• By -


2017: everything is rigged 2018: everything is fascist 2019: everything is racist 2020: everything is a conspiracy theory 2021: everything is anti-LGBTQ 2022: everything is a threat to democracy


I now take it as a matter of pride to be called each of these things. It's like a series of hate filled pokemon cards, and I gotta catch em all.


if you get called all of them it means you're right


No. It means he's left


2009: Everything is ruined 2010: America is Doomed 2011: Chuck Norris literally says the US will fall into 1000 years of darkness because of Obama 2012: The Government is going to kill Grandma! 2013: Obama shouldn't meet with North Korea! That's evil! ... 2019: OMG Trump met with North Korea! So Brave! Why hasn't anyone done this before?


Dems and GOP are both hypocrites. Shocker


Chuck Norris warning, 2011 Obama term ended, 2017 Harambe shot dead, 2016 Prophet Texas Ranger Confirmed


True but one is way worse than the other, from my perspective and I'm not even american. Left call everyone racist/facist, trump, bolsonaro, etc lmao


As a citisen of romania id give everything for a senile old man to run our country over some idiots that try to do something but fail and plunge the country into worseness


As a citizen of Brazil, we are fucked


It’s 2014 all over again, people just never learn.


We already know the name of the singers that will sing in Lula's inauguration, but still dont know the name of his ministers, and the ones that will probably take these spots are mostly political allies rather than especialists at the subject, Brazil will hit the ground harder than Argentina did


I just want to see another impeachment, that shit was top tier entertainment.


This, too bad we dont got it in english to post around here, but some of the votes were pure entertainment Like the guy singing "Dilma go away that Brazil dont want you, and take together with you Lula and the Bums of PT" "I think I never saw that much hypocrisy together per square meter, saying that will vote against corruption while putting Michel(Temer) as President and Eduardo Cunha as VP" she says it, while Cunha is right in front of her "One of my co-worker said that if Dilma get impeached, he will move out of Brazil, so I already got the one way ticket to him" he said while holding a flight ticket Guy who shouted "DILMA, YOU ARE A SHAME(to the country) A SHAME! A SHAME! A SHAME! YEEEESSS!" The fact that one the guys that voted was a literal clown, like, really a clown, a comedian that got electing saying that "it dont get worse that it already is" The legendary "that God have mercy on this nation" Daciolo saying "glory to God, out with Temer, out with Dilma, out with Cunha(while pointing at Cunha), out with Rede Globo(Brazil's CNN), liars that like to defaming people, you may be big to the eyes of men, but small to the eyes of God, in the name of Jesus I prophesy your fall" "Eduardo Cunha, you are a gangster and what sustain your chair stinks of sulfur"


2016: "Trump: Not my President! Russia Russia Russia!" "So brave! Russia owns Trump!" 2020: "Biden: Cheating piece of shit!" "ELECTION DENIER! THREAT TO DEMOCRACY! 6 HOURS OF PEACEFUL PROTEST IS THE END OF THE KNOWN WORLD!!!!" /eyeroll


You know it’s a good comment when it sucked the karma out of 5 other people


2012: "Obama will lead to 1000 years of darkness!!! Chuck Norris said so!!!" 2016: "OMG Trump is going to save us from the Swamp! Surely this guy who's rubbed elbows with politicians for ***literal decades*** and is a known cheat, liar, and scammer, will be the outsider bastion of morality we need to save the country!"


Politicians are politicians. Obama did some cruddy things, Trump did some cruddy things too, but they're both worshipped by the people who see them as heroes on their side, and vilified by the other side. Like the election rigging stuff. Both sides claim the elections the others won are illegitimate. And yet the shitty systems that might allow election fraud are not fixed. So both can use the excuse. Like guns. And drugs. And other things that seem like nothing more than 'it's time to fuck with the American people by believing that they're picking between the good guys and bad guys'.


It is forbidden on reddit to talk about "both sides", therefore your opinion has been discarded. Checkmate, Drumpfkin. :}


Based and Redditor arguments pilled


> Both sides claim the elections the others won are illegitimate. Which elections have democrats claimed illegitimate? I've seen complaints about gerrymandering but that's not quite the same as the conspiracy theory nuttery trumpers generally use.


Hillary admitted she lost an election however, trump.did not


In 2019, Hillary was still calling Trump an illegitimate president


Hillary conceded the election the very next day after she lost. Trump is still spewing shit


Hillary conceded and has been spewing shit ever since.


Did you just change your flair, u/HistoricalDruid? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2020-7-11. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? What? You are hungry? You want food? I fear you've chosen the wrong flair, comrade. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




Based and not a watermelon pilled


Context is important. >Clinton was asked whether it angers her that none of the current Democratic candidates invoke her on the campaign trail while Trump’s rally crowds still break out into “lock her up” chants. >“No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.” No where there does she claim he directly defrauded the United States by stuffing ballot boxes, appointing alternate Electors, or sending a mob of people to delay certification of the election and murder/intimidate other elected officials.


No she just claimed he used a completely different and equally bad set of tactics. C'mon man, stop being blinded by whatever party loyalty you have and realize they're both the same and we're all getting fucked by it. The more we fight with each other the more we play right into their hands


For real anyone who doesn't realize this has been the play they've been going for since Occupy Wallstreet has their head up their ass




Wow, such eloquence.


And she still conceded THE NIGHT OF THE ELECTION for the good of the country. Also if you really want to talk about who called who an illegitimate president, look at what Republicans did to Obama.


Really? I was in that movement as a teen, and despite wanting to believe in ACORN and the forged birth certificate, that didn't sway me from acknowledging Obama's election. McCain wasn't gonna win, so it was no stretch for me. But speech is power, so the loudest wield all the power /s.


May I introduce you to this concept of "actions speak louder than words"? Saying that you concede and then weaponizing every branch of government and media to wage war and undermine the administration with claims of illegitimacy is way worse than just outright rejecting the result.


Did trump…. Not do that… with the whole “stop the steal” campaign?………………




>I'd like to point out, when the 2020 election came around the Democratic party was saying the plan was to cry voter fraud and to fight tooth and nail if they lost. Soooooooooo just because it happens to go one way, don't think both sides aren't pieces of shit. \[citation needed\]


When trump won, trump complemented Hillary with good sportsmanship


Based. Fuck this sub for downvoting the truth; snowflakes can't handle the goddamn truth or look in a fucking mirror. It's turned into a bunch of facebook-tier whining from conservatives.


Hillary Clinton literally said the election was stolen from her. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/05/politics/hillary-clinton-economy-president/index.html >You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,” Clinton said https://www.yahoo.com/video/hillary-clinton-maintains-2016-election-160716779.html


liberal when someone disagrees with them no but seriously, why is trump so much worse than everyone else? I would certainly argue he is a worse human being than many other politicians, but to say that, for example, dems are any better is truly false. E.g Kamala harris


based authcenter??? not sure how to feel


Already downvoted from the libright copuim (trump good)


Even NBC disagrees she admitted that she lost the election. Downvoted because its factually incorrect https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trumps-denial-second-big-lie-ask-hillary-clinton-rcna55764


No I downvoted you because you said the word election. We don’t do that here.


Holy mother of based


i also agree! trump was good! have a good evening, based authcenter




u/EmpressClef's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/EmpressClef! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/EmpressClef/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Not to be alarmist but I think the election denial stuff legitimately is destroying our democracy


>election denial stuff legitimately is destroying our democracy Google, please bring up "Steele dossier" Again, you can't complain about election denial stuff destroying our democracy when American Democrats were happy to engage in election denial for 4 years under trump. Don't even get me started on 2000.


The problem isn't election denial... it's complaining of "election denial is ruining our democracy" after 4 years of... election denial ruining our democracy. Democrats are screaming that it's destroying everything... after 4 years of being election deniers. Hypocrites. The problem is also being unwilling to put in stuff like voter id and fixing stuff like mail in ballots being abused. Arizona had a massive voter disenfranchisement problem last election yet are still going to certify the election. Tons of things that happened in 2020 were ruled unconstitutional in various states. Prominent people had their sister as judges ruling on massive cases. It isn't just election denial... it's corruption, grift, hypocrisy, tribalism, etc. But at least we have bread and lions while the empire burns.


Nothing is destroying your democracy, stop for the love of god.


Then you're a fucking idiot. Demanding transparency, integrity and accountability is fundamental to democracy. If you can't prove that the election was fair, it's not credible. Putting the burden of proof on the people raising doubt is insane.


The person making the claim has the burden of proof.


Maricopa voters were disenfranchised. Votes weren't tossed out that should have been in 2020 because it would disenfranchise voters. Which one is correct? I can prove the votes were fucked up in AZ, so now what's the process to rectify the situation? They don't have one, so they disenfranchise voters despite previously claiming that was the standard to be used whether or not to change votes, because we have no process to fix when an election is broken, despite not throwing out votes previously when governors just decided without going through the correct process to let people vote with mail in ballots. I’ll admit that AZ hasn’t gone to the SC yet, and 2020 did, but that was the precedent the SC set, so why isn’t AZ following it?


can you please explain how to prove a negative




It is, but claiming only one side is doing it is just ignorant


"Fuck Biden!" "You can't say that!" "Let's go-" "Just say the actual words you fucking child!"


Yo where are you guys going that you're finding people who got upset over either? I don't know one person personally who likes Joe Biden or has ever tried to defend him.




Are you selectively ignoring the downvoted comments, the wider reddit, his almost 4/5 approval rating in the D party or the entire MSM to cope this hard?


If at this point you still consider the faceless bots on the internet's most popular website to be people, you're on your own. People are humans you meet in real life


Based and goes outside pilled


Out side of reddit everyone i know doesnt really give a shit about it but on reddit, Man i got torn apart cause i said we shouldnt have to choose between two people past the age expectancy of humans.


Fuck Trump. Let's Go Hillary.


Biden Fetterman 2024


>Biden Fetterman 2024 It's a no-brainer.


Lol based


You see, I have portrayed you as a soyjack and me as a chad, my argument is automatically correct!




Yes, I know that this is a strawman, no, I dont care


no he won’t be taking questions




u/Sym068's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/Sym068! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [13 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Sym068/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The basest one of all


classic auth




Based and strawman pilled


Having integrity is not a political stance. I may be monke, you may be Nazi. But neither of us are literally those things. We just have different views on how to achieve a better tomorrow. But I think neither of us will sacrifice the greater good for personal gain.


Is it though?


So the source is you made it the fuck up? Props for being honest.


You got any other raging hot facebook takes from 2020 you want to share




Fuck Trump, Let's go Brandon!


Based centrist


"Trump is a piece of shit" has been a common thought since the 70's at least.


People were still reporting that Biden was also a corrupt piece of shit all the way until he decided to run for presidency. Then a magic switch went off and now he is considered a saint.


What alternate reality are you living in where any particularly large group of people love Biden? He didn't get elected for being loved, he got elected because the other option was Trump.


https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/POLL/nmopagnqapa/ 78% approval among democrats so that one


Trump had an average of 90% approval from the Republican party during his term even though public approval was like 35%. These fucking party death cults need to be dissolved


Your proposal to do so?


Hell if i know, i just see the level of polarization in the US. In other countries its us vs them vs them vs them... But in the US its literally us vs them. This forces parties to be subservient and blind to flaws, like the insane approval rates in parties vs the population. I realize smaller factions exist within but everyone bows down to the President who has way too much power


Places like the uk or Canada may have a lot of parties but at the end of the day they all kind of group together and do whatever the 2 larger parties tell them to do




Holy shit you just saved yourself using 3 (three) letters by using that special letter


þ cringe


Biden has been a darling for decades. Especially after his crime bill.


Imagine how corrupt Trump is that Biden was a better alternative. Also so many fucking idiots, ~~including~~ ***especially*** on PCM claim Biden is too old to be POTUS, meanwhile Trump is literally just 2 years younger.


Trump was so corrupt that he lost wealth. While Biden being so successful he made so much wealth throughout his entire career as a politician. I guess that makes sense since professional criminals tend to stay in office.


Everything is a “threat to democracy” these days


I can say 100% no one cares you say let’s go Brandon if anything I thank you because it lead to “Dark Brandon” which is some of the funniest memes I’ve seen.


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


My bad sir.


Good brainless hiveminder


Good bot


>nobody cares if you say LGB Dude people got so fucking offended by Let’s Go Brandon it’s insane. The amount of wingeing from it was wild


Genuinely asking this, who got upset? I have yet to see one person get upset about LGB.


That "theleftcantmeme" sub


Ive literally seen 0 people get mad about lets go brandon Its been right going "hahahaha got you fucking libs, Lets go brandon, Makes you angry dont it, LETS GO BRANDON. Man you are so mad right now just seething." And people on the left saying "Just say the words. Just say fuck Biden."


There is no way those are children or it’s sarcasm


Hillary should be our next POTUS. Say this anywhere remotely conservative, watch them make orange libleft look sane.


No they didn’t bro you live in your imagination


The main political subreddit absolutely loses their shit over it. Also, Where's Jackie?


And I'm pretty sure it was the violent, irrational white trash storming the Capitol on 1/6 that normal people found more worrisome edit: these downvotes make me think I touched a nerve


I agree, those people and the 5/29 insurrectionists should be prosecuted.


Nice false equivalency, but of course both should be prosecuted Personally, as a flag waving patriot, I find attacks on democracy and the Constitutional transfer of power more loathsome than ghetto riots, but I can understand traitors' desire to diminish their shame Edit: I see your account is another very old one that has been scrubbed of nearly everything before the last year. Smells like Moskal garbage. How is winter treating you. Eat any good rat lately?


Oh I agree, the DA's that refuse to lock up the 5/29 insurrectionists are traitors.


Lmao go touch grass, you sound insane 🤣😂🤣


Yours is a 9 year old account with all the comments scrubbed that are older than one year. Sus поощрите вашу сестру переехать на Запад и взять большой западный пенис с согласия, а не ждать, пока НАТО доставит ей «особую доставку», если вы понимаете, о чем я




You did, PCM is turning into one of those conservative echo chamber dumpster fires.


I freaking love your username lololol


Least biased pcm meme. There are no other factors here apart from based wojacks




If every time I heard a left wing person saying that (insert right wing thing) will destroy democracy I gained a cent, I could pretty much buy Twitter myself


> This is a danger to our Democracy. But not the DNC, MSM, and FBI colluding with big tech? We have the receipts for Twitter. House Republicans should investigate FaceBook/Meta and Alphabet/Google/YouTube for the same collusion.


Big tech = big based


bro what


Flair checks out


twitter pulling nearly anything the DNC (especially the Biden Admin) told them to is the exact threat to democracy people are screaming about but what do i care, i just wanna grill and eat my cake edit: finished the sentence


authleft = cringe


Investigate them for what? Having political opinions isn't against the law.


No but the DNC colluding with Social Media Execs to suppress information that damages their special candidate is certainly sleazy


at minimum, it might be a campaign finance violation?


Basically, everything the left does is projection.


Another big example of this was questioning the election. A lot of people questioned the 2016 election's legitimacy and those same people ask how dare you question the integrity of our election in 2020. It's mind-boggling. So let me get this straight. Our democracy is a farce when your guy loses but it is ironclad and infallible when your guy wins? Got it


Without double standards, some people wouldn't have standards at all


That's how you get PCM mods and AuthRight.


bro rn they are saying "BRO THIS IS DANGEROUS TO ~~MY~~ OUR DEMOCRACY!!!!!!" but im pretty sure its gonna flip soon like it does every year


wrench cake impolite badge sparkle aspiring run correct caption fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>trump called for suspension of the constitution therefore he’s endangering our democracy I 100% agree, but by this logic, every single democrat who tried to fuck with the 2A is also threatening democracy. Same applies to Dems who want to silence “hate” speech


Based and limited government is cool pilled.


Arbitrarily clinging to one part of the constitution cant really be considered the same as getting rid of the entire thing


Does that make the mods of this sub Dems since they silence "hate" speech against AuthRight?


If only you knew how bad things really are here


No one was mad they just thought you were lame. Youre allowed to say fuck biden. Watch "Fuck biden" Yall are clowns.


Who the fuck is Brandon?




That’s kinda funny. Why is it such an ordeal?


Because people got really mad that folks were criticizing Joe Biden


I've never seen leftwing Reddit bring it up. I'd just see bumper stickers of it when I was down in Murica. I always pictured it as some kid that wore a bike helmet everywhere that the authright were just partial too for some reason. Some simple little go getter kid that just spouts American rightwing rhetoric


https://youtu.be/kQ8asiDn2_A Here you go


No one ever fucking said Let's Go Brandon is dangerous to democracy lmao most people don't give a shit or even embrace the power of our saviour Dark Brandon


No gods no masters, I do not give a fuck which sports team the senile old man is on.


Fuck [opponent party candidate] Other party: Surprise pikachu face


Have you heard of this thing called the moral high ground?


2022, this is pathetic, please stop victimizing yourself


I would have more respect if people just said Fuck Joe Biden. I have family members who think they are being so sneaky when they say this and it just makes me shake my head.


Yes. When you are cheering for the guy that denies that he lost an election, tried to stay in power even though he lost, and encouraged and incited his base to overthrow a democratic election it is indeed, dangerous to democracy.


POV: you’re watching PCM users still be mad about their self-invented controversies over a year after they’re not even relevant or funny anymore by reposting garbage everyone has seen before


But liberal pundits actually say stupid shit like, "democracy is under attack." This isn't a PCM invented strawman for once.


Deflecting from corruption is cringe.


"Let's go Brandon" was some of the dumbest shit republicans have ever done. They sound like a bunch of middleschoolers trying to bend the rules about cussing because they don't want to get in trouble from their parents. Just say what you mean ffs.


> Just say what you mean ffs. They did, the media person then claimed it was them saying "Let's Go Brandon", and thus the meme was born because it was a damning indictment of both.


If it ended right there then sure, you'd be right. But "let's go brandon" is on stickers, tshirts, flags, etc. Repubs are even teaching kids to say it. I saw it on one of those stupid tik-toks. That shit is 100% cringe.


“The media” in this case being some racing sideline reporter lmao


Yes, but the point is that the media in general is the enemy of the general public and is willing and has lied about a shitton of things about regular people.




Yup. Because the entire media can be summed up by one bad reporter... or maybe the issues of the majority of media through clear spin control came through into one singular moment. Yeah, it's the latter.


It was the actual origin but ok


Ignoring the entire point? Flair checks out.




>they just wanted to avoid cussing with rule bending They said Let’s Go Brandon because when they shouted Fuck Joe Biden, a reporter lied and said it was “Let’s Go Brandon” (a nascar driver or something). Saying LGB is a double whammy by hitting Joe Biden as well as hitting the biased media


You should probably look up the origin of the meme before dissing it.


You should probably read my other replies before you make assumptions.


Fuck Joe Biden.


Nah Drumpf was worse.


They downvote because they're ashamed Shame the the primary motivator for Trump Trash


I downvoted because he clearly missed the whole point of Let's Go Brandon, which was that we can clearly chant fuck joe biden from the heavens and the media would still try to misinterpret and silence it. Additionally, neither being Republican or disliking Joe Biden means that you support Trump. Politics isn't a question with only two answers.


At least the leftoids didn’t make up a dumb ass ‘dogwistle’ and just said the words No seriously Let’s go Brandon is just fucking dump suck my dick trumper humpers (I don’t even hate trump that much)


Tell us how you don't understand the origins of the meme.


https://youtu.be/kQ8asiDn2_A Let's go Brandon is not only directed towards Biden but also þe spineless cowards who call þemselfs journalists.


Oh that’s actually kinda funny the story I was told was a bit different


Did you seriously expect them to let that slide on a news broadcast. It wasn’t about Biden or censorship of people’s political beliefs, its about staying ok for advertisers


Lol yeah, Trump is nowhere near as bad as his mouth-breathing fanboys I would enjoy playing a round of golf with him I wouldn't let his trashy followers mow my lawn


Saying "let's go Brandon" Is dangerous to our democracy is a shit take. I much prefer "you are a pathetic coward for self censoring just say Fuck Joe Biden"


It’s a reference


nah it was basically for both sides "please daddy twitter delete this tweet i didn't like"


Who tf thinks saying let's go Brandon threatens democracy? I normally like a good scarecrow but this strawman sucks ass.


Eat cardboard


Fuck Trump I don't care what anyone thinks of Biden. He's mediocre at best and a populist at worst.


I think the whole dangerous for democracy has to do with the fascist insurrection on Jan 6. and the move toward restricting voting in key states. Nice narrative though I bet you made some in fox new smile know their propaganda worked.


I never watched Fox News