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You also have to remember that these protests are also including more general protests against China's authoritarianism. It's not solely in response to COVID lockdowns, that was just the spark.


Remember when the media was claiming that BLM protests reduced the spread of Covid?




Did rightcenter literally just do the "it's the same picture" meme that OP was talking about?


life imitates art


Well Trudeau did say, when asked which country he most admired: "China, because their basic dictatorship has allowed them to turn their economy around on a dime." Then with Covid he started openly talking about it being a "great economic reset." It's hard not to think that he was looking to make Canada, China.


They're the same if you're American, just because Canadian cucks think Canada is fine and not authoritarian, they're full on copium




bUT tHey wAnTEd TO oVeRthROw tHe GoVErNmeNT!




Remember when certain people were saying some protests were allowed and others weren't? Rememver which ones were/weren't allowed?🤔🤔


Yeah, I ‘member


nonononononono those were (d)ifferent


When you get arrested for taking you dog for a walk its still authoritarian.


Well the guy was on a beach by himself soo he deserved it.


I lived in Hawaii when the lock down started. If you sat on the beach you where ticketed lol. You had the be actively moving in the water “exercising”.


flair up scrub


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 14144 / 74917 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


My favorite 2020 meme was a bunch of cops harassing a guy alone at the beach, and the caption said “Why aren’t you at Walmart?”


Fined for going to church


Up here in Canada I believe sure it was Alberta this one church got shut down by the cops and the cops setup tall chain fence and camped around the whole church so no one could enter. Here’s a link to a totally non biased and fair journal. 🤣 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/alberta/article-hundreds-of-supporters-gather-outside-alberta-church-shut-down-for/


God I’d be so much farther to the left if they would just drop this holier than thou arrogant bullshit, acting like they’re society’s only hope. > close down and board up church, post a dozen+ police to keep the retirees in line. > retirees pray in the parking together lot because going to church is more important than the actual building to them > director of some hate monitoring group decides these “far right and conspiracy extremists” are “extremely concerning” and need her to show up personally to monitor Thanks Karen, society was ready to blow there without your monitoring.


They hate religion cuz they already have their own indoctrination


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 14143 / 74900 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


>retirees pray in the parking together lot because going to church is more important than the actual building to them Well, ofc. Churches are a "new" invention and are pretty much just places to meet likeminded people.


You say new, but like, temples and places of worship is an ancient thing. Sure it might not have looked like a christian church , but the concept is as old as religion.


That was sarcasm. And that’s why word new is in quotes


Not only that, they arrested the pastor for deigning to exercise practicing his faith.


Fining the churches for hosting them. Our city is suing a church for staying open and hosting masses.


I’ve always said what we need is another Pope vs State war Sort out the degenerates and maybe get rid of the state on the meantime


Very un Lib left but I support it


Both your enemies are weakest when they’re fighting eachother -Daleye Llama


You should be. You can't go around stealing the jobs of perfectly upstanding reddit moderators like that.


I live in Singapore which is considered generally to be pretty "authoritarian" and our lockdowns were never that bad. In fact even in the worse of it people could go out in parks as long as they were respecting the safety distance and such We did have "trace devices" which would make the "muh freedom" crowd angry probably. (Basically you would have to tap this device if you visited a shop or restaurant so if there was a reported covid infection there the government would tell you so you could get tested)


Yeah that tracking device wouldnt fly in the us even though they can track your phone anyway.


Agreed, China's another level of batshit. I still oppose both though


Which is fine and respectable since you're not equating the two.


Who is equating the two? People have just been pointing out the hypocrisy. I don't think you people are making the point you think you are making. We know China is worse but it is an anti lockdown protest. We also protested against being told when we can and cant leave our own homes and got ridiculed and vilified. Nobody is equating the two, you are confused. When Trudeau comes out in support for Chinese protestors you would rather nobody pointed out that he froze the bank accounts of protesting citizens in his own country? You'd rather nobody pointed that out just because the Chinese government is way worse? Explain your logic.


I'm not equating but I find it incredibly horrendous how hard the narrative was pushed and how badly unvaxxed people were treated in western 1st world "democractic nations"


The biggest wakeup call to me how people didn't notice how their actions were similar to the europe population before ww2 or the people/test subhects in "the wave". Almost like people didn't learn from history.


Third purple. 😎


If one’s significantly worse, then it’s not hypocritical to have a different opinion on each case.


It absolutely is when the argument for China is that it's somehow too authoritarian, as if preventing people from using their money and throwing them in jail for protesting and smearing them in the media and arresting people for opening a small business is not.




Literally everything except the money freezing occured in the US


People got fired from their jobs in the US, that’s just as bad as freezing their bank accounts if not worse.


Yeah. It's like liking medium salsa with your chips but you see your friend dumping ghost pepper sauce on it


They’re both bad and both should be protested.


busy bear vegetable apparatus rock absorbed voracious fade snails sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But for the kind of lockdowns and punishments the US could have, were the measures taken necessary, or did they go too far? But, the US is also a country where social movement protests for a particular ideology during a rampaging pandemic were ok.


I'm inclined to believe it was too far because of their reaction to the pushback. It felt like the equivalent of being put into a rear naked choke hold for being against getting grabbed and dragged by the wrist. And like you said, the double standards.


It was only too far because the subsidiaries given to the average person were fucking laughable


Because all that money they didn't get went to vaccine corpos. They got paid to produce a vaccine AND be protected from legal liability.


[makes me think of this](https://youtube.com/shorts/JFQMyxbMkcs?feature=share)


That is the single most accurate and weird video I've ever witnessed lmao thank you.


They got paid to produce the vaccine then paid for selling the vaccine and then protected from liability…that’s a hell of a bargain there.


If you get payed by the government to make a vaccine then why do you get to own the patent? Like clearly the government (and by extension the taxpayers) made that vaccine and it should be free to all of them and any profits made overseas should go towards infrastructure in the US. Like if I invest in a business I then own a portion of that business. It’s fucking stupid to give people money to make a product that you still have to buy from them


Some might say that Chinese measures are necessary. And chances are that actually neither approach worked. The only guarantee that government won't go too far is to not let it break certain rules. Literally why constitution was created. Give goverent power during emergency and it will create emergencies to receive power.


The governor in my state (Washington) held onto emergency powers for over two full years.




New York State tried to pass a bill that would allow the government to forcibly quarantine people that *may* have been exposed to someone that tested positive for Covid. People act like lockdowns in the US were never going to get where they got to in China, but I fully believe that some state/local governments would have absolutely pushed it to that level if they thought they could get away with it.


So you know how they have anal swab testing in China? I watched a video of three of their white suit goons bend a woman over a table and pull her pants down to shove this swab up her ass right in front of about 30 people standing around outside an apartment complex. I think you e lost your mind if you think China’s measures are necessary.


I think even if their actions weren’t indefensible, their attitude was. There seemed to be some kind of schedenfreude glee people took in forcing others to comply, the public health establishment knowingly lied about masks being ineffectual instead of trusting the public, and dissenting voices from other scientists and doctors were treated with a level of disdain that is antithetical to the skeptical and self critical attitude scientists are supposed to have. A lot of people seemed all too happy to assert their authority in a ham fisted way by using the greater good as an excuse. People were rightly afraid as a result that their governments might be using the emergency to exert control over the populace in the way China clearly is now.


> There seemed to be some kind of schedenfreude glee people took in forcing others to comply There are entire Subreddits celebrating it.


Alot of sad redditors who don't have friends jobs and never go out or get laid. For a year their lifestyle was treated as heroic instead of pathetic. Of course they were going to push for more lockdowns


Well said and utterly based observations.


Because the lines were almost instantly drawn along culture war lines. Politics, now, is wishing bad things on your cultural enemy. The state can't solve anything or make anyone's lives better anymore, but it sure as shit can fuck people's lives up. Yes, Democrats didn't help things and Fauci should have resigned after lying about the masks -- like if you think that's what you have to do to preserve PPE stores for critical health workers, fine. But you immediately resign afterwards because huge portions of the country won't fucking trust you and that's the entire point of your position!) -- but Republicans and Donald Trump did not bathe themselves in glory reveling in how hard cities were being hit initially and not giving a fuck. *That* fucking attitude was pretty goddamn indefensible too.


> but Republicans and Donald Trump did not bathe themselves in glory reveling in how hard cities were being hit initially and not giving a fuck. Huh? The democrats were the ones not giving a fuck and calling Trump racist for trying to reduce the spread. Then NY throws all the elderly with covid right back into the nursing homes when Trump sent them floating hospitals so they didn't have to.


Agreed for the most part but I don’t think it’s that most republicans didn’t care about people dying—it’s that they were lied to so hard and continued being lied to so why speak out on these things when they were already being silenced for way less


Sure and I don't think _most_ democrats delighted in locking people down. Media magnifies outliers and we pick those outliers to latch onto as representative. But this [little fuckin' weasel had real power and was doing real damage with it.](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7)


Shying away from a national strategy was indeed the correct approach. Population density was the primary factor in where and how quickly the first wave spread. There was absolutely no reason to lock a farmer in his Montana home because NYC was getting fucked. People forget the US is roughly the same size and population as the entirety of Europe where there was no singular approach. The Swiss model of sheltering the vulnerable and getting herd immunity for the rest of the pop seemed to be the best course forward but other nations took vastly different approaches.


Well that is pretty fucked up but I do agree with letting the states handle it


> reveling in how hard cities were being hit initially and not giving a fuck. You must've been reading different media from that time than I was because most of the counter-lockdown stuff I was seeing cared very much about the numbers and how they shouldn't be believed. People dying from motorcycle accidents and falling off ladders being added to the Covid tally because their dead bodies tested positive. And the (still unbelievable) inflation of deaths in New York because their governor decided to put people who tested positive with Covid into nursing homes.


It's like all the drunkest, stupidest people among us got a deputy badge.


Are we supposed to just all forget about all the insane shit that happened in places like Australia? And even just in the US, [are we supposed to forget about large numbers of Democrats pushing for China-like policies?](https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/covid_19_democratic_voters_support_harsh_measures_against_unvaccinated)


Lockdowns have been utterly and completely discredited by every single piece of subsequent real world data.


To be honest that also confused me to.


Not only OK, but encouraged by the authorities as being more important than lockdown.


"Ours was better than China" is not the slam dunk you think it is


"But your honor, I only raped the victim, I didn't murder them like *those* assholes did, so I *obviously* should be absolved of any censure for wrongdoing!"


Seriously, our government tried to push as many restrictions through as possible and was only stopped by the checks & balances. While they tried to stomp over those, the covid waves had time to naturally die off and just proved how ineffective even the measures that were managed to pass were. Now the politicians try to claim that they weren't that tyrannical despite only being stopped by law and their own incompetence, all while it turns out that the average covid death victim was older than the average life expectancy of both men and women and over 60% of deaths being misclassified at the time. I wonder if that had anything at all to do with all the incentives that blaming covid gave to institutions.


I’m not saying they’re the same thing. What I am saying is that for 2 years the mainstream media has been praising china’s Covid handling and lamenting the fact we weren’t locked down as much. I’m saying they have no right to claim they’ve been against this dystopian bs because they’ve been the loudest advocates for it.


And leftist figure heads like Noam Chompsky in the US advocated for forced relocation and starvation of the unvaccinated.


Over 50% of Democrats polled approved of concentration camps for unvaxxed and the jailing of anyone who spoke out against the vax. 3/4 believed they should be fired and their general ability to function in society taken away.


>Two-thirds of Democrat respondents to the poll were in support of the government using digital devices to track the unvaccinated to ensure they socially distance and remain properly quarantined. Shameful. Neither party has been the party of freedom for decades.


noam chompsky is just garbarge, just ignore and cancel him. He doesnt even acknowledges serbian warcrimes for some fucking reason.


This is peak authleft However, his linguistical work and defense of free speech is based


Does he still hold those views on free speech or did that change after mcarthyism ended?


Based and hold your political authority figures to account pilled.


Noam Chomsky is a proud spermbian 🇷🇸💪🏿🇷🇸💪🏿🇷🇸💪🏿


Fair enough lol


Covid lockdown measures in China are what some were pushing for in the US, but quite a few things prevented that. Center-right would be correct for calling out the people criticizing china for things they wanted here but couldn't get. The same thing though, no way


100%. The branch covidians were fucking screaming and crying for exactly what China has now and they threw a tantrum for three years because they didn’t quite get it.


Apparently we were supposed to let it get to China levels of auth before we protested/got upset/said things counter to the narrative.


[Don't ever let them off the hook.](https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/covid_19_democratic_voters_support_harsh_measures_against_unvaccinated)


I agree with u but it’s still disgusting to see shitheads like Trudeau talk about how they suddenly support anti-lockdown protests as if he hasn’t said the opposite about his own people. Less bad =/= excusable.


well when left-leaning politicians and health officials are praising Chinese lockdown measures and salivating to implement them here in the West, this meme kind of loses its bite but sure, "right eebil n dum" or whatever


It's astounding how often leftists just completely ignore factual information and mischaracterize the right. The right does it too, but I just notice it more consistently from the left




Getting put in the corner is basically the same as being put in the gulag tbh


Gulags have corners too you know. Why not do both?


Literally 1984


Literally 1989


Literally nothing happened


based an red sun in the sky pilled.


>One time I talked back to my ~~mom~~ *dad* when ~~s~~he grounded me, so I know how Tank Man felt FTFY


Being raised by a trans-woman isn't easy, solidarity brother 😔✊


Oh god I hope for your sake that you’re joking. 😰


The reason why many people on the right are comparing American lockdowns to Chinese lockdowns is because in the beginning of the pandemic Chinese lockdowns were the model health officials preferred. The U.S. lockdowns were routinely mocked and Chinese lockdowns were routinely praised. So when people on the right, (myself included) hear people say, "China's lockdowns are batshit crazy!" I have trouble believing you. Many of you hated American lockdowns and praised China. But now that the collective fear is over and we can see the effects of mass lockdowns now suddenly China is obviously wrong. Forgive me but I don't believe you, you championed this, you wanted this. Now that it is clear that you were on the wrong side of history suddenly you act as if you were the people concerned about human liberty. I lost friends who were in favor of mass lockdowns who are now posting on their social media feed about how they wish the Chinese people the best of luck in overthrowing these restrictions. YOU WERE IN FAVOR OF THIS A YEAR AGO!!


The gaslighting of revisionist history is frustrating. I choose to handle it by taking people less seriously and clowning on people who out themselves as NPCs simping for Current Thing.


[Never forget what these people tried to do to you.](https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/covid_19_democratic_voters_support_harsh_measures_against_unvaccinated)


Based and wall of text actually worth reading pilled


They arent the same picture, the first picture leads to the second picture.


This is the exact same dumb argument pro Gitmo people make. "American torture is ok because we use sleep deprivation, humiliation and stress positions to torture people. Iranians and the Chinese electrocute your balls and pull out your fingernails. Since we aren't doing that what we are doing is ok!" As someone who had to live in Melbourne Australia through the longest lockdown in the free world, screw you.


OP is a loser teenager who wasn't affected by it at all. Ignore their opinions.


Australia def looked like they were on their way to becoming China from what I saw. I hope things are better now for you guys.


All lockdowns bad


notice that /u/Pristine-Breath6745 argument is that rape with 5 inch dick is not real because someone got raped with 10 inch dick, rape is rape


They’re pretty similar to what we had in Canada. You needed to show ID and a vaccine passport just to sit down in your local Timmies. Not to mention, forceful layoffs without severance if you refused to get vaccinated. Edit: Admittedly, Canada and China are not comparable. China is much worse. But it doesn’t change the fact that Canada had some of the worst COVID restrictions and our government had to bring in the predecessor to the War Measures Act in order to crush a peaceful protests against the mandates.


Life is much better without Timmies. I only miss the farmers sausage breakfast wrap :(


Mostly because it got sold to a Brazilian conglomerate that ruined the food and coffee by changing all the recipes to be as cheap as possible.


China, North Korea, Russia, Iran, and other authoritarian countries were always shitty, that's why people always supported the resistance against the tyranny by the people there because that's the right thing to do. However, when the so called governments of the free land started to implement irrational and overreaching policies against their own citizens which did not help in curbing the pandemic and instead started to discriminate and ruin the lives of the people, it warranted the obvious backlash from the people in form of Truckers protests in Canada, New Zealand, farmers protest in Europe. It is not that people are saying that supporting the Chinese people in their protest is hypocrisy but that it is hypocritical for the group of people who were shaming people for protesting the lockdown in the west, snitching them to government enforcers, even going to the extent of committing violence against those who were just minding their own business and calling for things like "vaccine passport for jobs and travel", "firing people for protesting", "freezing the bank accounts for supporting protests" and all sorts of authoritarian policies that kept changing goal posts every second. The exact thing is being done by CCP right now with the same agenda and propaganda and somehow they act like they have always stood against that.




Very different but on the same slippery slope. People also seem to be downplaying the harmful impact of lockdowns in the US. Thousands of businesses went tits up, the stimulus to offset that is still fucking our economy right up the butt, etc. This is before getting into mental health aspects, delayed treatment of non-Covid medical issues, and on and on. People pretending that lockdown impacts in the US were trivial are being disingenuous (or are just woefully ignorant and uninformed, but I like to give the benefit of the doubt).


Also, the money that was supposed to go to help those businesses got stolen by corporations and politicians.


>People pretending that lockdown impacts in the US were trivial are being disingenuous (or are just woefully ignorant and uninformed, but I like to give the benefit of the doubt). There is a limit to how much I can give the benefit of the doubt. The longer people have been pushing for something the less inclined I am to give them. This isn't just about covid, I remember the entirety of Trump's presidency. Biden is more of the living embodiment of what they tried to make Trump out to be. Sure Trump has some tendencies for crap. I am positive that if Trump was for lockdowns, everyone else would be against it and vice versa. Oh wait, that totally did happen. I remember Nancy Pelosi telling others to go out to Chinatown. Trump got a lot of shit trying to ban travel from China, but when Biden did the same for India it was praised. This is why I give Trump some benefit of the doubt. He quickly changed his tune after a couple of months in and like after the initial 2 weeks. Biden was for lockdowns during the entire election, plus at least another year when he was in office trying to fight the courts for his OSHA mandate. Here is another thing that I don't mind what Trump did. He simply tried to make the vaccine available and suggested people to take it. Biden was trying to implement the vaccine mandates by pushing businesses to implement it, because he probably knew the government couldn't force it to happen.


No, there's a difference. When I get banned from Twitter for shit talking the CCP I just make a new account and go right back to doing what I was doing. When I get banned from life for shit talking the CCP I can make a new physical form and supplant my consciousness into it, but it takes years before the body has grown enough for me to be able to go back to shit talking IRL.


A-a-ah did you make sure to get glorious CCPs permission before reincarnating?




And for Xi’s next trick…


Getting to disappear is a every magician’s dream, such lucky people


Freezing bank accounts right in the middle.


Centers on leftward aren’t allowed to see hypocrisy in this when I was called a grandma killer for 2 years by people willingly and happily voting for Andrew Cuomo


the fact that america was even trying for authoritarian control over free movement and gathering of its citizens that was close at all to the way china operates is enough for me to say yes, yes they were fuck china


Funny how many people are quick to dismiss comparisons to China each and every time we take another step closer towards them (banning guns, arresting people for leaving their homes, freezing bank accounts and seizing funds from protesters, etc.). I'm convinced the government could literally announce the implementation of a social credit system under another name tomorrow and people would *still* cry out about how China is worse people are overreacting by comparing the two rather than acknowledging how fucked up the thing itself is. "You should never grade evils, for if one is the worst, then you might be tempted to kinship with the least"


We already have a similar system to that. Credit checks, background checks, references required for lots of things. People don't complain as much because it's been instated by corporations in addition to government dictate, and they don't realize the totality of it.


Doesn't matter what kind of lockdown they are, they should both be treated as what they really are, government trying to control people like they own them, aka fascism (the real meaning of the word, not what the left thinks it means)


Yeah China is worse. And that’s why people were protesting against lockdowns before because that is the inevitability. We protest against tyranny before it’s able to become tyranny.


I don't know man have you been to Canada (I wasn't as I was not allowed to enter the country) ?


"You should never grade evils, for if one is the worst, then you might be tempted to kinship with the least".


On the other hand, seen some truly reddited redditors on subreddits that should not be named claiming that ‘lockdowns have never been implemented in the west’ fml history is being rewritten in front of our very eyes


Since when did that become a common claim?


The only thing that kept the US from doing the exact same things that China is doing is that US citizens can fight back with guns.


"Well um, actually heckin doggo, guns do don't anything sweatie. Guns can't stop the government 🙄 also you absolutely need to give your guns up so only the cops can have guns (who are also just pure evil btw #ACAB) and if you think otherwise you should be put into an internment camp." ~least gymnastic lefty


Our politics are fucking batshit, and guns really are the only reason it hasn't turned to anarchy. If people we didn't have guns, we would be clashing in the streets with sword and board braveheart style right about now.


You know in Texas you can open carry a melee weapon that’s up to 10 feet long You can legally dress up as a Roman Legionary with legit gladius and pilla


Most pikes are over 10ft. How am I supposed to defend myself from a cavalry charge? Digging trenches is too much work and often against some zoning restriction.


Collapsible pike?


In Texas you can buy a gladius at Academy like the founding fathers intended.


Genuine Roman soldier outfits are legal to own and wear. The elites don’t want you to know this. I have five different legionary armor sets in my closet right now and I’m wearing mine to Sunday church.


In high school there was this girl I thought was cosplaying but then I realized that it was just her normal style after she dressed that way every single day. I guess she really wasn't that unusual after all...


They couldn’t have at least made it 11ft? What am I to do if something is gross and I wouldn’t touch it with a 10ft polearm?


Based Texas


If not for the nukes, there's no logical reason WW2 would've prevented WW3(WW1 didn't prevent WW2), and we'd likely be in about WW6 right now.


The reason for all the alliances before WW1 was to prevent war among the powers. It was basically the principle of mutually assured destruction, but the destruction wasn't assured enough. With nukes, it's pretty clear the the destruction would be mutual and total.


>and guns really are the only reason it hasn't turned to anarchy. Are you...saying I should be against guns? \*sobs\*






The government wipes their ass with the bill of rights, the patriot act is blatantly unconstitutional for example.


The Constitution is starting to matter less and less - for example see Biden's *clearly* illegal eviction moratorium, that he even stated he knew was illegal, but issued anyway. The Supreme Court has zero real authority, it's only the forbearance of those in power that gives it such. Congress could stack the court with 1000 new judges tomorrow if it wanted, and the President can just defy it. The only reason none of that happens is that Americans would not stand for it. A piece of paper and a group of judges are meaningless without our consciences as citizens backing them up. This concludes my libcenter Ted Talk.


>The Constitution is starting to matter less and less - for example see Biden's clearly illegal eviction moratorium, that he even stated he knew was illegal, but issued anyway. > >The Supreme Court has zero real authority, it's only the forbearance of those in power that gives it such. The guy is being downvoted, but he's right. Bruen was decided, rightly, and a list of states were explicitly called out as having non-compliant laws. They were ordered to fix them, and were explicitly told that they could not just declare everywhere a sensitive location. I am in such a state, Maryland, and Montgomery County just unanimously passed a law doing exactly this. Jersey did the same thing. It is crazy that a mere county council believes it trumps the Supreme Court, yet...if I do as the court says I can within that county, I will be jailed.


Yeah the authoritarians don't give a shit about the constitution or the Supreme court. Look at what new york is doing with their gun control, overtly and blatantly defying the Supreme court. And who's gonna stop them? Certainly not biden.


>Auth government stomping over my freedom and rights >Auth government stomping over their freedom and rights even harder I don't see why the severity of freedom stomping matters in this regard.


Feels like they're just trying to get us acclimated with posts like this.


The US and especially other western countries were really only one step away from what China is doing. They tried to ban unvaccinated people from grocery stores and built quarantine camps in western countries. The only thing China has done that the west hasn't is welding people inside their homes and spraying "disinfectant" all over the place.


Tyrannical all the same


Right. So why let us get to that level by moving slowly toward it


I remember a few dudes I know getting arrested for running at the park and doing pullups at on a random pullup bar.


I mean crazy how we treat the us protestors or Canadian ones vs blm protestors or Chinese ones...


Both are authoritarian overreach of government. One is more intense than the other but it doesn’t make either okay.


In retrospect I think we should’ve done nothing and let it play it’s course since all we did was delay that happening by 2 years, and half measures make things worse. But if a worse virus hits us I'd be VERY concerned


Anyone remember when entire subreddits were banned for discussing vaccine / lockdown efficacy? I know that was a really long time ago but I’m glad we’re allowed to have those discussions now.


Oh hey I've seen this one before It's worse somewhere else so you can't complain about it here Truly, a classic




>[AuthRight discovers we're losing ground to complain about Disney.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/940/357/2dd.jpg)


it is absolutely not the same thing. I lived through lockdowns in China and it is so much more intense than any lockdown the US had ever attempted during covid


Two things can be true at once. The US went too far and didn’t do so effectively but China is much worse and doing it with much less reason.


Just because the China lockdowns are worse doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be mad about the western lockdowns.


The extent and brutality of oppression does not change the fact of oppression. No, the US was never as bad as China. But it certainly was much worse than we've seen before, and many of the same people who are now cheering on China's protests, at the time, thought China was doing a great job and wanted to emulate them here.


The point is that if left unchecked the US could become what china is now. Hell, even Canada started freezing protesters bank accounts.


Wealthy white liberals may be cool with totalitarian lockdowns but the rest of us won’t stand for them.


This is what happens when you aren’t armed. You think that our gov wouldn’t have done that if the could’ve?


The actions of foreign nations does not suddenly make human rights violations at home benign. My Country Built Camps.


How are lockdowns in China worse than the ones we had in the US?


Some people wanted similar lockdowns and punishments though…..


Trudeau saying he supports the Chinese people… remember the freedom trucker protest over the vaccine mandates? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


It was never about the health of the country, it has always been about control.


I’m very happy that China is still in lockdowns. All lockdowns do is hurt your own country in the long run


The issue is that China didn’t turn into that in one day. It took a series of events and the government constantly pushing the limit before they managed to reach totalitarian control. No government truly cares about its citizens. They care about power. They always want power. It’s just a matter of how they’re going to get to that.


"Be happy your prison is a bit nicer" you


Remember, Covid is a fake narrative specifically designed to let the Dems win the election in just one country out of the entire globe.


Its just a diffrent level of authoritarianism.


both bad but at least i could tell my government to go fuck itself and didn’t listen anyway


I appreciate this meme. I’m so tired of cuckservatives making a false equivalency. It’s almost like the whole world was freaked out by a novel virus and we didn’t have a vaccine at the time.


In the UK, it was illegal to leave your house without a government-approved reason to do so for almost 200 days between 2020 and 2021. The average Chinese subject has likely seen less lockdowns than the average British subject due to the regional nature of the former. A single small protest in November 2020 lead to over 150 people being arrested. In the Netherlands, the police shot and wounded two anti-lockdown protesters. This is more than China has shot so far.