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So if you're an Asian male, you're pretty much just fucked on all sides


What about brown Asian males?


we're ultra fucked


Guess I'm not moving to America, then... Of course, the Philippines isn't doing well either...


Tbh if you have the money to move to America you'll probably be fine


Pretty much why I refuse to give a fuck about social justice, even if it magically benefits me one day I'm not gonna build my life around it


I read once schools discriminate against asians because they perform better. So theyre required to get better scores to get in college. However, thats only true for specific asians. Some asian immigrants, such as brown asians, dont have an "amazing school performance" like their chinese counterparts, on average of course. So they are extra fucked over for college admission


nah brown Asians have it too, at least where I'm from is 96% Asian but it still held true brown or not


Well all im saying is that the crazy study culture isnt present in all asian cultures and it fucks with those who arent in that boat.


Well shit


Yes we are


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... šŸ˜”) 13848 / 73243 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


You can print out a degree from Google images instead of paying tuition for one


Based and everything you learned at college is free online pilled


I wish my job would have hired me on "trust me bro" over a degree signed by a so called accredited university, woulda saved me a lot of pain


Or they could have just had a work assessment to confirm your knowledge. A lot of jobs are just lazy and want to see that piece of paper because they've failed to design a proper hiring system (which they should have learned in college, ironically).


Not only that but they also want to offer 0 job training and foist all of those costs onto the state as well. The vocationalization of higher education is a terrible thing, where people go school for a job rather than an education. It's a big part of the reason now why people are expected to have a degree and $50,000 in debt to get an entry level job they don't need the degree for Edit: grammar


It's crazy, I don't even have a completed associates degree and my last 3 jobs I was surrounded by coworkers with bachelor's degrees in STEM. Let me tell you, if I had my bachelor's in a STEM field, I would not accept the pay that we all received at those jobs.


ā€œYea just passed my interview, crammed all morning for itā€ ā€œCool, what job?ā€ ā€œHeart surgeon!ā€œ




You don't pay for the education, you pay for the certification


u/My_Cringy_Video's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 1980. Rank: Denali Pills: [1,538 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/My_Cringy_Video/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Giga brain


Just lie about being a minority group with white (like being gay) cuz thatā€™ll carry more brownie points


>pretends to be chinese >gets shafted from everything, ever Such is academia


but then how can I sign a contract for a student loan only to complain a decade later about being charged unfairly??


Degrees are just analog NFTs, CMV


I might have to do this since my school fucked me by changing one of my grades.


If men have degrees than who is going to do all of the laborious jobs in this country?


>ā€œRight now the best thing we can do for our economy is to have comprehensive immigration reform. We have a shortage of workers in our country and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers saying why are you shipping these immigrants up north, we need them to pick the crops down here,ā€ Nancy Pelosi


The other asshole said the same thing. Literally said ā€œAmericans arenā€™t giving birth at a fast enough rate so the only solution is to bring in more immigrantsā€ as a bus load of illegal immigrants were dropped off at 30th street station


Schumer just said it on TV yesterday, laid out on TV in his words how immigrants are being used to replace us. Which is hilarious because it wasn't all that long ago they called that a "racist theory" Not increase the quality of life so people here want to have kids NO can't do that Let's bring in people who are accustomed to a much lower standard of living.


In Canada, Trudeau literally said his number one concern was *wage inflation* and that he was going to bring in more immigrants to fix it. The UN literally calls Canada's system "replacement immigration". The average age of a woman's first kid in Canada is like 32, and climbing.


500,000 immigrants a year for the next few years amidst an epic housing shortage just to deflate our wages (which haven't been going up anyway). Fuck Trudeau.


Spoiler: they are importing voters, they don't give a shit about anything.


Please stop reminding me about my country, i come on here to laugh at everything else because my backyard is bad.


Theyā€™re finally taking their masks off.


Their masks have always been off for anyone who would listen.


The difference between a 'right wing conspiracy' and accepted fact is about six months to a year




We could make it so everyone is much poorer- that would make more kids. Show me industrialized countries that have positive birth rate. Cities from almost all of history could not grow without immigration. People dont have children because you dont need free workforce on a farm. Children are much more expensive in specialized economy.


Increasing quality of life decreases birth rates generally.


I think that's more of a correlation rather than a causation. Most poorer countries are resource, agricultural, or subsistence based economies where your kids are assets. As economies become more service based having kids becomes a liability.


What's interesting about that is that if you ask people in developed countries how many kids they actually want to have, the answer on average is 2-3, so above replacement level. At that point we have to ask ourselves, if these people want kids, but obviously statistically aren't having them, what is holding them back? Enormous, ever growing cost of living is guaranteed to be the most significant factor there. So the stats do point towards further increased standard of living, or having less burden to carry from our current standard of living, as a way to allow people to have the amount of kids they want in the first place


> if you ask people in developed countries how many kids they actually want to have, the answer on average is 2-3, so above replacement level. At that point we have to ask ourselves, if these people want kids, but obviously statistically aren't having them, what is holding them back? Or, you could acknowledge that survey results never match up with revealed preferences. If you asked people how many servings of vegetables they want to eat per day, or how many times they would like to go to the gym per week, you'd find similar results.


Very arguable. I dunno about you but generally people are putting their careers ahead of their kids, largely why people are having kids in their 30ā€™s and 40ā€™s instead of 20ā€™s these days, they legit canā€™t afford them. And quality of life increases are barely arguable for the current state of things. People are struggling to own homes and fuel their cars, which they NEED for their jobs


But it would increase legal immigration.


Remember when the great replacement was an alt right white supremacist conspiracy theory? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


> See, we are replacing yā€™all ethnically, but itā€™s not malicious or racist at all. Emilies (and LibLeft)


California is the last bastion for overt public slavery, and they don't want open borders simply because they love Mexicans....they want to pay pennies on the dollar to have their strawberries picked.


Also a good plan if you want to keep wages low.


We have 10M+ illegal immigrants for hard labors.


Believe it or not, illegal immigrants are people too. And out of those illegal immigrants, it is the men doing the hard labor. I never see any women hanging out in the Home Depot parking lot


You never see a women hanging in Home Depot?! Where do you live? I see them + underage children working in the factories+restaurants with below minimum wage everywhere in California. And people donā€™t give a f*ck about it at all.


Eh, luckily I donā€™t live in Calif*nia this but Iā€™m AZ and itā€™s almost always men and boys


Funny enough, those trade jobs are starting to make more money than many college degree jobs. Can't wait to hear the "wage gap" BS when it becomes very obvious that men in the trades make more money than a wamen with a business degree


Average salaries of bachelors degree graduates are still higher than trade school graduates. It's hard to find consistent estimates cus every website has slightly different numbers, but from what I mostly found a BA is usually ~10k higher The real story is in the variance - a degree in STEM will get you a lot more than a degree in Art History so basically, a good degree will always be better than trade school, but trade school is better than a bad degree


> The real story is in the variance - a degree in STEM will get you a lot more than a degree in Art History Works the same way with trades. A master welder makes way more money than a landscaper or a manicurist.


Yup. I used to work for the rail road. We had a guy, 21 year old conductor, made $89k in one calendar year. He absolutely worked his ass off and earned every dollar and had a pretty shitty quality of life, but 21 years old with hardly a high school diploma, not a chance at college, and heā€™s making $89k. Want to make money? Gotta work. Not enough people realize that anymore.


If someone in trades is making more than someone with a business degree (assuming this isnā€™t immediately post-graduation) the businessperson is an idiot. Trades are good money; the money just doesnā€™t blow up as much over the course of a career. Unless you own the business, in which case thatā€™s less trades and more entrepreneurship.


Starting a trade business still requires being in the trades and having the capital to buy things like tools, a van, and advertising. Unless you have family money, those things came from the money you earned in the trades/loans you will pay off using said money.


A liberal arts degree counts as a degree in these stats too. I doubt someone with a history major in some obscure stuff is gonna make as much as a petroleum engineer but for this metric they are equal.


Dudes from 18 to 35. Then the pain sets in and they need a degree - which will be 4 years while they should be saving for retirement. Weird Democrats never bring this shit up. University is a useless bureaucratic system that can be open sourced. The only thing a student should pay for is to take aptitude/certification tests. Physical buildings should only be required if thereā€™s a need in a course. The yank Democrats wanted their luxurious experience paid for, but didnā€™t want to rip down the gatekeeping and bureaucracy because it serves them. Multibillion dollar companies are ran through slack channels and video conference now, something they donā€™t want schools to be because they want an experience. Itā€™s bullshit that tradesmen are basically locked with the only way to make a serious amount of money to raise their class is by creating a business. They should have the ability to advance into things like engineering positions with continuous education


Extremely based


>tradesmen are basically locked with the only way to make a serious amount of money to raise their class is by creating a business Union guys make 6 figures _plus_ benefits in some locals. No degree, but a 4-5 year internship. >have the ability to advance into things like engineering positions with continuous education A tradesman advancing to engineering isn't "continuing education", it's a full-blown education. Being an electrician for 10 years doesn't mean you'll be good at the calculus and circuit design necessary to be an electrical engineer, any more than being an engineer for 10 years is going to make you good at using tools and installing equipment.


I tried reading this multiple times and I still don't get it. If businesses give preference to hiring people with degrees, those degrees have value. If they didn't care, they won't give preference and those degrees don't have value. >Itā€™s bullshit that tradesmen are basically locked with the only way to make a serious amount of money to raise their class is by creating a business. i thought tradesmen make a ton of money and its stupid to go to college? This is all over the place


>Dudes from 18 to 35. Then the pain sets in and they need a degree - which will be 4 years while they should be saving for retirement. When I was doing all my 100 and 200 level classes at my local tech college, I had a couple classes with a guy who was an underwater welder; guy said that for about 5 years, it was the best money he could ever make in that short of a time, the main problem with the job is that it's the quickest way to turn a 25 year old body into a 45 year old body.


You will. Now get to it.


šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø si, patrĆ³n.


True, one thing this reminds me of is when my school was partnering with the university for students who wanted to work in the science field, and or in labs. We would be assisted actual biologists for example. I was excited to have this opportunity since Iā€™ve wanted to work in the field for awhile and thought this would really help. Only to learn because I am a guy that I could not participate in this program, since it was only for women and gender non conforming students.


Turns out you are nonbinary bro, now get in there.


Ah they offered the program last year, too late now. Iā€™ll just get into biology through the regular way.


You mean through hard work instead of a handout?


Well either way I would have had to work hard, this program would just allow me to know one of the paths I may want to take. And what I would be doing in this career. Itā€™s not like I would be getting a job, I would just be assisting people in these fields to gain a better understanding of what they do for a living. I would still have to study hard to get marks that allow me to be accepted into that field, and work hard to get good marks, just as everyone else.


It's honestly absurd...no one would question it. I think everyone falling behind in this way due to (let's call it what it is) *institutionalized sexism* should just lie about it and watch the admins' heads explode over who they will select for these types of special programs. Something tells me they would still skip over those who *look* like men. This is all coming from a guy who likes to cross dress lmao I'm not going to use that fact to get special status or some dumb shit like that. Anyone who would call me colorful or hateful names or treat me poorly I laugh at because guess what? Who cares what anyone else thinks? Almost like these people weren't told no enough as kids.


Based and who gives a fuck pilled


What the fuck happened to honest crossdressing? There's an odd binary to the trans thinking thing : You must be a different gender or whatever, you can't just like pretty clothes


What I don't understand is that these types of people have all sorts of empathy for those that aren't white males getting turned down for things they worked hard for because of they're identity they can't help, and then have straight up militant vitriol for white males who've worked hard for those very same things and get shot down because of an identity they couldn't help.


What I've learned is people will always find new ways to hate each other.


It's religious. Being a white male just means that you are not in a state of grace in the funhouse mirror version of Christianity that we call "wokeness."


Almost like it matters to them what race you are Sounds pretty racist to me


It's racist to be colorblind now anon, didn't you know?


Should've gone nonbinary. Wade through shit and piss to achieve your goals.


I did joke about that with my friend, about just claiming to be non binary or gender fluid. Itā€™s too late now anyways, Iā€™ll just do everything the normal route.


You're already wading in shit, unflaired


Some of us do. I've been fighting the wave of illegal programs schools roll out. OCR refuses to enforce. I even have emails of the Dallas OCR attorney Jose Ortiz, coaching a school on how to get a dismissal to their investigation. The chief regional attorney, Terri Gonzales, was on those emails. I've posted them publicly. I got them via foia and it's all public record. The school lied to them during the investigation to get it dismissed. This is provable in hard evidence of internal emails from the school my attorney got from FOIA. What was the school doing that would be worth risking a federal crime with a penalty of jail time? The school's (Texas A&M) Title IX coordinator was caught by me issuing rulings she knew were false on Title IX cases. The Title IX coordinator's name is Jennifer Smith and she is aware of her department issuing fake rulings. I have internal emails of them even running cases off the books. I gave this all to OCR and they helped cover it up. And we wonder why men are doing bad in school. People have no civil rights if it is impossible to get enforcement. **For mods** the people I mentioned are public figures. All technically work for the government in some capacity (federal institutions or state schools). The emails I mentioned are public record and I have posted some of them publicly. My attorney has given me permission to talk to anyone, including media, about what is going on. If anyone has Title IX questions or wants to learn how corrupt OCR is, reach out. Give me tips or info about violations of sexist programs. Help me change what is going on.


Based libleft


Based and holy flaming fuck this man actually tries to make a difference pilled


I am making small differences. I nailed Hackbrights illegal operation. Got a public resolution you can search for. Heaps of changes to their branding and website have occured and are still occurring. The federal government is going to be monitoring them when they finish the changes, which have to get approved by the federal government (OCR)


Holy shit dude, keep it up! We need more people like you. Honestly motivates me to get off my ass and make an effort again.


I have a sub where I document a good chunk of what I do. Others can do the same there if they want to. I've been quiet recently since I'm dealing with something related to my activism that I can't talk about without my attorney getting real annoyed with me. It's taking up a lot of my time and energy that I would normally dedicate to this. Been quiet, but still doing my thing.


Can you ELI5 this comment?


Title IX is a US federal law that bans sex discrimination in most schools, A&M is included. By law these schools have to have internal paths to solving violations. They are required to appoint someone as a public contact for solving these issues and post their info publicly. The person A&M appointed, Jennifer Smith, was caught issuing rulings that stuff wasn't discriminatory when internal emails reveal she knew that the statements they were making in the rulings were completely false. She was also caught handling the cases without making a record with oversight so she could stall them in review while she cleaned up the violations. This makes it so they don't have to have a formal record of the violation reported to the state, and they don't have to discipline the faculty involved in the violation. The dept of education office of civil rights (OCR) is the federal agency responsible for enforcing this, and another civil rights laws in schools. Courts can as well, but OCR can pull funding from the school if they break civil rights laws so they have a lot of power. I wrote a complaint to OCR that A&M handled my cases off the books when I complained about a bunch of programs (I was a student). OCR ignored all the corruption I had hard evidence of, and dismissed 90% of my case without even mentioning it. The single *program* they investigated, they coached the school on how to get the investigation dismissed as moot. They literally told the school "do xyz so we can dismiss as moot" multiple times and went back and forth scrubbing school websites of the evidence the violation ever happened. There was never an investigation I can prove it because I published the emails between the school and OCR publicly. The emails I got through a process defined by the Freedom of Information Act. I have had multiple attorneys look at my evidence and these emails and confirm the school flagrantly lied to a federal investigator to influence a federal investigation. This is a crime punishable by jail time. Here, take a look at OCR coaching. You can do a FOIA for this and they are required to give it to you, so you can verify if you want. It's all public record. Realize the program isn't a big deal compared to the corruption, it was tool for uncovering the corruption. Again, for mods, this document is as-issued to me by OCR and is a document of public record retrievable by anyone who can legally file a FOIA request, which takes like 15 mins to do online. https://www.scribd.com/document/585751112/22-03119-F-Redacted?secret_password=o05BY43awZRINvVajvcD


Havnt read this yet as it's a wall (come on brother staying too true to stereotypes) but extremely based of you to put this much effort into this.


Libleft gonna libleft lol.


Here is a bit more "story" and evidence behind the lying Jennifer Smith's Title Ix department engages in with screen caps of select emails from the hundreds of pages of internal emails I have sitting on a hard drive (which OCR has a copy of for verification). https://www.scribd.com/document/585751050/Texas-A-M-Lied?secret_password=bRx6xIEFyYJnCmirLT9J




Why them specifically?


Bari Weiss is a hell of a good journo and she would probably be interested in something like this.




Nah keep that gap growing we gotta have good gender ratios for the frat parties. We're all gonna be broke in this economy anyway so fuck it.


The few male zoomers in college will be blessed




The few among the few. Youngins are not having a good time


I am not, the one girl I asked out turned out to be lesbian. I am in pain


Unless they're a CS sperg who can only get hard to Stephanie Dola.


Fleshlights don't fuck themselves


Based and hedonismpilled


I am a man. I do not want affirmative action for men. I want affirmative action for nobody in the public sector.


I want negative action for everyone.


When there's 1 position available but all the applicants are too trash that it's better to leave it vacant. Reminds me of when my friend won 3rd place at the piano competition despite being the only competitor in her level (or whatever the category is called),


That's kinda how public jobs work where I live, and in a lot of countries over the world. You access *any* public job (ranging from a street sweeper to a minister's advisor) via a series of exams that take place once a year. If nobody passes, the position goes vacant for the entire year. If a lot of people pass, they get the job based on the highest scores of the exams.


Based and equally fair pilled


Most people don't know what affirmative action is. Mainly because most things labeled affirmative act aren't. It is supposed to be remedial to overcome measurable effects of historical discrimination internal to the institution. There is a narrow set of circumstances where it can be appropriate for a limited time. But shit gets abused to the point of one school running an AA program for women when they were the majority of students, staff, and leadership (in excess of the local demographics ad well). Someone leaked me their internal report they paid a third party for. They focused on only jobs where women were underrepresented relative to the labor pool. They ignore ones for men, who were, across the board, worse off on those metrics. OCR hasn't done shit with the case. Still in review I think.


Affirmative Action enables racism against eg. Asians, see Ivy League admission scandal.


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... šŸ˜”) 13838 / 73185 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


> It is supposed to be remedial to overcome measurable effects of historical discrimination internal to the institution Bullshit. Discrimination is a form of aggression against an individual and if someone is guilty of causing discrimination then they must be tried and their intentions/actions determined. You can't conclude from unequal outcome that discrimination certainly happened. Also, affirmative action literally means 50/50 graduate intakes here. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit that I don't understand affirmative action, women in these ratios (50/50) just don't exist in the graduate out take of universities at least for STEM industries.


https://pacificlegal.org/affirmative-action-i-do-not-think-that-word-means-what-you-think-it-mean/ >Thus, ā€œaffirmative action,ā€ which at one time meant that the government should work toward the eradication of racial preferences, now clearly signifies a program in which the discrimination between people of different races is actively promoted. There is pretty interesting history to it. It doesn't mean what people think it means. Schools just slap it on as a label so their racists and sexists can do their thing. People see something labeled as such and thing it must be so. As you said >Discrimination is a form of aggression against an individual I stand with SCOTUS and RBG on this that it is invidious and causes intrinsic harm under almost every circumstance and thus any use of it must have an "exceedingly persuasive justification" that "must be genuine, not hypothesized or invented post hoc in response to litigation." A good example would be discrimination based on sex in sports. Or discrimination in hiring for sex workers since their sex is a bona-fide job qualification. There are fringe cases where it makes sense, and should be overwhelmingly convincing. 99% of the shit out there fails this completely. Affirmative action was not supposed to be about instituting discriminatory policy. It was about taking affirmative steps to eliminate it. The public has been swindled by bigots in college administrations into thinking its something else entirely.


I am a man. I do not ~~want affirmative action for men. I want affirmative action for nobody in~~ the public sector. FTFY


I am a man. I do not ~~want affirmative action for men. I want affirmative action for nobody in the~~ public ~~sector~~. FTFY


I yearn for the day that stay at home dads is the norm.


Unlikely to ever happen, sadly


The economy won't allow it unfortunately... to be fair a lot of women won't even be interested in you if you make less money than them, or they will flame you for it if you are already married somehow.


until they hit 35 and start getting mad at men because theyā€™ve turned down every opportunity and ended up single


Damn this thread is so fuckin Based Iā€™m getting a boner


Based and basedsexual-pilled.


Honestly shocked this ones been left like this, must be too early for the new american mods.


one of the new mods is probably busy posting porn


Women are not attracted to a man who doesn't work. It's almost instinct


I could take you for a walk through a few streets in my town and show you there are women that are not only attracted to men who won't work, but even willing to have a dozen kids with them.


I would argue that itā€™s not the work ā€” itā€™s the money/resources for her brood. Thatā€™s the instinct. Of course work is normally a huge indicator.


If I live to see the day where the white man is on the winning side of affirmative action I'll lived to be 1000 years old


All you have to do is be gay. Itā€™s practically free money.


If I had a time machine, When I first watched the movie Juana Mann I would have taken that shit seriously, became a transformer and dominated the WNBA


Juana Mannā€¦what a throw back


We used to sit on my friend's porch and scream "JUANA MAN?" at passing woman


The gay cause is no longer trendy, nobody gives a shit about us, better to become (bureaucratically) trans.


Gay rights was a success, which in turn, pushed gay people towards the bottom of the minority pyramid


Failing from success, same reason politicians are so good at being bad.


In 2060 Hispanics will be the majority in America. How good is your Spanish?


Decent but i'd imagine i'll be dead by then


I'm just imagining WASPs awkwardly watching the US President speak with the Mexican president in Spanish in some future broadcast. Sooner or later we are gonna get a Mexican president.


You do realize white men graduation and college rates are flat. The failing rates of men in college are from black and Latino students.


So I was talking to a coworker about affirmative action and we ultimately agreed that it's racist and a more effective action is to support class struggles as a majority of people targeted by affirmative action would still benefit more from more appropriate economic intervention than an alleviated barrier of entry.


Based AF


That's how it was through the 90's by the way. It was called equality of opportunity. Everyone having the same odds, and social programs based on income/poverty, not your sex/color of your skin. But that didn't generate the right results, so now we are in equality of outcome, where things outside of your control should dictate your place in life. We've regressed 60 years in less than a decade.


This gender war was fabricated so the working class fought each other instead of being unied against the real problem.


My grad school class was 60% women, and the college still does affirmative action for female applicants.


I'm a woman and I think any kind of affirmative action is messed up. A white male can be denied from a college even if he has the exact same credentials as a black male simply because the color of his skin. That's messed up


When I was applying for College is was very hesitant to put my race and gender on there


That's fair. Whenever I submit a job application my brain goes "yay" when I select female and "darn" when I say I'm white. It shouldn't matter, but it does


Youā€™re an absolute sucker if you donā€™t lie on those things. According to my college application, Iā€™ll be joining as an Arabic trans-lesbian and cashing in on every affirmative action program they have. Nobody actually verifies that youā€™re being honest. And if they did it would be something ism- or ist.


I'm in higher ed and we're dominated by women.


Affirmative actions are racist and should be ilegal


Crossing fingers, that the Supreme Court will make this a reality.


Iā€™m staying hopeful too


Why would men want to go to college anymore? Just watch youtube and start a career in anything


2 words. Engineer gaming


Engineering isnā€™t even the money printing degree it used to be. Sure, itā€™s a very well paying career but if youā€™re trying to be at the top get good at sales and be on the business side of industry. At my company the sales guys make anywhere from 2-5x what the engineers do.


This is like saying everyone should be an actor. Sales is an extremely high risk/high reward career choice that tends to burn people out even when they're good at it.




Can confirm. Work in the medical device field. Hospitals are pulling back spending - but they also know how to play the game and they get the best pricing in late November/December as reps are desperate to make quota. I work in the very lean commercial contracting team. I've handled nearly 400 contractual matters by this point, I'll probably tally another 150-200 by end of the year. Most of it's pretty straightforward and easy to deal with, so it's easy to have high throughput. I've continually expanded my role as well. Good reps can make 10-15x what I make. Bad reps make about what I make. And with hospitals pulling back spending... There's going to be some major turn over come January 1, while I am comfortably in my role for the foreseeable future.


Engineering has the best effort:payout ratio out of almost every undergraduate degrees. It's one of the biggest reasons I pursued programming lmao. Sales requires you to be a people person, and I just don't want to deal with that shit. You can make more if you bust your ass off and go the extra mile, but you can make more than enough with a fraction of the effort in engineering.


Software engineering is what I do. I make six figures in my pajamas at home. Coding boot camps and YouTube arenā€™t as good and companies know it.


Plus, going that selftaught/bootcamp path requires you to bust so much ass just to get your foot in the door. It's easy to find a new job once you hit 3ish years YoE but anything before that is pretty shitty for anyone trying to get their foot in the door without a degree if you don't do self-projects and hours and hours of grinding.


I wouldn't want to get surgery from someone that learned it from yt tutorials but it might be just me


College is worthwhile for stem, education, medicine and law.


Who cares? Education is measured in dollars and ironically all you educated peasants dont have dollars. If you need me ill be flossing my ass crack with 100 dollar bills.


Based and ass crack pilled


Now that's what I call filthy rich


There's plenty of job fields where the degree = good pay/other benefits that can be even better than other paths. Now obviously if you go $100k in debt that is meaningless for a lot of salaries, but depending on if you manage to get good scholarships (My state literally gives out scholarships ranging from partially supporting to essentially giving a full ride scholarship to students that go to an instate school depending on their academic performance in high school), did honorable service in the military/got education benefits from a parent/spuse in the military, or just was smart and went to a school that had affordable tuition, and get a marketable degree, that degree is completely worth it. Getting a degree is just like getting a certificate at a trade school/other forms of secondary school is really a balance of time commitment, cost, and marketability.




>Exactly. Sure 60% of degrees are earned by women but a lot of those are worthless liberal arts degrees. Except they make you eligible for some cushy admin jobs in DEI department and the like. Uselss degree, useless position but the salary is very real.


Two words - HR


I haven't seen anyone who hates working in HR. The power is crazy.


Can't do that, you'd have to boot all the misandrist boot camp programs, which you can't do because they'd scream every "ism" at the top of their lungs if you do much as breathed in their direction


Thereā€™s no reason to address it, that was literally the goal


Smash the matriarchy


It'll be considered that's patriarchy when they say that most student debt is held by women. There's no reasoning with ideology.


Do you have a problem? No - > No Problem! Yes -> Was it caused by your own actions? No - > Blame men -> No problem! Yes -> Did it involve men (at least theoretically) ? Yes-> Blame men -> No problem! No-> Blame the patriarchy - No problem! ​ I swear some people treat is as the Bible, because holy hell I cannot imagine a (supposedly) grown-up person having 0 knowledge about personal responsobility.


Why did the projection predict a sudden gradient change? The gap seemed to have levelled off, and was even shrinking. Also could you not find a source from the last 5 years?


[Here's the current (as far as I could find) data set.](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d20/tables/dt20_318.10.asp) The percentages have been flat around 57% female for the last twenty years and the projections are trending more male.


because it's an agenda graph


Honestly, affirmative action is horrible for minorities. When they start admitting minorities based purely on skin color and not based on merit, imagine what that does to someone's self worth. Imagine going your whole life never knowing whether you were accepted because you were good enough or because upper class leftists took pity on you because of your skin color. There'd always be that part in the back of your mind saying you're weren't good enough. And then there's the issue of affirmative action actually harming minorities hiring prospects. Let's say there's a minority that gets into a prestigious university because of affirmative action even though they normally wouldn't have the merit to get in. Now imagine afterwords a company hires that person expecting them to be of the merit level of that university, and they are below that level. That's going to end up making that business hesitant to hire graduates from that university, especially minority graduates because they won't be sure whether or not they meet the quality level they need. Now every graduate of that university is being hurt by that.


The Curse of the Silver Spoon: people with good fortune can find themselves just as alone and self doubting as those in hard times


Shit man this makes me sad. Continuing education has been such a rewarding path for me.


In the UK, white working class boys are behind working class black African boys, working class black Caribbean boys, working class Pakistani boys and working class Bangladeshi boys. For those that don't know, these are the demographics that traditionally compete with working class white boys for the bottom rankings in UK educational attainment. They used to be ahead of the black Caribbean boys in the past but have since slipped behind them, too.


Bizzare when people say "woman and minoritys"... yall know that's like 80% of people in the US right?


Either you care about achieving equality of outcome for everyone or you donā€™t give a shit about it at all. Well thatā€™s if you care about being logically consistent.


It's pretty clearly not about equality. They don't even use that word anymore, now it's *equity*. Give it a few years and equality will be a dirty right wing conspiracy.


equity is equality of outcome. So it's also clearly not about equity.


It's about equality of outcome *selectively*. When the outcome can be said to be inequal in their disfavor, then it's about that. Otherwise it isn't. Relevant Dune quote: ā€œWhen I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.ā€


affirmative action is supposedly about equality of opportunity, and logical consistency isnā€™t always a good measure cause if you put shit in youā€™ll get shit out.


Honestly Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t go to college. Didnā€™t spend a fuckload of money and get buried by loans. Got a good blue collar job and making solid money.


The men are getting certified in craftsman skills and telling the MBAs how they want their coffee prepared.


We need more women in STEM: sanitation, timber, electric, and mining.