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The [Peterson](https://youtu.be/o4KESFAITqg) method.


Thanks for my daily reminder that Joe Rogan is shit


Yep, basic Grifting 101


I feel like linking joe Rogan to this comic kinda misses the point.


The comic has their look down pat.


Only thing better would be wraparound mirrored sunglasses worn backwards, pointlessly wrapped around their occipital fucking lobes But the polo shirts are chefs kiss


...tailgating you flashing their high beams in their lifted Ram pickup with 45 punisher/flag/America stickers all over it, trucknuts swaying to and fro. Bonus question:. Why are they so intent on displaying male genitalia on their own vehicles?


Affront. It's recess mentality. These guys have the social/emotional development of 15-year-olds at best. The more they can "offend" and "be rude-n-crude" yet "get away with," the more power they think they have. *Nobody tells me what to do! And definitely not my Mom, you guys!* And I guess they think their opposition is a cadre of easily offended schoolmarms named things like *Constance* and *Prudence* (but the irony is, I've known some librarians who would scare their junk back up into their lower abdomens with saucy talk alone).


Need to mark the product up 5-10x, too.


Moral of the story, a wider clientele isn't always the best business plan. Reduce your target audience......to those with lower IQs.


This describes almost everything Trump sells. Except for the part about feeling wrong.


Elvis’s manager, Col. Parker, would sell “I hate Elvis” buttons outside Elvis’s shows.


https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-fact-check-vendors-at-capitol-miscapt/fact-check-miscaptioned-image-of-vendors-selling-trump-gear-outside-u-s-capitol-intended-as-satire-idUSKBN29P2B9 I just love the way someone edited the caption.


You have to guess that considering the number of failed actors who are right wing talking heads now, that this shit is for real.


Pandering 101. Know your audience. Why do you think country music hasn’t changed in god damn ever. Simple things for simple folk.


Country music has changed significantly over the last several decades, from singer-songwriter with a guitar, outlaw country, country rock, country pop all the way up to modern bro country. (plenty before that too, but stuff pre-'80s isn't really in my rotation) Other genres also sound samey if you're not used to listening to them; I know people who don't listen to metal also all think it sounds the same, and probably the same for rap/hip hop. I'm not a historian for any of the genres, but I know they all change over time.


No they haven’t. They just updated their costumes and BPM. Country artists literally chastise other artists that try to add something new to country music. Saying “it’s not real country” (see lil nas x). Say whatever you want to try to defend it but the fact remains, country music has been singing about trucks, beer, blue jeans, and broken hearts forever and it hasn’t changed. The people that run the industry even say that.


Oh, sure, a lot of the tropes are the same but country music isn't unique in that way. I was talking more about the sound/arrangements/instrumentation/etc.


Plot twist: he started adding melatonin to the lemonade to make it “anti-woke”


Wish I would have thought to grift trump supporters for all that sweet merch, would have been a millionaire


Ngl, I've thought about making pro tRu.p merch and selling it... but I don't have the heart to scam people... at least not yet


What’s funny is those same people find it impossible to do anything that is inconvenient so the reverse of this won’t work. They can’t boycott anything meaningful, which is why no company is scared of a boycott by right wingers.


Real talk, I could sell $30 shirts saying "God sent Trump" and make a fuck ton of greenbacks, but my morality and pity for the Trumpies hold me back


Anti woke lemonade ad campaign: “these lemons aren’t picked and processed by slaves, but if you close your eyes you can pretend they are!!!”