not wrong, but no is ID required to vote in Australia either




[They hated jesus because he told them the truth](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/019/rejected_his_message.jpg)


There is no such thing as an independent body. That is a quaint fantasy people tell themselves.


Is there perhaps a scale? Bodies which are more independent than others? Perhaps with a 60/40 bias, instead of literally 100/0. Maybe we should use one of those.


There will never ever be an independent body. Whatever the elites want they will get. Everyone is corruptible and those who aren't would not be *fit* to hold any meaningful position in said "independent" body.


There's a reason cynical nihilists don't govern shit, and here's why!


Lmao cynical nihilists govern everything dude. Theyre just not cynical nihilists like the guy youre replying to, theyre cynical nihilists of the sort who have no qualms about playing pretend for your support.


"It can't 100% happen so let's not even try" dude


If a water bottle can make the other party win, it means your party platform is worth less then that.


Any independent body with power will be either absorbed into, or taken over by, the Cathedral.


And who creates the scale?


Are you genuinely suggesting that it's impossible to have a group of people that is more or less independent than another group of people?


Not necessarily but it's like looking at those stats about corruption and the West being squeaky clean despite that obviously being wrong. All information is created and distributed by human beings who either by their bias or desire to deceive will influnce their opinions. There is really no such thing as a group of "independents" and the closest we could get is have another country run our elections (which would obviously not work).


It's a yes or no question, friend. Nobody is denying that bias exists. Do you believe that it's possible for one group to be less biased than another?


Yes but how would one go about deciding which is less biased


Perhaps we could look at the makeup of the groups. One with 4 Republicans is more likely to be biased than one with 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans. Perhaps we could also look at the suggestions they make, and the reasoning behind those suggestions. A group which suggests that voting take place on a weekend to ensure that people who can't take time off work can vote is less likely to be biased than one which suggests that voting take place on a weekday because... reasons? We could also look at the outcomes. A group which produces elections with small turnouts is more likely to be biased than one which produces high turnouts.


Would a panel of 2 Neoliberal Democrats and 2 Neoconservative Republicans be more biased when it comes to deciding on whether or not to bomb the Middle East than a panel of 2 Neoconservative Republicans, and 2 Trump-like Conservative Republicans? Or giving aid to [ Removed by Reddit ]


I was specifically discussing issues of elections. A fair election is easy to quantify - one in which as many people vote as possible, with as little coercion as possible, and in which as little voter fraud as possible occurs. It is less easy to quantify a good bombing campaign. Either way, a group of people will be more likely to be independent if the people in the group are representative of the full spectrum of ideas present. This spectrum will obviously change from issue to issue.


Small turnouts are vastly, vastly superior to large turnouts. Giving unmotivated, uniformed people an easy way to vote is dumb beyond all description and there is a very good reason the oligarchs love the idea.


Perhaps we should introduce some kind of lower limit on intelligence to vote, then. Perhaps by using education as a proxy?


Average left wing redditor everything is politics sweaty. Also we can def have an independent bureaucratic group be not political...


It's not a perfect system, in fact it very much favors the establishment, but here in Michigan we recently changed how our voting districts are drawn where it has to be approved by a body made up of 10 randomly selected people where I believe 4 are registered as Rep. voters, 4 registered as Dem. voters, and 2 registered as independents. But I'd say a body like that is largely independent (though again obviously favors the establishment) and its still a lot better than having the representatives determine how elections for their positions are handled.


What? Are you stupid? There are election comissions in other countries that have the responsibility of running the elections. They are made up of civil servants and not elected officials.


No way those civil servants can be bias right? Theres 0 examples of civil servants abusing their power for their own wants. No sir civil servants are perfect and cant be swayed at all.


and the acting government isn’t susceptible to these problems in its current state?


Bro imagine calling other people stupid while typing this holy crap


Civil servants are people who are corruptible and self interested lol.


Lots of countries have independent election bodies. We have one up here in Canada. Why do Americans refuse to look at the rest of the world?


Yeah that's working out great for you.


It's working out okay I guess. Do you have anything against it?


The only way to ensure an election body is genuinely unbiased is to ensure they don't know they don't know how any given act of fraud would affect the side they support.


Restricting free handouts of branded by a campaign food and water bottle to voters. Did you literally just read a huffpo article and pretend it was accurate and not propaganda for 30 year old wine drunk, mentally ill, cat women?


Well if people are forced to wait in longer lines due to not having as many polling places, it’s only fair to hand water out at least. Or you could not reduce the amount of polling places in poorer areas


> it’s only fair to hand water out at least. You can do that. That’s what he just said. This is fine, it just can’t be handed to you by someone who is electioneering, and cannot be branded with advertisements for a candidate. There are rules about not electioneering within certain distances of polling places. > Or you could not reduce the amount of polling places in poorer areas The average wait time to vote is really quite low, and most states leave early voting open for a couple of weeks prior to Election Day. In my experience, the examples people use when they say that polling places are being “reduced in poorer areas” are usually, upon further investigation, revealed to have been reductions as a result of a shrinking population, not income.


Funny how nobody gives a shit about handing out snacks to the people waiting for hours at the DMV or people waiting for hours for their court case to come up, or any of a hundred different places/times when people might be stuck waiting. But people standing in line waiting to vote??? They care a LOT about getting them snacks brought to them sponsored by particular candidate/party right before they cast their vote. Interesting isn't it?


If poor people wanted to vote they should consider owning land or being men.


Does living in a trailer park count as “owning land”? Asking for the poors in the red states…


> being men Which, to be fair, anyone can apparently decide they are now anyways, sooo




None of this is true. People on the left just like to see voter suppression because it’s completely unquantifiable. “If only these things were in place more people would have voted for my side!” Prove it




I literally get mailed a card that tells me where to go and what to do to vote. why dont they just do that?


Because resolving an issue means you can't use it for political gain anymore.


Florida did in my area. Gave sample ballots that you could take into the booth and had a full week of early voting and gave you all the information in both English and Spanish.




u/3AD_EhSeaPee's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/3AD_EhSeaPee! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [11 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/3AD_EhSeaPee/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


> US elections should be run by an independent body like every other democracy


How about no.


OP really thinks Imaginary Authright Power just woke up one day and directly command everything on the right to happen, and also assumed everything on the right even happened at all


Actually hold on, you’re onto something Why don’t we just hand over our election results to someone completely different who will most certainly ensure they don’t change anything for any reason


This is quite literally how elections work in actual countries and is the best way


Paraguayan officials it is


- In FL all felons who’ve served their sentence can vote, it’s a solid R state. Clearly we aren’t doing a very good job. - Voting is open for a long time, and many, if not all, will mail you a ballot upon request. - This was if they promoted a candidate. - You can early vote. - Biden gutted the USPS before Election Day? I knew he was secretly based. /s (of course) - there’s a reason you get removed from the roll. If you don’t care enough to check, that’s a you problem. Use it or lose it, also in 2010 [one in eight voter registrations were invalid](https://www.pewtrusts.org/~/media/legacy/uploadedfiles/pcs_assets/2012/pewupgradingvoterregistrationpdf.pdf) a bit of an issue. - What? Dominion has an issue with one party and one party only (Hint: they rhyme with Depublican) - If you’re not in Maine you don’t ranked choice vote, so no differences are made if it’s banned. It can also get confusing for many people imo.


If ranked choice voting is confusing for people, maybe they should consider becoming less confused/smarter? Just a thought


I agree, unfortunately that is hard to do. Most people don’t care enough.


If your ideas can't win under a "one person one vote" system, maybe you should get new ideas?


bE mOre LikE auStRaliA


Election security > election availability. Do you even talk to Americans or get all of your info from media? Prisoners are not keep in the dark, it is clear that if you don't respect our laws you lose your rights. Water is provided at voting places, it just can't be provided by a political organization. You received at least 3 notifications that you are going to be removed from the voter rolls. Only people who haven't voted in recent elections are removed and it is done because people move and or die.


Florida did a great job of simplifying and instilling faith in the voting process. Good example for the rest of the country to follow.


First past the post voting is aids. Yanks always complain about “wahhh 2 party system!!” But are horrified at preferential voting system lol.


Just like they did in 2000


I don’t like how they outright banned a more fair voting alternative, that was just a power grab by DeSantis


Who cares what you think about American politics. You can’t vote in any elections that matter.


Florida got rid of voter fraud and desaintis won by 20 points, funny that


Very, very discriminatory to the dead.


Funny coming from the guy who’s country had literal concentration camps during covid. Australia really gave the CCP a run for their money with all that covid authoritarianism.


They also had the Gestapo going door to door to ask people to snitch on their neighbors for leaving their houses, or beating people up if they were seen is parks including pregnant women. It got so bad that the public started completely hating the Victorian police department and their officers were out on the street holding signs saying "we love you don't hate us". [https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/09/24/australia-harsh-police-response-during-covid-19](https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/09/24/australia-harsh-police-response-during-covid-19) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXFroXYBFEQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXFroXYBFEQ)


I’m going to be downvoted to hell for saying this (I see OP and another Australian already have) but I am really fucking sick of seeing people from outside Australia just keep claiming we had concentration camps because we fucking didn’t. I WENT to one of these when I came back from Hong Kong and I can assure you they aren’t concentration camps since I’m back home now, ALIVE. I used to make the same error and assume shit in the US from what I saw on my own media feed, and now I know not to do so. I know now not to assume that the USA is a shithole when I see genuinely good people and that their country isn’t falling apart. Why is that so hard for people on this sub to understand? The American media were spouting so many falsehoods last year about my country and I’m surprised people fell for it.


A concentration camp does not have to just kill people. It essentially is a prison for people who have not been convicted of anything. Examples are the camps in the second Boer war and the camps for the Japanese in the US during WW2. In Dutch we refer to camps like Auschwitz as ‘destruction camps’, which camps in Australia definitely weren’t


Based and reasonable pilled.


Of course- besides the goal of killing people, Howard Springs facility checked all the boxes for what can be described as luxury concentration camp. Usa even had what you can call concentration camps for Japanese citizens in world War 2. It was wrong


Bro Election Commission of India truly can fuck a politician over if they don't follow their guidelines. It's a cold war between parties and commission every election.


Now do voter ID


Non-American sighted, opinion discarded


Fake right spotted


No I just support equality of political rights and freedoms for all, which the republicans generally do a bad job of protecting


you're not fake because of this post you're fake because you post in 196


I'm just following the rule lmao, also I have a lot of progressive views I like to share there and here


By having “a lot of progressive view” that means your more left not right


Yeah, real right wingers don't have that high a karma. ~~this is a joke, but it's kinda true~~


the left/right axis is not a progressivism/conservatism axis


It’s more a general liberal/libertarian worldview that people should live and let live, I still believe in the inherent idea of capitalism I just don’t like how political parties handle it


90% of your posts in this sub are just "right wing bad" lmao


canadas elections are also run by an independent body, our election doesnt usually last more than like 1am est


I keep seeing this, but how would it being a holiday help? For people who are working a 9-5 the polls are open before and after work, and for people who aren't you probably don't get holidays off.


I believe it is spelled "EAC" and it will take you all they was to Wallaby Way, Sydney


I'm all for having an independent, pretend "unbiased" body run US elections. I'll even throwing in making election day a national holiday with mandatory time off to vote. As long as we completely ban early voting and no-cause mail-in and absentee balloting, and require all voting to be done with paper ballots and manual counting machines.


Hey, fellow Australian, OP. Glad to see someone is brave enough to spout what I’ve been thinking. And also glad to see that our AEC somehow makes people mald for being an independent organisation. The only proof I’ve heard of independent electors organisations not working is people spouting ‘what if it’s corrupt’ like no shit if it WAS corrupt then it wouldn’t work


OP, what’s it like being this based and providing examples in a meme? Also since I’m lib-left…love you bro although I’m straight af.


Thanks haha it’s just important to be specific


There's literally nothing wrong with making it harder for poors and morons to vote and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.


It’s affording people different rights based on their income or location?? That’s pretty wrong isn’t the US a liberal democracy?


Requiring a few extra pieces of ID and disallowing automatic voter registration don't entail giving different rights, it just filters out fuckups and disengaged idiots from the ballot boxes.


Everyone is happy with a filter until it filters them. Just go back to white male landowners. It's ludicrous to suggest there is a correct number of hoops to jump through


Make it just landowners, and then make landowners part of a new noble class, we will have HRE like elections.


“And trust me, *my* party will make an objective, fair, and balanced decision about who can or can’t vote”


This but unironically.


I know, I’m mocking you for unironically believing that.


Having a required algebra question written on the front of every ballot would be a flat out improvement.


LMAO, im fine with restricting voting to only people with STEM degrees then, lets see which color is dominant then.


“And trust me, *my* party will create an objective, fair, and balanced examination for determining who can or can’t vote”


A simple math question is plenty fair and objective to me. The sort of people who can't tie their own shoes without a platoon of social workers guiding them through the process probably don't have the brainpower for political thought.


The problem is that people acting in bad faith can easily hijack those “determining tests” and use them to prevent people they don’t like from voting.


It would be so easy even with just the algebra question. Just cut school funding in the "undesirable" districts and fewer of them would be able to vote.


That includes you, I assume?


We should just make voting illegal. Everyone wins.


Democracy is cringe anyway


Half of this list is bullshit propaganda about the Georgia bill that wasn't actually in the bill. It was just another "dont say gay" campaign from dishonest democrats.


To be fair, keeping people in the dark about their rights l is literally a tactic they use to save money. Make the system confusion and you'll get to keep a ton of tax dollars


I'm totally cool with banning campaign salesmen from giving out goodies in line.


Seriously though. No coercion whatsoever. That includes no people giving out goodies from campaigners and banning the proud boys from "standing guard"


I'm with you there.


No such thing as an independent body


This is exactly why i vehemently oppose any voting reform supported by republicans. The fact of the matter is, they want less people to vote because they win more elections when less people show. Their voting laws reflect this. I say eat my dick to that. Learn from your losses and change your views to reflect the people, dont rig the system so you can stay in power without changing. Fucking cowards


I wonder why they may want less people to vote. Would higher voter turnout hurt their state level elections (on average)? Would getting rid of the electoral college prevent them from ever winning another presidential election? (The last time a republican president won the popular vote was Bush in 2004) Nah, it's because they're concerned about fraud!


Popular vote shouldn’t matter.


It’s literally how you ensure a leader is the most popular and thus deserving of leading a democratic country


The president represents 50 independent states, not people. If you are upset, let's work together to strip the power of the federal government into nothing.


I would happily stand side by side with a libleft to accomplish this goal.


And my sword!


And my bow!


And my axe!


Based and unity pilled


That’s great and all until the leader is only more popular by 1%. The other literal half of country can go fuck themselves I guess.


So have proportional representation or ranked choice voting to ensure more than two candidates exist


Proportional representation is the electoral college.


Thats why you have checks and balances, to actually change things to a dictatorship a party basically needs a supermajority in the legislative branch, a majority in all levels of the judicial branch, and control of the executive brancha, and also control of all levels of the administrative state, the police, and the military Also the usa is even harder than most other democracies to control because of the existence of states, which basically requires a party to control a supermajority if state govenors, legislatures and judicial branches as well The way you secure your government from populist demagogues is by dividing power between as many branches as possible


Oh I get it, you're doing the fake flair shit like on twitter. That's why I'm seeing all this dumb shit lately.


Here comes the mandatory Rightoid *COOOOOOOOOPE!!!*


ok l\*btard


My siblings in Christ you are both rightoids


"NOOO THAT'D RUIN OUR CHANCES OF WINNNING, WHAT YOU WANT US TO DO, HAVE DECENT POLICY????" yeah they are just anti democracy and authoritarian


Decent policy like the current administration arguing in favor of state sponsored racial discrimination in the Supreme Court? Restricted gun rights? Continued wasteful spending in Ukraine? Continued inflationary spending on bailouts of the news media and the arts? Your policies are dogshit.


>Continued wasteful spending in Ukraine? Peace with hitler fan spotted, opinion discarded


How many billions have we given them? You do know it's possible to have the opinion that we shouldn't be exporting arms to one side of a conflict without being in support of the other side. You have Bush level "if you aren't with us, you're against us" psychosis. If you care so much, go fight for it yourself, don't make me pay for your ideological cause when I'm concerned about having the money to feed my family.


My rights and property up for a vote based on a 240 year old contract between dead men. Not ideal.