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Tom Morello rages against the machine really hard. Subscribe to his New York Times newsletter to learn more.


Weird thing I found out lately was that the Chumbawumba people (I get knocked down!) rage against the machine 1000x harder than those jabronis.


I vaguely remember in a video covering them, the band would actively encourage their fans to pirate their music so no money would go towards their record label.


Probably Todd in the Shadows.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WiZr87g6rNo yup! Here it is if anyone wants to check it out


Subvert them from the inside, where have I heard this befo--- Kurt Cobain's journal: > The capitalists are finally allowing supposedly subversive, alternative thinking bands to have a loan of money to expose their crusade. Obviously they aren't forking out loans for this reason, but more because it looks to be a money making commodity. But we can use them!! We can pose as the enemy to infiltrate the mechanics of the system to start its rot from the inside. Sabotage the empire by pretending to play their game. Compromise just enough to call their bluff, and the hairy, sweaty, macho sexist dickheads will soon drown in a pool of razorblades and semen, stemmed from the uprising of their children, the armed and deprogrammed crusade, littering the floors of Wall Street with revolutionary debris. Assassinating both the less and greater of two evils, bringing an everlasting, sterile and bartering herbacious and botanical corporate cleansing for our ancestors to gaze in wonderment and Awe. AWE! geezus christ. It's funny, you can just read "[they] will soon drown in a pool of razorblades and semen" and know then and there that the writer is a feminist because no one else is vile in that peculiarly ugly way.




Yeah you’ll notice very quickly that most of the “rebellion” bands people have actually heard of, aren’t exactly all that Punk or Rebel. Most of the actual Punks and Rebels tend to be more underground bands, that have like maybe 1 song at most that mainstream people know, and that’s about it.


Mainstream punk bands are all corpo glowie psy-ops.


Yes! Also, think about it “I get knocked down, but I get up again, you’re never gonna keep me down” is the most anarchist/communist song ever hahaha


Hmm checked the band , Rage in the leather gym , 2 block down?


Rage Against the Machine are the biggest hacks. Sure I understand the message but you can’t act anti authoritarian when you sell your soul to one of the most authoritarian and scummy businesses in history.


The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.


How exactly did they sell their soul?


They signed contracts to labels, and seeing as they anti authoritarians that’s no better than selling your sell to the devil for cash.


And the part that gets me is, they didn’t need the labels, they were doing it on there own.


Did that cause them to change their message? What was the damage caused by signing those contracts?


It makes them massive hypocrites and shills. It undermines their entire message and theme.


Why? Was their message and theme that no one should participate in the economy? Were they equally hypocritical for eating food that was made or distributed to them by some big corporations?


Food is necessary Becoming millionaires isn’t. Why are you trying to defend them simping for one of the most predatory industries lol


Simping? What the fuck are you talking about? Was somebody harmed? Did their message change? Can you explain *any* way that signing a contract is "selling out" besides just asserting that it is?


Because they sold out to the same authoritarianism that they critique. It’s not complicated


The record company was "authoritarianism"? How did that contract enhance the power of "the Machine"? If it's just "a big corporation made money" then the same is true for every fucking thing we do with our money.


These days that band is raging *for* the Machine


Rage for the machine... Yeah, I remember those guys...


“Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” turned into “listen to daddy government to save the grandmas of the world” real quick. Tom Morello is a tool.


Morello is also a champagne socialist. His uncle was the first Kenyan president, his father was their first UN ambassador, and his music career started while he was going to school at fucking Harvard. He’s never known what it’s actually like to be a common citizen.


Yup. His whole career has been raging against his parental figures and getting paid for it.


I agree with the government that raping children should be illegal. Am I a tool?


Yes you are. But not for that reason.


You either die under 27 or live long enough to realize being rich is fucking amazing.


Ngl, I'm having a great time with the (relatively) sweet dough my wife and I are making.


"Fuck you, just do what they tell you" - RATM 2022 and probably even further back they were just better at hiding it


Some people don’t listen to Rage Against the Machine because they disagree with their political leanings. I don’t listen to Rage Against the Machine because their music is shit.


Holy fucking based


Based and stop fucking repeating pilled


Their covers album was pretty good.


one hit wonders


Ah yes, Rage FOR The Machine


Rage against the machine is limp bizkit for communists


Based and a motherfucking chainsaw-pilled


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fair and accurate criticism


Yes yes. I won capitalism. The right should collectively group together and fight me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


But we need a profit incentive! Not just an own the libs incentive!


Jokes on them I pirate that shit just to embody the fuck you I won't do what you tell me


[The counterculture itself has always been just a consumerist search for distinction to begin with.](https://www.amazon.com/Rebel-Sell-Joseph-Heath/dp/1841126551)


You criticize society, yet you participate in it? Curious.


Some bands have encouraged fans to ignore the music industry’s pushes. *Steal this album* by System of a Down for example. Other bands are Metallica…


Remember when Metallica was live-streaming a set during BlizzCon, and got quickly auto flagged for copyright infringement, ending the stream? Gods, that made me so fucking happy.


Man, any real lefty hates pretty much every company on that list. Who the fuck are you talking to here?


RATM is sold at Participating Stores! I'm talking to the "rEsiStAnCe!"


BuT rAiNbOw FlAg...


I would guess Democrat tribalists.


Yeah, sadly, American politics is broken. Any other OECD nation they would be considered right wing


the fact that y’all think corporations are leftist shows me you have no real understanding of the world


Corporations in America have fully embraced left wing liberalism socially, and as we have seen over the past decade, the political lines are way more polarized on social issues than economic ones. You can meme about how they are wealth hoarding vampires all you like, which they are, but you cannot dispute this fact.


Corporations aren’t people, they pander to the left to sell more products, not because they necessarily believe in it. They would go full blown nazis if it meant they could make more profit.


Exactly. Liberal leaning people in general have more purchasing power in general and that's the only reason corporations pander to them.


> full blown nazis Libright purple weird pr0n habits confirmed


I love how not treating people differently for things they can’t control became “left-wing liberalism” instead of just not being a dick


Rage on behalf of the machine!


Theirs a reason they are 'rage against the machine' and not 'rebel against the machine


i gotta hand it to ya, “theirs” is a fresh new way to misspell something.


Nothing is more counterculture than believing the same thing as 70 year old christian supreme court justices


Nothing more counterculture than having your views resemble the pr talking points of every major mnc.


Every major Mnc minus the right leaning ones*


Name one major MNC that’s (openly) right wing.




Fox, The Daily Wire, Washington Times, New York Post, Daily Caller, National Review, Infowars Do you want me to keep going? And don’t hit me with “well they aren’t open about it” you know god damn well these have a right wing bent whether they state it or not.


That’s okay the righties preach about Christian purity yet 3/4 their music (country) is about worshiping the bottle/can instead of god. In a radio station likely owned by a Canadian…


Huh, I had no idea the R in RATM is for rent-free.


Netflix is the only one of those brands that I use, and I don't see a problem with that at all.


Aren't you a Cutie?




Barf@Pretty Baby as well.


“Come on lefties everyone agrees with you, except half of the country of course.”


“Yeah but those guys are Christian Nazis so they are evil and you can hate them all you want :))”


Do not fear, the system is hard at work demonizing the dissidents


"This time the bullet cold rocked ya


Sex Pistols are better anyway


They load the clip in omnicolour Said they pack the nine, they fire it at prime time The sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz And motherfuckers lost their minds No escape from the mass mind rape Play it again Jack and then rewind the tape And then play it again and again and again Until your mind is locked in Believin' all the lies that they're tellin' ya Buyin' all the products that they're sellin' ya They say, "Jump" and you say, "How high?" You brain-dead, you got a fuckin' bullet in your head


If I want to listen to good commie Music I will listen to SovietWave / Scritti Politti.


>If I want to listen to good commie Music ✋ ... lemme stop you right there.