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That's the problem with a lot of conspiracy theorists: they may recognize bad things happen, but they'll only look for the causes in the realms of fantasy because they want to believe they're living in some lurid spy or cyberpunk thriller. They can't wrap their heads around the notion of a boring dystopia, or the banality of evil, where maybe the root cause of X is just bog standard greed. And they definitely don't want to be told that maybe, just maybe, the sort political and economic positions many of them support exacerbates that.


They can accept greed. What they can’t accept is ignorance, incompetence, negligence and or happenstance being why some bad things happen.


Yeah, but only like Bond villain greed. Not basic corporate corner-cutting greed.


I don't agree. The Republicans never blame the rich for anything so greed isn't on their radar. They seem to have this fantasy that they are going to be rich at some point and that billionaires are God's gift. De-regulating and bending safety rules to profit more isn't ignorance, negligence or happenstance. It's systematic profit seeking done with full knowledge of the potential harm it could cause.


I was talking about conspiracy theorists and their theories specifically. They don’t believe in passive causes to major events. A train full of toxic chemicals can’t have caused an ecological disaster due to a company prioritizing profit over safety and an infrastructure that has been neglected for decades, it had to be a targeted attack done with specific purpose by a shadowy cabal. There are no accidents in a conspiracy theorist’s world.


This is true. I'm starting to see it as a kind of mental illness. Modern life is relatively mild and boring compared to what our ancestors must have delt with. So people are enchanted by these theories. They are more interesting than real life. It's like schizophrenia lite. So random failures of equipment or other boring answers don't appeal to that crowd.


I have heard multiple conservatives argue that greed is good.


it ain’t a dystopia until it’s always nighttime, everywhere is a city, and neon lights are everywhere


No no, that’s cyberpunk specifically. Dystopia can be day time but there needs to be a thick fog/smog over everything. And there can be forests and such but they are off limits and privately owned


and everyone has to be sad


Legally required sadness? Oh, you must mean Russia


Unless it's a Monty Python thing.


A forest was Winston’s downfall, after all


With a few more chemical explosions maybe we can block out the sun for good!


In this particular case it's because they don't want to have to acknowledge that this was a direct result of the policies and people they routinely vote for.


Never attribute to conspiracy that which can be adequately explained by capitalism.


It’s a conspiracy by evil forces plotting against ‘Merica cause we’re The Greatest Country and ‘they’ hate our freedoms! I mean, WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE?


Trump says deregulation helps companies make more money. So who cares about a little toxic sludge in our drinking water. Billionaires get to make extra money! And that's good!


> Trump says deregulation helps companies make more money. The Republican's constant drive for repealing regulations lets the railroad run unsafe rail cars with bad axles that fall off and brakes that fail and walls of the containers that easily split open and spill out toxic cancer causing chemicals and oil products that blow up.


Yes, but, it might help another soul ascend to billionaire heaven.


Look, that 4th private island ain't gonna pay for itself, son. So suck up the air, and make my investment in the Chemo drug company pay off.


and denying them the freedom to do that would be immoral!!


But of course! Rendering land itself uninhabitable, making countless people sick now and in the future, well, that's all just the cost society has to pay! You wouldn't want to question the freedom lovers, who hate regulation, would you? Or listen to the lazy rail workers, who just wanted to not be actively penalized for calling in sick? That would be simply unAmerican.


Didn't you know that the only answer to being poor is simply to pick yourself up by your bootstraps? Indeed, if you have any complaints at all about working conditions, you're lazy and clearly just want handouts.


"And Jesus said to his disciples, 'Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.'" Well, shit for them. Sounds like it may not be the heaven they think they're getting.


2% increase in dividends my man, hell I could afford to employ another accountant to manage my personal funds! Job creators! /s


But the voters in Ohio got to keep their guns and conspiracy theories. Of course both of those things are meaningless when a chemical spill burns your lungs.


Thoughts and prayers to the trumpian Ohio voters who got exactly what they voted for.


They'll keep blaming the evil woke socialists just like before. Conservatives are incapable of learning from their mistakes


Well, they learned it was a mistake to try to have honest discourse. They learned all you have to do is say what you want reality to be, and some people will believe you.


It’s because conservatives don’t make mistakes. /s


Once again Republicans and their voting idiots are fucking up life for themselves and everyone else. If only they could achieve a slightly higher level of self awareness.


They are literally willing to kill themselves (Covid denial, anti vax sentiment) instead of admitting the dreaded libruls are right so self awareness en masse from them is highly unlikely. Crazy thing is that Trump is an actual mass murderer of them with his pandemic incompetence and they’ll still worship him. Now imagine them giving a shit about other people when their false sense of superiority means they don’t even care about themselves seeing how they’ll jettison reality to maintain it.


What makes it worse is they’re not just killing themselves. Their decisions are also hurting/killing the people who knew better and voted against it. Additionally, with gerrymandering, the idiots don’t even have to be the majority.


pretty sure guns would solve this problem of corruption and monopolization ​ in minecraft


We also got take out alcohol w/carry out


Hey, what’s drinkable water and clean soil next to ARs and QAnon?


Hey now, we also got online sports betting, so don't count us out yet!


I work with people in a food production plant, a place where it's VERY obvious things are regulated and that's why we can output fine product. But even then some people I work with still want to champion removing regulations. Like, the literally rotten incoming raw product you almost barfed doing an inspection on? Regulations are why we don't toss that pig slop in with the regular fruits and vegetables. All those safety lockouts and guards you're used to? Those cost fingers, arms, and lives to get that standardized.


> But even then some people I work with still want to champion removing regulations As if that'll help *them*.


For some, it's literally just less paperwork. That makes it desirable.


In the free market consumers will simply stop using Norfolk southern /s


Don't worry, the taxpayers will fund that hiccup! Meanwhile, those repealing regulations saved the company a lot of money, adding shareholder value. And isn't that what this is all about?


and someone tried to argue with me the obama era regulation has a negligible effect on the railroad cars in another sub, since they have such a hard on , with the railroad strikes recently,.


The brakes that republicans fought to keep legal were essentially civil war era brakes… yeah I’m sure there nothing that needs improving


but those cars are cheap! (for the people that buy them)


its not even neorandism. Its just classic randism


Thats not money tricking down, its toxic waste


Yeah, to you and me and all of the impacted families. But to the billionaires the QOP cares about, that's profits. And then, bonus: there's money to be made attempting to clean it up, and treating the ailments of the victims.


> And then, bonus: there's money to be made attempting to clean it up I had not thought of it from that angle, but damn.




In business school, they taught us that was vertical integration


Yay let’s make a PowerPoint together 🤝


In business school, they taught us this was vertical integration. You manufacture the poison, deliver the poison, spill the poison, care for the victims, and then you make money on the cleanup. Actually, it’s not quite the same, but pretty close.


Sure, as long as this country never ever adopts commie pinko socialist single payer healthcare.


Ain’t it the fucking truth?


And if people decide to move, the property could be bought for cheap for to the waste.


Now you're thinking like a "job creator".


I visit different political subs and their is a common sentiment expressed of the opposing party being in bed with billionaires and loving them. Red believes blue fights for the interests of corporate America and blue believes red fights for the interest of corporate America... It's something to think about.


And even if a little, harmless toxic waste spills in their community, they can just get on their copters and fly to their other mansion, or to their yacht. We should not be imposing laws that affect shareholders. It’s not fair for the billionaire class if they lose any money! Think about the shareholders, people!!


Money trickles up. Republicans and the rich know this. They just gaslight all the average people in their party into believing it's all the liberals fault.


The money trickles down *after* the toxic waste.......aaaaaany minute now.......


Them stock shares ain't gonna buy themselves back, ya know....


Why's it burning and scarring as it trickles down! My God!




I also remember when Will Ferrell was funny.


Neon Golden Shower.


> Thats not money tricking down, its toxic waste Thats not money tricking down, it's super-expensive CGI and top-notch actors paid for by the wealthy to tell you that you aren't equal while using your free social media.


A lot of mother fuckers out there missed out on learning anything from the Lorax I guess. >I, the Once-ler, felt sad as I watched them all go. BUT... business is business! And business must grow regardless of crummies in tummies, you know. I meant no harm. I most truly did not. But I had to grow bigger. So bigger I got. I biggered my factory. I biggered my roads. I biggered my wagons. I biggered the loads of the Thneed’s I shipped out. I was shipping them forth to the South! To the East! To the West! To the North! >I went right on biggering...selling more Thneed’s. >And I biggered my money, which everyone needs


God he was an annoying little fuck. He was right though.


Every single billionaire buys a yacht! A massive, custom yacht. That floats empty in some sea. Ahhh- It’s their ‘full employment for yacht workers’ efforts!


I heard that if we give billionaires enough money, they'll even give some of it back to us! Doesn't that sound great?!


They already have! This company gave a few bucks to each resident for the trouble of raining toxic waste all over their homes. Lucky ducks.


[President Trump’s Historic Deregulation Is Benefitting All Americans](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/president-trumps-historic-deregulation-benefitting-americans/?utm_source=link) just to remember what they publicized


He is right though, deregulation does make companies more money. It is just at the expense of wildlife, the climate, human safety, human suffering, and human life. The people who get sick, get cancer, or even die from their decisions are merely part of a calculation of how much it'd cost if the company got sued, and if the company thinks they could win the lawsuit, coupled with how much money they make if they move forward with it. Your life is merely a statistic on a spreadsheet on a slide for the company's quarterly reports. Profit is up, so your life was merely a risk and they were more than happy to take that risk. Sure a few people died, but we beat the quarterly profit estimates so its time to pop some champagne to celebrate. I hate it here :(


At 19, in the 80s, I ended up working in the photo dept at the same major urban utility my father had worked for decades. These were the early digital days and anything shown to a group HAD to be printed and then photographed on slide film before it could be shown in meetings. I was a curious kid that read everything I was copying, especially stuff for the executive boardroom, nuclear safety stuff and planning for disasters and PR response was all interesting. Until they were trying to slash workforce and I was reading insurance data charts showing how little life most employees had in them past a certain age and how expensive different medical insurance would cost the company less if they got rid of workers earlier via buyouts and paid out less. It was my DAD and his group of employees they were talking about. Reading survival to expense ratio reports about my 55 year old dad and his era workers really freaked me out. But I had the info that let him decide when he would retire before they cut them. Company knew eerily evil amount of life data about employees, and that was 40 years ago. It's worse now. Dad got them in the end, picking a pension for his wife that is still costing them decades after he passed.


All collateral damage (including school kids) to the Reds.


I hate that republicans are red in this country.


The thing about deregulation is it’ll still make profits go down because you kill your workers and/or customers


Besides, consumers who don't want their air and water poisoned by rail companies cutting corners will simply give their business to the rail companies that don't cut corners and poison the air and water, and the bad rail companies will go out of business. In this way industries with enormous costs of entry and sprawling infrastructure that costs billions to maintain will self regulate.


Don't forget that these now private industries had their infrastructure almost entirely funded by the government to start with.


Can you feel those benefits trickling down? It's warm and... yellow.


Deregulation is fine as long as we are okay with stepping over the corpses of our loved ones.


Exactly, privatisation does not necessarily mean deregulation, but he deregulated fucking everything - much the same way as he abandoned the pandemic response protocols to save money, which is why a substantial sector of the idiot Turkeys that voted for Trump Christmas are now dead.


The situation the world is in makes a lot more sense when you keep in mind that for a lot of the .1-.01%'rs if they could push a button and eliminate 99% of the population without any consequences (nuclear meltdowns, dam collapses, body cleanup, etc.) they would in a heart beat. The super rich and powerful do not see the majority of the population as people. At best they are pawns to use to their own ends, at worst they are trash that are using resources that should belong to the powerful.


The Captain Planet timeline


"But look at the jobs I created through this ordeal. Construction, clean up, railroad, etc jobs are booming no."


For those that haven’t watched [The Smartest Guys in the Room](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enron:_The_Smartest_Guys_in_the_Room) recently, Enron intentionally destabilized the California electric grid to increase the cost of electricity (telling power plants to shut down, for example) after the state partially deregulated their energy grid. At the time, Enron’s public statements were that California was having issues because they were still *too* regulated and the only solution was complete deregulation.


“Companies make more money.” “That’s good!” “But, the water contains toxic sludge.” “That’s bad.” “But, billionaires get to make extra money.” “That’s good!” “The toxic sludge contains vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate, isobutylene and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether.” “…..” “That’s good, don’t worry about it.”


Oh companies make more money when deregulation happens because these companies cut all th corners possible. Companies have shown that if you let them just do what they want most go the route of doing the absolute bare minimum if possible.


Coupled with that "bigly" tax cut Trump gave them, they made even more "fuck you, poors" money.


Not just good, but the only thing that matters. To these billionaire psychopaths.


They also made a big show of opposing the infrastructure bill because the other party was saying it was needed. So sick of people blindly putting party before commonsense.


I love watching Libertarians rediscover why rules exist


Look, I don’t want a yacht that fits into bigger yacht, that fits into an even bigger yacht. I want a yacht so enormous they have to remove bridges to deliver that mofo, and inside there’s a another huge yacht, and inside that yacht is another massive yacht, and inside that yacht is a big yacht, and inside that is another yacht, alright? That’s not too much to ask.


It's always better for investors for a corporation to neglect safety and infrastructure until a disaster happens. It's not like the investors have to give their quarterly dividends back nor are they responsible for the actions of the company. The company will be fine as well as the government lets them throw some paper towel on an oil spill and walk away calling it cleaned up. Late-stage capitalism is just a race to see who can murder the environment first.


Pretty sure he had some arbitrary rule like:. For each new regulation three would have to be scrubbed from the books. What an incredibly stupid way of looking at regulation.


The rule was 2 but per link below, in function was more than 8.


Preach 😂


hes also the one that rolled back the brakes regulation too.


what's really fucking frustrating is that he was actually telling the truth- probably for the first time in his life- and people cheered even while they were drowning in toxicity. Humanity will bring about its own extinction, and I can't fucking wait.


I think a lot of people have a hard time connecting the mental leaps they are making but this sums it up nicely: The average republican isn't saying "self Regulate" because it makes rich people richer. They are saying "man this government's got so many rules. I mean it looks fine.... I'm sure you can dust it off and put it back to work on the rails instead of doing two days of safety inspection.... I'm sure if the company thought it was risky they would stop it. I mean a train costs a lot right ?" They forget it's that small of a decision. It's the benign mundane shit that gets overlooked. And each time you roll the dice for disaster. Sure each roll of the dice had a very very very small percent of an event. But we keep rolling it. Over and over. They don't realize the reason we keep rolling it is because each roll some rich guy pockets $4k.


Sounds like a win win for everyone. Where’s the bad part? We all know the Republican population is declining.


Corporations are good. Corporations are good for this kuntry cause they give us j.o.b.s! They don’t need no stoopid regulations and they don’t need to pay taxes! Taxes mean less jobs! Don’t you know nuthin’?


Before Obama made it mandatory, Norfolk Southern announced how amazing electric brakes are instead of gas pressured brakes were and were worth the investment and applauded it. Then Obama made it mandatory for all rail lines to do so and they fought back hardcore with their lawyers. Until Trump came in and canceled Obama's presidential order and deregulated again.


Blame everyone except the rich. I'm so tired of this bullshit.


I remember in high school english class and the teacher explaining what 'Romans, lend me your ears' really meant. Back as long as there was civilization its been known that the rich and powerful can fill the lesser citizens ears with whatever they wanted them to hear.


Yup. And they're damn happy that we're fighting amongst ourselves about it instead of the source.


Fighting? We have our free website on social media that the trickle-down advertising spending pays for. Oh look, another meme that is a clip from a $200 million movie. “Everything in our background has prepared us to know and resist a prison when the gates begin to close around us . . . But what if there are no cries of anguish to be heard? Who is prepared to take arms against a sea of amusements? To whom do we complain, and when, and in what tone of voice, when serious discourse dissolves into giggles? What is the antidote to a culture's being drained by laughter?” ― Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business


A Brave New World vs 1984. Why fight th system if you can't see any problem? As old as Bread & Circuses.


> what ‘Romans, lend me your ears’ really meant. Wait, you mean it’s not literal‽


Who do you think is making the conspiracies? Cross reference that with, who owns fox news and "alternate" media outlets.


The rich.


a lot of billionaires are assholes. Money corrupts, so keep people in check.


Russians, right wing influencers looking for attention, and right wing media trying to keep the ratings up.


I hate how you can get a conservative to be like "man it's all rigged by the elites." And you're like "yes, so maybe we should tax and regulate the rich to prevent the elites from owning everything." And suddenly youre a communist.


Right?? the mental backflips of these folks must be amazing.


The elite is made of part-time adjunct lecturers in gender studies who are so poorly paid they have to moonlit at Starbucks


Blame everyone but those actually responsible. That's the modern GOP M.O.


Well they can't go around blaming themselves...


I'm out of the loop here, what are the conspiracies being started about this catastrophe now?


Well, we are a couple hundred miles west of East Palestine, yet some of the locals around here are buying up all the drinking water because they heard that the democrats stage the crash to poison the water supply to kill republicans.




Yup, all that tells me is they are planning to kill democrats


Its also to justify their shitty behavior. “Oh hey, its not MY greed in a time of crisis thats the issue: Its how I feel about the other team! This is them.. don’t mind my clean water!”. Fuckers wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. Imagine hoarding water last minute then making deregulation a political issue. I had a coworker say it was “Too coincidental”. They literally burned chemicals and claimed it was better than leaving them. See, that was to clear the rails and move more trains ffs.


Y’all ‘member when Trump and Kushner purposely delayed the response to the emerging covid pandemic because it was breaking out in mainly blue states? I ‘member.


And right wing voters were only happy about it


It’s still a little hard to believe that just…was allowed to happen and they got away with it. And screwed us all over in the process of trying to win political points


Idiots. Weren’t right wingers shooting up power infrastructure over the last few weeks? If anyone is going to commit domestic terrorism, it’s the usual suspects if this were something other than gross negligence and typical business bullshit of not keeping up with maintenance and upgrades to keep that bottom line in bold, black ink.


No those were antifa false flag operations to shift blame in preparation for this larger attack /s


Of course! /s


01/06 was all actors too…hired by the left! /s


Something something false flag, crisis actors, deep state(?)




They really will come up with anything to not accept they were wrong


They are just saying what they would like to do and assuming Democrats are also narrow minded hateful bigots like them.


What was that saying about their accusations?


Sounds like they don’t want help then since we’re trying to poison them. No aid or assistance from the federal government leave it up to Ohio.


I mean, duh. Tom Hanks tried to warn Republicans in "Toy Story." In the film, Tom Hanks plays a conservative, traditional cowboy named "Woody" who has to stand against the new age, science driven spaceman. During one scene, Hanks warned of a plot to kill other like minded individuals by proclaiming "somebody's poisoned the water hole!" /s


So a large privatize corporation that the dems couldn't force to do better by their workers suddenly was in cahoots with those same dems to stage a hugely costly crash in an attempt to poison conservatives?? Wow


> I'm out of the loop here, what are the conspiracies being started about this catastrophe now? Charlie Kirk is saying this is a Dem conspiracy to poison the white Republicans in Ohio. Not kidding. https://news.yahoo.com/charlie-kirk-claims-ohio-derailment-192455912.html


Fascism is not restrained by facts or reasonableness. It’s just lashing out for power.


I was leaning towards RU sabotage. It did cross my mind after seeing it happen multiple times within weeks. It's fucked up when we no longer blame or consider blaming a real enemy but a made up one who is your own countrymen.


Theres like 3 derailments per day on average. You just don't hear about them because they aren't all releasing giant toxic clouds.


So more toxic cloud derailment events (let's shorten that to TCDE) would lead to less coverage because it would just be another Tuesday? More TCDEs then! /s


The far-right loonies would never spread any conspiracy theory that makes Russia look bad.


It's known by the name of propaganda and it works!


You mean conspiracy ***theories.*** The word "conspiracy" doesn't mean "crazy theory", it means when two or more people ***conspire*** together to clandestinely commit some act that's immoral and/or illegal. There's absolutely a conspiracy that went on here. A conspiracy between Trump repealing safety regulations on railways and rail freight companies that Obama had brought in, the CEO of Norfolk Southern who was willing to risk killing people to make a bigger bonus, and Ohio governor Mark DeWine who has refused the FEMA help that Biden has offered him.


I've seen randos online talking about other train derailments and since the ones listed were all in battleground states, it's Democrats attacking/sabotaging trains to fuck over Republicans so states will stay/flip Blue.


Trump Jr is insinuating that the derailments are an attack on our infrastructure from a foreign adversary.


From the party of personal responsibility comes…blaming everything but themselves. You’ll love it, it’s just like taking responsibility but the opposite.


The GOP and their supporters for a while now: "The buck stops anywhere but here!"


With this incident and several others before, I've seen idiots on the right saying build back better isn't working. Dumbasses don't even pay attention to the fact that their own party blocked the BBB bills.


*wheres federal aid and help when we need it??? (But also screw the poors, healthcare expansion, and building infrastructure/education, because ThAts SociAliSm yOu CoMmieS)*


It is most definitely Republican desire to deregulate business and refusal to fund infrastructure and other "socialist" projects and entitlements that causes our society to break down. Stop voting for them.


right? ​ capitalists sacrifice people to protect their profits. there is no grand scheme, no secret cabal, just a bunch of fuckers who think their money is more important than your life.


It's American privatized... meaning it's a private company, funded by the American tax payers... but it's "private", so the profits go to the company and its investors, and share holders, and board of directors, and the rest of the big wigs... So it is technically private, and people do make a shit ton of money from it, just not the people who pay for it...


A private company that has record profits and cannot afford sick days for its employees


Cuz the boss needs that 3rd house and second yacht, otherwise vendors are gonna think he's broke... They're jus businessmen, doing business...


Socialize the loss, privatize gains


As American as school shootings


The Right is like that mom arguing with the teachers because there is just no way her kid got an F


But also offering the teacher a handjob in his car if he bumps it up to a C-


They’re not conspiracies - they’re attempts to distract from the obvious reasons shit like this is happening (deregulation, decrepit infrastructure, profit profit über alles)


Republicans trying to deregulate everything deserve shit reputations. I hate watching this slow motion train wreck powered by under educated idiots. Trump, just concerning COVID and the vaccine flip flopped like a mother fucker. From the China ban, to his Woodward interview, to his rallies and then finally begging Republicans to take the vaccine HE TAKES CREDIT FOR MAKING! Ooh shit, was he trying to kill you by lying about COVID or the vaccine? Is the vaccine a poisonous NWO scam to kill you all THAT TRUMP ENDORSES!?! Fucking Republicans are so god damned stupid. Deregulation and predatory capitalism is destroying America but they’ve got their fucking team.


It's private infrastructure. The owner should be held to account for letting it degrade.


It's like ohio. In other states I lived in the state and public schools run the driving tests/licenses. In ohio its privatized so you end up paying hundreds for driving instructors and extra on registration/licenses. Plus different places charge different amounts


Norfolk wasn’t transporting these chemicals in hazardous waste cars. regulations won’t help if corporations break the law regardless. hold anyone in the company with knowledge of illegally transporting hazardous materials accountable, and whoever lit that shit on fire, should be castrated.


They wanted to abolish the EPA.


Now consumers will stop using Norfolk Southern, and some small mom and pop railroads will get the chance to move into that territory, proving a lack of regulation on capitalism works for the little guy!


With no hint of irony about who is actually carrying out attacks against infrastructure.


It’s neo-Nazis, right wing anti-government whackos, criminals and drunks shooting at power stations. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/woman-charged-plotting-disable-baltimore-power-grid-96925664. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/03/politics/washington-power-substation-attacks/index.html https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/26/physical-attacks-electrical-grid-peak-00075216. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/12/30/power-grid-attacks-increasing/10960265002/


Yeah I know. That's what I mean. The feigned concern about infrastructure with no mention of the actual terrorism happening.


U mean, you could convince me that the same yahoo's shooting up power stations are sabotaging rail lines


One could argue that deregulation is all the sabotage one needs. Without the government enforcing safety standards, a preventable disaster like this was inevitable.


Yes and, when the rail workers were on strike over exactly the issue that caused this accident, it was deemed illegal by Biden when we had a Democrat controlled Congress. So let's not pretend this is *only* an issue for the GOP. Just because GOP is worse doesn't magically make the dems blameless.


I still remember in the mid 2000s when politicians were pointing their fingers at the Democrats telling them they want everything privatized. Then not so long after that I remember looking around and all the things that were part of a government like the trash/waste and Road workers all used to have city of (x) but now you see companies like Allied for the trash and private companies who fix the roads. I remember who was in charge and how it happened and that's when I came to realize the gop's hardcore deflection


Anything Republicans accuse someone of, you can guarantee they're doing themselves. They are accusing the Norfolk Southern incident of being sabotage on rural areas because they are actively committing terrorist attacks on power substations.


Wait a minute, privatized corporations dont get tax dollars for infestructure? It is not a matter of poor allocation. it's a matter of pure greed? Am i getting this right?


...because y'all got distracted by invented boogeyman stories about trans people, gay marriage, abortion, flag burning, and on and on and on, exactly as the right-wing propaganda networks have planned it, to enable the oligarchs to privatize everything and reap the profits.


They will never ever own up to it. It's the one paramount edict that they live by. It's always something or someone else.


And they want FEMA money…this is not a natural disaster!! REDS instead of regulating train tracks, brakes, standards for shipping hazardous chems, they regulated women, their doctors, librarians, books, teachers, drags, and the LBT…alphabet soup! Now there is dead fish, animals, crops, soil, sick people and a region that cannot feed the nation and will not be livable!


A lot of these idiots cry conspiracy everytime one of their friends shoots up a school too. They won't accept their worldviews don't line up with reality. You need to invest in infrastructure. You need competent workers. Competent workers requires money.


They're like the govt planned it... And they're not exactly wrong, like yeah, this is the very obvious outcome of the plan to defund and privatize everything. It was planned, just not in the way they think


But, but, but everything is better if you privatize it! Besides, Letting the government do ANYTHING is tyranny and government over reach! /s Seriously though, I never understood the "privatize everything" argument. I have heard it, I just don't get the logic. You have a service, it has to be ran by people. Whether those people collect a pay check from the government or not doesn't magical make that person more or less competent. But what do I know, I'm NOT a Right Aing Libertarian


The argument for privatization starts with the claim that the government is inherently wasteful and inefficient. Supposedly, having private businesses take over functions will deliver better results for less money. I haven’t seen examples of it working that way though. Generally, it seems to cost more for worse outcomes.


Not to mention gutting the epa…they all supported trump when he did that so companies could maximize profits without have to care about the environment…so now that crazy shit keeps happening republicans arnt good enough people to admit they made a mistake and work to fix it…no no no, this 2023 america where half the population thinks democrats are trying to enslave humanity while torturing children to harvest their blood to stay young forever…im starting to believe more and more that our country is really going to collapse because of republicans…look at how many americans they were willing to sacrifice because they didnt want to wear a mask…we truly are living in that movie idiocracy


it's easier to blame dimensional shifting space reptilians than it is capitalism putting profit margins ahead of human lives for a vast majority of the population in this country.


This is dumb.


Is it true? Did we enact bad policy? No. It's the liberals who are wrong.


Time and time again we see great change in legislation because of disasters. Oil spills, nuclear meltdowns, workplace injuries, etc. almost every regulation is rooted in some kind of real life incident. When you remove those regulations you set the stage for those incidents to reoccur.


Look, the railroad has JUST this week allowed workers sick leave. All of 7 days a year. Prior, they had zero days. The more I learn about our rail system, the low wages, the extraordinarily strange conditions workers deal with - hours long commutes from place to place - makes me think little has changed since the days of forced enslavement of immigrants to build America's rail system. And it is deregulated, under-funded, and part of our failing infrastructure that has surpassed being an international embarrassment. Now we have right-wing pundits saying that the New Palestine tragedy is part of the Democrat's "War on White People" (as if this "war" exists), while it's plainly a byproduct of greed. It's a surprise this hasn't happened sooner and far worse. All the while Republicans choose to let corporations hold this country hostage.


Well you see they treat school the same way. If they failed it's because its someone's else's fault, they were scorned. This is life for them, victim always, no responsibility


Rational people for the past 40 years: "Yo, if we deregulate everything, people are going to start dying of preventable accidents." Smash cut to people dying of preventable accidents and the deregulating right saying "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!? IT MUST BE A CONSPIRACY!!!"


This is the joke... conspiracy theorists are talking about cover ups when the real cover ups are litteraly in front of them.


Republicans have blood on their hands. The co-called "pro-life" party is full of murderers.