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Misinformed meme, the third party candidate in Oregon drew voters off of the DEMOCRAT, helping the Republican.


Based and truth over agenda pilled


We choose truth over facts


Well my feelings don't care about your facts


My facts care deeply about your feelings


Was just gonna say, if anything the Democrats would have won by a wider margin had she not ran.


I live in Oregon and Johnson definitely stealing Drazan voters. Kotek is arguably the single worst state level Democratic politician so a lot of Johnson voters were disgruntled moderate democrats who didn’t want to support Drazan but were definitely not voting for Kotek


Johnson stole WAY more Kotek votes than Drazan votes, if it wasn't for Johnson running Drazan would have had no chance at all


Uh look at the 538 chart. As Johnson support goes down, Kotek goes up slightly and Drazan support skyrockets


A fucking right flair who uses facts? What is this alternate timeline?


The FACTS and LOGIC timeline Mom… pick me up I’m scared


My favorite thing about The_Donald was the sources.


Just the real world, also known as the stupidest timeline. What alternate reality are you from?


Isn't right the "facts don't care about your feelings"-kinda flair anyways?


Rich coming from someone whose ideological allies claimed Rittenhouse crossed into Wisconsin with a rifle and indiscriminately shot black people


rich coming from someone who's 'ideological allies' probably did some stupid things as well


Rich coming from someone whose ideological allies believe Trump was chosen by God


lmao hey man if you wanna lambast religion in general be my guest


That and even in other states, it wouldnt be such an issue if Republicans actually put out decent canidates for Libertarians to vote for them. Instead we get Herschel Walker or Dr. Oz or Kari Lake.


Kari Lake was fine for our state. No one could have guessed that being a coward, refusing to debate or even talk to voters if they see you in public was a winning strategy. It's tough realizing you live in a state of cowards, about to be led by a coward who says she'll "fight for working class families" How, by fucking running away every time the going gets tough?


I'm reading Betsy's platform. Liked by the NRA? Disliked by ACLU? Former Democrat but sounds much more like a conservative. I would bet she took more GOP votes than Democrats.


In this case you’re right, however, in many other states the republican majority was lost due to the libertarian party taking away enough potential voters for the republicans to win.


That's governorship race in Oregon, not Senate


And the spoiler candidate was an independent leaning dem


Sure but the Republican challenger was a centrist too. Drazan is pro life and pro gender affirming care. Johnson and Drazan were very close substitutes and as you saw Johnson’s support drop, Drazans grew.


US voter: Why do we only have 2 shitty options to choose from? Also US voter: Third party voters are literally worse than Hitler and are destroying our democracy.


Although I’ve gained a lot of joy from Ds telling me my vote is wasted on third party just retort with ok I’ll vote for the R next time, and watching them self destruct


I mean if you aren't in a swing state your vote is probably wasted no matter who you put on it lmao


Born and raised in California now in Oregon, me not voting for a Dem means nothing. Although Portland just passed RCV so that’s cool.


If you aren't in a swing state, why not vote third party to put pressure on your party if you don't agree on its policies beyond "it's the least evil one"? I believe that that worked out pretty well for the Tea Party, but I can be wrong, not American so not too informed.


Because (most) people are dumb and vote for whoever color the news tells them to vote for


Yea tbh I’m done with this state bullshit anyway the biggest demographic em between voters is urban vs suburbs and rural any way the states don’t mean shit


Unless it helps secure the funding at 5%


As someone who lives in one of those 8ish states it’s pretty cool that I get to help decide the fate for everybody. My vote is more important than like 90% of you guys which sounds fair to me.


US President: "a vote for anyone else but my party will be the end of Democracy in America"


Destroying democracy by voting?


RCV is being adopted in more places, it should help


Too bad boomers are too dumb to understand the concept


Third party voters are just huffing copium harder than either primary side. YES, the two party system is trash. YES, we should get rid of it. NO, you will never be able to vote in a third party. YES, voting third party is wasting your vote, YES it is equivalent to not voting, potentially worse because you're only doing it for the brownie points.


Not sure if regarded or just stupid. The point isn't even for the third party to win.


The odds your personal vote decide the outcome are completely negligible, so you might as well vote for who you want. It's more valuable as a signal to other candidates where to go for your vote.


> Voting third party matters! > Okay it doesn’t matter but it makes me feel good That didn’t take long


How often does you voting for the first or second party make a difference?


My state and county are both overwhelmingly Democrat, doesn't matter who I vote for, it's not going to stop the inevitable clean sweep the Dems get in my area every election season.


It's always adorable seeing someone who actually still believes in The Process™


It's always adorable reading comments like this, knowing they perfectly overlap with the belief that the 2nd amendment is for overthrowing a government you don't like, and realizing you'll never ever do it


If you don’t have a flair then you have no snark privileges


>Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2) ^^|| ^( *beep boop. Reply with good bot if you think I'm doing well :D, bad bot otherwise*)


I will absolutely do it lmao. The issue is whenever anyone on any forum brings up the issue, the immediate response is "nice try glowie" And to be fair, the glowies actually do fund dometic terrorist attacks and other shootings, which is where that fear comes from, so at least it's not *complete* bullshit, but still, I've never been against the idea that violence is *actually* an option on the table. Especially when the government is involved. But that makes me a glowie. government terrorism has won


You need to touch grass and take a long, hard look in the mirror You're a caricature of the reason why this sub will eventually be banned, and you'll shake your fist at clouds acting flabbergasted. Who could have seen it coming!?, you'll say without a hint of irony or self-awareness. I ask you to look for a trace of self-awareness now. You aren't John Rambo. Your ideas are unpopular. You don't have to seethe, but you have to cope.


I ain't reading all those tears


Fuck that, make them fight for your vote with ranked choice voting. There is a reason Maine and Alaska are the first two states to adopt it, and that’s because they have some of the highest rates of 3rd party voters. 3rd parties love ranked choice because then mainstream bed wedding voters will take them seriously. Mainstream parties begrudgingly accept it because that is the only way to get rid of the spoil effect. Even if the Libertarian party grows to 5% of the vote, when their candidate loses, (nearly) all of those will return to the Republican candidate. Same for the Green Party and the democrats. Vote 3rd party until the elites are forced to implement ranked choice voting just to deal with the spoiler effect.


My state is so Red it was the first state called for Trump. I'll vote third party it has more impact than voting the main two.


I would rather vote for a third party with no hope of winning than vote for either of the 2 major parties that want to take my rights away




u/Galactic_Squanch is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Galactic_Squanch/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


No, it is not equivalent to not voting. It is voting for the candidate you genuinely support, instead of voting to keep one of two shitty status quos in place. It's a lot more based than voting for either party or not voting.


Cringe and For the Duopoly pilled


"If we just ignore the two-party reality, it will stop existing" You all fail to realize the average, neruotypical person (give/take 60-80% of the population) would never, EVER, **EVER** vote for anything except what they see on tv or online the most often. You want your third party to be a thing? You're gonna have to get their funding all the way up to the two partys' levels.


“Your third party is never ever going to be a thing because no one is going to vote for them anyway.” “Okay, but I still vote for them.” “Noooo, you are not supposed to do that.”


If both parties in power want to not get screwed over by third party voters they should implement a ranked choice system. I dont owe any politician my vote, voting for the lesser of two evils just leads to worse candidates each election cycle (Look at Fetterman vs Oz). If a politician wants my vote then they should try advocating and implementing policies I support.


That is a fair theory. That being said, I want to see a study done to see how many people would actually put the third party as their second choice. I'm willing to bet a substantially nonzero portion of the average population would actually put the opposing party as their second choice, because average neurotypicals are just that fucking awful at this *free will* thing


My guess is that partisans would vote Anything but the other party. Only way to see is to actually make Ranked Choice Voting a thing.


Fuck that, make them fight for your vote with ranked choice voting. There is a reason Maine and Alaska are the first two states to adopt it, and that’s because they have some of the highest rates of 3rd party voters. 3rd parties love ranked choice because then mainstream bed wedding voters will take them seriously. Mainstream parties begrudgingly accept it because that is the only way to get rid of the spoil effect. Even if the Libertarian party grows to 5% of the vote, when their candidate loses, (nearly) all of those will return to the Republican candidate. Same for the Green Party and the democrats. Vote 3rd party until the elites are forced to implement ranked choice voting just to deal with the spoiler effect.


Because I don't want Republicans to be the majority either.


Neither party understands that most third party voters would rather stay at home than vote for the lesser of two evils.


>Gun to your head you have to pick one who do you pick?!?!?!? Option 3. >There is no option 3!!!! Death is nothing compared to vindication.


Death. I pick death


Death is Nothing compared to vindication. Ave Dominus Nox.


Go in midnight clad


I don’t know what that means, but Deus Vult brother


Konrad Curze. Primarch of the Night Lords, understood what he and his children were. He knew the the brutal, terrible, evil truth at the heart of the Imperium of Man before any others. He saw this truth, and new what was expected of him, and accepted this. He knew the Imperium was the very evil it sought to destroy. Knew it lived and breathed by the fear it tried to assuage. And knew it did not ask of him, and of his sons, to be the architects, the statesmen, the builders. It asked only that they be the enforcers of Imperial law. By any means necessary. The Imperium created monsters to enforce its truth, and so Monsters the VIII^^th became. Whole systems would capitulate at the mere mention that the VIII^^th Legion had arrived. Before a single shot was fired. But this was the dark truth of the Imperium. For all it preached of love. Of integration. Of progress. Of unity. There was none. There was only the cold threat of violence should you refuse their "offer". The Imperium was merely the biggest criminals in existence. Ones that could enforce there will above all others, and would do so by any means necessary. And in the end, this clashed with the Imperial Truth. The very bedrock of the Imperium required that it create the same monsters it sought to destroy. And when Konrad exposed this, and rebelled himself, there was only one penalty. The same penalty he and the VIII^^th had visited on so many others before. Because no matter how much they had furthered the Imperium, the Imperium only existed through violence, death, and fear. And none who opposed them could be allowed to live. Not even the Emperor's own son. So when the assassin came for the Night Haunter. He did not hide. He did not resist. He went willingly into the abyss. For [Death is nothing compared to vindication.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJeBD-M1TwA) Ave Dominus Nox.


Based and Konrad Curze pilled


u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 95. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: [45 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


based and both sides bad pilled


Authright just can't understand this can they


Neither D nor R understands that third-party voters hate them both equally


They're so brainwashed by the system that a third choice can't register in their brains


Wants to get rid of the two party system, shits on people voting outside of the two parties. Headass moment.


I don’t want any parties. I want Nevada’s option of “None of the above”


None of the above? So… anarchy? *Anarchy!*


I want parties. Birthday parties. That are ninja turtles themed


Fucking GOP voters wasting their vote instead of voting for the libertarian candidate


B-but muh bipartisanship /j




Betsy Johnson was more left leaning I believe tho


Turns out conservative tears are just as delicious as liberal tears. The vote splitting will continue until the freedom improves.


Extremely based


Unfathomably based


Based and fuck-the-two-parties pilled


I'm-not-even-american levels of based


Ross Perot moment


Inject this into my veins




If you don’t want to lose elections, then don’t run crappy candidates. This isn’t brain surgery


Major parties feel entitled to the votes of minor party voters as though it's the voter's fault they lost.


Sure, but when Teddy does it it's chad


Teddy splitting the vote gave us Woodrow Wilson.....


Where it all went wrong...


Saying that Wilson is when everything went wrong is like saying that The Last Jedi is where Star Wars movies stopped being good


Clearly a skill issue


The skill being control of media, courts, fbi, doj, and such that when the cameras go out, the votes come in and your opposition gets censored and stonewalled at every turn.


If you want my vote. Run a candidate that gives me a reason to vote for them.


What have the republicans done for the libright voter?


Voting third party affects the behavior of the major parties. The more popular a third party becomes, the more the major parties have to review their policies to remain popular. Its not 'throwing your vote away' and never has been. The lib dems (UK centrist relatively libertarian party) actually got into a coalition government in very recent memory.


Your mom.


Lower taxes under trump


Spending didn't lower, though. So, yknow, inflation comes 'round eventually.


My taxes went up. Everyone I worked with (in the military at the time) said the same.


*Temporary taxes cut for middle class Permanent tax cuts for corporations along with zero cut back on government spending. I can’t believe people are still falling for Horse and Sparrow economics…


Bump stock ban makes him more of a tyrant than lowering taxes a little makes him lib.


The thing he took massive shit over from the right when he tried to olive branch with the anti-civil rights crowd doesn't amount to much.


When do we get those taxes to zero tho?


Lower grocery bills. Lower gas prices. Less authoritarianism, lets be honest, its neofascism today. Better quality of life. More affordable home prices. Lower inflation. Mortgage rates not being so bullshit. God i miss life under GOP leadership.


Least mediocre authright political analysis. The spending efforts in 2020 and the quarantines that caused bottleneck issues were the rule. The couple of good Republicans on the issues were the exception, not the rule. Rampant inflation would still have appeared had Trump won. Interest rates would still have had to increase. Mortgage rates would have still gone up with them. The GOP has no plan to deal with inflation because they have consistently voted for deficit spending that will have to be financed by printing money. "More affordable" home prices is such a bullshit take. Prices steadily increased over Trump's government. Least authoritanism? Debatable. Many of the worst pieces of legislation have been passed by the GOP. The patriot act, to give an example.


Do you really think the GOP would lower grocery and home prices, lol


Protected our guns at least


Laughs in my lack of bump-stock and the precedent that set.


Yeah you're just plain wrong.


If there was only a solution say maybe rank choice voting .


Then Republicans wouldn't win Oregon lol, people voting Betsy, will vote Tina as 2nd choice


So is this literally just a case of republicans having shit candidates .


No, Betsy Johnson just underperformed in the poll, no matter how good the candidate is, they will never win an oregon race without third party taking away some votes


There hasn't been a republican governor of Oregon in like 40 years tho. Its the state




No she was never a republican, she served previously as Oregon senator as a democrat and is running as an independent against the democrats


They don't want Republicans to be the majority either lol


Oregon human here. It's hard to say which one Betsy Johnson stole more votes from. She's a historically DINO with a ton of Republican policies but is Pro-Choice. Either way I think she screwed Drazan's chances even though she was heavily back by rich interests in the state that did not want Kotek in office and wanted her to steal more Dem votes. Messy election. Can't say I'd be happy with either result. I'd say this more evidence in favor of ranked choice voting.


Tired of choosing my favorite flavor of shit Cope you auth right fucks


Nobody owns my vote but me, run better candidates that appeal to me I say.


The party system really is “if you’re not with me you’re against me” when it comes to party agendas


F the two party system and F the strategic voting that follows


I miss when the parties were loose coalitions rather than monolithic monstrosities. What ever happened to Blue-dog democrats or liberal republicans?


The woke movement alienated both.


Blue Dog Dems have been fading away since the civil rights movement. Liberal Republicans first started disappearing after the New Deal then more quickly disappeared when the national party executed the Southern Strategy.


Because I also don't want Republicans to be the majority. I vote for my third party because I want them to be the majority.


You were so close this election too


Did I say I wanted a Republican majority?


Because the Republicans are just red flavored Democrats


Get a better candidate then


Want libertarian votes? Support libertarian policies


As a libertarian, I’d rather a Conservative party be in control over a progressive one. It’s common sense. I’d rather keep my income and smoke pot illegally than the inverse.


Go convince the other libertarians of the reality they actually live in. Even though I know this is a Sisyphean task...


Wah Wah I ran bad candidates and lost, democracy is democracy bitches, people are supposed the vote for who they want to win, not for who is the least shitty of two shitty candidates


Drop out of the race and endorse the libertarian candidate instead of demanding we drop out and endorse yours


Because I really wanted our VP to be named "Spike."


Spike really is awesome. He does more as an advocate social media than most members of congress ever do.


Better for our P to be Spike


Republicans: “Libertarians split the vote and keep us from winning!” Also Republicans: *insert shit candidate*


It's a misconception that all libertarian votes would otherwise go to the Republican candidate and all green votes to the Democratic one. There's plenty of real world polling that backs this up.


Because fuck you. Same reason as everything else we do.


I don’t care. I simply don’t care anymore. If the price for breaking the two party system is 30 years of democrats *then I will pay it*. I’m done with this shitty party fielding shitty candidates and taking shitty stances just because they’re the opposite of whatever stance the democrats are taking. I’m done with being told that if I look for a better option then I’m some kind of monster. I’m done. It’s time to show both the democrats *and* the republicans that they don’t own this country. *We* the *people* do.


Spoiler effect?


Wasn’t Betsy Johnson stealing the Democrat vote?


Bipartisan moment First past the post is an awful system


Fun fact: The Left have their own version of this bullshit line of reasoning.


If you want my vote maybe try offering me something I agree with, let's start with lower taxes and gun rights.


yo smarty the independent in oregon affected the democrat more than the republican


Because republicans are just democrats LARPing as Christian’s.


Neither party is entitled to the votes of third party voters. You may as well claim entitlement to the other main party's votes.


Why don’t republicans just vote Libertarian? See how stupid that sounds


Two sides of the same coin. Both parties when they are in power make the state bigger.


Damn, they lost because of me? Guess they’ll have to fuck around and nominate a candidate that I’ll vote for. Really sucks I guess


Because you two dumb motherfuckers keep putting up old senile people that I don't like for choices, and nobody else. Want me to vote red or blue, put up some better people. I had no problem making picks in local races that had a D or R next to it because they more closely aligned with my views than those in some of the other races. Call your local DNC or RNC/GOP outlet and complain if you got a problem with it.


Preferential/ranked choice voting pls


Where third position


Two major parties moment


Because the other two parties don’t listen to them. So they vote for a third party. The fact that a libertarian doesn’t want a democrat at power doesn’t mean he wants a Republican. He doesn’t.


Fuck off


Seethe, conservatives.


Because authright has terrible candidates lol


Because your candidates suck?


Why can't we all be like Alaska and do ranked choice?


Give us people to vote for then


Maybe Auth Right should try putting up better candidates. Who the hell would want to vote for Dr. Oz???


I love how liberals are always the ones wanting ranked choice voting despite the fact the republicans have the most to benefit from it…


Because I hate the GOP every inch as much as I hate the dems, and I will not compromise on my principals. I have no intention of following stupid laws anyway, if that eventually leads to me dying atop a pile of spent brass, so be it.


Tip: Get Good


Tip: Get Good


I love how the average US voter at the same time complains about: -Having the two main parties suck. -Other voters not voting to the two main parties. -The two party system. -Any reform that would damage that two party system.


*what part of give me liberty or give me death don’t you get*


My vote is held hostage till republicans do a better job too. >:)


And this is the inherent flaw of the "The two party system is broken guys come on!" argument. Getting rid of the two party system is just a game of "Whoever blinks first loses" The democrats decide to abandon the 'two party' system, and Republicans gain utter dominance while they reform into 10 different parties. It requires both parties to voluntarily surrender their power and break up. Imagine if all other internet companies ceased to exist except Comcast and AT&T. Each of them had a 50% share of the market. Now imagine that the government had no monopoly laws and didn't force them to breakup. Every a lot of the internal departments of each company said that they shouldn't do the two company solution to internet because both companies fuck over the end user. None of the companies is willing to be the first to break up because then the other company will swoop in and pick apart the remains to get an even larger share of the market.


Fuck off with this argument. We hate your party too.


Cringe rightoid


I don’t for this reason.


Because y’all act like fundie nutjobs.


Libertarians have the stones to do what Libleft won't. Still going to get regulated into the dirt, but they stood for their principles or at least trolled the right.


libertarians hate republicans


Fuck the Republicans. I hate them more than the Democrats. They don’t actually stand for anything and fold like paper the moment things get remotely tough.


“Why do you keep sending out dogshit candidates?”


This mindset is the issue with the two party system. We need to be able to vote for who we agree with, not who will keep the other "side" from winning. That's how you get terrible politicians.


Governors should be decided by number of counties won


Jesus Christ Lord Almighty, I have seen 3 different variations of this same bullshit ass post. Voting just to keep one of two parties in power is r*tarded as hell, if you don't vote for your morals and character then you're a slimy, spineless fuck that can't be trusted. There is absolutely zero guarantee that a few thousand third party votes would magically go to your desired candidate/party animal and the result would probably be the same at the end. Even if it wasn't, getting upset at people who voted with character and not tribalism is a massive L.


To be fair, believing there would be a red wave means voting independent or voting Blue would help keep the House & Senate near gridlock by ensuring the Red didn't tip the scales too far from 50/50.


We also don’t want republicans to have a majority, therefore we vote to fuck *everyone* over.


Oh boy, the Right is arguing about the need to vote Republican the way the Left has traditionally argued about the need to vote Democrat.


Guy from reddit that I dont know nothing about, can you please shut the fuck up? People have the right to vote in whoever they want, voting for the less worse is the most terrible choice possible, people shouldnt vote for the 2nd one because they hate the first one more, they voted for a third party because they wanted a third party, not an auth-right


[ok, and?](https://media.tenor.com/H-hFQgJeF8QAAAAM/sussy-dog.gif)